View Full Version : Is she the one?
03-10-2017, 12:41 AM
Been reading many stories and decided to try my luck on seeing if I can write a full story.
I would definitely like to start by saying that 80-90% of this story is the truth. Go figure which is real. Do let me know if you like the story. I am planning to keep this drawn out as much as possible.
Warning , not every post has sexual content in it.
I was in Secondary school when it all started. Never had a girlfriend, young, horny, ignorant but couldn't wait to go. I was in an all boys school though and hence finding the courage to talk to a girl wasnt exactly the easiest. It all changed one day in a tuition class...
So there I was sitting at the back of the class, I mean, it was cool back then when you think about it. Midway through the class, this girl in front of me turned around suddenly and handed me a piece of paper.
That was the first day that I met A. A sweet looking girl with a really sweet smile. Fair skinned, long hair and nice rosy cheeks. She stood around 164cm and was dazzling with that white dress of hers.
The paper read " C, the girl next to me wants your number." C was kinda the opposite of A. Little more of a wild child. she had those black "sex bands" on her wrists, accompanied with a crumpler bag to match her tight spaghetti strap and jeans. She was kinda hot to be honest, but didn't seem like the girl you wanted long a in a relationship.
So I gave C my number, writing "Why don't we hang out after class?"
A tagged along with us after class that day and I was surprised how easy it was to talk to girls. "just treat them as friends" was the motto I had in my head. I exchanged numbers with A too and went back home that day, texting both A and C on my Nokia. It was clear C was interested in me, A seemed to treat me like a close friend.
Needless to say, the young me ended up hooking up with C, whom I gave my first kiss to. Told A about it and she told me she was surprised I would give my first kiss to C, whom she also had reservations about.
What could I have done, I was horny and C was leading the wrong head of mine.
C and I hanged out and it often let to light petting. Usually stemming from kissing. There was once we were at the cinema watching some stupid horror movie. Think it was called The Park, and it was quite early about 10am since we needed to go back home earlier. The movie got boring fast and we started making out instead.
C: "Hey, you want me to sit on your lap?"
"Sure. Only if you want to."
" Is it weird that we're doing this while watching a horror film?"
"Well you said it was boring."
We both chuckled and she came and set on my lap on the seat. We were at the far corner and there were only a few people further in front who were glued to the movie. C starting grinding me and I got really really hard. She looked at me in my eyes.
"I like that you're so hard. I can feel it."
"How can you feel it when its in my pants?"
C suddenly got down on her knees and started stroking my dick through my pants. It didnt feel super awesome cause I was in jeans. but it was a first for me.
"shit girl. you want to make me cum is it?"
"you want to time me?"
at that point of time, I swear I just wanted to bang her based on whatever porn i had seen up till that point. but here was this girl fucking teasing me to the moon.
She got back onto her seat and lifted her skirt a little, revealing a simple nice pair of bright pink panties. It was driving me mad.
"you can start the timing once you unzip your pants."
I did just that. I couldnt say anything, my body was in auto-pilot. She pulled my dick out and yes i admit, i aint exactly the biggest around, but I would think it was average enough. C started stroking it and my mind was going further blank. She gripped it tightly and slowly as she went on the downstroke and quick on the upstroke. It was really driving me mad. My first handjob in a cinema.
Needless to say, I came rather quickly and quite a lot. luckily for me, she aimed my dick forward as I came. saving me the humiliation of a soiled pair of jeans that day.
Sadly to say, we didn't last long. A was right, C was just a person trying to play around. and I hated that I didn't hear A out despite the warnings she gave me.
So I asked her out one day for the first time. It was gonna be more nerve-wrecking I was sure and it was indeed so when she met me. She was beautiful in that same exact white dress when I first talked to her...
03-10-2017, 12:43 AM
nice! pls carry on
03-10-2017, 09:29 AM
Naise! Upz u
Pls continue
03-10-2017, 11:12 AM
TS, added some juice as inspiration.
Supporting your thread. Please carry on.
03-10-2017, 05:52 PM
Nice, camping here :)
03-10-2017, 08:59 PM
Good start, will support!
03-10-2017, 10:34 PM
thanks for the support thus far. :)
A and I hung out that day and I could sense her disappointment that I had gotten together with C. It was a shitty feeling. But then again I was happy I was out with her. It was technically our first date.
We walked around orchard and learnt more about each other. It was then that she told me that she tried to warn me against C because she knew of her background. C flirted with guys and tried to have fun, often leaving them quickly when she got her fill.
"Did you all do anything more than kiss?"
I was taken aback. But I knew I couldn't tell her the truth.
"No la. Kinda regret too. Should have listened to you."
"Oh well. Too late. Didn't think you to be a guy to be so impulsive."
"It was my first kiss leh. Blur blur I don't know how to react ma."
"At least the guy I gave my first kiss too is still with me. Don't like impulsive guys."
My heart sank. She shot 2 arrows at me. I felt damn lousy but tried to keep my interest up.
We ended our day in the arcade where she encourage me to play Dance Dance Revolution. She was great at it. Not sure if it was because she was a dancer as well. Obviously, I got owned and she boo-ed me out of the arcade.
At the end of it all, I didn't know if I was happy or not that day. It was a first date. But also, it really wasn't a date.
Time passed and we barely hung out except for tuition classes. Nothing much happened between us except the time where she slept on my shoulders in the bus, on the way to meeting her bf. That was a good memory. The smell of her hair was sweet and intoxicating. Strangely, I didn't get aroused when I was with her. Was more enamored by her than anything else. But that all changed one day when we were to hang out. I waited under her flat.
After 15 minutes of waiting, my phone rang.
"Hey i'm sorry, i'm gonna take a while, I woke up damn late."
"Miss, we were supposed to meet 15 mins ago and its damn hot downstairs can."
"Aiya. You come up la."
"Siao oei. Your parents know who your bf is you anyhow ask me go up."
"Doesn't matter la. My parents not around."
I gulped my saliva.
"Ok ok. i'm on the way up. 15th floor right?"
"Yea. Hurry up so I can open the door for you and then I can go bathe."
I gulped my saliva again.
"Ok coming coming."
I don't know how and why, but suddenly for the first time ever, I kinda lusted for her.
I looked at the count on the lift.
"Storey 15"
"HURRY LA!" I looked straight ahead. She was in a pair of blue fbts and a racer back, showing off her slender legs and her fair skin. I could make our her dark blue bra strap.
My mind was going crazy.
04-10-2017, 12:37 AM
Nice story bro, support ;)
04-10-2017, 02:51 AM
keep the stories coming!
04-10-2017, 11:47 AM
Nice story, support.
04-10-2017, 11:49 AM
Nice story, hoping for more.
04-10-2017, 01:54 PM
This is great!
04-10-2017, 02:06 PM
Camping for updates :)
04-10-2017, 07:02 PM
Camping here hehehe!
04-10-2017, 10:44 PM
hi hi all. thanks for the support.
Please feel free to drop some points if you want. though in all honesty, i dont know what the points do. haha.
Feel free to share your experiences or how you feel as well. gives this story more perspective for me as well.
"Sit wherever you want. dont any how touch anything ah. i'll try to be quick."
I sat on the couch of the living room. it was simple and spacious. very nice homely architecture. Don't think they paid much for renovation. These were the thoughts I was trying to run through my head to hide what I was truly feeling.
I heard a door close, seems like C went into the bathroom already.
"How long you gonna take?"
"Well I usually bathe for 10+ mins then dry my hair for another 10+ mins. I'll hurry la. idiot."
20 mins was going to be long but fast, I took a walk into her room. The walls were cream colored and her single bed was not made. It was a little messy but again, it felt inviting. I saw a photoframe on her table of C and her bf. Can't lie, it didn't cheer me on much. Then, from the corner of my eye I saw some clothes lying on the floor with a hint of pink sticking out.
My curious mind dug through that pile and saw her pink bra. It wasn't lacy but pink or navy blue was a turn on color for me. Loved seeing those JAV stars when they wore pink so this was getting me hard fast.
32B. I wasn't good with bra sizes at that time, but I just thought to myself, that was ample enough. I tried to put her clothes back when something dropped from the white shirt.
I couldn't take it. I started touching myself through my jeans as I looked at it. This cute innocent girl I knew had a wild side.
"Hey, have you bought the tickets?"
That loud shout brought me back to reality. I quickly placed all her stuff back to its original position and went back to the living room.
"of course la. then wait for you meh?"
"ok la. ask only what..."
She came out, wearing the same exact clothes I had seen her in. All I could think of was what was beneath those FBTs. I hated myself for it. But I couldn't help it.
" I change then we can go."
She walked into her room and closed the door.
I started visualizing what she would look like naked in my mind while I paced the living room. Then I realized something. Her door was slightly ajar. She didn't close it properly.
My heart skipped a beat and my other head led me closer to the door. and I peaked in. She had taken off her top and fbts, and was just in her bra, her back facing towards me. SHE WASNT WEARING ANY PANTIES.
Her butt was small but perky enough as she bent forward to the pile of clothes that was on the floor, I couldn't see properly cause the door was so slightly ajar. She took the black thong and put her legs through it, one leg after the other. I was solid hard. Half of me just wanted to go in and bang her, but the other was just too frozen to move. Time seemed to move slowly as she pulled the thong up her thighs and in place.
Not wanting to be seen, I quickly turned back and sat on the couch. I could feel my heart pounding away. I kept replaying that scene in my head. If only it could happen in reverse and she was stripping in front of me.
"i'm done." I jumped out of my thoughts. Jeans and a White racer top, showing some cleavage to her chest.
As we walked into the lift, I lost some of the blood to my lower head as I thought to myself how much I really actually liked her. If only this girl was mine to love and care for. IF only.
04-10-2017, 10:59 PM
Nice update, thanks
04-10-2017, 10:59 PM
Loved the update TS
05-10-2017, 07:19 PM
Camping for next update .
05-10-2017, 07:28 PM
Loved the update TS
Same here too
05-10-2017, 07:44 PM
Please do update soon, u really like it
05-10-2017, 08:40 PM
Like it very much, do update soon
05-10-2017, 10:13 PM
Nice story, camping for next update
07-10-2017, 12:30 AM
Once again, thanks for the support.
If I could ask from one thing from you guys, it would be to let me know what you like about the story. What gets you intrigued by it? Do you relate to it? Does it make you feel horny? Did you wish I had done something else to her? Let me know! :)
After secondary school ended, we sort of stopped contacting each other. There was the occasional hi and bye messages, but we barely met up. The only updates I got of her was on Facebook. A was still steady with her bf so I gave up all hope on her.
By this time, I had gotten together with another girl in JC. Let's just call her AT. AT was a slightly more mysterious girl. She didn't have a perfect bod, but it was good enough. She was slightly more on the tan side but she had one hell of an ass. Her secret as she told me later on was that she wouldn't take the lift up to her 12th storey house. Instead she would tip toe and climb up the stairs as it helped tone her ass. How did I know? Well let me tell you.
First met AT at our school's orientation camp. She was in the neighboring class so our groups often bumped into each other during friendly games with each other. We had to play a game where we had to slide through a water puddle to get to the other side to collect a ball and slide back. Just so happened that AT was going up against me.
" You ready to get wet?" She said as she winked at me.
I wasn't ready for that, but the next second, she received the tag and slid into the puddle first. The angle wasn't perfect, but I saw a slight glimpse of the strap of her neon yellow sports bra as she jumped ahead.
I jumped in too, sliding and catching up with her and taking the ball first.
" bet you aren't good with balls!" I said before jumping back to the puddle.
When I reached the end, I made the tag and she caught up merely a few seconds later.
"Ok, I really thought I would've won."
" You never stood a chance man. haha."
"Anyway what makes you think i'm bad with balls?"
She turned around and walked off, leaving me really curious.
This slight casual flirting happened through out the camp and by the end of it, I had gotten her number and was texting her often. We knew there was a slight sexual tension between us, but never explicitly spoke of it.
It didn't take long before I asked her out on a date by SMS.
"Hey, AT. Heard you hate raisins."
"What do you think of a Date though?"
"OMG. YOU'RE SO CHEESY. Did you just ask me out on a date though?"
"You think leh?"
"Fine, this should be fun."
The date came about, and I met her at Orchard MRT.
"WTF. you gave me a shock." I turned around and there she was. In a tight olive green bodycon dress. It highlighted her figure, which as I mentioned, was not perfect but good enough.
"Let's go la." She walked ahead of me, and that was the first time I noticed her tight perky butt as it jiggled ahead of me.
07-10-2017, 02:04 AM
nice story. camping for more!
07-10-2017, 07:16 AM
like your story very much.. power.. share more soon pls.
07-10-2017, 09:14 AM
Nice story, do continue bro
09-10-2017, 12:11 PM
Nice story, pitching tent here.
10-10-2017, 12:08 AM
hello all. been kinda busy.
its really nice to see the support, but really, I wanna know what you guys think of the story. your reactions etc.
don't get me wrong, i love the support, but just that I would love to chat about it too. :)
it really didn't take long before we hooked up. the chemistry was right. we were constantly laughing with each other, doing stupid things and enjoying life. AT was just what I needed to distract me away from A. also, it didn't take very long before we took a step forward in our relationship.
I vividly remember it, it was a wednesday and it was about 1 when i got a text.
"Hey, you want to come over to my place after class?"
"Woah. Sure thing, my classes end at 3 though."
"Well, i'll head home first. you come to my place once you're done. 12th floor, unit XX-XX"
I remembered thinking to myself, was this going to be my first time having sex? I was not sure if I was ready. Did I need to buy any condoms? Wait, are her parents around? My dick was semi erected in class and I had to distract myself away from it.
Needless to say, the minute my class ended, I texted her that I was done and that was I heading straight to her place. I didn't get anything, didn't care if her parents were around. The thought of the possibility of getting laid was insane. I took the lift to the 10th floor and had to search for the stairs to get to her place. It was frustrating as i did not know how to get to her unit.
Finally, I reached her door. The main gate was ajar. I rang her doorbell either ways. No sound. Knocked on the door. No sound. I checked the unit address. It was correct. I tried opening her main door, and it wasn't locked. I was confused. I walked in and closed the gate and door behind me and suddenly I heard a whisper in my ear.
"I was behind the door you idiot."
I turned around. There, standing in front of me, was my girl, completely nude, her tan skin was smooth and flawless, her nipples a little more brown then pink. She was shaven below too and she had the fucking most seductive face i've ever seen a girl make.
" you like what you see?" she bit her lip and my mind went blank.
She grabbed me by the collar and made out with me, shoving her tongue in, making me feel like I was totally being dominated.
I fought back to, pinning her against the wall and grabbing her body close to mine. Our tongues were in a battle and I could feel a little saliva leak out from our mouths.
We pulled away from each other. Her body leaning against the wall. We were still at the door way. I realized that the curtains in her place weren't closed.
"Aren't you afraid your neighbors can see you?"
"My windows are mostly facing the open field and there is no one that can see anything. Wouldn't I know this since I always walk around naked?"
It hit me too that clearly, her parents weren't around.
"Do you want me?"
"Every bit of you." I replied, pulling her close and biting her neck, and slowly nibbling upwards to her ear.
She moaned softly, grinding her body ever so slightly against me, getting louder as i licked her earlobes.
I turned her around to see her perky tan ass and it was a view that I had been waiting for too long. It was flawless, no stretch marks, seemingly just purely smooth and firm, not those super fleshy kind that feels like its just fats. I grabbed her closer again, nibbling on her shoulder this time as I cupped her breast, grinding my manhood against that perfect ass and sliding my hands down her lower regions.
I was not too experienced to be honest. What was getting me through was all the porn that I had watched, and I think I did learn enough as AT started panting heavier as my fingers started sliding up and down the surface of her vagina.
"Put your fingers in. Please. Pleaseeeeee."
I gave her what she wanted. Two fingers into a fucking soaking warm pussy. I could feel her collapsing as I was using more strength to support her. She was in ecstasy and so was I.
I tried quickening and slowing down in different intervals and kept going for what felt like 5 minutes, when suddenly she shifted her hands to grab my forearm that was fingering her. "OH FUCKKKKKKK."
Her body tightened as hell and I could no longer support her. She collapsed onto the ground, panting like an animal. I just stood there surprised at how I just made a girl orgasm for the first time.
"I want you now. Let me have you." She looked into my eyes as she continued breathing heavily...
10-10-2017, 12:13 AM
Enjoyed your update .... pls continue!
10-10-2017, 01:51 PM
Nice update TS. The description and pace is good, not too draggy, enough going on. Just hope more details on the steamy part and regular updates. Thanks for sharing!
10-10-2017, 07:48 PM
Support and camping here ;)
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