View Full Version : Jjspa
10-03-2007, 01:25 PM
wanna asking from seniors here..
i found is it real spa or just like 'others' spa (e.g cititel :D ).
thank youu
11-03-2007, 03:23 PM
wanna asking from seniors here..
i found is it real spa or just like 'others' spa (e.g cititel :D ).
thank youu
Happening spa.
11-03-2007, 03:49 PM
wanna asking from seniors here..
i found is it real spa or just like 'others' spa (e.g cititel :D ).
thank youu
just go n ask the 'extra'
Mr Froggy
12-03-2007, 11:28 AM
It is a nice place to relax. I do recommend it...
Discrete, environment is good ( not like some places, chick are hot the facility is filthy ), food ok...
youll be happy...
The service is good too...
12-03-2007, 11:46 AM
wanna asking from seniors here..
i found is it real spa or just like 'others' spa (e.g cititel :D ).
thank youu
Went there 2 fridays back, enviroment can pass and captains i say 1 of the frenliest of all spas i went b4 in KL... stocks are all local gers (YTF and NL), damage RM198.
12-03-2007, 12:55 PM
Went there 2 fridays back, enviroment can pass and captains i say 1 of the frenliest of all spas i went b4 in KL... stocks are all local gers (YTF and NL), damage RM198.
I thought your Gold Cock keep in safe deposit box for retirement liao? How come still go for commando mission ah?? :rolleyes:
12-03-2007, 01:52 PM
I thought your Gold Cock keep in safe deposit box for retirement liao? How come still go for commando mission ah?? :rolleyes:
I was stucked in traffic jam nearby.. so went up borrow toilet cannot arr? Oh.. sorry i din checked the Foo Pei quality for u.. no wonder u bang fire me lah! :p
12-03-2007, 01:59 PM
NBzzz, saw my nick on your siggie, what indon killer? That night who hold the girls down and hump on top?All 3 pairs of eyes enjoyed the show??
12-03-2007, 02:42 PM
I was stucked in traffic jam nearby.. so went up borrow toilet cannot arr? Oh.. sorry i din checked the Foo Pei quality for u.. no wonder u bang fire me lah! :p
LKH... wah.. now alot of action horr. Retire means bonk really a lot leh :D
12-03-2007, 06:44 PM
I was stucked in traffic jam nearby.. so went up borrow toilet cannot arr?
LKH!!! Stop by to use the toilet and at the same time check out the environment, speak to the captain, check out the stock and bonk them only right?? All these not considered bonking but going to use their toilet only... :rolleyes:
13-03-2007, 12:53 AM
LKH!!! Stop by to use the toilet and at the same time check out the environment, speak to the captain, check out the stock and bonk them only right?? All these not considered bonking but going to use their toilet only... :rolleyes:
Since I am his defense lawyer, I hereby submit his plea of not being guilty in view of the the scenario appended hereinunder:
"The accused had an urgent need to answer a call of nature which the plaintiff had falsely and maliciously construed as an urgent need to fornicate. The accused being a Dutch, could only muster a smattering of the local Malay dialect and the fact that Bahasa Melayu, the national language of Malaysia, is widely spoken in a immensely corrupted form known commonly as Bahasa Pasar, hereinfater referred as the lingua franca. Upon arrival at the site,The accused had unwittingly uttered the following request, in the lingua franca: "Boleh pakai kencing punya tempat kah?", whereupon the apparent OKT who, at material time, projected or acted in a manner deemed to be the owner of the "kencing punya tempat", had agreed to let out the "kencing punya tempat" for a fee which the accused could not have refused due to the accused was under extreme durress by his unabatable urge to answer the call of nature, thus [to be given in camera] the accused pulled down his pants, lifted his manhood which was swollen with liquidity and put through the gaping crevice which the accused was made to believe being the rightful receptacle to receive his environmentally friendly liquid assests and in due effort, released its full load after a few jerks and had even applied a few rigourous motions to retrieve the spent instrument.
Your honour and learned brothers, please do not accuse him to have engaged in sexual intercourse or bonking which was ill-defined, as the accuse was merely "answering the call of nature and in-the-course of doing so, had inadvertently put his instrument [similar in shape of a lightning rod] through the "kencing punya tempat" which the accused had been influenced to believe that it was the so called "a toilet", which is also known as a "kencing punya tempat" in the lingua franca......
Thus, the accused is not guilty to any charge of "bonking" as the accused was merely seeking the services of a toilet which was aptly described by the accused as "kencing punya tempat" ...
OK kah? Still gulity?
13-03-2007, 09:18 AM
Wah bro Prof,
I only used they toilet oso can end up like tis kah?? :confused:
Didi Notty
13-03-2007, 09:37 AM
Happening spa.
hi bro,
i would to give a try at this place...where is jjspa ???
13-03-2007, 11:27 AM
Thus, the accused is not guilty to any charge of "bonking" as the accused was merely seeking the services of a toilet which was aptly described by the accused as "kencing punya tempat" ...
OK kah? Still gulity?
Errrr.... I'm a layman n will appreciate if Bro Prof enlighten a bit woh... becoz there got tis term "beyond reasonable doubt" wat ever tat is. I c from "Law & Order" one. Kekeke...
Any reasonable man will know if to answer nature call is 2 hang out the "exhibit A" (picture shown and now will be known as "it") and u either point it 2 urinal be it on the wall or on the ground. There would be instances u do the nature call behind trees, bushes or back lane alleys where urinal is not available. So we can make a reasonable point the act of male answering call of nature involve some open space and do not involve "it" being inserted in tight space. The possibility of this happen I can think off..... is someone in need insert "it' into a bottle for release if the "it" can fit in the mouth of the bottle. Most time tis will need a fairly small "it" which Prof u pointed up does not fit Bro Dekuip's "it".:D
In any case, the reasonable man will know the mere answering of a human nature call does not involve any warm and moisture or comfortable gaping crevice as pointed out by the defence. If u were to plead that than u have to proof either the defendant is affected by toxic substance in his brain and so make a very unreasonable judgement or he has a low IQ. Even if such plead is accepted, we have to examine the defination of bonking. Bonking is a urban terms which put in legal context...... coitus.
Coitus is the insertion of one 'endowment" into a "gaping crevice". Therefore we hv no intention 2 determine if the defendant "bonk" willingly or forecibly or even being misrepresented or tricked into such act. In fact your plea in itself have proven that.... He BONKED ler. Case close?
Can u put this in perspective 4 this layman me arrr?
Wah bro Prof,
I only used they toilet oso can end up like tis kah??
Probably not. But just btw u n me. U drunk on that day or not? ;)
13-03-2007, 12:18 PM
Coitus is the insertion of one 'endowment" into a "gaping crevice". Therefore we hv no intention 2 determine if the defendant "bonk" willingly or forecibly or even being misrepresented or tricked into such act. In fact your plea in itself have proven that.... He BONKED ler. Case close?
Can u put this in perspective 4 this layman me arrr?
Err...Bro DK, I can not defend you now as the honourable judge had aptly pointed out that "insertion of your endowment into a gaping kencing punya tempat that had been proven as the female sex organ" is an act of "coitus", whether the outcome is a splurting of liquid in whatever colour is immaterial, whereby you are guilty of BONKING beyond any reasonable doubt!
In layman's term: Coitus means "fucking" [or bonking] and to bonk another person is "to lay" and the person so bonked is known to be "laid" so the term layman is appropriate in this case. :rolleyes:
13-03-2007, 03:53 PM
But the true is i really used they toilet only...
Actually i wanna go Wilayah Hotel Spa, but reach there oredi sked of the outlook... seems like very run down hotel so after decided to borrow toilet from next door... tat's JJ Spa loh! :D
Me small potato only, seldom fark one!!!!
13-03-2007, 04:34 PM
I also went to Wilayah Hotel spa before.
One time and that was it. :D Moved next door.
Next target maybe nearby Grand Season's Hotel.
13-03-2007, 04:36 PM
Bro DK just a quick word abt ye signature. Thanks a lot 4 ye kindness 2 share lobang but I hope tat i dun share lobang with u at the same time lor. Tat need skill n coordination lor and frankly i dun have the related skill. San zai san zai!!!:D
13-03-2007, 04:48 PM
I also went to Wilayah Hotel spa before.
One time and that was it. :D Moved next door.
Next target maybe nearby Grand Season's Hotel.
Bro dathinman,
I went Wilayah got reason one, i have received tips from sifu tat sometime have KTV GRO's (NL) work as part time there... coz they dont have mood to work long hours in KTV but still wanna earn some cash.
Ofcoz i will be itchy... NL GRO's woh! :D
13-03-2007, 04:50 PM
Bro DK just a quick word abt ye signature. Thanks a lot 4 ye kindness 2 share lobang but I hope tat i dun share lobang with u at the same time lor. Tat need skill n coordination lor and frankly i dun have the related skill. San zai san zai!!!:D
Pls dont believe what other bros said abt me... especially cibai CibLover and Shiok. Me small potato only, always learn from these two heavy weight farkers! :p
13-03-2007, 05:08 PM
bro DK,
If u can hang around with 2 heavy weight farker, than at least u must b medium weight lor coz i dun c ya around my weight catergory leh: Light.
And bro it is not tat i dun believe u what u doing near the 2 spa place but....
First u say didi wanna burst with water and now u say ye didi itchy. So which is which?
N my advise:
1) if need 2go toilet, do like most ppl will do, find petrol kiosk.
2)if didi itchy, find specialist to check hor!:D
13-03-2007, 05:55 PM
Got GRO moonlighting there? :D
From which KTV?
14-03-2007, 08:51 AM
Pls dont believe what other bros said abt me... especially cibai CibLover and Shiok. Me small potato only, always learn from these two heavy weight farkers! :pIf we sit down and talk about your history, confirm 3 days and 3 nites also not enough.:rolleyes:
14-03-2007, 08:55 AM
And bro it is not tat i dun believe u what u doing near the 2 spa place but....First u say didi wanna burst with water and now u say ye didi itchy. So which is which?First you need to find time to know about DK's history. For normal person, when didi wanna to burst water, we will find toilet. For him, when didi want to burst protein, he will also find toilet. All girls at D'Boss will confirm this.:cool:
Rodimus Prime
14-03-2007, 10:04 AM
... he will also find toilet. All girls at D'Boss will confirm this....
I've heard of this great GTM Dekuip bonking missionary in the toilet. Is it true?? :eek: Pei fu, Pei fu.
14-03-2007, 01:03 PM
First you need to find time to know about DK's history. For normal person, when didi wanna to burst water, we will find toilet. For him, when didi want to burst protein, he will also find toilet. All girls at D'Boss will confirm this.:cool:
Hurhurhur, I forgot about that liao. Yaloh, the small potato always bonk in toilet one, so when he say he needs to go toilet, means going to bonk oredi. He already admit he wanted to go Wilayah Hotel Spa toilet mah... :rolleyes:
14-03-2007, 01:08 PM
Hurhurhur, I forgot about that liao. Yaloh, the small potato always bonk in toilet one, so when he say he needs to go toilet, means going to bonk oredi. He already admit he wanted to go Wilayah Hotel Spa toilet mah...
Verdict: He is proven guilty, beyond resonable doubt, of "pakai kencing punya tempat" :)
14-03-2007, 01:23 PM
And bro it is not tat i dun believe u what u doing near the 2 spa place but....
First u say didi wanna burst with water and now u say ye didi itchy. So which is which?
N my advise:
1) if need 2go toilet, do like most ppl will do, find petrol kiosk.
2) if didi itchy, find specialist to check hor!
If didi 'itchy' better find a 'specialist' to do BBBJ followed by CIM :p
Always works for me !
14-03-2007, 02:09 PM
Got GRO moonlighting there? :D
From which KTV?
Dunno which KTV coz haven try them... hearsay they are from east malaysia.
14-03-2007, 02:15 PM
If we sit down and talk about your history, confirm 3 days and 3 nites also not enough.
Lei Ke Hai!!
First you need to find time to know about DK's history. For normal person, when didi wanna to burst water, we will find toilet. For him, when didi want to burst protein, he will also find toilet. All girls at D'Boss will confirm this.
Talk abt D'Boss ger, yest 1 of them called me .. formely number 913 (now 8XX) said if free wanna yum cha anot.. she stay very near my office.
I told her dun want coz cibai CibLover screwed her b4 mah. :p
Oh, for bro's knowledge i only went toilet once in D'Boss. :cool:
14-03-2007, 02:20 PM
I've heard of this great GTM Dekuip bonking missionary in the toilet. Is it true?? :eek: Pei fu, Pei fu.
That was hur hur hur keh CBM aka TD lah!! I remembered he went in toilet with ViVi, after i asked him how many styles he has used and he told me 3! 1 is doggie, 2nd was he sat on the bowl the ger ride him.. the last 1 he said finished missionary on the ground. :rolleyes:
14-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Hurhurhur, I forgot about that liao. Yaloh, the small potato always bonk in toilet one, so when he say he needs to go toilet, means going to bonk oredi. He already admit he wanted to go Wilayah Hotel Spa toilet mah... :rolleyes:
Foo..... Pei..... King.....
14-03-2007, 02:30 PM
Bro DK,
I tried to listen 2ye advice as not to just hear anything the "2 heavyweight farkers" said abt U. But now-ar... like, all weights, all divison farkers oso say u very the "hiong" leh. Especially in toilet lor.
After so many testimonial, i went into toilet myself n try 2 imagine how u do it??? No matter how, i think newbie like me can't figure out one. Can u pass those "shaolin" skill a bit to me ar?:D Or is it "tai-chi"???:D
14-03-2007, 02:32 PM
Verdict: He is proven guilty, beyond resonable doubt, of "pakai kencing punya tempat" :)
ok lah.. i admit i did screwed tat day but not in jj spa.
After use of they toilet i decide to check they stock.. like tat sure will talk to the captain rite? 1st he showed me 2 ger, 1 NL and 1 local YTF.. nothing special. Later he showed me another YTF oso not my liking. Must say tat time the place was crowded, must be quite a while till next ger will come for mirror, so decide to give thai port a call... so end up took 1.5 hour massage plus screw loh. hur hur hur..
Prof Ookami, i wanna pass u the thai ports contact... shall i pm u or sms u? hur hur hur..
15-03-2007, 12:49 AM
Hello all,
Been lurking around some time now but had to respond to tread. With due respect to Prof Ookami, the Judge could not have found the Defendant guilty as the learned Prof has pointed out that the Defendant is a foreign national and as such could not understand the lingua franca. Maybe the Dendant was too polite not to insert in kencing punya tempat as he was not aware of the local customs and as such merely indulged in what the OKT had indicated was a kencing punya tempat! Remember "beyond a reasonable doubt!!" (At least that's what they say in LA Law!!) :p
15-03-2007, 07:36 AM
Oh, for bro's knowledge i only went toilet once in D'Boss. :cool:Actually what you mean is "once every hr":rolleyes: .
15-03-2007, 09:16 AM
Hello all,
With due respect to Prof Ookami, the Judge could not have found the Defendant guilty as the learned Prof has pointed out that the Defendant is a foreign national and as such could not understand the lingua franca. Maybe the Dendant was too polite not to insert in kencing punya tempat as he was not aware of the local customs and as such merely indulged in what the OKT had indicated was a kencing punya tempat! Remember "beyond a reasonable doubt!!" (At least that's what they say in LA Law!!) :p
Bro DK, bravo, u hv lots of supporter and lawyer fren leh.:D
Bro Laksa78,
In this case, it does not matter the nationality of the defendant nor how well verse the defendant is with the local custom or he understand the language or not.
Unless u can prove that the foreign gaping crevice is substantialy different from the local one, for example the foreign one has 2 gaping crevice in front or the graping crevice is triangle in its point of insertion, it is very reasonable to conclude the male homosapien no matter its nationality will know what is "outlet for waste discharge" and what is a PUSSY. err.... pls will the court remove tat from the record... i mean gaping crevice we are mentioning. This would be true even if the defendant is deaf.
I would advice the defence counsel again unless u hv evidence the defendent is really ignorant (IQ very low), influenced by some chemical substance and maybe he is blind and have a nerve damaged hand, your case is hard to substantial.
And finally the fact remains, it doesn't matter the defendant is being polite or being oblige to insert his endowment into the gaping device. The fact he has done the insertment is coitus and this IS beyond reasonable doubt.
15-03-2007, 09:17 AM
Lei Ke Hai!!
Talk abt D'Boss ger, yest 1 of them called me .. formely number 913 (now 8XX) said if free wanna yum cha anot.. she stay very near my office.
I told her dun want coz cibai CibLover screwed her b4 mah. :p
Oh, for bro's knowledge i only went toilet once in D'Boss.
Means can bonk during lunch lorr. :rolleyes: ... Yeah you went to toilet in DBOSS only once ... to pee... the rest 999 times you went to bonk
15-03-2007, 09:24 AM
Yeah you went to toilet in DBOSS only once ... to pee... the rest 999 times you went to bonk Actually that once also wanted to bonk but forgot to bring CD or lan lan just CIM lor...:p
Rodimus Prime
15-03-2007, 10:06 AM
...the rest 999 times you went to bonk
Correction!! It is now 1,000 times. He told me recently, he went recce back to D'Boss again to check out the stocks. However, he complained that he still got raped!! So envy our beloved GTM. :cool:
15-03-2007, 09:49 PM
Correction!! It is now 1,000 times. He told me recently, he went recce back to D'Boss again to check out the stocks. However, he complained that he still got raped!! So envy our beloved GTM. :cool:
Hahaha... as usual lorr... Will up you when I get recharged for your information :D
15-03-2007, 09:57 PM
ok lah.. i admit i did screwed tat day but not in jj spa.
After use of they toilet i decide to check they stock.. like tat sure will talk to the captain rite? 1st he showed me 2 ger, 1 NL and 1 local YTF.. nothing special. Later he showed me another YTF oso not my liking. Must say tat time the place was crowded, must be quite a while till next ger will come for mirror, so decide to give thai port a call... so end up took 1.5 hour massage plus screw loh. hur hur hur..
Prof Ookami, i wanna pass u the thai ports contact... shall i pm u or sms u? hur hur hur..
Oh sorry I could not defend you as the other lawyer jj had done very well to put you in the docks! I am not even a lawyer leh...I am just only a horny old professor :rolleyes:
Yeah..pass me the contact, but I thought you were supposed to meet me to visist together?? Please SMS me loh
16-03-2007, 02:23 AM
Bro DK, bravo, u hv lots of supporter and lawyer fren leh.:D
Bro Laksa78,
In this case, it does not matter the nationality of the defendant nor how well verse the defendant is with the local custom or he understand the language or not.
Unless u can prove that the foreign gaping crevice is substantialy different from the local one, for example the foreign one has 2 gaping crevice in front or the graping crevice is triangle in its point of insertion, it is very reasonable to conclude the male homosapien no matter its nationality will know what is "outlet for waste discharge" and what is a PUSSY. err.... pls will the court remove tat from the record... i mean gaping crevice we are mentioning. This would be true even if the defendant is deaf.
I would advice the defence counsel again unless u hv evidence the defendent is really ignorant (IQ very low), influenced by some chemical substance and maybe he is blind and have a nerve damaged hand, your case is hard to substantial.
And finally the fact remains, it doesn't matter the defendant is being polite or being oblige to insert his endowment into the gaping device. The fact he has done the insertment is coitus and this IS beyond reasonable doubt.
Bro jjmyarea
Not so! Not so!! Searched internet and criminal offence needs 2 items- intention and action- Cannot deny Defendant has action (must have left with smile on his face!! ) but intention has yet to be proven!! Prosecution has yet to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he had intention.
As an aside, having been to jjspa and sampled its talented "staff" I cannot continue to defend bro DK beyond 10 seconds after he visited the kencing punya tempat as I am sure intention and action came together or shall I say cum :eek: together very quickly!!
Had stayed at Midah hotel and had staff sent to my room. Older (OKT said 20 yrs old--BS!!) just had baby- stretch marks but ok boobs. very talented tongue and mouth- catbath so so but good bonk and moans not too fake!!
Had a good time- doggie and missionary- sorry cannot remember name- nice ass though!
16-03-2007, 12:25 PM
Bro jjmyarea
Not so! Not so!! Searched internet and criminal offence needs 2 items- intention and action- Cannot deny Defendant has action (must have left with smile on his face!! ) but intention has yet to be proven!!
It will be fun for me if we go on tis debate but than dun spoilt it 4 the rest of e bros. Me dun 12 turn sbf into a legal forum, seeing that these 2 dun match at all.;)
But just one last word. When has bonking become criminal offence leh????:D
26-04-2007, 04:58 PM
just back from jj spa. Called before sway by and confirmed Connie, previously known as Esther in Kowloon is woking. Thus, drove all the way to JJ Spa. Got the locker key, have a short session of jacuzzi before action.
Went up tp the room, waited for Connie patiently. After 5 minutes, here she came. Wah!!! Long time no fuck, body slimmer than before.. gave me a warm hug before she cleaned herself. When she take off her clothes, surprisingly the boobs still looks firm as before, may be is a fake boobs...
I told her i need not take bath as i already clean myself, she agreed and asked me to lay on the bed wuth my back facing ceiling. Cat bath and AR is damn good, she has improved her skill. Gave me a memorable BJ.. strong suction with slurp sound. Then proceed for missionery, she remind me not to fark her too hard as she cited her body is not as strong as before, i said ok lor. Then changed position to doggie and after a long while told her that i cant cum and demnded her for CIm, as usual she said ok. I cum iside her mouth, she suck every drops and later clean her mouth in toilet. Later she gave me another round of BJ and said by doin so will enhance my didi :D
Ok, below is the summary..
name: Connie
Look: 6/10
AgeL 32
BoobsL 34C
Butt: 34 gua
BJ: 7/10
AR: 6/10
FK: didnt asked
FJ: 6/10
Overall: 6.5/10
WIRL Definitely
Remarks:: Those like MILF and enjoy service must try her... one of the best hook through out my cheoing life...
Cheers :rolleyes:
27-04-2007, 12:51 PM
Besides, saw a MILF Gucci with big boobs and butt, another option for those MILF lover... but look only 6/10 and OKT said she is 'chi pek lui' (lick every part of ur body)...
Also saw a SYT who give facial treatment one.. wondering would she provides extra service like HJ ?? Any smaster can provide some info ??
27-04-2007, 05:52 PM
Try Connie.. She is a MILF and she bites and nibbles...
26-07-2007, 10:54 AM
Just to put this thread in the front page, as bro nukie may want to post a FR here.
26-07-2007, 10:35 PM
Thanks bro jerrystockton.
First time to jjspa last week. First impression the HC looks much better and clean compare to Kwaloon(same owner). After some short jacuzi and sauna session, proceed to the main event. Intro by captain on 3 girls, connie, san san and anoother one forgot name(sorry). Ok, choose connie, cos the name sound very familar. Here are the brief stats.
name: Connie (formerly known as esther in Kowloon)
Look: 6.5/10
AgeL 31 (younger than me)
BoobsL 34C (looks very solid - that looks very fake! - maybe i am wrong)
Butt: 34
BJ: 7/10
AR: 6/10
FK: n/a
FJ: 6.5/10
Overall: 6.9/10
WIR: maybe but still wanna try different girls for now! :)
damage : 208
She is really knows how to please the didi. Biting and slurping all over. But the doggie BJ looks odd for me. She is very friendly and she says she is a bit weak due to her age. A good experience and almost a must try for any milf lover in KL.
sorry bro jerrystockton, the FR is more or less matching your FR on the same WL. Will/maybe try Gucci in the next trip.
And bro jerrystockton, have u try another milf in Mirama HC? (hear from another forum there is another hot milf in her 40s with big boob there)
27-07-2007, 10:08 AM
Thanks bro jerrystockton.
name: Connie (formerly known as esther in Kowloon)
Look: 6.5/10
AgeL 31 (younger than me)
BoobsL 34C (looks very solid - that looks very fake! - maybe i am wrong)
Butt: 34
BJ: 7/10
AR: 6/10
FK: n/a
FJ: 6.5/10
Overall: 6.9/10
WIR: maybe but still wanna try different girls for now! :)
damage : 208
She is really knows how to please the didi. Biting and slurping all over. But the doggie BJ looks odd for me. She is very friendly and she says she is a bit weak due to her age. A good experience and almost a must try for any milf lover in KL.
And bro jerrystockton, have u try another milf in Mirama HC? (hear from another forum there is another hot milf in her 40s with big boob there)
yeah, great to know that u enjoy her service. She will perform BJ even after you unload and she said by doing so will enhance your didi performance in future. Dunno how true but i enjoy it.
MILF in Mirama HC ? What's her name ?? May try her if you can furnish me more info. Thanks
Latex Man
08-08-2007, 05:23 PM
Salutations Bro,
Just dropping a FR of my recent visit to JJ Spa.
Was frustrated with work on a monday evening so after i knock off, I decided to cheong straight to a HC eventhough i was feeling tired.
So after much pondering I decided to head for SR as i quite miss the SYTs there and there are a few that i would like to give a go, if not RTF "Rui En" if she is still around. So as i was turning toward sultan ismail, at sime darby, I saw the jam straight ahead and decided that my didi cannot sit and jam, it I do, then my didi will die. So I took a immediately left turn, thinking that JJ Spa is just around the corner.
Indeed, it was rather easy to find as the landmark hotels are there very clearly. Parking is not a problem and the sign of the spa is also listed clearly.
So went in, up to first floor, greeted by captain and relieved me of my belongings which was put in to a safe. Then I was shown the jacuzzi and the lot. Was rather disappointed because the facilities are alright but service is not really up to par. I have to grab my own shorts and towel and the place was a bit crowded for my comfort. I was starting to think that I should have braved the traffic and gone to SR instead. Anyway I continued my adventurous attitude and went straight to the jacuzzi to unwind a bit. Plenty of ppl were walking around so i got watever comfort i can get and went to the sitting area. Once i walked out, captain vincent greeted me again and ask me wat i want. Girls of course....good ones as well. So I was asked to sit at the massage area and he called the girls out. One by one pass by me and they all seem to barely make the mark. Also, I can see that they appear to be a bit matured for me. Anyway I settled for this small girl with perky tits and looked sexy enough to catch my attention. Her name is Apple.
I was then shown to my room after my selection and waited for Apple to arrive. When she came in, she looked a bit odd, she didn't look chinese as i tot she was initially and upon query she said that she is a sabahan. Oh great, not a bad sabahan at it in terms of looks and body, the only draw back was that her skin is dotted with pimples which puts me off slightly. TCSS in Malay, was playful and allowed me to play with her tits.
One thing nice about this spa is that they have mirror on the celling so u can still see what see does whilst lying flat. nice!!
After showering, she proceeded to BBBJ me. Her skill was good but she seemed to concentrate on my didi's head, which is no bad thing and manage to do a good job at that. well satisfied, she proceed to ride me first and I was pumping her missionary. And then we finished doggie.
Came out, ordered fried lao shu fun and watermelon juice. Sat at the movie theatre and watch Matrix whilst digesting. Captain vincent was really friend and kept asking me what do i want to eat drink..etc. etc. Asked me about my opinion of the place and really made me feel at home. Really nice chap.
Anyway, the summary:
Face: 5.5
Body: 6.5
FJ: 6
Overall 6 and 7 for the place. Just wished that they have less patrons and more pretty girls.
Damage 198.
RTF? Maybe, there are some others that is passable but they are either MILF or BIG. SR on the next hit list first. But scared big wind hit there first.
Hope this is useful to the bro out there and its ok if u guys crowd the place because it is crowded already!
04-02-2008, 06:46 PM
hello ther ppl.... gues its been long time since any1 been here...
anyway i was lookin 4 nu place then decided 2 go here...
went ther as usual okt talk 2 me saying thers discount if u massage n hanky panky 2 diff gal only rm238.... sounds good.. i told 2 bring me da gals! tis da down part!
only 3 gals came!!!!! hahahahahahahaha
anyway i didnt like any of them...
da okt sugesst me 2 try da massage... ok lah wat da hell seeems im here just doit!!!!
when 4 massge came malay lady from sarawak....
normal shit la then she me for 50 for batin...
i just wannna release my stresssssss....
done wit that went out for steam n suana.... back in front for some light food,, very bad no more food only left porridge!
ok la whack only!!
while i was whackin 1 gal pass by me... not bad...
steam again!!1
called da okt asked him can i hv that....
he says no prob..,,
went 2 da room.... she was very friendly.... gave me bbbj then AR....
almost cum... heheheheeh
she is really good in that////
then i bonk her here n ther...
was ok but could be better.....
anyway tis my story la... simple only...
jangan marah!!
Stats as follows:
Name : gucci
Age : mid 30s
Looks : 6/10
Body : 6/10 -
Boobs : 4/10 -
BBBJ : 9/10 - very da nice
FJ overall : 4/10 -
GFE : 8/10 -
Damage: RM238
05-02-2008, 09:50 AM
Went to Kowloon with fren but could not find any target, after had a beer wif bro LVM quickly rushed to JJ Spa. Greeted by Manager Andy, and serve me another cold beer. Spotted a young CKT wif nice round ass and medium boobs, waste no time and book her. Proceed to room and she came in after 5 min. Very talkative (not over talkative like ah girl in kowloon), within a short while GFE built. Here is the stats...
Name: Esther
Race: CKT
Look: 6/10 (mixture of girl next door + CFM...hard to find in this industry)
BBBJ: 6.5/10 (good skill and make me almost cum during the process)
FJ: 7/10 (her pussy wif stong muscle and very tight, during intercourse i feel like somebody is massaging my dick in fact is her pussy doing the job). Besides, can accommodate many position like side way, doggie, missionery, cow girl, cow girl while i was sitting)
Boobs: 32B
Skin: Gentle and smooth
Age: 25
Body: average height with big round ass and medium boobs
GFE: 7/10 ( i love it!!)
Overall: 7/10
Damage: rm 208 includes one beer
18-05-2008, 11:21 PM
Has anyone visited this place lately? Is it still open at Citrus?
19-05-2008, 12:20 AM
Yes, it is open.
15-06-2008, 09:56 PM
Since Karen and Sookie is gone from Kowland, I adventured here - conspicuous. (Anyone know where/how to solicit Karen and Sookie)
Esther was no longer serving. So I hung around for a while and OKT Wai manage to cook up two for mirror. Farah, NL and Racheal, CKT in their twenties. Neither offered a smile. I was upset and since Wai was the only one smilling... (did not screw him)
Anyway, Racheal entered politely. It was our first, so I let her wash me so she feels clean. Oh did I forget to mention, before the washing, her spotlights shined B. Small talk revealed she's been there a year with over five years of service. This 22 year old CKT was underestimated.
Under the mirror, the GFExperience disappeared when lip service was not allowed, KY-ed ready to roll, so fingers and DATY not allowed. Ass was not my interest to ask. So it was limited operation procedure. Racheal did try her best so service attitude was there.
She was slightly wounded in action. So all the exciting part stopped. Not because of my endowed physic, instead just my over ambition with frustration. Clean up after the session and went for some food and beverage.
They say one king's concubine may be another king's slave. So I try not to keep score cards. Let's just sum it up with, Will not return to anyone without GFE of my flavour. Two short for two hundred for the food and beverages with twelve for service tip and guilt of mishandling.
Anyone got anyone to recommend? :p
which one is better? i've been to kowloon before.. mayb try jjspa in future.. jjspa got good facilities compared to kowloon?
here got body 2 body or not?
10-06-2024, 06:15 PM
can't wait for more , sex and fun
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