View Full Version : very sad to engage a gal from honey babes

30-11-2017, 02:01 AM
dear bros this is my 1st trip in sbf due to my low income met a gal from a okt here the pic and the girls are so different feel cheated.

any senior bros out there can guide me $500 is my 1 week salary sad wanted to reject but okt say she damm good this that 1 haizzzzzzzzzzz

30-11-2017, 09:37 AM
You earning 2k a month!! You still complaining!??

You go petain better. Cheap for you

30-11-2017, 10:16 AM
You can pay rejection fee if the lady is not of ur liking. It is better than bite the bullet and Bonk her, u end not enjoying but regretting about it.

30-11-2017, 10:18 AM
Which girl bro

30-11-2017, 11:02 AM
Wa piang one week $500 which I don’t even think I’m earning that much! Nevertheless you still must let us know who?

30-11-2017, 11:38 AM
dear bros this is my 1st trip in sbf due to my low income met a gal from a okt here the pic and the girls are so different feel cheated.

any senior bros out there can guide me $500 is my 1 week salary sad wanted to reject but okt say she damm good this that 1 haizzzzzzzzzzz

It is widely publicised that honeybabes and Armani are overcharging and using Malaysians to pose off as Sg, not sure why u still fall for the trap...

01-12-2017, 01:37 PM
dear bros this is my 1st trip in sbf due to my low income met a gal from a okt here the pic and the girls are so different feel cheated.

any senior bros out there can guide me $500 is my 1 week salary sad wanted to reject but okt say she damm good this that 1 haizzzzzzzzzzz

U paid or just rejectipn fee?

Havanna Slicks
01-12-2017, 02:56 PM
U paid or just rejectipn fee?

shld be paid la, if rejection will be $50 instead of $500...

01-12-2017, 03:21 PM
The girls in the pics looks hot but for that ridiculous price, its more worth to go for russian/euros. Snsescort and elite 69. I tried one from elite69. Only $280 and get to do russian girl. She is the same girl in pic. I like chinese girls too. So if they ask for $350 is still reasonable. But $500? Too much for me. Just my opinion.

01-12-2017, 09:01 PM
The girls in the pics looks hot but for that ridiculous price, its more worth to go for russian/euros. Snsescort and elite 69. I tried one from elite69. Only $280 and get to do russian girl. She is the same girl in pic. I like chinese girls too. So if they ask for $350 is still reasonable. But $500? Too much for me. Just my opinion.

very hard to find chinese girl that do outcall

01-12-2017, 11:29 PM
You earning 2k a month!! You still complaining!??

You go petain better. Cheap for you

bro, you dont seem to get the message or the question.
if you cant help, just shut up.

01-12-2017, 11:32 PM
dear bros this is my 1st trip in sbf due to my low income met a gal from a okt here the pic and the girls are so different feel cheated.

any senior bros out there can guide me $500 is my 1 week salary sad wanted to reject but okt say she damm good this that 1 haizzzzzzzzzzz

Had similar experience with SgBabes. Asked for particular Malay girl, the girl who came is totally different. Different height, body shapes and lips. on top of that, asked me to buy cd. Rejected

02-12-2017, 10:13 PM
Any bro tried booking from ConfirmSG?
Are gals quality good?
Please share your experience. Thanks

03-12-2017, 07:41 AM
For me, below is my trusted agent

Sammybabes - Hit/Misses (1 Misses, long story) with the girls but the agent is superb.
As i am a regular, agent allow me to booked my own place.

Girls Generation - Hit (Tried only 1 of the girl regularly)
Butterfly - Very proactive regularly msg me with new girls, but it will help if they have some of their malay girls back.

Nicegirls - This agent mostly ex BD girls

And there a agent i liase with which she do not public on SBF or social media only open to regular

11-01-2018, 01:33 PM
Had similar experience with SgBabes. Asked for particular Malay girl, the girl who came is totally different. Different height, body shapes and lips. on top of that, asked me to buy cd. Rejected

Kena wif Sammybabes too. Booked Sh..... (mly) for car date but tink got a Pinoy instead. Not even a word of malay from her. Spoke english wif a pinoy twang!! Bros, beware!!!

11-01-2018, 03:18 PM
Kena wif Sammybabes too. Booked Sh..... (mly) for car date but tink got a Pinoy instead. Not even a word of malay from her. Spoke english wif a pinoy twang!! Bros, beware!!!

Hello bro Shakira is local with pink ic. She's 2year with us what pinoy you talking about? If u don't trust the gal is local can ask them show you their ic moreover we don't recruit foreigner thks

11-01-2018, 05:35 PM
Hello bro Shakira is local with pink ic. She's 2year with us what pinoy you talking about? If u don't trust the gal is local can ask them show you their ic moreover we don't recruit foreigner thks

Think he may have been referring to Shreya instead...

11-01-2018, 06:51 PM
Hello bro Shakira is local with pink ic. She's 2year with us what pinoy you talking about? If u don't trust the gal is local can ask them show you their ic moreover we don't recruit foreigner thks

Maybe next time I book yr mly girls I'll do dat. It's just dat she really doesn't look & sound Minah. But I must admit dat yr service/response was superb, to say the least.

12-01-2018, 11:30 AM
Bro, I have tried both shakira and Sherya from sammybabes.
I can vouch n cmf both girls r singaporean.

Kena wif Sammybabes too. Booked Sh..... (mly) for car date but tink got a Pinoy instead. Not even a word of malay from her. Spoke english wif a pinoy twang!! Bros, beware!!!

14-01-2018, 12:12 PM
Bro, I have tried both shakira and Sherya from sammybabes.
I can vouch n cmf both girls r singaporean.

For sure SG.

Grounded Eagle
14-01-2018, 12:40 PM
The girls in the pics looks hot but for that ridiculous price, its more worth to go for russian/euros..... Only $280 and get to do russian girl. She is the same girl in pic.

Same girl but photo taken 10 years ago... :p

Just like that Russian who kenna busted a few months ago. Her website put her age as 26 but samsters who had tried her say she is definitely older than 26.
OKT insists she is 26 until when the raid happen...... newspaper posted pictures of the raid and reported her age as 39. :D

Now she is back in JB with another OKT and is again advertise as 26 ;)

14-01-2018, 01:50 PM
Can I confirm honey babes still all Malaysians?

14-01-2018, 02:07 PM
dear bros this is my 1st trip in sbf due to my low income met a gal from a okt here the pic and the girls are so different feel cheated.

any senior bros out there can guide me $500 is my 1 week salary sad wanted to reject but okt say she damm good this that 1 haizzzzzzzzzzz


Go geylang better , cat 150 china gal or cat 50 thai gal . Choose the gal that you like , better than the fake here
For 500 , you can 2 times cat 150 , 4 times cat 50 or 3 time 150 and 1 time cat 50

14-01-2018, 05:07 PM
Heaven Club from FL Dome 3 also post fake pictures.
Posted beautiful Korean girl but end up I think Indo fat woman and chop chop service.
Why I posted in this thread ?
Reason simple, if I post in Heaven club thread, sure get deleted.

14-01-2018, 07:58 PM
Heaven Club from FL Dome 3 also post fake pictures.
Posted beautiful Korean girl but end up I think Indo fat woman and chop chop service.
Why I posted in this thread ?
Reason simple, if I post in Heaven club thread, sure get deleted.

Thanks for the heads up :)

14-01-2018, 10:22 PM
If I knew a way, I would just say i'm glad to say that I knew. Well, I do not, so time goes by leaving me to be.

21-03-2018, 10:52 PM

Go geylang better , cat 150 china gal or cat 50 thai gal . Choose the gal that you like , better than the fake here
For 500 , you can 2 times cat 150 , 4 times cat 50 or 3 time 150 and 1 time cat 50

bro... geylang thai fish tank still got Cat50? Think prices went up some time back to 60. how long you walk jalan molek and those fish tanks since? :)

23-03-2018, 09:54 PM
Please do not disturb sammybabes or any okt here hor.
