View Full Version : Sunway Resort...OasIS Spa

26-03-2007, 11:02 AM
guy if go sunway..can go for Oasis Spa.....45 minute massage rm108...plus special service..100,150,200...u can choose which package u want.A lot of Ang Pai there.....no,2,55,89(melay girl,it really prety) and lot of number there.....
for no2, must call to booking once open the business at 12pm...otherwise u cant get her servis.!!

26-03-2007, 02:52 PM
If i am not mistaken, if you pay 108, they will not give you any additional service because they will tell the some joke like, time not enough...So you will end up getting clean massage for sure. You got to get the 2 session massage which is 177 then only they will offer. so the equation is like below

2 session massage: 177
Body massage/FJ : 200
total : 377
feel like a donkey : priceless

26-03-2007, 02:57 PM
One word - pricey. :D

26-03-2007, 03:48 PM
bro gorken, nope..u are wrong...pay 108+ 200 body massage only..!!!everytime i go also 308...never hear b4 177.......

26-03-2007, 04:32 PM
Two Words : Chai Tow aka Robert:D

26-03-2007, 04:48 PM
Two Words : Chai Tow aka Robert:D

Heh-heh. But ang-pai fully booked wor.

I guess it's all relative. Some guys out there don't mind paying more. Just like some guys don't mind paying thousands in some high-class KTV to hold hands. :D

26-03-2007, 05:29 PM
quite expensive.

DAMAGE average need RM 180?

27-03-2007, 11:16 AM
bro gorken, nope..u are wrong...pay 108+ 200 body massage only..!!!everytime i go also 308...never hear b4 177.......

So cheap ar???okok......lazy to argue as different people have different defination of "cheap" and "expensive"

27-03-2007, 11:33 AM
bro gorken, nope..u are wrong...pay 108+ 200 body massage only..!!!everytime i go also 308...never hear b4 177.......

RM308? whats services u get? already pay 108 for massage, y have to pay another 200 for body massage again? somemore 108 for massage only 45min already not worth lah. i can get RM90 Thai massage for 2Hours. If the gals charges RM200 for FJ, then i rather choose others gals. y have to go there for RM200 FJ?

there is a lot of pretty glas outside..... VALUE FOR MONEY is the thing always bear in my mind. If still got some RICH MAN dont mind, then its ok for them. but for sure i wont waste my money RM308 only for massage + FJ.:p

27-03-2007, 11:47 AM
guy if go sunway..can go for Oasis Spa.....45 minute massage rm108...plus special service..100,150,200...u can choose

Too expensive, unless super model. walk across to Sunway Tower to sunflower HC. Pay RM218 got massage, bbbj, catbath, FJ, shower the complete package. I used to go there 6 months ago. Some of the P girls not bad but can't remember any of their name. Ever tried one 30+ yrs just started work, no experience, fun to play with.

28-03-2007, 05:37 PM
niamafulat...people open thread ask question u all fuck...now open thread share info u all complain expensive la...not worth it la...lot more better elsewhere la...what to post then? must PM u all first for approval b4 do posting is it?:rolleyes:

28-03-2007, 05:41 PM

..people open thread ask question u all fuck...now open thread share info u all complain ....

Shifu, I like this phrase!!! Can replace our usual "Lei Ke Hai and Ma Hai" !!

I didn't post anything to f* or complain horr.. actually no point. Hehehe... Live and let live. Better follow my shifu go enjoy. Ngam mo, shifu?? :D

28-03-2007, 05:52 PM
Shifu, I like this phrase!!! Can replace our usual "Lei Ke Hai and Ma Hai" !!

sorry to all...i was too emotional then...would like to retract back the word but was too late to edit...sorry:o

YSH if u would like to use this word then dont put into my account ok:p

28-03-2007, 09:04 PM
NiamachiuJBpei yat bin dai yat bin sei, who the fok complain, nbzzz kao beh kao boh, just pointing out is expensive but doesnt stop rich foker to go what....diu.... The reason to point out the price is to help poor kind of lanjiao like me not to visit there so that they can cheong 2 more time in a month..... ...du kao lan 7 lan....

28-03-2007, 09:47 PM
wah like this very hard for me to choose leh... oasis vs. Hadyai

Oasis nearby to PJ/KL
Located in a nice hotel

For RM308 can take bus to Hadyai, stay in a 3/4 star hotel & book cun overnight girl, 1 x 2 hour thai massage & take the bus back to KL!
Can only fuck once in Oasis compated to unlimited times in Hadyai

er... hurhurhur.. u all know my conclusion already... Hadyai! :D

29-03-2007, 12:35 AM
bro gorken, nope..u are wrong...pay 108+ 200 body massage only..!!!everytime i go also 308...never hear b4 177.......

then you are still fresh my boy. first 45 min. no oil massage, next 45 is the oil massage....

29-03-2007, 02:59 AM
wah like this very hard for me to choose leh... oasis vs. Hadyai

Oasis nearby to PJ/KL
Located in a nice hotel

For RM308 can take bus to Hadyai, stay in a 3/4 star hotel & book cun overnight girl, 1 x 2 hour thai massage & take the bus back to KL!
Can only fuck once in Oasis compated to unlimited times in Hadyai

er... hurhurhur.. u all know my conclusion already... Hadyai! :D

Like dat i also do comparison lorr... Oasis vs CP

errr... wahliao... orh.. can go with YSH

RM308 = 700 RMB means i can do tarma in CP, plus book hotel room for the night ... oh, and money to buy Durex Featherlite... got change left to do 1 hour massage to 'cool down after the bonk'

My opinion... of cos CP leh.

29-03-2007, 08:54 AM
I oso got comparison ,woh.

Oasis/hadyai/CP vs At home (PCC).

Pros: Can follow what u bros recommended by choosing ye preferred place.

Cons = RM308=approx 30pcs of HD XXX DVDs, 30pcs x 2 hrs, u got 60hours of fun, u can extend the hours infinitely, cause got repeat value So no need pay extra.

Infinite gals to choose from. At home, save hotel charges. No need transportation charges, hazzle free travel. More saving as no use of condom. Tissue will do. Save cost further, f* the tissue. Just let it dry up naturally and get a shower in the morning.:D

kekeke.... u know my chioce lah... PCC at home.:rolleyes:

29-03-2007, 09:13 AM
I oso got comparison ,woh.
kekeke.... u know my chioce lah... PCC at home.:rolleyes:

aiya..u wana bring d $ into coffin meh...i know a place...get paid sommore...come la:D

29-03-2007, 09:14 AM
then you are still fresh my boy. first 45 min. no oil massage, next 45 is the oil massage....

So, i am not the only "carot" that tried the package lar, thanks for verifying my statement.....All rich kok please visit this place frequent, so that they can get listed as soon as possible....

29-03-2007, 09:22 AM
wah like this very hard for me to choose leh... oasis vs. Hadyai

Oasis nearby to PJ/KL
Located in a nice hotel

For RM308 can take bus to Hadyai, stay in a 3/4 star hotel & book cun overnight girl, 1 x 2 hour thai massage & take the bus back to KL!
Can only fuck once in Oasis compated to unlimited times in Hadyai

er... hurhurhur.. u all know my conclusion already... Hadyai! :D

Good evening my Shifu TD0620G,

Please allow me look see Hadyai (where is it?) with you, please allow me learn 'can oso' from you.

Thanks Shifu.

Rodimus Prime
29-03-2007, 09:52 AM
....All rich kok please visit this place frequent, so that they can get listed as soon as possible....

IMHO, the environment is quite nice with good facilities. However, I do agree that it's kinda expensive to get "extras". For RM300+, you can certainly get more out of it.

Of coz, to each his own. If you have the money, why not? It's your own to spend it anyhow you please. As for the others, well.... let's just say, we have better alternative for such pricings.

A few good examples will be places like Sky River HCs, Saboon Spa, Crystal Crown PJ, Armada HC and also the infamous Cititel HC. Definitely much cheaper with same facilities and "services". Again, to each his own.
You pay your own...so, it's up to u.


29-03-2007, 10:09 AM
aiya..u wana bring d $ into coffin meh...i know a place...get paid sommore...come la:D

Thks 4 the offer bro, will look u up if time, place right. So my sentiment same... if got money no need 2 complain abt prices. If no then hv to do the calculations mah.

Bringing our money 2 coffin no uselar... if down there oso can bonk and need money hv 2 ask someone to burn lor.:D

29-03-2007, 10:10 AM
kekeke.... u know my chioce lah... PCC at home.:rolleyes:

A cheaper alternative: WET DREAMS ;)

Just dream about screwing Alicia Keys, Maria Tagaki, Jolin, Shakira, Maria Sharapova....it is absolutely free-of-charge.

29-03-2007, 10:35 AM
Thks 4 the offer bro, will look u up if time, place right. So my sentiment same... if got money no need 2 complain abt prices. If no then hv to do the calculations mah.

yakah..but let say that i can only afford rm100/fuck/month & i found 1 place that just suits my budget doesnt mean i wil stick to that place/budget forever mah...ofcoz find other lobangs or maybe try those which cost more but go less frequent lor...
if 300 is considered damn expensive for massage+fuck for more than 2hrs then better follow your PCC scheme or like prof. suggested...eat more big head vege:D
in KL a standard local WL cost about 200-230/fuck...some include picit2 & some dont within 1 hr. or 1 hr +
so i dont understand y some ah hias here said 300 is so expensive...massage alone in a wong fei hung hotel alredy cost at least 60...

29-03-2007, 11:02 AM
Agreed....RM377 damn worth it...actually try to think of it, 90 minute of massage plus can get body massage lerr.....Think of it also make me want to go again already. Somemore the place is loaded with SYT, all girl age at range from 18 to 20, pink puss and nip...waaaaa....in KL where to find... a must go place if you want to cheong in klang valley....

29-03-2007, 11:13 AM
so i dont understand y some ah hias here said 300 is so expensive...massage alone in a wong fei hung hotel alredy cost at least 60...

That's the point bro. U do ye maths, they do their maths n since everyone has no equal wants, needs, standards, POV where got equal sum where everyone agrees.

U r right in ye maths... got little $ want better action, do less x lor. But some ppl hv little $ but 12 stretch tat little $, so go find other lobang. Some will be lucky, find right lobang n become more "cost conscious" (got more options 2 compare). So no point frus over tis.

Put it tis way..... if tis world or in Malaysia hv only one pussy left, if one die die oso want tat pussy, then i think if tat pussy no good service n $$$$ skyrocket oso, no one will think expensive. Unless if u can 4get abt tat MM and focus on ye DD, u hv another choice, my scheme... PCC.:D

29-03-2007, 03:44 PM
Agreed....RM377 damn worth it....

Wahsai... RM 377 is worth it ?? last time RM 230 for SS also already expensive... I can add additional 150 for 3 hours of massage at LiangXin some more...
:rolleyes: . KL got so many rich people nowadays le ...

29-03-2007, 04:03 PM
Rich kok like to listen to this kind of comment mar...

No worry, as for you, i will find you something money worth:D

29-03-2007, 05:13 PM
Put it tis way..... if tis world or in Malaysia hv only one pussy left, if one die die oso want tat pussy, then i think if tat pussy no good service n $$$$ skyrocket oso, no one will think expensive. Unless if u can 4get abt tat MM and focus on ye DD, u hv another choice, my scheme... PCC.:D

if only 1 pussy left ...i dunwan la... stil got mouths & backdoors mar...:D
i know ..coz myself also makan roti mah...not say can spend few hundreds for fuck very often...but definitely wont stretch $ & keep comparing lor...luckily no 1 suggest those infamous backlanes...bring 100 can screw 10 times

18-02-2008, 12:53 AM
what is the current pricing for Oasis SPA now ? Can someone share ?


18-02-2008, 04:58 PM
what is the current pricing for Oasis SPA now ? Can someone share ?


thos who ask fo price never patron oasis:rolleyes:

18-02-2008, 05:15 PM
thos who ask fo price never patron oasis:rolleyes:

CNY u earn so much with ur Hoi Mei.. chin chai take out 'leong kau sui' see she want anot loh.. if she dunwan u add another 'yat kau sui' sure will do lah. :rolleyes:

19-02-2008, 03:56 PM
i been there yesterday.captain introduce me girl no29..face quite good....about 27 age.....after massage..fk with her...total rm 308..even is expensive..but i like go there..cos there have a super big pool...good atmos...

19-02-2008, 05:32 PM
CNY u earn so much with ur Hoi Mei.. chin chai take out 'leong kau sui' see she want anot loh.. if she dunwan u add another 'yat kau sui' sure will do lah. :rolleyes:

liamahtaufufah...u think pasar malam buy chicken ah!...why dont start with 50 mun? if she dunwan just tfk infront of her lor:cool:

19-02-2008, 05:50 PM
Hi guys..just to side track a bit..any action at UJS Summit? I think the topaz spa is opened? How about other places nearby? Any actions?

20-02-2008, 09:59 AM
i been there yesterday.captain introduce me girl no29..face quite good....about 27 age.....after massage..fk with her...total rm 308..even is expensive..but i like go there..cos there have a super big pool...good atmos...

fren, massage & fk only = 308?... u no give tips? when r we meeting up for drinks?:)

04-05-2008, 01:37 AM
I would like to confirm, Oasis SPA is located in Pyramid Tower or Sunway Hotel ?

please advise

05-05-2008, 07:47 PM
I would like to confirm, Oasis SPA is located in Pyramid Tower or Sunway Hotel ?

please advise

Oasis SPA inside Sunway Hotel
Spring Flower SPA inside Pyramid Tower Hotel

05-05-2008, 09:51 PM
Oasis SPA inside Sunway Hotel
Spring Flower SPA inside Pyramid Tower Hotel

Long time never post in SBF ... must kacau my Xiang Kor abit. So when u wanna drive me to the above 2 spas ... wait for me for 2 hrs ... then send me back home ? :D

06-05-2008, 08:29 PM
Long time never post in SBF ... must kacau my Xiang Kor abit. So when u wanna drive me to the above 2 spas ... wait for me for 2 hrs ... then send me back home ? :D

You are ITTO -san ! :D ...
How come you change name geh ? :rolleyes:

07-05-2008, 05:25 PM
Oasis SPA inside Sunway Hotel
Spring Flower SPA inside Pyramid Tower Hotel

i tot its sunflower? now changed to spring flower? luckily not spring pocket:cool: