View Full Version : Newbies Queries and Questions (Part 2) - Please Post
04-04-2007, 09:02 PM
In the wake of all the commotion about KL bros not being very friendly to newbies, I have decided to review the previous thread and realised that out of the 30 odd pages, only less than about 20 questions and answers. Mostly talk cock among bros who know each other. I guess after a period of setting up the original thread, most bros here have forgotten the main aim of the original thread in the first place.
The original thread was created to help newbies ask any questions about KL whether it is about FLs, hotels, clubs etc. The other purpose was also to prevent newbies from opening too many unnecessary threads.
I have made the effort to cut and paste some of the Q & A from the first thread and pasted them here in this new thread. I would sincerely like to request from those bros that know me to limit TCSS in this thread and just try to answer any questions to the best of your knowledge. TCSS can still be carried out in the original thread.:D
This new thread is created for anyone to ask questions so please make full use of this. I will constantly try to bring this thread up to page 1 so that people will be able to notice this thread.:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Ciblover :
Hmmmm.....How come I never think of starting such thread just to help all the newbies along?? This will definitely eliminate (I hope) of all newly created threads to post a question.
But hey!! There is already such a Page in this Forum created by Sam (owner of the forum) to initiate all newbies. Stickies are found there on rules & regulations and know-hows regarding postings. Hmmmm.....Sam must have created that particular page for a reason, rite??
Anyway, jokes and cynicysm aside. Welcome to all newbies to the Malaysian thread.
Please feel free to post your questions here. No question is foolish enough. You never ask, you'll never know.
However, one word of advice before asking is to do a search on the Forum first. There is a "Search" button on the horizontal bar on the top right of your screen. Type in the relevant words such as Russian, anal, KL, Spa etc., etc.
If you still can't find the answers, then by all means, post your questions here. Some of the brothers here will try to answer them for you. However, do not expect all your queries to be answered. We are all still learning each day.
Also, when posting, please try to be courteous and don't go around spewing vulgarities. NO dragging of family members and personal attacks here. Be nice & polite and others will react in kind.
Alrite, I'll start the ball rolling by linking up a few "Stickies" here for newbies to read. Please go and read up and you will be better prepared to face all the horny brudders here. The main page for all newbies to visit while still under Moderation is here :
Newbie Issues/Say “Hi”/Testing
However, I've also linked the "Stickies" available there to here. Please click on the respective links to better understand the respective subjects.
Guide on Posting in SBF
A rough guideline on the rules and ettiquette when posting in the Forum.
Definitions on Abbreviation & Acronyms
Don't understand the meaning of all those short-forms (abbreviations)?? Read up here to clear your doubts and it'll help you to understand more what the brothers are saying with BBBJ, FJ, AR, IMHO....etc...etc.
Understanding the Points System some, a must know topics. What it means, the latest revisions, etc. How to "UP" or "Deduct" (Zap) other samsters Reputation Points. Why no power. Click here:
Well, I hope the above will help a bit in your better understanding of the crazy cyber world that is SBF. Remember, this is just a Cyber World. No point in getting too worked up because of flamings or some misunderstandings. Cheong safely and be merry. Peace, yo'll. - Ciblover
04-04-2007, 09:06 PM
Posted by Ciblover :
This is just out from the oven.
Latest Changes to the Reputation System.
Please read for those wondering why attaining 15 Rep points but still without their "Power".
Cheers. :cool:
04-04-2007, 09:08 PM
Question ask by AngMo69 :
I am going to KL on a business trip next month, and want to know a little of the FL scene there. What are the good pick up bars, what are the hotel policies on bringing gals to the room, going rates for the diff cats?
Hope somebody can find time to answer this one!
04-04-2007, 09:09 PM
Question answered by shiok1968 :
I will try and help you a liitle with your questions. Firstly for pick up places, you can try the famous Beach Club as well as Rum Jungle. Both these places cater mainly to the Angmo scene and there are many Filipino FL around. Prices vary for ST and LT as well as for different girls. The better looking ones will ask for higher prices and it's up to you to get it down to the price you are comfortable with.
The WLs at Beach Club are mainly Filipinos and Thais. Rum Jungle has its fair share of these girls too but this place also has many local malays girls. Some of these looks real good but whether FL or just for ONS, guess you will have to find out for yourself. I have experienced ONS here before but I have also been quoted rates. For the malay girls be wary about who she is with and if the situation do not look good to you, then walk away cos it's not worth it. My friend was forced by 4 guys to pay them RM500 for dancing with a malay girl, who they claim is one of the guys girlfriend. However that was an isolated incident. Just dun drink too much and you should be fine.
Another pick up joint is Zouk. Here is the home for the local Chinese girls. On Mambo Jumbo nites (WED), more eye candy than your eyes can feast on. However, all mainly ONS so depends on your looks and charm.
As for bringing girls back to your hotel room, I am sure most hotels are fine as long as the girl do not behave in an unruly manner. Just act as though you are a couple and I dun see why it will be a problem. As for different rates, you will need to wait and see if the seniors here will post something cos I am not too sure about the rates.
Happy hunting and bonking in KL. Cheers.:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:11 PM
Nowadays... Beach Club / Thai Club is international buffet liao... from PRC, Thai, Viet, Indo, Pinoy... to locals...
The rates depend on time of negotiation and luck... just becareful of your belongings if they are staying overnight...
As a benchmark... outcall services for girls are about 350 for Thai/Indo/Viet and 650 for PRCs (overnite)... local girls cost more... about RM 700 for 5 hours...
Cheers... - KLKOOL
04-04-2007, 09:12 PM
Question by Jimfi :
Hi all big big Bros, Me totally new here. while readin all big Bros postin I notice that u guys got gathering quiet often.
could I know how much budget normally it will take to join u guys? cos me mostly go to those third class Ktv more n less like "Papaya Land" alone.
04-04-2007, 09:13 PM
Reply by Ciblover :
Bro Jimfi,
Yes, we do have our usual Monthly Gathering or TCSS (Talk Co.k Sing Song) in and around Kuala Lumpur. Kindly follow the Combined TCSS & Gathering thread in here.
Besides that, we do meet up often for cheonging sessions or just some Coffee/Teh Tarik session. Sms will be sent out for these ad hoc gatherings.
Budget?? Well, it doesn't cost a bomb to join us for coffee or tea. Unless you want us to organise a gathering for a sumptuous 10 course dinner with sharfins and abalones. We normally just have our gathering at a Mamak restaurant.
However if after the TCSS session, other sessions can be arranged and it's up to individuals to follow (no pressure). Damage will be the normal RM150 - RM230 for cheong sessions. Sometimes, we also check out those cheap Papaya Farms. Some of us are just normal office executive like me.... Kekekeke.
So, look out for the Monthly TCSS Gathering and register. Then PM us your mobile number and sms would be sent:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:14 PM
Question by Jimfi (31/10/06) :
Hey all big Bros,
Anyone heard b4 that got one saloon behind Time Sqaure that got provide HJ? If so pls do let me know where is the location cos me never try HJ after hair wash b4...mostly just for the massage.
Or anyone got any interestin place that allocated at behind time square? try to hunt that place if got any.
04-04-2007, 09:16 PM
Reply by shiok1968 (01/11/06) :
Hi Jimfi
No big bro answer so small bro help you a bit. For those salons, just go around the Ruby Complex area and you will see the salons. The quality mostly CMI. Dun know about the cost cos never been to try. Maybe you can try and then give the bros here some info.
Behind Time Square got a few interesting places but it all depends on whether you dare to go or not. Not only have HJ but also bbbj. However you must be willing to accept that the quality is not very good. In fact in some places, you will have to thank the darkness cos at least it helps you to imagine better.
If you want bbbj, you can try either Butter*** (name of insect) or GW (China's famous landmark). Both these places provide bbbj at very reasonable prices. B opening hrs are between 3pm and 10pm whereas for GW, the action only starts at about 11pm. Costs is about the same. For B, 1 bottle of beer cost about Rm25 and the bbbj cost Rm80. For GW, a jug of beer is Rm45 and the bbbj costs Rm60. Average spending per person is about Rm120 to Rm150 depending on how much you drink.
My advice would be that you visit these places with minimum expectations and you will very likely enjoy better. :cool:
04-04-2007, 09:18 PM
Question by solid snake (06/11/06) :
good day bros,
would like to know if there are any good cheap/budget hotels/motels around pj area, erm...prefer the area around kelana jaya/ss2. for overnighting purpose, n with private bathroom ya, with bathtub
.would it be possible to get a room below RM100 for 1 night? , but must try to get the 'pheng, leng, jeng; place mar....
any info and feedback are most welcomed and thank you very much!
04-04-2007, 09:20 PM
Reply by mbz777 (08/11/06) :
Solid snake,
Thanks for posting in the right place to ask questions. Hope you will be a good example to all other newbies to hav the common sense to ask questios at the right threads.
Kelana Jaya & SS2 i think dont hv cheapo budget hotel. Go to Damansara Utama. There's a hotel called A&N at the row of shops facing the double storey houses. The rooms are quite small but overall clean and useable. Hope you hv fun there .:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:21 PM
Question by f.cuker (15/12/06) :
Greetings to all the cheongster DAI KOR & DAI LOW of the KL soil.
Any WL/OKT/Lairs guidance is greatly appreciated for this SAI SAI LOW as pretty foreign to the scene over there although not foreign to the soil.
Will most probably be nesting ard Golden Triangle area depending still as accomdation is not confirmed yet.
04-04-2007, 09:22 PM
Reply by ciblover (15/12/06) :
Bro f.cuker,
Welcome to KL.
No Dai Kor and/or Dai Low here in KL. All just wanna sextisfy their own Sai Lows...If you're staying around the Golden Triangle area, you should look up a few threads here :-
1) Spa De Palace at Life Center
2) SkyRiver HC
3) Genesis HC at Wisma Genesis
4) Imperial Hotel HC
5) Deluxe Spa at Federal Hotel
I think the HCs above will give you a good variety of choices. For better facilities, go to choice (1) and (3). After reading the respective threads, you'll have a better picture of the scene.:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Question by sec4hrs :
Seniors, wen we r told to PM a bro, what info do we provide? phone no, name or nic, sex, age?
04-04-2007, 09:26 PM
Reply by Ciblover :
Depending on what intention you are using the PM other brothers. If you intend to ask for informations like name of a certain HC, location, operation time or etc; etc; just your nick will suffice.
However, if you intend to join us for gathering or outings, you just need to PM your bare details such as :-
1) your Nick,
2) a name to call you by (you dun want us to call you secs4hrs) maybe just Alex, Sam, Ah Boy or etc.
3) your mobile number.
Also, pay notice to SAM's signature in providing personal information to samsters.:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:27 PM
Question by malacoming (02/01/07) :
Hi folks!
I am happy to find this forum with so many useful info! Ty eveybody!
Im quiet newbie, a question! Malasiya gonna be m first experience as well!
Can I have the girl in any health club to my own room in the hotel? can I directly have a girl in my room by calling the manager without visiting the health club?
or I should be in a room where directors giude me in health club to be with a girl? the only way huh?
04-04-2007, 09:28 PM
Reply by Ciblover (08/01/07) :
Hi malacoming,
Seems that the Forum is a little bit slow during the past week and therefore, I think no reply on your queries. Let me try to help.
The answer to your question is YES and to a certain extent; NO. Most HCs do allow their girls to be "booked" out for a certain period of time. However, be prepared to pay more. However, not all HC girls can be booked. Some, especially the imported 'goods"; are to be well-kept to discourage unwanted attention. In this instance, you can try to ask the OKT on the procedures. YES, you can also call up the HCs and speak to the counter on this. In fact, always ask the OKT (Captains) in all those HCs in whatever you are unsure of. They are there for you to query. Don't be shy to ask him anything.
Hope the above answer your queries. To be more clearer, MOST of the HCs allow their girls to be booked out. Again, don't be shy to ask!!:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:29 PM
Question by Ghoulscout (08/01/07) :
hey im looking for a place to find good girls with good rates somewhere around pj or damansara area....any ideas?
04-04-2007, 09:30 PM
Reply by Ciblover (09/01/07) :
I'm very much inclined to reply.... Sunday morning go to any church. Or go to old folks' homes and look at those volunteers. Those are good girls!!!
Since you post here, not going to bombard you. At least you don't start a new thread.
Please do a search and read up on these threads:
1. Armada HC
2. Cititel HC
3. Crystal Crown or CC
4. Summit Spa
5. Lisa De Inn
I think you should get enough lubangs reading those threads. :cool:
04-04-2007, 09:32 PM
Question by fistball (17/03/07) :
I want to say HI here, I am a newbie.
Have been reading the forum here for the entire day, so was "mine", up the entire day.
As my friends say, if u r looking for girls, better go looking for ppl who knows well, who can introduce, I guess I found this forum, as the PPL who knows.
As a newbie, I am asking the escort services that provide its services in PD?I am looking forward to have a vacation there with 8 of my friends. Any suggestion from all the TAIKO here?
04-04-2007, 09:33 PM
Reply by Rodimus Prime (19/03/07) :
PD as in Port Dickson??
If yes, then it'll be easier and nearer to cheong in Malacca. Please refer to bro croft_st's thread about Malacca. However, if you plan to book oevrnite for 8 guys, can "suggest" you book thru 6-star escorts. (me also haven't try their services before; so just suggesting and not recommending).
But be prepared to pay more coz they're based in KL while you're holidaying in PD. Maybe you'll wanna pick in KL first before going down PD?? Better you PM them first about their procedures. Awaiting your FRs if you get lucky. - :cool:
04-04-2007, 09:34 PM
Question by fistball (21/03/07) :
I am new here, Want to ask all experience TAIKO here, do we have girls doing freelance?
Got no.?How do contact?
LOBANG any1?
04-04-2007, 09:35 PM
Reply by shiok1968 (21/03/07) :
There are actually no experience TAIKO here. Just horny guys who like to bong everyday.
FLs actually alot but depends on what is your budget. If between RM70 and RM100, there is a big makan place in Pudu where PRCs cost about that price.
If between RM100 to RM150, then Klang Valley alot of lobangs.
If between RM150 and RM250, then better go to HCs cos more choices.
If RM250 and above then you can try Beach Club or Thai Club.
You can also check out the thread by 6-star-escort. All the details are there including contact numbers.
If the above lobangs not giam, then try Brickfield or Chow Kit.:cool:
04-04-2007, 09:42 PM
As you guys can see, since the thread started last year, only about serious 10 questions were asked and answered by fellow SBF members. The rest of the pages were just on TCSS. One bro did bring up the issue about newbies having to flip thru pages of TCSS just to find some answers. I sincerely hope that this new thread will limit itself to just Q & A and that this thread will actually be of use to fellow SBF bros who are coming to KL.:cool:
04-04-2007, 10:00 PM
To all newbies, please note that this thread is especially created for your benefit. Please feel free to ask any question. Do not expect an immediate reply or maybe even a no reply but most KL bros I know are really helpful.
There might be a reply within the next few days or at least an reason why your question cannot be answered. PLease also note that SBF is a sex forum and althought most KL bros here are very knowledgeable, questions asked should have at least a minor link to sex.:p
I would also like to request that no zapping to done here unless vulgarities are used or family members are brought into the picture. :cool:
05-04-2007, 01:15 AM
Hey bros
Got a few queries concerning certain things, please enlighten a newb :-)
Alright first off, I see all these lists of hotels and spa's with name mentioned as well as whole threads with name on. Also I see people talk about using PM function to disclose certain (smaller, private) locations.
So whats the difference between a well known hotel or spa named in public to provide stuff, and say a MP wich is hidden addresses??
Are MP's in more danger of raids and reporcusions and such?
Second question.
When it comes to massages and non bonking issues, is it expected to tip the girl everytime, or is that only for when the girl provides something out of the program? Like on repeat visits for instance..
Not that I am stingy or anything, just curious really if its needed for something already paid in full. I actually enjoy throwing money after girls, thats why i'm here in first place hehe
05-04-2007, 01:46 AM
dear shiok1968.
u have my deepest gratitude for the amazing info collected here! i'm new to sb forums, and i tell u, cannot stop checkin in to 'bone up' on my knowledge-base.. my goodness, can't wait to get involved! in fact, me going up to KL for 'conference' next mth.... ;-)
well done once again.
05-04-2007, 08:50 AM
Alright first off, I see all these lists of hotels and spa's with name mentioned as well as whole threads with name on. Also I see people talk about using PM function to disclose certain (smaller, private) locations.So whats the difference between a well known hotel or spa named in public to provide stuff, and say a MP wich is hidden addresses??
Are MP's in more danger of raids and reporcusions and such? Firstly the difference between a Spa and a MP here in KL is that most Spas' provide the full package which is massage plus bonk. MP here basically really concentrate on massage and mainly Batin (massage for little junior). Sometimes you can get more than a batin but that depends on the place.
As for raids, it happens everywhere althought smaller places are more vulnerable than bigger joints.:p
When it comes to massages and non bonking issues, is it expected to tip the girl everytime, or is that only for when the girl provides something out of the program? Like on repeat visits for instance. Tipping has always been very individual. For extras during massages, it would be nice if you could appreciate the ML for going that extra mile to enhance your satisfaction. Please remember, the original batin just consist of the ML sitting in front of you. Unless you have super long hands, if not, there is no way of you even touching her.:rolleyes:
05-04-2007, 08:59 AM
thanks for your consult! nice jobs!
05-04-2007, 09:50 AM
Any bro know how much need to pay by FL PRC to renew their visa for 1 month - 6 months ??
We pay 178 in SI and 130 for Klang, diff ard 50.... May i know d diff is mainly due to distance or gals' quality and service ??
Thanks for helping....
06-04-2007, 02:40 AM
Any bro know how much need to pay by FL PRC to renew their visa for 1 month - 6 months ??
We pay 178 in SI and 130 for Klang, diff ard 50.... May i know d diff is mainly due to distance or gals' quality and service ??
Thanks for helping....
i know a OKT that charge rm 600+ to extend prc visitor pass! Max 6 month
Rm600+ permonth extention!
06-04-2007, 05:34 AM
Reply by Ciblover :
Bro Jimfi,
Yes, we do have our usual Monthly Gathering or TCSS (Talk Co.k Sing Song) in and around Kuala Lumpur. Kindly follow the Combined TCSS & Gathering thread in here.
Besides that, we do meet up often for cheonging sessions or just some Coffee/Teh Tarik session. Sms will be sent out for these ad hoc gatherings.
Budget?? Well, it doesn't cost a bomb to join us for coffee or tea. Unless you want us to organise a gathering for a sumptuous 10 course dinner with sharfins and abalones. We normally just have our gathering at a Mamak restaurant.
However if after the TCSS session, other sessions can be arranged and it's up to individuals to follow (no pressure). Damage will be the normal RM150 - RM230 for cheong sessions. Sometimes, we also check out those cheap Papaya Farms. Some of us are just normal office executive like me.... Kekekeke.
So, look out for the Monthly TCSS Gathering and register. Then PM us your mobile number and sms would be sent:cool:
"Damage will be the normal RM150 - RM230 for cheong sessions."
bro , the cheong sessions @ RM150 - RM230 is paying for what and how much more must we bring ... :p
06-04-2007, 08:55 AM
bro , the cheong sessions @ RM150 - RM230 is paying for what and how much more must we bring ... :pIt all depends on where we go. Sometimes just drinking at pubs and that will cost less. If we check out new lobangs, sometimes it will cost about RM150 for FLs. If not then the usual HCs like Stay Inn and Saboon will cost about RM200.:D
06-04-2007, 09:22 AM
It all depends on where we go. Sometimes just drinking at pubs and that will cost less. If we check out new lobangs, sometimes it will cost about RM150 for FLs. If not then the usual HCs like Stay Inn and Saboon will cost about RM200.:D
so drinks $ , we all share share la , the FLs will be around RM150 to RM200 ...
what about a trip to "D Boss" ... :rolleyes:
06-04-2007, 10:55 AM
...what about a trip to "D Boss" ... :rolleyes:
A trip to D'Boss? Well, same calculations...depending on how many participants.
Room, beer/drinks, tips to waiters and Mummy are shared.
Tips to your own girl you bear yourself. So, depends on you whether you wanna book her for 4 hours or let her "butterfly".
All-in all, a safe estimate would be around RM150 - 250 per person.
06-04-2007, 11:53 AM
so drinks $ , we all share share la , the FLs will be around RM150 to RM200 ...
what about a trip to "D Boss" ... :rolleyes:
Lets see if I remember correctly -
Happy Hour - 1 beer package - ~ RM138
Still must add fruit plate and titbits - ~ RM50
Tip mummy - ~ RM50
Tip waiters - ~ RM10 x n number of waiters
Tip towel girl - ~ RM5
Tip ginseng tea girl (same as towel girl) - tell her no thanks ~ RM0 :D
Tip gal - sit with you no extra - ~ RM50 - extras you negotiatelah.
06-04-2007, 10:17 PM
So, depends on you whether you wanna book her for 4 hours or let her "butterfly".
All-in all, a safe estimate would be around RM150 - 250 per person.
If I am not wrong there booking for girls are in 3,5,7 hours package. Rm50/hrs
08-04-2007, 02:16 PM
Any bro know how much need to pay by FL PRC to renew their visa for 1 month - 6 months ??
We pay 178 in SI and 130 for Klang, diff ard 50.... May i know d diff is mainly due to distance or gals' quality and service ??
Thanks for helping....
the $50 is the OKT's commission if not mistaken. Those Klang gals mostly operate by themself. No OKT to help promote them. :D
Prime Time
09-04-2007, 03:14 PM
So, depends on you whether you wanna book her for 4 hours or let her "butterfly".
It is always better to book the lady. If you do not book her, and she fly away, she may not come back as someone else may have beaten you to it. So it is a matter of being penny wise, pound foolish. Make a wise decision.
10-04-2007, 01:05 AM
A trip to D'Boss? Well, same calculations...depending on how many participants.
YSH, you forgot to mention that it depends on the colour of your cock also... If got gold cock, then the girl will even pay you to blow you!!! :p
Prime Time
12-04-2007, 02:19 AM
Greetings to all Samsterss
Im already out of moderation :D . hehehe.. I wanted to post a FR on a escort service i recently used. Should i start a new thread?? Dont flame me la.. im such a newbie.. heheh
I manage to get the hp of this escort ar.. and just 1 picture. To senior samsters, advice me on whether to start a new thread or not..
Thanks a lot.
If its a one off FR, then can post it under - KL After Dusk thread.
If you intend to use this service every week and provide FRs then you can start a new thread. The choice is yours.
13-04-2007, 11:00 AM
Just bringing this thread up to the top.:cool:
14-04-2007, 02:08 AM
Hi Every1, just a few questions that i hope some1 can help me out with.
I'll be staying Mandarin Oriental City Center Kuala Lumpur.
Where could i find good HC / MP that is walking distance of hotel that provide full service. :p
Also are there any bars near hotel where i could pick up a girl ST and to go with her to her place as i will not be able to take any1 back to hotel room. :eek:
14-04-2007, 11:45 AM
..I'll be staying Mandarin Oriental City Center Kuala Lumpur.
Where could i find good HC / MP that is walking distance of hotel that provide full service. :p
Also are there any bars near hotel where i could pick up a girl ST and to go with her to her place as i will not be able to take any1 back to hotel room. ..
Mandarin Oriental is very near to the famous strecth of pubs, bars, discos called Jalan P. Ramlee.
Beach Club, Thai Club, Rum Jungle, Aloha, Nuovo are the few happening joints there. You can find loads of freelancers there waiting to be picked-up. Mostly Phillipinos, Thais and a maybe a few locals (rare). Damage maybe quite high if you're a foreigner. They may even quote you till RM1,000 per shot which is way toooo high. Negotiate. For your info, a "full package" in a HC (Health Center) normally costs around RM220.
However, you'll need to check with them about going to their place. Most of them will only go to YOUR hotel room and not the other way round. Check with them. Alternatively, you can check into the nearest hotel there, namely Concorde Hotel beside Hard Rock Cafe. Rates per nite.. below RM200. A cheaper alternative will be Cabana Inn beside Thai Club.
As for HC, you can walk past Thai Club and then Nuovo on your left arriving on a set of traffic lights. Turn left without crossing the lights. Now, you'll see a big building on your left. It's called Life Center. Use the escalator and you'll find Spa De Palace. You can do a search here and read more about this HC.
Cabana Inn has a HC itself. You may wanna try it out.
Welcome to Malaysia. Have fun.
Cheers. :)
14-04-2007, 03:01 PM
I will be coming to KL in the first week of May. Was wondering if any KL brothers kind enough to accompany me to Sunshine :D .
15-04-2007, 02:09 AM
Dear bros,
I am making an official trip to KL end April and current plan will be putting up at Sunway Lagoon. The questions I have is that is there any HC to chiong at Sunway Lagoon area.
Next, I have heard friends talking about Sunshine Spa and have read the thread so my next question is that how far from Sunway Lagoon by Taxi? Is there a average hotel near Sunshine Spa?
Thank you very much for your help in the above questions.
15-04-2007, 03:07 AM
Mandarin Oriental is very near to the famous strecth of pubs, bars, discos called Jalan P. Ramlee.
Beach Club, Thai Club, Rum Jungle, Aloha, Nuovo are the few happening joints there. You can find loads of freelancers there waiting to be picked-up. Mostly Phillipinos, Thais and a maybe a few locals (rare). Damage maybe quite high if you're a foreigner. They may even quote you till RM1,000 per shot which is way toooo high. Negotiate. For your info, a "full package" in a HC (Health Center) normally costs around RM220.
However, you'll need to check with them about going to their place. Most of them will only go to YOUR hotel room and not the other way round. Check with them. Alternatively, you can check into the nearest hotel there, namely Concorde Hotel beside Hard Rock Cafe. Rates per nite.. below RM200. A cheaper alternative will be Cabana Inn beside Thai Club.
As for HC, you can walk past Thai Club and then Nuovo on your left arriving on a set of traffic lights. Turn left without crossing the lights. Now, you'll see a big building on your left. It's called Life Center. Use the escalator and you'll find Spa De Palace. You can do a search here and read more about this HC.
Cabana Inn has a HC itself. You may wanna try it out.
Welcome to Malaysia. Have fun.
Cheers. :)
CibLover, thank's for the info . Did a search on Spa De Palace and it look's like it's gone downhill, but im not going to KL untill Oct and things might pick up by then.
Cheers :cool:
15-04-2007, 03:29 AM
Bros, I got a question regarding the points system I dont seem to find in any of the other FAQ's around here..
Whenever I want to return a point to someone who has given me any, I often run into the problem that there is day limit on the last entry that person has done to give approval.
I therefor have to search for other more recent posts by this person in other threads to give vote back and as you can see, quite difficult sometimes.
So my questing (or request maybe even) is, wouldnt it be possible to approve someone of a post merely by going into their profile and pick that little icon. Seems to me its not there (but maybe i'm seriously blind) :D
15-04-2007, 08:55 AM
I will be coming to KL in the first week of May. Was wondering if any KL brothers kind enough to accompany me to Sunshine :D .Drop a PM to any of the bros here and if time and schedule permits, going down to SS should not be a problem.:D
15-04-2007, 08:58 AM
I am making an official trip to KL end April and current plan will be putting up at Sunway Lagoon. The questions I have is that is there any HC to chiong at Sunway Lagoon area.
Next, I have heard friends talking about Sunshine Spa and have read the thread so my next question is that how far from Sunway Lagoon by Taxi? Is there a average hotel near Sunshine Spa?There is a HC within the Sunway area but I heard that it is rather expensive.
SS is located behind Times Square. There is a official taxi service at Sunway but the average cost would be about RM35 one-way. As for cost of hotels around Times Square, I not very sure.:o
15-04-2007, 09:10 AM
Bros, I got a question regarding the points system I dont seem to find in any of the other FAQ's around here..
Whenever I want to return a point to someone who has given me any, I often run into the problem that there is day limit on the last entry that person has done to give approval.
I therefor have to search for other more recent posts by this person in other threads to give vote back and as you can see, quite difficult sometimes.
So my questing (or request maybe even) is, wouldnt it be possible to approve someone of a post merely by going into their profile and pick that little icon. Seems to me its not there (but maybe i'm seriously blind) :DBro, as long as you know the nick of the person, you can just do a "Search". Click on the "Search" button and you will see "Advance Search". Click on that and it will bring you to another panel.
Look to the right and you will see a box where you can type in the user name. As the same time, scroll down and you will see a box that is "Show results as either threads or posts". Change it to "posts" and click search.
The system will then show you the person's latest posts. Take note that any post longer than 48 hrs is no more valid. You got to wait till the person post again.
The other option would be to find the person's icon and click on it. You will see one colume that shows "Find all posts by ........". Click on that and you can also see all the posts made by that person. However you got to remember in which thread this person has posted before in order to find his icon. For people who do not post everyday, the first option would be faster.:cool:
15-04-2007, 06:47 PM
Dear bros,
I am making an official trip to KL end April and current plan will be putting up at Sunway Lagoon. The questions I have is that is there any HC to chiong at Sunway Lagoon area
The SPA inside Sunway Hotel is called Oasis SPA. You can have massage service + extra services (HJ, BJ & FJ) but at high expenses.
The SPA inside Piramid Towel is closed now.
Or else you can go to the shoplots business area just opposite to Sunway Piramid Shopping Mall main Entrance (direction as shown by the big "Lion Head"). Walking distance only. There are 2 inns...Oscar (opposite Projet Petrol Station) & Romeo (near McD....but not the Sun Inn opposite McD) ....Oscar only got PRC....while Romeo might have other races besides PRC...use the lift to get into the will be greeted by OKT and he'll lead you from mirroring room to room. Damage RM198 for FJ only. There is MP in there area also.
16-04-2007, 03:45 AM
Bro Shiok1968
Thanx for the help and tips, favour returned ;)
16-04-2007, 11:38 AM
guys i'm new at this scene and i was wondering if there is someone who could accompany me to health spas...if can just pm me, thanks!
19-04-2007, 09:36 AM
Just bringing this thread up to page 1 again.:D
19-04-2007, 02:45 PM
Bro Shiok1968,
C from ya post wif Bro KTL, n got 2 know this place. Just offhand n curious tis place is like those old 1970/80s bar deco setting type? N inside very very dark???
One more thing, U know how old r tis MILF? Ant estimate range guesses? Thank you in advance4 fulfilling my curiosity!
19-04-2007, 03:06 PM
Bro Shiok1968,
C from ya post wif Bro KTL, n got 2 know this place. Just offhand n curious tis place is like those old 1970/80s bar deco setting type? N inside very very dark???
One more thing, U know how old r tis MILF? Ant estimate range guesses? Thank you in advance4 fulfilling my curiosity!
Whoa, Bro jj .......... I didn't know that you are also interested in ' lao jiaos ' !
They may look like this :-
19-04-2007, 03:16 PM
Whoa, Bro jj .......... I didn't know that you are also interested in ' [COLOR="Magenta"]lao jiaos ' !
Just curious y the KL bros dun quite enjoy such place. Can oso update knowledge mah.
Actually if come to BJ using mouth than the feeling should b the same feeling rite?? Whether she SYT, she MILF, she LB or even he a man???
But if laojiao without teeth liao then mayb different feel liao! Maybe got more suction without teeth hindrance. :D
19-04-2007, 03:43 PM
Actually if come to BJ using mouth than the feeling should b the same feeling rite?? Whether she SYT, she MILF, she LB or even he a man???
Bro jj,
Must really salute you ! ......... Give that man a Tiger !
You experienced BBBJ by LadyBoy and man before ??? :confused:
19-04-2007, 05:03 PM
hey... all tai ko here. i am newbie in this forum.
use to play around in kl area n bs site. now feel bored in this two place.
now seeking a new place to go.
i like ONS not becouse of FOC. is that i take it as a challenge, in this month i already get 3gals :D some times bet with friends also can save drinking $ too.
Feel bored is that b cos 60% my friends dun like nite live (some control by the woman ):mad:
i can see all tai ko here sometime also got gethering TCSS.
will like to join u all. but how to contact and how to sharing the bill ??
is it have to pay joing fee???
19-04-2007, 05:09 PM
hey... all tai ko here. i am newbie in this forum.
use to play around in kl area n bs site. now feel bored in this two place.
now seeking a new place to go.
i like ONS not becouse of FOC. is that i take it as a challenge, in this month i already get 3gals :D some times bet with friends also can save drinking $ too.
Feel bored is that b cos 60% my friends dun like nite live (some control by the woman ):mad:
i can see all tai ko here sometime also got gethering TCSS.
will like to join u all. but how to contact and how to sharing the bill ??
is it have to pay joing fee???
19-04-2007, 05:25 PM
Next, I have heard friends talking about Sunshine Spa and have read the thread so my next question is that how far from Sunway Lagoon by Taxi? Is there a average hotel near Sunshine Spa?
Sunway Lagoon is in Selangor whereas Sunshine is right in the heart of KL. Considering that cab fares start at RM2.30, bro Shiok's estimate of RM35 (one way) will tell you how far away it is!
Hmm, if you can stay in Sunway Lagoon, I'm sure you can afford better than "an average hotel" right? Times Square itself has a hotel. Accross the road, there's Melia and Park Royal (all considered 4*). There are a few more like Coronade and Royale Bintang that are 3* and a whole lot more 2* ones along Bukit Bintang.
19-04-2007, 05:47 PM
i can see all tai ko here sometime also got gethering TCSS.
will like to join u all. but how to contact and how to sharing the bill ??
is it have to pay joing fee???
PM us your contact number, we will call you. We aint no any gangster or OKT...So we dont make money out of brother!!!!! No worry!!!:)
19-04-2007, 06:05 PM
i can see all tai ko here sometime also got gethering TCSS.
will like to join u all. but how to contact and how to sharing the bill ??
is it have to pay joing fee???
Haha, what bro Gorken said is true. This is not an association (triad or otherwise) so no "joining fee". (Bro Gorken, you should also have mentioned that this is not Hatyai, where some bro gets commission!!)
You just pay for whatever drink or food you have. It is just a social gathering to meet up, talk cock and share lobangs...
20-04-2007, 08:23 AM
Bro Shiok1968,
C from ya post wif Bro KTL, n got 2 know this place. Just offhand n curious tis place is like those old 1970/80s bar deco setting type? N inside very very dark???
One more thing, U know how old r tis MILF? Ant estimate range guesses? Thank you in advance4 fulfilling my curiosity!Bro jjmyarea, you are correct about the setting as well as the fact that it is damn dark inside esp Butterfly. When you first go in, make sure you follow the guy holding the torchlight. Your eyes can only adjust to the darkness after about 15 mins.
As for the MILFs, they can range from early 30s to those in their 50s.:eek:
Butterfly have much less gals as compared to Great Wall cos it is much smaller in size. Great Wall is about the same size as Sakura in JB and they should have about 20 gals on a normal day.
As to why the KL bros dun go to these 2 places is bcos there are other places like this but with much younger PRC and Viet gals. However due to constant strong wind in KL, the owners of these joints are very careful with their customers. I have been to quite a few with the KL bros but dun ask me for the addresses cos even I dun know. I only follow the crowd.:p
20-04-2007, 10:52 AM
As to why the KL bros dun go to these 2 places is bcos there are other places like this but with much younger PRC and Viet gals. However due to constant strong wind in KL, the owners of these joints are very careful with their customers. I have been to quite a few with the KL bros but dun ask me for the addresses cos even I dun know. I only follow the crowd.:p
Some people like "hot hot & spicy" type mal fav food - NASI LEMAK!!! :D
20-04-2007, 11:25 AM
Some people like "hot hot & spicy" type mal fav food - NASI LEMAK!!! :D
if u really like nasi lemak , u can go one place call BiSik:D
that site girls ezy to pick n really can make u high !!!!
near by Ampang park!!
20-04-2007, 11:38 AM
Some people like "hot hot & spicy" type mal fav food - NASI LEMAK!!! :D
if u really like nasi lemak , u can go one place call BiSik:D
that site girls ezy to pick n really can make u high !!!!
near by Ampang park!!
22-04-2007, 12:17 PM
hi mixmike1975,
hows the damage like?
bisik is wat that type of place? pub? restaurant?
22-04-2007, 01:51 PM
Any bro's want to buy Magix Natural Enhancer , i want to sell as i have about 20 pcs ... :D
After selling than got $ to go gathering with you bro's , so please buy from me ... :o
24-04-2007, 04:33 PM
Bro jjmyarea, you are correct about the setting as well as the fact that it is damn dark inside esp Butterfly. When you first go in, make sure you follow the guy holding the torchlight. Your eyes can only adjust to the darkness after about 15 mins.
Thanks 4 the infor bro. As long as not holding his didid is ok.:D
N just 2 help u, bring the thread up!:D
25-04-2007, 01:30 AM
hi guys, i would like to ask about TCSS gatherings.
TCSS gatherings no limitations on age? maybe 19year olds or 25year olds not allowed coz too young (compared to other guys). how about race? wats the damage is like for gatherings?
i'm also assuming one does not need have own transport to come? coz if it's late, balik can naik taxi? or it is not safe to take taxi?
25-04-2007, 08:08 AM
hi guys, i would like to ask about TCSS gatherings.
TCSS gatherings no limitations on age? maybe 19year olds or 25year olds not allowed coz too young (compared to other guys). how about race? wats the damage is like for gatherings?
i'm also assuming one does not need have own transport to come? coz if it's late, balik can naik taxi? or it is not safe to take taxi?Many thanks to bro jjmyarea for supporting this thread.
As for the above question, there is no age nor race limits for our TCSS gatherings. As long as you dun mind meeting up and exchange lobangs about the places to cheong, then you are most welcum to join us. :D
Most gatherings are held at either coffeeshops or joints like Starbucks and Coffebean. Damage is normally what you spend on yourself. As for the after programmes, it will depend on whether we proceed to a HC or just find a place to drink. Cost will range from RM50 for drinking only and RM200 for bonking at HC.
All the KL bros that I know drive. The only exception is myself cos no money to buy car. All spent on drinking and bonking.:p However I have very good bros who are willing to either pick me up or send me home. As mentioned before the KL guys are really very friendly people despite all the controversies about them bullying newbies. The last option would be to just take a taxi as they are quite safe.
25-04-2007, 08:46 AM
All the KL bros that I know drive. The only exception is myself cos no money to buy car. All spent on drinking and bonking.:p However I have very good bros who are willing to either pick me up or send me home. As mentioned before the KL guys are really very friendly people despite all the controversies about them bullying newbies. The last option would be to just take a taxi as they are quite safe.
I only know the reason why he do not drive. He is a obedient Singaporean who follow the rule strictly.
That is :
Do not drink and drive :D
25-04-2007, 12:12 PM
I only know the reason why he do not drive. He is a obedient Singaporean who follow the rule strictly.
That is :
Do not drink and drive :D
Bro not only this reason lah!!! exspecailly in KL n cheras area, got alots of road block, no reason paying them buying kopi-O, better keep $ in my pocket paying everything (transport fee, drink n bonking ):cool:
25-04-2007, 01:33 PM
I only know the reason why he (shiok1968) do not drive. He is a obedient Singaporean who follow the rule strictly.
That is :
Do not drink and drive
His horny upright didi always is in the way of his driving wheel, so very difficult 2 steer so better not drive.:D
yes! Safer 4 us road passenger n for his didi. After break how?:D
25-04-2007, 04:38 PM
All the KL bros that I know drive. The only exception is myself cos no money to buy car. All spent on drinking and bonking.:p However I have very good bros who are willing to either pick me up or send me home. As mentioned before the KL guys are really very friendly people despite all the controversies about them bullying newbies. The last option would be to just take a taxi as they are quite safe.
I think no $ because he lost too much money playing mahjong lah. Ended up concentrating on other things and not the mahjong tiles... kekeke :D
26-04-2007, 08:03 PM
my thanks to shiok1968. i do not drive too, no money buy car :D so i'm planning to take public transport to meeting place and then leave by taxi. i am very new to er, bonking world. a friend of mine introduced me to this website. i didn;t know that many HCs and hotels in kl are actually bonking places lol. esp green elephant @ sg wang.....always passby there but never had a clue was a bonking place! but i read from forum that it's a run down place.
really interested to find out more about this...unique malaysian lifestyle.
so i pass my contact number to gorken by pm? looking foward to learn A-Z from exprienced kakis :)
27-04-2007, 08:25 AM
so i pass my contact number to gorken by pm? looking foward to learn A-Z from exprienced kakis :)Yup, just pass your contact via PM to bro Gorken and he will sms you the meeting place and timing for the TCSS this mon nite. I will not be able to attend this TCSS due to work commitments but I am sure you will enjoy meeting up with the rest of the KL bros.:D
27-04-2007, 09:44 AM
I get it....wait for my sms on that day :)
27-04-2007, 05:58 PM
I get it....wait for my sms on that day :)
Can do another TCSS in the week of 3rd-11th May ar? Coz will only be there during tat period.....:p ...
Many tnx..
29-04-2007, 01:06 PM
Sorry Bro...I'm here now..hehe...
30-04-2007, 08:41 AM
Can do another TCSS in the week of 3rd-11th May ar? Coz will only be there during tat period.....:p ...
Many tnx..Do not worry cos we will have our own mini TCSS when you are down. KLKOOL will be in KL till 6th of May and I will be back on 2nd. We can even meet up on the 3rd depending on what time you reach.:D
01-05-2007, 12:49 AM
Do not worry cos we will have our own mini TCSS when you are down. KLKOOL will be in KL till 6th of May and I will be back on 2nd. We can even meet up on the 3rd depending on what time you reach.:D
Thanks.I'll be in PJ early morning on the 3rd but will only be free after work about 6pm.C u guys then.
01-05-2007, 01:29 AM
Thanks.I'll be in PJ early morning on the 3rd but will only be free after work about 6pm.C u guys then.
U still have my number boh ???
01-05-2007, 05:46 PM
Can do another TCSS in the week of 3rd-11th May ar? Coz will only be there during tat period.....:p ...
Many tnx..
Lai those KL top farkers....they will call me to join you all :D
01-05-2007, 07:03 PM
hey guys
I was wondering, if i do marry my PRC gf (holding PRC China passport and Australian PR ) , Will she be able to obtain Msian citizenship if she gives up her China citizenship?? I read thru the immigration website and could find any shit on this.
thanks bros..
fren, u r goin 2 b my idol soon...anyway sorry 2 let u know that a PRC wif Aust. PR wont help much in order 2 becum Msian citizen. u hav to go tru lots of hassle wif d immi. dept. & she wont b getting it either...anyway u can apply 4 d foreign spouse visa in order for her to stay longer each time...then slowly wait lor, like waiting to strike a lottery or 4d:)
01-05-2007, 11:27 PM
U still have my number boh ???
Sure got lah...How can someone lost such an important number...
Bro shiok dun worry I have yours too....ehehehe
Will sms u all after my trainings but pls let me know which day is suitable for u all...tnx
02-05-2007, 08:28 AM
Will sms u all after my trainings but pls let me know which day is suitable for u all...tnxThurs the 3rd is actually the best cos I will be going back to SG on the 4th and coming back again to KL on the 6th. KLKOOL will be going back to GZ on the 6th so looks like this thurs would be the best time to meet up provided you can make it.:D
03-05-2007, 05:15 PM
haih bro....
so...if she marries me..will she 100% get the foreign spouse visa? .. and how many years will she need to wait to get citizenship? (or is it easier to kena 4D than for her to get citizenship?)
yes...foreign spouse visa is not a problem as long as her record is clean in Msia. then maybe after 5 yrs if i m not mistaken, can only apply for citizen...80% cant get. (real experience) but then dunno what will happen la in d future...or u get to know someone who can help. i think kena 4d is much faster/easier than waiting fo d PR...unless for those wrap head from those warp head countries..(no offense)
03-05-2007, 09:56 PM
fren, u r goin 2 b my idol soon...anyway sorry 2 let u know that a PRC wif Aust. PR wont help much in order 2 becum Msian citizen. u hav to go tru lots of hassle wif d immi. dept. & she wont b getting it either...anyway u can apply 4 d foreign spouse visa in order for her to stay longer each time...then slowly wait lor, like waiting to strike a lottery or 4d:)
My opinion is for PRC to become an Aussie first before becoming Msia PR. I am sure becoming Aussie is much better if she does not want to return to PRC .. at least she get all the benefits being Aussie. I gathered you have to register yr marriage locally first before Msia immigration dept considers ... etc ie genuine marriage to avoid all hassles here and there. Marriage is a big step so be warned ..:)
04-05-2007, 10:17 AM
My opinion is for PRC to become an Aussie first before becoming Msia PR. I am sure becoming Aussie is much better if she does not want to return to PRC .. :)
hahaha...aussie can also return to PRC mah.....anyway, no comments on this...bro Melb, go migrate to d kangaroo land la...go for d illegal WL;) ...
04-05-2007, 05:43 PM
Hi there..newbie here. Sorry to divert topic from PRC migration back to bonking & cheong-ing :D . Was just wondering if anyone has tried the new hotel in Seri Petaling? I went to Pea** P**nt along OKR a long time ago but was not able to get info on the bonking. My cantonese is very poor so much so I'm afraid that I might end up insulting some one instead of chatting.
08-05-2007, 01:14 PM
Hi there..newbie here. Sorry to divert topic from PRC migration back to bonking & cheong-ing :D . Was just wondering if anyone has tried the new hotel in Seri Petaling? I went to Pea** P**nt along OKR a long time ago but was not able to get info on the bonking.
fren, SP got no new hotel, 1 is hotel SP another is budget inn...what to try there? room is ok la...
10-05-2007, 12:20 PM
Just bringing this thread up to page 1 again.
Please make good use of it.:cool:
15-05-2007, 09:12 PM
A very good day to all bro's, have been browsing through the pages and noticed there's very little review on Damansara, places like Royale Bintang Hotel at the Curve, Club President in Damansara Jaya. Any bro's have fun at those joints?
18-05-2007, 01:06 AM
A very good day to all bro's, have been browsing through the pages and noticed there's very little review on Damansara, places like Royale Bintang Hotel at the Curve, Club President in Damansara Jaya. Any bro's have fun at those joints?
I think President was mentioned in the KTV thread before and thought we were supposed to go recce?? Me KTV newbie so need someone to bring me hor :D
18-05-2007, 11:59 AM
hey bro i also very new to the scenes.also looking for partners to go have fun with.
18-05-2007, 01:29 PM
Well bros not exactly a newbie but can be considered a newbie in the malaysian JB scene, dunno where to post my query so trying here:p
Any brudder here can help in providing some info for JB, been looking for young malaysian chinese like 17 to 20 years old in the usual massage parlours but no success, most of them are above 21 years old, is this a legal requirement there??
Apologies if this question has been asked before but just have the fetish for schoolgals-type of look especially if the gal is petite and cute.......there were some in the past at Jing Mei Ren but it seems they have closed down quite some time...:(
Thank you so much for reading.
Cheerios brudders...........Snipeshot08
18-05-2007, 01:50 PM
Well bros not exactly a newbie but can be considered a newbie in the malaysian JB scene, dunno where to post my query so trying here:p
Any brudder here can help in providing some info for JB, been looking for young malaysian chinese like 17 to 20 years old in the usual massage parlours but no success, most of them are above 21 years old, is this a legal requirement there??Well hopefully the JB bros will read this thread and provide you with some details.
As for the KL scene, also never notice young Malaysian chinese in MP or HCs. Young PRCs and Indo chicks have but not the local YTFs.:D
6" boy
18-05-2007, 03:16 PM
Any brudder here can help in providing some info for JB, been looking for young malaysian chinese like 17 to 20 years old in the usual massage parlours but no success, most of them are above 21 years old, is this a legal requirement there??
Sorry to dissapoint you... as far as I am concern, JB don't have 17-20 SYT working in MP. The youngest would be around 27-28, which you may find in Tenet MP in Jalan Anggerik, Tmn Johor Jaya. I know how to go but don't know the full address.
18-05-2007, 04:58 PM
Sorry to dissapoint you... as far as I am concern, JB don't have 17-20 SYT working in MP. The youngest would be around 27-28, which you may find in Tenet MP in Jalan Anggerik, Tmn Johor Jaya. I know how to go but don't know the full address.
23-26 still can find in Tenet MP but definitely not 17-20. There's one gal I think no 11 age abt 25 but got school gal look, petite. But a bit sianzz 4 those who mind WL doing some QC check on ye didi.
But you have 2 undertsand lar.. WL in such MP have no chance 2 bath you properly so they just double check whether u done a good job b4 the session begin.
22-05-2007, 10:08 PM
First visit to KL this week and I have some questions. I've searched the forums, but haven't been able to find the answers.
Mostly looking for TCSS and some raba raba, but maybe more. Where to go? Any good places for Caucasians outside the Golden Triangle clubs, Beach Club, Thai Bar, Rum Jungle, etc.? Which KTVs are most Anglo and English friendly? Do Caucasians get charged more in KL like in GL? Finally what are PUDU bars and what does LSB mean?
Sorry if these have been answered. Thanks to all bros for understanding.
23-05-2007, 01:52 AM
First visit to KL this week and I have some questions. I've searched the forums, but haven't been able to find the answers.
Mostly looking for TCSS and some raba raba, but maybe more. Where to go?
Well, for TCSS you can always join us for the gathering on the 31st - look in the nearby thread for the combined samster gathering in KL :) I'm sure alot of your queries can also be answered by that experienced bunch of people - us newbees are welcomed as well..
As to your question about charges, I dont think "we" are beeing charged much different. But my take on it i'd rather live in happy bliss now knowing what others pay :D
23-05-2007, 05:11 AM
Well, for TCSS you can always join us for the gathering on the 31st -
Thanks for the invite, but we'll only be there a couple of days. Maybe next time.
23-05-2007, 10:19 AM
Mostly looking for TCSS and some raba raba, but maybe more. Where to go? Any good places for Caucasians outside the Golden Triangle clubs, Beach Club, Thai Bar, Rum Jungle, etc.? Which KTVs are most Anglo and English friendly? Do Caucasians get charged more in KL like in GL? Finally what are PUDU bars and what does LSB mean?
Sorry if these have been answered. Thanks to all bros for understanding.For Caucasians, it would be better and safer if you guys stick to the places mentioned above. These are the places where you can get your choice of pinoys and thais for a agreed price. Just make sure that the gal you choose is a complete real babe and not one in disguise.:eek:
As for being charged more, it will be very normal. It will all depend on what price you are comfortable with. Please note that the later it is, the cheaper will be the price. This is bcos those gals that are still around will naturally be desperate for business. However the quality of these gals will also naturally be much more inferior.
LSB (Lap Sa Bar) are places where only the locals will go. These places are actually pubs with very dim lights and gals who will sit with you for a tip. These are the places where you can raba raba and very likely get a hj or bj on the spot depending on the tip you are willing to offer. Not recommended for non locals.
Since you have done your homework, then you would have read about the HCs in KL like SDP, Sky River and Saboon. You might want to consider paying a visit to these places cos these places will be a good way to spend your time esp in the aft. I am not sure if they charge higher for foreigners but you can always inquire at the entrance. For locals, the rates are between RM198 and RM228 for a full package.
Cheers and have a nice time in KL.:cool:
27-05-2007, 11:51 AM
Just bringing this thread to Page one again. Please make good use of it.:cool:
27-05-2007, 12:54 PM
Just bringing this thread to Page one again. Please make good use of it.:cool:
SSH so free and guai meh ? :D
28-05-2007, 01:24 PM
hi also a newbie here to the scene..i wld actaully be goin down to kl in the next few daes n wld be putting up at federal hotel.. i ve read the thread abt eluxe in federal but it seems rather outdated....wld any bros care to enlighten me abt good places for massage n hj or more near federal..or preferably the scene at deluxe now? and what is the procedure when u go into a hc in kl? thnks alot
28-05-2007, 06:14 PM
good places for massage n hj or more near federal..or preferably the scene at deluxe now? and what is the procedure when u go into a hc in kl? thnks alot
Why settle for HJ when you can have FJ ??? :p . Procedure is just walk in with money, the Capt will handle the rest. Federal rates are 230 and 260. Have some special rates 388, 500, supposedly models. You can try if you like.
Nearby (if u dun mind walk) is Skyriver, behind KL Plaza. A nice place to get PRC. Damage is RM 218. (if i remember)
28-05-2007, 08:24 PM
hi thanks for the reply...was juz wonderin if the rates differ for hj bj etc,... and also juz another qn..will we be allowed to use the facilites also or is it straight into the massage and action? thnks!!
29-05-2007, 03:29 PM
since this is newbie questioning here, just wonder any 1 hv log-out problem? i do hv. everytime i log out it stop half way when i log-in again it show i never log out..i miss something?
29-05-2007, 03:50 PM
Hi Guys, i'm new here but really interested in this KL happening all of u talking abt...btw i was just back from KL & the place i cheong (with KL
friend) is quite happening but wow the price my friend pay (jaw drop)
any bros here can recomend something like <1k place to cheong (but of
course must have meimei to hug..hahahaha)
29-05-2007, 04:28 PM
hi bros anyone knows where 2 haf fun in jb? thx in adv
29-05-2007, 09:12 PM
any bro know abt 'air lalat' ? mind to let me this newbie whr can get it? >.<
29-05-2007, 09:18 PM
Hi Guys, i'm new here but really interested in this KL happening all of u talking abt...btw i was just back from KL & the place i cheong (with KL
friend) is quite happening but wow the price my friend pay (jaw drop)
any bros here can recomend something like <1k place to cheong (but of
course must have meimei to hug..hahahaha)
You referring to KTV or HC ???
29-05-2007, 09:19 PM
hi thanks for the reply...was juz wonderin if the rates differ for hj bj etc,... and also juz another qn..will we be allowed to use the facilites also or is it straight into the massage and action? thnks!!
There are different kind of packages and places. The ones FF1 rec are HCs, means full service.
29-05-2007, 09:21 PM
any bro know abt 'air lalat' ? mind to let me this newbie whr can get it? >.<
WTF is air lalat ??? Spanish Fly ??? If you need this help to get some, then u r sad and pathetic :mad:
30-05-2007, 07:43 AM
Any bro know of a FL called Peggy from Puchong. Would appreciate if anyone could PM me her contact. Many thanx and I got 2 FL (NL) to exchange :D
30-05-2007, 01:29 PM
Many thanx and I got 2 FL (NL) to exchange :D
If you wanna share, then share, not a good idea to ask for exchange, unless u like to see red :p
30-05-2007, 01:38 PM
If you wanna share, then share, not a good idea to ask for exchange, unless u like to see red :p
agree... share willingly , just hate trade
30-05-2007, 01:55 PM
any bro know abt 'air lalat' ? mind to let me this newbie whr can get it? >.<
wait let me go check my dog poo see got any air lalat or not... how many litres you want? 1 litre RM1,000 only! hur hur hur
30-05-2007, 05:23 PM
HELP!...which ktv/lsb/underground joint can drink & fuck as early as 12pm? kindly PM me...reward awaits;)
31-05-2007, 01:11 AM
WTF is air lalat ??? Spanish Fly ??? If you need this help to get some, then u r sad and pathetic :mad:
newbie far my gal let me petting,but furhter,she scare ma..
spanish fly? i heard b4,but i heard that got 1things is air lalat,but duno is spanish fly or not..any bro can guide me?:(
31-05-2007, 03:03 AM
Wahh... Dota hero also get horny already~
31-05-2007, 09:54 AM
hi thanks for the reply...was juz wonderin if the rates differ for hj bj etc,... and also juz another qn..will we be allowed to use the facilites also or is it straight into the massage and action? thnks!!The full package will include everything and you can use the facilities before going for the massage.:)
31-05-2007, 10:00 AM
spanish fly? i heard b4,but i heard that got 1things is air lalat,but duno is spanish fly or not..any bro can guide me?:(
go to jln pasar...the guy hav the complete set of whatever fly related guidelines for dummies:D
31-05-2007, 12:07 PM
HELP!...which ktv/lsb/underground joint can drink & fuck as early as 12pm? kindly PM me...reward awaits;)
Ur request hard to fulfill leh. U already afternoon KING , if you dunno, then who know le :confused:
31-05-2007, 12:09 PM
go to jln pasar...the guy hav the complete set of whatever fly related guidelines for dummies:D
Any pasar also have LALAT... hehehe... and where there is LALAT, there is air lalat...
01-06-2007, 09:51 AM
ask for help,then joke like this..aiyo..i not sure is air lalat or wat water..they said got sell at disco but i cant find it out.. :confused:
01-06-2007, 10:04 AM
ask for help,then joke like this..aiyo..
fren this is NO JOKE!, i gerenti u can get the wuying sui at jln pasar...ofcoz cheaper than disco price la..., but what u gona do with that? spike someone's drink? think again my fren...:cool:
01-06-2007, 10:09 AM
Ur request hard to fulfill leh. U already afternoon KING , if you dunno, then who know le :confused:
correct lor...i think no such places...if not sure i know :D
01-06-2007, 02:05 PM
HELP!...which ktv/lsb/underground joint can drink & fuck as early as 12pm? kindly PM me...reward awaits
if i'm not wrong most of the SUN PLAZA KTV open as early as 3pm...:)
Rodimus Prime
01-06-2007, 04:12 PM
.....which ktv/lsb/underground joint can drink & fuck as early as 12pm? kindly PM me...reward awaits.
if i'm not wrong most of the SUN PLAZA KTV open as early as 3pm........
Shifu DD,
His timing why different with your requirements, geh??? Like this got reward or not??
If like this also got, then I recommend you a place that starts at 2.59pm!! Tak mou?? Reward me horr... :rolleyes: :D
01-06-2007, 05:09 PM
if i'm not wrong most of the SUN PLAZA KTV open as early as 3pm...
fren where is this sun plaza? sun complex ah?
Shifu DD,
If like this also got, then I recommend you a place that starts at 2.59pm!! Tak mou?? Reward me horr... :rolleyes: :D
ei robot...dont pray pray here...go pluck yr green apple
03-06-2007, 10:41 AM
hey guys.. im new bie here. btw i live in perlis. so wheres the nearest places that i can go for cheonging. is there any actions in perlis? or kedah? alor setar? or sungai petani?
03-06-2007, 02:22 PM
fren this is NO JOKE!, i gerenti u can get the wuying sui at jln pasar...ofcoz cheaper than disco price la..., but what u gona do with that? spike someone's drink? think again my fren...:cool:
Try my own n my gf so far v jz petting n further more,v no experience n scare
Prime Time
04-06-2007, 02:09 AM
hey guys.. im new bie here. btw i live in perlis. so wheres the nearest places that i can go for cheonging. is there any actions in perlis? or kedah? alor setar? or sungai petani?
wtf, you are in perlis, just cross the border into Thailand lah :cool:
Prime Time
04-06-2007, 02:12 AM
Try my own n my gf so far v jz petting n further more,v no experience n scare
You sad pathetic person, own girl friend also must use drug to get her to have sex with you meh :confused: go and do research and see what the drug does to a girl.
04-06-2007, 11:14 AM
You sad pathetic person, own girl friend also must use drug to get her to have sex with you meh :confused: go and do research and see what the drug does to a girl.Bro, just ignore this type of loser. Remember your signature.:cool:
04-06-2007, 11:22 AM
Bro, just ignore this type of loser. Remember your signature.:cool:
Yeah. I also ignore. Lucky newbie thread my weapons are on safety,otherwise sure zap his chun toi :cool:
04-06-2007, 06:11 PM
Yeah. I also ignore. Lucky newbie thread my weapons are on safety,otherwise sure zap his chun toi :cool:
I reborn for good. all seniors please take note. Kum Sia! ;)
05-06-2007, 09:41 AM
I reborn for good. all seniors please take note. Kum Sia!
And who were you previously?? :confused:
You ask the lao jiao (me not one, horr) to take note for what?? :D
05-06-2007, 11:26 AM
I reborn for good. all seniors please take note. Kum Sia! ;)
Pls PM me if want to avoid 'friendly fire' :D
05-06-2007, 03:41 PM
Pls PM me if want to avoid 'friendly fire' :D
simi "friendly fire"? u must take more care on newbie mah. this is newbie thread, me didn't make anything wrong right? ;)
06-06-2007, 11:17 AM
simi "friendly fire"? u must take more care on newbie mah. this is newbie thread, me didn't make anything wrong right? This is a thread for newbies to ask questions and not for someone to announce their arrival. You want to let the world know you exist, then do it in the correct thread. :rolleyes:
Since you indicate that you are reborn then I believe that you have existed in SBF for quite a while already. If still not sure of the rules, then maybe you should read them again.:rolleyes:
06-06-2007, 11:39 AM
This is a thread for newbies to ask questions and not for someone to announce their arrival. You want to let the world know you exist, then do it in the correct thread.
Since you indicate that you are reborn then I believe that you have existed in SBF for quite a while already. If still not sure of the rules, then maybe you should read them again.
Why u ppl keep tekan newbie like me??? :(
BTW, when u will return home huh? jio u la kopi! :D
06-06-2007, 04:43 PM
Why u ppl keep tekan newbie like me??? :
BTW, when u will return home huh? jio u la kopi!
SSH angry leh... he dun like ppl to misuse the thread le :D
Ahh Fatt
07-06-2007, 10:25 AM
SSH angry leh... he dun like ppl to misuse the thread le
well said, cos he is the thread starter and he started this for newbies (like me) to asked stupid questions....not for TCSS and he has been bery bery hardworking protecting and bring this thread up for newbie....
So, dun anyhow come here and li li seow seow......:D
07-06-2007, 11:35 PM
a very noob question here.. please don flame me if i'm wrong or sth..
Is there any place other than SBF where we can get FL contacts?
08-06-2007, 09:57 AM
Yes, there is.
But we will incur the wrath of Sam if we're to give free ad here for them.
Go do a Google search... by the way, how you came to know SBF? :rolleyes:
08-06-2007, 05:41 PM
Yes, there is.
But we will incur the wrath of Sam if we're to give free ad here for them.
Go do a Google search... by the way, how you came to know SBF? :rolleyes:
Boss! u so free today???!!!??? u told me got meeting, actually u go out cheong right? U has been watching long ago!!! :D
09-06-2007, 12:46 PM
Yes, there is.
But we will incur the wrath of Sam if we're to give free ad here for them.
Go do a Google search... by the way, how you came to know SBF?
Word of Mouth, :D
I tried googled a few times but no luck at all, all i get is SBF :D
Maybe can bro pm me one or two to solve my curiousity?
10-06-2007, 02:21 AM
Maybe can bro pm me one or two to solve my curiousity?
The key words are SEX GUIDE ... the rest u figure out ;)
10-06-2007, 07:46 AM
Hi All,
Got a qn to ask JB samster...anyone know where "sanctum" is located??
10-06-2007, 09:22 AM
Hi All,
Got a qn to ask JB samster...anyone know where "sanctum" is located??
if not wrong , is it just near by the new york hotel
last time kena " fire " before
now re-open ?
10-06-2007, 11:19 AM
The key words are SEX GUIDE ... the rest u figure out ;)
thanks bro!!
10-06-2007, 12:12 PM
sorry new here. and dont know much about the industry...
is there a service in malaysia that supplies very high indian girls? and high quality other girls?
how much shoud i expect to pay?
11-06-2007, 09:40 AM
sorry new here. and dont know much about the industry...
is there a service in malaysia that supplies very high indian girls? and high quality other girls?
how much shoud i expect to pay?
Newbies thread rite, i also want to ask..kekekeke......where to find har? i also want to try indian or punjabi......mana ada???
11-06-2007, 12:14 PM
Newbies thread rite, i also want to ask..kekekeke......where to find har? i also want to try indian or punjabi......mana ada???
i dont understand
11-06-2007, 12:24 PM
i dont understand
Ignore Gorken. For high class girls, you will need to contact high class escort agencies and model agencies. If you need to ask for contacts, then you are probably not their target client and could not afford it anyway.
11-06-2007, 12:38 PM there a service in malaysia that supplies very high indian girls? and high quality other girls?....
Err... how high?? 6 foot 11 high or more than 7 foot high?? Or you mean after they take some drugs to get high? :eek:
Yes, you have some places where they have some Indian/Punjabi stocks. I can recall some HCs in Chow Kit area will have some stocks. Check out also Kowloon HC. Also, I recall the HC at Holiday Villa, Subang used to have one or two 'average" WLs of your desire.
As for prices, they range from RM170 to RM230 for full FJ. :cool:
11-06-2007, 12:48 PM
I can recall some HCs in Chow Kit area will have some stocks. Check out also Kowloon HC. Also, I recall the HC at Holiday Villa, Subang used to have one or two 'average" WLs of your desire.
As for prices, they range from RM170 to RM230 for full FJ. :cool:
Wahsai... those qualify for high quality meh ? U will bonk boh ? If not dun recommend le :p
11-06-2007, 12:59 PM
Wahsai... those qualify for high quality meh ? U will bonk boh ? If not dun recommend le ...
That's why I say.. I recall... didn't say I recommend.
Also, I put in inverted commas.. "average". Didn't say high!! :D
Prime Time
11-06-2007, 03:30 PM
the closest think i had to a good bonk was a SS gal; Chinese Indian Mix, but she is MIA now :(
11-06-2007, 03:56 PM
Ignore Gorken.
Dun be like that lar, i am serious one, i wanna try indian or punjabi
Green Goblin
11-06-2007, 03:59 PM
Dun be like that lar, i am serious one, i wanna try indian or punjabi
Try Brickfields or Sentul lah. :rolleyes:
11-06-2007, 04:00 PM
Dun be like that lar, i am serious one, i wanna try indian or punjabi
aiyo... why senior CibLover dun share with u meh? Last time he told me got a few contacts in Chow Kiat leh... hur hur hur ...
Rodimus Prime
11-06-2007, 05:30 PM
Post deleted. Sorry.
11-06-2007, 05:31 PM
Dun be like that lar, i am serious one, i wanna try indian or punjabi
I think Armada got Chapati... Last time bro Sotong tried before :D.
Nbzzz, I thought you supposed to be scout and find lobang for us one? Now you ask us pulak... :rolleyes:
11-06-2007, 10:09 PM
Ignore Gorken. For high class girls, you will need to contact high class escort agencies and model agencies. If you need to ask for contacts, then you are probably not their target client and could not afford it anyway.
i am willing to pay but ive never been with an escort before,
12-06-2007, 09:23 AM
I think Armada got Chapati... Last time bro Sotong tried before :D.
Nbzzz, I thought you supposed to be scout and find lobang for us one? Now you ask us pulak... :rolleyes:
Nbzzz, u think scout know all information all the time meh? Somemore Chapati is something that i never try, so itchy itchy wanna try mar...
12-06-2007, 11:27 AM
Nbzzz, ..., so itchy itchy wanna try mar...
So, tonite we confirm go Russia?? Sms me!! ;)
12-06-2007, 11:32 AM
So, tonite we confirm go Russia?? Sms me!! Tiew....must choose a day that I go back.:rolleyes:
Can pass me the contact first or not? Me and Ah Fatt got time in the afternoon to go and look see look see. Then later you can guess which one I choose. Kekeke.....:p
12-06-2007, 11:34 AM
Okie okie....I myself guilty so better post out first.:o
No more TCSS in this thread please. It is for newbies to gather information so only legitimate questions and answers only.
Thank You all for your co-operation.:cool:
12-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Tiew.......Can pass me the contact first or not? ...Then later you can guess which one I choose. Kekeke.....
Pass you no problem. But you ask Gorken, they don't pick calls that they dun know. So, that's why Gorken lan-lan have to follow me. Kekeke,... :rolleyes:
Opppsss... pai seh!! Sorry!! No more TCSS in here.
12-06-2007, 11:57 AM
[QUOTE=Gorken;2077442]Dun be like that lar, i am serious one, i wanna try indian or punjabi[/QU
there is punjab in mercury u can try as i had b4.cheers
12-06-2007, 12:48 PM
Try Brickfields or Sentul lah. :rolleyes:
Brickfields and Sentul is the REJECT SHOP for chicks it indian, punjabi or any other race for that matter!
I remember that some of the high class ppl use a certain escort agency which is actually quite high profile here taht had some real Indian stunners...I must appologize that the name of the place slips my is an outcall service and prices range from 1000 per shot... so unless you are as rich as a certain political is not advisable la...
other indian chicks that i have seen is one at PJ De Inn...she was cute (not necesarry high quality) but petite and HUGE knockers...i saw her 2 years ago but i don see her there anymore...
I do not know if there are any punjabi whores other than my ex-girfiend but thats a different story la... ;)
any more info will be interesting for me too...
12-06-2007, 01:06 PM
One man's meat is another men's poison.
I hear some more adventurous bros getting good deals in Brickfields and the gals weren't too bad either.
You do get some who are down and out but I guess now and then you can get some ok ones.
12-06-2007, 01:30 PM
I was asking a friend on the escort agencies that actors and high posts ppl use...he was telling me that the OKT wont layan anyone that they dont its very hard to get into that circle...
another service is the silver star escort service (they have a website!! search it or pm me) which offers some nice looking indian chicks as well...they also have part time models and stuff but i really donno how far this is true...eva escorts as well do some hot ones but donno their rates...the best part is these are all in the YELLOW PAGES...:eek:
their prices are a bit up market but i guess someone might give it a shot la...for me i am more of an incall person...
dathinman: you are right first ever cheong session was there and it scared me for life i guess...i was young and gullible and my friends took me there...when i rounded the area...i was thinking its gonna be some stunners but all i saw was aunties and some serious factory outlet merchandise...i ran and ran but could not get away...i chose one taht was ok looking but service was damn i decided to stay away...
but i guess that some guys can get some gems there and to be fair, if you can find a gem there...i guess its worth it la...
but i pay peanuts, you get monkeys...imho anyways...
thank you,
12-06-2007, 01:37 PM
arloo bros...
i'm a newbie here... was wondering where is all the local gals? Seems to me PRC's is more accesible to obtain but not local chinese. Locals eventually fm my point of view is more frenly
pls help :confused:
12-06-2007, 03:35 PM
one last question. it might sound a bit stupid. if i pay for a girl overnight. what does that mean? and how many time can we do it?
Green Goblin
12-06-2007, 04:02 PM
one last question. it might sound a bit stupid. if i pay for a girl overnight. what does that mean? and how many time can we do it?
Means the girl will spend the night with you. As for how many time, u ask the girl la ;)
12-06-2007, 04:35 PM
Pass you no problem. But you ask Gorken, they don't pick calls that they dun know. So, that's why Gorken lan-lan have to follow me. Kekeke,... :rolleyes:
Opppsss... pai seh!! Sorry!! No more TCSS in here.
SSH, i dun care what he say, but i know some pussy is waiting for me, meow..:p
Soli soli, i also used my quota to TCSS here.
13-06-2007, 08:56 AM
arloo bros...
i'm a newbie here... was wondering where is all the local gals? Seems to me PRC's is more accesible to obtain but not local chinese. Locals eventually fm my point of view is more frenly
pls help :confused:Looking for local gals then go HCs.
Local FLs very limited and above market value.
The last option would be go pubs or disco to pick-up.:)
13-06-2007, 09:01 AM
one last question. it might sound a bit stupid. if i pay for a girl overnight. what does that mean? and how many time can we do it?It all depends on where you got this gal from.
If from HCs, then different price different number of hours.
If FL from outside, then up to you to discuss about the duration.
As for how many times, it all depends on your chemistry with the gal lah. If she clicks with you, it will then depend on whether how many rounds you can tahan with her cos she might constantly want to screw with you. Maybe you might even surrender.:p If dun click, screw one time also sian already. Sleep alone even better.:rolleyes:
15-06-2007, 11:19 AM
To all seniors Taikors....newbie here and just wondering if anyone can help me?
Will be station in KL from mid-July onwards and wondering if you guys got lobangs for cheap bonks? Read about Peng Hwa but dun know how to go there. Me not young already so dun really mind looks. Service more important.
Any nice lobangs to intro?
In return can intro two of my best frens to you guys namely Tiger and Calsberg.:D
Kum Sia many many first but please dun zap me. Lucky this thread is for newbies to ask stoopid questions.:D
Ahh Fatt
15-06-2007, 12:07 PM
To all seniors Taikors....newbie here and just wondering if anyone can help me?
Will be station in KL from mid-July onwards and wondering if you guys got lobangs for cheap bonks? Read about Peng Hwa but dun know how to go there. Me not young already so dun really mind looks. Service more important.
Any nice lobangs to intro?
In return can intro two of my best frens to you guys namely Tiger and Calsberg.
Kum Sia many many first but please dun zap me. Lucky this thread is for newbies to ask stoopid questions.
Wa......I like this place....:p
makes me feel n looks young again.....:D
15-06-2007, 12:20 PM
one last question. it might sound a bit stupid. if i pay for a girl overnight. what does that mean? and how many time can we do it?
so the main problem is how many times u can? overnite leh... if u dun want sleep, the gal still need sleep. i try once(Thai & Indon), the OKT tell me that they can served u at least 6 shots. overnite normally is 8-12Hours. so 6 shots enough for u?
15-06-2007, 04:09 PM
haiya..quality is more impt than quantity ma...for fucks u shoot so many times if u cant enjoy rite? :D
however i understand that the "international standard" for overnight ie 6 hours is 4 shots only... '
Normally in China, its only 2 ... 3 to 4 is only if you have a special horny gal
16-06-2007, 12:09 PM
Wa......I like this place....
makes me feel n looks young again.....:DSince you like the place, can you bring me there?
I dun mind paying for beer.:)
16-06-2007, 12:25 PM
To all seniors Taikors....newbie here and just wondering if anyone can help me?
Will be station in KL from mid-July onwards and wondering if you guys got lobangs for cheap bonks? Read about Peng Hwa but dun know how to go there. Me not young already so dun really mind looks. Service more important.
Any nice lobangs to intro? When you are in KL, drop me a PM with your contact. Will intro you some cheap places and two more good frens called Tsingtao and Guinness.:p
16-06-2007, 04:04 PM
Peng Hwa is on Jalan Pasar, Pudu area.
Here is an online map -
Newbie here...any papaya farm near by PJ or Sunway area?PM me.Thanks in advance for all sifus and master here. ;)
17-06-2007, 06:12 AM
hi to all Taikor, Bro,
i am new here to all this. i nv been into commercial sex before.
i've used spa, sauna facility in some 'no-action' health center / spa (one at langkawi berjaya; another one Sunway resort hotel, with one small promo desk at the lobby one; ), but i read from this Sammy forum, there is one 'action' type, don't know where is that in Sunway Resort (partly also heart pounding to explore around in the hotel with all the CCTV in that resort)
i would like to seek for recommendation:
in subang, sunway, pj area.
where is the location? (how to get there, hope someone can tell me in lift which floor to go to so i dont look like idiot pressing in the lift)
exactly how to tell at the receptionist (especially i see girl as receptionist at the some SPA, very shy to look at a girl and request this kind of info la :P), that i want to look for girl full-service package (anyway, what does it include, details?).
can someone recommend me or give me contacts of the recommended spa, so can call and get details.
i am looking for girl / girls (threesome):
who is accommodating, friendly, SYT, who dont rush in giving service, any recommendation on which girl to ask for in which spa?
what do i do / ask:
in the whole process (starting at the receptionist / agent / okt till going to room (in massage room *i dont think i comfortable with the no-lock massage room)(or hotel room?) meeting the girl, enjoying till end.
all brothers, please advise, appreciate help and promise will do a FR. (i basically had read all those abbreviation, some FRs, and also this for NEWBIES thread, but still am not feeling certain).
thanks all!
18-06-2007, 10:35 AM
Newbie here...any papaya farm near by PJ or Sunway area?PM me.Thanks in advance for all sifus and master here. ;)The only TNN place I know in PJ is at PJ state. Name of place called Green Apple. Big bottle calsberg cost RM22. Hj - Rm30, Bj - Rm50 and Fj - Rm100. The last time I went. gals all Indos and less than 30 yrs old.
Opposite sunway used to have but I think now already closed down. Name of the place called Butterfly.:cool:
18-06-2007, 11:04 AM
i would like to seek for recommendation:
in subang, sunway, pj area. Not very familiar with sunway and PJ area but you can try Lisa De Inn, Armada, Crystal Crown. Other famous SPAs in town are Sky River, SDP , Sunshine, Stay Inn etc etc
where is the location? (how to get there, hope someone can tell me in lift which floor to go to so i dont look like idiot pressing in the lift). Read up the threads on the above mentioned places. Want to cheong, why worry about looking like an idiot or feeling paiseh.:rolleyes:
exactly how to tell at the receptionist (especially i see girl as receptionist at the some SPA, very shy to look at a girl and request this kind of info la :P), that i want to look for girl full-service package (anyway, what does it include, details?). Then dun talk to the receptionist lah. Just tell your requirements to the captain or manager on duty and he will try to accommodate your needs
can someone recommend me or give me contacts of the recommended spa, so can call and get details. As mentioned, do your homework first and then ask questions about things you dun understand. This thread is for guys to ask questions and not for us to spoonfeed.
i am looking for girl / girls (threesome):
who is accommodating, friendly, SYT, who dont rush in giving service, any recommendation on which girl to ask for in which spa? I know SDP provides threesome. As for the rest of the info that you need, just read the respective threads.
what do i do / ask:
in the whole process (starting at the receptionist / agent / okt till going to room (in massage room *i dont think i comfortable with the no-lock massage room)(or hotel room?) meeting the girl, enjoying till end. Talk to the manager that serves you and he should be able to arrange all your requirements.
all brothers, please advise, appreciate help and promise will do a FR. (i basically had read all those abbreviation, some FRs, and also this for NEWBIES thread, but still am not feeling certain). Read up more and very soon, you will be able to get your necessary info.
thanks all!This thread is created for newbies to ask questions but dun take for granted that we will spoonfeed.:cool:
18-06-2007, 12:25 PM
Opposite sunway used to have but I think now already closed down. Name of the place called Butterfly.:cool:
yes the place still open and its just renovated.only local malay gals is 60.gals few gals very wild forgot wats their name
21-06-2007, 11:05 AM
Peng Hwa is on Jalan Pasar, Pudu area.
Here is an online map - you Bro dathinman for the directions.
Should be able to find it when I am down in July. Care to join me for a drink ( my treat)??:D
21-06-2007, 11:24 AM
Hi all brother,
Did anyone every try the Elite Club, KL. How is it and what the damage like? :)
If there any taiko cheong there before please share it. Thank you.
22-06-2007, 09:05 AM
yes the place still open and its just renovated.only local malay gals is 60.gals few gals very wild forgot wats their name
Wah... used to be 50 only. For BF, easier to name the NOT WILD Girls :D
22-06-2007, 06:10 PM
Thanks but no thanks. Not into meeting up with others. :D
25-06-2007, 02:56 PM
I have been lurking around the forum for quite sometime. Thank you for all senior that help newbies like me. Will contribute when i visit sExiting places.
28-06-2007, 01:29 AM
yes the place still open and its just renovated.only local malay gals is 60.gals few gals very wild forgot wats their name the tips so high one ah bro?
Green Goblin
28-06-2007, 10:18 AM
The tips in KL KTVs are typically standard at RM50 to RM60. Its market rate :cool:
02-07-2007, 07:38 AM
Just bringing this thread up to Page 1 again.:)
08-07-2007, 12:10 PM
Time to bring this up to page 1 again.:p
08-07-2007, 01:47 PM
Hi bros...
I and my friends will be visiting KL in this upcoming August. However, i am still very unsure about the happenings in KL. I have done random search and a list of places to visit to find chicks and massage. But as i am going for around 6 days 5 nights trip which i will be spending my 2nd and 3rd night in Genting, I was wondering if there are any girls in KL that i can seek for that provide companionship during the days we are in KL?
If i am planning to go for "Fishing" on Thursday and Friday, beside Modesto, where can i go to "fish" Locals Chinese/Malay or PRC? Please advise.
Do Health SPA in KL provide extra services when opt for message instead of the full package of RM200? Please advise too!
Anyway i will be nesting around Chinatown, Chee Cheong Kai area. Any happenings?
09-07-2007, 11:45 AM
Hi bros...
I and my friends will be visiting KL in this upcoming August. However, i am still very unsure about the happenings in KL. I have done random search and a list of places to visit to find chicks and massage. But as i am going for around 6 days 5 nights trip which i will be spending my 2nd and 3rd night in Genting, I was wondering if there are any girls in KL that i can seek for that provide companionship during the days we are in KL?
If i am planning to go for "Fishing" on Thursday and Friday, beside Modesto, where can i go to "fish" Locals Chinese/Malay or PRC? Please advise.
Do Health SPA in KL provide extra services when opt for message instead of the full package of RM200? Please advise too!
Anyway i will be nesting around Chinatown, Chee Cheong Kai area. Any happenings?For regular escorts that you are willing to pay, there is a thread about 6-star escort. Check them out.
For fishing, you can try Aloha or Rum Jungle.
As for extra services from MLs in SPAs...I believe that they do provide but pls note that most of these MLs should be in the MILF category.
There is a HC at Malaya hotel in Chinatown. Prices below RM200 and standard of gals very ordinary. There is a raggae pub but I forgot the name. Been there a few times and notice alot of gals from different nationality. Can consider if you are planning for fishing. Note that drinks not really that cheap unless it's HH. For cheap farks, there are normally Indo chicks who will stand around the small lanes and these cost less than RM50. However try at own risk.:cool:
09-07-2007, 11:59 PM
.....There is a raggae pub but I forgot the name. Been there a few times and notice alot of gals from different nationality. Can consider if you are planning for fishing. Note that drinks not really that cheap unless it's HH.....
Whats HH???
Other then Raggae Pub (How much is a beer or shots of liqour cost?) any where else u would like to introduce for cheap drinks?
10-07-2007, 10:43 AM
Whats HH???
Other then Raggae Pub (How much is a beer or shots of liqour cost?) any where else u would like to introduce for cheap drinks?HH is Happy Hour. Cant remember the prices but I know it's not cheap after HH as in most joints in KL.
Drinks in MY are relatively on par with SG during HH. Some cheap places for beer in KL would be Thai Club, Beach Club, Aloha and Rum Jungle.All along the same street. Cost would be RM55 for 2 jugs. However this would be between 3pm and 9pm. Action in those places starts at about 10pm so after HH prices would be about RM60 per jug. Alot of difference. You can order during HH but note that the number of jugs ordered will be brought to the table immediately.
There are also alot of pubs around the Cheras Business Park area. Prices would be about RM45 for a bucket of beer. No FLs to pick up but alot of local CKT and Malay waitresses to accompany. No tips required but note that these are pubs and not KTVs or TNN joints so customers are expected to know the rules and regulations. :cool:
The cheapest place for beer would be at hawker centres example Peng Hwa Food Court in Pudu. Beer is at RM15 per big bottle. Also alot of PRC MILFs walking around looking for customers. Rates bewteen RM80 - RM100 per shot. Depends on whether you are into the lower budget kind of drinking and cheonging.:p
10-07-2007, 03:35 PM
How about if i open a bottle of chivas in the pubs, do i get my mixer free flow? whats the usual rates for chivas 12 years? issit worth the money to drink liqours instead of beer in MY?
10-07-2007, 03:59 PM
How about if i open a bottle of chivas in the pubs, do i get my mixer free flow? whats the usual rates for chivas 12 years? issit worth the money to drink liqours instead of beer in MY?Most of the pubs I go to, mixers are free. Not sure about places like Beach Club and Aloha. Rates are between RM260 - RM300.
As for which is more worth it, it all depends on whether you guys are heavy drinkers. If yes, then should be better to open liquor, same as in SG.:cool:
11-07-2007, 10:40 AM
Most of the pubs I go to, mixers are free. Not sure about places like Beach Club and Aloha. Rates are between RM260 - RM300.
As for which is more worth it, it all depends on whether you guys are heavy drinkers. If yes, then should be better to open liquor, same as in SG.:cool:
Bro, you are King of KL. next time if i go KL i look for you.:D
we can cheong together.
11-07-2007, 10:45 AM
Bro, you are King of KL. next time if i go KL i look for you.:D
we can cheong together.
Shiok is not KING of KL
He is King of KL, JB and Sg
Dun play play le :p
11-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Bro, you are King of KL. next time if i go KL i look for you.:D
we can cheong together.
Shiok is not KING of KL
He is King of KL, JB and Sg
Dun play play leHello bros...Me very the free cos now holiday and resting at home so alot of time to talk cock. Intro you some guys who if want info can PM them.
First my Sifu Drydust. All the good for value lobangs can look for him esp for aft delights. Confirm reasonable and good.
Then my drinking buddy Gorken. All the reasonable drinking places with sweet waitresses he will know. Why?? cos he is like me, everyday like to drink.
Next in line is Bro Shaggerific. Where got SYTs he will know cos he himself good looking mah!!
Then you have my very good bros like KLKOOL and Ciblover. However KLKOOL now very busy in China so no time to be updated in KL. Ciblover now also very busy with work so seldom come out and cheong already. However pls note that the KL gatherings actually started bcos these guys arranged it.
No time to intro the rest like Bros DeKuip, TD, Boinker, Bluesman, Burns888, Bruce and so many other KL bros who make an effort to contribute info to SBF bros.:cool:
11-07-2007, 11:40 AM
Yo Bro ...
I'm kinda new around this site. Has been retired from such adult activities for a long time. But lately has the urge of seeking some local or PRC MILF for some fun :cool: . Is there any recommendation from the bros around .... Basically, I need some hot stuff around KL town ..... perhaps some pickup would be nice as well .....
well bros... do pm me if there's any nice MILF stuff ...... :D
11-07-2007, 05:59 PM
How about if i open a bottle of chivas in the pubs, do i get my mixer free flow? whats the usual rates for chivas 12 years? issit worth the money to drink liqours instead of beer in MY?
For the more established joints, mixers are definitely NOT free flow. Most issue vouchers for redeeming the mixers. Usually 3-6 mixers per bottle.
Chivas is usually RM300 upwards whereas beer is approx. RM50 a jug. Bro shiok is the expert in the drinking dept, even in KL hurhurhur :rolleyes: :p. So his would be the best advice...
12-07-2007, 10:23 AM
Hello bros...Me very the free cos now holiday and resting at home so alot of time to talk cock. Intro you some guys who if want info can PM them.
First my Sifu Drydust. All the good for value lobangs can look for him esp for aft delights. Confirm reasonable and good.
I really appreciate those brother:-
Drydust, KLKOOL, Gorken, Shaggerific, Ciblover
Up my point after I post the FR.
Your "gang" really have team work.
Up point almost do in team.
heng heng i was not in ur zap list.. if kena zap by ur "gang"... have to tabao liao.
Thanks you very de much.:)
12-07-2007, 10:30 AM
I really appreciate those brother:-
Drydust, KLKOOL, Gorken, Shaggerific, Ciblover
Up my point after I post the FR.
Your "gang" really have team work.
Up point almost do in team.
heng heng i was not in ur zap list.. if kena zap by ur "gang"... have to tabao liao.Most times it's bcos we like to reward bros who contribute to the MY threads. Dun worry about the zap part cos we dun believe in mass zap. We just believe totally ignore the person.:rolleyes:
Looks like I am one of those few who haven up you. Akan Datang.:D
12-07-2007, 12:04 PM
...Intro you some guys ....
First my Sifu Drydust. ...drinking buddy Gorken. ....Next in line is Bro Shaggerific. ...
Then you have my very good bros like KLKOOL and Ciblover. However KLKOOL now very busy in China so no time to be updated in KL. Ciblover now also very busy with work so seldom come out and cheong already.
No time to intro the rest like Bros DeKuip, TD, Boinker, Bluesman, Burns888, Bruce and so many other KL bros who make an effort to contribute info to SBF bros.....
Hahaha....The KL bros,
Pai seh to shiok1968 as I've been kept really busy these days with work. Promised to contribute and support this thread but realised haven't been doing so these past month. Anyway, seems like you're doing a great job. Keep it up. :cool:
Bro whoamim,
We do not practise mass zap. We appreciate good contributions and as bro shiok1968 clarified, we chose to ignore boh-liao postings. However, once in a blue moon, I do diap here and there on those overjealous posts. :p
12-07-2007, 02:52 PM
Shiok is not KING of KL
He is King of KL, JB and Sg
Dun play play le :p
And you are the Prince Charming of Penang :D
12-07-2007, 03:00 PM
And you are the Prince Charming of Penang :D
Kuku bird lar..
This also must come in and Jiak me.
U study kungfu in Fat San issit?
12-07-2007, 03:06 PM
Kuku bird lar..
This also must come in and Jiak me.
U study kungfu in Fat San issit?
No le... i study in GZ and DG :D
12-07-2007, 03:26 PM
Hey bros...please dun use this thread to chit-chat.
If not, then must create another newbie thread for questions and answers. Very tiring leh!!:o
Thanks guys.:)
12-07-2007, 05:45 PM
Hi! I am using this "safe" segment to post this. ( Some one zapped me the last time for posting abt walls in MPs being replaced by curtains).
This has happened quite a number of times. while surfing SBF, I noticed that the trendmicro antivirus in mt Pc gives a warning of a spyware riding on this forum. the site is as below:
nowadays I turn off my outlook while I am surfing SBF as it sends out porn emails at the same time. Any bros have thiis experience or is there anything else that can be done to prevent this?
12-07-2007, 07:43 PM
Hi! I am using this "safe" segment to post this. ( Some one zapped me the last time for posting abt walls in MPs being replaced by curtains).
This has happened quite a number of times. while surfing SBF, I noticed that the trendmicro antivirus in mt Pc gives a warning of a spyware riding on this forum. the site is as below:
nowadays I turn off my outlook while I am surfing SBF as it sends out porn emails at the same time. Any bros have thiis experience or is there anything else that can be done to prevent this?
Using FIREFOX to surf the internet is quite safe. You can try it.
12-07-2007, 09:43 PM
For the more established joints, mixers are definitely NOT free flow. Most issue vouchers for redeeming the mixers. Usually 3-6 mixers per bottle.
Chivas is usually RM300 upwards whereas beer is approx. RM50 a jug. Bro shiok is the expert in the drinking dept, even in KL hurhurhur :rolleyes: :p. So his would be the best advice...
Wow, Thanks for the info bro, i din know that drinking in KL's pub can be as of the same price as drinking in Singapore. All along my thinking was MY's Pubs and Clubs has cheaper drinks that SG. Hmm... Guess have to bring a little more Cash in to spend....
Is KL Relatively Safe to walk in during the wee hours??
13-07-2007, 12:48 AM
Is KL Relatively Safe to walk in during the wee hours??
Depends where you're walking. But as with everything else in life, there are no guarantees.
One of my colleagues got carjacked at gunpoint :eek: in front of the Life Centre/Nuovo/Beach Club area around 2am-3am on a Friday/Saturday (when there were still quite a lot of people on the streets). Funny thing was, there was a police guard house just accross the road in front of the Shangri-La hotel. Go figure :rolleyes:
13-07-2007, 03:25 AM
newbie here!
Which is a good thread to read all about the JB scene? I read in other forum someone posted: for $80+rm for a prc bonk in GL, it's cheaper to go JB and still come back with change.
Me not exactly cheapskate lar, just that it dawn on me that I'm missing some fun. Like to explore...
There are some JB threads around, but mostly talking about specific pub or spa; me looking for info on an "overall" picture of the haves/to-dos in JB before diving in specifics. If any...
so yes, in that sense, I'm totally new to JB, so a newbie here ;)
UPDATE: I found it... ignore the above. This should be sticky...
13-07-2007, 09:46 AM
Yo Bro ...
I'm kinda new around this site. Has been retired from such adult activities for a long time. But lately has the urge of seeking some local or PRC MILF for some fun. Is there any recommendation from the bros around .... Basically, I need some hot stuff around KL town ..... perhaps some pickup would be nice as well .....
well bros... do pm me if there's any nice MILF stuff ...... Sorry I miss this post.
If looking for PRC MILF, then pls proceed to Peng Hwa Food Centre in Pudu. Confirm you will not be disappointed.:cool:
For local MILF, just visit most HCs and ask for the Massage Ladies. Most of them will be in their 40s. Definitely MILF quality.:p
13-07-2007, 09:55 AM
Is KL Relatively Safe to walk in during the wee hours??One area to avoid would be the Chow Kit area. This place is near WTC and hotels near there would be Pan Pacific and Legend.
Chow Kit consist of mainly LBs, cheap farks and drug addicts. Really not recommended unless you are into cheap thrills.:rolleyes:
13-07-2007, 04:54 PM
One area to avoid would be the Chow Kit area. This place is near WTC and hotels near there would be Pan Pacific and Legend.
Chow Kit consist of mainly LBs, cheap farks and drug addicts. Really not recommended unless you are into cheap thrills.:rolleyes:
How about places like chinatown which i will be staying in Hotel Malaya during my stay in KL? Is cab accessible to the front door of the Hotel after a nite of partying and drinking?
13-07-2007, 05:07 PM
How about places like chinatown which i will be staying in Hotel Malaya during my stay in KL?
avoid room 817! dont board the lift alone after 12:00am:eek:
13-07-2007, 06:16 PM
How about places .....Hotel Malaya ....? Is cab accessible to the front door of the Hotel after a nite of partying and drinking?
Hotel Malaya is the safest hotel in Malaysia NOW in terms of security and spotlight. Each level has 3 CCTVs and everyone coming in or out of the hotel's main entrance can be recognised from the CCTVs (according to its GM's testimony in court).
As for staying in the room as bro DD mentioned, up to you!! Can you speak Mongolian?? :p
Yes, taxis can drop or pick you up from the main entrance.
13-07-2007, 06:41 PM
Hotel Malaya is the safest hotel in Malaysia NOW in terms of security and spotlight. Each level has 3 CCTVs and everyone coming in or out of the hotel's main entrance can be recognised from the CCTVs (according to its GM's testimony in court).
As for staying in the room as bro DD mentioned, up to you!! Can you speak Mongolian??
Yes, taxis can drop or pick you up from the main entrance.
CCTV expert talking liau..:p
In the hotel, if someone in the middle of the nite calls out Razak Baginda, dont turn around;)
15-07-2007, 12:04 AM
avoid room 817! dont board the lift alone after 12:00am:eek:
why and what about 817? why dun board the lift alone after 12am??
15-07-2007, 12:06 AM
CCTV expert talking liau..:p
In the hotel, if someone in the middle of the nite calls out Razak Baginda, dont turn around;)
Wow its getting eerie... whats this Razak Baginda means?? and what is all these about?? Please elaborate and so i wun get into anything... Whats the consequences??
15-07-2007, 05:28 PM
Wow its getting eerie... whats this Razak Baginda means?? and what is all these about?? Please elaborate and so i wun get into anything... Whats the consequences??The guys just pulling your leg.
They are talking about the recent murder case about the Mongolian beauty and one political figure in KL. You can read all about this in newspapers around Malaysia and Singapore.:)
16-07-2007, 10:38 AM
why and what about 817? why dun board the lift alone after 12am??
aiya nothing to worry la...just joking, i dont think u can get the room also...too much publicity, they either seal it off or reserve it for close friends & relatives:p , imagine being 'serviced' by a mongolian model....for FOC! the cheapest in KL also 140 u know!....but u can always find some fun at its HC next at the cafe r not bad 2.
17-07-2007, 09:30 AM
aiya nothing to worry la...just joking, i dont think u can get the room also...too much publicity, they either seal it off or reserve it for close friends & relatives:p , imagine being 'serviced' by a mongolian model....for FOC! the cheapest in KL also 140 u know!....but u can always find some fun at its HC next at the cafe r not bad 2.
another place for nasi lemak?? Hotel Malaya that spot seems to be damn happening eh...
17-07-2007, 05:10 PM
another place for nasi lemak?? Hotel Malaya that spot seems to be damn happening eh...
not sure...but i believe every HC should have at least 1 or 2 packets of NL...;) , try puduraya hotel maybe...
20-07-2007, 01:44 PM mistake for forgetting to bring this thread up to page 1 again.:o
21-07-2007, 05:31 PM
Wow its getting eerie... whats this Razak Baginda means?? and what is all these about?? Please elaborate and so i wun get into anything... Whats the consequences??
Abdul Razak Baginda is a political analyst and soon to be convicted murderer of Altantuya Shaaribuu, who was shot and blown up with C4 explosives in November 2006 in Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Consequences? Mistaken identity and revenge attack :P
21-07-2007, 06:59 PM mistake for forgetting to bring this thread up to page 1 again.:o
Bro shiok, you very helpful,hope can meet you up 1day..
21-07-2007, 09:47 PM
not sure...but i believe every HC should have at least 1 or 2 packets of NL...;) , try puduraya hotel maybe...
Saboon's Nasi Lemak not so nice but come with currey chicken ahalved hard boiled egg. the 2 leged are nice but have to be there early evening.
23-07-2007, 10:43 AM
.... the 2 leged are nice but have to be there early evening.
so u 2 caught the 2 legged la...but whats the damage/bird?....if late at nite i cant....early? i used to go there for breakfast:D
23-07-2007, 10:52 AM
so u 2 caught the 2 legged la...but whats the damage/bird?....if late at nite i cant....early? i used to go there for breakfast:D
Ma hai.. on ur phone lah!!! Wanna call u for lunch later.. u come fetch me ok boh?
23-07-2007, 10:54 AM
Hey Sifu and all the Tailo here, please dun TCSS in this thread cos I promise to keep this thread free of TCSS. Paiseh paiseh.:o
Thank you for the give face. Buy you all drinks when we meet up.:)
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