View Full Version : Beware of con people - Amansari 136

23-05-2018, 09:10 PM


23-05-2018, 09:22 PM
ownself sabo ownself?

24-05-2018, 07:04 AM
ownself sabo ownself?

I am one of the fallen one. cannot help it.

24-05-2018, 10:38 AM


25-05-2018, 02:28 AM
Go tell your story to the Mad Hatter or Muhiyiddin.... Pakatan Harapan will help you to claw back your money. :D

25-05-2018, 08:17 AM


25-05-2018, 08:38 AM


25-05-2018, 08:02 PM
Are u the guy in that pic?
Best for u to go checkup, 136 raw with many customer.

25-05-2018, 10:02 PM
Are u the guy in that pic?
Best for u to go checkup, 136 raw with many customer.

No I am not him.

25-05-2018, 10:28 PM
if u no thinking to have marry with her why helped her alot?
funny adult with children brain..:D

became carrot head but got no sex with her.. what a generous guy..

other guy just spent RM220 already fuck her raw instead spent RM170,000:p

RIP guy

26-05-2018, 07:41 AM
if u no thinking to have marry with her why helped her alot?
funny adult with children brain..:D

became carrot head but got no sex with her.. what a generous guy..

other guy just spent RM220 already fuck her raw instead spent RM170,000:p

RIP guy

i am not into for sex with her. I cannot explain to you why i do this and a lot things for her.

I don’t see her as pros. I see her as different girl than the rest. But now no point talking. She is not who she is and not the person i know anymore. I am not afraid to testify the truth or being called moron etc. I just don want anyone else went thru the experience i had. Countless sleepless nights. It is not money loss pain only. It is pain of someone betrayed your heart and kindness.

Hard to explain to those who don’t understand.

26-05-2018, 10:14 AM
Up for TS. I totally understand how you feel as I have a colleague who experience it before .

26-05-2018, 10:46 AM
anyone else here had a past with amansari 136(vy)?

i am not sure what she told you. She clearly cheated my money and my love. She is not who she is.

26-05-2018, 11:49 AM
anyone else here had a past with amansari 136(vy)?

i am not sure what she told you. She clearly cheated my money and my love. She is not who she is.

Bro appioneer , no point posting here anymore you only can Ven your anger here and cry mother cry father it is not going to help in doing anything the money you cannot get back .

Why not use the time to see what you can do better for yourself ?

Not only she will Kc many others girls will also over all it is still up to the person what he is going to chose cos when being Kc the brain isn’t working properly .

26-05-2018, 12:03 PM
Is she back ? I want to go fuck her . Rape her

26-05-2018, 01:18 PM
I think it have the opposite effect. Once posted, the girl going to have more customer. :D

Bro it not nice to put raw in so direct la you are breaking a girl ricebowl . You know can already.

26-05-2018, 09:05 PM
Is Amansari still open?
Any bros went recently?

26-05-2018, 10:52 PM
Is Amansari still open?
Any bros went recently?

Still open...no much girls to choose..

27-05-2018, 08:42 PM
Move on lah bro, do not fall in love with working girls, full of lies. Just enjoy fucking them and when get bored,switch to another girl. This 136 very famous in kc her clients, just wonder why you open this thread after she going back to vietnam last week after her stint here for nearly 6 month, me also enjoy her and younger sister 168. You know what,both of them allow me to raw and creampie into their pussy, even though amansari now lack of stock, but for those look for raw service,this place girls mostly can be raw if you are regular there. Old girls like 72, 176, 118 & 71 still there,all can raw one. Recently got new girl 137, just tried her twice, pretty and smooth body with solid boobs, will update here if i manage to raw her

28-05-2018, 11:33 AM
I think it have the opposite effect. Once posted, the girl going to have more customer. :D

Ya , agreed with what you had post. Raw is war

28-05-2018, 10:23 PM
Move on lah bro, do not fall in love with working girls, full of lies. Just enjoy fucking them and when get bored,switch to another girl. This 136 very famous in kc her clients, just wonder why you open this thread after she going back to vietnam last week after her stint here for nearly 6 month, me also enjoy her and younger sister 168. You know what,both of them allow me to raw and creampie into their pussy, even though amansari now lack of stock, but for those look for raw service,this place girls mostly can be raw if you are regular there. Old girls like 72, 176, 118 & 71 still there,all can raw one. Recently got new girl 137, just tried her twice, pretty and smooth body with solid boobs, will update here if i manage to raw her

so full of yourself to raw?

29-05-2018, 11:34 PM
Move on lah bro, do not fall in love with working girls, full of lies. Just enjoy fucking them and when get bored,switch to another girl. This 136 very famous in kc her clients, just wonder why you open this thread after she going back to vietnam last week after her stint here for nearly 6 month, me also enjoy her and younger sister 168. You know what,both of them allow me to raw and creampie into their pussy, even though amansari now lack of stock, but for those look for raw service,this place girls mostly can be raw if you are regular there. Old girls like 72, 176, 118 & 71 still there,all can raw one. Recently got new girl 137, just tried her twice, pretty and smooth body with solid boobs, will update here if i manage to raw her

u not afraid meh to raw ?

30-05-2018, 10:23 AM
Still open...no much girls to choose..

wonder wat happened @amansari
They used to hv alot of gals

30-05-2018, 12:03 PM
wonder wat happened @amansari
They used to hv alot of gals

All tio HIV, send back viet

30-05-2018, 05:02 PM
Hi moderator, please help me delete this thread.

I want to move on from this. Thanks.

30-05-2018, 11:40 PM
U shouldnt quit so fast, u are consider a legend and a good case study. :D

Hi moderator, please help me delete this thread.

I want to move on from this. Thanks.

31-05-2018, 08:58 AM
Hi moderator, please help me delete this thread.

I want to move on from this. Thanks.

don't delete. give good lesson to every one.

31-05-2018, 08:59 AM
Move on lah bro, do not fall in love with working girls, full of lies. Just enjoy fucking them and when get bored,switch to another girl. This 136 very famous in kc her clients, just wonder why you open this thread after she going back to vietnam last week after her stint here for nearly 6 month, me also enjoy her and younger sister 168. You know what,both of them allow me to raw and creampie into their pussy, even though amansari now lack of stock, but for those look for raw service,this place girls mostly can be raw if you are regular there. Old girls like 72, 176, 118 & 71 still there,all can raw one. Recently got new girl 137, just tried her twice, pretty and smooth body with solid boobs, will update here if i manage to raw her

Do appion a favour. Creampie the bitch amansari 136 more.

31-05-2018, 06:30 PM
Four years ago i ask one viet gal to stop work and live with me. Story as usual, she need money for her family. I spend money to rebuild her old wooden house to modern brick house, and some other spending etc. I make her understand that i'm not that rich, not a boss but with working enough money to support her. Accidently we have a baby, coz of busy working the child is born in vietnam and now already one and a half years old. After dragging her so long, now i finally take unpay leave to settle our marriage. Not every viet gal is con. Our marriage paperwork already sone at vietnam, now i'm working on baby paperwork at vietnam, hopefully will bring them here soon. She have bad past, and we get over it together. Sorry, my english not so good, just to share my story.

31-05-2018, 06:39 PM
Four years ago i ask one viet gal to stop work and live with me. Story as usual, she need money for her family. I spend money to rebuild her old wooden house to modern brick house, and some other spending etc. I make her understand that i'm not that rich, not a boss but with working enough money to support her. Accidently we have a baby, coz of busy working the child is born in vietnam and now already one and a half years old. After dragging her so long, now i finally take unpay leave to settle our marriage. Not every viet gal is con. Our marriage paperwork already sone at vietnam, now i'm working on baby paperwork at vietnam, hopefully will bring them here soon. She have bad past, and we get over it together. Sorry, my english not so good, just to share my story.

But did she did what 136 did? ask money from you with false reason? life got threaten and need settle debt by 4-5 days timeline.

31-05-2018, 07:47 PM
She is 20 when we first met, of course gal at those age sure hunger for money to spend. She did come up with something one at a time, like the wooden house which i rebuild for her, and then some other things. Her family think that they have got a gold mine to keep on digging. You can't blame them, that is typical thinking of vietnamese. In vietnam most of gal habe to work to feed boy in family. But money i spend on her mostly is for her family and of course she spend some of it, but she did it for family. I managed to make her understand my situation, that i'm not really rich. She even start to fight with her family since baby born, coz she knew i can only support our family only. You have to sure, it is about relationship. You just have to sure.

31-05-2018, 09:43 PM
She is 20 when we first met, of course gal at those age sure hunger for money to spend. She did come up with something one at a time, like the wooden house which i rebuild for her, and then some other things. Her family think that they have got a gold mine to keep on digging. You can't blame them, that is typical thinking of vietnamese. In vietnam most of gal habe to work to feed boy in family. But money i spend on her mostly is for her family and of course she spend some of it, but she did it for family. I managed to make her understand my situation, that i'm not really rich. She even start to fight with her family since baby born, coz she knew i can only support our family only. You have to sure, it is about relationship. You just have to sure.

But did she tell you like ah long or debtors threaten her life? You need help her within 2-4 days and running away from debtors?

31-05-2018, 09:47 PM
anyone here still in contact with Vy?

I heard from my viet friend. Vy scapegoat her first first bf who went to hair saloon with her last time with this evidence? What she told you guys?

01-06-2018, 09:10 AM
But did she tell you like ah long or debtors threaten her life? You need help her within 2-4 days and running away from debtors?No, she never told me that. When one girl only share her money problem with you but not even care about how you get money or how your life, you should know that she is not in love with you. Why you still dig in? Luckily, my wife is not that type, yes, she need money but i will make sure money i spend for her in the right way. I even guide her to start saving for future instead of spending, you know vietnamese do spend all money and find again, they never save. In a relationship, we must care about each others. If the girl only bring up money topics with you but not sharing life experience or listening to your daily problem, why are you still so stupid to hand over such a large amount of money several times? My wife is now taking care of my baby at vietnam and waiting for baby passport to be done, coz i change baby name to my family name. When she is pregnant while i'm working and i had a hard time sending money, she even use her own money to cover for a while. We support each others. Why not you just move on, it is not the girl fault, you choose to fall into the trap. It is very clear from the beginning but you choose to play in. Just let go of her, focus on your future.

01-06-2018, 09:30 AM


01-06-2018, 09:44 AM


01-06-2018, 10:31 AM
Admin/ moderator, you may delete this thread. there is no need for me to seek answers anymore.

01-06-2018, 10:41 AM
this is what her sister sent to explain. I masked the shop name. Just to warn you guys about people like that.

171740No point of doing so, just move on. It is the end of you and vy. Jist let her be what she want to be.

01-06-2018, 11:15 AM
i am not into for sex with her. I cannot explain to you why i do this and a lot things for her.

I don’t see her as pros. I see her as different girl than the rest. But now no point talking. She is not who she is and not the person i know anymore. I am not afraid to testify the truth or being called moron etc. I just don want anyone else went thru the experience i had. Countless sleepless nights. It is not money loss pain only. It is pain of someone betrayed your heart and kindness.

Hard to explain to those who don’t understand.

Have u wondered whether u r under some kind of black magic spell?

01-06-2018, 11:22 AM
Sad case.

Never let our emotions get over us. Viet or any overseas gals will think we are gold mines.

There is a saying abt Viet gals. When u marry them, u marry the whole clan.

As guys, we need to set their expectations right from the start. Tell them how little money u have and u r not rich. And u don't spend money like water. See how they react.

If they can accept it and set their own expectations right, then it's good to go.

01-06-2018, 11:40 AM
Admin, i got the answer i needed.

you can remove this thread. i am ready to close the crappy story. such person is worst kind. No need to talk further .

please help me delete this thread . Thanks

01-06-2018, 07:13 PM
No, she never told me that. When one girl only share her money problem with you but not even care about how you get money or how your life, you should know that she is not in love with you. Why you still dig in? Luckily, my wife is not that type, yes, she need money but i will make sure money i spend for her in the right way. I even guide her to start saving for future instead of spending, you know vietnamese do spend all money and find again, they never save. In a relationship, we must care about each others. If the girl only bring up money topics with you but not sharing life experience or listening to your daily problem, why are you still so stupid to hand over such a large amount of money several times? My wife is now taking care of my baby at vietnam and waiting for baby passport to be done, coz i change baby name to my family name. When she is pregnant while i'm working and i had a hard time sending money, she even use her own money to cover for a while. We support each others. Why not you just move on, it is not the girl fault, you choose to fall into the trap. It is very clear from the beginning but you choose to play in. Just let go of her, focus on your future.
you going to be good dad. you are responsible person and good man and found resolution for yourself and educated the girl well when she was young. success story for you.

i tried same approach as you and she will promise me all the things. but all empty promises. i talked to a few people who pm me. they facing same issue. most of the the girls not here for love. they are here for one thing. money...

01-06-2018, 07:21 PM

01-06-2018, 07:22 PM
i am unable to be with such person. dishonesty and fraud.

Admin, can close the thread.

02-06-2018, 01:09 AM
you going to be good dad. you are responsible person and good man and found resolution for yourself and educated the girl well when she was young. success story for you.

i tried same approach as you and she will promise me all the things. but all empty promises. i talked to a few people who pm me. they facing same issue. most of the the girls not here for love. they are here for one thing. money...At first i also afraid if she indeed is just love my money, but already 4 years and time prove it. Btw, when i ask her to stop work and go back vietnam the first year, she never ask any money from me and just go back by herself. Maybe i just lucky.

02-06-2018, 08:54 AM
Four years ago i ask one viet gal to stop work and live with me. Story as usual, she need money for her family. I spend money to rebuild her old wooden house to modern brick house, and some other spending etc. I make her understand that i'm not that rich, not a boss but with working enough money to support her. Accidently we have a baby, coz of busy working the child is born in vietnam and now already one and a half years old. After dragging her so long, now i finally take unpay leave to settle our marriage. Not every viet gal is con. Our marriage paperwork already sone at vietnam, now i'm working on baby paperwork at vietnam, hopefully will bring them here soon. She have bad past, and we get over it together. Sorry, my english not so good, just to share my story.

Woah tats great
personally i also koe a few friends who wed viet gals whom work in the adult industry & have a blissful marriage compared to those whose second half is singaporean
there even one friend whose viet wife encouraged him to help out at his family food stall & the business r great partly bcoz of his wife

of coz theres gals regardless of race or nationality out there to cheat
but then again no1 point gun @ ur head to believe their stories
so for us bros who r out there "playing" we need to b more cautious

15-06-2018, 04:57 PM
if u no thinking to have marry with her why helped her alot?
funny adult with children brain..:D

became carrot head but got no sex with her.. what a generous guy..

other guy just spent RM220 already fuck her raw instead spent RM170,000:p

RIP guy

I last time pay 210 fuck 136 raw. 2nd shot 130 only. Why on earth would this fucker be spending 170,000? Someone enlighten me pleaseeeee.

15-06-2018, 05:03 PM
Move on lah bro, do not fall in love with working girls, full of lies. Just enjoy fucking them and when get bored,switch to another girl. This 136 very famous in kc her clients, just wonder why you open this thread after she going back to vietnam last week after her stint here for nearly 6 month, me also enjoy her and younger sister 168. You know what,both of them allow me to raw and creampie into their pussy, even though amansari now lack of stock, but for those look for raw service,this place girls mostly can be raw if you are regular there. Old girls like 72, 176, 118 & 71 still there,all can raw one. Recently got new girl 137, just tried her twice, pretty and smooth body with solid boobs, will update here if i manage to raw her

72 176 i also raw before. But now i find 72 again, she say cannot must use condom😭 176 still can raw but i cannot take her overnight. She says only can do 2 times only.

15-06-2018, 05:04 PM
I last time pay 210 fuck 136 raw. 2nd shot 130 only. Why on earth would this fucker be spending 170,000? Someone enlighten me pleaseeeee.

there are things you don't understand. It is simple. because i loved this person.

you see her as pros and i see her as life partner when i loved her. But she is not a good person inside after knowing her. She manipulated me with lies after lies to get money.

Nothing to add. I have moved on. Thanks.

15-06-2018, 08:31 PM
there are things you don't understand. It is simple. because i loved this person.

you see her as pros and i see her as life partner when i loved her. But she is not a good person inside after knowing her. She manipulated me with lies after lies to get money.

Nothing to add. I have moved on. Thanks.

You dont talk cock with me say what you love her all these shit. Why must you pick the prettiest, most beautiful and angpai to love? You only love her beauty. Not her. And if u have moved on u wont be here. Go and find something to do in life Instead of wasting time here.

18-06-2018, 02:19 PM
so full of yourself to raw?

where to find her ?:p

18-06-2018, 07:25 PM
Pickachu, I wanted to talk to you sometime bek to seek answers as someone told me you know about her. But after reading the old amansari thread last time then think you don't have answers for me that time.

No longer seeking for answers as I have evidences to confirm that she cheated my money. She clearly after my money with too many false urgencies and flew to hcm to and fro a lot times for this. Girl will not do this too often to someone she loves. I don't know what she says are truth anymore and give up to seek more answers.

Anyway, guys.. try learn from my experience and mistakes. Don't fall to such traps if you emotionally attach to working girls. They will tell you many stories and may recycle old picture to show you her sad stories to get money from you. She will tell you that she will return the money and more money to give her as time goes as she shows you more false urgencies using recycled pictures while she and her sister are enjoying life and buying expensive watches or stuffs. I confirmed that she did buy expensive watch during the time from one of her vendor and many others evidences when she said she claimed needed urgent money.

Very painful and hurtful experience. Try wake up early before too late to notice all your money dried up for their false urgencies.

If you want to give money then try at least check her background and ask her to show proof that she needs money instead believe in her blindly like me.


26-06-2018, 02:41 PM
Amansari still operating like last time?

26-06-2018, 10:28 PM
Amansari now gal stock so so only and service do not have any surprise..:(

05-07-2018, 11:50 PM
Last time Amansari got a Thai I think is 308 or 380.
Any bros know if she is working at other spa in jb?

06-07-2018, 01:46 AM
Any bros tried 72 before? Saw her pic but never meet her in person before. Would like to hear some advise and comment before trying her out...

07-07-2018, 10:21 PM
Is 136 back?

08-07-2018, 07:51 PM
Is 136 back?

Already back 2-3 weeks ago...

08-07-2018, 10:05 PM
Already back 2-3 weeks ago...

Thanks bro. Time to go help TS punish her :D

09-07-2018, 02:13 PM
Thanks bro. Time to go help TS punish her :D

Beware o, she already got new waterfish and that guy will be in amansari everyday to protect her gf...do not understand that guy mentality, seeing his gf went inside with customer also syiok...already saw that guy few times there when i goto bonk 136 in nighttime...he do not know many customer raw his gf plus creampie inside his gf pussy. I also once cim into 136 mouth,so syiok...think her new waterfish do not know about this forum existance, already few guys kenna cheat by this girl also want to hook with her... i just enjoy her service by paying 220 per session, if sometimes syiok eill extend another session rm370, and will never tips her

09-07-2018, 02:56 PM
When WL start to give raw, the guy become like tio gong tao... she will say only you are the one can RAW her... after that all the pattern will come out, telling lies, asking for $$$ etc... Before they come out from their village to work in sex industry, I believe they are innocent and pure. Once they get into city area, a LOT of laojiao WL will share with them and teach them how to con guys... so that they don't need to work so long in this industry and can have better life back in their country... the same old shit happen everywhere in this world. Guys just have to be smarter... if gal love you truely, she wouldn't want to fuck other guys and will be willing to work hard together with you to build a family.

09-07-2018, 03:45 PM
Beware o, she already got new waterfish and that guy will be in amansari everyday to protect her gf...do not understand that guy mentality, seeing his gf went inside with customer also syiok...already saw that guy few times there when i goto bonk 136 in nighttime...he do not know many customer raw his gf plus creampie inside his gf pussy. I also once cim into 136 mouth,so syiok...think her new waterfish do not know about this forum existance, already few guys kenna cheat by this girl also want to hook with her... i just enjoy her service by paying 220 per session, if sometimes syiok eill extend another session rm370, and will never tips her

Wah bro how you know many guys did it? 😳 CIM still ok bah but RAW IS WAR. Btw I heard from the uncles at Amansari the girls go for monthly checkup at clinic for all the illness? Is it true?

09-07-2018, 05:09 PM


09-07-2018, 05:12 PM


09-07-2018, 06:55 PM
When WL start to give raw, the guy become like tio gong tao...

I dun bother if they give raw........ but if they give backdoor.... confirm I will RTF her often :p

10-07-2018, 01:29 AM
136 kc skill very high....those young boy with loaded money will easily fall to her trap. Never fall in love with hooker, this is not the place to find love, only place for us to release our urge and sperm

10-07-2018, 01:44 AM
136 still working at amansari? I want to go raw with her...:D

10-07-2018, 08:39 AM


10-07-2018, 08:48 AM


10-07-2018, 01:36 PM


10-07-2018, 01:50 PM
There any many things she conned me. started with her mother hospilization, told me need pay huge debts within 4 days else house will be sold and marry her ex if i son help, huge bill for blood transfusion and her illness treatments, another big debt to pay else life on line within days, another heart surgery and handbang with all expensive belonginga stolen.

She already started to ask money when i know her less than 3 weeks. Told me nobody will help her if you don’t. Show me her recycled crying pics to get my sympathy.

This is my personal and true xp. Don’t fall to such trap and don’t fall in love wih WL. u will fall very deep that you may not be aware.

So sad your story bro.. at the end of the day, the golden question: Did you raw her? 😆

10-07-2018, 04:04 PM


11-07-2018, 08:23 AM


13-07-2018, 03:54 AM
App Bro don’t know why you go delete your post. Last week frien 3 of us also shoot inside her and she washing machine my ball gao Lat, side tip her 100 ringgit and pump her inside full tank sperm. Then i double round booking the Cousin, I shoot in her gold hair, nice tattoo and fair skin. Got one Dua neh the VV also not bad but no allow shoot inside when short time but say if overnight can consider. Don’t know why you kana gong Tao but you should keep this post as learning if she really scam you.

13-07-2018, 01:30 PM
App Bro don’t know why you go delete your post. Last week frien 3 of us also shoot inside her and she washing machine my ball gao Lat, side tip her 100 ringgit and pump her inside full tank sperm. Then i double round booking the Cousin, I shoot in her gold hair, nice tattoo and fair skin. Got one Dua neh the VV also not bad but no allow shoot inside when short time but say if overnight can consider. Don’t know why you kana gong Tao but you should keep this post as learning if she really scam you.

Sometimes i just wonder does it feel proud to say you shoot inside the girl pussy or is it a very honorable thing? Girls like them working this line so tough but you all chose to make them sound like the worst animal on earth..

I am not siding anyone but do you think people like them wants to do it? They feels good doing this kind? We all come out to find our pleasure and we paid for their services yet still have to be criticised.. If today you are them people do this to you how will you feel? If ruining a girl's face or make them sounds so awful makes you feel shiok one day the something will happen to you and it will be called KARMA dude..

I have to say this but i really hate people whom enjoy showing off something not really proud of.. Imagine your future wife or current gf knows you go fuck another girl yet at here posting thing so full of yourself.. I dont know man.. But anyways.. I am just sharing.. Because it irritates me when i see people doing this kind of things..

13-07-2018, 07:12 PM
+1. ya. try respect WL as this line is not easy. They are making living as they don't have education backgrounds.

I deleted the posts because it is enough and this is not a way to get her justice and to warn others. A person contacted me and a friend advised me to do this for myself. I have been scammed and it was my fault to trust and chose to love WL. But I will not defend her either nor forgive her. She can do what she wants and we not cross path.

Personally, sometimes I feel so angry with myself and her when flash back this bad memory or a friend bring back this topic. I had good friend to stop me when I was asked to give first amount to her but I chose to love her and I wanted to change her life. It was my fault that I continue to trust her and let her continue to take advantage on me. and my friend keep discouraging me when next amounts about to give and i continue to give. I had myself to be blamed for all this and I had my choices.

My depression prob is better now and slowly move out from this shitty past. I want to delete her from my Past.

My piece of advises for cheongster and future cheongster. Do not fall in love with WL and fall so deep like me. Spa is not a place to find love. it just a place to make love and pleasure. At least use your instinct and do diligence background check on the person if u have decided and don't blindly believe what they said to you.

This is my friendly advice.


14-07-2018, 12:01 AM
Sometimes i just wonder does it feel proud to say you shoot inside the girl pussy or is it a very honorable thing? Girls like them working this line so tough but you all chose to make them sound like the worst animal on earth..

I am not siding anyone but do you think people like them wants to do it? They feels good doing this kind? We all come out to find our pleasure and we paid for their services yet still have to be criticised.. If today you are them people do this to you how will you feel? If ruining a girl's face or make them sounds so awful makes you feel shiok one day the something will happen to you and it will be called KARMA dude..

I have to say this but i really hate people whom enjoy showing off something not really proud of.. Imagine your future wife or current gf knows you go fuck another girl yet at here posting thing so full of yourself.. I dont know man.. But anyways.. I am just sharing.. Because it irritates me when i see people doing this kind of things..

Dave, I don’t know what karma you mean when you also using this bro forum. But it is the fact that her service is vgood and we pump her full raw with 100 ringgit tip. I just honest type respond to our fallen bro so he can wake up his idea and go find a good girl.

Only thing I don’t agree is he delete the post because we got go ask the OKT about this case. OKT and 136 also laughing say this guy APP story is fake case. I kaypo because when I search review for good fuck, this thread is number 1 post in search for AMANSARI so I just ask OKT question while eating the telok at cafeteria and book 136 lor and see really true anot about other samster fuck review.

14-07-2018, 12:18 AM
Any bros went recently? Still have any Thai gals there and how is the quality? Thanks

15-07-2018, 04:34 AM
Any bros went recently? Still have any Thai gals there and how is the quality? Thanks

Take 180, like office girl and big boobs but overnight if she allow you more than 3 shot , can pump her raw full.

Thai girl, last 4 day have a small girl petite black hair. No ask her number because no chemistry and feedback she tired ask few rocks on TOP of me.

136 if you want pretty and sweet looking those steady personality

16-07-2018, 12:24 AM
Thanks bro

25-07-2018, 01:52 AM
amansari any nice girls recently? still hot?

25-07-2018, 09:11 PM
amansari any nice girls recently? still hot?

dead spa.

not many girls to choose.

25-07-2018, 09:29 PM
You like that take photo of other customer in their spa robe with girls parade there, in future who dare to go amansari.

dead spa.

not many girls to choose.

25-07-2018, 09:30 PM
go there if you wanna see 136 and her sister. and 72. others so so.

25-07-2018, 09:32 PM
just be careful and be wise when deal with the sisters. go there cheong but not to fall into their trap.

25-07-2018, 09:34 PM
You like that take photo of others, next time who dare go to amansari.
ok. deleted. anyway i am there now. that photo is to answer that guy query about their girl stocks.

25-07-2018, 09:46 PM
Pls do not indulge in such naughty act again, not unless u want to blackmail someone. Everybody want to cheong with privacy. Nobody want to be identify as going to such places.

Of course no one gonna blame u if u post ur own photo or the girls pic. :D

ok. deleted. anyway i am there now. that photo is to answer that guy query about their girl stocks.

25-07-2018, 09:56 PM
Pls do not indulge in such naughty act again, not unless u want to blackmail someone. Everybody want to cheong with privacy. Nobody want to be identify as going to such places.

Of course no one gonna blame u if u post ur own photo or the girls pic. :D

ok noted. let get on that.

26-07-2018, 12:17 AM
Dave, I don’t know what karma you mean when you also using this bro forum. But it is the fact that her service is vgood and we pump her full raw with 100 ringgit tip. I just honest type respond to our fallen bro so he can wake up his idea and go find a good girl.

Only thing I don’t agree is he delete the post because we got go ask the OKT about this case. OKT and 136 also laughing say this guy APP story is fake case. I kaypo because when I search review for good fuck, this thread is number 1 post in search for AMANSARI so I just ask OKT question while eating the telok at cafeteria and book 136 lor and see really true anot about other samster fuck review.

think you miss out the evidence that 136 cheated appion guy's money. i saw the snapshots evidence posted before he deleted it. It was cruel and brutal.

But anyway, most WLs are here for one thing. Money... KC is part of it and we just need to be careful and be wise.

31-07-2018, 04:58 PM
Any bros gone there recently? Any big boobs ones around to try? Or cannot make it liao the spa?

01-08-2018, 06:23 PM
Any bros gone there recently? Any big boobs ones around to try? Or cannot make it liao the spa?
this spa is waste of time and cmi and far from checkpoint. vip now is giant. got a few vip small shops and varieties to choose as well.

01-08-2018, 07:57 PM
this spa is waste of time and cmi and far from checkpoint. vip now is giant. got a few small shops and varieties to choose as well.

i just went there last nite, vip close ytd afternoon..

still without tv room n 220 to pay..

unless got pretty gals for me to look see look see whole day..

05-08-2018, 12:19 PM
I'm surprised this thread doesn't get as much attention as it deserves.

I used to have mindset like OP's many years back. Lost my virginity to a 26 yo, married ML many years back. Suddenly she felt someone special to me. Went to her many times in a short span of time.

Until at one point of time it dawned on me that all (ok lah, most) these MLs only care about is one damn thing, the root of all evil. I sunk into depression, felt suicidal blah3.

Cut the story short, after many years cheonging, some of my advices for all out there:
- NEVER fall in love with any ML/FL
- Paying for sex is just like any other cash transaction; you're EXCHANGING money for pleasure. Leave any feelings aside.
- When these girls start telling you oh, how much her sister's debts are back in Vietnam, how desperate she needs money for her dad's operation, etc, take 2 steps back to evaluate if she's trying to suck more money from you.
- Practice SAFE sex. If you are too DUMB to believe that FL who'd let ONLY you to raw her, then hahaha sorry to say, you are thinking with your dick instead of your brain.
- Finally, there are so many other girls out there. Why stick to one flavor when you can enjoy many others?

Stay safe and hopefully you've learnt a valuable lesson, albeit expensive. =D

06-08-2018, 04:06 AM
I'm surprised this thread doesn't get as much attention as it deserves.

I used to have mindset like OP's many years back. Lost my virginity to a 26 yo, married ML many years back. Suddenly she felt someone special to me. Went to her many times in a short span of time.

Until at one point of time it dawned on me that all (ok lah, most) these MLs only care about is one damn thing, the root of all evil. I sunk into depression, felt suicidal blah3.

Cut the story short, after many years cheonging, some of my advices for all out there:
- NEVER fall in love with any ML/FL
- Paying for sex is just like any other cash transaction; you're EXCHANGING money for pleasure. Leave any feelings aside.
- When these girls start telling you oh, how much her sister's debts are back in Vietnam, how desperate she needs money for her dad's operation, etc, take 2 steps back to evaluate if she's trying to suck more money from you.
- Practice SAFE sex. If you are too DUMB to believe that FL who'd let ONLY you to raw her, then hahaha sorry to say, you are thinking with your dick instead of your brain.
- Finally, there are so many other girls out there. Why stick to one flavor when you can enjoy many others?

Stay safe and hopefully you've learnt a valuable lesson, albeit expensive. =D

up u for sharing..

06-08-2018, 10:10 AM
I'm surprised this thread doesn't get as much attention as it deserves.

I used to have mindset like OP's many years back. Lost my virginity to a 26 yo, married ML many years back. Suddenly she felt someone special to me. Went to her many times in a short span of time.

Until at one point of time it dawned on me that all (ok lah, most) these MLs only care about is one damn thing, the root of all evil. I sunk into depression, felt suicidal blah3.

Cut the story short, after many years cheonging, some of my advices for all out there:
- NEVER fall in love with any ML/FL
- Paying for sex is just like any other cash transaction; you're EXCHANGING money for pleasure. Leave any feelings aside.
- When these girls start telling you oh, how much her sister's debts are back in Vietnam, how desperate she needs money for her dad's operation, etc, take 2 steps back to evaluate if she's trying to suck more money from you.
- Practice SAFE sex. If you are too DUMB to believe that FL who'd let ONLY you to raw her, then hahaha sorry to say, you are thinking with your dick instead of your brain.
- Finally, there are so many other girls out there. Why stick to one flavor when you can enjoy many others?

Stay safe and hopefully you've learnt a valuable lesson, albeit expensive. =D

Morning Bro
I totally 101% agreed with all your points.
Thank u for the reminder.

08-08-2018, 10:27 PM


21-08-2018, 09:56 PM
deleted post.

21-08-2018, 10:59 PM
somebody pm me mentioned she continue to kc and cheat money.

Becareful with such WL and they always target your weak spot on her after she gain your affection and trust.

What happened to me in past is i am afraid to lose her and afraid when she claimed that she is danger or having illness. I loved her in the past ahead of myself and i chose to help her until i realized she is not truthful and full of lies at one point and got very depressed and slowly losing faith to continue.

below are the evidences on how they able to con you over false urgencies.

This video is my heart felt pain when she claimed her mother sick and nobody helping her.


This is one of biggest sum she manipulated me to help. She said that she will need to sell house if don settle debts within 4 days and will force to marry wealthy old bf who treats her lime sex slave. She gave me huge pressure because she knows i am afraid to lose her snd heart pain to let her lose her family home.


This video is she claimed she running away from danger and made me worry to come up with big sum money in days otherwise she will be harmed. but actual fact she is singing at home with her sisters. Also, she admitted she used the old wechat to cheat my money and nobody will believe me. Look at how she smirk from begining. This is their true pattern.



And there many more small money along the way that she cheated me like blood transfusion, heart surgery and etc.

Beware of such virus person. They are good in acting and put fake emotional talks and moments in wechat to let you feel she is really unfortunate. Beware of this kind of people and laws cannot help us. Injustice and cruel. Learn from my mistakes and delete them from your life if she is this type of people.

Hi bro, thank you for sharing your stories, especially the latest details. I would like to add something though.

I truly despise such girls; to me they have neither morals nor values. These people who are blinded by money will never realize that they can never take these worldly wealth with them to the graveyard.

Not adding salt to your wound, but it takes two tangle, though. Unfortunately for you, she was well aware your weaknesses and exploited them to her advantage. She set the trap well and you fell for it. I understand because at few points of times in my life I was equally naive and guilty like you had been. I've never mentioned this before, but I had actually sought therapeutic help from psychologists.

Maybe some of us are just born like that. Our hearts are too soft (心太软). As a matter of fact, shame to admit but I am now in love with another massage lady. We have many secrets between us, and I'd think that if one day we ever part ways I will be truly devastated again. Haha, but this time round I think I will never let history repeat itself. So what matters is to learn from our past mistakes. Remember, once bitten, twice shy, thrice a fool.

I truly hope you completely move on from this rather sad but pathetic episode in your life. All the best!

22-08-2018, 12:58 PM
If really want to find a massage lady as gf or wife, why not seek for one at those clean joints. There are clean joints in jb that offer vietnamese girls.

22-08-2018, 11:42 PM


22-08-2018, 11:53 PM
and yes. we all shall move on. tq bro for sharing your xp and talks.

23-08-2018, 08:58 PM
Nemo, your previous points are golden rule of F & F. It is important to remember otherwise another case of Gen Tan or Appion case.

- NEVER fall in love with any ML/FL
- Paying for sex is just like any other cash transaction; you're EXCHANGING money for pleasure. Leave any feelings aside.
- When these girls start telling you oh, how much her sister's debts are back in Vietnam, how desperate she needs money for her dad's operation, etc, take 2 steps back to evaluate if she's trying to suck more money from you.
- Practice SAFE sex. If you are too DUMB to believe that FL who'd let ONLY you to raw her, then hahaha sorry to say, you are thinking with your dick instead of your brain.
- Finally, there are so many other girls out there. Why stick to one flavor when you can enjoy many others?

23-08-2018, 09:02 PM
deleted as per requested via pm. be safe bro.

24-08-2018, 12:46 AM
deleted as per requested via pm. be safe bro.

24-08-2018, 04:00 AM
Wonder what’s going to happen next!?!?! :)

24-08-2018, 01:50 PM
i am interested in this thread because Amansari 136 did tried ask money from me when i was her regulars last year before she went for long leave using her old wechat with plain black profile pic. But i did not give her as i know she is another scam artist.

Her wechat id always ends with 0809 because of her birthday on 9 Aug and recently she celebrated her 28th birthday with many gifts from her bfs. Guess she is good in KC around. I know her pattern because i was her regulars until she disappear for a year.

Heard from my source(her sister 168) that she pregnant a child last year and not sure you know about this. If you don't know then i am sorry that she keep hiding the truth from you. I am on your side and for that I will not support her because I am disgusted with her kind.

hi, so any stories about 168? does she kc or scam any bros ?

24-08-2018, 01:51 PM
anyone knows how about 168?

24-08-2018, 02:01 PM
somebody pm me mentioned she continue to kc and cheat money.

Becareful with such WL and they always target your weak spot on her after she gain your affection and trust.

What happened to me in past is i am afraid to lose her and afraid when she claimed that she is danger or having illness. I loved her in the past ahead of myself and i chose to help her until i realized she is not truthful and full of lies at one point and got very depressed and slowly losing faith to continue.

below are the evidences on how they able to con you over false urgencies.

This video is my heart felt pain when she claimed her mother sick and nobody helping her.


This is one of biggest sum she manipulated me to help. She said that she will need to sell house if don settle debts within 4 days and will force to marry wealthy old bf who treats her lime sex slave. She gave me huge pressure because she knows i am afraid to lose her snd heart pain to let her lose her family home.


This video is she claimed she running away from danger and made me worry to come up with big sum money in days otherwise she will be harmed. but actual fact she is singing at home with her sisters. Also, she admitted she used the old wechat to cheat my money and nobody will believe me. Look at how she smirk from begining. This is their true pattern.



And there many more small money along the way that she cheated me like blood transfusion, heart surgery and etc.

Beware of such virus person. They are good in acting and put fake emotional talks and moments in wechat to let you feel she is really unfortunate. Beware of this kind of people and laws cannot help us. Injustice and cruel. Learn from my mistakes and delete them from your life if she is this type of people.

Why do i keep seeing you delete the post and reposting it when you said before you have gotten your answer and will move on from this incident.. yet all i can see is you repeating it again and again.. we all know you got cheated and we can only pity you and advice you to move on.. you keep posting about her stuff will it change anything? Wake up dude.. stop crying behind the computer writing all these.. be a grown up man and lead on a better life..

24-08-2018, 04:23 PM

Add me on Facebook to see more stuff!

24-08-2018, 06:02 PM

Add me on Facebook to see more stuff!

Wah.. for a VN girl, her english quite strong ah, can write up to so many paragraph some more....

24-08-2018, 06:25 PM
Obviously someone trying to defame her.. which vn can speak such good english

24-08-2018, 06:26 PM

Add me on Facebook to see more stuff!

Obviously this account is newly created ..

24-08-2018, 06:31 PM


24-08-2018, 06:40 PM
Cain, i understand why you do this. you must be one of the victim she hurt badly. i understand. please let it go. the hatred will consume you and change u. delete the fb account and let it go.

Dave, i am warning people because i don't want this hell to be passed to other. 3 victims pm me so far and expressed their xp with her. If u are her lover and u found out this extent of who she is then u will understand. takes time to get rid depression. many nightless nights.

24-08-2018, 06:52 PM
warning her is ok. but not this extents

24-08-2018, 06:54 PM
A person who dont treat others as human dont deserve to be treated with respect.

24-08-2018, 07:52 PM
Deleted post.

24-08-2018, 10:07 PM
deleted as per requested. be safe bro

24-08-2018, 11:21 PM
Can pm me her Facebook WeChat mobile number what you have ?

25-08-2018, 12:57 AM
deleted post as requested by appion

25-08-2018, 12:58 AM
removed post as requested by appion

25-08-2018, 02:41 AM
Troublesome luh bro. Just create a fake account and add please. To make public need to re upload. Ain't got time for that.

25-08-2018, 04:47 AM
deleted post.done with this and close chapter for good.

25-08-2018, 09:14 AM
deleted post. no point to talk further.

25-08-2018, 10:02 AM
deleted as per requested. be safe bro.

25-08-2018, 07:04 PM
bad lady... it is real bad person

Time will tell. And you got the the answers.

Please remove the negative comments. if can help guys. i dono how to delete this thread. i need admin help to delete entire thread for good. please help guys.

25-08-2018, 07:16 PM
Why do i keep seeing you delete the post and reposting it when you said before you have gotten your answer and will move on from this incident.. yet all i can see is you repeating it again and again.. we all know you got cheated and we can only pity you and advice you to move on.. you keep posting about her stuff will it change anything? Wake up dude.. stop crying behind the computer writing all these.. be a grown up man and lead on a better life..

dave, please help me edit your previous reply to delete the quote. thanks.

25-08-2018, 08:49 PM
Hmmm why would you want to delete this thread?

Remember why you had created it in the first place? That's right, to warn others about cons like Amansari's 136. I see this thread surely is serving its purpose, to share your experiences with fellow bros so that we are made aware that such vile being exists in this world. Along the way other bros have also chipped in and shared their stories which would otherwise remain untold. And it is through these stories that we all pick up the pieces, learn to move on and be wiser never to ever fall for such a trap again.

If Amansari 136 really is the kind of person you're all describing, then I can only say "karma is a bitch", and will bite her one fine day. What goes around comes around!

26-08-2018, 02:22 AM
story ended. deleted her from my life completely.

Pls help delete this thread if u know any moderator. i am quiting tis forum because i want forget this horrible memories. i am unable to share my horrible xp for lesson learnt anymore.

Don't pm me to talk about her or tell me new evidence if you are victim of her or lure my past anger out. she is who she is and we cannot change that.


27-08-2018, 08:32 PM
was asked to delete due to offensive nature.

29-08-2018, 11:11 PM
was asked to delete due to offensive nature.

01-09-2018, 06:50 AM
post removed

01-09-2018, 07:32 AM
No need to delete the thread as it serves as a warning to others.

You don't need to be sorry as the thread is not a waste of resources in fact it is the complete opposite. It provides essential information that benefits the rest here.

Hi SBF Boss and SBF Moderators,

There is a controversy on money
being cheated. i am sorry that i posted warning to people to beware of a person i loved b4 tis as i was so angry and under depression to warn people about her.

I needed to move on and i need your help to delete this thread.

Please help. i am sorry for using your SBF resources for this.


Thank you,

01-09-2018, 10:59 AM
post removed

01-09-2018, 01:32 PM
Done. :) ;)

Alright. TQ. SBF Boss.

I needed to protect my family and the WL who cheated my money sent one of her boss payroll to my house in singapore to threaten to stop talking and stop posting evidence to warn others last month.

I may need your favour to delete the last two posts in the forum as it revealed identity of person.

Sorry for the trouble.

01-09-2018, 04:26 PM
post taken out.

02-09-2018, 07:17 AM
post taken out.

I Love Boobs
02-09-2018, 07:29 AM
Take care and be safe

02-09-2018, 08:08 AM
post taken out.

02-09-2018, 08:29 AM
post taken out.

03-09-2018, 03:32 AM
How is the strength at Amansari now? Price for 1st / 2nd shot etc?

13-09-2018, 12:56 AM
Any news on Amansari? 136 and the cousin still there?

25-10-2018, 01:12 AM
what is the video about? can send me?

25-10-2018, 01:13 AM
deleted post. no point to talk further.

what is the video you posted about previously? can pm me?

01-11-2018, 06:46 AM
Any Cool Thai girl at Amansari? Please share Whatsapp, Wechat or any contact.

I'm visiting this weekend.

01-11-2018, 07:46 AM
Hi guy's please share any nice and cool Thai girl from Amansari de.
Her #badge, Whatsapp, WeChat, FB or any contact.
This weekend I'm going Amansari to spend time.

02-11-2018, 07:09 PM
Anyone knows if amansari is still up and running? The place used to be very good 2 years ago, used to have a forum thread as well but now like nothing. Havent been to JB for a year++ already, would like to know what things are like now if someone could help!

03-11-2018, 11:27 PM
Anyone knows if amansari is still up and running? The place used to be very good 2 years ago, used to have a forum thread as well but now like nothing. Havent been to JB for a year++ already, would like to know what things are like now if someone could help!

Went there like few months back... Quite some time ago, The place became dam empty in terms of girl. Limited girl and service was quite bad, after the big raid happen

04-11-2018, 05:12 AM
I just went last week and there about or close to 20 gals.
Viet, Thai, Indo, Laos
About half the strength still viets and they are the veterans of the joint already

Didnt want to pick a Viet gal as I have encountered many bad exp with Viet veterans
Wanted to pick one laos gal but some bro beat me to it

04-11-2018, 05:36 PM
I just went last week and there about or close to 20 gals.
Viet, Thai, Indo, Laos
About half the strength still viets and they are the veterans of the joint already

Didnt want to pick a Viet gal as I have encountered many bad exp with Viet veterans
Wanted to pick one laos gal but some bro beat me to it

How about the price? I remember correctly the 2nd shot price is dirt cheap. Is it still the same?

06-11-2018, 12:57 AM
I nv try... Dunno

07-11-2018, 02:27 PM
Guys anyone know Bella Thai bitch from Amansari?

07-11-2018, 02:30 PM
If anyone know Bella from Amansari, please share.

14-11-2018, 01:46 AM
Been frequently visiting Amansari, so here’s an update to the best of my knowledge.

First shot : 220
Second shot : 160

Masssge per hour : 100 (60 if you took a shot)

Overnight : 600, start from 12.30am/1am, depending on crowd.

21-11-2018, 11:39 AM
Any update? Girls availability etc

22-11-2018, 05:34 PM
wah seh... still surviving ah.?? so surprise to know sia. hahaha.

22-11-2018, 08:11 PM
There still quite a number of attractive Viet and Thai girls.. interested bros can go try

13-12-2018, 02:12 AM
Chat deleted

13-12-2018, 02:17 AM
Chat deleted

19-12-2018, 09:22 AM
Amansari was raid by Immigration and PDRM around 10pm. All the chickens gone to lockup.

Spa closed for time being!

24-12-2018, 02:06 AM
Already reminded that this spa were always raided by authority, i already skipped this spa long time ago, all the girls kenna caught like angpai 72, 81, 82, 118, 71, 180 and thai/indo/cambodia girls, do not know whether this spa can sustain with regularly raided by authority. If customer inside the rooms, sometimes will up lorry as well for questioning in balai. Lucky for 136 and 168, heard they went back vietnam ady. Better stick to my safer spa like molek spa and pariss spa. Good selection of young girl with good gfe ..

02-01-2019, 03:47 PM
Where is Molek Spa? If not convenient, can PM.

02-01-2019, 03:53 PM
Where is Molek Spa? If convenient, can PM me?

06-01-2019, 01:41 PM
Update of Amansari? I might visit this afternoon. Still fishbowl free food and other amenities

06-01-2019, 02:12 PM
]Update of Amansari? I might visit this afternoon. Still fishbowl free food and other amenities

09-02-2019, 05:07 AM
Amansari 136 still available for bang the rest of the chickens was get caught by authorities still in prison facing prostitution charges.
Not much activities to excited in there at the moment 😂

09-06-2019, 07:24 PM
Tried both 117, 131. Both give good service. Worth the money

09-06-2019, 07:37 PM
Amansari 136 still available for bang the rest of the chickens was get caught by authorities still in prison facing prostitution charges.
Not much activities to excited in there at the moment 😂
Tried both 117,131 in amansari. Both give good service. Worth the money

17-08-2019, 10:46 AM
Hi bro
Any updates @ Amansari Spa?
Cos I'll gg next week.

22-09-2019, 06:43 PM
I just raw 136.. I think I made a mistake.. Am I in danger?? Have you all tried?

23-09-2019, 11:48 PM
I just raw 136.. I think I made a mistake.. Am I in danger?? Have you all tried?

Raw means risk, all the best.

24-09-2019, 11:05 AM
I just raw 136.. I think I made a mistake.. Am I in danger?? Have you all tried?

Dont dare to try coz 136 has rawed too many people...

26-09-2019, 10:18 PM
I just raw 136.. I think I made a mistake.. Am I in danger?? Have you all tried?

Raw = War...
Good luck bro...

27-09-2019, 04:14 PM
actually 136 raw with a lot of her regular young and good looking chap include me. but now no point discussing about her as she already went back to vietnam with her young singapore carrothead bf. Manage to have farewell bonk with her for 2 round, first round shoot inside her wet pussy and second round into her mouth plus fingering her anus. after finish the session, did ask her about her plan. she just told me most probably not coming back to amansari or malaysia anymore as she already earn enough and heard amansari going to close soon due to less customer/girls and big winds.

16-10-2019, 12:30 PM
She is back.

16-10-2019, 08:29 PM
She is back.

I know, already back for few days, bonking still in the hotel room, not in the spa room. Also surprise she coming back as now very big wind. Even vip spa also closed for few days.

01-11-2019, 09:48 PM
does anyone know where is 168 now??? still working in amansari???

30-11-2019, 01:16 PM
Just tried 136 again yesterday. Still very good.

01-12-2019, 07:24 PM
136 seems to have lost a lot of weight and very skinny now. Anyone still using her?

02-12-2019, 12:04 PM
136 seems to have lost a lot of weight and very skinny now. Anyone still using her?

i also wonder why she need to lost weight, she already looks very good with her big enhanced neh neh. if too slim, not match her body. not dare to comment in front of her, just enjoy her excellent sex with her. She no doubt the best vietnam girl in JB at the moments.

02-12-2019, 04:11 PM
Nowadays amansari already no gals to see
Only one handful of gals working

Not a place worth to go anymore
I will only miss the pool here lol

03-12-2019, 12:46 AM
i also wonder why she need to lost weight, she already looks very good with her big enhanced neh neh. if too slim, not match her body. not dare to comment in front of her, just enjoy her excellent sex with her. She no doubt the best vietnam girl in JB at the moments.

I commented her but she say slim is good but now is too skinny leg like bamboo not very nice

03-07-2022, 05:12 PM
Can’t seem to find any fishbowl style like Amansari and if this place still open? Any bros can PM and recommend me if any Goldfish style where all sit in front of you.? Thanks