View Full Version : Caucasian guy looking for NSA

13-07-2018, 04:29 PM
Hi there

If any of the ladies here would like to meet with tall european guy for some fun of just for a chat please drop me a line here.


13-07-2018, 04:45 PM
Got pic to show???:D

13-07-2018, 07:17 PM
Some girl see the word Eurasian jitao wet.

See if you got luck :o

13-07-2018, 09:14 PM
At least please provide a proper introduction of yourself .

13-07-2018, 09:37 PM
Really amdk. They don't even bother giving a proper introduction. All they simply need to do is to state their race and girls will flock to him. Ultimate sex card.

14-07-2018, 10:33 PM
Wow so good

I wish i am reborn as an angmoh so that all asian girls can queue up to auto open their legs for me

14-07-2018, 10:57 PM
No need to say too much for them. All the "gatal" girls will fly to them like a moth to a flame. So boring!

15-07-2018, 01:57 PM
Hi there

If any of the ladies here would like to meet with tall european guy for some fun of just for a chat please drop me a line here.


Hi white trash

15-07-2018, 09:34 PM
Wow so good

I wish i am reborn as an angmoh so that all asian girls can queue up to auto open their legs for me
2018 already, still think amdk is superior :rolleyes:

If u got what it takes, girls will auto open for u ;) amdk or not :cool:

15-07-2018, 11:03 PM
Wow so good

I wish i am reborn as an angmoh so that all asian girls can queue up to auto open their legs for me

U want to be like tat idiot dotard?:rolleyes:

19-07-2018, 05:55 PM
Woow. Did not expect so much racism here :) You guys must be really insecure about your dicks. yes, caucasian as malay, chinese or indian what you all put in your adds, haha racist assholes.

Anyway ladies you are welcome to reply and I will do proper introduction in private message as the environment is pretty hostile. You won't regret :)

19-07-2018, 06:39 PM
Woow. Did not expect so much racism here :) You guys must be really insecure about your dicks. yes, caucasian as malay, chinese or indian what you all put in your adds, haha racist assholes.

Anyway ladies you are welcome to reply and I will do proper introduction in private message as the environment is pretty hostile. You won't regret :)

How is it racism when we criticise your dick-waving laziness in trying to get laid here? If it were a local guy of any race or skin colour who wrote the exact same thing as you did too he's get a royal bollocking from all of us here, and rightly so too.

As for us being insecure about dicks, let me put it to you this way Mr Caucasian Guy With The Big Schlong, you're just average compared to most other guys around you. Wanna know why? Because like most guys you are lazy and only think about using your dick to make a woman feel good in bed, as if that was your signature calling card and tool to use. I'm willing to bet with you that I can make a woman orgasm with my fingers and tongue alone as much, or even more than you with your big dick, and I don't even have to drop my pants for it.

Guys who instinctively resort to dick size jokes and putdowns against other men are positively prehistoric and caveman-like in their idea of masculinity, not to mention in my 8 years of swinging thus far I haven't met a single guy who places dick size at a premium and judges others for their sizes, that actually turns out to be anything but a mediocre fuck in bed. And I've been places, places you can never guess at, done parties you wouldn't possibly imagine, seen and done sex with people of all shapes races nationalities and orientations.

You just signed your own sex appeal death warrant here with that glib retort of yours. Why aren't you busy getting lucky hooking up sarong party girls down at Clarke Quay? :rolleyes::p

19-07-2018, 09:15 PM
Seriously you think ladies would reply to you if you have a 1 liner sentence ?

19-07-2018, 09:37 PM
Yeah this thread has some racist comments in it.. especially the white thrash comment... nobody scolded the guy for posting such racist filth here..

20-07-2018, 10:06 AM
Hi white trash

FT? :rolleyes: Hmmm...

24-08-2018, 12:47 AM
Woow. Did not expect so much racism here :) You guys must be really insecure about your dicks. yes, caucasian as malay, chinese or indian what you all put in your adds, haha racist assholes.

Anyway ladies you are welcome to reply and I will do proper introduction in private message as the environment is pretty hostile. You won't regret :)

The insecure white trash is you . Haha dun forget that

24-08-2018, 04:34 AM
Insecure abt our dicks??? Ha ha ha,

Must be a pretty poor place you come from where people's worth is measured by their dick size.

Read carefully the messages above, they are critique on your laziness and your "I'm the master race... That's my entire hook up line" Post .... *sideward glance*

25-08-2018, 08:06 AM
Woow. Did not expect so much racism here :) You guys must be really insecure about your dicks. yes, caucasian as malay, chinese or indian what you all put in your adds, haha racist assholes.

U mean ur shit come out from ur mouth?:D