View Full Version : KL Limo driver recommendations

Stan Tan
08-05-2007, 08:40 PM
I took a limo from KLIA and the driver told me he can supply any race good quality young girls for RM500 overnight. No short sessions. Anyone tried this before and any advice?

10-05-2007, 12:14 AM
I took a limo from KLIA and the driver told me he can supply any race good quality young girls for RM500 overnight. No short sessions. Anyone tried this before and any advice?

Main thing to take note is that he is a limo driver. :D

He would have a contact to some girls, that's all. So he would be getting a small cut from the RM500.

I suppose for an out of towner, getting such a contact/agent might not be a bad thing.

13-05-2007, 01:38 PM
Well i think best way is to try it out and post a FR.
What FLs are provided? prcs or local
But its true that many limo/taxi drivers have such contacts as they get a commission.
Do pm me the taxi driver's contact so can try and post a FR :D

14-05-2007, 11:54 AM
Well i think best way is to try it out and post a FR.
What FLs are provided? prcs or local
But its true that many limo/taxi drivers have such contacts as they get a commission.
Do pm me the taxi driver's contact so can try and post a FR :D

no need la, u just PM me yr. mobile, i bring u to what FL u want...then i wil take my comm frm the okt...FR or no FR i dont care, u got friends wana join too?:rolleyes:

14-05-2007, 11:56 AM
He would have a contact to some girls, that's all. So he would be getting a small cut from the RM500. I think it would depend on the quality of the gals. If really SYT kind of FLs then cost would be about RM350 - RM450 for overnite.

I know some FLs that cost only about RM200 - RM250 for overnites. If that's the case, then you can imagine the cut that the limo driver gets.:rolleyes:

14-05-2007, 12:01 PM
I think that is a bit too expensive,he must take part of the money as his "commission".:D

14-05-2007, 02:27 PM
I think it would depend on the quality of the gals. If really SYT kind of FLs then cost would be about RM350 - RM450 for overnite.

I know some FLs that cost only about RM200 - RM250 for overnites. If that's the case, then you can imagine the cut that the limo driver gets.:rolleyes:

He is using parang to cut lar...

Unless he can provide you good hotel and gal for 500. Then i say is fair....else, RM300 for one nite is market rate ler....Although we get RM200 offer....kekekekkekekeke

14-05-2007, 06:00 PM

Maybe. But I take a different view. He is just at the right place at the right time, being a source to someone who has a need.

Price is high but if agreed by both parties, it's a fair deal.

Anyway, limo drivers don't earn much.

14-05-2007, 06:21 PM
Anyway, limo drivers don't earn much.

True, but that is not our problem. The shameful condition of their 'limos', monopolistic / corruptive practices of their bosses, and their own tidak apa attitude all contribute to their predicament.

We are not a charity organization. Our money is hard earned and should be wisely spent

15-05-2007, 01:41 AM
True, true. But whatever price agreed by the buyer and seller is a fair price as long as there is no coercion.

15-05-2007, 10:33 AM
True, true. But whatever price agreed by the buyer and seller is a fair price as long as there is no coercion.I would agree with this.

It's very simple. If you are quoted a price and you feel comfi with it, then by all means carry on. Sometimes the price quoted might be higher than market value but if the stock is really delicious, then why not sample good food for a higher cost.:p

These situations are for those who are new to any country and just want to sample the local delicacies. If he has access to SBF and WSG, maybe he would have the time to find out the market price and from there have an idea of what is the actual cost. If not, then just pay what is comfi and pray that the stock is justified by the cost.:D

15-05-2007, 11:59 AM
when quotres are for overnight - it is generally meant from 11pm plus till next morning - it doesnt mean that it starts ie from afternoon for a rm$500 overnight". But generally the range is from 450 to 600 for overnights (from like midnight till morning only) depending on the nationalities of the gals.

15-05-2007, 12:00 PM
when quotres are for overnight - it is generally meant from 11pm plus till next morning - it doesnt mean that it starts ie from afternoon for a rm$500 overnight". But generally the range is from 450 to 600 for overnights (from like midnight till morning only) depending on the nationalities of the gals.

D@rk Sniper69
21-05-2007, 06:08 PM
For RM 500 u can shoot 2-3 girls for a day. Why spend the whole RM 500 on one???

Some places in KL can get RM 150 - RM 200 per shot. Go try Micasa or Synergy la.