View Full Version : Should i give in
Lately i have just completed my studies and have just stepped into the working life. Everything was fine, afterall even though my paid was not high, but at least it is a nice working environment. Collegues were nice, maybe since i'm the youngest guy there, there was no lack of help from others.
Until recently when i'm reattached to a female superior as someone quit. My female superior was someone everyone fear working with, maybe for her hot temper. But somehow she treated me very well, and never actually loses her temper even though i did screw up some work. Due to my job scope, i'm required to follow her whenever she needs to meet client outside. As days goes by, i manage to know more about her better as she often chit chat with me while driving. Even though she's not married, i do sense she's quite successful in a aspect as she's driving a brand new BMW and furthermore lives in a condo alone.
As days goes by, she seems to trust me better and actually told me more about her previous failed relationship and etc. In my mind she's like a older sister. Somehow 1 day after work, she actually asked me whether i'm free to help her troubleshoot her wireless network, since i'm free i actually agreed.
Upon reaching, i'm went to troubleshoot her com while she went to fix dinner.
We had a simple dinner and then i went back to troubleshoot her wireless setting again since i failed to fix it. But somehow after 3 hours i'm still unable to connect to the internet and its already 10+. Sensing that i could not fix her problem she actually offer me a drink first. But somehow she open some red wine and offer me, even though she know i dun drink, but insist me for taking as she say she has just open a bottle which she had kept for years.
Somehow times files while drinking and its already 11+. Somehow while pouring another glass for me, she actually sit next to me and ask me to stay for the night. Even though i'm a little tipsy i rejected her straight as i do not wish to stay. She even tease me saying whether i'm scared i'll be eaten by her and assure me that she dun eat young men. But somehow i decided to leave anyway.
Next morning i went to work as usual and it came as a sudden shock to me when i reach the office. My other collegue told me, my lady superior wanna see me. As usual without further thought, i went to her office. What shock me was that she actually scold me for nearly 20 mintues stating all those mistake that i have make in the past. I'm stun as this the the first time she actually scold me. Finally she even told me that it's her to her whether to keep me as my probation period is ending soon. i do agree that i make mistake but i guess those are small mistake that everyone make.
It seems the worst day of my working life, i mean getting screw at 930 to 950straight in the morning. But somehow during the week, we back to normal, there the normal chit chat during those car journey. Until last friday after a car journey where she actually sound me whether i'm seriously intrested in pursing a career in this company. And tease me in a tone telling me that if i'm intrested, i better try to fix up a date to go her home again to fix her wireless up. Finally she end off with " i guess u better know what are expect of you this time round".
I mean i'm having major thoughts right now, should i quit or actually give in to her demands. i think i do know what she's after, i mean i'm ok with paid sex but having a fb relationship is another thing. My probation is ending soon and i'm suppose to give her a answer soon.
15-05-2007, 11:24 AM
If she is a lau chio, go for it. For me, guaranteed. :D
15-05-2007, 11:33 AM
Interesting problem you got there.
First of all, is she physcially attractive that you dont mind screwing?If so, what the hack, free F and secure job.
If its not your intention to go down this way, then there are a few options:
a) quit the job
b) record evidence of this "indecent proposal" and sue her for sexual harresment
c) record evidence and confront her with the threat that you might report the incident to your superiors.
Whatever your decision, my take is that even though we should not be intimidated to do things that we are unwilling. To me, a matter of principle is more improtant that a job.
Good luck.
My 2cents.
15-05-2007, 11:54 AM
Screw her and make all her (and your) wildest dreams come true. You have to be ready to quit your job after that. Either that or you will have to rise above her.
I screwed my ex-boss before and worked hard at my real work at the same time. Before the relationship ended, I was ranked above her and had no fear of losing my job. Nevertheless, she still tried her best at being a pain in the butt.
15-05-2007, 11:56 AM
b) record evidence of this "indecent proposal" and sue her for sexual harresment that's a first:p
15-05-2007, 11:59 AM
Somehow or rather, i somehow see this word somehow popping up so very often! Just teasing u mate! :D
15-05-2007, 12:25 PM
Lately i have just completed my studies and have just stepped into the working life. Everything was fine, afterall even though my paid was not high, but at least it is a nice working environment. Collegues were nice, maybe since i'm the youngest guy there, there was no lack of help from others.
Until recently when i'm reattached to a female superior as someone quit. My female superior was someone everyone fear working with, maybe for her hot temper. But somehow she treated me very well, and never actually loses her temper even though i did screw up some work. Due to my job scope, i'm required to follow her whenever she needs to meet client outside. As days goes by, i manage to know more about her better as she often chit chat with me while driving. Even though she's not married, i do sense she's quite successful in a aspect as she's driving a brand new BMW and furthermore lives in a condo alone.
As days goes by, she seems to trust me better and actually told me more about her previous failed relationship and etc. In my mind she's like a older sister. Somehow 1 day after work, she actually asked me whether i'm free to help her troubleshoot her wireless network, since i'm free i actually agreed.
Upon reaching, i'm went to troubleshoot her com while she went to fix dinner.
We had a simple dinner and then i went back to troubleshoot her wireless setting again since i failed to fix it. But somehow after 3 hours i'm still unable to connect to the internet and its already 10+. Sensing that i could not fix her problem she actually offer me a drink first. But somehow she open some red wine and offer me, even though she know i dun drink, but insist me for taking as she say she has just open a bottle which she had kept for years.
Somehow times files while drinking and its already 11+. Somehow while pouring another glass for me, she actually sit next to me and ask me to stay for the night. Even though i'm a little tipsy i rejected her straight as i do not wish to stay. She even tease me saying whether i'm scared i'll be eaten by her and assure me that she dun eat young men. But somehow i decided to leave anyway.
Next morning i went to work as usual and it came as a sudden shock to me when i reach the office. My other collegue told me, my lady superior wanna see me. As usual without further thought, i went to her office. What shock me was that she actually scold me for nearly 20 mintues stating all those mistake that i have make in the past. I'm stun as this the the first time she actually scold me. Finally she even told me that it's her to her whether to keep me as my probation period is ending soon. i do agree that i make mistake but i guess those are small mistake that everyone make.
It seems the worst day of my working life, i mean getting screw at 930 to 950straight in the morning. But somehow during the week, we back to normal, there the normal chit chat during those car journey. Until last friday after a car journey where she actually sound me whether i'm seriously intrested in pursing a career in this company. And tease me in a tone telling me that if i'm intrested, i better try to fix up a date to go her home again to fix her wireless up. Finally she end off with " i guess u better know what are expect of you this time round".
I mean i'm having major thoughts right now, should i quit or actually give in to her demands. i think i do know what she's after, i mean i'm ok with paid sex but having a fb relationship is another thing. My probation is ending soon and i'm suppose to give her a answer soon.
If she is good looking, good figure... Dun wait liao...
If not, better run as fast as you can...
15-05-2007, 12:29 PM
Bro, it's never easy to make such decision. Nevertheless, before u act anything, think about what u want in your life before acting otherwise u will regret it for life. Just my 2-cents worth of thoughts. Cheers!!!:)
15-05-2007, 12:29 PM
If she is good looking, good figure... Dun wait liao...
If not, better run as fast as you can...
You think good looking, good figure make our bro so headache meh.. whack first liao lor. :D
15-05-2007, 12:31 PM
give her what she wants while you get your confirmation. in the meantime go for interviews.
then you can get to fark her brains out, get your confirmation (and hopefully pay increment), find a new job and later with the new job, ask her to fark off...:D
15-05-2007, 12:39 PM
I mean i'm having major thoughts right now, should i quit or actually give in to her demands. i think i do know what she's after, i mean i'm ok with paid sex but having a fb relationship is another thing. My probation is ending soon and i'm suppose to give her a answer soon.[/QUOTE]
If i were you, i will gather evidences & expose her deeds to the top management. Give her one time jia lat jia lat so that she will wake up her fuxking idea. Stay on the job as its no fault of yours after that.
This is only your first job, primary objective is to gain experience. Unhappy then move on to next job lor. Market is good now especially for young qualified indivdual like you. Dun need to stoop so low as to prositute yourself to your superior especially when you mentioned that your pay is not very high.
Even if you manage to retain your job after giving in, what's next?
Become her sex slave in the long run? You already give in right from the begining, it is likely that you will continue to give in the future.
(o)(o) Tuner
15-05-2007, 12:39 PM
Wow, this is interesting.
First of all you have to ask yourself. Wat are the prospect in this company? Are you single, attached or married? If disasters happen, are you prepare to give up your relationship? If everything is comfortable, go for it. Fuck her first, use her as a stepping stone and progress with the company. Make yourself a name in your industry.
15-05-2007, 12:49 PM
if she is a lau chio, gd figure, free bonk, no commitment,
go for it,
secretly film the process,
blackmail her later.;)
15-05-2007, 01:27 PM
Screw her.. video the whole thing.. write a nice FR and let us bros here do the rest.. but screw her in a hotel, not her home. Now own time own target.. carry on !!!!!!
15-05-2007, 01:47 PM
For most guys, they would think that they wouldnt lose out on anything, should they accept the advances of a female superior and yet it helps them to secure the job and probably even move up the corporate ladder easier or quicker. For this, I would say they are merely thinking with their small head, since all they figured out was that since its offered to them an its free fuck, why not???
However, we have to think in the perspective on a long-term basis. Some responses that I have read was to fuck her, get the job secured, then find another job outside elsewhere and get her to fuck off. But remember, the mouth of a lady can be poisonous. She too, can spread that you have been promoted so high (if its evidently known that you arent that capable) was due to her help. You must be reacting and say, "Why would a girl say such a thing"..
Then again, if you guys can think of videotaping it down, why not her? Since he's gonna be in her house. And she's free to put any bugs in her house without the TS's knowledge.
Since, now is that the guy would have to go over and fix the wireless network, and he ALREADY know what his superior wants from him. Hence, he will be the one to make the move since now the superior knows that she has the upper hand. And who knows, if she videos it down?
And she wouldnt tell the guy until he decides to move on to another company after being promoted to a high position, and listening to all the 'advice' from the guys who suggested to get her to fuck off.. And she threatened him with that video???
You guys simply think of the enjoyment of the free fuck but never think in views of different situations/consequences...
15-05-2007, 01:59 PM
i will go ahead man.:D
15-05-2007, 02:21 PM
You guys simply think of the enjoyment of the free fuck but never think in views of different situations/consequences...
good point, but i'm suggesting to the bro here an extremely short term solution because his confirmation is coming up already.
i personally think that if he leaves before confirmation due to this, it'd be a HUGE waste of his earlier months invested in this company. plus he's a fresh grad, so to leave now would not look to good in his resume.
with some confirmations come a slightly higher pay too, that'd help some.
and in the meantime, meaning now, start to look for another job. its always more credible to be looking for another job while employed. he can always say in the interview that he feels he can contribute more to another company than his current one.
forget about progression in his current company, with a bossitch like that, he'd have to wait long long.
but yes, the small head is thinking when there is someone asking for some sugar. the knee-jerk response is wtf not?!
even if she films things down now, then ok lor, when he makes it big in another company, and she exposes him. she'd just become another one of his conquests, she's the slut not him being a basturd. verified by video some more! hehehe
peace out.
15-05-2007, 03:05 PM
However, we have to think in the perspective on a long-term basis. Some responses that I have read was to fuck her, get the job secured, then find another job outside elsewhere and get her to fuck off. But remember, the mouth of a lady can be poisonous. She too, can spread that you have been promoted so high (if its evidently known that you arent that capable) was due to her help. You must be reacting and say, "Why would a girl say such a thing"..
And she wouldnt tell the guy until he decides to move on to another company after being promoted to a high position, and listening to all the 'advice' from the guys who suggested to get her to fuck off.. And she threatened him with that video???
No biggie with the video threat career wise. My ex-boss has got videos of our trysts together but career-wise it will be to her detriment to use this. She gets branded the slut and me, the philanderer... my colleagues wouldn't bother about that tag on me but she would be shamed. Such is life.
However, thread cautiously when it intrudes to personal life. The ex-boss can still cause damage to marriage or gf relationship if attached.
15-05-2007, 03:38 PM
You guys simply think of the enjoyment of the free fuck but never think in views of different situations/consequences...
What else can we think of? Besides free fucks, probably the next best thing is a paid fuck.:D
15-05-2007, 03:40 PM
Wow this story is interesting. I think best is to make a pros/cons list and see which outweighs which. In my opinion though, nothing in life is free. It seems like that if she dares to make the first move on a subordinate, and threaten you, there is no way knowing what might happen next time.
As it is, it is not a mutual attraction for each other and then agree to have sex/be fuck buddies situation, but it's more like she is using her power over you to make you succumb to her. Even if you are attracted to her, it seems that it might get messy next time.
What if when she wants you next time but you are unavailable becasue you are with another girl or have other commitments, will she get jealous and screw you over in the office again? I think best is start making interviews, find a new job elsewhere, then make her your fuck buddy and be your willing slave. Don't ever let a girl have power all over you cause she will surely abuse it!
15-05-2007, 03:45 PM
Locally, if you look at it. Any sexual scandal, you think we bother about the
guy? The media will expose more on the woman than the guy...
Who loses out at the end? The guy or the gal? :D
15-05-2007, 04:07 PM
poon. i think u better think a little more about it. if the job is really gonna be your career, or is it just another job? from the way things are going, sounds more like an entrapment, than anything else.
if u really have to screw your boss, regardless if u decide to stay or quit. best not to do it in her home. u'd be leaving behind too much epithelial for her to use as evidence to incriminate you.
dont forget, this is sg, men have the disadvantage... where "rape"/ outrage of modesty is concerned.
u can either:
1) submit to her demand... & live like her gigolo, thereon after... or,
2) u can oblige to her needs... & use the favor for leverage in your job... or,
3) give her a well wrapped sex-toy for the next company xmas function, tagged with note... "pls DIY... enjoy"
its your life... u decide.
15-05-2007, 04:22 PM
Things do happen when you least expect it. Sometimes they come back to haunt you long after it happen.
Many politicians, tax evaders woes are mainly due to scorned women.
Sure you may leave the company but once blackmailed or on the take, you will always be in the control of someone, even for a little revenge.
Your boss will have no qualms going to your future wife and tell her that you slept around with her. What a way to start your marriage!
By the way, haven't you heard aything from your colleagues about your boss? Why not asked some of your colleahues, why she's single? You may surprised the rumour mill is working overtime and your name may already been implicated even you did nothing.
Believe me, you have no respect from your colleagues even if you are promoted because "you slept with her and that's why you are the asst. manager"
15-05-2007, 04:28 PM
did she ask ....DEAL OR NO DEAL?
15-05-2007, 04:46 PM
Upon reaching, I'm went to troubleshoot her com while she went to fix dinner.
We had a simple dinner and then i went back to troubleshoot her wireless setting again since i failed to fix it. But somehow after 3 hours i'm still unable to connect to the internet and its already 10+. Sensing that i could not fix her problem she actually offer me a drink first......
Geshhh..... her wireless router is faulty.... so there's no way you can troubleshoot lah. She's indirectly ask you to troubleshoot your "wire plug" into her "receptacle". Get it WIRED-UP, understand? :D
15-05-2007, 05:02 PM
i think i do know what she's after, i mean i'm ok with paid sex but having a fb relationship is another thing. My probation is ending soon and i'm suppose to give her a answer soon.
you should stick to paid sex and resign immediately. dont ever use your koo koo jiao to help your working career.
and let us know what company you working so we can apply for your job hor. :D
15-05-2007, 05:05 PM
then his GF how ler? :o
15-05-2007, 05:36 PM
Okay, dokay,
Here's where Dhairy aka Laobaby cums into the fray
and offers our little xiao poon di a win-win strategy
so your lady bossy, you think she's horny
and lusting after your didi
and you, have job probation to worry
thinking if no up her then probation in jeopardy
listen up and this is what you do
go get a good looking horny guy (me oso can, got abs hor)
and go fix her the Internet real good and nice
and once break the ice, leave them and pretend you bohchye
after she gets her desire satiated,
your probation ends with confirmed job granted
15-05-2007, 06:24 PM
Happened to see this topic and like to share something which happened to my fren who is a guy, in early 30's and quite good looking. He is in this coy and his boss like him alot. Now it all seems okay untilll I tell u all guys his boss is a male! :eek: In return of his sexual fav....he give him a manager post and in return...he has to blow him. :eek: Err.....bros...I think by here...some already wanna zap mi. Pls dun. I'm merely sharing.
15-05-2007, 06:51 PM
Hi bro poon,
Interesting situation you have there. I personally would milk it for all its worth, especially if its your first job and she's someone with seniority and authority in the company. Get her trust, then her networks, her recommendations, etc. Twirl her around your finger. She be the puppet and you, the puppeteer. Since this is your first job, its a tremendous opportunity to create a strong foothold in the days ahead. Play your cards right, you'll come out of it better than you can imagine.
And since she is loaded and comes with clout, go for it. How many of us have this opportunity? She probably wouldn't expect you to be scheming being green and all but that's your edge! Don't think of it from a sexual perspective, its too parochial and simplistic. Leverage the situation to your extreme advantage. :D
15-05-2007, 06:51 PM
Itz a tough ur u really wanna be a toy-boy 4 ur lady boss??...If she's pretty, give's u a ferrari and let u stay in district 13 penthouse...y not?? :D
15-05-2007, 09:01 PM
a lot of bros asked him if the boss is goo dlooking... i mean must be not very good nor attractive lah....if nice he would sure eat her up liao right? if he is so quai type, will not come to this site in the 1st place right??
16-05-2007, 02:14 AM
Okay, dokay,
Here's where Dhairy aka Laobaby cums into the fray and offers our little xiao poon di a win-win strategy
Wow... a 3some !... soon its going to be 4some, 5some, 6some... nthsome...
16-05-2007, 04:56 AM
Hi bro poon,
Interesting situation you have there. I personally would milk it for all its worth, especially if its your first job and she's someone with seniority and authority in the company. Get her trust, then her networks, her recommendations, etc. Twirl her around your finger. She be the puppet and you, the puppeteer. Since this is your first job, its a tremendous opportunity to create a strong foothold in the days ahead. Play your cards right, you'll come out of it better than you can imagine.
And since she is loaded and comes with clout, go for it. How many of us have this opportunity? She probably wouldn't expect you to be scheming being green and all but that's your edge! Don't think of it from a sexual perspective, its too parochial and simplistic. Leverage the situation to your extreme advantage. :D
*Option 1* ATTACK !!! #refer to above
Now this is a very good way of reversing the situation. If u can do it, u will win all. If u decided to fuck her, REMEMBER TO LET HER PUT ON THE CONDOM FOR U !!!!!!!!! AND LET HER INITATE THE COWGIRL POSITION !!!!!
*Option 2* Attack + Defense
Like dirtyhairy has said, find a FB for her !!! The 2nd best way i think, not advancing nor retreating. Is she really interested in you or a FB. If is a FB, whats her taste ?
*Option 3* Defense
Gather Evidence of her threatening you and warn her not to haress u again. If she threaten you to kick u out, expose her.
*Option 4* RETREAT !!!
Quit the job. Get her off you back totally. Fuck her (verbally) and tell her about SBF where she can get paid and get fucked at the same time. Remember to tell her to quote ur name in her thread so that the bros here will "gently" poke her.
16-05-2007, 05:02 AM
For me, if the female boss has some looks and figure and all still can make it, ill go for option 1.
For this kind of case, i have heard afew cases about it. But 1st time it appear in front of my face from a fellow bro in SBF.
Most of the time, the male reject coz the female boss cant make it. Otherwise this kind of case most the time is auto-accept 1.
16-05-2007, 09:10 AM
poon if you want to up your fat urgy bitchy boss I sincerely hope you could get your didi up or else you will do more damages to yourself than turning down her sexual request.
good luck bro:D
16-05-2007, 09:17 AM
why always 1 post and the person MIA ?? ? ? :confused:
16-05-2007, 09:40 AM
why always 1 post and the person MIA ?? ? ? :confused:
welcome to sbf adult discussion about sex.
some will start a thread asking for help but make 1 or 2 posts there only. some will provide lengthy advice, suggestion and recommendation like they are consultants, psychiatrists and psychologists. :D
16-05-2007, 10:34 AM
You stupid fella,
Fast job confirmation, good increment after that, rapid promotion to fuck...become your FB....all these never cross your mind?
If she's not ugly, treat you nicely, stays alone, you just missed the best time of your life. You are not even asked to marry her, just have some fun, that's all....not doing it at your own peril...ever cross your mind later jobless & hungry,where to find $ for commerial sex?
Trust me, it's easier to get a women who are rich, than to make yourself rich to get women....ever wonder what age you gonna get your first condo? Base on normal job, no hickup,singapore standard living....maybe 41~43 years old, by then you want to screw your dream girl, cock only half standing.
Go on sign up in the army and buy HDB flat, the last thing you ever had is righteous.
16-05-2007, 10:34 AM
You stupid fella,
Fast job confirmation, good increment after that, rapid promotion to fuck...become your FB....all these never cross your mind?
If she's not ugly, treat you nicely, stays alone, you just missed the best time of your life. You are not even asked to marry her, just have some fun, that's all....not doing it at your own peril...ever cross your mind later jobless & hungry,where to find $ for commerial sex?
Trust me, it's easier to get a women who are rich, than to make yourself rich to get women....ever wonder what age you gonna get your first condo? Base on normal job, no hickup,singapore standard living....maybe 41~43 years old, by then you want to screw your dream girl, cock only half standing.
Go on sign up in the army and buy HDB flat, the last thing you ever had is righteous.
a lot of bros asked him if the boss is goo dlooking... i mean must be not very good nor attractive lah....if nice he would sure eat her up liao right? if he is so quai type, will not come to this site in the 1st place right??
I do admit i'm not the guai type as i did went for paid sex before. I mean i'm damm guilty of going for paid sex in the past and there the period where i think i'm seriously hook to it. It only when i took up my current job that i manage to concentrate my full energy into work rather than sex. I mean i finally manage to stop the habit and really wish to do it only to my future gf.
I'm sure i wun think twice if this was to happen 3 mths ago, as i guess if a gorgeous women will to initiate it, no men will actually turn the offer down right. The only problem is that i'm scared once if i actually agreed to the deal, i will somehow be addicted to it like in the past, i'm sure most guys experience it before, sex is indeed addictive. Once addicted the mind will only think of sex all the time and that not what i really want, i hope to actually channel my energy now at work. Even though i'm not sure whether this line will be my final career path but somehow at least its stable and i get to draw a monthly salary.
16-05-2007, 11:34 AM
I do admit i'm not the guai type as i did went for paid sex before. I mean i'm damm guilty of going for paid sex in the past and there the period where i think i'm seriously hook to it. It only when i took up my current job that i manage to concentrate my full energy into work rather than sex. I mean i finally manage to stop the habit and really wish to do it only to my future gf.
I'm sure i wun think twice if this was to happen 3 mths ago, as i guess if a gorgeous women will to initiate it, no men will actually turn the offer down right. The only problem is that i'm scared once if i actually agreed to the deal, i will somehow be addicted to it like in the past, i'm sure most guys experience it before, sex is indeed addictive. Once addicted the mind will only think of sex all the time and that not what i really want, i hope to actually channel my energy now at work. Even though i'm not sure whether this line will be my final career path but somehow at least its stable and i get to draw a monthly salary.
so deal or no deal?? ;)
16-05-2007, 11:40 AM
i guess if a gorgeous women will to initiate it, no men will actually turn the offer down right.
Wrong! Depend which head had the control... Ur top 1 or bottom 1. :D :D
16-05-2007, 11:42 AM
Wrong! Depend which head had the control... Ur top 1 or bottom 1. :D
Wat happened both also cannot control, how arh?:confused:
Five Stone
16-05-2007, 12:28 PM
Actually there’s nothing much to ponder about, seems that what your concern is more of you yourself getting addicted rather than setting others tongue wagging. ;)
16-05-2007, 12:55 PM
Poon, this is purely a sexual harassment case. If u work for a US company - I suggest u try to get this harassment recorded, n then u can go see a lawyer cos U may be in for a lot of $$$ if u file a lawsuit.
Of course, if she is not bad looking lau chio - I would simply just have sex with her n enjoy it.
16-05-2007, 01:31 PM
Wat happened both also cannot control, how arh?
Then 干材烈火,一拍即合 lor。Like 潘金莲 and Simon Heng lidat. :D :p
16-05-2007, 01:34 PM
Poon, this is purely a sexual harassment case. If u work for a US company - I suggest u try to get this harassment recorded, n then u can go see a lawyer cos U may be in for a lot of $$$ if u file a lawsuit.
Of course, if she is not bad looking lau chio - I would simply just have sex with her n enjoy it.
In full agreement... Have sex, enjoy it....
get promoted, get her to fall in love with you, get the BMW and condo transferred to you.... then sue her.:D
16-05-2007, 05:08 PM
Poon, this is purely a sexual harassment case. If u work for a US company - I suggest u try to get this harassment recorded, n then u can go see a lawyer cos U may be in for a lot of $$$ if u file a lawsuit.
Of course, if she is not bad looking lau chio - I would simply just have sex with her n enjoy it.
Well, there's the car to spin in, condo to stay in, career taken care of, sex as and when you like so what's more to think about. Well maybe a brief description about her might shed some light though. ;)
16-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Well, there's the car to spin in, condo to stay in, career taken care of, sex as and when you like so what's more to think about. Well maybe a brief description about her might shed some light though. ;) ".........One for the money and the free rides
It's two for the lie that you denied
All rise (all rise)
All rise (all rise, all rise)
Three for the calls you've been making
It's four for the times you've been faking
All rise (I'm gonna tell it to your face)
All rise (I rest my case)......"
16-05-2007, 05:30 PM
Poon, this is purely a sexual harassment case. If u work for a US company - I suggest u try to get this harassment recorded, n then u can go see a lawyer cos U may be in for a lot of $$$ if u file a lawsuit.
Of course, if she is not bad looking lau chio - I would simply just have sex with her n enjoy it.
Hi Bro, can my fren kena harassed by his boss(a Guy) to sue his boss? Btw, the boss is married with 3 kids.
16-05-2007, 06:00 PM
i see tis thread already a bit amused n when i went thru the comments form fellow SBFers, i almost fall of my chair!
Gentlemen, please smack some senses in2 d small boy! If the thread starter really can't handle d situation, PM some of the old birds here.. I think many of them more than willing to help with your case 'pro-bono'...
16-05-2007, 07:10 PM
It seems that the TS does not want to bionk the lady boss. So y not intro a FB to her. lots of bros here will be more than willing to lend a helping hand, or rather dick. Solves the ting diplomatically
16-05-2007, 08:36 PM
why do singaporeans have to complicate matters? we only live once... No wonder we allow PAP to countrol our lives... LOL
16-05-2007, 08:37 PM
give are single and you won't be losing much except your sperm la..
16-05-2007, 10:00 PM
Let's just assume that you walked away from this offer...will you regret it a few years down the road?
You mentioned about the addiction to sex and afraid that it will happen...valid reason...but does that mean that you wont be having sex in the near future? Otherwise, with gf also can get addicted...I think the key is personal control....
Just dont regret it in future....
16-05-2007, 11:48 PM
Go for it, bro
17-05-2007, 12:32 AM
watching the advice given here.. good! :cool:
17-05-2007, 01:00 AM
I mean i'm having major thoughts right now, should i quit or actually give in to her demands. i think i do know what she's after, i mean i'm ok with paid sex but having a fb relationship is another thing. My probation is ending soon and i'm suppose to give her a answer soon.
Be careful. Women in this category do NOT think rationally.
She's lonely and starved of love. Read the 2nd line of my signature.
She's not welcoming you with open arms. She's welcoming you with open legs.
She'll turn the tables on you if you give in to her by going into her on the bed.
She'll use her bedroom antics as part of her boardroom tactics against you. She'll make you fall into a hole by beating around the bush. And how do you get out of a slimy pit when she's calling the shots from above?
The subtlety of a woman is deadly. And legendary.
Giving in to her advances will not guarantee your advancement. You can easily go above her, if you work hard, without any need to go on top of her -- and work hard from there.
Just because she's above you now doesn't mean anything -- that's because you're in her company. Just make sure she'll not get a chance to get above you when you're in her company -- in her house.
Get out of her embrace before she stifles your zest to work and milks your reputation dry by moving her mountains against you.
Your dignity far outweighs what she makes of your chastity.
Don't trust her between your ears. Don't thrust her between her legs. :D
You must be a nut to screw her.
P.S. You mentioned that you are "ok with paid sex." Has it occurred to you that this IS paid sex -- you get confirmed in your job (and that means $$$) if you agree to have sessions with her.
She's the one paying you for sex -- and charging it to the company account! What a smart woman.
Er... Am I making sense? :eek:
17-05-2007, 01:15 AM
Go for a good time. Wat u have to loose? The most to quit the job. How often u get a chance to screw your boss?
17-05-2007, 09:03 AM
still the poon fellow beat around the bush avoiding to admit the his lady boss is fat and urgy. come on guys just tell him what he wishes to hear like
poon wah lau, you lucky SOB, you strike jackpot liao, free sex, confirmation and ........... go ahead man you got a bright future if you go ahead how many can encountered such kangtow?
17-05-2007, 11:14 AM
I see your dilemma, but at the same time I don't think it's a very big issue. Question is, do you really need this job so badly? If the answer is yes, and you think you need the money and will not be able to find a job fast enough, then swallow your pride and dignity for now and give in to her demands. After all, you're still in a very junior position. Pride and dignity means nothing when you're at the lowest of the food chain. If news get out, she has more to lose than you.
If you do go for it, and if she is old, fat and ugly, you might have problems fulfilling your end of the bargain, since you probably don't have professional training. So do it on your own terms. Make sure she does whatever you tell her to do, instead of the other way round. Tell her to roleplay.
Then use all your tactics of fingers, hands, tongue and lips, make her succumb to your will. Don't even need to f**k her. If you can make her reach the brink of orgasm, yet hold back, do it a few times and finally make her cum orally, just do it. She will listen to you like a dog.
And you may potentially save yourself a tongue-lashing early in the morning :D
Know when to get out, so in the meantime, look for another job.
17-05-2007, 11:29 AM
still the poon fellow beat around the bush avoiding to admit the his lady boss is fat and urgy. come on guys just tell him what he wishes to hear like
Hey.... this possibility quite high leh. :D
Hi Guys,
Am Searching For A powerful medium/Bomoh that can Charm or Bring my Gal
Back. Whether Guys here had any lobang?
Tks Alot
Maybe Poon just need to swop role with eggkiller, done. :D
17-05-2007, 11:55 AM
Poon, just to kill the curiosity here. Ur boss is CMI or CHIO Factor...
That will ultimately contribute to better advise here.
Ur dilema is really uncalled for, what do u seek? If you really wanna
concentrate on your career, then get out of there (if you are a saint).
Honestly, a woman loses more than a guy at the end of the day if
scandal goes out.
In reality, $$$ rules everything. U can have dignity but no $$$, no one
will respect you. This is reality. Use your relationship with her as an
advantage to move up your career ladder, get contacts, built your
own reputation, show ur clients the results.
At the end of the day, when your boss says bad things on you, your
clients will know the truth if you are a talent or not. That's what happens
to me. What shit my boss say, my client still say I did a fantastic job
with them. (PS. nothing sexual involved)
Poon, just to kill the curiosity here. Ur boss is CMI or CHIO Factor...
That will ultimately contribute to better advise here.
Ur dilema is really uncalled for, what do u seek? If you really wanna
concentrate on your career, then get out of there (if you are a saint).
Honestly, a woman loses more than a guy at the end of the day if
scandal goes out.
In reality, $$$ rules everything. U can have dignity but no $$$, no one
will respect you. This is reality. Use your relationship with her as an
advantage to move up your career ladder, get contacts, built your
own reputation, show ur clients the results.
At the end of the day, when your boss says bad things on you, your
clients will know the truth if you are a talent or not. That's what happens
to me. What shit my boss say, my client still say I did a fantastic job
with them. (PS. nothing sexual involved)
Oh of course if she is my cup of tea, i'm sure i wun be able to control against the temptation. She neither pretty or ugly, just average, a typical 30+ working women u see on the street. She's someone who looks like "lin mei jiao" as what most collegue judge. Anyway thanks for all the bros here who actually contributed their advice to me. Somehow i think i'm gonna stop working in this place, haha gonna look for new job again
17-05-2007, 04:12 PM
well.... at least she is not like xu chun mei.....:eek:
18-05-2007, 12:41 AM
oso not like Albigil
hi guys think this will be my last post, as what i mention earlier i make up my mind of quitting. So with a clear mind, i decided to quit as soon as i reach the office at 10. Upon reaching, few colleagues actually joke with me telling me to treat them one day. I'm shock as I’m dun think i have told anyone abt my intention of quitting yet how come they wanted a treat from me. Upon reaching my desk, my neighbor which is a auntie actually cingulated me telling me that my female superior has actually confirm me and now the HR ppl is waiting for me to sort of some details.
Upon hearing this, I’m not sure whether to be happy or not. So off i went to see my female superior first, but somehow she's not in her rm. Upon walking back, the HR manager caught sight of me and ask me to follow her to her rm. Somehow she explain the details of what the company wants to offer me and actually remind me to thank my female superior once i had the chance as she say it was my superior who negotiate such a good deal for me. I sort of entertain the HR manager but in my mind i remain firm in my stand of quitting.
But somehow once i look in further details of the contract, it shock me as the increment is something i never expect and I’m sure I’m not going to get such a good paid in other company. I mean i seriously can’t stand the money temptation and actually sign it forgetting what i had in mind earlier.
Upon signing, I’m still in a dilemma as I’m not sure whether to be happy or not. But somehow in my mind, i thought that since i have never arrange a date to actually fix up the wireless network for her and yet she offered me a contract, maybe she understand my stand and actually wun go further.
Somehow after lunch, my female superior told everyone in my department that she's going to treat everyone for dinner and sort of welcoming me into the department. Of course I’m ok with it since I’m pretty much involved.
Dinner was great, but somehow after dinner a colleague came out the idea of booking a hotel room and playing some games over there. Since everyone is in such a joyful mood, i couldn’t actually reject. Upon reaching we went on to play many games and the loser got to drink the liqueur on the cup. Somehow since i was new, everyone seems to be against me and somehow i end up drinking the most. I think i never last too long and actually excuse myself to have a rest on the bed as I’m close to drunk while everyone continues playing outside.
I’m not sure how long i have slept but somehow i got awake by a ticklish feeling. In my semi-conscious state, i actually saw that my female superior was licking my ear. Upon sensing i was awake, she turns around hugging me and continues kissing me all over the face. Somehow her other hand was taking off my belt and trying to strip my working pants. Sensing that she was a little drowsy too, i tried my best to stop her stripping off my pants but somehow maybe due to the alcohol effect, i couldn’t actually out strength her. The struggle i think went on for a gd 10 minuets before it actually tire me off, somehow i gave up my struggle when i down with my boxer. Sensing that she had overpower, she went on to whisper telling me to be gd. After that she slid down to my boxer, what follows was that she gave me a bj without cap. Somehow when she started the bj, my mind somehow switch off in any attempt to stop her. Maybe its due to the fact that its something i have never experince before. After sometimes, she whipser into my ears telling me whether im ok to have sex with her.
I actually agreed, and she left the bed to get the condoms. I dun really want to describe the actual details but somehow during the whole session i guess i was just like a little boy lying there while she did all the job while being fully clothed . Somehow i guess due to the alcohol effect, i think i actually only cum after very long. After that i couldn’t really remember much as i was seriously to tired and slept immediately after the deed.
When i was awake the next morning, i can see myself being dress in the hotel bathing robe, i think somehow she clean up for me and change it for me. Somehow i dun really blame her or anything as she actually asks for my approval before having sex. Somehow she asks me for dinner on Sunday night and we actually had dinner and went off after that. In my mind i guess she's just a little lonely at times and has her own urge at times. She did apologized to me saying that she know its her fault to actually force me to come out a decision the previous time and hope i understand. Before leaving after dinner, she actually hint whether i could keep her accompany when she's lonely but somehow she told me its all up to me this time and she wun blame me even i say no.
Somehow i guess i involved in this Fb relationship already, but i think i will stop this once i had find a decent gal to be my wife.
Anyway cheers to the guys here who previously gave me advice.
21-05-2007, 04:30 PM
bro Poon. u consider very lucky to have a female boss who dote on u & even want u to be her FB. Even b4 u even give in to be her FB, she already confirm u & giving u a handsome pay. anyway now she also give u the open option liao. the rest is up to u liao! good luck!
21-05-2007, 04:44 PM
Keep up the good work. Next time stay sober...
You've only got the increment... there's still promotions, a BMW and a condo to gun for.:D
21-05-2007, 05:09 PM
..only got the increment... there's still promotions, a BMW and a condo to gun for.:D
Comes with job perks ... but can imagine what his CV to include on achievements or track record?:p
21-05-2007, 07:30 PM
Comes with job perks ... but can imagine what his CV to include on achievements or track record?:p
Achieved and outperformed KPIs (Key Penetration Index).
Assists superiors in attaining all targets.
Swift reaction to ad-hoc projects.
Works overtime without complain even with overnight work sessions.
Does not complain when requested to work over weekends.
Goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure satisfaction.
I'm sure the bros here can give more suggestions if he ever needs them.
21-05-2007, 07:40 PM
sex is indeed addictive. Once addicted the mind will only think of sex all the time and that not what i really want,.
or rather are afraid that she becomes too addicted to sex with you....:D :D
21-05-2007, 07:45 PM
She's the one paying you for sex -- and charging it to the company account! What a smart woman.
i did that too when i went outstation to thailand, use to get those massage joints to write out a receipt and i claim under entertainment ie food and drinks...afterall everything in thai my boss also dun understand..:D
21-05-2007, 07:50 PM
Somehow her other hand was taking off my belt and trying to strip my working pants. Sensing that she was a little drowsy too, i tried my best to stop her stripping off my pants but somehow maybe due to the alcohol effect, i couldn’t actually out strength her.
hahaha bro dun mean to make fun of you but the way you describe i really can picture it but i actually picture a gal struggling to get away from the guy clutches...:D
22-05-2007, 12:04 PM
Achieved and outperformed KPIs (Key Penetration Index).
Assists superiors in attaining all targets.
Swift reaction to ad-hoc projects.
Works overtime without complain even with overnight work sessions.
Does not complain when requested to work over weekends.
Goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure satisfaction.
I'm sure the bros here can give more suggestions if he ever needs them.
Agree bro, he has achieved all the above with Ace...
Threadstarter... All the BEST in your career... But beware that such FB are
hard to shake off when you want to... :D
22-05-2007, 12:35 PM
I do admit i'm not the guai type as i did went for paid sex before. I mean i'm damm guilty of going for paid sex in the past and there the period where i think i'm seriously hook to it. It only when i took up my current job that i manage to concentrate my full energy into work rather than sex. I mean i finally manage to stop the habit and really wish to do it only to my future gf.
I'm sure i wun think twice if this was to happen 3 mths ago, as i guess if a gorgeous women will to initiate it, no men will actually turn the offer down right. The only problem is that i'm scared once if i actually agreed to the deal, i will somehow be addicted to it like in the past, i'm sure most guys experience it before, sex is indeed addictive. Once addicted the mind will only think of sex all the time and that not what i really want, i hope to actually channel my energy now at work. Even though i'm not sure whether this line will be my final career path but somehow at least its stable and i get to draw a monthly salary.
if these r troubling u, I advise u to look for greener pastures elsewhere man.
U have my support in wateva choice u make :cool:
22-05-2007, 12:53 PM
..outstation to thailand, use to get those massage joints to write out a receipt and i claim under entertainment ie food and drinks...afterall everything in thai my boss also dun understand..
Whilst on this entertainment claims thingy, recall my sales colleagues tried below locally:
-KTV hourly bookings under "peanuts" (no itemised category with cash register?). Knn, more expensive than drinks
-HC "misc" receipts (handwritten) for specials/FJs, double knn with GST somemore!
Only limited by imagination:p
22-05-2007, 12:59 PM
what u should do is recommend me to her.. :D
I mean i'm having major thoughts right now, should i quit or actually give in to her demands. i think i do know what she's after,
22-05-2007, 01:00 PM
Whilst on this entertainment claims thingy, recall my sales colleagues tried below locally:
-KTV hourly bookings under "peanuts" (no itemised category with cash register?). Knn, more expensive than drinks
-HC "misc" receipts (handwritten) for specials/FJs, double knn with GST somemore!
Only limited by imagination:p
After reading this, I'm going to be more stringent when approving expense claims. Must make sure that peanuts don't cost more than beverages. Also, get translators to review foreign receipts.:D
22-05-2007, 02:45 PM
After reading this, I'm going to be more stringent when approving expense claims. Must make sure that peanuts don't cost more than beverages. Also, get translators to review foreign receipts.:D
hahaha bro being a former sales guy myself, there are a lot of tricks up our sleeves when come to claiming expenses...use to treat my then mistress to nice restaurants and then go back claim under entertainment...
22-05-2007, 03:14 PM
aniway bro, in this world of society, we are actually making use of one another. sometime u see it , sometime u don't. to me, if i don't have a gf, n my boss treats me likdat i might not mind even she looks at least presentable abit lah. on the other hand, i dunoe wat contract u had signed. when its time to go, everything will finish:rolleyes:
22-05-2007, 08:10 PM
My probation is ending soon and i'm suppose to give her a answer soon.
Just give in and fuck her lah.
When you had enough, just resigned lah. She got moe to lose than you lah ....
23-05-2007, 02:27 PM
Just give in and fuck her lah.
When you had enough, just resigned lah. She got moe to lose than you lah .... when nose itchy u dig your nose, which 1 more song? your finger or your nose?
maybe she gain more than loss? she is the one who 'gian' our bro here, not he 'gian' her. if get to piak piak piak behind close door or at her house or at hotel room, she getting sextisfied, not our bro.
somemore at the end, she's his boss, she can make his life good can also make his life suffer. maybe our bro here, should try to sextisfy her properly, so he can climb the corporate ladder fast fast, then later can jump ship to other company liao.
And finally its been quite awhile since the affair, but somehow i feel like getting out of this behind the door relationship. Even though i feel pamper and can have sex whenever i want, but somehow i gulit ridden these fewdays cause she actually praise me in fornt of all the collegues abt my work.
I'm seriously confused whether i'm being recoginzed for my hard work or because of the relationship. I mean i do give in to her whenever she has the needs, but somehow i dun think its any gd for me. I should find a decent gal and get marry instead of this shit with her as we both know that there wun be any future. What i cant stand is that last week she actually become so daring such by asking me to go to her room and request to do it right in her office during office hour. I mean what the hell, its office hour man, and furthermore i cant really understand her high sex drive, i mean i wun mind doing it with her at night for maybe 2 times, and please leave me alone after that asi need my sleep for work tmr. There are times where she just wun let me have a gd sleep , and always start seducing me even though i have already done 2 times with her and its already 3am at night. She just want to have it the whole night, even though she's doing most of the job, but cant she understand that guys with cum 4-5 times in a night wun be able to wake up for work at 9. Wonder where she got her energy to work. I seriously wish to be free, bros, any suggestions
24-06-2007, 01:49 PM
... I seriously wish to be free, bros, any suggestions
find another job... ask for a transfer to another department... try to reduce the sex with her... its up to you bro. seems like you're not sure what you want. just make a decision and move on ;)
Some guys just get all the lucks, Some guys just got all the breaks, and some guys do nothing but complain.
25-06-2007, 12:21 AM
hahaha....most men will say you are the lucky one. Work and sex rolled into one. If you want out, 'take the highway' - cos your boss is the 'do it my way or take the highway' type.
If you think you can get out of this by just simply walking away, think twice. It's gonna be real messy cos she probably enjoys your company. So - 'hell knoweth no fury than a woman scorned'. Be prepared for war in ways i cant even begin to imagine should you say you want out.
OR, you can make yourself less desirable. Know her dislikes and play it up to extreme levels with her. Stink yourself up, grow a stuble, wear unwashed underwear, put on smelly socks, dont get an erection, etc - things that wont affect your job, just affect the penchant for sex. Make it look real and even plead with her to give you a chance, a chance that you will set to fail. In this way, she will not feel scorned, cos she will be the one dumping you, her pride retained, and fury will not lashed out to you and to your next job.
BUT, prepare first - start applying your next job in another company where she has no links so that she cant sabo you. Give yourself 1 month to move into a job and start your prep backwards from termination date. I think give or take, within 2 weeks you would have killed her desire for you.
Dont delude yourself or give yourself high hopes that you can walk out alive, there is no other way out than what i mentioned when in the first place you should never had step in. People who got a job or position in a company thru sex will never rise high or stay even long, for sex is often momentary and never forever. Once it loses its appeal, you lose not only your job, but a career as well for in the corporate world, out-of favour back-stabbing is common.
The only type of people who stay long or rise high and maintained the rise are those based on merit. Talent at work is recognised by majority, but talent in sex is subjective and recognise by few. Another better player comes along, you are dead.
Hope you seriously learnt your lesson. I meant you well and wish you all the best and better 'meritous' luck in your career. Cheers!:)
guess what, when i told her i'm resigning and wish to stop the relationship , she seems calm intially. But guess what , when i'm back hm on sunday, my mom told me my boss actually call to look for me and they have a chat just now, i mean bitch, i have never gave her my home number and how she find out. Even though i dun know what the conversation involves, i'm sure she indicating something.
25-06-2007, 09:29 AM
guess what, when i told her i'm resigning and wish to stop the relationship , she seems calm intially. But guess what , when i'm back hm on sunday, my mom told me my boss actually call to look for me and they have a chat just now, i mean bitch, i have never gave her my home number and how she find out. Even though i dun know what the conversation involves, i'm sure she indicating something.
Maybe your lady boss wanna give you a RAISE!! :eek: :D
25-06-2007, 09:32 AM
Maybe your lady boss wanna give you a RAISE!!
Ah Rolf...dun always give ppl false hope .....:D
25-06-2007, 09:34 AM
guess what, when i told her i'm resigning and wish to stop the relationship , she seems calm intially. But guess what , when i'm back hm on sunday, my mom told me my boss actually call to look for me and they have a chat just now, i mean bitch, i have never gave her my home number and how she find out. Even though i dun know what the conversation involves, i'm sure she indicating something.
home number can get from HR laa. thats easy.... perhaps you will find out what she is planning today. keep us updated ok :D
25-06-2007, 09:36 AM
Bro! if I am in your shoe....I will fucked her till both of us "flat" on the bed. This lady boss needs a good fuck and U.....bro, are in luck. Fuck
Disclaimer.....must also be reasonable "pretty" lor, not just fuck someone that the cock also "mati" seeing. Is she so-so looking?
25-06-2007, 09:52 AM
Ah Rolf...dun always give ppl false hope ..... :D
False hope is better then false alarm tio boh? :D
25-06-2007, 09:54 AM
False hope is better then false alarm tio boh? :D
both also no good is let nature take it's course.....thinga happen for a reason....learn to accept....
Wahaha....Chim leh....:D
25-06-2007, 10:00 AM
both also no good is let nature take it's course.....thinga happen for a reason....learn to accept....
Wahaha....Chim leh.... :D
What course? Inter-course? :rolleyes:
Bro! if I am in your shoe....I will fucked her till both of us "flat" on the bed. This lady boss needs a good fuck and U.....bro, are in luck. Fuck
Disclaimer.....must also be reasonable "pretty" lor, not just fuck someone that the cock also "mati" seeing. Is she so-so looking?
How i wish i still got the urge to f her, but after mths of doing it so many times per week, i'm sure all guys will be sian. Even though she's quite attractive in a sense but i mean sometimes too much isn't enjoyable u know.
Wait till u ever felt that ur small brother is seriously aching and u know what i mean.
25-06-2007, 10:24 PM
How i wish i still got the urge to f her, but after mths of doing it so many times per week, i'm sure all guys will be sian. Even though she's quite attractive in a sense but i mean sometimes too much isn't enjoyable u know.
Wait till u ever felt that ur small brother is seriously aching and u know what i mean.
Then take hot Milo with raw egg daily loh, bro. Just a suggestion.:p
Ah he
25-06-2007, 11:55 PM
Some lao chio better than those young mei mei." Just do it ".
This round just tell her u have some solutions to solve her pc problem.
Hehehehe..the rest u should know what to do. Dont tell me u need some samster to do " live demo" for u. I believe there will be mnay kind souls here willing and waiting for it. Confirm long q... bhahaha
27-06-2007, 11:18 AM
Not necessary... Honestly, if you keep hump the same woman too frequently
and the pattern still the same, U will slowly lose the excitement of humping
her... That's why me and my FB only goes to the stage of Dating, heavy
petting... No sex yet.
[QUOTE=geckoSG;2109329]Not necessary... Honestly, if you keep hump the same woman too frequently
and the pattern still the same,
that what i'm experience, same old 1 pattern which is she's on top, she just wanna be the dominating person. i felt more like a toy.
27-06-2007, 09:32 PM
[QUOTE=geckoSG;2109329]Not necessary... Honestly, if you keep hump the same woman too frequently
and the pattern still the same,
that what i'm experience, same old 1 pattern which is she's on top, she just wanna be the dominating person. i felt more like a toy.
Then do the missionary or doggie style or even up against the wall to show her the various ways to achieve 'greater heights'. Hehe.:D
27-06-2007, 11:51 PM
same old 1 pattern which is she's on top, she just wanna be the dominating person. i felt more like a toy.
do the same as some WLs, lie there like a dead fish...
after that ask her give u tips :D
no offence intended,
but if really didi aching, use fingers satisfy her?
That's why me and my FB only goes to the stage of Dating, heavy petting... No sex yet.
errr.... you cannot call her your FB if there is no "F" right? :D
28-06-2007, 01:01 AM
[QUOTE=geckoSG;2109329]Not necessary... Honestly, if you keep hump the same woman too frequently
and the pattern still the same,
that's what's going to happen in future when u get married.... same woman for the rest of ur life...
28-06-2007, 01:03 AM
duplicate post
28-06-2007, 05:24 PM
Poon.. let's us help u. Pm me bah. :D
03-10-2007, 11:19 AM
poon, i want to join the company also leh and help replace you when you leave me leh....:D
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