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23-05-2007, 09:51 AM

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E-sex arouses big following

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It was only a matter of time before sex among Malaysians went online. Today, there are several websites that ‘educate’ men on where to look for it besides providing information on the subject. The New Straits Times examines this rising phenomenon

The website with more than 10,000 members discusses anything related to the world’s oldest profession. Members’ posts are highly descriptive, documenting every detail of the sex act.

KUALA LUMPUR: A complete guide to prostitution and sex services in the country is flourishing online.

The innocuous opening page — showing two rice cookers, one open and the other closed — does not indicate the true contents of the website.

But once you enter it, the story takes a different turn.
One enters a world of men with only one thing on their mind: Sex.

The website, registered in the United States, contains reviews of prostitutes at massage parlours and tips on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Its 10,000 members discuss anything related to the world’s oldest profession,

With a tagline, "You Know How To Cheong Or Not?" (Cheong is Cantonese slang for having sex with a prostitute), the website shows where some men stand on sex for sale.

The website is exhaustive. It has a list of various massage parlours and hotels according to regions in the country that provide "extra" services.

It also contains "field reports", or FR for short, where members exchange ratings of prostitutes on a scale of one to 10.

Prostitutes are rated on their physical traits as well as services rendered.

Posts on the forum are often highly descriptive, documenting every detail of a sex act.

A system of abbreviations is used to describe sexual positions and physical attributes of the prostitute (see accompanying story).

There is a "thread" (a topic in a forum) on freelancers or FLs which may send shock waves throughout the nation; most of the FLs are university students who demand up to RM250 per session.

Participants on the forum also trade phone numbers of the girls they have visited.

Sometimes, pictures of prostitutes are exchanged.

Those who maintain the forum have thought of almost everything, including information on how to keep sexually transmitted diseases at bay, besides listing drugs that could be taken if one contracts such a disease.

Another thread titled "Health, Body & Safety" discusses STDs with testimonies from victims.

The forum users, a mixture of Malays, Chinese and Indians, refer to each other as "brother" in their postings.

The postings are in good English, often discussing current issues published in local English dailies. It appears that many of those using the forums are well-educated.

They have developed a strict protocol to protect their existence, which new members will find displayed on the starting page of the site.

No numbers are traded in the open forums to avoid what they dub the "MIB", or men in blue: Police officers.

Those who violate this "sacred’ rule are sent to the "sin bin" and barred from the forum.

What is most disturbing about the website is how easily it can be accessed.

Using information gathered from the forum, a New Straits Times reporter went undercover and visited a health spa at a hotel here.

Having read a step-by-step account of a post from a member, he asked for two girls who had come highly recommended by the website.

Although the girls were not free during the visit, a receptionist confirmed that the girls worked there.

The reporter was asked if he wanted to have a "full service" for RM200.


‘Never give up’ is motto of counter girl at health spa

IT was about 2.30pm when I arrived at the hotel.

I looked for the health spa that I had read about in a website.

The website had claimed that the establishment doubled as a brothel, a claim I was on my way to verify.

Instinct told me to check the lift for directions and, sure enough, the name of the spa was indicated on a floor.

As the lift door was closing, a woman in her mid-20s entered. She paid no attention to me as I spied her from the corner of my eye.

"Could she be a ...," I thought as the elevator opened at our destination and she walked out.

Shortly after, she disappeared into the spa through a door that had the sign "staff only" printed on it.

A young woman at the counter asked me to place my belongings in a metal drawer but looked surprised when I told her that I was not there for the spa facilities.

"A massage then?" she asked with a smile.

I looked around and saw that the waiting area next to the reception counter held about 20 men despite it being 3pm on a working day.

At this juncture, the receptionist asked if I wanted a massage with "full service".

Feigning ignorance, I asked what "full service" meant and got a stare in return. After a minute, she said: "You know, full service with a young pretty girl."

Remembering two names mentioned on the website, I asked if they were in and was told that one was off while the other had a client.

"But we have a lot of other pretty girls," she said.

As I pretended to think about it and then asked if I could have a massage, she said I would be attended to by older women "and no sex". As if on cue, two older women in tight black dresses walked out from behind a hidden sliding door near the counter. But the receptionist was not giving up on me.

As she insisted that I take the "full service", I started making an exit.

But the receptionist gave me a business card in case I wanted to make "bookings" for girls.

"Call on the morning of your visit and we can check if the girl you want is available. Just mention her name and we will do the rest," she said.

"What’s your name?" I said.

"Sir, I don’t ...," she said as I waved and walked out, never to return.


Would you like an FS with your Full Course?

MALAYSIANS frequenting forums on sex have created their own acronyms along the lines of abbreviations used in short messaging service texts.

There is CKT (char koay teow) for a Chinese prostitute, nasi lemak for a Malay lady of the night and chapatti, curry or tosai for an Indian working girl.

Ang Pai, from the Hokkien word which means red badge, indicates girls who are highly in demand.

Cheong, from the Cantonese word for "checkmate", refers to sleeping with a prostitute.

Chew Keng, from the Cantonese word for checking your reflection in the mirror, is used to describe the practice of prostitutes being paraded before the customers at brothels.

Damage means the price of sex, dino (dinosaur) equals prostitutes in their late 30s and 40s, and FS/FJ refers to full service/full job (sex).

FL is used for independent or part-time prostitutes, Full Course means massage followed by sex, and GFE for a prostitute who gives a "girlfriend-like experience".

GND is Girl Next Door look and HM stands for home minister (wife or live-in girlfriend).

MP means massage parlour and ML is massage lady.

YMMV is "your mileage may vary".

This means that one might experience a different result from that posted on the forum.

23-05-2007, 10:48 AM
anyone know what website is this?????

23-05-2007, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the information.

23-05-2007, 08:46 PM
should be the mamak special forum... beware...

23-05-2007, 10:00 PM
i think is this :http://www.mamakspecial.com/forum/

from tis website blog

24-05-2007, 02:48 AM
i know the website ler...
my friend just told me last week~
just join not enuf 1 week then got this kind of news d~
sien ar~

24-05-2007, 11:48 AM
Hmmm.. i may have to edit my avatar, otherwise SBF may be reported in NST...

24-05-2007, 02:14 PM
the screen shot that NST post i manage to guess the name of the site, so i try n is true, but the site seem long time didnt update lio..anyone wanna see pls check out myselfdotcom.blogspot.com

after this news i think the MIB start eyeing lio..so bro..be caution when cheonging.

24-05-2007, 04:06 PM
Now, we hope that the newbies and so-called sharing brothers will understand more why some of the brothers here are unwilling to share their lobangs with just everybody. Of course the more obvious establishments are already in the threads. No worries on those HCs and SPAs. But certain FLs or "underground" lubangs are only meant to be shared with trusted and brothers that we've met.

Risk is always there... undercover reporters, etc.. but at least we try to minimise the so-called risk.


24-05-2007, 07:36 PM
Risk is always there... undercover reporters, etc.. but at least we try to minimise the so-called risk.


There is always those that believe they are invincible and dun feel that it is right to not SHARE :rolleyes: . Does not matter lah. As long as we do what is right to keep ourselves safe

25-05-2007, 05:44 PM
Exactly!!!! We boh lansi, we becareful nia.....

My english damn cina beng.......:D

26-05-2007, 04:59 AM
Sien liao lo.... i jz bout wan to post FL in there.... but now i think is better keep it... i dun wan make that FL in trouble....:(

26-05-2007, 03:03 PM
So I suppose we all better be more discreet ..

26-05-2007, 04:25 PM
diu... he should have at least do some referencing rite? its broad daylight plagiarism...wtf

Hahaha; and cannot zap his chun toi also right. At least have some virtual satisfaction.

08-06-2007, 11:48 AM
‘It’s just masturbation’

KUALA LUMPUR: ‘Linda’, 27, from Kedah, earns a living as a masseuse at a parlour in Subang Jaya where she has been working for fi ve months.
Her salary is based on commissions. An hour’s worth of traditional or Thai massage, at RM40, enables her to pocket half the fees.

On an average day, she will massage three to fi ve customers, netting her RM60 to RM100 daily. On a busy day, she may earn up to RM200.

Her customers, mainly male and regulars, usually want something ‘extra’ — urut batin.

“But it’s just masturbation,” said Linda.

It sounds shocking and Linda said she was uncomfortable with the idea of touching strange men’s private parts in the beginning but “I soon got used to it”.

A half-hour session of urut batin goes for RM50 in addition to the RM40 the customer has to pay for an hour’s massage.

Minus her employer’s cut, Linda is RM70 richer after one and a half hours.

She said her customers were mostly white-collared workers in their late 20s to 40s, and frequented the parlour after offi ce hours.

“I used to feel sick when customers asked for urut batin.

Some are married. It doesn’t seem right to be paying someone to touch them when they have wives.

“There are even those who wanted sex and come up with excuses like their wives aren’t too attentive in the bedroom,” said Linda, who denied having sex with customers.

“Some of girls are bullied into doing what customers want, so we try our best to help each other out when that happens.

“As there are no doors in the massage rooms, we can hear what goes on.”

08-06-2007, 11:49 AM
Protect the masseuses

SEVERAL issues should be looked into before any decision is made on amending the Penal Code to make erotic massages an offence.

Women’s Development Collective executive director Maria Chin Abdullah said it’s not just about amending the Penal Code, rather how the added provisions could protect the women working in massage parlours.
She was asked to comment on the statement by Seputeh Member of Parliament Theresa Kok yesterday in favour of inserting masturbation as a offence under the Penal Code.

Kok was referring to The Malay Mail’s cover story on Tuesday, which reported that the police could not take action against massage parlours that offered urut batin (masturbation) to their customers as masturbation is not mentioned in the Penal Code.

Kok suggested that masturbation and similar acts be bound to deter immoral activities, at massage parlours in particular.

Maria said: “It ’s not a matter of inserting a new section into the Penal Code, but on how the code will protect the women involved.

In some cases, the women (working in massage parlours) are forced to follow instructions from their customers or the latter might complain to the parlours’ owners. ” Thus, she said the circumstances why some women work in massage parlours also need to be evaluated before deciding on penalising the women.

She added that the empowerment of women is important and at no cost should they be penalised for fulfilling the demand of their employers.

“At the same time, I feel the these masseuses should be made aware of and educated on why they should not to perform such act in the line of their duty, even if it means a higher income.

“Many fail to realise that they can get into trouble with the authorities. Although their act is not an offence under the Penal Code, there are by-laws that can be used against them,” she said.

Muslim Consumers Association project director Noor Nirwandy Mat Noordin said the association is all for inserting masturbation as an offence under the Penal Code as long as this can benefit the public.

He said the action of massage parlours and their masseuses in offering erotic massages can damage the moral fabric of society.

“But I feel the best way to tackle this problem is by first setting up a centre to which the public can forward their views and complaints.

“Then based on the feedback, we can think about the insertion in the Penal Code,” he said.

08-06-2007, 11:52 AM
Good money in a few easy steps

KUALA LUMPUR: Earning more than a graduate fresh out of college and serving two to three ‘Mak Datins’ a day are among the ‘perks’ masseuses working with some of the innocent-looking traditional massage centres are enjoying.
The good money comes from giving urut batin which a worker describes as: “Just masturbation, as far as I know”.

These are the goingson behind these outlets, according to the Muslim Consumer Association which tipped off Weekend Mail. We sent an undercover team to two of the centres which provided services of a sexual nature.

One outlet was located a few hundred metres from the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters while the other was situated near a Pandan Indah police pondok.

Located in shopping areas and busy spots like banks, restaurants and car workshops, it’s hard to imagine any hanky-panky going on behind the doors of these parlours.

Aside from the usual services, such as aromatherapy massages, foot refl exology and ear candling, the parlours also offer erotic massage or urut batin.

Urut batin is a form of traditional Malay massage that helps the body circulate more blood to the penis while increasing the strength of erections to improve sexual stamina.

PPIM project director Noor Nirwandy Mat Noordin revealed that Malay women accounted for more than 90 per cent of those working in massage parlours.

“Gone are the days when masseuses used to be foreign workers. What’s worse is, we found out that many were doing it with the knowledge of their husbands or boyfriends. The job brings in a lot of money, even more than what a degree-holder may earn in a month.” Two of our reporters went undercover to fi nd out more about this business — one posing as a customer while the other applied for works as a masseuse.

08-06-2007, 11:53 AM
‘Urut batin’ becomes a pleasure outlet

KUALA LUMPUR: This reporter went to a parlour above a supermarket with the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters just a couple of metres away.
Outside, there is a big signboard bearing its name in Chinese and Malay besides a drawing of a woman massaging a man. Near an elevator, where one has to use to reach the third fl oor where it is located, there is another signboard on the wall with a picture of foot soles, also in Malay and Chinese.

At the centre, a woman in a pair of drawstring pants and a T-shirt, who called herself Siti, opened the semi-tinted glass door halfway. The door was equipped with an alarm.

She greeted me with a smile and asked if I wanted a massage. When I said yes, she told me she was working alone as the others had yet to arrive.

“Can you come back in 20 minutes? I have a customer now. I’ll be fi nished by then.” “Okay. So, there’ll be more masseuses coming later?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

“So how much for the massage?” I asked.

“If you want an hour’s body massage, it’s RM50. Two hours for RM100.

“We also have urut batin here.

It’s an additional RM40. Try lah,” said the 28-year-old from Tawau, Sabah.

“Can I choose anyone or will there be someone you’ve already assigned?” I asked.

“You can,” she said. She gave me a card with a cell phone number on it before I left.

At 7.30pm, I returned with a photographer. This time, a male worker, who identifi ed himself as Lee, greeted us.

He told me that the other part-time masseuses could not make it when I asked him if I could choose a masseuse to massage me. The man, whom I later found out was a supervisor there, also told me that Siti was a good masseuse.

Lee asked me if I also wanted urut batin. I agreed and he went inside, probably to alert Siti to get ready. When he returned, Lee led me to a room. There were eight rooms without doors, just curtains.

After several minutes, I waited on the mattress. I spent the next 90 minutes with Siti who again confi rmed if I wanted urut batin.

She said she had been working for three years, earning at least RM3,000 a month.

“It depends on how many customers I get. The most I got was RM5,000. I earn more doing urut batin as I keep RM40. For massages, we keep half.” I asked if it was normal for other masseuses not to turn up for work.

“They are working at other centres. They come here if there are no customers at their regular place. This happens often. That’s why I have to massage four to fi ve men a day,” said Siti, adding that the parttimers are mainly Malay women or Sabahans.

She said there is no ‘extra’ service there when I asked about it.

Siti also refused to give her cell phone number, saying that I can call the number on the card given earlier. I then paid her RM40 and the remaining RM50 to the man at the counter.

I went to the second parlour in Pandan Jaya, Cheras, a few days later. The charge was only RM86 for a normal body massage and urut batin.

When I fi rst went there the same day, I went to the parlour in Taman Dagang. The receptionist, a man in his 20s, said they have girls from Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Sarawak. He also said that they offered urut batin.

“The pretty one is from Sabah, but she’s not available. I can get her if you want.” He said masseuses cannot be selected by customers but he would try to get the one I wanted. I told him that I would come back.

The parlour, on the second fl oor of a corner-lot shophouse, was also 100m away from the Pandan Jaya police base.

When I went there again, I met the same man at the counter. After registering, he led me to a room but I told him that I needed to go to the washroom.

He pointed me in the right direction. To get to the washroom, I passed by the massage rooms before I saw a sauna room with a sign that said ‘Out of order’.

The centre was better than the fi rst one as it was welldecorated and had background music. Although the room was a bit warmer as it did not have a private air-conditioner, it was big. There was no door but it was covered with two layers of curtains.

I then met Susan, a petite 25-year-old from Penang, clad in a track bottom and a bodyhugging T-shirt. She said she had been working for three years but was having a rough patch in her relationship with her boyfriend who knows what she does for a living.

I asked if she massages customers outside, but she said no. She said they get to keep half of the charges.

“Everything is paid to the centre. We only get half.”

Rodimus Prime
08-06-2007, 12:18 PM
OMG!! Another one!!
Me think one is enough. We do not need another news channel.
Me think the guys here will be quite pissed. Tread carefully. ;)

10-06-2007, 03:34 PM
Since that newspaper article came out, the number of members has increased by about 2,000, from 10,000 to 12,000. That's a pretty big spike in numbers. The server was getting overloaded with the increase.

By the way, most MMS members are also wary about sharing those PRC and FL contacts. A couple of incidents have happened that make the members more aware of the risks.

Green Goblin
10-06-2007, 11:30 PM
Since that newspaper article came out, the number of members has increased by about 2,000, from 10,000 to 12,000. That's a pretty big spike in numbers. The server was getting overloaded with the increase.

By the way, most MMS members are also wary about sharing those PRC and FL contacts. A couple of incidents have happened that make the members more aware of the risks.

It was only a matter of time that MMS members either wised up, or faced losing majority of their contacts through unnecessary exposure.

11-06-2007, 12:17 AM
Green Goblin,

It's really not that bad. :D

11-06-2007, 03:43 AM
woooo didn't know about that until u guys post it. careful guys...

11-06-2007, 09:11 AM
waaahhh!!!:eek: ..next time must be careful to post a'thing..there's a maggots in this forum..

11-06-2007, 12:31 PM
Green Goblin,

It's really not that bad. :D

Haha. I also long time never go MMS liao :D But its my second choice forum, especially targeted towards Malaysia. Cheers.

12-06-2007, 12:54 PM

Heh-heh. OK lah. Each forum got their own pros and cons, I suppose.

By the way, I was referring to the earlier poster about losing contacts. It's not that bad. :cool:

Green Goblin
12-06-2007, 04:12 PM
Even SBF have to be careful. I hear of members who print FR for girls to read and tell them their boy boy is bonking other girl. Also have members who tell girls they want service exactly like posted FR, including GFE. LoL

13-06-2007, 12:15 AM
Haha printing out an FR and show it to a WL/ML. That seems pretty pathetic and sad must say. Would feel like a moron taking out paper pointing and saying "ok i want THIS" lol :D

Green Goblin
13-06-2007, 10:47 AM
Haha printing out an FR and show it to a WL/ML. That seems pretty pathetic and sad must say. Would feel like a moron taking out paper pointing and saying "ok i want THIS" lol :D

Yeah, want less BBBJ, more FJ, extra GFE and a touch of Catbath :D