View Full Version : Lending money to my wife's friend (钱债肉偿)

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29-12-2018, 01:44 AM
My wife's friend from her home town contacted me through wechat last month to borrow 20k from me. She had been borrowing money from my wife past several years, and although she had returned almost all she had borrowed, my wife's patient had ran out.
Our wechat conversation:
























Yesterday had my first interest instalment.
Wow, Xiao Min was shy and awkward at first but once in hotel room, we missed, French passionately then started petting. Then we had foreplay, oral sex before I proceed to fuck her raw as she had taken precaution. We both had a good time. As we rested after our raw sex, she caress my face and said


I am not worried about her blackmailing me later as she is also married with a daughter.

29-12-2018, 05:31 AM
Looks like I’m the first camper....

29-12-2018, 06:45 AM
Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is nice.

29-12-2018, 07:12 AM
Up you with some points as compliments & encouragement

29-12-2018, 07:38 AM
enjoyed reading your story, more updates please. :)

29-12-2018, 02:11 PM

29-12-2018, 02:24 PM
Nice start bro, another supporter here!

29-12-2018, 02:31 PM
this is a nice story, do keep the updates coming. :)

29-12-2018, 03:31 PM
TS you copy from where :D

29-12-2018, 03:37 PM
Good form of interest collection, please write more.

29-12-2018, 03:45 PM

29-12-2018, 09:34 PM
Nice start, hoping there will be much more

30-12-2018, 12:07 AM
Very nice story, please write more.

30-12-2018, 02:09 AM
TS will update 1 month once?

Since that was the agreement with debtor

30-12-2018, 07:01 AM
Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue sharing it.

Fat Fatt
30-12-2018, 10:52 AM
If wife friend, why she keep addressing u as 姐夫? quite a few times

30-12-2018, 11:39 AM
Please update

30-12-2018, 11:22 PM
If wife friend, why she keep addressing u as 姐夫? quite a few times

I think wife's good friend is considered as sister, that's why she addressed TS as brother-in-law

Ah hai
31-12-2018, 12:51 AM
camping here for more! any photo of the session? or of her?

31-12-2018, 06:50 AM
great story, enjoy reading it. look forward to your next update TS.

31-12-2018, 07:30 AM
Nice start bro, another supporter here!

31-12-2018, 07:33 AM
Camping here for more updates to this nice story. :)

31-12-2018, 11:12 AM
Knn.. china fuck. Dont return vetter..10,000 for a fb for life hahaha

01-01-2019, 06:42 AM
Many thanks for sharing this story, it's a nice read and certainly look forward to more updates.

Choon Peng
01-01-2019, 03:19 PM
My wife's friend from her home town contacted me through wechat last month to borrow 20k from me. She had been borrowing money from my wife past several years, and although she had returned almost all she had borrowed, my wife's patient had ran out.
Our wechat conversation:
























Yesterday had my first interest instalment.
Wow, Xiao Min was shy and awkward at first but once in hotel room, we missed, French passionately then started petting. Then we had foreplay, oral sex before I proceed to fuck her raw as she had taken precaution. We both had a good time. As we rested after our raw sex, she caress my face and said


I am not worried about her blackmailing me later as she is also married with a daughter.

So every month to have fun w/o returning you the $$?

01-01-2019, 07:48 PM
Interesting repayment of loan …. waiting for story update :)

01-01-2019, 08:51 PM
So every month to have fun w/o returning you the $$?

Maybe own self pay own self, hehe.

02-01-2019, 06:56 AM
good and nice story TS, shall wait for more.

02-01-2019, 07:32 AM
Cuntinue please

02-01-2019, 12:17 PM
copy pasted obviously

02-01-2019, 03:11 PM
Need to wait for a month I guess

03-01-2019, 07:20 AM
keep on sharing this story TS, it's really nice.

03-01-2019, 07:37 AM
:):)keep going

03-01-2019, 07:39 AM
love this story, waiting here for much juicy updates.

03-01-2019, 11:55 PM
Nice story, please continue bro

04-01-2019, 06:38 AM
this is a really nice story, more of it will be great ts.

06-01-2019, 07:49 AM
I really like this story!

setting up my tent here for more updates. :)

Ah hai
06-01-2019, 10:08 PM
hope for an update soon!

06-01-2019, 10:31 PM
Update .......:D

06-01-2019, 11:39 PM
Camping for update too :)

07-01-2019, 06:44 AM
been following your story ts... it's a nice read... share more soon please...

07-01-2019, 04:45 PM

07-01-2019, 11:24 PM
I really like this story!

08-01-2019, 07:12 AM
really like your story ts! hoping for more juicy updates.

08-01-2019, 08:13 AM
Maybe fully paid up Liao!

08-01-2019, 08:56 AM
Lol, maybe is a trap setup by his wife

08-01-2019, 08:57 AM
love this story, waiting here for much juicy updates.

08-01-2019, 09:14 AM
GL 150bonk
20 000 / 150 = 133
133 / 12 = 11

If girl doesnt pay up TS can recoup investment within 11 years:D, 11 years 100% return, not bad investment

08-01-2019, 12:30 PM
enjoy this story, camping here for more steamy updates.

08-01-2019, 06:53 PM
GL 150bonk
20 000 / 150 = 133
133 / 12 = 11

If girl doesnt pay up TS can recoup investment within 11 years:D, 11 years 100% return, not bad investment

Very good analysis here.
Can consider to invest, hahaha.

09-01-2019, 12:02 AM
less than 10% ROI on unsecured loan is BAD investment, pawn shop usually charge 18-20%

pa? pawnshop can get lower than 18-20 la.

09-01-2019, 01:22 AM
Nice story, hope there are more to come.

09-01-2019, 02:17 AM
Really nice story ts, please continue sharing it.

09-01-2019, 07:25 AM
this is a nice story, hope TS will give more updates soon.

09-01-2019, 10:54 AM
This story is nice, sure hope TS will update more soon.

09-01-2019, 11:05 AM
less than 10% ROI on unsecured loan is BAD investment, pawn shop usually charge 18-20%

Never mind la, give and take a bit :D

Fat Fatt
09-01-2019, 05:16 PM
This story is nice, sure hope TS will update more soon.

Got to wait for the source of cut and paste. The story might have stopped there

09-01-2019, 10:53 PM
Maybe fully paid up Liao!

Maybe his wifey found out O$P$ ....

09-01-2019, 11:59 PM
My 2 cents, if this story is just a story, TS jumped too fast into the woman paying debt with sex. Once the sex is written, the story becomes bland and hard to continue. Unless u throw in with a daughter of the debtor etc to twist the erotic story.

If this is real story, also nothing much to update if TS is getting his interest repaid timely:D

14-01-2019, 07:01 AM
Continue please

14-01-2019, 01:26 PM
TS please continue your nice story.

14-01-2019, 03:52 PM
This stoey is an one hit wonder.

19-01-2019, 04:29 PM
A couple of days after we had sex in a hotel in Chinatown. Xiao Min wechat me.




你想我啦 (坏笑)



你还有什么不敢的吖?你连觉都跟我睡了 (生气)







你也很漂亮吖敏。并且你的口活太厉害了。舔得,吃得姐夫都升天了。你老公很性福 (坏笑)

姐夫刚吃蜂蜜啦 呵呵 我老公都回国半年啦




怎么吖,想我慢点还钱,多跟你干吖 (害羞)







The days that followed, I made sure I wechat Xiao Min every day to show care and concern. Every chat we have online, I will try to bring the topic to sex and try to have dirty talk with her. Some days our conversation became quite steamy and gave me a hard on. Some days she was reluctant to dwell into sex talk with me.
Nonetheless, I kept counting to the day for our second fuck date.

19-01-2019, 04:59 PM
Nice update, please continue!

19-01-2019, 06:34 PM
Great share TS, support :)

19-01-2019, 07:40 PM
This chinese novel getting more juicy.......

20-01-2019, 01:00 AM
Wow, interesting how she is missing you after 1 session only

20-01-2019, 01:56 AM
Great to see an update to this story again
Looking forward to the next one....

21-01-2019, 10:38 AM
Hi TS,

Interesting story.

Bro WB

21-01-2019, 11:59 AM
Wow TS 1 mth 1 installment
Can write more pls
Thxs ..... camping :)

22-01-2019, 09:11 AM
please share more ts, it's really nice.

22-01-2019, 05:53 PM
Last week Xiao Min contacted me through wechat.

早上好吖宾哥哥 (very intimate suddenly)

早上好敏妹 (kiss emoticon)





我是迫不及待 (鬼脸),我们什么时候见面,一起修行吖,我好安排邻居照顾桃桃。


色鬼,认真点啦。我们这个月做完爱,我在春节前需要回国办点事。应该三月才回新加坡。到时侯补偿你,好好服 侍你两天哈

不如这样好了,我租两天度假屋,你回国前我们来大战两天,尽情享受。你也不用赶回来补偿我。反正利息我是照 算的 (坏笑)


I quickly set the plan into action. I must clarify that I still enjoy sex with my wife. However I cannot resist a beauty like Xiao Min who is so good with her mouth and hands. I booked aloha loyang chalet with swimming pool as I enjoy petting in the water. I tried that with ex-gf's big breasts cousin in KL before. Petting, frenching before proceeding back to bathroom for steamy action.
The thought of honeymoon sex with Xiao Min gave me a massive hard on. The immediate obstacle was applying leave from my wife. Fortunately I have a few buddies at work whom I have helped before. I got Marcus to visit me and pretended to ask me to take his place in a short work related trip to Malaysia. He even came with gifts (I prepared beforehand) so my wife did not suspect anything. She gave her blessings and assured me she would be fine on her own for two days. Next I got another buddy Louis to sent me photos he took at a work seminar in Malaysia. I will send these to my wife as cover while I mate with Xiao Min in the aloha chalet.

With obstacle cleared I wasted no time to wechat Xiao Min.



姐夫有车你怕什么 确定不能过夜吗?



我的妈,你连我身上的香水都记得呀。你是不是经常想着我打飞机吖 (大笑)





I spend the rest of the day fantasing the different scenarios of me fucking Xiao Min in every part of the chalet. A day of intense sex was on the horizon. I am determine to relive the song experience I had with Zhen Ling. Fucking, resting, fucking, eating, playing, fucking.

22-01-2019, 07:10 PM
Camping here for more updates to this nice story.

22-01-2019, 09:50 PM
Nice story TS, do continue.

22-01-2019, 09:57 PM
Nice update TS, please keep going!

23-01-2019, 12:16 AM
wah bro. I look forward to ur story!

23-01-2019, 01:24 AM
keep it coming :D

23-01-2019, 09:13 AM
setting up my tent here for more of this nice story.

23-01-2019, 09:45 AM
Nice update, please continue!

23-01-2019, 07:10 PM
Good story, hoping for more updates!

23-01-2019, 10:51 PM
looks like TS is enjoying the sex life with 2 precious.

23-01-2019, 11:18 PM
Very nice story, share more please, support your thread bro.

25-01-2019, 10:24 PM









In real life, after writing out your intentions so clearly, she will threatened to screenshot the conversation and show to your wife. Out of fear of a divorce that will result in you losing half your wealth (due to the Woman's Charter), you end up paying (instead of lending) her $20,000. :D

26-01-2019, 12:28 AM
looking forward to new update

26-01-2019, 01:04 AM
This is a nice story! pitching tent here :)

26-01-2019, 07:26 AM
nice story TS, sure hoping there will be much more.

26-01-2019, 10:27 AM
In real life, after writing out your intentions so clearly, she will threatened to screenshot the conversation and show to your wife. Out of fear of a divorce that will result in you losing half your wealth (due to the Woman's Charter), you end up paying (instead of lending) her $20,000. :D

In Xiao Min and my real life, she knows I don't want to divorce with my wife and I know she don't want to lose her husband and daughter. She does not want her husband to know she lost 30 000 dollars. Our families are quite close and know each other very well. This is why both of us are comfortable enough to engage in raw sex.
The risk I took was that I may lose her respect and trust. In the end I did not lose but gained a great sex partner.

26-01-2019, 01:14 PM
The risk I took was that I may lose her respect and trust. In the end I did not lose but gained a great sex partner.

I understand your point. Just that I feel normally such questions are asked in person so that you do not leave any trace in wechat. Even if she did not blackmail you, there is always a risk someone else can read the conversations you have with her. She may not guard her phone security like you.

Then end up got part 2 where her husband show your wife the screenshots of your conversations and they have revenge sex. :p Just my imagination. Watch too many dramas... :D

26-01-2019, 01:25 PM
I understand your point. Just that I feel normally such questions are asked in person so that you do not leave any trace in wechat. Even if she did not blackmail you, there is always a risk someone else can read the conversations you have with her. She may not guard her phone security like you.

Then end up got part 2 where her husband show your wife the screenshots of your conversations and they have revenge sex. :p Just my imagination. Watch too many dramas... :D

Your concern is very true hence she deletes our conversation from her wechat everyday. I am the one saving the screen shots our some of our erotic naughty talks. I hid all my naughty photos and videos well.

28-01-2019, 02:53 PM
Your concern is very true hence she deletes our conversation from her wechat everyday. I am the one saving the screen shots our some of our erotic naughty talks. I hid all my naughty photos and videos well.


Please continue the story you are so lucky

28-01-2019, 05:33 PM
With 2 days of MC safely inside my wallet, I reached the carpark of Xiao Min's rented flat at 9.50am. So overwhelmed by excitement, I had no appetite for breakfast. I did consumed a dozen of oysters for supper the night before, in preparation for the coming sex marathon.
Xiao Min is not tall, about 158cm. She is very fair ( I love fair Chinese women) with long and moderately curvy hair. She has big nicely shaped eyes. She is not skinny, has a pair of rounded B+ breasts and round sexy butt.
She knocked on my car (rented one) window slightly after 10am. She was wearing a red tube dress and had put on the perfume I requested her to bring. She had a pair of shades on as if she was afraid people will recognise her.
I couldn't take my eyes off her the moment she sat down next to me. I had the urge to penetrate her vagina right away.

怎么还不开车吖?she asked breaking me out of my trance.

好马上开。 你吃过了吗?





这不是高仿吧 she covered her mouth and giggled.



Now some may wonder why I spend so much money on a woman. Isn't it too expensive for a few fucks? Of course firstly I can afford it. But more importantly, women like XiaoMin who you can developed some kind of intimate feelings and emotion, the investment is more than worthwhile. When they feel close and emotionally connected to you, they will give everything when making love with you. It's like sex with your wife literally if not better.


好好看,我好喜欢的姐夫。还是我爱的紫色。she looked very please with my gift.


嗯知道啦,宾宝贝。She replied as she smiled and looked into my eyes (she removed her shades once in my car and dumped them in her bag) . Her hand gently stroke my inner thigh.

We drove to a famous prata restaurant for breakfast. I heard curry can increase horniness and have positive influence on sexual activity. I finished my cheese and egg prata quickly. Xiao Min however had only finished half of hers.



Finally we were on our way to a pretty secluded beach on weekdays in the Eastern region of Singapore. I kept praising my beautiful passenger, turning to look at her when it is safe to. Her tube dress was short revealing most of her sexy fair legs. I placed my left hand on her thigh when I could, and feel her smooth thigh when the car stopped. She returned the favour by stroking my arm gently before placing it on my lap, caressing my thigh. When the car stopped at traffic lights, she would cup my half erected cock and stroke it.

It was not easy to drive to our destination but once I pulled up, we spontaneously released our seat belts and hugged. We kissed each other on the lips before she start kissing my neck. She really can aroused me with her mouth. Her kissing was so pleasurable. I interrupted her assault by holding onto her face as our eyes locked in contact. Our faces moved towards each other and soon our lips held together like suction cups and our tongues tangled and tango.

28-01-2019, 07:49 PM
This is a very nice story! Setting up tent waiting for more of it :)

29-01-2019, 09:13 AM
nice story, please share more. support your thread TS.

12-02-2019, 11:06 PM
still waiting for update. :D

12-02-2019, 11:37 PM
Bump, looking for new update

13-02-2019, 12:56 AM
Camping for updates too

13-02-2019, 08:04 AM
No more bro?

13-02-2019, 08:31 AM
Camping here for more updates.:)

13-02-2019, 05:36 PM
Pitching tent at this story!


14-02-2019, 12:30 AM
Camping for updates too :)

14-02-2019, 10:20 AM
Tent set up Liao with cny cookie and drinks

14-02-2019, 03:39 PM
With 2 days of MC safely inside my wallet, I reached the carpark of Xiao Min's rented flat at 9.50am. So overwhelmed by excitement, I had no appetite for breakfast. I did consumed a dozen of oysters for supper the night before, in preparation for the coming sex marathon.
Xiao Min is not tall, about 158cm. She is very fair ( I love fair Chinese women) with long and moderately curvy hair. She has big nicely shaped eyes. She is not skinny, has a pair of rounded B+ breasts and round sexy butt.
She knocked on my car (rented one) window slightly after 10am. She was wearing a red tube dress and had put on the perfume I requested her to bring. She had a pair of shades on as if she was afraid people will recognise her.
I couldn't take my eyes off her the moment she sat down next to me. I had the urge to penetrate her vagina right away.

怎么还不开车吖?she asked breaking me out of my trance.

好马上开。 你吃过了吗?





这不是高仿吧 she covered her mouth and giggled.



Now some may wonder why I spend so much money on a woman. Isn't it too expensive for a few fucks? Of course firstly I can afford it. But more importantly, women like XiaoMin who you can developed some kind of intimate feelings and emotion, the investment is more than worthwhile. When they feel close and emotionally connected to you, they will give everything when making love with you. It's like sex with your wife literally if not better.


好好看,我好喜欢的姐夫。还是我爱的紫色。she looked very please with my gift.


嗯知道啦,宾宝贝。She replied as she smiled and looked into my eyes (she removed her shades once in my car and dumped them in her bag) . Her hand gently stroke my inner thigh.

We drove to a famous prata restaurant for breakfast. I heard curry can increase horniness and have positive influence on sexual activity. I finished my cheese and egg prata quickly. Xiao Min however had only finished half of hers.



Finally we were on our way to a pretty secluded beach on weekdays in the Eastern region of Singapore. I kept praising my beautiful passenger, turning to look at her when it is safe to. Her tube dress was short revealing most of her sexy fair legs. I placed my left hand on her thigh when I could, and feel her smooth thigh when the car stopped. She returned the favour by stroking my arm gently before placing it on my lap, caressing my thigh. When the car stopped at traffic lights, she would cup my half erected cock and stroke it.

It was not easy to drive to our destination but once I pulled up, we spontaneously released our seat belts and hugged. We kissed each other on the lips before she start kissing my neck. She really can aroused me with her mouth. Her kissing was so pleasurable. I interrupted her assault by holding onto her face as our eyes locked in contact. Our faces moved towards each other and soon our lips held together like suction cups and our tongues tangled and tango.

Hi bro,

Good narration.

Have a great day!

Bro WB

14-02-2019, 07:50 PM
Support nice story, pls continue bro

14-02-2019, 11:43 PM
Tent set up Liao with cny cookie and drinks

And peanuts also upz. Cheers!

22-02-2019, 05:22 PM
As we frenched passionately, I suddenly felt her hand going for my zipper. I adjusted my legs without breaking from our kissing, to facilitate her unzipping my fly. My erected bulge welcomed her slender fingers once she succeeded unzipping me. Her skillful fingers teased my already hard cock. (I had been wondering where she learn her pleasuring skills from.) All this while we were still kissing and tongue fighting.
She pulled her lips away from mine just as she pulled down my underwear to reveal my throbbing penis.

XiaoMin commented while her fingers teased my penis head. She looked up to make eye contact with me, smiling naughtily.

I replied as I removed my Bermuda and underwear. She lean towards me and her hand began to sensually stroke my erected cock.


She giggled and lean over my rock hard penis. She flicked her silky long hair and immediately an irresistible fragrance of her hair invaded my nostrils. The sight of this beautiful lady about to suck my cock, the scent of her hair and the pleasure from her skillful hand sent relentless waves of excitement through my whole body. I moaned uncontrollably as the tip of her tongue licked sensually from my penis eye to my entire cock head. Her mouth then engulfed my whole cock head, slurpping and sucking before starting over with my penis eye. I carefully caresses her hair while enjoying the amazing pleasure, taking in every second of Xiao Min's blowing of my lan jiao as though my eyes were video cameras. How I wished I was recording down everything. She was soon working along my entire meat pole, licking and taking in my cock into her wet mouth. Only a couple of women I had sex with could suck my cock as well as Xiao Min. I was ahhing like crazy and almost had a cramped butt trying not to ejaculate. I shot my load into her mouth.
She went out of the car to spit out my cum. I past her a bottle of water to clean her mouth. Then I rested in the car. Lending Xiao Min money was such a wise choice, I thought quietly to myself. I can't believe I am actually enjoying sex with my wife's close friend.

宾宝贝,你还有精力继续来吗?Xiao Min said after settling back onto the car seat.

等我享受了鲍鱼汤就有精力了。I replied as I lean over to repay her. I am going to eat her cheebye like no one has ever done before. It wasn't easy getting her thighs to part sufficiently for my face and hand to have room to play with her vagina, therefore I pulled her panties off and went straight for her clit. I sucked it gently before my tongue joined in to pleasure her cheebye.

啊。。。宝贝 啊。。Xiao Min moaned gently.

With her encouragement, my index finger made its way into her vagina in a three prong assault on her love hole. In no time I tasted the abalone soup ozzing out her vagina.


I began to intensified my slurping and sucking of her clit and vagina. Sensing her orgasm coming, my two fingers quickly got into actions 'digging' her watery fuck hole. My lips covered hers and we frenched till she came.

While resting in the car, I removed my t shirt and pulled down her tube dress to expose her neh neh.



I caress her neh neh and played with her nipples. She reciprocate by caressing my chest and stimulating my nipples.



23-02-2019, 12:08 AM
Awesome story TS, do keep going...

23-02-2019, 11:50 AM
Nice story!

23-02-2019, 02:48 PM
Looking forward for next update

23-02-2019, 08:10 PM
I like this story bro, shall camp here for more installments

23-02-2019, 11:27 PM
Awesome story TS! Wish I was as lucky as you!

24-02-2019, 09:51 AM
great story, enjoy reading it. look forward to your next update TS.

24-02-2019, 01:36 PM
Keep it coming. Really exciting to read this story.

24-02-2019, 07:55 PM
Such horny update, more please.

25-02-2019, 05:35 PM
Nice story bro, please continue

25-02-2019, 05:50 PM
Support for more updates :)

12-03-2019, 09:59 PM
please do continue! :D

12-03-2019, 10:58 PM
Hey bro, nice story. Camping here.

13-03-2019, 01:22 AM
Support thread n camping for updates :)

18-03-2019, 04:42 PM
Waiting for TS to continue story with敏妹

18-03-2019, 06:39 PM
Waiting for more updates.

18-03-2019, 10:52 PM
Nice story TS, please continue..

29-05-2019, 08:06 PM
I found the motivation to write again since Xiao Min came back last week and we had a great fucking session. Great not only because I missed her this past couple of months. Great also because I tarma Xiao Min and her cousin Xiao Tong. I will explain how it happened.

I wechat with Xiao Min almost daily since she went back. The usual naughty, dirty talks aside, we had a couple of sessions of cyber video sex. On the second video sex, as she was fingering herself, she suddenly stopped and told me
I was trying to figure out what she meant when she ended the video call. Then she sent me a photo. It was a fair woman with short Hazel brown hair and big eyes wearing red bikini.
怎么样,美不美吖 Xiao Min text me.
The lady in the photo is not as beautiful as Xiao Min but is very pleasant looking with a bit of a wild look. Most importantly c cup neh neh, bigger than Xiao Min' breasts.

My penis hardened again when I read her message. Wow this money lending business is thriving. Now I get to fuck a big neh neh lady.

So to cut a long story short, last Thursday I took MC. By 4pm, I was in the resort swimming pool playing and teasing 2 bikini ladies. About 30 minutes later, Xiao Tong was less awkward and began talking and joking with me. At around 5 pm, I was standing under the shower, hugging and frenching the two ladies. Our naked bodies pressing against each other...

29-05-2019, 08:48 PM
Well done TS, looking forward to your threesome write up

29-05-2019, 08:55 PM
Nice story

30-05-2019, 08:55 AM
Omg omg my favourite threesome, more please.

30-05-2019, 06:02 PM
Nice update TS, please keep going :)

31-05-2019, 08:23 PM
Nice story, please continue writing.

31-05-2019, 09:32 PM
Horny ping is one of my favorite writer....damn power

31-05-2019, 10:44 PM
Nice story, please continue writing.

Yes please do

31-05-2019, 11:09 PM
Finally, ts is back. Keep writing. :D

09-06-2019, 02:54 PM
The door of our resort bedroom opened and a sexy techno music started playing in the background. ( 小莫骚麦 a song about having sex) Out came Xiao Min in a rather revealing pair of blue bikini. Her hair was bundled up with strains of them hanging loosely from the back of her neck. She was swaying and dancing to the music. The lyrics and the sight of this sexy beauty cause my penis to swell. Just as I remove my t shirt and about to join in the dance with Xiao Min, Zhou Tong stepped out of the bedroom. She was in the same type of bikini as Xiao Min but hers was bright green. Her fair skin looked flawless and her eyes are very pretty. As she danced, her big soft neh neh bounced gently. I stood rooted to the spot and drooling as I admired the two erotic bodies moving and jerking to the music. By the time the music stopped, my swimming trunk could hardly concealed my fully erected penis. The two ladies probably decided to perform the sexy dance as a gesture to thank me for the presents I gave them when fetching them from the airport. They also noticed my already hardened meat poke. Xiao Min giggled and pinched my gu jiao head naughtily before dragging Xiao Tong out of the resort with her. I had to calm down and composed myself before running after them.
When I stepped out, the two ladies were inside the pool, frolicking as though they were on vacation. I walked over to them in a cool manner trying to impressed Xiao Tong. Once I was closed enough, both ladies grabbed either side of my calf and pulled me into the pool. I fell into the pool like a boulder making the two ladies laughed. I pretended to look shock and said 你们不要仗着人多欺负我哦
不乐意你可以离开吖 Xiao Min retorted.
乐意,我当然乐意。我乐意为两位美人做牛做马 I replied.
男人就这幅德性 Xiao Min said to Xiao Tong and she smile. Xiao Min swam away and I took the opportunity to chat with Xiao Tong. Being humorous, I was able to make Xiao Tong laugh and feel more at ease. A while later Xiao Min joined in and our chat became a little naughty. Just as things were warming up nicely, I noticed an Indian uncle staring at us.
那位印度大叔老盯着我们 I informed both of them.
看到你身边两位性感美女,嫉妒你呗 Xiao Tong remarked jokingly.
咱们走吧,让那位大叔羡慕,嫉妒,恨 Xiao Min replied and started making her way back to our resort. Xiao Tong followed swiftly after her. I watched the two sexy ladies disappeared into the resort, and like a general before a great battle, my only focus from that moment onwards was to enjoy making love to the two women, enjoy their bodies and fuck them hard.

When I entered the bedroom, their bikini's were lying on the floor. I could hear the sound of the shower and the two ladies conversing.
姐别紧张,都到这地步了。反正你也离婚了,想跟谁干就跟谁干。Xiao Min encouraged her cousin.
嗯,也有一年没跟男人干了。反正当歌星也免不了陪男人睡。Xiao Tong replied.
I walked up to the ladies and placed my arms around their waist. The three naked adult stood silently looking at each other. I pulled both of them towards me. As their naked bodies pressed against mine, my big erected penis jerked. I turned to Xiao Min and kissed her lips a couple of times. Then I turned to Xiao Tong and kissed her lightly on her lips. I kissed her a few more times before turning back to Xiao Min to French kiss with her. Xiao Tong watched as Xiao Min's tongue tango with mine. We 舌吻 passionately for a while then I turned to Xiao Tong. I kissed her again. Slowly my lips covered hers and both our tongues 缠绵as we 舌吻。The three of French kiss passionately for quite some time. As we kissed, I could feel the two ladies grinding their bodies against mine. My hands were also wandering all over their naked bodies. It didn't take too long for my fingers to locate the two hairy vaginas. It didn't take them too long to start playing with my erected cock and balls as well. While our hands and fingers arouse and pleasure each others sex organs, our lips and tongues were locked in passionate kissing JAV style.

09-06-2019, 03:09 PM
The door of our resort bedroom opened and a sexy techno music started playing in the background. ( 小莫骚麦 a song about having sex) Out came Xiao Min in a rather revealing pair of blue bikini. Her hair was bundled up with strains of them hanging loosely from the back of her neck. She was swaying and dancing to the music. The lyrics and the sight of this sexy beauty cause my penis to swell. Just as I remove my t shirt and about to join in the dance with Xiao Min, Zhou Tong stepped out of the bedroom. She was in the same type of bikini as Xiao Min but hers was bright green. Her fair skin looked flawless and her eyes are very pretty. As she danced, her big soft neh neh bounced gently. I stood rooted to the spot and drooling as I admired the two erotic bodies moving and jerking to the music. By the time the music stopped, my swimming trunk could hardly concealed my fully erected penis. The two ladies probably decided to perform the sexy dance as a gesture to thank me for the presents I gave them when fetching them from the airport. They also noticed my already hardened meat poke. Xiao Min giggled and pinched my gu jiao head naughtily before dragging Xiao Tong out of the resort with her. I had to calm down and composed myself before running after them.
When I stepped out, the two ladies were inside the pool, frolicking as though they were on vacation. I walked over to them in a cool manner trying to impressed Xiao Tong. Once I was closed enough, both ladies grabbed either side of my calf and pulled me into the pool. I fell into the pool like a boulder making the two ladies laughed. I pretended to look shock and said 你们不要仗着人多欺负我哦
不乐意你可以离开吖 Xiao Min retorted.
乐意,我当然乐意。我乐意为两位美人做牛做马 I replied.
男人就这幅德性 Xiao Min said to Xiao Tong and she smile. Xiao Min swam away and I took the opportunity to chat with Xiao Tong. Being humorous, I was able to make Xiao Tong laugh and feel more at ease. A while later Xiao Min joined in and our chat became a little naughty. Just as things were warming up nicely, I noticed an Indian uncle staring at us.
那位印度大叔老盯着我们 I informed both of them.
看到你身边两位性感美女,嫉妒你呗 Xiao Tong remarked jokingly.
咱们走吧,让那位大叔羡慕,嫉妒,恨 Xiao Min replied and started making her way back to our resort. Xiao Tong followed swiftly after her. I watched the two sexy ladies disappeared into the resort, and like a general before a great battle, my only focus from that moment onwards was to enjoy making love to the two women, enjoy their bodies and fuck them hard.

When I entered the bedroom, their bikini's were lying on the floor. I could hear the sound of the shower and the two ladies conversing.
姐别紧张,都到这地步了。反正你也离婚了,想跟谁干就跟谁干。Xiao Min encouraged her cousin.
嗯,也有一年没跟男人干了。反正当歌星也免不了陪男人睡。Xiao Tong replied.
I walked up to the ladies and placed my arms around their waist. The three naked adult stood silently looking at each other. I pulled both of them towards me. As their naked bodies pressed against mine, my big erected penis jerked. I turned to Xiao Min and kissed her lips a couple of times. Then I turned to Xiao Tong and kissed her lightly on her lips. I kissed her a few more times before turning back to Xiao Min to French kiss with her. Xiao Tong watched as Xiao Min's tongue tango with mine. We 舌吻 passionately for a while then I turned to Xiao Tong. I kissed her again. Slowly my lips covered hers and both our tongues 缠绵as we 舌吻。The three of French kiss passionately for quite some time. As we kissed, I could feel the two ladies grinding their bodies against mine. My hands were also wandering all over their naked bodies. It didn't take too long for my fingers to locate the two hairy vaginas. It didn't take them too long to start playing with my erected cock and balls as well. While our hands and fingers arouse and pleasure each others sex organs, our lips and tongues were locked in passionate kissing JAV style.

Upz +12 for your nice story, please continue.

09-06-2019, 06:57 PM
Please continue with the juicy story TS :)

09-06-2019, 11:02 PM
I tried writing down my 3P with Xiao Min and Xiao Tong thrice unsuccessfully as half way through my narration, the urge to fuck them again was too overwhelming. Even when I make love to my wife, my mind was fantasing fucking Xiao Tong. Finally I wechat Xiao Tong
Yesterday met her in a hotel room and we fucked like long lost lover. I am able to narrate my steamy 3P sex now. I hope.

10-06-2019, 05:14 AM
interesting and nicely written story TS, great share and please do keep it going.

10-06-2019, 07:35 AM
Very good story, support!

10-06-2019, 12:59 PM
The reason why many men love to tarma is because you are having multiple sources of stimulation at once, and the sexual pleasure is intense.
My hands were enjoying flicking the two women's erected nipples, caressing their neh neh, squeezing their butt's and fingerings their clits. At the same time both my nipples are being sensually rubbed and finger, my erected penis constantly had two warmth and soft hands stroking it sensually, fingers teasing my cock head and pee hole. My penis was on the blink of explosion. All this while I was taking turns frenching Xiao Min and Xiao Tong. My breathing increased rapidly and when I thought I could not hold back my cum anymore the two beautiful women stopped their fore play. They hugged me while I steady myself.
爽不爽,镔哥 Xiao Min asked teasingly.
爽上天了,帝皇般的享受 I replied
哈哈哈,就让你当一次皇帝呗 Xiao Tong chipped in.
Slowly, the two beauties started to caress my body again. They gently lifted my arms and placed my arms around their shoulders. I knew what was going to happen next. The two women placed their faces against my chest. They tickled my nipples and proceeded to lick and suck them.
Both of them were good at sucking nipples.
As I looked at the two beauties licking my nipples, I felt Xiao Tong's hand caressed my butt and roamed to my asshole. She used her finger to tickle my asshole. At the same time, Min's hand began stroking my rock hard cock. The songness was heavenly. My body was engulfed in intense pleasure but I knew the best was yet to come. The anticipation of the two beauties sucking my cock made me want to pee.

Jay Chou
10-06-2019, 01:26 PM
The reason why many men love to tarma is because you are having multiple sources of stimulation at once, and the sexual pleasure is intense.
My hands were enjoying flicking the two women's erected nipples, caressing their neh neh, squeezing their butt's and fingerings their clits. At the same time both my nipples are being sensually rubbed and finger, my erected penis constantly had two warmth and soft hands stroking it sensually, fingers teasing my cock head and pee hole. My penis was on the blink of explosion. All this while I was taking turns frenching Xiao Min and Xiao Tong. My breathing increased rapidly and when I thought I could not hold back my cum anymore the two beautiful women stopped their fore play. They hugged me while I steady myself.
爽不爽,镔哥 Xiao Min asked teasingly.
爽上天了,帝皇般的享受 I replied
哈哈哈,就让你当一次皇帝呗 Xiao Tong chipped in.
Slowly, the two beauties started to caress my body again. They gently lifted my arms and placed my arms around their shoulders. I knew what was going to happen next. The two women placed their faces against my chest. They tickled my nipples and proceeded to lick and suck them.
Both of them were good at sucking nipples.
As I looked at the two beauties licking my nipples, I felt Xiao Tong's hand caressed my butt and roamed to my asshole. She used her finger to tickle my asshole. At the same time, Min's hand began stroking my rock hard cock. The songness was heavenly. My body was engulfed in intense pleasure but I knew the best was yet to come. The anticipation of the two beauties sucking my cock made me want to pee.

Up u bro. 😊

10-06-2019, 05:08 PM
upped. too good

10-06-2019, 07:42 PM
Min and Tong giggled as I grabbed their hands.
听敏说,哥很能干的哦。你可别让我失望了喔 Xiao Tong teased me.
I felt water sprayed on my back.
等我们把哥洗干净了,在一起到床上去玩哈 Xiao Tong suggested as she used the shower head to wet all our naked bodies.
当然好 I replied as I raise my arms high up to let the two beauties bathe me. Min and Tong lather their front body, especially their neh nehs, with the fragrant shower gel I bought. This is something men cannot enjoy commercially in Singapore. The two women soaped my body with their neh nehs and front body. My body was sandwich between Xiao Min and Xiao Tong's body. I positioned myself in a half squat posture to ensure the two slippery soft pair of neh nehs can rub erotically from my shoulder region to my buttock and lan jiao. Xiao Tong made sure that when she slipped downwards, my erected cock would be between her big breasts getting some sort of breasts fuck. Xiao Min made sure I could feel her nipples while she slipped downwards, and once her breasts brushed down my butt's, she would sensually slide her hand from my hairy balls all the way up my meat pole to the tip of my cock. The experience was so mind blowing I suspect they worked in health spa in China before.

10-06-2019, 09:32 PM
Bro, those were the days of paid sex with tarma out of world experiences, if you have two ladies who KC you with real feelings and actions. You lived in ecstasy for that wonderful and euphoric moment that you wish will stand forever in time

11-06-2019, 05:18 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this nice story TS.

11-06-2019, 09:01 AM
I was looking through a few photos I took with Xiao Min while we were enjoying our sexcation in a loyang chalet. I think after sharing my unforgettable 3P with Min and Tong, I will share snippets of my two days of great sex with Min on the beach and in the chalet. The fear and excitement of getting caught while we were fucking on the beach was really crazy and fun.

11-06-2019, 11:31 AM
Great share TS , do keep the updates coming , if You're able to share pics lagi best .
Btw , if xiao min in need of borrowing more money :D

11-06-2019, 12:10 PM
Great share TS , do keep the updates coming , if You're able to share pics lagi best .
Btw , if xiao min in need of borrowing more money :D

As both of them are currently in Singapore, I don't think I should share photos and risk putting their lives in dissarry.

11-06-2019, 03:30 PM
I was in a state of trance as the waves of erotic pleasures flow through my body. I concentrated to take in every moment of songsation the two naked beauties were giving me as their soapy neh nehs glided along my body.
Suddenly they seemed to stepped away from me all at once. Before I could ask them to continue a little longer, I felt a an icy tingling sensation in my asshole.
牙膏可以杀菌的镔哥,弄干净了待会好好给你舔啊 Xiao Tong said as she cleaned my asshole with colgate toothpaste.
是吗,那你们也用牙膏洗你们的粉肛门,哥亲完你们的妹妹也来给你们舔 I replied as Xiao Min washed the toothpaste off my asshole. They giggled simultaneously...

I stood still while the two beauties dry me with two towels.
去,躺到床上去 Xiao Min said to me as both of them dried themselves with the towel they just used to dry me. Like an obedient little boy, I lied on the bed with my body forming the character 大。The air con was turned on but my body was warming up in anticipation of the approaching fore play. Xiao Min and Xiao Tong joined me in bed shortly. They kneeled closed to me, on either side of my body. Xiao Min removed her hair band to let down her hair while Xiao Tong watched her. My heart pumped faster. Then the two of them ran their hands sensually around my body while looking straight at me, smiling naughtily.
皇上要奴婢们如何伺候您吖?Xiao Min teased me as she began stroking my cock.
美人,朕要被你们亲遍,舔遍,摸遍 I replied as I grabbed both their arms and pulled them to me. Xiao Min went straight for my left nipple, licking and sucking it while stroking my erected cock. Xiao Tong kissed me on my lips before 舌吻 with me, at the same time her fingers stimulated my right nipple. Then Xiao Min kissed me from my chest, to my neck, my ear before 舌吻 with me while Xiao Tong kissed my neck and moved down to lick and suck my right nipple. As Xiao Min French kiss me, she stimulate my left nipple and Xiao Tong stroke my hardened cock. This went on for a good 15 minutes until both of them kissed my chest then licked their way down towards my hairy cock. I spread my legs wider as they faces moved towards my penis. One of them massage my balls gently while the other ran her fingers along my erected penis. Then the assault began, both of them started licking my cock head and penis eye. My head jerked backwards as I moaned out loud. Xiao Min then sucked my cock head while Xiao Tong licked my shaft and balls. Then they switched around with Xiao Tong licking my cock head and Min licked my shaft and balls. All this while their hands were back stimulating my already erected nipples. I arch my head to watched them gam my lan jiao but my head could not keep still as the pleasure was immense. I moaned like a silly virgin. My left hand stroke Xiao Min's long hair while my right caressed Xiao Tong's soft shoulder. My legs were on the blink of cramping as I struggled to remember when I last had such a stiff hard erection.

11-06-2019, 08:08 PM
You are right bro, both seems to be experienced ML in sex industry

11-06-2019, 08:18 PM
Enjoying your sexy story TS, please continue! :)

12-06-2019, 02:50 AM
Very interesting story, wait for update

12-06-2019, 03:37 PM
噢噢,啊啊。。宝贝们,能不能让哥喘口气,哥快射了。。I pleaded after an intense 5 minutes or so of cock sucking.
镔哥你要挺住哈,为了答谢你,彤姐要求你今天第一发在她体内射 Xiao Min said
避了的,镔哥 Xiao Tong replied and plant a kiss on my lips.
我信得过的,我姐自然信得过。你呢也应该信得过我。直接干是最爽的 Xiao Min answered me as she gestured me to lift up my legs.
Xiao Tong put her arm under my head to offer me her big neh neh. I began sucking her breasts like a hungry baby. Xiao Min proceeded to give me a wonderful ass rimming. Her tongue is simply superb, if only my beautiful wife is half as good. Its been ages since I had such pleasure getting my asshole licked and poked. I feasted happily on Xiao Yong's light brownish nipple. A while later, the two ladies swapped roles and it was Xiao Tong licking my asshole while Xiao Min breasts fed me. ( they told me after our sex that they had rehearsed this session while in China to ensure I will thoroughly enjoy)
It was getting dark outside when I watched Xiao Tong direct my erected penis into her vagina.
啊,龟头好大,嗯嗯 Xiao Tong muttered as she began to ride me. I gazed at the beautiful sight of my big cock thrusting in and out of Xiao Tong chee bye, savouring the sexual pleasure of my penis head pushing through her warm wet vagina. I thrust my hip so I could fucked deeper into her chee bye.
Suddenly Xiao Min knelt over my face. I knew her intention and got straight into action. I worked my tongue rapidly licking her clit and sucking it. I regretted not filming down this incredible 3P sex. Just as the two beauties were going to swap position, I reminded them to draw the curtains while I switched on the light.
哥喜欢边看,边干,边摸 I explained.
We changed a few positions, missionary with one lady kissing my neck and caressing my nipples, finally 老汉推车 with me fucking one of them and the other frenching with me. As I thrust my cock in and out of Xiao Tong's vagina, fucking her doggy style, I could not tahan no longer. I broke away from frenching Xiao Min and moaned out as I cum inside Xiao Tong. I hugged the two beauties as we rested on the bed, exhausted.

12-06-2019, 05:52 PM
Just saw your thread for the 1st time today. Great story bro, camping for updates

12-06-2019, 06:21 PM
Power, tarma two and cip :D

12-06-2019, 06:21 PM
The door of our resort bedroom opened and a sexy techno music started playing in the background. ( 小莫骚麦 a song about having sex) Out came Xiao Min in a rather revealing pair of blue bikini. Her hair was bundled up with strains of them hanging loosely from the back of her neck. She was swaying and dancing to the music. The lyrics and the sight of this sexy beauty cause my penis to swell. Just as I remove my t shirt and about to join in the dance with Xiao Min, Zhou Tong stepped out of the bedroom. She was in the same type of bikini as Xiao Min but hers was bright green. Her fair skin looked flawless and her eyes are very pretty. As she danced, her big soft neh neh bounced gently. I stood rooted to the spot and drooling as I admired the two erotic bodies moving and jerking to the music. By the time the music stopped, my swimming trunk could hardly concealed my fully erected penis. The two ladies probably decided to perform the sexy dance as a gesture to thank me for the presents I gave them when fetching them from the airport. They also noticed my already hardened meat poke. Xiao Min giggled and pinched my gu jiao head naughtily before dragging Xiao Tong out of the resort with her. I had to calm down and composed myself before running after them.
When I stepped out, the two ladies were inside the pool, frolicking as though they were on vacation. I walked over to them in a cool manner trying to impressed Xiao Tong. Once I was closed enough, both ladies grabbed either side of my calf and pulled me into the pool. I fell into the pool like a boulder making the two ladies laughed. I pretended to look shock and said 你们不要仗着人多欺负我哦
不乐意你可以离开吖 Xiao Min retorted.
乐意,我当然乐意。我乐意为两位美人做牛做马 I replied.
男人就这幅德性 Xiao Min said to Xiao Tong and she smile. Xiao Min swam away and I took the opportunity to chat with Xiao Tong. Being humorous, I was able to make Xiao Tong laugh and feel more at ease. A while later Xiao Min joined in and our chat became a little naughty. Just as things were warming up nicely, I noticed an Indian uncle staring at us.
那位印度大叔老盯着我们 I informed both of them.
看到你身边两位性感美女,嫉妒你呗 Xiao Tong remarked jokingly.
咱们走吧,让那位大叔羡慕,嫉妒,恨 Xiao Min replied and started making her way back to our resort. Xiao Tong followed swiftly after her. I watched the two sexy ladies disappeared into the resort, and like a general before a great battle, my only focus from that moment onwards was to enjoy making love to the two women, enjoy their bodies and fuck them hard.

When I entered the bedroom, their bikini's were lying on the floor. I could hear the sound of the shower and the two ladies conversing.
姐别紧张,都到这地步了。反正你也离婚了,想跟谁干就跟谁干。Xiao Min encouraged her cousin.
嗯,也有一年没跟男人干了。反正当歌星也免不了陪男人睡。Xiao Tong replied.
I walked up to the ladies and placed my arms around their waist. The three naked adult stood silently looking at each other. I pulled both of them towards me. As their naked bodies pressed against mine, my big erected penis jerked. I turned to Xiao Min and kissed her lips a couple of times. Then I turned to Xiao Tong and kissed her lightly on her lips. I kissed her a few more times before turning back to Xiao Min to French kiss with her. Xiao Tong watched as Xiao Min's tongue tango with mine. We 舌吻 passionately for a while then I turned to Xiao Tong. I kissed her again. Slowly my lips covered hers and both our tongues 缠绵as we 舌吻。The three of French kiss passionately for quite some time. As we kissed, I could feel the two ladies grinding their bodies against mine. My hands were also wandering all over their naked bodies. It didn't take too long for my fingers to locate the two hairy vaginas. It didn't take them too long to start playing with my erected cock and balls as well. While our hands and fingers arouse and pleasure each others sex organs, our lips and tongues were locked in passionate kissing JAV style.

hahaha...thank u for introing me to this song 小莫骚麦....never knew about this song before in my life, but quite cute :p

12-06-2019, 10:02 PM
Very good story, do continue TS

12-06-2019, 11:44 PM
Loan out $40K and get two free raw tarma fucks per month. Seem like a very good piece of business.

13-06-2019, 05:17 AM
this is a really nice story, more of it will be great ts.

13-06-2019, 10:03 AM
Power, tarma two and cip :D

I really missed those days a decade more ago where paid tarma sex was incredible.

13-06-2019, 11:13 AM
Lend me more better, can do business P2P lending LOL

14-06-2019, 05:23 AM
like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please ts...

14-06-2019, 10:23 AM
should have seen this before saying NO to a female friend asking for a loan !

14-06-2019, 11:58 AM
Loan out $40K and get two free raw tarma fucks per month. Seem like a very good piece of business.

Maybe can't get back 40K but free fu*k forever ?

16-06-2019, 06:42 AM
nice story TS, hope for more to come soon.

17-06-2019, 05:18 AM
Thanks for sharing this nice story TS, look forward to your next updates.

17-06-2019, 07:44 AM
TS has progressed through the years. From his moral corruption by PDMMs til now, his stories has kept my cock rock hard!

U the man!

17-06-2019, 08:24 AM
setting up my tent here for more of this story.

17-06-2019, 11:35 AM
Presumably, 5 years is the maximum period of FB and repayment fuck. 4000 dollars per year and what is the expected repayment in cash that your FB will repay you in cash? Well you are much better than the bank in a way that they can stretch repayment period for very long time. With no harassment and best of all no interest at all but only for sex. One thing good is that you can have raw sex and cip:p. Hard for the singer not to cip with the other rich clients. But the good side, is she practise make perfect.
The most you get back in cash could be 20%, I assumed.

17-06-2019, 03:11 PM
Awesome raw 3p with CIP.

17-06-2019, 03:47 PM
lend me better, i make profit for u LOL

02-07-2019, 03:49 PM
Hi TS,
No more story?

02-07-2019, 05:33 PM
Very nice story, hoping for updates

10-07-2019, 07:04 PM
Yesterday was my second tarma with Xiao Min and Xiao Tong. Boy it was wild. It was not like both of them served me like China's health spa. It was hunger driven sex. Xiao Min's hubby is working back in Si An, she claimed sex with me is her only avenue to get sextisfaction. Xiao Tong had started her singer career so I was weary of fucking her raw. She insisted she has so far only slept with 2 men, and with condoms. She did a hiv screening before our tarma date to allay my fear. I fucked them like crazy and cum inside Xiao Min.
Xiao Min has sugested she wanted more regular sex with me, at least twice a month. I asked if she needed more time to repay her debt and she did not answer. Well I don't mind at all. Will write in detail once I have time.
Got damn lucky the other day when I hooked up a Vietnamese woman married to a local. Never before had it so easy. Made numerous eye contact, confirmed her interest in me. Signalled with my eye for her to step outside the prata restaurant, because her hubby was by her side while my wife was with me. I went out first and waited for a while. Finally she walked past me towards the washroom. I swiftly caught up next to her.

Me : give me your number.
She : (continue walking)
Me : sweet give me your number
She : why
Me : I like you. You very beautiful.
She : wechat.
I passed her my phone. She brought into ladies and reappeared a short while.
She : no night time. Day.
I added her immediately and view her moments. Wow one photo made my cock hardened.

10-07-2019, 11:09 PM
Very nice story TS, support and camping for more! :)

11-07-2019, 08:25 AM
Yesterday was my second tarma with Xiao Min and Xiao Tong. Boy it was wild. It was not like both of them served me like China's health spa. It was hunger driven sex. Xiao Min's hubby is working back in Si An, she claimed sex with me is her only avenue to get sextisfaction. Xiao Tong had started her singer career so I was weary of fucking her raw. She insisted she has so far only slept with 2 men, and with condoms. She did a hiv screening before our tarma date to allay my fear. I fucked them like crazy and cum inside Xiao Min.
Xiao Min has sugested she wanted more regular sex with me, at least twice a month. I asked if she needed more time to repay her debt and she did not answer. Well I don't mind at all. Will write in detail once I have time.
Got damn lucky the other day when I hooked up a Vietnamese woman married to a local. Never before had it so easy. Made numerous eye contact, confirmed her interest in me. Signalled with my eye for her to step outside the prata restaurant, because her hubby was by her side while my wife was with me. I went out first and waited for a while. Finally she walked past me towards the washroom. I swiftly caught up next to her.

Me : give me your number.
She : (continue walking)
Me : sweet give me your number
She : why
Me : I like you. You very beautiful.
She : wechat.
I passed her my phone. She brought into ladies and reappeared a short while.
She : no night time. Day.
I added her immediately and view her moments. Wow one photo made my cock hardened.

Wow, Vietnamese are the best!

11-07-2019, 02:48 PM
Very good story bro, please continue ...

13-07-2019, 05:19 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this nice story TS.

13-07-2019, 04:07 PM
TS pls continue.

13-07-2019, 05:37 PM
More updates please.

13-07-2019, 06:24 PM
This is interesting, more please

13-07-2019, 11:46 PM
Nice share, enjoying the story TS :)

11-03-2020, 06:09 AM
It's been six months and I want to update on my loan with sex as interest. Many people probably will think I am very stupid. I guess my small head ruled over my big head when the opportunity to fuck Min presented itself. To date she has returned me 10k but I have spent close to 5k on gifts and others on her, not including hotels and chalets booking. She has compensated me with regular sex in return. I tarma her and Tong once a month, and meet her for fucking once every week. I stopped asking her to return the money, we dated and have sex like lovers. She returns me a few thousand as and when she has it. To make sex with her exciting, I sometimes called her husband to chat randomly just before I meet up with her, so during sex the feeling of fucking her behind the husband's back was very thrilling. Most of the times I buy little gifts for her daugther or play with her daugther before fetching her to have sex. Sometimes she sent me seductive voice messages to hint to time she wanted sex. I am very careful the last few months in order not to arose my wife's suspions but at the same time, I am finding sex with my wife has become less pleasurable. When my wife suck me, I will be fantasing getting sucked by my skillful Min or my slutty Tong. However I have to be careful not to show.
Now comes to a more stupid act by me. Tong has been very forthcoming in giving me sexual pleasures. She diligently get hiv test monthly, sharing with me the few uncle's she fucked with and how she refuse raw sex with them lying to them she has a husband back in China. She even recorded her conversation during a sex session with one uncle, to prove to me how she rejected raw sex with clients. She told me not allowing raw sex with her 花场 clients had an impact on her income. I wanted to please her but she rejected my gifts saying I shouldn't. I only bring her for good food. She works hard during sex to pleasure me, whether during our tarma or when meeting me only for sex. Each time she wants me to cum inside her because she knows I enjoy cop and she always say I deserve to enjoy it with her. Of course up till December when her singer pass was expiring she still owed me 18k.i am sure she gad money to return me but she is very intelligent while I enjoyed fucking her. Last December, she told me she needed money to settle debts back home and made a proposal to me. She introduced a lady in her early 30s to me 王风。Wow long hair, fair with D cup neh neh. She say 王风owes her money and whether I allow 王风to take over her debt. Conditions are the same, 风will pay interest by letting me fuck her raw. This is where my recount will continue.
Next 4P sex marathon with 敏,彤 and 风.

14-03-2020, 01:27 PM
Camping for 4p

15-03-2020, 11:22 PM
Long time no see, welcome back :D

16-03-2020, 06:48 AM
keep on sharing this story TS, it's really nice.

16-03-2020, 11:07 AM
Welcome back TS, thanks for nice update :)

22-03-2020, 03:03 PM
want to hear more updates soon

22-03-2020, 05:28 PM
much appreciated for sharing

22-03-2020, 07:16 PM
Nice story, please continue TS

23-03-2020, 12:59 AM
Very nice share, thanks a lot

23-04-2020, 02:53 PM
Over supper, as Min, Tong and Feng were eating, drinking and chatting with me, I studied Feng carefully. She is 2 years older than Tong and looked so as well. Her fair complexion, seductive eyes and sharp nose make her look very attractive. While she was ordering food, the hawker thought her was an ML and asked her does she provide massage service. Her big papaya neh neh is very obvious although I knew they probably a bit sagging. But so long as da neh neh I like to fuck.
Feng has an air of a person of status. I wondered why she was in debt? Later I learnt, both me and Feng were tricked by Tong. Feng was Tong's childhood friend, and married to a Singapore business man 12 years ago. When Tong came to Singapore, she hooked up with Feng again. Feng already has two kids and is a PR. Unfortunately, her hubby suffered male problem and his gu gu cannot stand six years ago. Since than Feng rarely has sex with her husband, and usually she need to suck him a lot to get a 3 quarter erection.
Tong promised her to find her a sex partner to satisfy her sexual needs while not risking her family and life in Singapore. I was the sex buddy Tong promised Feng. Feng was not aware of any debt. She thought she was invited to our secret sex party.
Min drove my car, while Tong sat next to her on our way to loyang chalet. (I find chalet is the best venue to engage in sex with little fear). Feng and me sat at the back. It did not take long before I was kissing and frenching her. She is a fantastic frencher. Her hands immediately moved to examine the state of my cock. She unzip me, expose my gu jiao and started stroking it.
We ignored her and continued frenching. I reached into her blouse to play with her neh neh and neh ji.

23-04-2020, 04:33 PM
Min was driving without a local licence. I told Tong to look out for TP as Feng started licking my penis head. I sat back to enjoy Feng sucking my cock, looking at her beautiful face as she blow my gu gu bird. Her fingers located my nipples with GPS precision, flicking skillfully to arouse them. (I later learnt that she came to Singapore 13 years ago to become singer).
Me: 你不是有老公了吗?他不喜欢和你干吗?这么迷人的老婆
Lucky I took viagra alternative before meeting them. Bloody hell quite costly but I found out that night it was worth every penny. Without it I could never be able to fuck and please 3 pussies at one go.
A minutes later I had two warm mouth and wet tongue sucking my throbbing cock. When Min parked the car, my cock was so stiff I could not zip my pants. We hurried into our unit, with the 3 ladies giggling at the sight of my cock sticking out like a rod from my fly.

23-04-2020, 05:34 PM
Good stuff, please continue bro

24-04-2020, 12:57 PM
Once inside I strip myself naked. The three ladies quickly striped naked too. Feng came over and embraced me as we French passionately. Tong and Min joined in, as Min kissed and licked my neck while Tong stroked my erected penis sensually. A while later, I broke off the kissing.
Me: 宝贝们,去浴室准备准备,一会儿给朕沐浴
I like the way China ladies play along during sex. That is why for the last 15 years I mainly fuck Chinese women. I watch them disappear into the bathroom and hear the sound of the shower. I quickly moved to the warddrope to turn on my hidden camera. I want to record this memorable night of 4P sex with 3 Chinese beauties. It will probably be my only 4P sex ever.
I heard the girls giggling and quickly make my way into the bathroom. It's time to enjoy the fruit of my investments.
They were so aping their bodies as I entered. Feng and Min bundled up their long flow hair. I went over to each of them and frenched them while I help to washed their vaginas with my fingers and soaped their neh nehs. Finally I used the shower to rinse their bodies.
Next was my turn to be pampered and washed. It was indescribable, with fingers and neh nehs so aping every part of my body.

24-04-2020, 02:31 PM
Nice! Do keep your story coming :)

25-04-2020, 05:18 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this story TS.

25-04-2020, 01:19 PM
Please don’t keep us waiting for too long.
Our ku ku bird stand liao... hurry TS. Thanks 😊

25-04-2020, 04:36 PM
Please don’t keep us waiting for too long.
Our ku ku bird stand liao... hurry TS. Thanks 😊

Yes quick updates please, really cannot tahan during this CB period.

27-04-2020, 08:26 AM
nice story TS, hope for more updates soon.

29-04-2020, 05:20 AM
like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please ts...

29-04-2020, 05:03 PM
For the first time that day, I had a good view of Feng's naked body while she stroke my cock, Min sucked my nipple and Tong rinse off my soap. She is not slim, my type with enough meat, papaya shape D neh neh. A bit saggy as I suspected but still lovely, with broad brownish nipples. She has a little tummy, probably due to two child birth, as well as big sexy butts. Perfect for doggy position. She is very fair with wavy long hair dyed in Hazel brown. My heart beat with excitement as I forthom fucking this beautiful wife and mother. I grab her hand and gently pulled her towards me. She understood me and attacked my mouth with hers, stirring my tongue with hers. The shower did not take very long because I want to fuck them on the bed in front of my camera.
I am no fool, I know its not my charm or purely my sex skills that has gotten me these lovely fuck buddies. It's money, the money I loan to them, the gifts the good food etc. I have accepted I will never get back the full sum I loan out. Well these are high quality women and high quality sex I am paying for. For me it's worth it and I am going to increase the worth now by videoing all the dirty sex between me and these three women. I stepped out of the bathroom first and lied across the two beds, taking a quick glance to ensure the camera will cover the vast part of the actions coming.
The three women moved close to me, running their fingers sensually all over my body. Min stroked my cock as she adjusted her position between my wide spread legs. When she began licking my meat pole, I quickly used my hand to keep her hair behind her ear. I want to capture her face while she suck my gu jiao. Tong wasted no time and sucked my right nipple as she stimulate my left one. Feng hesitated not knowing where to begin.
I gestured to her my ear and neck. I was in sex heaven for many minutes. Wave after wave of song feelings swap through my body. The enhancement pills worked wonder. I felt I can absorb all the sexual pleasure the whole night without cumming. While I moaned with enjoyment, my fingers seek out Feng's vagina, and proceeded to arouse her clit. It did not take long for her vagina to become wet. I intend to fuck her first so I whispered to her : 风,坐上来,哥要吃你的逼。
She asked as she kneeled over my face. My reply was the suckling sound I made as I licked and sucked her clit and vagina hole. My goodness she was so wet. She held onto my face and threw her head backwards. Later I learnt that her hubby don't quite like to eat her vagina, and she felt like it was too dirty for men to want to eat it. I eat her chee bye until she had orgasm. From that moment on, she was like a different woman. She was grateful of the way I went towards giving her pleasure. She was going to repay me by making me enjoy sex with her.

29-04-2020, 06:24 PM
Thank you for the update
Camping for more

30-04-2020, 09:34 AM
I really like this story!

setting up my tent here for more updates. :)

30-04-2020, 02:01 PM
The Farkaton begins..... let’s us have the x3 piak piak in details please TS. Great share. 👍🏼

30-04-2020, 04:41 PM
Nice, thanks for sharing nice story

30-04-2020, 11:22 PM
Thanks for the nice payment, cheers!

01-05-2020, 01:23 AM
Excellent story in times of stress out at home. Hope to read more. :)

04-05-2020, 04:49 PM
As Feng's vagina oozed out love juice, I suckled more intensely and my tongue twirled and poked her fuck hole. 呃呃,好痒,好爽 Feng blutted out. I wanted to insert my finger into Feng's chee bye but the song sensation from my crouch temporarily paralysed me as Min were deep throating my cock and Tong was licking my crouch area. I moaned and paused to enjoy the shiok feeling, and inhaled the mixed aroma of shampoo, sex inducing perfume, saliva and vagina juice.
Feng had slid down my body to suck my right nipple and slowly kissed her way until the two of us French kiss again. My hands started playing with Feng's big neh neh as our tongues frolicked in each other's wet mouth. By then my cock was being licked and sucked by Min and Tong.
After a while, Feng pulled away and whispered in my ear :
Me : 敏妈,彤妈,快过来给儿子喂奶。风妈要用逼帮我喜鸡巴。

Feng stroked my cock sensually as she kneeled over my crouch area, ready to guide it into her wet chee bye. Min and Tong French with me simultaneously while caraasing my nipples.
Feng : 对了,套子搁哪啦?
Tong : 我们和宾哥一直都是直接干的姐。宾哥喜欢这样干。
Feng hesitated as she continue to stroke my cock.
Min and Tong gave me a face massage with their neh neh while continuing to play with my nipples. I began suckling Tong then Min's nipples hungrily like a piglet. Then I felt Feng rubbing my cock head with her clit before she guided my cock head to the wet entrance of her fuck hole. My goodness how could it be so tight? I felt damn shiok as my raw cock pushed its way into Feng's wet chee bye, stretching her inner walls inducing mire juice. The movement in and out of her tight chee bye was slow and deliberate initially. Each time my penis penetrate fully into her vagina, my penis eye seemed to hit something like a knot. Then Feng quickened her movement and knn damn song.

04-05-2020, 06:33 PM
Very nice story bro, please continue

04-05-2020, 06:47 PM
Nice update TS, camping here for more :)

05-05-2020, 05:06 PM
Feng mutted as she ride on my cock. Despite her vagina being tight, my hard cock slid in and out of her chee bye rather smoothly as it was well lubricated with Min and Tong's saliva as well as Feng's vagina juice. I was taking turn sucking the two pairs of soft neh nehs pressing against my face.
Ummmughhmmm I mumbled in agreement, not breaking from my sucking of 彤妈's nipple.
Feng took in my whole cock and rocked thru and fro before pumping hard and fast, her hands holding my tightly. Min and Tong moved away and for the first time I was looking at my hard cock fucking in and out of Feng' s vagina. I trusted my hip upwards and timed my thrust to ensure my cock drilled deep into her love hole as both our sex organs fucked in synchronisation. Min and Tong proceeded to suck my nipples while Feng gestured me to slow down again.
She nodded and I intense my thrusting again. Feng quicker her movement as well and soon she jerked and threw her head back.
Me: 哥喘口气了,哥想干小敏,同时享受被两对巨乳摩擦,挤压的感觉。

05-05-2020, 07:33 PM
Nice story TS, hope for more updates soon.:)

06-05-2020, 10:47 PM
Awesome, enjoy reading here. More updates please.

07-05-2020, 05:16 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this nice story TS.

07-05-2020, 09:22 AM
Looking forward to next updates

07-05-2020, 02:03 PM
Nice story bro

07-05-2020, 02:15 PM
I like this story TS, shall wait here for more installments of it. :)

07-05-2020, 03:21 PM
I kneeled between Min's wide spread legs, holding both her calves. I trembled a little as Feng's hand held onto my erected penis to guide it into Min's fuck hole. My penis is super sensitive now after the intense fucking of Feng. I let out a sextisfied breathe as my erected penis pushed through the already familiar and wet vagina wall of Min mei. I penetrated her fully before slowly thrusting my cock in and out of her chee bye. Min moaned softly as I fucked her. Then two pairs of arms interlocked my shoulder and neck and soon two pairs of big and soft neh nehs were massaging and squeezing my head and face. I enjoy the neh nehs molesting my face as I fucked Min quicker. A while later, I slowed down my thrusting of Min's chee bye and my mouth seeked out Feng's nipples to suckle. My arms were holding the waist of both big breasts beauty holding them close to me. The sound of the air conditioner were muffled by our soft moans and sucking sound. I could feel my sperm about to explode out as my cock penetrated Min's vagina again and again. My thrusting slowed to a halt and I got Min into the doggy position. I pounder her from behind while my face was still between Tong and Feng's neh nehs, sucking their nehs nehs in turn while their fingers stimulated my nipples. The pleasure was so intense I finally cum inside Mins pussy. (the video recording couldn't capture what my mouth were doing as Feng's body was blocking)
Me : 敏妹,你和风妹先去洗澡。我和小彤在这休息。一会我要和小彤边洗边干。她快回去了,想多和她玩 玩。
The two girls went to shower and Tong went to fetch a can of juice and cuddled next to me on the bed. We drank as we watch Japan AV with scene of sex in the shower.

07-05-2020, 06:52 PM
Nice update TS, please keep going...

07-05-2020, 10:25 PM
Always love to read more story. Thanks and camp here for more.

07-05-2020, 11:00 PM
Nice threesome here, cheers!

07-05-2020, 11:42 PM
Master, you are a legend.

08-05-2020, 02:10 PM
Camping here for more hot and juicy updates.

08-05-2020, 02:26 PM
The two ladies did not close the bathroom door so we could hear the sound of water and the echo of their voices. However Tong and me were focus on the porn showing on my phone. I showed her the scenes I would like to act out with her and asked whether she was able to maintain those positions while I fucked her. She studied the actions while her hand played with my nipples. Min stepped out of the bathroom first and stood next to me to call her friend taking care of her daughter. I stretched out my hand to fondle her butt while she checked on the well-being of her daughter. Tong was licking my nipples and stroking my cock to get me ready for action.
I gave the thumbs up and proceeded to play with Tong's da neh neh. Just then Feng came out from the bathroom. She wrapped herself with a towel.
Me: 小风,裹什么浴巾吖,把迷人的身材展示出来嘛。
Feng was still feeling a little awkward seeing the three of us naked. Tong held my hand and gestured me to go into the bathroom. I walked pass Feng and whispered in her ear : 一会儿我干完小彤,我要和你到隔壁房间去好好聊聊,然后就好好干一次。
Tong and me quickly wet ourselves and I began to soap her body. I can never have enough of touching and carassing the soft smooth body of 丰满woman. Tong was dirty talking as I molested her body. Once I rinsed her body free of soap, it was time for me to enjoy. I can't have enough of woman touching and carassing my body sensually, especially as they worked on my nipples, gu gu bird, ass hole and thigh area. I moan out to encourage Tong. After a while,
I waited eagerly as she rinsed away all the soap. Tong turned off the shower and gently wrapped her arms around my neck. She proceeded to wiggle her body using her big neh neh to rub against my body. She wiggled downwards then upwards. I held her face and French kissed her. Her fingers aroused my back as our tongues frolicked. Slowly, she slid downwards first stopping to lick both my nipples while stroking my hardening cock.
I did not notice then that Feng was standing naked behind me. Tong asked me to part my legs and bend forward, my hands pressing the wall in front of me. She started to lick my lan jiao tao.
Me: 小彤,吃久一点,哥好享受
I said with my eyes closed. I was a little startled when I felt two hands on my butt and a finger carassing my ass hole. Feng did not answer but her hands rested on my thighs while her tongue started to lick and flick my ass hole. It did not feel like Min as she will licked like my ass hole produced honey. This was shiok but more reserved. I raised up one leg so I could see for myself who was ass rimming me. I was so please to see Feng taking initiative to join in our sex and fore play. I was thrilled to have this big breasts beauty and wife, replacing Tong to repay my money by fucking with me. (It was after Tong went back that the two of us realised we were tricked by her. Feng told me then she will not be responsible for Tong's debt to me but she is looking for a regular sex partner. I assured her I will not hold her accountable for Tong's debt to me but she will have to accept me as her sex partner. After our talk, I fucked her in my car)
Now back to my recount... Tong was sucking my cock and Feng was using the tip of her tongue to penetrate my ass hole.

09-05-2020, 12:21 AM
Nice update TS, support thread!

09-05-2020, 05:16 PM
TS got such service fit for the king, cheers!

10-05-2020, 05:21 AM
really like this nice story, look forward to your next update TS.

11-05-2020, 04:55 AM
Can't wait for more story about 风&敏

11-05-2020, 05:15 AM
like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please ts...

11-05-2020, 11:50 AM
I spread my legs far part and used the wall to support myself. I needed to as sexual pleasure siezed every single cell in my body. Tong was licking and sucking my lan jiao, while Feng was fucking my ass hole with her tongue.
Me: 啊 啊啊,宝贝们,哥啊。。啊 哥好爽
After a couple of minutes, Tong stood up and stroked my rod hard cock.
Me: 彤宝贝,哥的鸡巴现在好好伺候你妹妹
I sat down on the bathroom floor, anticipating Tong to sit on top of my cock. Instead she stood over my neck and spread her vagina lips with her finger. I looked up at her and she sexily bit her lower lips, her eyes filled with lust. I grab her butt with one hand and moved her closer to me before burying my face between her hairy crouch. I sniffed her chee bye scent before licking her clit zealously. As I started eating her vagina, Tong stroked my head and to my surprise, Feng moved my legs apart, stroked my cock and started licking my lan jiao tao. The three of us were indulging in oral sex.
I was eating Tong's already very wet pussy and she was moaning slowly and softly. Feng was licking and sucking my cock skillfully, when suddenly Min walked in.
敏:哇,好色情的画面。 我不是来参战的,我来撒尿。
She commented and sat on the toilet bowl. Once she went out, I signalled to Tong I wanted to fuck her cunt. I kissed Feng to thank her for the wonderful blow job and whispered once more in her ear. 风宝贝,你去隔壁房间等我,我待会过去干你。
Feng stood up and washed her hands. She walked out as my fully erect cock pushed its way into Tong's wet vagina.

11-05-2020, 11:50 PM
Nice story TS! Hope to read more updates.

12-05-2020, 09:55 AM
So good and hard reading here, cheers!

12-05-2020, 04:27 PM
Chanced upon this thread, rather interesting. It's amazing to engage in 4p in this way. However, it's how many PRC ladies are. When money is involved, they are prepared to use their bodies to beg, steal or borrow. It's still rather puzzling for me when among them, they can share male contexts to achieve their purpose.
Thanks TS for the interesting story.

12-05-2020, 07:38 PM
Nice story TS! Hope to read more updates.

14-05-2020, 08:24 AM
enjoyed reading your story, look forward to more updates. :)

14-05-2020, 10:01 AM
I can just imagine how tiring it must be in a good way..... Keep it up....

14-05-2020, 09:52 PM
Like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please... :)

18-05-2020, 04:54 PM
My cock grind it's way in and out of Tong's fully lubricated chee bye. It thrust filled my cock head with amazing songsation. I grabbed and played with Tong's big soft neh nehs as I fucked her from behind. Her moaning echoing off the bathroom wall added more excitement in our sexual intercourse. Knowing Tong was going back to China made me wanted to fuck her so much. I knew I will miss her very much. We changed a couple of different position and ended with me carrying her and her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I lifted her and fucked her until I came inside her pussy. We frenched passionately afterwards.
Me: 这是当然的,周二,三,四中午你不要约人了。我会去接你。

I texted my wife around 11pm. She thought I was doing my reservist in camp. At 11.45pm, I entered the room Feng was waiting. She wrapped a towel round her body and was sitting on the bed talking on the phone. She sounded like she was ill. I stood a distance behind her and soon heard what she was saying.
哦 一醒过来就打了。。。。嗯。。。她也醉了
She was faking drunk. Quite good acting. Must be talking with her hubby. My cock was aroused at the thought of fucking her later while her husband sleeping at home. She turned around and was shocked. I apologised immediately. She brushed and took a sip of water. I sat down next to her and looked gently at her.
打给你老公?she nodded and took another sip of water. I placed my arm around her waist but she did not resist. I smelled her fragrant hair and complimented her.
She smiled but kept quiet.
Me : 你很久没做了吗?
Me : 你是个迷人的女人。
I gently grabbed her shoulder and pulled her towards me. I planted a kiss on her face. I proceeded to kiss her neck. After a few moments, she frenched me and I pulled her towel off. We kissed and chatted, kissed and chatted. 30 minutes later, I was lying naked on the bed while she was kissing and licking me from mouth to cock. Damn should have videoed this part.

19-05-2020, 01:41 AM
Support nice story here. Please post more to share.

19-05-2020, 04:32 PM
Such good lobang here, cheers!

19-05-2020, 05:33 PM
Support nice story and camping for more :)

20-05-2020, 05:12 AM
Thanks for sharing this story TS, look forward to your next updates.

20-05-2020, 02:38 PM
I stroked her long fragrant hair as attractive Feng suckled my nipples.
Me : 啊 啊 风我好爽
When she reached my gu jiao she looked up : 宝贝你要我用奶撸你的鸡巴吗?
Me : 现在不用,你好好吃我的鸡巴
She licked my penis from head to base and back. Then her wet warm mouth engulfed my big cock and she sucked and licked like she was enjoying an ice loli. I have cum twice so I wasn't going to cum again so easily. She will get one hell of a fucking from me. Several minutes later, I lied on her thighs as she breast feed me and masturbate me at the same time. I am a breast sucking expert and fortunately, her nipples are her sensitive spots. I managed to make her moan and say 啊 好舒服. Then I lied down again and we 69. The more zealously I eat her chee bye, the deeper she took my cock into her mouth.
Finally it was time for sexual intercourse. She made herself comfortable and spread her legs to welcome my cock.
Me : 宝贝,我没有准备套子,我可以在你体内射精吗?
风 :我截扎了。你射吧
I inserted my cock head into her hole and fingered her clit. I waited for her to respond as she was still too reserve for my liking while having sex.
Me : 宝贝,接下来要干嘛吖?
风 :快点用你的鸡巴插我
Boy she is tight for a mother of two. I could feel my cock stretching her chee bye wall as it pushed inside her. I started slowly thrusting my cock in gradually. After a few slow thrust I upped my pace a little. She closed her eyes as she let out very soft moans. She volume increased as I started to pound her fuck hole with greater momentum. A while later I adjusted her legs so that my cock can penetrate her deeper. The moment I started fucking with pace, her expression changed to one of suppressing an urge.
Eventually, she jerked a little followed by her 噢噢 噢。。。 She came.
Next she climbed over me.

21-05-2020, 07:29 AM
She whispered in my ear : 宾宝贝,你干得我好爽。then she licked my ear and my neck before hungrily frenching me again. I was delighted that she seemed keen on kissing and was good with her tongue.
Me : 今晚我的鸡巴你想怎么用就怎么用。
We frenched again.
She gave my erected cock a few sensual strokes before taking it in fully. This time I felt my lan jiao tao penetrating her vagina with more ease. She rocked and rided me like a jockey in a race. I let her do all the fucking while I just enjoyed the songness. After a while she slowed down and bend to suck my nipples again. I enjoyed her sucking and moved my hip to maintain the fucking momentum. As my pumping intensified, she hugged me pressing her soft neh nehs against me. I ramped until I also tired so I kissed her and suggest we changed another position. I asked her to lie side way and I entered her chee bye from behind. My hand held up her upper leg to enable me to penetrate her more easily. Our reflection on the window was a visual stimulation. I stared at the reflection of me fucking Feng and imagined her hubby sleeping at home.
Like in a Japanese AV, we reverted back to the missionary and I finally cum inside her vagina. We hugged and kissed like a deeply in love couple, with my cock still inside her. Before pulling out my cock, I asked her : 哥让你满足了吗,宝贝?
She kissed my neck several times before replying : 我想在见你。

21-05-2020, 08:38 PM
Thanks for the nice juicy updates, cheers!

22-05-2020, 06:57 PM
Really a nice story to read, thanks!

22-05-2020, 07:08 PM
Great story TS

22-05-2020, 10:18 PM
Pitching tent. So shiok!

22-05-2020, 11:38 PM
Very nice story, support :)

23-05-2020, 09:46 AM
another supporter here:)

25-05-2020, 04:08 PM
Feng gave me a very song shower after our sex. From chatting with her, I learnt that she first came to Singapore to work as a singer. There she met her current husband. He became her regular customer and eventually married her. Feng's husband is a businessman and so she led a comfortable life since. They lived in a semi detached house and he also bought her a car. She gave birth to a son followed by a daughter. She is very grateful to her husband for what he has given her, so it was after a long struggle that she finally decided to look for sex outside of marriage especially since her marriage was virtually sexless the last few years. As she could not speak English well, she was not comfortable getting a local sex partner until her childhood friend Xiao Tong recommended me to her. Both of us have families so she feel more secure. According to her : 我只想找个固定的情人跟我做爱
I left her to rest in the room and returned to where the other two ladies were. Xiao Tong was chatting on her phone outside the bedroom. I entered to find Min still playing mahjong. I striped naked and went to bed. Not long after, I felt a naked warmth body cuddled next to me. Xiao Min has snuggled next to me. She grabbed my cock gently with her hand as both of us prepared to sleep.
Me : 嗯,非常爽。
I placed my arm around her and we fell asleep.

25-05-2020, 06:38 PM
Ladies in general, once you treat them with dignity and respect, you will get the reciprocity. With the exception of some, no matter how much love you can shower, they will just take you for a ride . Looks like TS didn't find one, but three. Lucky man, for sure!