View Full Version : Just a thought

09-01-2019, 03:29 PM
Just my personal opnion.
Many have said that men need to make lots of money then women will come to seek men...
Men no need to look for a woman's love as it is useless...
From their point of view no money....not in considerations...
So sad but it seems to be true....
But if it is true....that if the relasionship ia based on money...money enough happy family.....money's level low family breaks up!!
What kind of world are we leaving for our future generations?
Men treats women like an employee...and women treats men like cash cows.....is there any better way to live???
I was brought up not to take advantage of other but not to be gulible to be cheated by people.....that makes me very cautions...is that healthy way yo live???

My humble two cents.

09-01-2019, 04:23 PM
Love...sex...relationship are all merely transactions...difference is with or without a marriage paper. Its been like tat since stone age whereby the male alpha who can bring home the meat gets to bed all the gals he desires. Guys also get attracted to pretty things..if gal is fat or ugly or both...lower chance of getting the guy she wants.

Guys have expectations...girls as well. U dun expect to have a pretty slim gal with nice bobbies when u cannot provide above average for her. The issue is she has a choice...many choices actually to pick the better or the best. If u are rich and successful...gals come to u easily n u wun be complaining here. I am been tgru both spectrum of the wealth game n know wats its like to be desired and to desire. So i am practical...with a mindset to earn as much and be successful...cux thats wat makes a gal wet below...not just with ur fingers.

Its a fair game...may the winner takes all.

09-01-2019, 05:27 PM
Love...sex...relationship are all merely transactions...

Its a fair game...may the winner takes all.

Well said, cannot I anymore...add..just .be selfish get as much as you can get and be the top of your pile forget about others.

09-01-2019, 11:56 PM
Well said, cannot I anymore...add..just .be selfish get as much as you can get and be the top of your pile forget about others.

Agreed with you, I thought that is normal human behaviour.

14-01-2019, 04:38 PM
There are many girils out there who are into serious relationships.
When you find the right one, treat her well with your time, not money.
She will love you to death.

Respect TS for his values.

15-01-2019, 04:14 PM
Just my personal opnion.
Many have said that men need to make lots of money then women will come to seek men...
Men no need to look for a woman's love as it is useless...
From their point of view no money....not in considerations...
So sad but it seems to be true....
But if it is true....that if the relasionship ia based on money...money enough happy family.....money's level low family breaks up!!
What kind of world are we leaving for our future generations?
Men treats women like an employee...and women treats men like cash cows.....is there any better way to live???
I was brought up not to take advantage of other but not to be gulible to be cheated by people.....that makes me very cautions...is that healthy way yo live???

My humble two cents.

Well, you're not wrong. However, the value of money is much more substantial and 'real,' than emotions. If you don't like the idea of basing a relationship on a metric like wealth, what do you purpose relationships should be based on?


Love is as fickle as a as a candle in a storm as it is difficult to quantify. How much do you love her? A lot? A shit ton? A fuck load? How much love is enough? Will your marriage last on a shit ton of love or a fuck load of it? I mean, come on, if you are going to base it on something, you need to be able to determine how much of it is required.

Sorry to say, there is no way to be sure how much a person really loves you and whether it will be enough to sustain a relationship. Not to mention, you can't even measure how fast it will deteriorate as emotions and feelings generally do over the years. If you don't know how fast it is running out, how do you know how much you should be pumping in?

Same with respect.

Same with happiness, loyalty, intrigue, excitement, and looks.

But money? Money is quantifiable. You generally know how much of it is needed to provide you with stability or fund a certain lifestyle. Even if it is a modest amount, you at least know how 'much' of it there is and can calculate how much it will grow or deplete. And because of that, you can gauge how well your life will be down the road. Nothing is certain, for sure, but it still at least provides some tangible value from which you can derive a measure of certainty.

And with certainty, comes security. Why shouldn't women want to be secure?

It's not wrong to enter into a relationship for love. But doing so based ONLY on love? Be honest. You're flying blind. Your hormone addled brains makes you crazy for each other in the moment, but there is no telling how long it will last, how fast it will fade, whether it will remain mutual, or whether it will survive the ups and downs of life. Absolutely zero info. No data. Nada. Zilch. You may feel otherwise and feel like you will love her forever and ever and ever, but that's just your brain drunk on Oxytocin. In other words, if you enter into a relationship based solely on love or emotion, you're gambling.

A lot of people aren't gamblers. A lot of women aren't willing to gamble on something as important as their future and the future of their children.

So they take money into account. Why is that bad?

15-01-2019, 04:39 PM
Our leaders teach us to love money, family not important! :D

15-01-2019, 04:52 PM
if money is totally taken out of the equation, women will choose the biggest and strongest male as their mate

eugenics will be the overlord, not money

15-01-2019, 09:30 PM
Well, you're not wrong. However, the value of money is much more substantial and 'real,' than emotions. If you don't like the idea of basing a relationship on a metric like wealth, what do you purpose relationships should be based on?


Love is as fickle as a as a candle in a storm as it is difficult to quantify. How much do you love her? A lot? A shit ton? A fuck load? How much love is enough? Will your marriage last on a shit ton of love or a fuck load of it? I mean, come on, if you are going to base it on something, you need to be able to determine how much of it is required.

Sorry to say, there is no way to be sure how much a person really loves you and whether it will be enough to sustain a relationship. Not to mention, you can't even measure how fast it will deteriorate as emotions and feelings generally do over the years. If you don't know how fast it is running out, how do you know how much you should be pumping in?

Same with respect.

Same with happiness, loyalty, intrigue, excitement, and looks.

But money? Money is quantifiable. You generally know how much of it is needed to provide you with stability or fund a certain lifestyle. Even if it is a modest amount, you at least know how 'much' of it there is and can calculate how much it will grow or deplete. And because of that, you can gauge how well your life will be down the road. Nothing is certain, for sure, but it still at least provides some tangible value from which you can derive a measure of certainty.

And with certainty, comes security. Why shouldn't women want to be secure?

It's not wrong to enter into a relationship for love. But doing so based ONLY on love? Be honest. You're flying blind. Your hormone addled brains makes you crazy for each other in the moment, but there is no telling how long it will last, how fast it will fade, whether it will remain mutual, or whether it will survive the ups and downs of life. Absolutely zero info. No data. Nada. Zilch. You may feel otherwise and feel like you will love her forever and ever and ever, but that's just your brain drunk on Oxytocin. In other words, if you enter into a relationship based solely on love or emotion, you're gambling.

A lot of people aren't gamblers. A lot of women aren't willing to gamble on something as important as their future and the future of their children.

So they take money into account. Why is that bad?

As I cannot deny that no money no love....
I have come across many women cannot be faithful to their rich husband and when asked they would say no Feeling...
So money cannot buy faithfulness...sure can be consider first but long term not ŕ sure thing money can keep their woman...can easier to be selected by women...money can do that...for sure...but what is your goal...getting a woman or kčeping the women