View Full Version : Hello

13-01-2019, 03:37 AM
Hi all, New to the forum but pretty much understands how it works, as a lurker.

random tidbit: will be living in New Zealand (because sbf.net.nz!) for a whole year till, moving over sometime this year, will be checking out the related section for that.


13-01-2019, 06:25 AM
Hi all, New to the forum but pretty much understands how it works, as a lurker.

random tidbit: will be living in New Zealand (because sbf.net.nz!) for a whole year till, moving over sometime this year, will be checking out the related section for that.


I have not been adding much info there because I have been getting zero response.

If you're interested I'll start over.

13-01-2019, 10:38 AM
Awesome thanks for that, I have read through some of your writeups from that section before registering.

I am not alone as a dozen or so of my bros are rotating out of there for the next 2 years as well. Some of them are keen on whats on and about in Auckland.
