View Full Version : Spotted a new quiet massage place

20-06-2007, 10:17 PM
1st of all sorry my english very the lousy hope you guy understand my english

Hi all bro i just spotted this place whereby it a very quiet place and the place are clean & big, bro dun worry i dun work at there just that i find that this it a very nice place for all of us to relax and it also cheap.
Do PTE me for the add and the girl picwill send to you pls keep this place PTE

Damage : 30 / 60min

*** only for senior bro in here who have the point at 100 and above....

21-06-2007, 12:03 AM
wow...100 pts..looks like i hv to wait for a long long time..

21-06-2007, 12:35 AM
100pts..... I will work harder to meet your requirement... but give me few years time hor.... :D

21-06-2007, 12:38 AM
Same here. Dun know till when man

21-06-2007, 12:40 AM
might take me forever:o

21-06-2007, 12:59 AM
oh! new quiet place massage place....well..as long as ..no postings from senior bros...here once they got it.(meaning u know or know keep it to urself)....im sure this will always be a new...quite....massage place ...!:)

21-06-2007, 01:56 AM
100 points!!! Oh boy! By the time I reach 100 points, the joint might close down liao..

21-06-2007, 02:07 AM
100pts is too much leh
can change your requirement or not ?

21-06-2007, 02:11 AM
Yalor...100 pts??? have to wait till long long time!! sigh...

21-06-2007, 02:31 AM
If the place is clean and big sure advertise in the newspaper.

21-06-2007, 02:54 AM
hi all bro thanks for all the kind reply i had given to about 5 senior bro so let wait for their FR ok.... sorry ar my english v lousy everytime when i write a FR it take me 1hr to finish a FR lor sorry:D ...if those who dun have 100 point it ok as long if you got 2 or 3power i will still try to give you the add as well hope that those bro who got the add pls keep the place PTE.....ok

here are one of the gal pic but got to cover the girl face the girls there are very new and scard.....i am not the OKT ok just to help them and just to let all the senior bro do enjoy as well by the way the shop just open monday only lor and they close at 3am lor.


if can't see the pic very sorry ar if can see that the best;)

21-06-2007, 09:04 AM
wow.. 30/60mins ??? that's really a gd offer.. but 100pts?? abit hard lei... any sugg??

Silver Surf
21-06-2007, 09:08 AM
100pts..... I will work harder to meet your requirement... but give me few years time hor.... :D
I don't think you need 1 year to reach 100pts as you are already 49% hit I'll say another 2 months. :)

21-06-2007, 09:09 AM

DON"T like that leh!!!, 100 point very hard lah, share share lah, we all here are exchange information one mah! :( , please for your kind heart share your info with us can?:confused:

21-06-2007, 09:37 AM
Hi all bro i just spotted this place whereby it a very quiet place and the place are clean & big, bro dun worry i dun work at there just that i find that this it a very nice place for all of us to relax and it also cheap.
Do PTE me for the add and the girl picwill send to you pls keep this place PTE

Damage : 30 / 60min

*** only for senior bro in here who have the point at 100 and above....

Well.. Dun have to be so secretive lah - based on my experience. I am pretty sure this TN advertises in the Newspaper anyway. I saw a few new TNs in the New Paper.

Maybe you tell us roughly which area, near to which prominent location.


21-06-2007, 09:44 AM
100pts..... I will work harder to meet your requirement... but give me few years time hor.... :D

ask stephan loh...:D

21-06-2007, 09:52 AM
Bro only open on monday?ooohh....Hmm..maybe i might wan try hee hee..:D :D

21-06-2007, 10:03 AM
Wow seems like a nice place & the price is reasonable.
Hais bo pian , just got to work hard for my 100pts 1st. :D

21-06-2007, 10:06 AM
by the way the shop just open monday only lor and they close at 3am lor.

3am? Think got one Yahoo ad until 3am also :D

21-06-2007, 11:20 AM
100pts..... I will work harder to meet your requirement... but give me few years time hor.... :D

Work harder to reach 100 points? How? I just browse through your 40+ of postings and all are tcss and por lam par posts, don't have any sharing/contributions to SBF at all leh. I'm wondering how you got your 46points and somemore you join SBF on April 2007 only. Wah if can earn the points so easily everyday just anyhow post and tcss and go around por lam par i also want leh

21-06-2007, 12:51 PM
please pm me. up your points already. thanks & cheers.

21-06-2007, 12:55 PM
Work harder to reach 100 points? How? I just browse through your 40+ of postings and all are tcss and por lam par posts, don't have any sharing/contributions to SBF at all leh. I'm wondering how you got your 46points and somemore you join SBF on April 2007 only. Wah if can earn the points so easily everyday just anyhow post and tcss and go around por lam par i also want leh

you like that also see no open meh...:rolleyes:

Many many this kind of ppl around lah...move on

21-06-2007, 01:33 PM

do i qualify to get a PM frm u?

Cyberspace Nerd
21-06-2007, 02:14 PM
Bro, can pm me the place too? thanks.

21-06-2007, 08:24 PM
Hi bro, you have mail. Please pass me the contact. Thank you bro.


21-06-2007, 08:52 PM
Hi bro, you have mail. Please pass me the contact. Thank you bro.


wah u also here ar :eek:

21-06-2007, 09:24 PM

Bro, can pm me the place too? thanks.

22-06-2007, 12:06 AM
bro i wanted to share share with all of bro in here 2 but this place it just open 4day ago only...i just dun wish that this place will get raid ... so got to keep the place PTE


DON"T like that leh!!!, 100 point very hard lah, share share lah, we all here are exchange information one mah! :( , please for your kind heart share your info with us can?:confused:

22-06-2007, 12:09 AM
bro it not that i want to be so secretive lor cause base on my ex experience there it alot of place got raid due to some bro in here dun know how to play with the rule here lor....

Well.. Dun have to be so secretive lah - based on my experience. I am pretty sure this TN advertises in the Newspaper anyway. I saw a few new TNs in the New Paper.

Maybe you tell us roughly which area, near to which prominent location.


22-06-2007, 12:44 AM
Dear Bro i will only reply those who PTE me and who had 100point or 2power, cause i wanted to keep this place for a long run let us not let this quite place got raid ok.....
i will on and off updated the gal pic once i am going down there and share in here with all of you ok i promise.....

22-06-2007, 01:07 AM
Dear Bro i will only reply those who PTE me and who had 100point or 2power, cause i wanted to keep this place for a long run let us not let this quite place got raid ok.....
i will on and off updated the gal pic once i am going down there and share in here with all of you ok i promise.....

Bro, clean place or got hanky panky?

22-06-2007, 01:08 AM
bro i wanted to share share with all of bro in here 2 but this place it just open 4day ago only...i just dun wish that this place will get raid ... so got to keep the place PTE

Not sure the boss of this joint shares your wish if profit is his goal :eek:

:cool: BM

22-06-2007, 01:57 AM
Dear Bro i will only reply those who PTE me and who had 100point or 2power, cause i wanted to keep this place for a long run let us not let this quite place got raid ok.....
i will on and off updated the gal pic once i am going down there and share in here with all of you ok i promise.....

Bro, thanks and up you

22-06-2007, 02:15 AM
bro in there sure got hanky panky lor but the massage not bad not that type of touch touch and ask you to turn over and ask u the golden Q lor....
that how i feel lor:cool:
Bro, clean place or got hanky panky?

22-06-2007, 02:19 AM
bro dun said like that le, i dun earn any Profit lor just helping them.... cause now day to find a quiet place is not easy lor......;)

Not sure the boss of this joint shares your wish if profit is his goal

:cool: BM

22-06-2007, 02:28 AM
bro dun said like that le, i dun earn any Profit lor just helping them.... cause now day to find a quiet place is not easy lor......;)

Bro.. how many girls are there? at least some details on the girls mah or how to noe...:p

22-06-2007, 02:33 AM
Wow ! 100 points ? How can ? I am new

22-06-2007, 08:04 AM
Ok bro my english v lousy ar pls dun blame me ok... when that day i went down on tue i saw 4 girls plus the lady boss but the lady boss can't make it lor... but the 3 girls to me it ok ok quite young age ard 26 to 35.. the lady boss told me that tody will come 2 new girls and end month might also come 2 new girls once the new girls come i will go n try it out ok heehee

Bro.. how many girls are there? at least some details on the girls mah or how to noe...:p

22-06-2007, 08:23 PM
wah u also here ar :eek:

LOL wherever got TN i also interested. :D


22-06-2007, 08:49 PM
Dear bro just went down there here are the updated of few pic...
for those who got the add pls keep the place PTE cause this place it very near my house and i wanted to go for a long run.......








22-06-2007, 09:08 PM
Dear bro just went down there here are the updated of few pic...
for those who got the add pls keep the place PTE cause this place it very near my house and i wanted to go for a long run.......








bro, first and last 2 cannot leh

22-06-2007, 09:11 PM
pls dont blame him for being careful as there are cases when contacts given out freely lead to raids...
since its him who wants to share, its his prerogative who it wants to share it to. I'll not blame him if he doesnt share it with me, and i hope noone else does too.

22-06-2007, 09:15 PM
It is always good to be descrete . But I think will give this place a miss.:(

22-06-2007, 09:34 PM
Dear bro just went down there here are the updated of few pic...
for those who got the add pls keep the place PTE cause this place it very near my house and i wanted to go for a long run.......Good effort here, bro icecum. But next time, do rotate your pic to the right posture b4 you upload else many bros here will hv a aching neck after viewing :D

22-06-2007, 11:37 PM
bro alvin and other bro so sorry ar let ur eye see unitill blar... next time will ajust it..

Good effort here, bro icecum. But next time, do rotate your pic to the right posture b4 you upload else many bros here will hv a aching neck after viewing :D

22-06-2007, 11:41 PM
Bro, you don't have to say many times that your english is poor. We know already.

BTW, the second pic is very attractive. Good shoot!

22-06-2007, 11:49 PM
Bro you know why cause someone zap me because of my english lor, anyway it ok.... Thanks.
will updated new pic on next weeks cause the lady boss said next week got a few girl come ask me to go and see see look look and said if can help them to take some pic lor.... will let you guys knws next weeks...:D

Bro, you don't have to say many times that your english is poor. We know already.

BTW, the second pic is very attractive. Good shoot!

23-06-2007, 02:57 AM
will updated new pic on next weeks cause the lady boss said next week got a few girl come ask me to go and see see look look and said if can help them to take some pic lor.... will let you guys knws next weeks...:D

Thanx bro for help and just an advise ... included name of each girls n age or vitial stats etc.so bros will at least noe more abt it .... ;)

BKK Kaki
23-06-2007, 05:18 AM
Bro i like the girl in Pink and Orange can tell the name ?? PM me if u dont want to post.

23-06-2007, 01:22 PM
1st of all sorry my english very the lousy hope you guy understand my english

a very nice place for ALL of us to relax and it also cheap.
Do PTE me for the add and t

*** only for senior bro in here who have the point at 100 and above....

Bro icecum you deserve praise for posting about this massage place and attempting to share with bros here. But i think you have set the eligibility criteria too high at 100pts! If you can re consider and set the pass mark to bros with 1 or 2 Power, more will be able to enjoy! And i dont think you were zapped because of your English (poor or not)!!

PS. I am not asking for the contact.

23-06-2007, 03:54 PM
Waaa..bro .. c liao buai tahan liao leh...omg will PM u for the place..i qualify hor :D

24-06-2007, 02:03 AM
hi bro,

ok, i will be working hard for my 100 pts.......:D

24-06-2007, 04:03 AM
:D I think i know where the place cos been to a tn with red carpet and same curtains.
Do not pm me for location, respect the threadstarter, pm him instead if you meet the requirement.

Anyway to me service so so loh...very standard sop. Since experienced the fizzy experiences near the City Plaza, these tn service become very normal graded to me..

24-06-2007, 11:16 AM
[QUOTE=icecum;2100550]Bro you know why cause someone zap me because of my english lor, anyway it ok.... Thanks.
will updated new pic on next weeks cause the lady boss said next week got a few girl come ask me to go and see see look look and said if can help them to take some pic lor.... will let you guys knws next weeks...:D[/QUOTbE]

bro have up u. nice pic.

24-06-2007, 11:52 AM
no frs yet?? any bros who tried the place?

24-06-2007, 08:31 PM
bro all the pic beside got their name at there... pink and orange call lili

Bro i like the girl in Pink and Orange can tell the name ?? PM me if u dont want to post.

24-06-2007, 08:37 PM
bro i wanted to lower down the point too but due to many case of tn got raid due to too open liao as for this place just open i just wanted to keep the place a v low porfile cause nowday wanted to find a place for long run v hard lor unless go hc lor right bro...just wanted to intro all the senior bro here.. maybe after some FR then i shall see how...;)

Bro icecum you deserve praise for posting about this massage place and attempting to share with bros here. But i think you have set the eligibility criteria too high at 100pts! If you can re consider and set the pass mark to bros with 1 or 2 Power, more will be able to enjoy! And i dont think you were zapped because of your English (poor or not)!!

PS. I am not asking for the contact.

24-06-2007, 08:44 PM
i also awaitting for FRs too had given too those who have 100point or 2 to 3power, maybe you bro are busy it ok take your time dun worry ;)

no frs yet?? any bros who tried the place?

24-06-2007, 09:53 PM
i also awaitting for FRs too had given too those who have 100point or 2 to 3power,
Bro, me not 100 pts yet, but can i have the address? if you permits, i'll PM you. Cos i dun want to take up the PM space for the eligible bros. ;) :D

25-06-2007, 09:31 AM
.....Cos i dun want to take up the PM space for the eligible bros. ;) :D

How thoughtful of you bro......will show my appreciation to you soon.


25-06-2007, 09:38 AM
Damage : 30 / 60min

give more details and maybe a short FR leh :D

25-06-2007, 12:01 PM
Bro icecum can pm location and contact. Many thanks in advance

25-06-2007, 02:35 PM
First I have to thank bro icecum for showing the way.
Went last Fri cos was feeling rather lethargic with loads of paper works and deals to be concluded. Neck muscles was rather strained..

Anyway, went up to this place and asked for a neck massage:

Place is normal and saw 4 PRC sitting on sofa. One caught my eyes with her twin spotlights, I think should be WenWen as I recognise her bra and panty fr pics posted by Bro icecum. Claimed she just touched down. Ushered into one of the partitioned rooms (with thick curtains) and anyway, you can't see much cos the entire place is very dimly lit.

Began with the back rub, noticed she kept on leaning all the way forward to rub my buttocks and letting me have a "feel" of her boobies on my back. Then she removed her jeans and massage me in her undies, at this moment, I bay tahan liao, turned around myself and start roaming her. Her assests are big and juicy, very nice nipple too but not pink, I think. But she's got a great figure. Half way thru, she has to rush out to get rubber. After capping, I had the bj of my life and finally asked her to sit on me. So shiok until dont even wan to change position, then I erupted too fast liao.

anyway, the details are
name: Wen
Looks: 7/10
massage: 7/10 (Didnt actually had the full massage, as very horny)
boobs: 36D
FJ: 8/10
RTF: maybe? cos my office just two streets away

Damage is 100 all in.

25-06-2007, 08:35 PM
Thanks bro, yup that gal it wenwen she just come sg one weeks only lor.......
First I have to thank bro icecum for showing the way.
Went last Fri cos was feeling rather lethargic with loads of paper works and deals to be concluded. Neck muscles was rather strained..

Anyway, went up to this place and asked for a neck massage:

Place is normal and saw 4 PRC sitting on sofa. One caught my eyes with her twin spotlights, I think should be WenWen as I recognise her bra and panty fr pics posted by Bro icecum. Claimed she just touched down. Ushered into one of the partitioned rooms (with thick curtains) and anyway, you can't see much cos the entire place is very dimly lit.

Began with the back rub, noticed she kept on leaning all the way forward to rub my buttocks and letting me have a "feel" of her boobies on my back. Then she removed her jeans and massage me in her undies, at this moment, I bay tahan liao, turned around myself and start roaming her. Her assests are big and juicy, very nice nipple too but not pink, I think. But she's got a great figure. Half way thru, she has to rush out to get rubber. After capping, I had the bj of my life and finally asked her to sit on me. So shiok until dont even wan to change position, then I erupted too fast liao.

anyway, the details are
name: Wen
Looks: 7/10
massage: 7/10 (Didnt actually had the full massage, as very horny)
boobs: 36D
FJ: 8/10
RTF: maybe? cos my office just two streets away

Damage is 100 all in.

25-06-2007, 08:37 PM
Thanks for sharing that day too, i will try and go down but too many TN to visit nowadays :p

25-06-2007, 08:46 PM
Good effort here, bro icecum. But next time, do rotate your pic to the right posture b4 you upload else many bros here will hv a aching neck after viewing :D

Wah piang eh, eh bro, you wanna have a proper pic, then u d/l to your desktop then rotate urself lah.

Bro icecum already provide you with the contact, damage AND pic. The pics are only for your reference lah, u think he making money from this ah, you bros ah, hai ah..... :p

25-06-2007, 08:51 PM
yup loh....must understand Bro Icecum mah heehee......Bro thanks for your contact.....maybe i going down tommorrow....do you think i can take photo of their ger and post here??????????

25-06-2007, 08:52 PM
heehee bro whitegals dun blame [ alvin1783 ] it my fault also ma... i blur blur too dun know how to ajust too...just take pic from hp too....;)
we just enjoy what we have in here cause life it short play well and earn much $$$

Wah piang eh, eh bro, you wanna have a proper pic, then u d/l to your desktop then rotate urself lah.

Bro icecum already provide you with the contact, damage AND pic. The pics are only for your reference lah, u think he making money from this ah, you bros ah, hai ah..... :p

25-06-2007, 10:27 PM

bro u have the name for tis busty gal
thk :D

26-06-2007, 05:07 AM
I would like to thank the threadstarter for revealing the location and contact mobile number of the joint.

Seems that there is not much FR on this joint and it is not informative enough. I've just check out the joint and am pleased to be the first few to share my humble FR with fellow brothers.

As far as i know there are a total of 4 - 5 ladies working there. The names are Qing Qing, LiLi, Wen Wen, Xiao Xue & Jia Jia. When i went there i only saw two. One is Qing Qing and the other is Jia Jia. Was told that even though they open until 3am, usually only 2 gals will stay after midnight unless business is good. Guess the more popular ones are the ones that leave earlier.

Agreed with threadstarter that this joint is pretty quiet and is along a row of shophouses. When i went in, i felt weird and quite sleazy. The place is dimly lit and reddish lighting and there is only one Ikea lamp at the corner in every cubicle. Don't get me wrong, tt is clean and newly renovated but i just felt weird.

There are at least 4 partitioned rooms covered by sliding curtains. Even though i am the only one there, i could tell two rooms away people can hear you when you talk.

Back to the FR. I think i have been too long-winded. Will try to cut shot. Had Qing Qing. MILF at leasts in her mid thirties.

FR on Qing Qing

Looks: 5.5 / 10

Dressing: Red blouse with denim shorts.

Height: 1.62m

Figure: Not plump & Not slim & Not Fantastic either.

Boobs: Reasonably ample but Saggy

Massage: 5.5/10 (Puts in effort & strength but techniques
has lots of room for improvement)

Extra Services Offered: Was told HJ only. (Pretty pushy and said they rely only on special to make a living)

HJ: 2/10 (she got a lot to learn. I didn't come and she was very apologetic. Offered to ask her colleague (sleeping on sofa) to FJ me but i declined)

Attitude: 8/10 (Friendly and very humble. Keep telling me to let her know what areas t improve)

GFE: 2/10

Service: 7/10

Duration of Massage: 8.5/10 (At least 50 mins)

RTM: No (Do not like the environment though it is very new)

One man's mean may be another man's poison and this is just my 2 cents. Overall it is still reasonable & value-for-money.

Please up me if you appreciate my FR so that i will be motivated to share more.

26-06-2007, 09:44 AM
Bro icecum,

Thanks for the info........

26-06-2007, 08:09 PM
her name it call lili


bro u have the name for tis busty gal
thk :D

26-06-2007, 09:57 PM
Went to this joint, found it easily.

2 girls greet me, i chose the one that asked me for massage call Yangyang, claimed just touched down just now, on 30day pass.

Name : Yangyang
Place: Beijing
Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 6.5/10
Figure: 6/10 A bit bar bar but definitely acceptable
Massage: Short 15mins, 6/10
Attitude: 8/10
BJ: 6/10
Overall: 6/10 Saved by her good attitude, else I would give a 5. All over in 30mins max
Damage: 30 + 50
RTF: Avoid. Money could be better spend elsewhere for sure :(

26-06-2007, 10:20 PM
Name : Yangyang
Place: Beijing
Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 6.5/10
Figure: 6/10 A bit bar bar but definitely acceptable
Massage: Short 15mins, 6/10
Attitude: 8/10
BJ: 6/10
Overall: 6/10 Saved by her good attitude, else I would give a 5. All over in 30mins max
Damage: 30 + 50
RTF: Avoid. Money could be better spend elsewhere for sure

Wow bro blue_swatch you work very fast. :D

26-06-2007, 10:27 PM
Wow bro blue_swatch you work very fast. :D

Fast then tan wu jia man (earn my keep)

But this time round, fast but no shoik. :(

26-06-2007, 11:40 PM
Wow need 100 points. 1 point already so hard to earn dont say 100 points. From those bro FR it seems that the massage is not so good. To work hard to earn 100 points for the address I rather concentrate on other tuina joints.

27-06-2007, 12:46 AM
:D just went down there, here are the updated of some pic fyi lili had gone back to china and will be back maybe next end month.... here are the pic


















here are the update..... hope you guy like it....:D

27-06-2007, 09:38 AM
Bro Icecum, I just went down yesterday afternoon but it's not happening at all. Maybe I went at the wrong time ? There was 3 girls there, 1 of them CMI. I had JiaJia which is just passable only.

I ask for BJ but you told me she don't know how. Sian! She ask me to do FJ with her but I no mood after seeing she got tummy.

In the end just TCSS with her, found she somehow ganna cheat to come over, she didn't know have to be sex worker and borrow about S$8k to come over. I pity her but can't really help her. In the end, I pay her $20 tips for the chat. Total damage: $30 (Massage) + $20 (Tips).

I don't know whether she is telling the truth. She told me she is here only for a week and never done FJ since here, she said she had rejected some customers. Anyway, all these words cannot be trusted. :D

27-06-2007, 09:57 AM
Cannot trust anything... OKT can create multiple IDs and post reviews, if what lady said is on the net and OKT sees, OKT sure whack one what.

27-06-2007, 11:32 AM
bro Icecum,

u veri powerful. tis pics though nt too clear for some still see liao n my didd mari kita rite away.

look at those boobs man, i m gg for breast fuck from them.

27-06-2007, 05:25 PM
Bro Icecum,

Can PM me LZ for fire fight, thq:)

27-06-2007, 10:19 PM
Wah icecum it seems that u visit them almost daily and they sure allow u to take picture of all the girls hor :confused:

27-06-2007, 10:24 PM
bro [blue awatch] i dun go dwn everyday but 1weeks maybe 2days cause i go there it to chat with the gal n see got any new gal come or not lor, it the lady boss allow me to take pic cause they said this place just open so i offer them to take pic n post here lor.... i am not the okt lor, how i wish i am lor...:D

Wah icecum it seems that u visit them almost daily and they sure allow u to take picture of all the girls hor :confused:

28-06-2007, 12:56 AM
nice pics..I especially like the 2 with big boobs in black..should be JinJin and Xiaowen right ? Must go and try soon..thx again for the pics..

28-06-2007, 08:13 AM
Thnks bro icecum for the ctc.

Will try after payday and post FR later.

Upz u when I recover power.


29-06-2007, 10:17 PM
Maybe I too new bird but this must be the most bizarre thread I have even seen in the HC/KTV category, esp. with all the pics!

But so far see only, can't try since no address. :(

30-06-2007, 12:58 AM
thanks to TS for the intro to this place.

actually abit far from my place but one day passed by the area so went to have a look. like wat other bros mentioned, the place is actually big, clean and quiet. however, frankly, i dun really like such a place for massage. guess it is more of the "feel". it just dun feel like massage place.

saw 3 ladies there, all not bad looking, but went for the youngest one. gal next door looks. massage technique is not there yet but have some strength. a bit pushy keep asking if i want special, but when told her prefer to relax and massage first, she is fine and proceeded to do a thorough job.

finally after 30min turned ard, pressed a bit then she pop the Q again. ask for damage and felt it was good hence proceeded. she is quite shy at first and dun allowed even lick of breasts initially, and she's very tight down there. after a while when she a bit high, she finally relent and managed to taste her nips. the plus point is she is young and nimble. can see she really enjoy after a while as she more relaxed.

overall a not bad experience and it is very affordable as whole package only $100. but personally wont go all the way there again if never pass by.

30-06-2007, 12:49 PM
thanks to TS? who that? anyway bro thanks for the FR.....

thanks to TS for the intro to this place.

actually abit far from my place but one day passed by the area so went to have a look. like wat other bros mentioned, the place is actually big, clean and quiet. however, frankly, i dun really like such a place for massage. guess it is more of the "feel". it just dun feel like massage place.

saw 3 ladies there, all not bad looking, but went for the youngest one. gal next door looks. massage technique is not there yet but have some strength. a bit pushy keep asking if i want special, but when told her prefer to relax and massage first, she is fine and proceeded to do a thorough job.

finally after 30min turned ard, pressed a bit then she pop the Q again. ask for damage and felt it was good hence proceeded. she is quite shy at first and dun allowed even lick of breasts initially, and she's very tight down there. after a while when she a bit high, she finally relent and managed to taste her nips. the plus point is she is young and nimble. can see she really enjoy after a while as she more relaxed.

overall a not bad experience and it is very affordable as whole package only $100. but personally wont go all the way there again if never pass by.

30-06-2007, 04:44 PM
Can someone PM me the name and address? tks!

30-06-2007, 04:59 PM
hi bro Icecum,

TS is thread starter

01-07-2007, 12:51 AM
yes bro icecum
TS = thread starter

02-07-2007, 04:15 PM
Interesting thread from TS and Good photos from IceCum. Even though I am not 100pts and above, I know this place ;)

Standard SOP of this place:
Open from 11am to 5pm - Manned by 3-4 PRCs.
After 5PM, the place is closed and the gals go DongGuan or Pudong KTV to butterfly.
At 11pm, they open shop till 3am and with more gals around (more than 5).

Reason being that they are concerned about raid and the timing works well for them.

Guys who know this place, please keep it a secret dude.....:cool:

03-07-2007, 10:32 AM
was there ytd brief fr

looks 5/10
massage 4/10
boobs 32a
bbbj 6/10
fj never try
rtf-if i around the area maybe
damage $110 ($30 for 1hr massage)


05-07-2007, 12:43 AM
Thanks bro for the infor......went down last week...somemore make appointment to try wenwen........went there ard 12+am.....did make prior booking ard 11+pm with the lady boss....was bz at work..cant get out till 12...lady boss keep calling me..scared i fly aeroplane...

wenwen..massage so so......bods...most C cup..dont think it is D cup la....looks....i give 7+ as i meet worst PRC MILF before....somemore..the 1st one who can french leh...many times all those TN gals..nvr wana french or kiss...but i just love frenching.. :).......she is sweet in a way....looks really 30+.....FJ so so..as i m so tired...cum very soon.....RTF......she still not up to my standard yet...still searching..me aiming very good massage n very gd FJ..so far neither here nor there..still looking...thks bro iceum..will up U!! :D

28-08-2007, 10:44 AM
Hi Bro, Do I qualify for the location? Have already pm you.

Thanks in advance

28-08-2007, 12:44 PM
wow...looks good
i like gals in denim short skirt...
gotta try soon....xiao hong right? still available?

i saw tat last post was in june...is she still available?
can any bros PM me the place?

and thanks to all bros who intro this new place here :)

28-08-2007, 01:20 PM
Saw the pics, nose bleed man.... Think WenWen and LiLi are two of the better ones. :)

29-08-2007, 12:34 PM
Wow seems like a gd place & the ger looks great. Just managed to log in due to work commitments, Bro care share share this place?
Thks :D

30-08-2007, 09:36 AM
bro care to PM the location and contact...thanks....:p

01-09-2007, 02:10 AM
Bro who want to know where the place pls PM me cause sometime i busy didn't log in.....pls keep the place PTE ok......:rolleyes:

03-09-2007, 06:44 PM
Went there on last saturday afternoon with bro kengmaidai... :D
he took Yang yang... i took Lisa (which is her last day...) but she will be back in a mth time...
Fr comming up... got work to do... :o

03-09-2007, 07:20 PM
Went there on last saturday afternoon with bro kengmaidai...
he took Yang yang... i took Lisa (which is her last day...) but she will be back in a mth time...
Fr comming up... got work to do... :o

Kin report please!!! :D

04-09-2007, 09:38 PM
Went there on last saturday afternoon with bro kengmaidai...
he took Yang yang... i took Lisa(which is her last day...) but she will be back in a mth time...
Fr comming up... got work to do...

Yang Yang
looks : 5/10
massage : 6/10
boobs : never ask n not gd in estimating
bbbj 6/10
fj : 6/10
damage : $130

Selected her cos she show a cfm look when we arrive (juz woke up)
1st thing when I got into e room I was instructed to strip n she left me alone.
Massage session started when she return.

She start it with "Pao Pao Tang" session with my ass (oops I juz shit):D
then follow with ice treatment for around 15-20min.

Cat bath after turn over my body with my didi facing up then BBBJ with "Pao Pao Tang" next it's a Ice treatment follow on with a hot water session......
she carry on this for 2 or 2 1/2 cycle.

Finally FJ begins with her on top n ends bouts 20mins later with "lao han tui che"

She ends e session with a little massage on my didi n mention it's gd to warm down after exercise :p

RTF : maybe

05-09-2007, 01:24 PM
bro had up you for the effort in ur FR,i know there it another thread started by another bro so it up to all of you to psot in here or there to me it ok cause i am not their okt, by the way yang yang ice treatment not bad lor
*** pls those bro who got the add pls keep the place PTE hao ma***

Yang Yang
looks : 5/10
massage : 6/10
boobs : never ask n not gd in estimating
bbbj 6/10
fj : 6/10
damage : $130

Selected her cos she show a cfm look when we arrive (juz woke up)
1st thing when I got into e room I was instructed to strip n she left me alone.
Massage session started when she return.

She start it with "Pao Pao Tang" session with my ass (oops I juz shit):D
then follow with ice treatment for around 15-20min.

Cat bath after turn over my body with my didi facing up then BBBJ with "Pao Pao Tang" next it's a Ice treatment follow on with a hot water session......
she carry on this for 2 or 2 1/2 cycle.

Finally FJ begins with her on top n ends bouts 20mins later with "lao han tui che"

She ends e session with a little massage on my didi n mention it's gd to warm down after exercise :p

RTF : maybe

05-09-2007, 05:38 PM
Date : 01 sept (Saturday) Time: About 1500hrs
Hunters involved : kengmaidai and Clit_LickeR
‘Victims hunted : Yang Yang and Lisa.

As I climb up the stairs leading to 'Maryland', it reminds me of Spa Orange (those seniors should know where i'm talking about )
Here I am, in 'maryland'... Sitting in the sofa,
as Lisa welcomed me and kengmaidai with a glass of water.
Just woken from her slumber is Yang Yang, in a sexy red satin 1 piece dress...
Mai tu liao... (abit of miscommunication here) I tot kengmaidai set his eyes on Yang Yang,
so I ask for Lisa. (Paiseh bro, didnt know you wanted Lisa...)
Off to the cubicals we go...

In the cubicle , Lisa help me to stripped tmy bday suit
and begin her touchy massage. (this gal is smart, she know what I want...)
Moments later (after kena molested and fondled by me), she got out and prepare her barang barang...
She stripped to her bday suit and sit beside me, fondling my semi erected willy,
And said 'how you want me to serve you?' (in chinese)
I said 'do what your instincts tells you can already...' (in chinese)
She begin to gimme little pecks on my lips, proceed to lick n suckle my mini nipples (yes I have small nipples)...
Down to my navel, till she reach my rod.
Then she crawl up to me, wisper to my ears 'i bet you never try 'fire and ice'...'
I said 'yes, i've tried before already... How about you? Have you tried my freezing orgasm?'
She said 'nope. No one had ever been that wild.'
I told her 'fret not... Later i'll make you 'shiver' with delight...'

She begin her fire and ice treatment on my hard rod...
Since its been quite some time I have shown my trademark on gals,
I decided to perform my 'freezing clit licking till orgasm stance' on her'
We re-positioned ourselfs, she's lying on the matress bbbj me,
I worked my way from her tummy till I reached her sweet hole (while my right hand is fondling her tits and my left hands tickling her legs).
The ice cube in my mouth is melting quite fast... I wasted no time, licked her clit, occasionally 'icing' her clit and love hole...
She begin to show signs of arousal, her love tunnel begin to release mild 'warm slippery discharge'... :D
She lost her concentration to bbbj or even hj me.
She just lay there, trying to refuse this awkward yet enjoying icing sensation...
But her body tell her otherwise, she moved her pelvis to her own grooves, pushing her libias closer to my mouth...
Oh! Her moans sort of signalled me to tongue fuck her with my icy cold tongue...
I gave her the best icing tongue fuck of her life. She was in spasms... Her body trembled in estasy...
The ice in my mouth melted upon contact with her warm cunt juices... (btw, this is the 3rd ice cube!)

By the time i'm almost done with her pussy, she was trembling as if like a person kena fits! Except she kept shoving her pussy to my mouth... :D
Forward to the sex part. Lisa was still laying there, still recovering from her daze and horny state,
I capped myself (not wanting to give her any chance of recovering) and rammed her fast and hard…
Geez… my oh my… she enjoy it even more!
Anyway, my intention is to cum asap cos due to I am not comfy at this ‘Maryland’. Within minutes, I cummed…

Guess what she did? When I pulled out my dick with sperm filled condom,
she shoved it into her slippery wet pussy again and ask me to ramm her hard and fast like how I did it earlier on cos she wanna cumm again!
How can I ever refuse a pussy in distress? Hehehehe

I pump her as hard as I can till I felt her pussy muscles contract and she gave out a sextisfying moan…
I knew it! She had came… kekekeke
I said to her ‘ you have cummed I haven’t cummed 2nd round yet…’
She replied ‘ go ahead, cumm again… I can still cumm another round if you dun stop what you doing now…’ wow!
I rammed her like there’s wont be another day (she told me earlier that tomorrow she’s leaving)...
Finally, I cummed again… and i collapse on top of her and we hugged and French like lovers… (for quite some time…)

She removed my caps, cleaned my prick and said ‘ you made me real horny and wet… I am so sextisfied…’
I replied ‘ not me, it’s my dick. Aren’t you gonna thank him personally?’
She replied ‘ Yes, I am.’ She gave me another round of solid bbbj for a great 5mins… hahahaha

name: Lisa
Looks: 6/10
massage: 2/10 (Didnt actually had the massage, as I am very horny)
boobs: C? not good in this area as I am not a bobbies samster.
HJ: 6/10 sensual. But I have had better ones. (anyway I’m not into BM also)
BM: 5/10 gotta guide her along
BBBJ: 7/10 hot and cold (paiseh, I have very high benchmark for this area… )
Finger : stroking outer layers can but no insertion… (but I manage to poke poke abit… kekeke)
69: yes
FJ: 8/10 (if she clicks with my dick, she pass! Kekeke)
RTF: YES! I wanna see what other ‘tricks’ she have…

06-09-2007, 11:12 AM
name: Lisa
Looks: 6/10
massage: 2/10 (Didnt actually had the massage, as I am very horny)
boobs: C? not good in this area as I am not a bobbies samster.
HJ: 6/10 sensual. But I have had better ones. (anyway I’m not into BM also)
BM: 5/10 gotta guide her along
BBBJ: 7/10 hot and cold (paiseh, I have very high benchmark for this area… )
Finger : stroking outer layers can but no insertion… (but I manage to poke poke abit… kekeke)
69: yes
FJ: 8/10 (if she clicks with my dick, she pass! Kekeke)
RTF: YES! I wanna see what other ‘tricks’ she have…

next time I'll help u to find out wat hidden 'tricks' she have :p

by the way yang yang ice treatment not bad lor

more effective with e full package treatment..... enjoy bros :D

06-09-2007, 01:20 PM
more effective with e full package treatment..... enjoy bros

How effective huh? :rolleyes:
U nnkc... still at home... i at opic liao...
Yah, must quote ur name for a 10% discount sibo? :D

06-09-2007, 03:33 PM
bro can see you really enjoy on that day lor........i go there so manytime dun even have a chance can have 3rd ice cude lor.....:D also can not cum 2 time lor

name: Lisa
Looks: 6/10
massage: 2/10 (Didnt actually had the massage, as I am very horny)
boobs: C? not good in this area as I am not a bobbies samster.
HJ: 6/10 sensual. But I have had better ones. (anyway I’m not into BM also)
BM: 5/10 gotta guide her along
BBBJ: 7/10 hot and cold (paiseh, I have very high benchmark for this area… )
Finger : stroking outer layers can but no insertion… (but I manage to poke poke abit… kekeke)
69: yes
FJ: 8/10 (if she clicks with my dick, she pass! Kekeke)
RTF: YES! I wanna see what other ‘tricks’ she have…[/COLOR]

06-09-2007, 03:34 PM
Maybe use my nick "ice" maybe got discount heehee:D

U nnkc... still at home... i at opic liao...
Yah, must quote ur name for a 10% discount sibo? :D

08-09-2007, 04:26 PM
Maybe use my nick "ice" maybe got discount

Aiya, now cannot liao... cos lisa went back already... :o
but she will be back. hope she will call me when she return to our shores. :D

08-10-2007, 08:19 AM
Updated of some Pic in here http://public.fotki.com/icecum/ as for those who now on their own as FL you may PM me in :http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=75782

08-10-2007, 11:20 AM
can anyone pm me the location? thanks....:D

08-10-2007, 12:45 PM
http://public.fotki.com/icecum/ as for those who now on their own as FL you may PM me in :

wenwen and xingxing looks good leh...:p

08-10-2007, 12:50 PM
wenwen and xingxing looks good leh...

yaoyao also not bad leh...Damn when it's raining always feel like gg to yaoyao :p

09-10-2007, 08:30 AM
yaoyao also not bad leh...Damn when it's raining always feel like gg to yaoyao :p

You are good leh... think of yaoyao to yao your didi hor...:D

29-11-2007, 12:30 PM
need to upload mine, any bros please pm me the location and contact, thns

29-11-2007, 03:57 PM
Would appreciate that you provide tel and location of this place?