View Full Version : Pure Massage Queen at Club Street - Zoe

25-06-2007, 05:55 AM
i wld like to share another good n pure massage to all but no sure anyone has written her as i cant find so started a new thread. if there is one, pls fotgive me.

i was introduced by one of my friends tat her massage is very good - skillful, hard, smooth n professional as i hv backach problem. her workplace n she doesnt allow any hanky-panky.

i have tried her a few times n i can only say very good n enjoyable especially if u like hard massage n have aches n pains. i had tried ww, aj, dz.... n i think she is the best among them, my own experience n comparison only. the environment is like ww's workplace at temple st nice n cosy. there is couple room n many ladies go there for massage too.

understand she was a doctor treating women n children in china n now married to spore.

Here is her stats:
Name: Zoe
Age: mid 30
Height: 166
Wt: 50kg
look: 6.5/10
attitude: good, friendly n professional
Charge: $45/hr, $66/1.5hrs
place: 25 club st
tel: 6735 1101 (better to make appt)

25-06-2007, 08:24 PM
Will check it out when im free. Thanks.

26-06-2007, 01:25 AM
agreed she s the best in the trade. there are many good ones too in the shop. started a thread called " oriental tcm at club street". response not good. reasons:1. pricey 2. no hanky panky fun. case closed. brothers only want " ai chi, ai pi, ai tua diap ni" good massage is not everything?

26-06-2007, 03:52 AM
....believe there are brothers n sisters need good massage to cue backach, sport injury, etc especially those agree massage can maintain good health....

26-06-2007, 08:08 PM
....the web site of the shop is quite remarkable....


26-06-2007, 08:23 PM
....the web site of the shop is quite remarkable....


From the pictures, some of the masseues hands look like men. All are ladies or some men masseue?


27-06-2007, 05:03 AM
....believe all are female as i didnt encounter any male so far....but some of them are as strong n big size then men....tat's y it is 4 pure n hard massage....

27-06-2007, 10:36 AM
understand she was a doctor treating women n children in china n now married to spore.

Former doctor doing massage, that's extraordinary. Will check it out after work by this week.

27-06-2007, 10:40 AM
Seem not bad..is it inside room or?anymore infor?thks :)

27-06-2007, 08:09 PM
Seem not bad..is it inside room or?anymore infor?thks :)

it is inside a room n there is couple room.

28-06-2007, 11:56 AM
Hmm seems a real gd place for some great massage. May try it out . :)

28-06-2007, 12:33 PM
there is couple room n many ladies go there for massage too.

Any chance to beo those ladies customers zao geng there? :D
afterall, i'm a samster... kekekeke :D

28-06-2007, 12:43 PM
Any chance to beo those ladies customers zao geng there? :D
afterall, i'm a samster... kekekeke :D

OMG bro..like that u oso can think of ah?haha..but truthly maybe can peek hor hee hee

28-06-2007, 08:04 PM
....ha ha ....good try....understand couple room is at 3rd floor, lady rooms are at 1st floor n male rooms are at 2nd floor.....however, sometimes ladies do go to 2nd floor.....

03-07-2007, 03:20 AM
any bro visited Zoe recently? called up to booked, but was told that Zoe will be away for a few weeks. Any idea?

03-07-2007, 04:31 AM
....yah.....she was not working since last sat.....as i usually go on sun......

03-07-2007, 11:37 PM
bro, any idea when she will be back? or has she quit for good? did you try calling her? i am her regular since zion rd times.i just had my session last thursday. usually she will inform me in advance if she is going away, but not this time round. somrthing urgent must have cropped up.

will be a pity if she did not come back, as i say, she is the best in the trade of pure massage. let me know when she is back. thanks

04-07-2007, 04:32 AM
....not sure she had gone back china.....as my friend had had her massage on monday leh......

04-07-2007, 08:40 AM
that's great, i thought so too. the counter must have given wrong info. must complain, hehe

04-07-2007, 11:55 AM

There used to be a Judy there. Very class. Anybody knows where she is now?

05-07-2007, 12:57 AM
bro, you must have miss Judy very much that you are looking for her everywhere. Unfortunately this is not Spa Oriental at Chinatown Point, but Oriental traditional chinese massage at club street. sorry, cannot help you.

advise: let go, and look for new one. there are many good girls out there in the forest. life is transcient.

05-07-2007, 05:04 AM
....not sure in future i 1 2 share good, pure n skillful massage gem or not as the story of zoe not working is like tat.....heard from my friend n colleague of zoe tat one of her customers got her hp n called her many times n her husband found out.......as i understand she never gives her hp no to any customers n not sure how this customer got it.........another customer tried to take advantage of her while she was massaging him but was scolded by her......

......wonder are they the brothers here after reading my post......or heard from somewhere........hope they are not the brothers here......otherwise i m sinful by sharing at here.......i hv said tat she was a doctor n she doesnt do special......she has her dignity.......n respect a person in order to respect ourself too.......now i may hv lost one good n skillful massage......:(

05-07-2007, 07:18 AM
sad to hear that. its a big story. can confirm the source, whether it came from her or some gossip by the girls in the shop. your friend knew her well? :mad:

05-07-2007, 08:30 PM
.....shd b accurate as my friend is her relative......n understand her husband is a law enforcer......so pls b careful......especially the one who got her hp no....anyway....there are good brothers too who hd helped her w/o asking any returns......

11-08-2007, 05:18 AM
......she is back 2 work n managed 2 get her as she got long booking......her skill is still good......

08-10-2007, 05:28 AM
.....visited her after a long break from overseas.......she is still skillful and profession and has created a new way.......capping of feet b4 massaging back........very relaxing n enjoyable experience........no wonder her booking is always full........

17-11-2007, 07:00 PM
Firstly, many thanks to bro demacare for the recommendation.

Call up to make appt with Zoe and fortunately got a slot.
Ask for 1.5hrs massage and told her of my persistent back and leg problem.
Good massage, or i should say theraphy... As she massage she is able to identify my problem area and she put in lot of effort. Though pain but after the massage, i could felt that my leg and back is much better, even after 3 days. She indeed can call queen of massage.

Today call up at 1130hrs but was told that next available slot is 1900hrs. Too late for me lah. Will make appt again. Place is far from my workplace and with the recent increase in ERP charge, i got no choice but to pay as i felt so much better after her massage.

Once again, thanks to bor demacare. Those having back problem, pay her a visit and you know what i meant.

Cheers to all............

18-11-2007, 08:55 AM
dont mention, bro fuji.......great to hear tat it helps u......

19-01-2008, 11:45 AM
.....managed to get an appt 2 days back......she is still as good though she had mc few days ago.....she used new method to detoxi or drain the crystals out......she oso explained certain veg cant mix with others to eat......every time i wld gain something from her besides hving good massage......she oso said tat too hard massage is no good as it wld damage your system/infrastructure......as we cant use heavy tanks to maintain the road.....

20-01-2008, 08:39 PM
hi to all bro who want or need good n skilful massager , she is the one , ZOE .
call to make appointment with her at 7pm , was told she got appointed at 7:30pm so request for 1/2 hr cos of tiredness. when i reach , luckily the apointmnet was cancell so ask for 1 hr .1st look was ok to me but it grow after a while:) , place is clean n cosy , went up to 2nd floor n lead to a room also very clean n neat.
took out everything n put on a short very relaxing then she start the massage , i should say she is pro , she can point out which area to kill my pain n also she did a " PA GAN " for me . can see all the red rounded mark at the back n its FREE of charge.
after the massage can really feel my body become lighten. any where NO specail n handy panky.

look : 8/10
massge : 9/10
fee 1 hr : $45 very worth it:p

19-04-2008, 05:41 PM
....managed to get her again especially after few months of o/s posting.....she is still as good except tat she can't use as much strength as she did b4 n no more cupping which i prefer.......

19-04-2008, 06:09 PM
....managed to get her again especially after few months of o/s posting.....she is still as good except tat she can't use as much strength as she did b4 n no more cupping which i prefer.......

Bro dermacare,
Last week i was there and she is still as good as before.
Now i visit her very often for body maintenance. Work is getting very stress.

Still 1 2 thanks for the recommendation.

Cheers to all.........

22-04-2008, 12:24 PM
agree zoe skill is very good, tried her twice. Do you pay additional for cupping? Today going for a rub again, any other good one, hear counter girls say she in only after 3pm?

26-04-2008, 05:50 AM
agree zoe skill is very good, tried her twice. Do you pay additional for cupping? Today going for a rub again, any other good one, hear counter girls say she in only after 3pm?

not in the past but dont know now since not allow cupping.....

26-04-2008, 12:29 PM
when down again, it another girl called anne or annie if remember correctly. She did ask me whether want cupping? I say no since do not know whether got additonal charge or not.
not in the past but dont know now since not allow cupping.....

26-04-2008, 12:53 PM
Hi Im a fan of genuinely good massage. Does her massage include bottoms massage too? I feel comfortable everytime after the backside massage as theres really some acu-points at the bottom area. Do we have to wear shorts? And is there bathing facilities. I dont like be oily after massage :)

26-04-2008, 01:22 PM
Must agree with Zoe's masasge. one of the best, I got in recent years, in SINGAPORE
normally get my fix in Thailand BKK

27-04-2008, 06:36 AM
when down again, it another girl called anne or annie if remember correctly. She did ask me whether want cupping? I say no since do not know whether got additonal charge or not.

had a message again by her b4 going outstation.....confirmed can cupping n no extra costs.......

27-04-2008, 06:39 AM
Hi Im a fan of genuinely good massage. Does her massage include bottoms massage too? I feel comfortable everytime after the backside massage as theres really some acu-points at the bottom area. Do we have to wear shorts? And is there bathing facilities. I dont like be oily after massage :)

yes, need 2 wear shorts n there is bathing facility.

29-04-2008, 11:12 PM
yes, need 2 wear shorts n there is bathing facility.

Thanks bro. Im a great fan of solid massage. Will visit her this week. Good to knw that many bros here are prob white collar workers who held hectic jobs and appreciate good massages :)

30-04-2008, 11:07 PM
Had a 1 1/2 hour massage by Zoe today. Quite good, she certainly knows what she is doing. Damage, $66.

It is a proper massage place, not special service. When I arrived, there were two lady customers leaving, one auntie age, the other in her 30's. While I was being massaged, I overheard a Caucasian in one room, and a Japanese guy in another. Seems quite popular and is nicely decored in Chinese style.

About 70-80% of the massage was face down, and she did massage my buttocks quite a bit, though there was no cuppage- but I didnt ask. Does the whole body, from head to toe and the tenseness I had in my neck and shoulders is now gone.

As far as looks are concerned, she's pleasant enough, but quite clearly in her 30's, possibly late 30's. She's got what I call a "proper massage body". What I mean is you can she has strong biceps and triceps and when she uses her hands the grip is damn strong!

I wouldnt mind seeing her again, but I think there are a lot of ladies there to choose from. At the reception counter there's a photo of all the staff in their uniform- Red Polo top and white pants, and there must be about 20-25 ladies there. It's behind the desk so I couldnt see it clearly.

Love it when they do "bum rubs" but dont have to worry about nagging about special service.:cool:

30-04-2008, 11:19 PM
Had a 1 1/2 hour massage by Zoe today. Quite good. Damage was $66.

It is a proper massage place. When I arrived, two lady customers were leaving. One was an auntie, the other was in her 30's. Quite legit. The decor is all traditional Chinese and quite nice, if a bit cramped.

Zoe herself is a decent looking lady but quite clearly in her 30's. She has what I call a "proper massage body". Which means she is in good shape and if you look at her arms, she's got biceps, triceps and when she gets her hands on your shoulders, it's an iron tight grip. Love ladies like this.

The massage was good and covered everything from head to toe. There was quite a bit of buttock massage, which is always a good thing in my book. All the tension is gone from my neck and shoulders.

There are quite a few ladies to choose from. Behind the reception desk, there's a photo of the staff in their uniform- red polo shirts and white trackpants. I'm guessing there were about 20-25 people there. Couldnt see it clearly, but I didnt see any aunties, so it's a relatively young group.

I dont mind seeing Zoe again, but I might check out one of the other young girls....just to check out their skills of course.:cool:

01-05-2008, 01:31 AM
yes, need 2 wear shorts n there is bathing facility.

Hi Bro thanks for the good recommendation. (How to up your points?) It was indeed those solid tui na. Had tried wen wen in maxwell before. But think her even more pro as she can locate the pressure points easily.

Bros looking for Hanky panky should stay away as the tui na is those with a lot of force and strength. Im alr a very high pain tolerant person. But still feel quite painful during the session. So if some bros go there with other motives, you may end out having internal injuries :D

My damage today $45 massage + $8 Pineable rice + $1.70 water chestnut drink. Less than a short time in Geyland :)

01-05-2008, 03:21 PM
...her cupping skill is also the best too....she can cup on ur foot too which i didnt encounter any in spore so far.....

01-05-2008, 04:10 PM
Had a 1 1/2 hour massage by Zoe today. Quite good. Damage was $66.

It is a proper massage place. When I arrived, two lady customers were leaving. One was an auntie, the other was in her 30's. Quite legit. The decor is all traditional Chinese and quite nice, if a bit cramped.

Zoe herself is a decent looking lady but quite clearly in her 30's. She has what I call a "proper massage body". Which means she is in good shape and if you look at her arms, she's got biceps, triceps and when she gets her hands on your shoulders, it's an iron tight grip. Love ladies like this.

The massage was good and covered everything from head to toe. There was quite a bit of buttock massage, which is always a good thing in my book. All the tension is gone from my neck and shoulders.

There are quite a few ladies to choose from. Behind the reception desk, there's a photo of the staff in their uniform- red polo shirts and white trackpants. I'm guessing there were about 20-25 people there. Couldnt see it clearly, but I didnt see any aunties, so it's a relatively young group.

I dont mind seeing Zoe again, but I might check out one of the other young girls....just to check out their skills of course.:cool:

Yup buttock massage is actually good your waste and lower back. But didn't manage to have front massage at all as she concentrate on my back and neck. Was hopping for some rup on legs, thighs or angle as just completed a long run. Wondering if they do front massage at all?

01-05-2008, 05:24 PM
hi to all bro who want or need good n skilful massager , she is the one , ZOE .
call to make appointment with her at 7pm , was told she got appointed at 7:30pm so request for 1/2 hr cos of tiredness. when i reach , luckily the apointmnet was cancell so ask for 1 hr .1st look was ok to me but it grow after a while:) , place is clean n cosy , went up to 2nd floor n lead to a room also very clean n neat.
took out everything n put on a short very relaxing then she start the massage , i should say she is pro , she can point out which area to kill my pain n also she did a " PA GAN " for me . can see all the red rounded mark at the back n its FREE of charge.
after the massage can really feel my body become lighten. any where NO specail n handy panky.

look : 8/10
massge : 9/10
fee 1 hr : $45 very worth it:p

Hi, can pm me the contact number and place? thanks

03-05-2008, 01:18 AM
yes, need 2 wear shorts n there is bathing facility.

Actually she advise not to bath after the session. By the way Bro will she cover your legs, thighs or front body if you opt for 1.5hrs. (Coz i always plan for massage after a long running routine)

03-05-2008, 01:54 AM
Actually she advise not to bath after the session. By the way Bro will she cover your legs, thighs or front body if you opt for 1.5hrs. (Coz i always plan for massage after a long running routine)

Yes she will cover with a towel.

03-05-2008, 05:43 AM
Actually she advise not to bath after the session. By the way Bro will she cover your legs, thighs or front body if you opt for 1.5hrs. (Coz i always plan for massage after a long running routine)

yes....even 1 hr just tat she wld focus on ur aching areas first to make ur money worth.....

06-05-2008, 09:27 PM
Thanks for the info Bro. But think shes always fully booked do hard to get an appointment with her after work.

Any Bro tried other younger gals who are equally good as her?

07-05-2008, 12:04 AM
Thanks for the info Bro. But think shes always fully booked do hard to get an appointment with her after work.

Any Bro tried other younger gals who are equally good as her?

I was able to book Zoe the same day at 6.30pm for an hour and a half no problems on a weekday.

Last Sunday evening I thought I'd try my luck and go without booking and got a strong lady in her 40's who was very strong and pulverised my into mince meat.

For places like this (ie proper clean massage), is it appropriate to ask for a young girl? If it is, I'll do it next time!

07-05-2008, 01:44 AM
I was able to book Zoe the same day at 6.30pm for an hour and a half no problems on a weekday.

Last Sunday evening I thought I'd try my luck and go without booking and got a strong lady in her 40's who was very strong and pulverised my into mince meat.

For places like this (ie proper clean massage), is it appropriate to ask for a young girl? If it is, I'll do it next time!

Yo Bro I tried to book her today or tomorrow but she fully booked alr. So its you bro who got the slot before me :D

Hey Bro of course you can ask for a younger one if you want to fully enjoy the massage. Its a nice feeling to know the one who massage you is decent looking and not auntie looking :D Just put it in a normal manner (eg Hi I prefer a younger lady with strength and exp etc)

Yo Bro pls try the other younger ones and let me know :) Will prob be trying one at Jurong East this week.

20-05-2008, 04:03 PM
hey guys think zoe back in China

I was massage by serene normal looking, for those bro out there looking for really good pure power massage this is the place to go!

rooms are separated by curtains so privacy not that great had to speak softly

hey bro out there any one been to this place or try any other lady in there pls recommend

13-09-2008, 05:58 AM
....managed 2 get her massage recently n heard tat her massage has helped females 2 get pregnant.....

19-11-2008, 03:33 PM
hi to all bros , i hv been calling to make appt with ZOE for the past 2 wks liao , but was told she is not in town .
2 wks ago when i make appt with her , when i reach the recpt say she admit to hospital , so lan lan arrange other msger for me but after 2 days still feel uncomfortable so call again for ZOE , not in again . Call up almost 3-4 days (knw tat she off on mon n thur) tis time they say she oversea , juz hv a feeling she is not working there anymore .
Any bros knw where she work or is she really hoilday or no more working there ?

05-02-2009, 09:07 AM

you know zoe best.

all bros here would like to know where she is working now?
after missing for so long, must have quitted from Oriental, or:

1. went back to China for good
2. being kept
3. husband dont allow her to wotk anymore
4. working somewhere else

22-05-2012, 12:04 PM
Nice recommendation for a good massage...