View Full Version : 2 local gal massage u ..

27-06-2007, 07:09 PM
sorry i don know why i keep cant find my post leh,,,what happen ar? i was put as 2 local gal massage u in topless, i received many pm, but pls give me time to call u, my phone cant used sms, so i will call bk u, some bro mistake my rate, as i say my friend fynn is 28year old,47kg,159cm,34B...As for me apple is 21year old,60kg,165cm,36C....we 2 gals will give u massge for 1hr plus if u want do extra thing, the rate is $150 for the massge want, if u want do extra must pay $50 more, mean total is $200, but is we 2 gal do one shot with u only..the timing for us is 1pm to 8pm...the rm u book yourself, cd ur own,,,,(only for chi broz), this is our new plan,,so we see got anyone want interested anot lorz. by the way for our look wise is when u saw us, den u judge by ur eye lorz ok, cause some bro ask me about look...haha...thanks,,enjoy ur day.....:)

28-06-2007, 02:19 AM
sorry i don know why i keep cant find my post leh,,,what happen ar? i was put as 2 local gal massage u in topless, i received many pm, but pls give me time to call u, my phone cant used sms, so i will call bk u, some bro mistake my rate, as i say my friend fynn is 28year old,47kg,159cm,34B...As for me apple is 21year old,60kg,165cm,36C....we 2 gals will give u massge for 1hr plus if u want do extra thing, the rate is $150 for the massge want, if u want do extra must pay $50 more, mean total is $200, but is we 2 gal do one shot with u only..the timing for us is 1pm to 8pm...the rm u book yourself, cd ur own,,,,(only for chi broz), this is our new plan,,so we see got anyone want interested anot lorz. by the way for our look wise is when u saw us, den u judge by ur eye lorz ok, cause some bro ask me about look...haha...thanks,,enjoy ur day.....:)

Ms Apple, kindly enlighten me as to wat "extra thing" emcompass?? hj? bj? bbbj? fj?

28-06-2007, 06:25 PM
my extra mean fj..lolx........my phone onli can call pls don sms me,,,tks...if u interested, pls kindly call me let me know the time and when ya...tks

29-06-2007, 07:13 PM
slot for tml from 3pm till 7pm...interested pls pm me ur contact ...i will call u bk tml morning,,,,thanks...

29-06-2007, 07:17 PM
Hi Apple, Ur $50 Extra is FJ with Both?? And where u ppl normal operates so we bros know where to book room mah.. U also never say Massage for how long?:D

29-06-2007, 08:51 PM
hi broz. for many bro here dont get wat i mean,,cause ur read untill very messy, ok i tink i wrote wrongly...2 gals massage you with topless plus extra thing like fj is total $250 ,all is 1 hour only....rm u book youself ok,,for monday slot is 3pm till 7pm...tks....:)

29-06-2007, 09:21 PM
huh? first post is 200 now increase to 250?
still havent say if fj with 1 or both girls

29-06-2007, 09:32 PM
huh? first post is 200 now increase to 250?
still havent say if fj with 1 or both girls

Thats wat i thought too

30-06-2007, 01:43 AM
huh? first post is 200 now increase to 250?
still havent say if fj with 1 or both girls

Bro, July 1 GST increased by 2% mah... so price also increase lor...

30-06-2007, 01:45 AM
sorry i don know why i keep cant find my post leh,,,what happen ar? i was put as 2 local gal massage u in topless, i received many pm, but pls give me time to call u, my phone cant used sms, so i will call bk u, some bro mistake my rate, as i say my friend fynn is 28year old,47kg,159cm,34B...As for me apple is 21year old,60kg,165cm,36C....we 2 gals will give u massge for 1hr plus if u want do extra thing, the rate is $150 for the massge want, if u want do extra must pay $50 more, mean total is $200, but is we 2 gal do one shot with u only..the timing for us is 1pm to 8pm...the rm u book yourself, cd ur own,,,,(only for chi broz), this is our new plan,,so we see got anyone want interested anot lorz. by the way for our look wise is when u saw us, den u judge by ur eye lorz ok, cause some bro ask me about look...haha...thanks,,enjoy ur day.....:)

So i guess the fj is with both ladies but can cum once...

30-06-2007, 01:47 AM
Erm.. Ms Apple ah... U and ur friend chi or minah??

30-06-2007, 10:50 AM
IMHO, apple is good lah. I have tried her service once. has been wanted to meet up with her again. but timing is always not right.

Have yet to meet up with fynn yet.

30-06-2007, 05:25 PM
Just have a wonderful sexxion with both Apple & Fynn. Both are local chinese, above average looking, good service, great attitude, nice personality. Both will provide full service for you but you can only have one shot. Bring more CDs & happy bonking.... Worth a try if you want local Chinese provide 3some sexxion with massage @ 200! :p

zinedine zidane
30-06-2007, 06:09 PM
watz e price if we prefer onli 1 of u...? pls advise....
massage alone=$?
fj alone=$?

30-06-2007, 06:12 PM
Just have a wonderful sexxion with both Apple & Fynn. Both are local chinese, above average looking, good service, great attitude, nice personality. Both will provide full service for you but you can only have one shot. Bring more CDs & happy bonking.... Worth a try if you want local Chinese provide 3some sexxion with massage @ 200! :p


In her reply, she claims to be $250 and then you claim to pay $200.....

I think this thread very confusing leh......

I think Thread starter initially quoted $200 but somehow has regretted her decision??? Now, claims to be S$250???

Can pls verify???

30-06-2007, 06:17 PM
$50 per shot maybe.

so if u keep changing girls after 10 mins, 3 positions each girl, then you can do for 60mins for $50. But if halfway u cum and u wana continue then another $50 maybe?

30-06-2007, 06:19 PM
I think Thread starter initially quoted $200 but somehow has regretted her decision??? Now, claims to be S$250???

Will tomorrow be $300 ? :)

zinedine zidane
30-06-2007, 07:07 PM
thkz ah_ray 4 e points... haha... buy u coffee when we hv e chance 2 mit up..


30-06-2007, 07:26 PM
I Think Is Quite Ex Leh

30-06-2007, 08:02 PM
thkz ah_ray 4 e points... haha... buy u coffee when we hv e chance 2 mit up..


No prob bro, nice nick :) sure, and can watch some match together oso :D

30-06-2007, 09:09 PM
This is v tempting..
Really considering. But rather particular bout looks.
Can post pics?
and the damages aren't clear sia..haha

01-07-2007, 01:46 PM

In her reply, she claims to be $250 and then you claim to pay $200.....

I think this thread very confusing leh......

I think Thread starter initially quoted $200 but somehow has regretted her decision??? Now, claims to be S$250???

Can pls verify???

Check with the service provider for the damage! :D
You such have a wonderful time If you can 'click' with them....;)

01-07-2007, 05:56 PM
hi, tks bro juda for nice fr....nice meeting u ya...for the price is really compicted right? wahahaha...paiseh ar,,,my friend make me confuess too, ok since i posted that is $200 so as usal ok,,,but onli can cum one shot,1 hour plus abit of massage,total will be 1hr only...can make it as 2 gals doing fj with u,,,but just one shot ok,,,understand now? haha,,,

01-07-2007, 06:01 PM
can pm me. i wan iwan:)

01-07-2007, 06:08 PM
and also bro pls dont ask for my contact, i only will call those who had given me ur contact ..and pls dont ask for our pic can? its not so good ...is better for u to find out yourself how we look like, as i mention before, different ppl got different taste right?some might like chubby n cute girl, some prefer slim and tanned girl right??

01-07-2007, 06:51 PM
Just have a wonderful sexxion with both Apple & Fynn. Both are local chinese, above average looking, good service, great attitude, nice personality. Both will provide full service for you but you can only have one shot. Bring more CDs & happy bonking.... Worth a try if you want local Chinese provide 3some sexxion with massage @ 200! :p

Bro Juda, what does this mean?

1)You can have sex with both of them, but once you cum that's it?


2)You can have sex with both and cum once with each girl?

01-07-2007, 09:12 PM
I think its a once you cum, thats it. But do you girls think that maybe can have bonus thingy, like if the guy doesn't cum after 30mins, let him cum in both girls?

01-07-2007, 11:30 PM
Bro Juda, what does this mean?

1)You can have sex with both of them, but once you cum that's it?


2)You can have sex with both and cum once with each girl?

You can have sex with both of them, but once you cum that's it! :D

01-07-2007, 11:55 PM
2 local gal shuangfei @ $200 hmm... seems to me not a bad deal... wait for one more lao jiao FR 1st!! heehee :D

02-07-2007, 08:47 PM
Hi all,

Seem very tempting, If the service is good then worth trying, if not it can be consider Ex. i would want to try.. will pm her my number.. wait for my FR.. i will cheong 1st.

btw where u wish me to book for the HT..?:D


04-07-2007, 01:29 PM
for tml slot from 1pm till 6pm....interested pls pm.....tks

05-07-2007, 05:02 PM
me also tempted. but waiting for fr leh

05-07-2007, 05:19 PM
I think its a once you cum, thats it. But do you girls think that maybe can have bonus thingy, like if the guy doesn't cum after 30mins, let him cum in both girls?

cannot manage to cum in 30mins liao still wanna cum in both girls?? :eek:

05-07-2007, 09:40 PM

I have only 1 question. Can I put both of you side by side then screw A, then B, then back to A, then B, and repeat and repeat until times up

05-07-2007, 09:56 PM
v confusing... but also abit too exp. maybe can try them out??

06-07-2007, 02:38 AM
for sat slot from 1pm to 7pm....interested pls pm mi ur contact,,,,tks..

06-07-2007, 04:10 PM
i got pm leh... but u no reply...

06-07-2007, 05:20 PM
camping out for more FR's!:D

07-07-2007, 01:58 PM
for monday slot is from 2pm to 7pm....interested pls pm me ur contact,,,,tks...

07-07-2007, 03:28 PM
I think many bros here are confused probably due to the short & sharp and broken English used.

But to think about it, this will probably be one of the easiest to negotiate FLs.

Since both of them are on their own and will call you direct, you can actually liaise with them on what exactly you want and how much it will cost you instead of the standard OKT charges with standard services.

What is lacking now in this thread are FRs for fellow bos to assess whether they want to go for the session or not.

My 2 cents worth.

07-07-2007, 04:49 PM
dear Apple, you have a pm.

Senior, I will post FR if I could get the slot on Monday.

08-07-2007, 05:33 PM
hi or tuesday slot from 2pm to 6pm,,,,interested pls pm me ur contact, hmm i tink my english quit broken,,tat why confuess your, any way some bro have try us before, i tink they dont have time to post fr here....hahaha...i still received many ask for pic but really sorry we cant give u our pic..hope u understand,,,:p

09-07-2007, 02:21 AM
hi or tuesday slot from 2pm to 6pm,,,,interested pls pm me ur contact, hmm i tink my english quit broken,,tat why confuess your, any way some bro have try us before, i tink they dont have time to post fr here....hahaha...i still received many ask for pic but really sorry we cant give u our pic..hope u understand,,,:p

Those bro who have tried these two ladies, kindly share your experiences leh... Many bros eagerly waiting for your FRs..

10-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Hi Senior Bro,
Promise to send FR but this is not what I expected.
Original booked for the double whammby on Monday at 2pm, Apple partner called and said that they are fully booked!! Asked whether any slot today, confirmed. But again Apple cannot made it when it's last hr. Very siang liao.
Fynn, Apple partner asked whether I want to have a single session, what a heck, think over and called back and arrange hotel and meet at 3pm.

Booked the hotel for 2 hr and wait for the Fynn. When Fynn arrive, look OK, not really my type.

A brief FR as the session has nothing to shout abt

Look : 5/10
Boob : A+
BBBJ : Only play with head , little sunction and no deep throat
FJ : 6/10 Only tried missionary
GF : ok lah,TCSS and I prefer larger boob (at least a C)
RTF : Maybe will try Apple + Fynn (but not alone)
Demage : $120 (exclude room and cd)

While I TCSS with Fynn, she told me that the service is that Fynn will start at the top and Apple will start from the bottom and the FJ part, Fynn will start first and if you want, you can change to Apple. But only 1 shot.

11-07-2007, 05:22 PM
Ok guys FR on the 2 girls

Appt was canceled and change to today. pop by the hotel and waited (Hotel Fuji 81 starhub HP no signal) Walk out and sms room number, sms reply 15 min late.

15mins later they really arrived,
first impression apple look a lot like another FL Jade85, the cute and chubby type.
fynn look like average 28-30yr old singaporean.

TCSS a bit told me to strip, i say "err i get naked first?" all smoker they still smoking, i like girls who smoke, something in common =)
Fynn is A cup with perky nips and slim body. Apple C+ cup chubby.
Ask them if they really do massage, they say most bros just wanted to get to the action but can do some massage no problem.

not real massage but they very service minded, they try their best, over-all like your girlfriend give u massage, not much skill but know they try and please u. yes both girl will massage u, one on left side one right side.

Both girl start to cat bath, lick lick lick, then capped BJ, they perferred to do it with cap. (Fynn only do with cap). apple was laying down so i service and finger apple a bit, she seem to like the finger part and will push your finger deeper (i will start it slow, she willing then i go deeper), TCSS "err today apple turn go first?" reply "ya" all this time Fynn is touching me from behind.

pretty standard missionary Apple for a while, dunno why today performance low, change position time didi become soft,(note Apple say she like doggie) so LL, they BJ me again, the girls all very good service and will try to make him servicable again. Finally hard liao, was touching fynn and felt that she is wet by just giving me BJ, told her to mount me and started the action again. after a while stupid didi still cannot cum, they end the session giving me a HJ.


look 6.5/10 (look like jade if u try her before) Cute
Body 6/10 Chubby
Boobs 6.5/10 C+cup but i am not really a boob person
BJ 6/10 Average (apple u need to learn a bit from Fynn)
FJ 6.5/10 (normal will reponse to your speed)
service 8.5/10 (very good service trying to please u all the time, hardworking too, lick and lick and lick)

Look 6/10 (ok look average)
Body 6/10 (Average 28-30yr old body, slim maybe skinny liao)
Boobs 6.5/10 A cup but ok to touch and look at
BJ 7/10 Not too bad, no deep thoat (must with cap)
FJ 7.5/10 Felt more chemistry with Fynn, her body reaction very horny, she will lick her fingers and reponse very well from your movement.
Service 8.5/10 (request that she do more of the HJ for me to cum, she has the better touch of the 2 girls, maybe she older have more experience)

For the price of $200 u can get better looking girls from the OKTs, for 2 girls not that bad a price lah, they are willing to serve. And yes u get to do the 2 girls.

Will try other girls now i have fullfill my fantasy of 2 girls.(A lot of fish in the ocean)

price $200 + $20room + cd + drinks = 1 shot

Oh ya the thing i don't like is they want to off all the lights, dark dark maybe thats why cannot perform, no visual entertainment (only toilet light with door almost close)

Bros can Up me points if u think the FR is ok, still a newbie with little points.

11-07-2007, 06:25 PM
Luck is with you BRO sunny sg,cause APPLE 21 call me on 06/07,but FYNN cannot make it,so I ask for one to one with APPLE21,she said she will not do one on one.:( Hope to have them in aweek time(cause could not wait)Small head have just up JULIA(by BRO proprimate)HE!!!HE!!!:)

12-07-2007, 03:11 PM
hi bro for posting fr, but now i finially know my friend fynn did meet bro sunny???? tat day i ask her to call some bro, cause i not free, but fynn never told me meeting bro sunny, and she told me bro sunny cannot make it...so she help me arrange for another appoinment,,,make me confuess now....cause everytime i many bro ask me do alone without fynn, but as i promise fynn tat i wont betray her, must be together , why like this , untill now i read the post from bro sunny den i knw wat happen...sad..

12-07-2007, 04:35 PM
so are you two still a team?

17-07-2007, 02:08 PM
hi bro, ya we still are a team, but my phone cant call or sms out already,i only can received called, but if ur sms me, i coulden reply, if any bro still keen to meet
us for our service, pls pm me and i pass u my contact, my phone is only on after 1pm...morning and night u cant call me ...heex,,,tks..:o

17-07-2007, 02:10 PM
hi bro for posting fr, but now i finially know my friend fynn did meet bro sunny???? tat day i ask her to call some bro, cause i not free, but fynn never told me meeting bro sunny, and she told me bro sunny cannot make it...so she help me arrange for another appoinment,,,make me confuess now...is ok maybe i ask her about it...anyway tks for the fr..

18-07-2007, 04:38 PM
for tml slot from 2pm onward....pls pm me, i give u my contact, i hope bro here wont becos of some bad fr from some bro here, den no confident or dont meeting us,,,,anyway different ppl like different taste right? ha,,,not everyone is perfect in tis world right?....

28-08-2007, 08:09 PM
any bro tried the gals? this thread seem like died