08-04-2019, 02:22 AM
as you know most of the MLs will post on multiple platforms and using different descriptions or pictures. So sometimes you want to do a little back ground check on this ML before you book. Why? so that you lessen the the risk of the old bait and switch and waste of your time if you got someone you do not want to engage or avoid.
There are usually 3 points i look out for when i do this check,
1) how long has she been around? (generally i do not like the ML that has been here too long cus they are usually spoilt)
2) is she using the same pictures and the description on the price and service is the same? (if all are slimier, move on to (3). if not similar, stay far far away.
3) Check on the reviews if any
So the simple trick is google her number. just type in the phone number and space and massage or an mo in chinese. eg: 8899334 massage
Then you will be able to see the above information. If there is totally no results, then you have a 50% chance of it being a good experience. Generally, new MLs first time here are excellent experiences most of the time.
So bros. Our playground is not like what its used to be. It seems very similar to our kopitiam situation. We have to protect our own interest. Chiong safe and good fortunes
as you know most of the MLs will post on multiple platforms and using different descriptions or pictures. So sometimes you want to do a little back ground check on this ML before you book. Why? so that you lessen the the risk of the old bait and switch and waste of your time if you got someone you do not want to engage or avoid.
There are usually 3 points i look out for when i do this check,
1) how long has she been around? (generally i do not like the ML that has been here too long cus they are usually spoilt)
2) is she using the same pictures and the description on the price and service is the same? (if all are slimier, move on to (3). if not similar, stay far far away.
3) Check on the reviews if any
So the simple trick is google her number. just type in the phone number and space and massage or an mo in chinese. eg: 8899334 massage
Then you will be able to see the above information. If there is totally no results, then you have a 50% chance of it being a good experience. Generally, new MLs first time here are excellent experiences most of the time.
So bros. Our playground is not like what its used to be. It seems very similar to our kopitiam situation. We have to protect our own interest. Chiong safe and good fortunes