View Full Version : HELP need ang moh in KL

14-07-2007, 02:00 AM
dear samster, i got few friend request me to get ang moh gals in kl, but i more familiar PRC, so i need u all help! pls let me know position and damage!
thank u all :D :D

14-07-2007, 12:08 PM
dear samster, i got few friend request me to get ang moh gals in kl, but i more familiar PRC, so i need u all help! pls let me know position and damage!
thank u all :D :D

like that also can ah ??!!

14-07-2007, 12:32 PM
dear samster, i got few friend request me to get ang moh gals in kl, but i more familiar PRC, so i need u all help! pls let me know position and damage!
thank u all :D Why dun you PM 6-star escort and see if they can help you. I am sure they would have more lobangs.:D

14-07-2007, 01:30 PM
ya~~i am looking for ang moh also! who tried b4??:D

14-07-2007, 07:36 PM
like that also can ah ??!!

i wish u cannot get any gals even u got money! and jaga by your wife or galfren in all day!

i"ll curse on you as much as i can
since u dun want to help, but pls dun throw batu to me!

for the 3 pages thread, theres i cant found any relate ang moh in kl!

15-07-2007, 07:39 AM
Yes, me want to try ang moh too.

15-07-2007, 10:17 AM
i wish u cannot get any gals even u got money! and jaga by your wife or galfren in all day!

i"ll curse on you as much as i can
since u dun want to help, but pls dun throw batu to me!

for the 3 pages thread, theres i cant found any relate ang moh in kl!

huh ??!!!:confused: :confused:

15-07-2007, 10:29 AM
dear samster, i got few friend request me to get ang moh gals in kl, but i more familiar PRC, so i need u all help! pls let me know position and damage!
thank u all :D :D

i did try ang mo in aust and US..very loose in term of muscle and hole....and service is bad...no kissing, licking only Fxxxx....
But if u insist wanna to try...u can contact escort service which published on newspaper, yellowpage and internet...
high pirce must be expected!

15-07-2007, 02:03 PM
dear samster, i got few friend request me to get ang moh gals in kl, but i more familiar PRC, so i need u all help! pls let me know position and damage!
thank u all :D :D


Did tried ang mohs in KL. Health Club in Hotel Nova at end of Jln Alor. There were 2 only. One blonde, one brunette. Both East European. I did the Blonde.
Damage was 350 for 45 minutes. Service was 8/10. Looks 6/10. FJ, excellent BBBJ, AH riming, Frenching, the whole lot excluding anal and ......YES SIR !. Golden blonde pubic hair !!!.

Deluxe in Federal did have some Angs Mohs a few times.

U can go to inquire. Maybe u kena strike. Maybe zero and end up with nothing.

15-07-2007, 05:00 PM

Did tried ang mohs in KL. Health Club in Hotel Nova at end of Jln Alor. There were 2 only. One blonde, one brunette. Both East European. I did the Blonde.
Damage was 350 for 45 minutes. Service was 8/10. Looks 6/10. FJ, excellent BBBJ, AH riming, Frenching, the whole lot excluding anal and ......YES SIR !. Golden blonde pubic hair !!!.

Deluxe in Federal did have some Angs Mohs a few times.

U can go to inquire. Maybe u kena strike. Maybe zero and end up with nothing.

thank u YOKOSI, atleast i know got ang moh around BKT bintang!
IN JB i know got few russian RM150 and RM400 one night becoz my fren got Lobang!
well, its quite expensive about gold hair but not gold cibai hair!

15-07-2007, 05:24 PM
i wish u cannot get any gals even u got money! and jaga by your wife or galfren in all day!

i"ll curse on you as much as i can
since u dun want to help, but pls dun throw batu to me!

for the 3 pages thread, theres i cant found any relate ang moh in kl! Hello....ask for help still so cocky.

We dun owe you anything so why must give you the answers? As for throw batu, since when did Bro jerrystockton do that?:confused:

He has contributed more to this forum than you ever have so far so who the fark you think you are? Dun help only you must curse. If you cannot grow up, then better change nick cos maybe your this nick will reach moderation very soon.:rolleyes:

15-07-2007, 09:04 PM
Hello....ask for help still so cocky.

We dun owe you anything so why must give you the answers? As for throw batu, since when did Bro jerrystockton do that?:confused:

He has contributed more to this forum than you ever have so far so who the fark you think you are? Dun help only you must curse. If you cannot grow up, then better change nick cos maybe your this nick will reach moderation very soon.:rolleyes:

thank you, bro shiok. I have zap him a point...

15-07-2007, 11:37 PM
「like that also can ah ??!!」

since i read 3pages of thread, i cant find any info about ang moh in kl,
so open a thread to request for help! but when u see the 1st answer is 「like that also can ah ??!!」
am i do anything wrong? i just hope someone offer information.
but need him reply like that? dun wan to help but reply something like i didnt read the threads and just ask question without do any homework.

16-07-2007, 09:17 AM
Hello....ask for help still so cocky.

We dun owe you anything so why must give you the answers? As for throw batu, since when did Bro jerrystockton do that?

He has contributed more to this forum than you ever have so far so who the fark you think you are? Dun help only you must curse. If you cannot grow up, then better change nick cos maybe your this nick will reach moderation very soon.:rolleyes:

-2 from me too ...

LenseChao , be nice when u need help ... :cool:

16-07-2007, 10:23 AM
「like that also can ah ??!!」

since i read 3pages of thread, i cant find any info about ang moh in kl,
so open a thread to request for help! but when u see the 1st answer is 「like that also can ah ??!!」
am i do anything wrong? i just hope someone offer information.
but need him reply like that? dun wan to help but reply something like i didnt read the threads and just ask question without do any homework.

we have a thread whereby newbies can post their questions there. Besides, to open a thread is to share information and not to ASK QUESTION !!

17-07-2007, 07:18 AM
No sure who actually set up the rule for posting is to share information and not to ask question.

When question is answered, the information is shared anyway.

Just my suggestion.

17-07-2007, 09:03 AM
No sure who actually set up the rule for posting is to share information and not to ask question.

When question is answered, the information is shared anyway.

Just my suggestion.

"When question is answered, the information is shared anyway ."

True , but it's the way they ask that makes the bro's here unhappy ... :cool:

17-07-2007, 09:24 AM
"When question is answered, the information is shared anyway ."

True , but it's the way they ask that makes the bro's here unhappy ... :cool:

The way they ask is ok... since most newbies has done this quite often.. most bros oledi treat such things as normal.
BUT..... cursing???? Who can tolerate????:(

17-07-2007, 09:59 AM
since i read 3pages of thread, i cant find any info about ang moh in kl,so open a thread to request for help! but when u see the 1st answer is 「like that also can ah ??!!」
am i do anything wrong? i just hope someone offer information.
but need him reply like that? dun wan to help but reply something like i didnt read the threads and just ask question without do any homework. Nothing wrong with asking a question but why do you have to curse someone for a simple "like that also can ah"??

How would you like it if I curse you for asking a question??:rolleyes:

17-07-2007, 11:51 AM
No sure who actually set up the rule for posting is to share information and not to ask question.

When question is answered, the information is shared anyway.

Just my suggestion.

True , that's why i didnt zap LanseChao when he open a new thread. I only zap him when he curse me.

17-07-2007, 02:46 PM
brother LenseChao next time don't so hot temper ok.
I know you very frustrate looking ang moh in KL.

Come JB here i bring you to unload.
On the way from KL to JB buy some "ang moh tan".
Whether you like to squeeze or suck the ang moh tan i don't care la.:p
But i sure will bring you to the right place in JB.:cool:


17-07-2007, 09:39 PM
brother LenseChao next time don't so hot temper ok.
I know you very frustrate looking ang moh in KL.

Come JB here i bring you to unload.
On the way from KL to JB buy some "ang moh tan".
Whether you like to squeeze or suck the ang moh tan i don't care la.:p
But i sure will bring you to the right place in JB.:cool:


any ang mo liu lian?

Green Goblin
18-07-2007, 05:46 PM

Did tried ang mohs in KL. Health Club in Hotel Nova at end of Jln Alor. .....

Deluxe in Federal did have some Angs Mohs a few times.

How recent is your informations ?? Deluxe and Nova have Ang Moh ??!!?? Or are u making up stories...

Green Goblin
18-07-2007, 05:48 PM
"When question is answered, the information is shared anyway ."

True , but it's the way they ask that makes the bro's here unhappy ... :cool:

There are general threads where one can ask questions. Stating new threads is more to share information on a discovery/lobang.

18-07-2007, 06:37 PM
There are general threads where one can ask questions. Stating new threads is more to share information on a discovery/lobang.

Simply opening up a thread is irritating, that is understandable. But this is just the macro of it.

Let’s imagine:

When you wanted to find some erotic field report / useful information, you happily logon to sbf and happily saw an old thread being brought up, again happily click the thread and u happily thought that there are useful info you want. But when what you see are just some short messages or talk cock sessions, what is that called? My ans is “frustration”

Especially small potato like me, the only golden time to surf sbf is in between the break hour where colleagues are not around. But my golden time is just spoiled.

I believe most of the newbie has definitely done their homework before asking for info, they did search the forum, but unfortunately the search result shown only the thread which you have to go in and surf page by page. Imaging if 90% of the content are just cock talking. How??:rolleyes:

Not encouraging newbie to simply opening up a thread to ask for info, not supporting short messaging or talk cock neither.

18-07-2007, 07:10 PM
Simply opening up a thread is irritating, that is understandable. But this is just the macro of it.

Let’s imagine:

When you wanted to find some erotic field report / useful information, you happily logon to sbf and happily saw an old thread being brought up, again happily click the thread and u happily thought that there are useful info you want. But when what you see are just some short messages or talk cock sessions, what is that called? My ans is “frustration” The issue here is not opening of new threads but simply the fact that LenseChao is acting like a little kid who bcos of not being able to get what he wants, he throws his temper and start cursing.:mad:

When he first open the thread to ask a question, I even gave him some advice on where to get the infomation. I only step in further when he started cursing Bro Jerrystockton for a simple "like that also can ah".

I agree that most threads are now congested by TCSS among bros who know each other. That is why I have open a thread in which anyone can ask questions pertaining to the nightlife in KL and bros who have the answers can reply. There have been limited TCSS in this thread and for this I thank the guys I know cos I have requested so and they have agreed.

This thread is constantly brought up to page 1 and there should not be a need to even search for it. All questions are accepted in this thread even for repeated questions cos I understand the trouble needed to search for related information.

Just in case you are looking for this thread, the link is :

http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=68458. :cool:

18-07-2007, 07:52 PM
The issue here is not opening of new threads but simply the fact that LenseChao is acting like a little kid who bcos of not being able to get what he wants, he throws his temper and start cursing.:mad:

This thread is constantly brought up to page 1 and there should not be a need to even search for it. All questions are accepted in this thread even for repeated questions cos I understand the trouble needed to search for related information.

Just in case you are looking for this thread, the link is :

http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=68458. :cool:

Bro Shiok, I agree with you. Can I suggest that we stick this important page to the "Always on top" area using the sticky function, like the 6-Star Escort thread?

18-07-2007, 08:08 PM
Ang moh sai what so good???? Onli the feeling of having a differents taste make it wonderful......but once tasted U will vomits........pay so much some more!!! Just my two cents.....
Ah!!! Newbies......learn first before started firing anyone here......I had seen the worst case senario leh.......Boh Bing leh!!!:)

19-07-2007, 01:10 AM
The issue here is not opening of new threads but simply the fact that LenseChao is acting like a little kid who bcos of not being able to get what he wants, he throws his temper and start cursing.

That is why I have open a thread in which anyone can ask questions pertaining to the nightlife in KL and bros who have the answers can reply.

Just in case you are looking for this thread, the link is :


Don't get me wrong. I didn't say LenseChao doesn't deserved for the scolding and zapping caz of the curse he brought in here. :rolleyes: I also didn't suggest that it is a wise thing to do by simply open a new thread. What i did was merely mentioning my little frustration over the fact that most of the threads are flooded by tccs. Maybe that is the best i can do for some bro who share the same headache as me.

Perhaps there was also a hidden message: do not view things from one side.

Noticed your good effort to open a thread for newbie to throw in their questions.;)

19-07-2007, 09:43 AM
Bro Shiok, I agree with you. Can I suggest that we stick this important page to the "Always on top" area using the sticky function, like the 6-Star Escort thread?That is for the moderater to decide.

Dun worry cos as long as I am free, I will constantly bring this thread up to page 1.;)

19-07-2007, 09:46 AM
What i did was merely mentioning my little frustration over the fact that most of the threads are flooded by tccs. Maybe that is the best i can do for some bro who share the same headache as me. I fully understand your frustrations and your comments are taken in good faith.:)

As mentioned, I will try my best to constantly bring that thread up to page 1 and to limit all TCSS in that thread.:cool:

19-07-2007, 08:23 PM
Simply opening up a thread is irritating, that is understandable. But this is just the macro of it.

Especially small potato like me, the only golden time to surf sbf is in between the break hour where colleagues are not around. But my golden time is just spoiled.

I believe most of the newbie has definitely done their homework before asking for info, they did search the forum, but unfortunately the search result shown only the thread which you have to go in and surf page by page. Imaging if 90% of the content are just cock talking. How??:rolleyes:

Not encouraging newbie to simply opening up a thread to ask for info, not supporting short messaging or talk cock neither.

To you its talking cock. But these are brothers who have met each other and use the forum as a means to communicate.

We are NOT obliged to share information, definitely not with ungrateful ingrates, but we share with those we feel comfortable with.

If you contribute to the forum you will have no problem asking and receiving contacts. :cool:

19-07-2007, 09:08 PM
i did try ang mo in aust and US..very loose in term of muscle and hole....

Yaloh, you could even unwittingly insert your whole undercarriage [shaft, hair and balls] into the ang moh girls' lubang :eek:

19-07-2007, 09:26 PM
i wish u cannot get any gals even u got money! and jaga by your wife or galfren in all day!

i"ll curse on you as much as i can
since u dun want to help, but pls dun throw batu to me!

Aiyoyo, I missed the fun in zapping this bastard who even cursed someone who was too nice to answer his question. Lansechao [quite appropriate: LAN SE - CHAU where LAN SE (pronounced LANSI) is didi shit [yaya papaya type] and CHAU is a Cantonese slang for small didi [CHAU-JAI] :D

BTW, if someone throw stones at you, you will sure to be injured or killed...it should be "throw cold water on me" OK..

19-07-2007, 10:25 PM
To you its talking cock. But these are brothers who have met each other and use the forum as a means to communicate.

We are NOT obliged to share information, definitely not with ungrateful ingrates, but we share with those we feel comfortable with.

If you contribute to the forum you will have no problem asking and receiving contacts.

Did i said "frustration" becasue not getting contact???:confused: Or the new trend in SBF nowadays is to share field report via PM???? No wonder i dun see many field report from senior lately. My mistake, my mistake..... for not knowing the latest trend.:D

19-07-2007, 10:30 PM
BTW, if someone throw stones at you, you will sure to be injured or killed...it should be "throw cold water on me" OK..[/QUOTE]

Prof, mind to explain what do you mean by "throw cold water on me"? I know in cantonese might mean "pung ngo lang sui". Is it the meaning?

20-07-2007, 09:15 AM
BTW, if someone throw stones at you, you will sure to be injured or killed...it should be "throw cold water on me" OK..

Prof, mind to explain what do you mean by "throw cold water on me"? I know in cantonese might mean "pung ngo lang sui". Is it the meaning?[/QUOTE]

Yes, Bro Cheeco: You got it right to convert that English idiom into Cantonese. In fact it should be "PUT NGO LARNG SUI" which means: "to discourage you from further acting upon your enthusiasm on some issues"

Refer to this link: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/throw+cold+water+on

20-07-2007, 09:49 AM
Did i said "frustration" becasue not getting contact??? Or the new trend in SBF nowadays is to share field report via PM???? No wonder i dun see many field report from senior lately. My mistake, my mistake..... for not knowing the latest trend.

Forum = Communications.
As TCSS is part of communications therefore is unavoidable. Whether it is excessive only the moderator can assess.

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes. Like in places we work in, contributions 2 the whole cause of the company mainly comes from the 20% workforce. It is same wif any organisation or community forum like sbf. So it is normal 2c less of FRs.

My SBF content breakdown (theoretically):
FRS/ INFOR/ KNOWLEDGE- 20% (using the principle)
TCSS -30%
Newbie asking Q - 30%
Debates on POV (like us doing now) - 20%

Irregardless of the weighing i think all samster have contribute 2 each segment b4 consciously and unconsciously. It's part and parcel of free speech free communications.

Some samster who know me, know I do read historical posting by samster. I have 2 much time in the office.:D
I'm sorry as if I looked like checking on you, bro KL_samster but in order 2 know u more, 2 understand ur view on things, it is good 2 know u in person, 2 know ye characther. N the only way I can get a glimpse of your personality thro ye history posting.

Bro KL_samster, i m sorry 2 say u have oso contribute 2 each segment of the breakdown. I have. Everyone have. My point?? We can't stop TCSS nor newbie asking. We can't request everyone 2 give FRs. Y? Coz forum has an element named freedom.

Another thing is... it is unfair 2 say that seniors or whoever has done little or no FRS in a single short statement. Bro u have started on the sex thing pretty young yourself as u mentioned 14/15yos?? And i gather ye cheong experience is no less than some of the supposed seniors here, yet ye FRs are oso limited. But that's ye freedom. There is a valid reason y at the end some members with seniority post less or no FRs. Wif so much cheong experience and spending so much on our fav cheong activities, going thro the process of frustration on bad experience and the euphoria of good experience, some of them learned 2 rtf. Do u provide frs on the same person or place repeatedly??

Somemore bro, u have sarcastically voiced out the possible trend of FRs thro PMs. Bro, u have once pm something that u din share in the public forum to another samster. U oso mentioned ye concern on samster who sarcastically remark on newbies posting yet u do2. All POV have 2 sides like a coin. And look at how we all hold the coin, all of us touch the 2 side at the same time at some point of time!!!! O all my brothers of SBF.

Lastly bro KL_samster, I'm sure I have not start out on the wrong foot wif u... as i read from ye previous post. U enjoyed a healthy dose of debate , right?? :) I do myself.

And 4 those who dislike debates and long winded post... complain all u can... ye freedom and I have mine.

20-07-2007, 09:58 AM
Or the new trend in SBF nowadays is to share field report via PM???? No wonder i dun see many field report from senior lately.Actually the truth is that many bros here have cut down alot on cheonging due to family, work, financial situations. That is why the outings have been cut a minimum and it's mainly between a few good bros who just meet up for kopi or drinks.

Even if we were to visit HCs or other kind of joints, it would normally be the same places. Nothing new to report so no FR....simple logic.

Interested to know more, feel free to join us for kopi or drinks.:D

20-07-2007, 10:04 AM
Some samster who know me, know I do read historical posting by samster. I have 2 much time in the office.

U enjoyed a healthy dose of debate , right?? :) I do myself. Bro, I must remember never to get into a debate with you.

You have proved once again that I will never have the time nor the expertise to do so.:D

20-07-2007, 10:22 AM
Bro, I must remember never to get into a debate with you.

Bro lidat no fun lar... u oso seems 2 enjoy exchange of opinions mah. Y not wif me? :D Not fair-lar taikor!:D

20-07-2007, 10:34 AM
Bro lidat no fun lar... u oso seems 2 enjoy exchange of opinions mah. Y not wif me? Not fair-lar taikor!:DOkie okie....one day free I drop by JB to see you and then we can have a debate on "Are Pino Pubs that fun??".

Better still....Show Me the reason.:p

20-07-2007, 10:40 AM
Okie okie....one day free I drop by JB to see you and then we can have a debate on "Are Pino Pubs that fun??".

Better still....Show Me the reason.

Np lar! The jb bros are waiting 4U!:D
I will gather the 5man commando unit 2 give you testimonial, personal account of events and if u want demostration by different samsters. :D If I show u alone... i may be bias in my reasons mah.

20-07-2007, 11:04 AM
...debate on "Are Pino Pubs that fun??".
....Show Me the reason.
FUN? for us the answer is SURE!
So what u want us to show u? we got
1. Teh neh neh dragon hand.
2. 1 finger excavation kung fu.
3. water snake touge
4. sweet talk to get LD(lucky drink) from gal
5. toilet incident
6. JB samster massage skill
7. gang bang on sofa..... etc etc JJ anything i missed? :rolleyes:

If 1 day we show u 1 kung fu, then u have to apend 7days in JB. :D

20-07-2007, 11:07 AM
...No wonder i dun see many field report from senior lately...

coz we go back same place, same gal with same expenses but greater services, greater GFE... how to share with u the GFE..? :confused:

20-07-2007, 11:33 AM
7. gang bang on sofa..... etc etc JJ anything i missed?

Misinformation leh.. where got gangbang woh. Pino pub is a waterdown unit of LSBs. Only got gang HJ session by pinoy syts from RM20-40 (Lds).:D

Better stop the pino thingy here.... wrong thread.:p

20-07-2007, 12:36 PM
Bro, I must remember never to get into a debate with you.

You have proved once again that I will never have the time nor the expertise to do so.:D

Bro Shiok,

Same-same here! I have to think twice to engage in a debate with bro jjmyarea. Tabling the Pareto principle...how to argue on that :D