View Full Version : FR on Nicole - Send me your Condolences

14-07-2007, 11:56 PM
MY DICK SHRINKED to baby size the moment i saw her... i was yelling inside my heart "OMFG... YOU MEAN I'M GOING TO FUCK THIS PLUMP AUNTY?!" Her stats is probably 34-34-36... yes... there's no mistake about this... and i can safely put her weight at 65kg... and i'm going to pay $170 to fuck her twice ???

Then she started to explain she was late because she had a quarrel with a vendor in little india for not willing to refund her GST on the spot... turn off... turn off... i was contemplating should i just pay her the $170 and go now... but money is hard earned... so i tot... let's do an experiment then... can i fuck a woman like this and cum?

To cut the story short... i showered myself... came out, saw her in bra and panties with 3 inches of fats drooping over her panties... i quickly lied face down and let her massage my back... after that turned over and let her suck me and screwed me... as i put my arms around her waste it was like holding a barrel, after a while i turned her over and pumped her missionary... the saving grace is the mirror beside, seeing my own butt pumping away and getting arouse at myself... i avoid looking at her face... she avoided kissing... i had no mood to kiss anyway... after a while i did manage to unload... phew... experiment proved that with enough tongkat ali one can fuck anyone and anything...

Another saving grace was... due to miscommunication she thought the session should be 1 hour (lower price) instead of 1.5 hour... i happily agreed... okt at first disagreed but it turned out it was his own blunder not informing the gal correctly... so i paid $150... and couldn't wait another second to get away...

I am writing this because i don't want to suffer in silence... the image of the plump lady with a spare tyre haunts me... though it was my own choice (based on studio pics)... i think the okt should have some quality control... to package someone like this at $150 / $170 is too much... the first gal from his stable i tried at the same price was actually good... but this girl i had today cannot worth anything more than $50... i have lost my confidence in this okt totally... and i am still nursing my wound... please send me your condolences

15-07-2007, 12:00 AM
haha.. take it easy...
u will grow stronger hahaha

15-07-2007, 12:10 AM
Once beaten always shy... for the time being i will stick back to my regular OKTs... Prince, Bonnie, Mystic, San68, Pierce, Beauthaiful, Thaiboy... because for these few listed at least i can predict what to expect and there is some quality control and differential pricing depending on quality

15-07-2007, 12:10 AM
At least tell bros how you found her in the first place. Even $150 is way too much. Is she local, PRC , etc ??

15-07-2007, 12:34 AM
Once beaten always shy... for the time being i will stick back to my regular OKTs... Prince, Bonnie, Mystic, San68, Pierce, Beauthaiful, Thaiboy... because for these few listed at least i can predict what to expect and there is some quality control and differential pricing depending on quality

i wish u can recover fr ur trauma soon.take care. how come the okt never inform u in the first place?

15-07-2007, 12:52 AM
I will observe a min silence for u bro.

15-07-2007, 12:52 AM
To put things in perspective... i do not think the okt has any intention of cheating me... he did not recommend me, i made my own choice based on studio pics which covered up all the fats... and a previous gal i tried from his stable was really good, that is why i am not quoting his name here... i am writing just to get it off my chest and warn bros about what to expect if you were to book this gal... and i really think he should price his girls according to quality... anyway... thanks guys

15-07-2007, 01:59 AM
poor thing.... but at least u can still shoot:o

15-07-2007, 02:24 AM
Observing a minute if silence for you bro ... my condolences for such a unexpected screw.

Da Vinci
15-07-2007, 02:53 AM
Is this a thread to warn us about certain girls, or is this a thread just to gain condolences???

Coolsaint77, I always read your FR with anticipation! Sorry to hear about your bad adventure. But at least let us know who, which okt? so more fellow brothers will not be "cheated" of their hard-earned $$$. $170 is not small sum of money...

15-07-2007, 08:28 AM
never trust pictures! i rather base my choices on the esteemed opinions of other bros' FRs, heheh.

15-07-2007, 08:57 AM
Talking about sharing and FR. I really feel like zapping you. Your dick shrink enough liao. By not revealing the OKt, another bro will fell victim to this plumb lady.You are damn selfish.:rolleyes:

Haha... that is very effective... when people insult my dick i must come out and defend liao

Nicole is from crystals1001... once again why i did not reveal his name was because in my first dealing with him the girl Yiyi was very good... so i take it as this is a once-off case... nevertheless i agree it is in the spirit of samsters to be open

Bro Da Vinci,
This is to warn bros about the girl... but condolences in the forms of bouquet and floral wreathes are welcomed too :D

Bro letitup,
I did not complain to you simply because it is not my style to complain and i do acknowledge it is my own choice, but i think it is fair i exercise my right to share an awful experience and warn bros about this girl... i urge you to price your girls according to quality... if you want to keep a standard price for all girls then do not take in people like Nicole... it will spoil your reputation... as it is now i still have not gotten over the trauma... and i have no confidence to book any of your girls for now

15-07-2007, 08:58 AM
Acutally you can call off the deal
pay her a little and walk off, (Without GST of course) :D

15-07-2007, 09:02 AM
Remember - what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. :D

Thanks for the head's up.

15-07-2007, 09:06 AM
Acutally you can call off the deal
pay her a little and walk off, (Without GST of course) :D

Is that so? I did see her pic and that was the correct person (other than hidden plumpness)... i'm in this foray for just a few months so not sure about this... so if i have booked a $170 session with her okt and the girl did come from a different location to the hotel... i see her and she really cannot make it... how much cancellation fee is reasonable?

15-07-2007, 09:29 AM
You should have just paid her $20/- taxi fare and called it off.

Anyway up you 3 points for your bravery and for sharing:D

15-07-2007, 10:11 AM
You should have just paid her $20/- taxi fare and called it off.

Anyway up you 3 points for your bravery and for sharing:D

Hahaha... that's nice of you

So next time i know liao. I always think in terms of those high demand LOS SYTs who get full booking of 8 sessions a day... if i back out they lose a session that someone else could have booked... but for a lady like Nicole i agree that all she lost is travelling time and transport only... can go little india shopping before bonking summore... anyway there was no session before and after me... she was meeting her frens to limkopi after my session

ken li
15-07-2007, 10:16 AM
Crap! She was the first FL i tried after joining this forum...

Previously, I only used gals from KTVs e.g. from that Havelock rd cluster or in PRC (where its much cheaper). They were expensive, but generally you not only get to pick and choose, but you have a few hours to decide whether you really want to bonk the shit out of her. Very expensive tho'.

One day, middle of the week, needed to unload and went out to try... got this nicole.

But because of all the FRs by bros who have contributed in this place, I prepared myself that the quality will not be the same. Logical $150 vs $(300 + 300 + drinks + room). Dun need to be rocket scientist. The FRs helped a lot. A big thank you to all the contributing bros... even different in views from various FRs on the same girl helps to build a more complete picture!

Actually, this thread should perhaps be re-named as "why you should read and give FRs". ;)

Still i must say when i first met her, i was a bit disappointed. So i agree with the FR that Nicole is MILF (less the ILF part)! And yes, the photos are kinda misleading. She looks like a real vamp in the photos. The face is correct in person, but the photoshopped presentations just dun cut it!

Having said that, i do remember that i had booked her just for a quick release.

15-07-2007, 11:02 AM
ya lo.....just throw $20 and take it a experience fee than $100+, might as well collect money from her.

if that day u really horny, then ops for hj lo.....but usually i feel tat if u urself can settle hj urself, y waste the money.

remember, pride don earn u any money.....just reject to save ur hard earn money on those more pretty one

15-07-2007, 11:06 AM
the fact that u went on to complete the deed deserves commendation........


15-07-2007, 12:22 PM
Bro letitup,

I am glad you take this positively, and good to hear you agreeing that in the event the girl really cannot make it, we can reject... you have my continued support.


15-07-2007, 12:36 PM
She is one of the earlier Ang pais ( there is a thread with many FRs onb nicole)when she just joined my stable. I believed many bro can verified on that.
(service gem...hard to come by)

Search through the forum but cannot find thread on this nicole you mentioned. Can you provide links?

This is really sad and unethnical of you to present such stocks to fellow samsters here........

15-07-2007, 12:41 PM
sorry to hear that, bro.

my humble 6pts for your information.


15-07-2007, 01:23 PM
bro just joined my stable. I believed many bro can verified on that. Most of my gals are short term usually less than 1 mth and they are gone just like YIYI. She was here onli 3 weeks and she had gone home yesterday. I had many times recommend to many bros and I had never mislead any bros about the looks or weight. Just like DiDadi she is big bone and I did warned bro about her big frame even though in actual person you will not feel that she is that big size. I (service gem...hard to come by)

I am really shocked that Nicole has put on weight so fast. I had tried Nicole a few months ago(first blood) and overall impression is good.(FR is written in grp). She is quite a quiet,demure and obedient type of gal. A gal really transform so fast. Confirm that the same Nicole?:confused: What made her change so fast???

Bro letitup,my advice to u is to update the pic if any change. This will at least save a lot of misunderstanding. I am quite confused by the name of your gals,hence,it is better to stick to the old name so tat it is easier for us to know the reputation of the gal. Of course,do agree that you have nice gals before.

My 2 pts will go to bro Coolsaint77 once restore power. Thx for notification.

17-07-2007, 06:31 AM
MY DICK SHRINKED to baby size the moment i saw her... i was yelling inside my heart "OMFG... YOU MEAN I'M GOING TO FUCK THIS PLUMP AUNTY?!" Her stats is probably 34-34-36... yes... there's no mistake about this... and i can safely put her weight at 65kg... and i'm going to pay $170 to fuck her twice ???

Then she started to explain she was late because she had a quarrel with a vendor in little india for not willing to refund her GST on the spot... turn off... turn off... i was contemplating should i just pay her the $170 and go now... but money is hard earned... so i tot... let's do an experiment then... can i fuck a woman like this and cum?

To cut the story short... i showered myself... came out, saw her in bra and panties with 3 inches of fats drooping over her panties... i quickly lied face down and let her massage my back... after that turned over and let her suck me and screwed me... as i put my arms around her waste it was like holding a barrel, after a while i turned her over and pumped her missionary... the saving grace is the mirror beside, seeing my own butt pumping away and getting arouse at myself... i avoid looking at her face... she avoided kissing... i had no mood to kiss anyway... after a while i did manage to unload... phew... experiment proved that with enough tongkat ali one can fuck anyone and anything...

Another saving grace was... due to miscommunication she thought the session should be 1 hour (lower price) instead of 1.5 hour... i happily agreed... okt at first disagreed but it turned out it was his own blunder not informing the gal correctly... so i paid $150... and couldn't wait another second to get away...

I am writing this because i don't want to suffer in silence... the image of the plump lady with a spare tyre haunts me... though it was my own choice (based on studio pics)... i think the okt should have some quality control... to package someone like this at $150 / $170 is too much... the first gal from his stable i tried at the same price was actually good... but this girl i had today cannot worth anything more than $50... i have lost my confidence in this okt totally... and i am still nursing my wound... please send me your condolences

wow, my sympathy. I feel for you man!

17-07-2007, 09:12 AM
Remember - what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. :D

Thanks for the head's up.

Bro Coolsaint77, Ultrashiok is right, if someone kicks your nuts, hack the pain... at least you know your jewels still there :D

17-07-2007, 09:21 AM
Once again... thanks all bros for the encouragement... and many bros who upped my points (which i did not expect!) for sharing... and the positive response by bro letitup and his offer to redress this bad experience of mine... it all proves that when samsters come together and share openly it makes bonking life better for everyone !

17-07-2007, 10:36 AM
bro i sure can understand your feeling as what you sexperience is exactly the same case as me and i had done a FR at the following link.


I guess the okts really need to be tighter on the QC as we being newbies hard to get contacts so please do not exploit us.


17-07-2007, 10:45 AM
Bro....I understood your situation well. I too kena this before but I must

saluted you for completing your mission. Well done! bro, I am sure you

be as careful as I am for now on hahaha. Look back...guess this is part

of growing too.

Have fun...and good day!

17-07-2007, 11:29 AM
Hi bro coolsaint77, feel bad for your very unpleasant experience...I met up with Nicole about 3 months ago and while she wasn't model-like, she was also not really big and heavy....she must have put on quite a bit...

17-07-2007, 12:43 PM
MY DICK SHRINKED to baby size the moment i saw her... i was yelling inside my heart "OMFG... YOU MEAN I'M GOING TO FUCK THIS PLUMP AUNTY?!" Her stats is probably 34-34-36... yes... there's no mistake about this... and i can safely put her weight at 65kg... and i'm going to pay $170 to fuck her twice ???

Bros in this room, let us all bow our heads and observe a minute of silent, for the waste of our bro coolsaint's sperms, and lost of $170 ...:(

Maybe we shd request brother coolsaints to tell us where on earth does he get this baby elephant lobang from? and whoever intro this lobang to him, may i request that he be hang ... :D

17-07-2007, 01:06 PM
My condolences to you...

Usually, in this case, I would just give the girl some transport money and ask her to leave.

Then as for the OKT, if he's the one to recommend, time to blacklist him.

17-07-2007, 01:26 PM
Maybe we shd request brother coolsaints to tell us where on earth does he get this baby elephant lobang from? and whoever intro this lobang to him, may i request that he be hang ... :D

Aiya, bro you no read meh? bro coolsaints did tell us twice that he recommended himself, based on photograph lah, first in his very first post and later in answer to another bro's question...

17-07-2007, 01:43 PM
how come i don see nicole in bro letitup group?
did he remove the pics ..

* * *

anyway i would like to ask some brothers here .. I once msg an okt to try her gals. though I get to see her pics in the yahoo group (studio pics) but i asked him if i can reject if i don like the gal cos is studio pics as i am gg to paid $170 for her. But he said cannot .. so in the end i did not try

though most of the time i am a nice guy .. i just go ahead even i don like the looks.

so any bros got reject gals from yahoo group FL ?

17-07-2007, 01:47 PM
Thanks for the heads up.The OKT concerned should give a proper current stats of his girls.If she is FAT....TELL US.There probably guys out there who are interested in screwing FAT CHICKS.:rolleyes: I think he should at least lower his prices for this particular lady....

17-07-2007, 07:57 PM
stay strong and take a dive into something better, can send me the link of the photo? so that i can learn from you.

17-07-2007, 09:02 PM
stay strong and take a dive into something better, can send me the link of the photo? so that i can learn from you.

18-07-2007, 10:53 AM
MY DICK SHRINKED to baby size the moment i saw her...

I am writing this because i don't want to suffer in silence... the image of the plump lady with a spare tyre haunts me... though it was my own choice (based on studio pics)... i think the okt should have some quality control... to package someone like this at $150 / $170 is too much... the first gal from his stable i tried at the same price was actually good... but this girl i had today cannot worth anything more than $50... i have lost my confidence in this okt totally... and i am still nursing my wound... please send me your condolences
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Bro, my condolences!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
(Sorry, I couldn't help it):D

18-07-2007, 10:58 AM

hahaha... proper condolences finally. :D

18-07-2007, 11:15 AM
You know why many bros love fat gals? fat gals got the tightest pussy.:p

After I've tried all the different types, I may come to you for fat FLs.:p

Dai Loke
18-07-2007, 12:30 PM
To be fair this may really be a 1 off case. I have tried a few of Bro Letitup gals n so far have not been disappointed. But 1 suggestion is can Bro Letitup post more of their life pic instead of the MADEOVER wans. Like that we will have a better idea of who we are booking.