View Full Version : Presenting a 20 yo PRC Xiao Ling

20-07-2007, 05:46 PM
Finished a "business" dinner at 10 pm last nite. Since I had my exit permit, decided to drive around GL.
Saw one young looking girl along upper odd. Asked her to sit inside the car and chit-chat. She said this is her fifth day, spent a few days in KTV. As business was not so good, followed her frens there.
Dont wait liao, asked the price and proceeded to nearby 81.

I would skip the story-telling. Just give the Vital infom.

Xiao Ling : Guan Dong
Age : 20
Ht : 1.58
Wt : 45
Face : 6.5, Fresh innocent look, some pimples bc of local temp.
Figure : 7.5, B cups (estimate), fair skin.
Kissing : 7, light K only.
Fingering : yes, wet.
BBBJ : 7.5, better than expected.
FJ : 7.5, Only try Missionary, wet and tight, soft moan, seems to enjoy.
GFE/attitude : 7
Damage : 60 + 20 tips + rm + CD.
RTF : Why not.

Overall, an enjoyable outing with an inexperienced college age PRC.
Would share the contact with bros with min 25 pts. U can call her after 2 pm, but certain days she went to KTV.
I have left out some details. Would let bros find out if this is a worthwhile sweet young thing and hopefully tell me in yr FR s.

21-07-2007, 12:35 AM
bro.. which KTV she work in? me sucker for looks, any pic or further description. sorry for probing, I know you are just helping.

21-07-2007, 06:40 AM
bro.. which KTV she work in? me sucker for looks, any pic or further description. sorry for probing, I know you are just helping.
Sorry, No pic. She does have this young cantonese GND look. Rating can be higher for other bros. Did ask her which KTV, she didn't want to tell.
At the moment, I am only replying pm from bros with min pts.

21-07-2007, 07:44 AM
bro.. which KTV she work in? me sucker for looks, any pic or further description. sorry for probing, I know you are just helping.

Bro, go try it & we await for your FR too :)

I afraid I won't be able to pen my FR so soon as low on vit M & busy too. Cheers!

23-07-2007, 01:07 PM
just got the contact n she replied. still in bed. arranged to meet 3pm.
lets see how.

23-07-2007, 04:41 PM
Bro, go try it & we await for your FR too :)

I afraid I won't be able to pen my FR so soon as low on vit M & busy too. Cheers!

Hey bro, Vit low liao ???.....tot of intro U syt.... just met 2day...Got the contact but have not arrange for love-nest...

Mr Cactus

23-07-2007, 07:39 PM
like to thank threadstarter for the fast reply. called her at 1300hrs n she said still in bed. so arrange to meet at 1500hrs.
called again at 1430hrs but no reply till 1445hrs saying she just woke up. anyway its ok la. leave the house heading GL. SOP book rm n info abt rm no. n strip n wait.
she arrive within 5min. look wise its ok for me. GND kinda look. i appreciate gals who no need makeup. figure wise is the 1 exactly i like. small built flat tummy n yet B cup. yes its B.
was very chatty since i spk her language. she went was her cb while i continue my hoon kee. then she came out n in no time we were rolling on the bed.
french was impressive. passionate. then she pull my towel n ask me bj or bbbj. i choose the later. good feel n can see she is hard working. then my turn play with her asset. took awhile to bring out her cute nipple n then try to finger but dry dry.
ask her why so dry she give me a cute look n said me not her bf. a bit wet consider good liao atleast no need use ky. ok la accepted that. play a litter more n she cap me. started with her riding me for abt 5min. then change into missionary n side n left right centre la. tried few position n we finally came together. can feel that she also fly.
after that both of us was sweating n we continue to hug in bed n tcss till sweat dry den shower n go.
on the whole is a very happy session. this girl is no rush n polite n cheerful n also have the figure that i like.
definately will rtf de. cheap n good.

23-07-2007, 09:56 PM
Hey bro, Vit low liao ???.....tot of intro U syt.... just met 2day...Got the contact but have not arrange for love-nest...

Mr Cactus

Thanks bro! I saving money now leh... Oct want to go to BKK & GZ too. Nevermind.. u go 1st.. then write FR lor.. hehe...

So you still actively hunting around har? lol..

23-07-2007, 10:01 PM
saving money now leh

Or is it for the RTF league heehee ;)

24-07-2007, 06:18 AM
pls contact threafstarter if u wan her number. :D

24-07-2007, 06:24 AM
pls contact threafstarter if u wan her number. :D
bro, so early do posting :D

24-07-2007, 06:27 AM
bro, so early do posting :D

u also early leh. me abt to go work la.
any good lobang to share laterly? do sms me la.
the abovemention is worth every cent of the $60 :D

24-07-2007, 06:29 AM
u also early leh. me abt to go work la.
any good lobang to share laterly? do sms me la.
the abovemention is worth every cent of the $60 :D
you never track my thread meh? anyway are you coming tomorrow tcss? never see you quite a long time :p

24-07-2007, 06:57 AM
Bro, go try it & we await for your FR too :)

I afraid I won't be able to pen my FR so soon as low on vit M & busy too. Cheers!

Lol.. part of it for XR rtf league too but difficult to chase too. This Xiao Ling here look delicious too.. maybe different kind of ball game :)

yea.. later TCSS at GL, rite? Never go before... who knows I may just pop by then tour of GL.

24-07-2007, 07:39 AM
Thank u bro otur for yr wonderful and fast FR on Xiao Ling. It is always encouraging to have endorsement by independent senior bros.

definately will rtf de. cheap n good.

Yes, she is young, cheap and good.

BTW, I am not her OKT la. Actually, I paid the quoted $70, but I advise her to advertise at 60. ( bao li duo xiao ma). Bros who approve of her service are welcome to give tips, vitamine M permits of course.

24-07-2007, 09:29 PM
you never track my thread meh? anyway are you coming tomorrow tcss? never see you quite a long time :p

tmr me working nite shift leh. too bad la. someday if go tnn/ktv, jio me la.

24-07-2007, 10:45 PM
thanks bro....

Book her at 5pm today...

raining so she was late by 15mins

she bought a umberalla b'cos she dun want to keep me waiting... plus pt...

22yo... nice body... and set of B cups...

speak cantonese... my kind... tot she was malaysian...

It was a 2 shot 2 hr session...

strip her while she was on the fone... fondle her breast and finger her...

SOP shower...

I initial a catbath on her.... Paint her clit... she was enjoying it...

she couldn't tahan... she flip over to BBBJ me... then swing to 69 ....

nice pussy to lick...

cap me and bonk her ... unloaded...

shower then tcss... ask me to send her song to her nice hp by BT...

then i start fingering her... she cap me again...

bonk her... missionary... wheelcart... dogie style...

then i decide to unload on the breast and tummy...

WILL RTF her... syt... young sweet and service excellent...

... she got a habit of answering the hp while we are at it... hope some bro tell her that customer dun really like it... maybe a short ans like "call back at ..." will be better... reallt spoilt the mood...

25-07-2007, 09:09 AM
... syt... young sweet and service excellent...

... she got a habit of answering the hp while we are at it... hope some bro tell her that customer dun really like it... maybe a short ans like "call back at ..." will be better... reallt spoilt the mood...

Thank u bro Amber for yr nice FR. Will up u when I regain power.

Will tell her to stop answering hp during service.

25-07-2007, 06:58 PM
Thanks to bro Elbert, I managed to call her up and arranged a session with her last night.

Arranged to meet her at Hotel 81 in Lor 2X and was waiting patiently for her with much anticipation. When she arrived, I must say, I wasn't disappointed one bit :)

Went into home, as she just came back from shopping, wanted to rest on the bed for a while and asked me to lie by her side and TCSS. Chatted for while before proceeding to shower together.

I will cut short all the details but rate her as follows :-

Xiao Ling

Age : Not very good at judging but definitely young
Look : 6.5 - 7, she did not have make up on so very down to earth look and very pleasant
Body : 7.0, Nice B cup, not slim nor fat
Frenching : allowed, and got good tongue action as well
Fingering : allowed, gets wet easily
BJ : 6.5, not bad but just abit too short
FJ : 7.5, Tried couple of position, quite tight, soft moans, came when she went on top
Service : 7.5, very GFE feeling, no rush, courteous and pleasant
Damage : 60
RTF : Will try to but she going back soon

Overall, I think she is very worth the damage.

25-07-2007, 09:09 PM
HI...any bro. here can pls pm me her contact no? i'm interested to try..:p

25-07-2007, 11:34 PM
Thanks to bro ElbertOverall, I think she is very worth the damage.

yo bro so u still very active ya. guess we both have same liking. remember yang yang? :D

26-07-2007, 02:08 PM
very GFE feeling, no rush, courteous and pleasant.. .... very worth the damage.

Thank u bro justhorny for the satisfied FR and for upping my pts. I have ard shown my appreciation in the usual way.

26-07-2007, 05:10 PM
yo bro so u still very active ya. guess we both have same liking. remember yang yang? :D

:D Hey bro, trying to be not too active lah ... but with all the good lobang, very difficult .. haha ..

Cheers !

26-07-2007, 05:11 PM
Thank u bro justhorny for the satisfied FR and for upping my pts. I have ard shown my appreciation in the usual way.

Hi bro, thanks !! Thanks for the discovering and sharing this gem as well !!

28-07-2007, 06:41 PM
thread starter how many ppl u give lumber ah? how come no fr 1?
i m a bit sick of seeing OKT thread everytime such as ....slot avil fr now til....
or booking open at 10am....
or wat ever la.
bit wasting my time just to see that.
will really like to see more FR.....

28-07-2007, 06:45 PM
Xiao Ling 's stay permit ends on 8 th Aug.
As usual, she will try to extend beyond that.

28-07-2007, 09:45 PM
wat i understand is she not very willing to stay. she was controlled by a PRC female OKT. anyway all that i said pls just keep it within here....

28-07-2007, 11:42 PM
Ya.. that's what she told me too. Don't think she is keen to come back.

Those bros who wants to try her better be quick. Get the contact from the threadstarter

28-07-2007, 11:49 PM
Ya.. that's what she told me too. Don't think she is keen to come back.

Those bros who wants to try her better be quick. Get the contact from the threadstarter

she definately will come back. but on her own.
u have anything to share now?
boring n feel like going out...

30-07-2007, 01:17 AM
Thanks to bro Elbert for contact last night

Quick quick call this afternoon and make arrangement to pick her up at 4:30 from L19

A bit of confusion and did not managed to pick her till abt 5 pm as she said will meet at car park L21, never said front or back one. Wah see this young girl, so raw but ok, totally no make up and not even dressed up, she just wore shorts and a tee and shoes like heel sandal.

Drove her to 4 chain during the slight drizzle. In room she said she dont have good sleep and wanted to sleep a while. After about half hr wake her up to shower together.

Xiao Ling

Age : think not more than 22
Look : 6.5 - 7, even without the make up
Body : 7.0, not tall but proportionate
Frenching : allowed,but short
Fingering : allowed, not wet I think she tired
BJ : 6.5
FJ : quite SOP
Service : 7 no rush, courteous and pleasant
Damage : ask her how much she just said up to you? paid her $80
RTF : Will try to again as did not get a good bonk, I think she can do better than today

She said her mafu monitoring her quite tightly. and taking about $15 for every hr of her time out She will be leave abt 12th next mth

30-07-2007, 09:08 AM
She said her mafu monitoring her quite tightly. and taking about $15 for every hr of her time out She will be leave abt 12th next mth

Thk u for your FR. ARD return favour. Sorry u caught her at the wrong time.

When I first presented her to SBF, I did not know she has a mafu. I was just trying to help her. Later I realise that she actually stays with the female mafu, who takes her cut per hour (I didn't know it is $15). So in a way, I am helping the mafu. sian.

Will confirm with XL when she finalise her date of departure or otherwise.

31-07-2007, 02:23 AM
I was talking to a sexy voice lady, still in her dreamland around 12.30pm – managed to setup an appointment, of course bonking appt.in half an hour time, what a Sunday.

Check into L15 H81. Here comes the youthful & innocent looking Xiao Ling, just like a girl next door who has 50% resemblance of TCS Xu Qi, but not so chio. She rather relax & easy and able to hold a communication well. Then suddenly she asked who referred, just smile and replied Elbert lor… she probed further, is it Ah Chen…wow strangely kanan interrogated?? (Not really, she always ask with a sweet little girly smile) Laid on the bed and continue TCSS for some good moment before we proceed to shower together.
Back to bed, soon action start and she give a catbath which is quite standard, moving downwards reaching out for little brother, and started to give a good BJ, can feel her tongue curled along the shaft as she swallow the rod, and alternate with licking small head and the sensitive vein, not a bad BJ with good suction, not too hardcore and quite sensational…
Not long after, we change our role of duty and I started to French her, which she did not avoid, but would think she don’t really into it as her tongue is not too active. Anyway break the spell and move to her neck (maybe her ultra sensitive area), and she turn her body in huge reaction (too itchy), move to her 2 beautiful asset (very nice pair for sure with a nice nip, standing out proudly on her smooth relative fair body), sucking and licking while she’s in her dreamland again, while I invaded further south to the cave area, paint and finger, she’s had her eye closed and was coordinating with my finger by moving her hip in contrast to the movement of my finger…she was asking me to penetrate her (but find her still quite dry and decided to give her more treatment), very soft moan continues. She again asked me to f her as she can’t it any further. Nope, I did not concede and move my bro. to her and she obligingly took it and gave another good Bj. Soon after, capped and explored her love-hole with mixture of slow and fast pump, change to doggie and finish off after a while…
TCSS further, shower again and off we go in different direction.

Xiao Ling
Age : 24
Look : 5.5 and hit 6.5 all natural-Looks grows as we chat
Body : 7.0, proportional, rather fair with smooth skin. Shoulder length hair
Frenching : Yes, but she don’t seems to participate well
Fingering : Yes, but think she dehydrated, not much juice
BJ : 7.5 like her Bj
FJ : above average, quite tight
Overall : 8 no rush and willing to serve
Damage : ($60) + $20 tips..
RTF : If she calls,

Told me she’s leaving on the 12th August, and will return with one of her friends.
By then will be free-lance…. Anyway don’t be deceived by her innocent look, she has step into the society since age of 14 lol… Afterall, she’s a courteous and honest lady…so no worries…

Another long FR again, paisay…

Lastly thanks Bro Elbert for XL contact..


31-07-2007, 04:30 AM
like to thank threadstarter for the fast reply. called her at 1300hrs n she said still in bed. so arrange to meet at 1500hrs.
called again at 1430hrs but no reply till 1445hrs saying she just woke up. anyway its ok la. leave the house heading GL. SOP book rm n info abt rm no. n strip n wait.
she arrive within 5min. look wise its ok for me. GND kinda look. i appreciate gals who no need makeup. figure wise is the 1 exactly i like. small built flat tummy n yet B cup. yes its B.
was very chatty since i spk her language. she went was her cb while i continue my hoon kee. then she came out n in no time we were rolling on the bed.
french was impressive. passionate. then she pull my towel n ask me bj or bbbj. i choose the later. good feel n can see she is hard working. then my turn play with her asset. took awhile to bring out her cute nipple n then try to finger but dry dry.
ask her why so dry she give me a cute look n said me not her bf. a bit wet consider good liao atleast no need use ky. ok la accepted that. play a litter more n she cap me. started with her riding me for abt 5min. then change into missionary n side n left right centre la. tried few position n we finally came together. can feel that she also fly.
after that both of us was sweating n we continue to hug in bed n tcss till sweat dry den shower n go.
on the whole is a very happy session. this girl is no rush n polite n cheerful n also have the figure that i like.
definately will rtf de. cheap n good.

enjoying ha... must intro lah.. good stuff... but remember not to repeat the previous mistake... :(

31-07-2007, 05:40 PM
Told me she’s leaving on the 12th August, and will return with one of her friends.

Thank u bro Champs for yr detailed FR on Xiao Ling. Will up u one humble pt when I regain power. Cheers SBF.

05-08-2007, 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Champs
Told me she’s leaving on the 12th August, and will return with one of her friends.

Xiao Ling got her stay extended. She will be here for one more month. Hope she does not change her plan.

I have given her ct to many bros, Still waiting for more FR s.

09-08-2007, 02:20 AM
Bro Elbert,

How about me, i need her contract too. heehee :D


09-08-2007, 08:53 AM
bro lovehole,
Check yr pm. Post another wonderful FR later if possible.

09-08-2007, 09:56 AM
bro lovehole,
Check yr pm. Post another wonderful FR later if possible.

Bro, me too, pls PM me, tks alot

10-08-2007, 09:39 AM
to all bros,
pls pm TS for number, not me. many thanks :D

10-08-2007, 10:59 AM
I am now sharing contact with bros with at least one previous FR. If I missed anyone by chance, u can pm me again, quoting one of yr FR s.

10-08-2007, 12:22 PM
sorry again for the late fr

book her on the 8th this month...

2hrs slot...very enjoyable...

paint her for 20 mins... she was moaning very loudly...

in btw FJ... took a nap with her...

gotten a bit plump lately...

really want to cim her... but she dun really like it

she is gg back in sept... bros better hurry...

10-08-2007, 07:55 PM
Just had her this afternoon. Overall ok session but she's not my cup of tea....young, talkative and very polite. nice gal but no chem

Looks: 6/10
Body:6/10 bah bah type
Boobs: B
FJ: 6/10 she only wanted 1 position
BBBJ: 7/10 good effort, lots of tongue action but no power
GFE: no chem
Frenching: not really
Painting: yes...she took everything I gave her....lots of moaning

RTF: dun think so...

11-08-2007, 09:16 AM
2hrs slot...very enjoyable...
paint her for 20 mins... she was moaning very loudly...
n btw FJ... took a nap with her...

Overall ok session but she's not my cup of tea....young, talkative and very polite. nice gal but no chem.

Thank u bros Amber and spyder575 for yr honest and different perspective on Xiao Ling. Cheers.

16-08-2007, 12:44 AM
Thanks Bro Elbert for her contact. Below is my FR

Few hrs ago sms to her. She replied in mandarin, and we made an appt at L16 H81. She told me she dint make up cos she is not ready to work yet. Chk in hotel and sms to her. 10 mins later door bell rang. A yong lady with casual jean and a pair of sport shoes stood in front of me. Woah! She is really yong and sweet. Kept asking how i got her contact, of course, I wont betray bro Elbert. Went to shower, nothing special. Dried up and TCSS on bed, follow by action.

Look: 7/10 (without make up, she is a GFE)
Age: 20
Body: slim (slight tummy juz after dinner)
HT/Wt : below 160/45kg
Boobs: 33 C, pink nipples
Frenching: light
FJ: very wet after inserted, responsive as nipples changed color !
BJ: 6/10 (she requested with cap, i m ok)
Damage: 60 + 20 tip + rm + CD own
RTF: YES! considering her age and low damage, worth the value.

Contact Nos pls ask from thread starter..as a respect

16-08-2007, 08:19 AM
Look: 7/10 (without make up, she is a GFE)
FJ: very wet after inserted, responsive as nipples changed color !
RTF: YES! considering her age and low damage, worth the value.

Well done bro uktips for your FR. Keep it up (pun intended).

28-08-2007, 08:36 AM
Xiao Ling is leaving ard the 10 th next month. Bros take note.

05-09-2007, 10:07 PM
Xiao Ling is leaving ard the 10 th next month. Bros take note.

So, for interested bros, a few more days left. Cheers.

05-09-2007, 10:33 PM
Sorry double post.

09-09-2007, 08:43 AM
Xiao Ling is leaving tomorrow evening.

12-09-2007, 12:28 AM
think no chance to try her liao. But her atitude not that good leh.
exchange a new sms then ask where am I. then no reply after that. Call her back after a while. Then tell me she dun feel like coming out. Waste my time