View Full Version : Wee hours adventure
20-07-2007, 07:02 PM
Had a long day of meetings till late or rather till the wee hours of the morning. Didn’t wanna disturb the FLs that I had on hand cuz it was real early i.e. 2am. Hence, decided to cruise the not so crowded streets to see what actions are in stall.
Chanced upon Ah Juan (did extensive search but all the Ah Juan’s are from difference origin or description) which coyly replied $50 and all service, seeing her hao shuang nature in she comes to my wheels and we proceeded to a nearby happy location. Along the way, had a nice time ice breaking and found her easy going and cheerful.
Not much action in the shower. Proceeded to bed, had somemore small talk before she started her catbath. Noticed that she had some slight armpit hair which was fine. After some moments of slurping at me nipz she proceeded down to my lil bro, did a quick wipe with tissue from the saliva that am was salivating there n after some teasing, in a quick gulp she took it in, slowly n surely she nurtured the lil snake to an anaconda that’s waiting to penetrate his prey.
After armour up, AJ says she wanna be on top, so I let her lor, and after she had settled down comfortably on the anaconda, I began to felt as if the anaconda has been lightly bitten by the hole that it had infiltrated, atlas it was gentle massages by the pearly hole. After getting a bit too comfy, I was ruse to work. Nothing special, just good old in n out action which resulted in her moaning away. Before long the anaconda spouted “bai mo” to morph back in to the little chicky non threatening.
Name – Ah Juan
Origin – Jilin
Age – late 20s
Look – 6.5 ( with str8 hair and slight tan)
Body – 7.5 (fairly nice body with right amount of meat and a decent looking ass for a PRC which is rare)
Boobs – Big A (nice perky boobs with no sign of drooping and a slightly darker nipz) in all char siew pow
BBBJ – 7 (nothing quite compares to BX’s BJ)
FJ – 7.5 full of moans (allows position change)
Oyster – nice pink looking oyster but does not quite likes being painted cuz she says its very itchy
Attitude – 9 (quite a jovial, nice and easy going down to earth gal ala gal next door)
Kiss – avoided me kissing which was fine by me, guess she din wanna taste herself after I had did some slurps on her
Damage – 50 ex room & tips (definitely a bargain)
Period left – bout 3weeks (possible more if extension)
Requisites for bro asking for contact :-
- Applicable to Bros 010107 and earlier
- MIN 1 point
- MIN 30 reps
- MIN 3 FRs
Whichever I feel in my discretion.
Conclusion to this event was rather interesting and humourous, AJ needed to meet up with her friend to assist in looking for an overnight place, cuz her friend – Lily has just left her place of residence due to some unruly roommates. So I decided to assist, though late but does not require a lot of effort at most half an hour. Besides I could also check out Lily and off we go. There standing a sweet and cute gal with her hair in 2 side bian zhi, with a heavy hoversack and hand totting a huge pink plastic bag of snacks.
Through my conversation, I came to understand these 2 gals are rather easy going and down to earth, especially Lily which she exudes the “傻大妹” feeling. One would feel very relax with the 2 of them around. It’s a feeling rather hard to describe but you’ll enjoy it once you’re experiencing it, had a good laugh whilst sending Lily to her overnight lodging. Being the specky me, she called me “眼镜哥哥”, which is a first. Did not upz her cuz spent for the day and its already 3+ in the morning. Hence took down her contact for future upz.
Name – Lily
Origin – PRC
Age – mid 20s
Looks – 7 (fair)
Body – 7.5 (only see exterior and her mid-drift peeking from her spag top but can tell has little or no fats)
Boobs – big A to small B
Service level don’t know but relative same as AJ as understand that they’ve done tarma before and “配合” well.
Attitude – 9 (jovial, easy going, sweet and 天真无邪 )
Damage – 60 or 50
Period left – not known but still some time more
Upz – sure the next few days when I find time
Recycled FL
20-07-2007, 07:52 PM
Requisites for bro asking for contact :-
- Applicable to Bros 010107 and earlier
- MIN 1 point
- MIN 30 reps
- MIN 3 FRs
What is the purpose of stating this requirement?
This is the benchmark why newbies never have a chance
21-07-2007, 01:34 AM
Nice hunting Bro, sometimes wee hours there maybe some hidden treasures:D
21-07-2007, 03:39 PM
Nice hunting Bro, sometimes wee hours there maybe some hidden treasures:D
he he he
There're indeed some nice hidden treasures in the wee hours, but you've got to be having insomia to do it. I guess in this case, the long and late meeting did bear something out of it :D Cuz I dun usually hunt that late, most cases am home at that hour chilling out oredi.
I suppose the lighter traffic at that hour makes it attractive enough for me to head on down to scout for action. And "huang tian bu fu ku xin ren" to allow me to chance upon this light hearted encounter.
21-07-2007, 03:55 PM
What is the purpose of stating this requirement?
This is the benchmark why newbies never have a chance
Than what PURPOSE is your statement here ? All I see in your posts are rants and complains about OKT this and that, NO FRs thus far !
Why should you or they than be SPOONFED and benefit from the fruits of others. Instead proof your worth by making an effort to something about it i.e. go try out an existing cat 40 or okts ones and write and FL or better yet try out the PRCs and discover a gem.
The very fact that bulk of newbies bemoan and complain, but does nothing about it. Not forgetting the fact, that they've not shown track record of a cheongster, its the same in business. It would be stupidity and suicide if a business is given to a new organisation with no due dilligence.
A model example for newbies will be Killess, who ventured and tried and FR and is now sharing a contact.
22-07-2007, 01:59 AM
can PM me the contact of Lily?? ;)
22-07-2007, 02:20 AM
Than what PURPOSE is your statement here ? All I see in your posts are rants and complains about OKT this and that, NO FRs thus far !
A model example for newbies will be Killess, who ventured and tried and FR and is now sharing a contact.
Cool down, bro... just ignore them. Just share with contributors will do. Cheers!
btw, what is the ht/wt for both? Estimate can liao..
22-07-2007, 02:30 AM
did not know such hour still have activities.. I always loiter around my downstair, etc when I cannot sleep.. hoping to find somethings.. heee.. so far nothing.. :< must it always be at GL..? any other places..? care to share..?
22-07-2007, 10:54 AM
[QUOTE=woofer;2157852]Than what PURPOSE is your statement here ? All I see in your posts are rants and complains about OKT this and that, NO FRs thus far !
A model example for newbies will be Killess, who ventured and tried and FR and is now sharing a contact.[/QUOTE
Hi Bro woofer,
As a newbie, I also tried to find good lobang to share with fellow bros. I already tried 2 different PRC FLs from Geylang street walkers who definitely looked SYT, reasonably priced but then the service sucks!
Still trying though.
22-07-2007, 04:01 PM
[QUOTE=woofer;2157852]Than what PURPOSE is your statement here ? All I see in your posts are rants and complains about OKT this and that, NO FRs thus far !
A model example for newbies will be Killess, who ventured and tried and FR and is now sharing a contact.[/QUOTE
Hi Bro woofer,
As a newbie, I also tried to find good lobang to share with fellow bros. I already tried 2 different PRC FLs from Geylang street walkers who definitely looked SYT, reasonably priced but then the service sucks!
Still trying though.
Aiyah how could I miss out another outstanding newbie – You. Well, from what most bros have observed, you've done good as a newbie.
It’s a hit and miss situation, I don't always have good finds, I do have average finds too, however I do not see them fit to be shared. I suppose luck has been on my side to begin with to find some nice ones along the way. Trick is not to go for SYTs and where you find them also makes a difference cuz if they're in the smaller lors or with mafus, generally their service level are mediocre to suck. I will take a cruise there to have to have eye candy and check out the stuff once in a while and or I wanna up some nice figure babe. Else I seldom cruise there.
22-07-2007, 04:10 PM
Cool down, bro... just ignore them. Just share with contributors will do. Cheers!
btw, what is the ht/wt for both? Estimate can liao..
Oh yeah forgot. Below are my guesstimates :-
Ah Juan - bout 1.65m 45kg or so
Lily - bout 1.6m or slightly lesser wt - 45 and lesser
22-07-2007, 04:23 PM
Aiyah how could I miss out another outstanding newbie – You. Well, from what most bros have observed, you've done good as a newbie.
It’s a hit and miss situation, I don't always have good finds, I do have average finds too, however I do not see them fit to be shared. I suppose luck has been on my side to begin with to find some nice ones along the way. Trick is not to go for SYTs and where you find them also makes a difference cuz if they're in the smaller lors or with mafus, generally their service level are mediocre to suck. I will take a cruise there to have to have eye candy and check out the stuff once in a while and or I wanna up some nice figure babe. Else I seldom cruise there.
Hi Bro woofer,
Thanks for the contacts. Will definitely post FR once I've tried them.:D
24-07-2007, 12:49 PM
Well, not too sure if Lili should deserve a seperate thread on her own, but since I've counted her in here I suppose we'll leave it at this thread.
Anyway here're her pics
Skill set wise :-
Age - 23 looks abit more chao lao cuz of "au yue" and she's got school in the day
bbbj - 8
FJ - 9
Attitude - 10 ( easy going and hardworking )
24-07-2007, 06:41 PM
nice pics bro.. wats the damage for lily ? :D
24-07-2007, 07:04 PM
Well done Bro Woofer,
wah u lucky fella,
me not only comb in my cruiser
but knnn managed to see only bangla cleaners
anyway thanks for sharing the new-found ladies
they look nice, their taut bodies
so wat abiout Ah Juan, since you show us lily?
Cheers, DirtyHairy, aka laobaby
24-07-2007, 10:31 PM
Well done Bro Woofer,
wah u lucky fella,
me not only comb in my cruiser
but knnn managed to see only bangla cleaners
anyway thanks for sharing the new-found ladies
they look nice, their taut bodies
so wat abiout Ah Juan, since you show us lily?
Cheers, DirtyHairy, aka laobaby
Well DH, Ah Juan, I no chance to snap her. Body slightly off from Lili, slid tan, and smaller boobies. Looks wise lose out to Lili lah, but both can match in attitude. Wildness, Lili comes out tops lah. :D
24-07-2007, 11:12 PM
Well done Bro Woofer,
wah u lucky fella,
me not only comb in my cruiser
but knnn managed to see only bangla cleaners
anyway thanks for sharing the new-found ladies
they look nice, their taut bodies
so wat abiout Ah Juan, since you show us lily?
Cheers, DirtyHairy, aka laobaby
Wei... Bro DH, where the hell you go.So long MIA...Me waiting for ur new update on ur sex adventure leh till my neck long long... So next time, you need to treat me a beautiful and sexy babe to message my neck as a compensation:D ...Kekeke...
24-07-2007, 11:20 PM
Well, not too sure if Lili should deserve a seperate thread on her own, but since I've counted her in here I suppose we'll leave it at this thread.
Skill set wise :-
Age - 23 looks abit more chao lao cuz of "au yue" and she's got school in the day
bbbj - 8
FJ - 9
Attitude - 10 ( easy going and hardworking )
Wah.. really tempting pic! Thanks bro woofer!
Reminder: Can our sbf bros not said anything abt the pic or anything, else later the FL kao peh or wat and we lost it all over again, just like other threads.
24-07-2007, 11:25 PM
Lily pic's look HOT. :D
Locking on this thread for some HOT FR from Bro woofer or the rest. Cool! :cool:
25-07-2007, 12:44 AM
Wei... Bro DH, where the hell you go.So long MIA...Me waiting for ur new update on ur sex adventure leh till my neck long long... So next time, you need to treat me a beautiful and sexy babe to message my neck as a compensation:D ...Kekeke...
Yo Bro Lightning,
thanks for remembering,
me was out-of-action
to give me bonk-buddy Hui2 affection
after learning that she's in ovulation
to help extend DHairy's next generation
but alas her month-long no red period was false alarm
bcos her red aunty has now started to come
so me guess DirtyHairy has to remain horny
otherwise how to have a baby
and help singapore beat the Kiwis
who have sheep 4 million
same as our population,
i.e counting 1 million of foreign talent :eek:
25-07-2007, 12:46 AM
Wah.. really tempting pic! Thanks bro woofer!
Reminder: Can our sbf bros not said anything abt the pic or anything, else later the FL kao peh or wat and we lost it all over again, just like other threads.
Well I suppose if those brainless ones wanna score points by telling the gals bout the forum and pics and than ending up pii cha lobang. That's why I usually adhere to a strict process in giving out findings. And should it still fails and lobang gets pii cha, I guess I shall refrain from sharing the gems in future. And looks it does not pays to be nice ... sigh ...
25-07-2007, 12:54 AM
And should it still fails and lobang gets pii cha, I guess I shall refrain from sharing the gems in future. And looks it does not pays to be nice ... sigh ...
Don't be disappointed! I am sure there are many bros around appreciate your unselfishness of sharing. Likewise, I got similar things too. There was even one who wrote fake FR of one of the few I shared. It did seem weird to me that I was with the FL that night for kopi & someone claimed to up her & wrote fake FR. I cross-checked what she worn & he could said it because he asked her what she was wearing over the phone. Anyway I found out the truth because he said something wrong.
25-07-2007, 07:51 AM
they look nice, their taut bodies
so wat abiout Ah Juan, since you show us lily?
Cheers, DirtyHairy, aka laobaby
Abang DH aka friendly lao baby aka (new nick) lao teeko,
Everything also want to see :rolleyes: My body also not bad A+cupper with protuding small nipples(light brown) so lao teeko u wanna see bo? :D
Ah Loon
25-07-2007, 03:30 PM
Hi Bro Woofer,
Really tempting pic..will be great to have Lily's contact, can I. Thank you in advance.
25-07-2007, 04:18 PM
Abang DH aka friendly lao baby aka (new nick) lao teeko, Everything also want to see . My body also not bad A+cupper with protuding small nipples(light brown) so lao teeko u wanna see bo?
Yo Bro Bawang Garlic,
Me veli horny but bluddy hell not sick
so not interested in your shrivered up, dried ugly tits:eek:
DirtyHairy likes laobaby and thinks it's a good fit
but laoteeko, which may oso fit, belongs to another senior bro's nick
so Bro Chao Bawang, u vely free is it?
then u shld give us more FRs or lobangs instead of being a nit! :p
25-07-2007, 07:56 PM
Yo Bro Bawang Garlic,
Me veli horny but bluddy hell not sick
so not interested in your shrivered up, dried ugly tits:eek:
DirtyHairy likes laobaby and thinks it's a good fit
but laoteeko, which may oso fit, belongs to another senior bro's nick
Muahahahaha :D LOL; I like the comment on shrivered up, dried ugly tits.
To Bro woofer:
Anyway I found my student during wee hour like you. ANyway that is history now.
25-07-2007, 08:04 PM
Lily Pics really looks very tempting
Bro u got pm!! :D
25-07-2007, 10:50 PM
Your pictures came to life for me a few hours ago Bro Woofer. Lily appeared at my hotel room with exactly the same ensemble as in the pictures you took. So there was no mistaking that it was her. Haha.
Lily is a bubbly personality. She's like a tweety bird, with a voice to match. Not a stunning beauty but she reminds me of a chatty schoolgirl. Cute, vivacious and bouncing with energy. And like a schoolgirl, Lily is kinda ditzy too! I mean this in the best way of course. It's a good kind of ditzy. The fun and entertaining sort of way.
She kept cracking me up, saying she often loses her way when she meets someone (I had to tell her over the phone at least 3 times which hotel I was in, then another 2 times of the room number, haha). She would pout one moment, whining about how the Singapore sun is creating freckles on her face, then the next moment she would happily complain that her fair skin is getting dark, showing me her tan lines. Just like a teenage girl.
However cute and clueless she seems to be, Lily definitely has some clue about how to give a blow job! I love the way she blows. She starts slow and builds it up. Moist up and down movements on almost the full length of my cock, while her hands are always busy either touching my balls or my nipples, and sometimes both at once.
She nearly made me come, but I wanted to experience fucking her too. No slouch here too. Likes to put a pillow under her butt in missionary, she would loudly moan with every long thrust. Doggy ain't bad too. She may be on the skinny side, but she has some flesh behind. Sexy to look at. Back to missionay and in half an hour, I'm completely spent.
Face: 6 (country type of looks I think, but her schoolgirl disposition is definitely infectious)
Body: 7 (skinny but some meat at the right places. good, smooth, virtually unblemished skin)
Boob: 6 (soft, small B cups with dark protruding nipples)
BBBJ: 8 (I like her method. Some bros might like her to have more suction, but I prefer the way she does it. Best thing is her hands are also busy at my nipples and balls)
FJ: 7 (she's tight! Real moans and loud! Very obliging, tell her what you want - she might just give it to you :) Gets wet intermittently. Not a constant super soaker for sure)
GFE: 7.5 (cute and bubbly, very easy to get along with)
RTF: DEFINITELY! For 50 bucks, damn good deal! I might just go for a blow next time!
Treat her nice guys. She's quite a gem.
PS Thanks bro woofer. Great find
26-07-2007, 12:59 PM
Lily is a bubbly personality. She's like a tweety bird, with a voice to match. Not a stunning beauty but she reminds me of a chatty schoolgirl. Cute, vivacious and bouncing with energy. And like a schoolgirl, Lily is kinda ditzy too! I mean this in the best way of course. It's a good kind of ditzy. The fun and entertaining sort of way.
However cute and clueless she seems to be, Lily definitely has some clue about how to give a blow job! I love the way she blows. She starts slow and builds it up. Moist up and down movements on almost the full length of my cock, while her hands are always busy either touching my balls or my nipples, and sometimes both at once.
Treat her nice guys. She's quite a gem.
Thanks for the FR Satyr. You couldn't have described her personality better. Glad that you enjoyed her.
29-07-2007, 11:53 PM
Many thks to bro woofer for the ctc.
Looks: 6 but grows on you
Body: 7
Boobs: nice soft B cups
BBBJ: 9. Great suction! Can fight with GL$150 standard
FJ: 7
GFE: 8
RTF: For 50 bucks, good deal. On!
30-07-2007, 05:56 PM
1st of all, tks bro woofer for lily contact. She commented that all the bros u referred are good and like to thank you for the referral.
Actually looking for yuxin from bro lightning but she is oredi been booked overnite. So looking thru my contact to look for a potential target. Saw satyr365 field report on her and felt that she may be a good find. So i sms her at 3am in the morning. Reply was instant but too bad she is working, had to wait a while. Her voice sound pleasant and i decided to on her and ask her to call me after her session.
Went to GL for supper and she called me around 4am. Immediately, drive to the place but as wat satyr365 had said, she waited for me at the wrong place. I had to go and find her. Lucky she is onli at the next lorong. When she saw me, immediately she hold my hand like a gf who has not seen her bf for a long time and i like the feeling.
I drove to somewhere out of GL and book a room. Along the way, she is really chatty and speaks with a soothing accent. Indeed, she remind me of those secondary sch female classmates.
Doing her is like doing fulfilling the fantasy of doing ur classmates. However, her bbbj skill is not lacking and she nearly make me cum. I told her i about to shoot and she said can shoot into her mouth. Quite tempted to do so but knowing that i am a one shot man, decided to reject the idea. Her energy level is still quite high even though she oredi had few customers previously. She will lift up her cunt to invite ur didi to pentrate deeper and her movement can synchorise with me quite perfectly. Knowing that i can't tahan this movement for long, i decided to finish off in doggie. Due to her good height (1.65m) and protruded ass, doggie is a a good position to see her wonderful figure from behind. Her ass is able to take my fast and furious hump without me experience any pain due to the cushion effort of her slight fleshy butt.
I had the honour to had the 1st overnite session with her cos she trusted Bro woofer (Yan Jin xian shen) and maybe i also wear "yan jin". It is quite a pleasurable experience to sleep with her. She curl her body around me and i felt good to hug her to sleep.
Name : Lily
Year of birth : 1984
Province : hubei (Drop out univeristy student in china)
Character : chatty, typical school girl character, can speaks simple english)
Face: 6 (exotic type of look)
Body: 8 (skinny but with good height, butt are good for doggie position )
Boob: 6 (32b, dark protruding nipples)
BBBJ: 8 (good, nearly make me cum, tink can cim)
FJ: 7 (tight!tight!tight! horny!horny!horny!Wat can u expect from a young gal like her who sex drive is at the top.Cunt quite wet to me, Like me to eat her cunt)
GFE: 9 (cute and bubbly, very easy to get along with)
Damages : $200(overnite) + $50 tips + $79 hotel + $2 condom.
Kindly get the contact from bro woofer if u are keen to try this gem. Treat her well too. She may be busy this few days cos she is still hunting for a place to stay. Maybe some bro got lobang around gl or joo chiat area can help.
30-07-2007, 10:29 PM
Yep, she is extremely fun to be with! Tonight was my 3rd visit with her, but I only bonked her once! Why, you may ask... cos Lily is like a young enthusiastic girl who's so willing to please you. And I want to tell her all the ways I liked being pleased. She's knows her stuff, but she takes absolutely no offence when you tell her otherwise.
The second time with her, I informed her that I wanted to full measure of her blow. She started real good then went really fast. I half came in ther mouth and she jerked the rest of me out. She asked me whether I liked what she did. I told her I liked most of it, however, I didn't quite liked it when she went locomotive on my little bro. She smiled and said most bros like it that way, but if I didn't she'll do me better next time. The way I preferred it.
Where in the world can you find a babe like this? And she wasn't just bs-ing either. She was good at her word.
Tonight, she laid me down, and did as I instructed. I pointed to the various parts around my nether regions that I gives me great pleasure. She sensuously did as I requested. Her hands again busy with my swollen balls, my sensitive nipples. I told her to alternate between sucking and gently stroking. My dick was in full hardened glory, bulging with angry veins and glistening from her saliva. 20 minutes of sensuous licking, teasing and rhytmic bobbing (no more fast gobbling) and I erupted with a mighty force. Again half in her mouth and the rest in the hands and on myself. She looked at my thick goo with child-like wonder and gasped as more goo oozed out.
In the bathroom, she helped me clean up. But it was more an erotic soapy session. Lathering some soap, she slid her hands along my shaft, then she licked my nipples! I soon had a boner again! I stopped her cos I knew we couldn't go for seconds cos she needed to look at a new place to stay. She laughed. I suggested we do it in the bathroom next time we meet. With great excitement she agreed and simulated what she'll do to me then - with soap she'll tit fuck me (she grabbed her tits together and move her body up and down), then she wants me to doggy her standing (she turned, placed both hands on the sink, pushed out her butt at me and wiggled it). I can't wait!!!
Treat her good and her willingness to please and do what you like is quite extraordinary (of course no anal, and definitely no raw). But otherwise, she's like my adorable little sex pet. And I'm going to take her for a walk again real soon.:D
30-07-2007, 10:53 PM
Wah... :eek: cannot "tahan" alr.... can bro. pls pm me the contact of LILY?? pls... thanks first...:p
31-07-2007, 01:12 AM
Wah... :eek: cannot "tahan" alr.... can bro. pls pm me the contact of LILY?? pls... thanks first...
Bro, every one of your pass posts have been "pls pm me the contact...". I don't think anyone will "pass you the contact".
If you want people to help "pass you the contact", help yourself first. Productively and constructively contribute to this forum. When you gain credibility, then perhaps people will positively respond to "pls pass me the contact".
31-07-2007, 03:56 PM
Treat her good and her willingness to please and do what you like is quite extraordinary (of course no anal, and definitely no raw). But otherwise, she's like my adorable little sex pet. And I'm going to take her for a walk again real soon.:D
Wah quietly onz her for 3Xs ah. Your Frs makes me salivating again .... :eek:
She is indeed a rare gem.
31-07-2007, 05:52 PM
do i qualify to get this gems contact? :D thanks in advance!
31-07-2007, 07:09 PM
Wah quietly onz her for 3Xs ah. Your Frs makes me salivating again .... :eek:
She is indeed a rare gem.
Shoot! Now that you've mentioned it... I've RTF her 3 times within 6 days!! My word, that's a lot! Hahaha. One reason must be because she's within good budget. I could easily bonk her everday without feeling any pocket strain. Plus the fact that she is actually good in bed and a fun girl to be with! We are not into deep conversations, no post-coital cuddling, no long lasting kisses. Sometimes, I really don't want all that. With chirpy Lily, we meet, we laugh, we have terrifc incredible sex, we kiss each other goodbye, we leave. Sometimes, that's just perfect.
01-08-2007, 05:43 PM
Shoot! Now that you've mentioned it... I've RTF her 3 times within 6 days!! My word, that's a lot! Hahaha. One reason must be because she's within good budget. I could easily bonk her everday without feeling any pocket strain. Plus the fact that she is actually good in bed and a fun girl to be with! We are not into deep conversations, no post-coital cuddling, no long lasting kisses. Sometimes, I really don't want all that. With chirpy Lily, we meet, we laugh, we have terrifc incredible sex, we kiss each other goodbye, we leave. Sometimes, that's just perfect.
Doh :D
I guess that's her demeanor that is more than meets the eyes. And her "tian zhen wu xie" and happy go lucky spirit can definitely brighten up anyone's day.
01-08-2007, 10:20 PM
Wah quietly onz her for 3Xs ah. Your Frs makes me salivating again ....
Made you salivate? Now I'm gonna make you drool buckets bro! :)
And sorry, this will be a long FR. Cos there's so much to tell... :eek:
I worked till 4am and continued at 10am today. Had a few drink too last night. So you can imagine how tired and zonked I felt after knocking off from work. The only remedy for my sufferings was to have a simple, fuss-free, happy time.
What's on the menu?
Couldn't see XR. She's like a buffet. Loads of delicious options to indulge in, but you'll be left feeling extremely full, and totally exhausted. Thought of PP, again she's akin to a candle-light dinner, long drawn and romantic. I just wanted a snack. Simple, delicious and satisfying. So I called Lily.
1 Plus 1 Equals 3
Like always, she bounded into my room with a refreshing air of carefree joy. She talked about her new clothes and whether her new hair style was sexy... simple, cute. Just what I needed. But that was about to change. She asked me whether I would like to meet her "student". I was a little confused. Didn't she mean her "classmate" from school? She persuaded me and I relented thinking I'll relax while 2 young girls serviced me. She made a call and within 5 minutes, her "student" arrived.
Quiet! Quiet! Class is about to start.
Her name is Lucy. Lucy is average looking, a little fleshy, but huge D cups! Pleasant enough. Almost immediately, I realised why Lily referred to Lucy as her "student". Lily, from the word go, started to instruct Lucy exactly what to do! She told Lucy to undress. Lucy quietly obeyed. In the shower, Lily while cleaning (read as wanking) my dick with soap, told Lucy to rub herself against my back with her giant knockers, then to caress my balls and kiss my neck. Lily then licked my nipples while still stroking my dick to extreme hardness. I turned around and Lucy was told to go on her knees and suck me, while Lily washed my back. I was feeling all kinds of erotic sensations with 2 mouths, 2 tongues, 4 hands, stroking and sucking and licking and touching and kissing my entire body! I was about to blow! And we haven't even left the bathroom yet!!!
Art Lessons.
Lily then told Lucy to take her shower while she and I spent a few moments together on the bed alone. I kissed her body, then bent over between her opened legs and gave her a sensuous painting which made her squeal in ecstasy. Suddenly I felt extra fingers caressing my inner thighs. Then soft lips kissing my butt. Then firm but gentle hands grabbing my balls and stroking my dick. It was Lucy, she was behind me doing all these wonderful things. Fucking A! This is mind-blowing.
I then turned around, laid Lucy on the bed and worked my magic tongue on her now. Painting her in the midst of sexy moans and groans. Lily was now behind me stroking and caressing me. The tingling sensations poured over me. I was going to burst!
PE Lessons.
Without missing a beat, Lily still behind me capped me and guided my red hot throbbing member towards Lucy's wet cunt. I slowly pushed my way in, Lucy is damn tight! Lily kept saying that her "student" hasn't had sex for some time, so it’s time to get physical with her!. Then without warning, Lily pushed my butt so hard, my angry cock ripped into Lucy's tender cunt. Lucy let out a scream. I pumped her first shallow and quick, then with long hard thrusts. Lucy's head began to thrash about, moaning words I didn't understand. Lily wasn't a spectator either. From behind, she rubbed her protruding nipples against my butt and into my ass crack. Then she licked her fingers wet and caressed both my nipples. There were so much stimulations all across my body, my mind couldn't concentrate and any one sensation. It was a blur of wonderfully confused sexual sensations. Like a millions shooting stars going in every direction – it’s dazzling, intoxicating, blinding. My end was imminent. With Lucy announcing her orgasm with "Bu xin, bu xin, bu xin", and Lily licking my back and stroking my sensitive nipples, I grunted and bucked like a fucking animal and my own rushing flood filled the condom with a mighty splash. As I lay spent on the bed, both girls continued to touch me, kiss me, stroke me. Lily kept asking me "Were they good? Isn't Lucy good?". Fucking unbelievable!
The Oral Test
Lily started to really behave like a teacher now. She tells Lucy that I liked a good blow. And she'll teach Lucy just how I like it (Lily knows from the previous sessions when I told exactly what to do to me). Lily then takes me by the hand and led me to the shower. She tells Lucy to wait in bed. Lily cleaned me, erotically of course, and my dick was growing again. Lily then led me back to the bed where a naked Lucy waited. She tells Lucy to use her mouth on me while she went to take a shower herself. Alone now with Lucy, I grabbed her big soft natural tits. Lucy kissed and licked me all over, twirling and swirling her tongue on my nipples and balls. She's quite good. Then Lucy gobbled me up. Slow moist strokes, and my dick grew bigger and bigger in Lucy's warm mouth. She gasped a little from the unabated enlargement. I started to finger her. Lucy is wet! She's really turned on by this wanton carnal escapade. As she bobbed her mouth on me. Lily joined us. She watched Lucy's skills. She tells Lucy where on my dick to lick me, the bobbing rhythm which I like, and where her caressing fingers should caress. And when she's satisfied that Lucy's is doing it right, Lily came up to kiss me.
Guys, I can't begin to explain the extreme pleasure I was receiving from these 2 girls. Again. Lucy's soft mouth doing all sorts amazing things to my dick, she also tit fucked me with her gorgeous creamy tits. Then there's Lily kissing me, licking my nipples, her hands stroking every bit of my body. I'm going for my second round, but my dick was huge and hard like it was the first! Lily then drew her face close to mine, looked me straight in my eyes, and said "Now I will suck you till you cum in my mouth". In my delirious state, all I could mutter weakly was, "Hao. Hao". She got up and told Lucy to switch duties. Lucy came up to me, kissed me and rubbed her ample boobs on my face and upper body. Lily positioned herself between my legs and brought her skilful mouth down on my throbbing hardness. I let out a gasp.
Passing with flying colours
Lily's skills are getting fucking fantastic. She doesn't just blow, she makes love to your cock with her mouth! She tirelessly worked her oral magic on my bulging manhood with perfect rhythm. It is purposeful. I could feel her tongue wiggling the entire underside of my dick, as her lips moved lovingly up and down my shaft. Lucy worked her mouth magic on my upper body. I was going to cum again, and I told them so. There was renewed gusto in our ménage a tois - Again there was a blinding kaleidoscope of dazzling sexual colours. My finger shoving in Lucy's dripping tight cunt, her tongue licking my nipples fervently, her humongous tits crushing against my body, Lily's relentless assault on my dick, her fingers stroking the shaft and my balls... Oh my god! My built up started deep within my groin. It got tighter and tighter, then finally unleashing a powerful explosive surge of thick white goo filling Lily's mouth and hands as I called on loudly to all the gods that I know.
Extra lessons?
Side by side in my arms, all 3 of us laid in bed, giggling and laughing at the happenings of the last one hour. Lily and Lucy were still touching and stroking me and licking my nipples. Another round perhaps? Nah. I held them both tight. A fucking amazing experience for all of us!!
Today was my 4th meeting with Lily, and still only bonked her once. Haha.
PS. Bros, if you get Lily’s (or Lucy’s) contact, please do not mention my experience with her. I don’t want her to accuse me of being loose lipped.Don't spoil it for me ok hehe. Just ask her if a friend could join in. She’ll know what to do. In fact, if you meet up with Lily, she might just suggest it, like she did with me.
Also please get contact from Threadstarter, Bro Woofer. He’s the man! And I thank you bro for making my life that much more pleasurable!
01-08-2007, 10:40 PM
The results are out!
Might as well put the scores for them too :D
Lily: 6.5 (she's gets prettier every time I see her)
Lucy: 5 (plain, pleasant enough)
Lily: 7 (skinny but with meat at the right places, makes her curvy, got ass!)
Lucy: 5.5 (bah bah type but not fat. She's conscious about it, wants to lose weight)
Lily: 6 (soft, small B cups with dark protruding nipples)
Lucy: 8 (D cups! Natural! Still firm and heavy. Small responsive nipples)
Lily: 8.5 (Getting really really good! Perfect rhythm for me. Good tongue action)
Lucy: 7 (Already good sensuous moist action, needs to learn more tricks from Lily)
Lily: 7 (based on my first and only bonk with her, will definitely increase next time)
Lucy: 7 (her skills are not Lily's standards, but high rating cos she's tight and wet! One finger also have trouble going in!)
Lily: 8.5 (cute and bubbly, always a stress-free fucking good time!)
Lucy: 6 (Quiet but loving, potential to be higher, but Lily over shadowed her today)
PS. Again please don't relate my experience with any of them. And get contact from Bro Woofer, not me.
01-08-2007, 10:44 PM
Seemed like she's getting hot. Any chance she might increase price? If yes, please update here.
02-08-2007, 02:10 AM
Thanks to Bro Woofer for lili's contact.
Managed to up her just now BUT .... damn ... not my day ... just when we
were about to start the session AV came into the Hotel ... so I can
end my FR here ... short and sweet .... nothing happened she's OKIE ...
Name – Lily
Origin – PRC
Age – 24 ( that's what she told me when we exchanged info during the raid
even told me her real name ....)
Looks – 7 ( fair, small eyes , abit " chao lao ")
Body – 7.5 ( Nice silky skin good to feel )
Boobs – Not too sure but I think a B with perky nipples
Attitude – 8.5 (jovial, easy going, sweet but feel she doesn't like to TCSS)
BBBJ - too bad for the raid only lasted I think 5 mins then wore back clothes but she's really good at it, for that 5 mins I meant
Frenching - No chance ( not sure can or not )
Painting - No chance ( not sure can or not )
FJ - N.A.
Damage – 60 excludes rm and cd
Her sister if she slim down really chio .... fair and on the meaty side ..
Anyway, those interested please PM TS for the contacts.
Happy Bonking ....:D
02-08-2007, 04:46 AM
AV came into the Hotel
Heard that there is a raid and 100+ prcs went up lorry. Better be careful b4 national day as our govt wanna to make sure that our streets are "clean".
02-08-2007, 07:43 AM
Yah, her sister Lucy was downstairs when the AV came into the Hotel.
Told me a bus load of FL kanna caught ... pity them ... both of them
was so scare during and after the raid ....:(
02-08-2007, 12:28 PM
Yah, her sister Lucy was downstairs when the AV came into the Hotel.
Told me a bus load of FL kanna caught ... pity them ... both of them
was so scare during and after the raid ....:(
Sorry to hear your plight man. You know lah, with the Big Day round the corner, action in GL can be quite dangerous, esp around where she's staying and such. Usually AV activities picks up double, triple if not quad fold prior to the big day.
If would be better if you're able to go to places further from the usual hustle & bustle for some undisturbed rendevous.
02-08-2007, 01:29 PM
Managed to up her just now BUT .... damn ... not my day ... just when we
were about to start the session AV came into the Hotel ... so I can
end my FR here ... short and sweet .... nothing happened she's OKIE ...
Damn! I was with them yesterday until 6.30pm.:eek: Lucky I skived work early to meet them. If not I'd be there at my usual time of 8pm.
Very glad to hear they're all right. :) Maybe I'll sms Lily to see how she is.
02-08-2007, 01:30 PM
If would be better if you're able to go to places further from the usual hustle & bustle for some undisturbed rendevous.
Agree, usually i will make an effort to drive them out of GL in case kanna AV check room. Lucky i told her about the "giving real name and birthday to the guy partner" thing in case of av raid else maybe she kanna liao. Currently my favourite hotel 91 is kovan and lavender (the one opp the food ctr).
02-08-2007, 04:39 PM
They really came just in the nick of time ... if they were abit late I think
they would have got caught liao ....then they're gone forever ... was
at Bright Star .. then waited for the AV to leave and quickly left the room ..
hold on to my hand ... said she wanna pretend to be GF/BF ...walk to
my ride and moved out of area G to area JC loh ... said they wanted to leave
area G for a while ... too tense ... TCSS at JC 81 ... Lucy gave me a pretty
good body massage ... no hanky panky though they asked if I was interested
in a tarma with them .... no mood for session ... stayed for another hour B4
another bro booked them ..... fun ... lolz ...recommand them to get bros to
open rm out of area G loh ... safer ... think they going to find a new place to
stay liao .... too dangerous ....:)
02-08-2007, 06:30 PM
was at Bright Star
Heard from FL that BS always kanna raid so be careful. For nearby, i prefer to go Si Quan hotal at lor 39.
02-08-2007, 06:39 PM
Thanks Bro ... will take note in future bonking sessions ....:)
02-08-2007, 09:08 PM
Damn sian. We are just trying to have some fun to relieve stress. SBF Bros are a peace-loving lot..........
03-08-2007, 11:14 AM
Damn sian. We are just trying to have some fun to relieve stress. SBF Bros are a peace-loving lot..........
They don't give a rat's ass about us dude. FYI. Raid again last night at GL. Lucy told me she saw 10 to 20 girls up in vans. And not just from hotels. Apparently they were just plucking PRC girls off the streets as they walked!
Heard from FL that BS always kanna raid so be careful. For nearby, i prefer to go Si Quan hotal at lor 39.
I was actually with PP in Changi 81, and that place was raided too! I mean how much more far away and secluded can you be from GL? Only goes to show that they mean business. I hear a lot of girls without mafu are going low profile till ND is over.:(
03-08-2007, 04:16 PM
They don't give a rat's ass about us dude. FYI. Raid again last night at GL. Lucy told me she saw 10 to 20 girls up in vans. And not just from hotels. Apparently they were just plucking PRC girls off the streets as they walked!
I was actually with PP in Changi 81, and that place was raided too! I mean how much more far away and secluded can you be from GL? Only goes to show that they mean business. I hear a lot of girls without mafu are going low profile till ND is over.:(
Sigh ... why like that.
I suppose the main bulk of action are between 6 to 1am or so (peak hour for d gals) where AV is most active. And worst still its culling season now with Nday round the corner it gets worst. I recall from past experiences, the period leading up to some major event like Nday, World bank etc, all streets are rather empty and everyone went underground.
03-08-2007, 05:20 PM
I recall from past experiences, the period leading up to some major event like Nday, World bank etc, all streets are rather empty and everyone went underground.
That is why the proliferation of SBF! hehe...
05-08-2007, 02:47 AM
Really thanks bro woofer for lily contact.
Call her immediately the same day to arrange for a session.She was busy settling down at her new accomodation,so ask me to wait for her.Well a real gem deserve to wait a bit longer.After that arrange appointment in the evening.
Waited excitedly while counting down the time,but as it draw near to timing,was told to wait again for 'them' as 'they'were preparing their dinner.getthing excited again thinking 'them',probably 'they' will come together,so i patiently waited again.Read the fr from bro satyr365 ,seems like they tarma well,dun mind trying this pair out.Lily & student lucy.: p
Sms came request to pick them up at thier new place,speed down immediately.upon reaching,call lily & they came down not long after.Heart 'pi pop pi pop'lily call & ask me to turn my head back.*Drum roll*My eyes landed on lily 1st cos she was so cute decently & sporty dress with two pony tied look just like a student u will find along orchard.on close look,her skin condition on face pretty dry with minimal freckles which she told me becos her the weather in sg,still cute tou with nice smile.
Lucy,looking slighly plain but presentableshe is slightly big size but not really fat & give a quiet feeling.Dress really decently so cant see the body yet but already read she got a pair of d knocker here soon came into the small talk with me & lily too.
Reaching destination,have a really wonderful chat & great time with them.Told me they are lucky to know some bro heres they met really nice & helpful gentlemen like yan jing gege,jie ge,now got me wang zi etc.will not go into detail here else the story will take 3 days 3 nites to finish.
Wat i can say is S.U.P.E.R.B!!!
Their team work is simply amazing!Power bbbj,bathroom action,caressing,frenching & chemistry level really mindblowing!**Warning,not for the weak & fainted heart:eek:
Read that lily bbbj is outstanding but lucy bbbj doesnt lose out either,must be lily teaching her the trick & guiding her along the way; )
For a hr or 2 i thought i was in heaven.Goshhh.For the 1st time,Prc won thai service on my score sheet.They even surpassed my experience in bkk,harem orchid,club eden tarma experince i ever got!
Brought them for some drinks to cool off before sending them back.Things were overheated!They are very friendly young gals with nice pesonality & attidude.Lily is very jovial,hoppy'sha da mei'.Lucy is slightly on the quiet side but gentle,caring & playful:D
Bros here pls handle this pair of gems with tender care.Treat them rite & u might experience yourself to the garden of eden.; p
Writting this & thinking abt them makes me steamy again.Guess will rtf soon!
Appreciate ur upz if u like wat u read.
Happy cheonging,Cheers!
05-08-2007, 03:14 AM
Lily replied me saying she is in hibernation mode until the 'big wind' ceased. Guess have to wait.
Dong Xing She
05-08-2007, 03:36 AM
Agree, usually i will make an effort to drive them out of GL in case kanna AV check room. Lucky i told her about the "giving real name and birthday to the guy partner" thing in case of av raid else maybe she kanna liao. Currently my favourite hotel 91 is kovan and lavender (the one opp the food ctr).
got hotel 91 meh?
05-08-2007, 10:13 PM
Wat i can say is S.U.P.E.R.B!!!
Their team work is simply amazing!Power bbbj,bathroom action,caressing,frenching & chemistry level really mindblowing!**Warning,not for the weak & fainted heart:eek:
Glad that you enjoyed them. Sheesh looks like you guys had the fun to get Tarma from them. Me sick this couple of days hence will be quite a while before I can have some action ... sigh.
Well Lily alone is already mindblowing !
Imagine Lily & Lucy !!! Double Trouble L & L :eek:
End up we're the ones to watch out instead !
05-08-2007, 10:43 PM
Glad that you enjoyed them. Sheesh looks like you guys had the fun to get Tarma from them. Me sick this couple of days hence will be quite a while before I can have some action ... sigh.
Well Lily alone is already mindblowing !
Imagine Lily & Lucy !!! Double Trouble L & L :eek:
End up we're the ones to watch out instead !
Powerful:D Bro woofer, congralate to u for finding such wonderful SUPERB pair and not for faint hearted.
06-08-2007, 03:21 PM
Powerful:D Bro woofer, congralate to u for finding such wonderful SUPERB pair and not for faint hearted.
Hey Lighting, you yourself have great finds too, like XR, latest - YX. For me am down with cough n fever so no bonking till fully recovered ... meanwhile no action sigh ...
11-08-2007, 05:26 PM
Juz got a sms from lily that she will starts work at geylang tonite. She lie low during National day period due to the raids. Those who wanna her no can pm bro woofer.
11-08-2007, 05:45 PM
Juz got a sms from lily that she will starts work at geylang tonite. She lie low during National day period due to the raids. Those who wanna her no can pm bro woofer.
Yep, sheeee's back! The men in blue are gone, and so is her aunite in red... all clear! Can't wait to get her soft mouth arouth my dick again!!
11-08-2007, 05:58 PM
Yep, sheeee's back! The men in blue are gone, and so is her aunite in red... all clear! Can't wait to get her soft mouth arouth my dick again!!
hmm.. tarma or single shot?? keke!! u make me so gian to try them too... :p
bro Woofer,
Can Pm me LILI contact..Thks in advance...:)
Firstly thks Bro Woofer for the contact;
Upon recieving PM from Bro woofer, immediately called up Lily and ask whether she and her Tarma friend available..She reply saying of cse. Mai Tu liao, quickly arrange a TARMA SESSION with her and Lucy....since reading the FR from Bro satyr365 that they can really tarma very well and unique.
Proceed to the designated hotel as request(bcos they are staying near there mah)and book a room. SMS Lily the rm no and in less than 5 min, they appear outside the door... Open the door and invited the both of them in...Without further to do, Lily pull me to the bed and start hugging me while Lucy massage me. At this moment, I really feel like a king lah..Shiok..
After some cuddling and chatting session, Lily ask me to proceed to bathroom as she want to wash my DIDI for me again although I told her I have wash already. NVM, wash again lor. But no regret lah, in the bathroom after washing she did a short BBBJ..
After washing proceed to the bed, Lucy then offer to wipe me dry. Upon drying up...they ask me to lie at the center of the bed. This is the time when the real action came.... Lucy then started using her pair of knocker and do a body massage and catbathing while Lily went to attack my DIDI...At this moment, I was feeling very very high. My mind really went blank and I close my eye to enjoy until Lily pop a question asking me is the suction strong enough...Tell her that I want stronger and she obliged without hesitation...Really shiok lah, Bro out there u guys really have to experience this pair of tarma then u will know how much I have enjoyed...
After about 5 minutes, Lily and Lucy switches their role.... Lucy immediately engulf my whole didi into her and did deep throat for quite a while Lily was licking my balls...This moment, I really feel like a porn star... 2 lady playing and BBBJ my didi..This continue for another good 5 minute until Lily came up to my body and begin her catbath on me...After a good 10 minutes, Lily ask Lucy whether want to change role anot...Lucy then say, "Bu yong le, wo pi jiao see huan chi xiang jiao.." At this moment, Lucy BBBJ was fast and furious, guess wat? Maybe bcos I was fingering her and fondling with her boobs... Buay tahan liao, quickly ask Lily to cap me. Lily then ask me to FXXK her first in doggie while Lucy was using her pair of knocker to rub my back and ocassionally licking my nipples.... After abt less then 5 min, Lucy then ask me not to come out first as she also want a share of it...Think she must be feeling horny after my fingering and fondling of her breast just now... Then told her," WO SHOU BU LIAO LE, YAO CHU LAI LE." There it goes, my DIDI exploded.. Lily then jokingly told Lucy that next time if I RTF, I will FXXK Lucy first... Then I told them, with those type of TARMA svc that they are providing, how to last....Sure buay tahan want lah... This is only some of the mindblowing part that I am writing...What I can say they are really amazing and their teamwork, professionalism. chemistry level and others........ are simply SUPERB......
In Summary;
Looks - 7/10(23yrs old as told)
Boobs - 32 A (Not for boobs lover but compensate for her mindblowing svc.)
BBBJ - 8.5/10 (Svc oriented, will chk with u whether u want stronger suction anot.)
FJ - 8/10
Looks - 6.5/10(24yrs old as told)
Boobs - 36C(Really make use of her asset to svc u.)
BBBJ - 8/10(Has already improve, think must be due to Lily teaching)
FJ - never try but I guess shld be not bad oso..
Damage for the both -$100 + $20(rm) + tips..
RTF - Definitely lah, the return definitely worth more than the amount of money spent.....
Bro out there, mai tu liao...U definitely will not regret...:)
13-08-2007, 01:21 AM
can pm me her contact?
13-08-2007, 03:10 PM
Bro out there, mai tu liao...U definitely will not regret...:)
Wah fast hands n legs ah, right after I send you contact you upz her liao ah. !
Great effort.
13-08-2007, 04:06 PM
bro Woofer,
Can Pm me LILI contact..Thks in advance...:)
13-08-2007, 06:50 PM
Thank bro Woofer for her contact.
Get to try her yesterday. She is friendly and very good attitude. She just got her hair done and ask me how is it.
Short FR:
Face: 6/10 (abit mature for her age due to the weather)
body : 7/10 (quite thin)
boobs : b cup,big brown nipple (i think she don't like her boobs to be lick.Prefer you to lick her pussy)
CAtbath: yes (nice feeling)
BBBJ : 8/10 (with ball licking)
FJ : 7/10 (she is very horny,veryvery wet)
RTF : y not.
Damage: $50 + Tips (Overall worth it)
Wah fast hands n legs ah, right after I send you contact you upz her liao ah. !
Great effort.
Bro Woofer,
Of cse must fast hand and leg lah... The tarma session was really enjoyable lah....
13-08-2007, 07:53 PM
RTF : y not.
I think your RTF can ask Lily to bring along her friend for Double Trouble action :D
13-08-2007, 07:58 PM
Bro Woofer, can share her contact to me too? :D
14-08-2007, 01:33 AM
Bro Woofer, can share her contact to me too? :D
Done, check ur pm. Guess this will keep you going till BX comes back :D
14-08-2007, 01:48 AM
Done, check ur pm. Guess this will keep you going till BX comes back :D
Tks Bro Woofer for the contact.
I will call her & book appointment for slot. Since that lot oF Bros had bonk Lily
& gd FR on her.
Surely will RTF Lily until BX return back again....:p
14-08-2007, 02:43 AM
hum........ maybe i shall give a try......
14-08-2007, 01:51 PM
Done, check ur pm. Guess this will keep you going till BX comes back
Surely will RTF Lily until BX return back again
BX, BX!! wah lan this thread abt Lily we all still tink abt BX... wahaha...
Bro woofer, mayb u should stop giving out BX contact when she cums back at least wait for a week for regular bros like alex18122003, satyr365 n me to enjoy first!! keke
anyway thx again for ur lily contact!! hopefully the double trouble will keep me occupy for 30 more days!! :D
14-08-2007, 03:08 PM
BX, BX!! wah lan this thread abt Lily we all still tink abt BX... wahaha...
Bro woofer, mayb u should stop giving out BX contact when she cums back at least wait for a week for regular bros like alex18122003, satyr365 n me to enjoy first!! keke
anyway thx again for ur lily contact!! hopefully the double trouble will keep me occupy for 30 more days!!
Oi bro! You tried L&L yet? I thought you wanted to sample this chinese buffet yesterday. Or you too busy thinking about BX till you forget :D
14-08-2007, 03:12 PM
BX, BX!! wah lan this thread abt Lily we all still tink abt BX... wahaha...
Bro woofer, mayb u should stop giving out BX contact when she cums back at least wait for a week for regular bros like alex18122003, satyr365 n me to enjoy first!! keke
anyway thx again for ur lily contact!! hopefully the double trouble will keep me occupy for 30 more days!! :D
ke ke ke.
hmmmm will put it under consideration. :cool: First day will be mine and than the rest for you fellows. And follow by whoever meets my stringent qualification.
14-08-2007, 06:08 PM
Oi bro! You tried L&L yet? I thought you wanted to sample this chinese buffet yesterday. Or you too busy thinking about BX till you forget
hav not tried leh!! i 4got yest 1st day seventh month!! after wk gotta rush back help mum n OC prepared stuff for prayer!! will try them as soon as i can!! keke...
hmmmm will put it under consideration. First day will be mine and than the rest for you fellows. And follow by whoever meets my stringent qualification
of coz first day will b urs!!! keke juz keep the rest of the week free for us can liao... keke :D
15-08-2007, 12:35 AM
ke ke ke.
hmmmm will put it under consideration. :cool: First day will be mine and than the rest for you fellows. And follow by whoever meets my stringent qualification.
Hi Bro Woofer, when BX bk to SG. And of coz the priority goes to u first mah & coz u r the threadstarter that recommend this PRC BBBj Queen for us to enjoy.
I think Bro Woofer will bring BX for makan & watching movies & spend almost full day with her already.
So Bro dc7176, satyr365 & me have to wait for the next day to bonk BX liao :p
15-08-2007, 01:05 AM
I think Bro Woofer will bring BX for makan & watching movies & spend almost full day with her already.
So Bro dc7176, satyr365 & me have to wait for the next day to bonk BX liao :p
Most definitely have to wait la. I still remember the very first time I made an appointment with BX. Just minutes before our appointed time, she called to cancel and to profusely apologise saying that a "very special friend" had just picked her up. Haha! Bro woofer's da man!
So, it was Transformers the last time, what will it be when she comes back? :D
15-08-2007, 01:32 AM
OK, now back to the regular program.... Lily....;)
15-08-2007, 01:37 AM
Tks Bro Woofer for sharing Lily contact to me. This the 2nd times that Bro Woofer given me great lobang to me. The 1st time was PRC Bai Xue (BBBJ Queen).
Around 2.45pm, i call Lily to meet at GL lor 1+. She ask me to book a room & she will be there within 5 mins. After a few mins, Lily call me again ask wheather to have a tarma with 1 of her friend (Lucy). And i say okie to her. And i feel abit excited coz this my 1st time attending Tarma session. Don't know my Didi can take it or not?
After 5 mins, ding dong. I open the door. Saw Lily & Lucy, once they enter the room. Lucy straight away helping me to start to my Birthday suit while i saw Lily undress her clothing piece by piece. And Lily told me to have shower with Lucy first coz Lily just took her shower. In the bathroom, Lucy help me to wash all my body & she salso start to use her boobs to massage my body fr my nipple to my Didi & she started to BBBj me. I really enjoy her suction & deepthroat. And we having a gd time 2gether for abt 10mins. I hear that Lily calling us to come out fr shower now & i think she feel very horny coz she can heard our moaning inside the shower & enjoying.
After shower with Lucy 2gether & we dery our body. And straight away i lay on the bed. And Lily was looking at my eye & i can feel that she abit horny to start to lick & suck my nipple. And Lucy start to catbath, suck & deepthroat my Hard dIdI. After both gals licking, sucking & cathbath my whole body. Lily ask me who i prefer for FJ? And i choose Lily & she cap my Didi & did on top of me. After 10 mins, we change to doggle style & Lucy start to catbath me fr behind & play with my 2 balls too. Finally after 10 mins, my didi can't take it anymore & unload it. After the tarma session, we all really enjoy it & lay on the bed & tccs awhile. And i go shower with Lily & she smile at me & BBBJ for awhile during our shower. I really enjoy my 1st time Tarma session with them for 1 hr.
Heard that both of them study during the day time. And hope that more Bros will enjoy Tarma session with them too.
Sorry to all Bros that can understand my simple FR. Coz my English not so gd.
Damage for Tarma Session : 100 + 20 (Rm) + Tips....
Rtf : Definitely ( Until BX come bk again to replace :p )
15-08-2007, 06:26 AM
Firstly thanx to bro woofer for e contact though i don meet e req.
Sms her n she replied beri beri quick. Ask me wan tarma though beri tempted but hold on my horses.. den tell me one bro jus did tarma w them.. mus be u rite alex18122003?
Told me to go to this hotel nearby, once i reaching she change her mind ask me can go instead to another hotel jus behind her current staying plc.. even nearer, i say ok! Go lobby take out IC den discovered barely enuff $$$, I jus draw $300 from atm, den after drinking session with friends now left $60... wahhh.. earn $$ beri slow but spent $$$ like M16.... bo bian call her quick quick den she say enuff ma.. $50 for her, $10 for hotel.. but e hotel min 2 hours.. so meet her 1st.
From far her figure looks good, but easy to identify her lar, jus look at e pic, exactly e same, even e top n bottom oso cut n paste :p
den when she came in my car, funny le, how come got e feeling she's older den me... hahaa.. den she tell me she's 23(like all bros say she's got tat chao lao look) so really can't tell at all she's 23..
She suggested we go joo chiat so off we went, but too bad both 81 there fully booked! so come back to gl book room straight go up. In room she put her hair up n ask me issit nicer to put hair up? aiyo gg on bed oso so vain :p
wahh.. she clean didi jus e same way as skinning a snake (seen b4 how a snake is skinned on tv) den i ask her "u skinning snake?" she reply she eat b4 snake @.@" When we came out discover no towels!!! shit... so call recept to send someone over, funny sia 2 person naked n wet behind e door trembling away cos cold n hugging each other for warmth..
anyway cut e story short, e session starts wif bbbj n ends wif bbbj... hahaa... pls dun mistaken hor, i nt canot tahan n shoot ok, i is opt for bbbj in my mind... ...
Here's e stats:
Looks: 6/10 (no make up, she looks much much older)
figure: 7/10 (see pic)
boobs: Cup B, nipple big n dark.. ..
bbbj: 8/10 quite nice
fj: neber try
damage: $50 + $20 hotel
thanks again to bro woofer for e contact. FR as promised n upz u alre!
15-08-2007, 04:04 PM
thanks again to bro woofer for e contact. FR as promised n upz u alre!
Wah you never sleep ah write FR so early :D
Sorry to all Bros that can understand my simple FR. Coz my English not so gd.
As long as the English is understandable its good enough.
Great work fellows
15-08-2007, 04:14 PM
Most definitely have to wait la. I still remember the very first time I made an appointment with BX. Just minutes before our appointed time, she called to cancel and to profusely apologise saying that a "very special friend" had just picked her up. Haha! Bro woofer's da man!
So, it was Transformers the last time, what will it be when she comes back? :D
Me thinks it gonna be Disney's latest winner....Rat-ta-tui!:p
15-08-2007, 06:46 PM
This is the first time that I am going to thank two senior brothers in one FR.
But then again in this FR there are so many first time experience for me leh.
Thanks Bro Woofer for sharing Lily’s contact with us newbees, and also thanks to Bro Satyr who found out the lethal duo L&L combo, which lead to the first 3P experience in my life.
I want to write honest FR on these two girls and I am still thinking hard to put the action in sequence but my head still blurred. How could I remember what was going on when I got two hungry mouths and four hands exploring my body and fighting for attention?
My apology if my FR this time is boring and out of sequence hor :D
Got the number promptly from Bro Woofer, so quickly called Lily for a session. She said she is free, yay.
She told me she got a friend and they both can service me at the same time. I KK asked “ Hah three person hah? Sure have or not?” but in my heart was saying “Bingo!. Can have 3P liao”, kekeke.
On the way to GL my head (yes, the big one) was thinking whether junior can handle two girls molesting him or not. How if he is scared and cannot perform? It’s a waste leh.
To cut story short, the two angels appeared at the hotel room. (Actually got one episode when I was waiting for the lift to go to my room, but cannot hijack Bro Woofer’s thread lah). They quickly gave me hugs and Lily being the most talkative between the two straight away tell me that it will cost me $100 for the double service. I replied no way I am going to pay them $100. Their face went pale straight away and stare at me??, they must have tought I am a cheapo bastard.
Then I told them that I am going to give them $1xx (c’mon lah we always give the girls tips right?). They smiled and it was raining hugs and kisses everywhere from then on. I felt like a king in a harem.
Lucy helped me taking off my clothes and hanged it in the wardrobe. I turned around to see Lily peeling off her micro spaghetti and mini denim skirt. She frenched me and molested junior. When I turned around the other way Lucy is already naked. WOW! Those knockers are damn big. My two hands pulled me to the smooth white 36D magnets. This is the first time I am touching D cuppers leh. The biggest I touched so far was 34C, so now I have upgraded myself. kekeke
Unfortunately what hapenned from then on is getting fuzzy in my head. I remembered Lily cleaned me thoroughly in the shower when Lucy is rubbing her body on me.
After shower, they “helped” me drying off myself and told me to lie in the centre of the bed. Lily started kissing me and then went lower to lick my nips, in the meantime Lucy attacked junior. Her BBBJ was good and she also did AR! (Ah, my first time again. My ex gf ever tried AR before but she did not like it and stopped half way). Lily then ordered me to lick her clit, which I gladly obliged, while Lucy keep her assault on junior. Soon junior surrender the ammo inside Lucy’s mouth.
Geez, if only my colleagues have half of the teamwork spirit these two girls have, my office will be a much better place to work man.
After washed up, three of us laid lazily on the bed and my Chinese language started. We TCSS until the two hours are up. Just kidding!
They told me they go to school in the evening (hah? Got shadow or not?) Lily told me she has been here for 20days only and Lucy for ten days only. Of course all good bros here can count back and know this is not true, but I just went along. Didn’t want to pecah their lobang mah. Then they offered me massage. Lucy actually quite good (coz she got power) but she need more practical guidance (from me lah) as to where she should pressed. Lily is just touch here touch there lah. Anyway not important lah coz I was not there for massage what.
After a while they got bolder and Lily initiated the attack. She put junior in her mouth, while Lucy offers her globes to my mouth. When I told Lucy to suck Lily’s breast she gave me a funny look and maybe thinking what a sukebe I am. Ah nvm lah.
Soon Lily capped me and I put junior into Lucy. It was good and wet and I can feel that Lucy was trying to squeeze me inside. I only did her missionary (with a few variations of here leg position) when Lily start screaming that she also want. So lan lan I took it out and get Lucy to assist me in changing the condom, while Lily is getting into position. She ordered me to give it at the back? F@#k, I tought that was my luckiest day and I was going to have my first AJ as well!!
Turned out that it was only my wishful thinking, as what she meant was to take her in doggie. So pump here in doggie and gave my second shot in her. All this time Lucy was “supporting” me from behind with her two soft pillows. Ah now when I am trying to remember the actions that day my head is really spinning and junior rattles. What to do?
Then we lay on the bed TCSS again, continue with my Mandarin lesson. In their heads they must be thinking what a dumb potato head I was, as my Chinese is worse than any five year olds.
Suddenly got one brother called Lily and she left Lucy and me behind. After a couple minutes there was a knock on the door. Shit, who can that be?? AV? Turned out it was Lily again. I was wandering how come the guy so fast one, but actually she came back to ask whether I am kind enough to spare her a condom. Whoever the bro that was, next time bring your own raincoat, can?
I told Lily it is going to cost and arm and a leg, then she left with the condom after leaving her arm and leg behind ;)
OK, I won’t bore you all with the rating. The ratings are close to what the other bros put here lah.
Just want to comment on the GFE. The two girls are really service oriented and aimed to please.
Lily being the more outspoken one tried hard to chat me up and melt my heart, however I feel that I clicked more with Lucy with her TLC.
These girls worth more than the lousy $100 (don’t worry, of course I did not tell them that) so please tip them generously.
15-08-2007, 07:07 PM
This is the first time that I am going to thank two senior brothers in one FR.
But then again in this FR there are so many first time experience for me leh.
Thanks Bro Woofer for sharing Lily’s contact with us newbees, and also thanks to Bro Satyr who found out the lethal duo L&L combo, which lead to the first 3P experience in my life.
Looks like you had a mind boggling time. As long as you keep it up, you'll sure get more lobangs from me :D
16-08-2007, 01:03 AM
Wah you never sleep ah write FR so early :D
early.. .. i finish my session w Lily @ 4am, den send her back n finally myself, reach home bath wanna dive into bed liao den remember still got FR to post, so bo bian half pen half aslp lor, yes tot of penning when i wake up, but sure forget alot of details de..
bros who like bbbj can give her a try but dun try to visualise her as 23yo ok:o
16-08-2007, 06:49 AM
As long as you keep it up, you'll sure get more lobangs from me :D
Ya Man!
Looks like I missed a legend b4 Lily, that even her name comes up many times in this thread.
I gave you my humble points for your spirit of sharing gems.
Cheers Bro!
ps, I hope I can keep it (junior) up ;)
16-08-2007, 08:51 PM
hi bro woofer,thks for sharing me lily ctc.Call her yesterday afternoon to request for a session,she ask me who intro me to her & told me thay she just wake up from bed & convince me to go for the tarma with her schoolmate lucy which I found that the price is reasonable & also I have never try before so I agreed with it.I do have a enjoyable session with the two girls(ah pui & ah san)The catbath & bbbj is really out of the world because they really work well with each others & also have my fj with both of them.A really very good experience for me & for my next rtn I'll just take lily which I found that her bbbj is real good & the her cunt is also very very tight.Kum sia yan jin ge ge.
16-08-2007, 08:59 PM
hi bro woofer,thks for sharing me lily ctc.Call her yesterday afternoon to request for a session,she ask me who intro me to her & told me thay she just wake up from bed & convince me to go for the tarma with her schoolmate lucy which I found that the price is reasonable & also I have never try before so I agreed with it.I do have a enjoyable session with the two girls(ah pui & ah san)The catbath & bbbj is really out of the world because they really work well with each others & also have my fj with both of them.A really very good experience for me & for my next rtn I'll just take lily which I found that her bbbj is real good & the her cunt is also very very tight.Kum sia yan jin ge ge.
16-08-2007, 10:43 PM
A really very good experience for me & for my next rtn I'll just take lily which I found that her bbbj is real good & the her cunt is also very very tight.Kum sia yan jin ge ge.
Glad that you enjoyed both of them. Infact, both bbbj is rather on par and also both tight in their own respect.
16-08-2007, 10:48 PM
Ya Man!
Looks like I missed a legend b4 Lily, that even her name comes up many times in this thread.
I gave you my humble points for your spirit of sharing gems.
Cheers Bro!
ps, I hope I can keep it (junior) up ;)
Well the Legend will be back again pretty soon. And the thread shall resurface again. However, I may be outstation for a short trip in Stateside and indefinite in Beijing the later part of Sept and Oct, so either Alex, Stayr, DC or Dirty Hairy may have to take over responsibilty of giving out the number than ... I'll decide when the time gets closer. Cuz plans are the in the works to be confirmed ...
16-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Ya Man!
Looks like I missed a legend b4 Lily, that even her name comes up many times in this thread.
I gave you my humble points for your spirit of sharing gems.
Cheers Bro!
ps, I hope I can keep it (junior) up ;)
Well the Legend will be back again pretty soon. And the thread shall resurface again. However, I may be outstation for a short trip in Stateside and indefinite in Beijing the later part of Sept and Oct, so either Alex, Stayr, DC or Dirty Hairy may have to take over responsibilty of giving out the number than ... I'll decide when the time gets closer. Cuz plans are the in the works to be confirmed ...
17-08-2007, 01:35 AM
Well the Legend will be back again pretty soon. And the thread shall resurface again. However, I may be outstation for a short trip in Stateside and indefinite in Beijing the later part of Sept and Oct, so either Alex, Stayr, DC or Dirty Hairy may have to take over responsibilty of giving out the number than ... I'll decide when the time gets closer. Cuz plans are the in the works to be confirmed ...
Thanks for the info. Looks like I need to build up rapport with (read: lick up to) these senior bros to get the ticket.
Anyway, take care when you are away in foreign land, and be naughty
17-08-2007, 06:22 PM
Great energy. Great smooth skin. Great ample tits. Great roving hands. Great wet tight pussy. Great warm moist untiring mouth. Once again, great loads of intense orgasmic cum last night with Lily :)
17-08-2007, 06:59 PM
Well the Legend will be back again pretty soon. And the thread shall resurface again. However, I may be outstation for a short trip in Stateside and indefinite in Beijing the later part of Sept and Oct, so either Alex, Stayr, DC or Dirty Hairy may have to take over responsibilty of giving out the number than ... I'll decide when the time gets closer. Cuz plans are the in the works to be confirmed ...
Yo Bro Woofer,
Thanks for being a DHairy believer
for even thinking of passing the honour of passing Woofer's legend number
however, DHairy aka Laobaby thanks thee profusely
bcos now in midst of hectic roti delivery, which explains my non-bonking spree
as such...the honour to do the great duty should be for the other great didis
such as Alex, Stayr, DC, Lightning or Soberguy, the great bros evrthe-ready.
19-08-2007, 12:54 AM
Yo Bro Woofer,
Thanks for being a DHairy believer
for even thinking of passing the honour of passing Woofer's legend number
however, DHairy aka Laobaby thanks thee profusely
bcos now in midst of hectic roti delivery, which explains my non-bonking spree
as such...the honour to do the great duty should be for the other great didis
such as Alex, Stayr, DC, Lightning or Soberguy, the great bros evrthe-ready.
Well Laobaby understandable.
I suppose close to BX return, we fellows can meet up for kopi - Alex, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober n yourself. Have a chit-chat session and see how things go. Cuz in Sept than am prepping stateside trip plus after back from that trip shall be stationed in Beijing - indefinite. So in the midst when am gone will require you fellows in assisting in looking after her liao.
19-08-2007, 01:08 AM
Well Laobaby understandable.
I suppose close to BX return, we fellows can meet up for kopi - Alex, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober n yourself. Have a chit-chat session and see how things go. Cuz in Sept than am prepping stateside trip plus after back from that trip shall be stationed in Beijing - indefinite. So in the midst when am gone will require you fellows in assisting in looking after her liao.
I had to chuckle when I noticed how you progessively changed my nick from Stayr now to Stary when in fact it's Satyr... haha. Unless you weren't even referring to me in the first place! :D
A meet-up is good. We'll miss you around here bro.
19-08-2007, 01:10 AM
Well Laobaby understandable.
I suppose close to BX return, we fellows can meet up for kopi - Alex, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober n yourself. Have a chit-chat session and see how things go. Cuz in Sept than am prepping stateside trip plus after back from that trip shall be stationed in Beijing - indefinite. So in the midst when am gone will require you fellows in assisting in looking after her liao.
Bro Woofer, lim kopi with all Bros no problems.
Can let me know in advance?
Hope that i can meet u Bros (Woofer, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober, dirtyhairy) soon.
19-08-2007, 01:16 AM
Bro Woofer, lim kopi with all Bros no problems.
Can let me know in advance?
Hope that i can meet u Bros (Woofer, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober, dirtyhairy) soon.
can count me in.:)
19-08-2007, 01:17 AM
can count me in.:)
Paisay Bro Curious75, forgot to add in yr nick :p
19-08-2007, 01:19 AM
Paisay Bro Curious75, forgot to add in yr nick :p
its ok lah:)
19-08-2007, 01:34 AM
I had to chuckle when I noticed how you progessively changed my nick from Stayr now to Stary when in fact it's Satyr... haha. Unless you weren't even referring to me in the first place! :D
A meet-up is good. We'll miss you around here bro.
Oops paiseh ... MY BAD .... make up to you with double shot of kopi :D
Well things are pretty much looking as it is right now. Going down an unknown path for Beijing cuz will be working on something totally new to me. But will be enjoying it cuz of the career shift. Would not be main source of income for me cuz, when some of other deals comes tru for me I can in early retirement mode liao, but than making $ and esp lots of it can be quite fun. Will share more when we have the meet up. After all, making $ is fun and its double the fun when the opportunity is shared.
19-08-2007, 01:50 AM
Oops paiseh ... MY BAD .... make up to you with double shot of kopi :D
Well things are pretty much looking as it is right now. Going down an unknown path for Beijing cuz will be working on something totally new to me. But will be enjoying it cuz of the career shift. Would not be main source of income for me cuz, when some of other deals comes tru for me I can in early retirement mode liao, but than making $ and esp lots of it can be quite fun. Will share more when we have the meet up. After all, making $ is fun and its double the fun when the opportunity is shared.
Make those 2 kopi-Os and you're on!
Yea, let's talk bro...:D
19-08-2007, 01:58 AM
well done and congrats, Bro Woofer
and best wishes to you on your Beijing job posting:)
19-08-2007, 02:07 AM
Make those 2 kopi-Os and you're on!
Yea, let's talk bro...:D
Sure thing man.
well done and congrats, Bro Woofer
and best wishes to you on your Beijing job posting:)
Thx. Actually, my principal setting up new ops there and since the GM and him will be running around quite a bit. He would rather someone he trusts and know to hold the fort while they're away rather than a local. Hence my requirement to be there lor. Afterall he's pumping in 8figures in the ops there so ... plus me working with him on other side deals etc. ... plus since am still swinging single, I can just plug up n go with no qualms. Just the right candidate at the right time.
19-08-2007, 04:59 PM
la kopi?? count me in!! keke... :D
8 bros (Woofer, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober, dirtyhairy, curious75, alex)
can find 8 WL?? so after the kopi session we can all go bonkin...keke :p
19-08-2007, 05:17 PM
la kopi?? count me in!! keke...
8 bros (Woofer, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober, dirtyhairy, curious75, alex)
can find 8 WL?? so after the kopi session we can all go bonkin...keke
La for sure.
Bonking ??? Bro dC7176, me cannot la :D
Coz i need to wait for BBBj queen to come back then i can release my load for her lor :p
19-08-2007, 05:25 PM
La for sure.
Bonking ??? Bro dC7176, me cannot la
Coz i need to wait for BBBj queen to come back then i can release my load for her lor :p
u so goot boy?? can endure for one more month meh??? :p
19-08-2007, 05:39 PM
u so goot boy?? can endure for one more month meh??? :p
Trying my best lor....coz now 7th month.
Very scare to go out late :D
19-08-2007, 07:47 PM
Trying my best lor....coz now 7th month.
Very scare to go out late :D
Quick liao lah the legend will b back neither sooner nor later - 时间刚刚好
U used lubber band to tie ah
Careful xiow chong nao :p
19-08-2007, 07:55 PM
Quick liao lah the legend will b back neither sooner nor later - 时间刚刚好
U used lubber band to tie ah
Careful xiow chong nao :p
Bo bian.... me going to plan how's many times going to RTF this legend when she back......Hekaka
19-08-2007, 09:10 PM
la kopi?? count me in!! keke...
8 bros (Woofer, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober, dirtyhairy, curious75, alex)
can find 8 WL?? so after the kopi session we can all go bonkin...keke
good idea ley,but in the day hor now 7th month sekali not fl,wl but.............kekeke:D .pm me for time
20-08-2007, 06:01 PM
FR on Lily
Thanks bro woofer for Lily's contact. Had a session with her today.
Just a quick rating of her:
Looks 6/10 - she is not a looker but the voice is quite "teh". In fact she looks older than her age.
Attitude - before Fj, I gave her 8/10. After Fj, I gave her 6/10. Please read below.
Boobs 7/10 - quite sizable for her size. She is quite thin actually. But funny thing is she kept on using hands to cover her boobs during the action. Dont quite understand that.
Frenching - never try as she was not into it. I jokingly told her that her 'yan jin ge ge' said can french but she denied that. Anyway also no mood to french her as she coughed occasionally.
Catbatch 8/10 - Shiok. She really knew how to swirl her tongue to lick the nipples.
Bbbj 7/10 - She is quitehard working in this but not much of suction, also not really deepthroat.
Fj 5/10 - She seemed to rush through the action and gave me an impression that she wanted me to cum fast. In the end, she said she could not take my thrust and got stomachache. I was not too sure if it was true but just obliged to her and pulled out my dick. She then suggested to gave me a HJ. What else can I said? Anyway spent the ammo in her hand.
She asked me to do 3P with her friend, Lucy next time. With her performance today, I am not too sure if I would want to give it a try.
20-08-2007, 10:39 PM
FR on Lily
Attitude - before Fj, I gave her 8/10. After Fj, I gave her 6/10. Please read below.
Boobs 7/10 - But funny thing is she kept on using hands to cover her boobs during the action. Dont quite understand that.
Frenching - never try as she was not into it.
Fj 5/10 - She seemed to rush through the action and gave me an impression that she wanted me to cum fast. In the end, she said she could not take my thrust and got stomachache. I was not too sure if it was true but just obliged to her and pulled out my dick.
She asked me to do 3P with her friend, Lucy next time. With her performance today, I am not too sure if I would want to give it a try.
Sorry to hear that you didn't completely enjoy your bonk with Lily.
Firstly, I also don't know why she covered her boobs. She usually flaunts those yummy puppies. I'll ask her later about it.
As for frenching, don't feel bad bro, she also don't french with me! :eek: she's not comfortable. But it's true about her bad tummy. It happened since last night when I was with her. I think my fault. We had dinner, then checked into a hotel and continued to have some cold dessert. It's something about the aircon, her naked body and the cold dessert combination that made her tummy start hurting.
I also ended up with a blowjob/handjob finish haha!! My bad.
But seriously, the L&L combo is quite something else.:D
20-08-2007, 10:52 PM
Frenching - never try as she was not into it. I jokingly told her that her 'yan jin ge ge' said can french but she denied that. Anyway also no mood to french her as she coughed occasionally.
Well sorry to hear that you've got sub par performance from her 2day. Cuz I've told her before whatever good n bad is up her. She herself knows if her performance is below par I would not introduce bros to her. What went wrong and on between the both of you I do not know and do not speculate.
However the part about you QUOTING me that can french is definitely not a right thing to do. PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE things that I've never mentioned, ultimately it will reflect on me and you. Kindly refrain from doing such things for future and other FLS too. It does not bode well for anyone. I hope you take it into consideration.
In the end of the day, whether a FL does certain things or not will largely depends on each individuals chemistry. This is a responsibility which is pretty much the onus on both parties to make it work. Hence, why sometimes, experience between one bro and another will vary.
21-08-2007, 02:14 AM
today call lily n reach gl.i was standing there calling her n just happen she by pass me (got fate lah) then proceed to H diamond.she offer tarma as to call lucy n i say ok but she didnt answer the call(so LL).everything as normal nothing much for me to post lah.but her sucking abit irritate me as her suction quite strong(feel abit pain on my nipples) but her moan was nice.after bbbj,she ride on me,after a while she told me to pump her in missionary as she will be more 'song' but i choose doggie(where i cum in this position)here is my rating for her
figure;slim(i like such figure)
boob;handful but nipple dark brown
fj;5.5/10(not wet)
rtf;no as there are still quite a number for me to up(haiz,new fl keep coming up)
overall 6/10(maybe too pampered by NN)
for $50 i feel its good liao.she also chatty telling me the mafu there call her "13 points":D .thanks, bro woofer:)
21-08-2007, 08:57 AM
However the part about you QUOTING me that can french is definitely not a right thing to do. PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE things that I've never mentioned, ultimately it will reflect on me and you. Kindly refrain from doing such things for future and other FLS too. It does not bode well for anyone. I hope you take it into consideration.
Thanks. Anyway sorry about that.
21-08-2007, 09:21 AM
Firstly, I also don't know why she covered her boobs. She usually flaunts those yummy puppies. I'll ask her later about it.
I think no need to ask her about that. I do not want her to feel that I am a difficult customer. Actually I am not. She did flaunt her assets during the bonking. I just wanted to give a truth FR of my encounter with her. Anway chemistry differs from one another.
Bro satyr, thanks for your concern.
21-08-2007, 01:32 PM
today call lily n reach gl.
wah u oso v fast leh!! too bad u didnt get to try the combo...
when will b my turn??? sigh... everyday wk wk wk...
hopefully i get to try them out b4 end of the month! :cool:
21-08-2007, 03:42 PM
hopefully i get to try them out b4 end of the month!
Bro, after having the combo buffet by end of this month. Who's to try next?
Wow...u so fast taking queue nos already hor :D Waiting for the legend to come back liao :p
21-08-2007, 04:42 PM
today call lily n reach gl.i was standing there calling her n just happen she by pass me (got fate lah) then proceed to H diamond.
overall 6/10(maybe too pampered by NN)
for $50 i feel its good liao.she also chatty telling me the mafu there call her "13 points":D .thanks, bro woofer:)
Wah so fated ah. If only you had the opportunity to Upz Lucy too - True DDs.
Well NN is indeed a class of her own. With all the extras n experience. But am still waiting for the Legend lah.
21-08-2007, 04:57 PM
Anway chemistry differs from one another.
Well it is true to have good chemistry/rapport with all FLs. True in all other situations actually be it bgr, work, family etc. Hence I always make it an effort to create that chemistry, with FL case I esp choose to go to a further H81. That way chemistry can be created during the journey there.
Hence why certain bros have an oustanding experience as versus to other bros is this little chemistry which makes a world of difference. Ultimately, FLs are still humans, it goes a long way to make them feel better.
21-08-2007, 06:04 PM
Bro, after having the combo buffet by end of this month. Who's to try next?
Wow...u so fast taking queue nos already hor Waiting for the legend to come back liao
mayb gonna give the combo a miss liao... juz received a good news!! hav pm bro woofer... waitin for him to break the news... keke :p
21-08-2007, 07:18 PM
mayb gonna give the combo a miss liao... juz received a good news!! hav pm bro woofer... waitin for him to break the news... keke :p
Thanks for the heads up.
But than hor ... your news like 1 week old leh :p
I dun wanna break the news yet cuz I wanna keep all in suspense till nearer to time. Oredi kenna task liao .... sigh .... no need to Zzzzzz liao.
Thanks for the heads up.
But than hor ... your news like 1 week old leh :p
I dun wanna break the news yet cuz I wanna keep all in suspense till nearer to time. Oredi kenna task liao .... sigh .... no need to Zzzzzz liao.
The legend will be back soon..Really soon. Just waiting for Bro Woofer to do the opening ceremony..:D
21-08-2007, 07:24 PM
The legend will be back soon..Really soon. Just waiting for Bro Woofer to do the opening ceremony..:D
I wanna break the news soon but not soon mah.
早不早、晚不晚、时间刚刚好 :D
when the time comes the appropriate action will be done.
21-08-2007, 10:11 PM
Double L Threesome adventure
Hi bros!
Really got to thank bro Woofer to introducing a good pair of ladies. Heres my rating for them:
Bathing: 7.0/10 - Lily in front helping me to wash my dick, the other one behind washing my back using the 36D massagers. Hands were very busy.
BJ and catbath: 7.5/10 - Co-ordination was very good. Lily was the one taking the lead and Lucy was a good follower. The sucks, the blows, the licks, the 36D breast Im impressed. It lasted for quite long.
FJ: 7.5/10 - Started with Lily on top and Lucy was licking here and there and my balls to give extra stimulation. after that changed to doggy. Lucy was behind with her licks and power boobs treatment. Finally missionary and after seeing Lily enjoying herself, she stopped and sit around to watch Lily moaning. Man, first time a girl watching me doing anther girl.... Somehow very weird yet kinky.
Looks: 6.8/10 - Big eyes, 2 pony tails, VERY TEH.....slim, enhanced boobs, should be 34B+,C, slim waist and very hiao. Looks around early 30s I think.
Catbath: 7.0/10 - Her catbath is thorough and the suction is just nice. What I can say is well-trained in this area.
BJ:7.5/10 - Good suction, rythmnic, full shaft movement.
FJ: 7.8/10 - Initiated a few positions. Very co-operative. If you hit the right spot, she will show it on her facial expression.
Looks: 6.2/10 - Fleshy, 36D! Long straight hair, the obedient type of lady.....Maybe she is just obedient to Lily I don't know. Looks like middle to late 20s.
Catbath: 6.8/10 - Lost to Lily by abit. She is hardworking and both of them co-operates so well. When she moved up, Lily moved down and vice versa.
Her suction was good but not as thorough as Lily.
BJ: 7.5/10 - Yes, Lily was better than her. But I just don't know why it felt so good yet abit different when she took over. In the later stage I found out. Its her thick luscious lips. Power sia..... When it wrapped around my dick, heaven.....
Breastfuck: 7.0/10 - For the first time I encountered this. Her breasts were so firm and big that she does not need to squeeze her breasts together to hold my dick to have the feeling. Just putting my dick in the middle and move up and down and it was sooooo good!
FJ: Didn't try, busy fucking Lily.
Overall: 8.0/10 - There can synchronise pretty well. Leader is Lily and they are customer orientated. For those looking for free fuck, forget it. From the looks of Lily, she will slaughter you as I can see that she can get quite agressive if she wants to. When she was cumming, her agreesiveness took over slightly....
Damage: 100 + room
Bros, for this damage, my same old statment, what more can I ask for?
They are worth it. I totally have no complaints but 2 thumbs up!
Bro Woofer, thanks alot once again!
Note: The above description is totally based on personal experience and personal chemistry with the girls. Please do not make comparison from head to tail. We are out to have fun, we take some, we give some. Just treat the ladies well with respect and you will be in for a great time!
22-08-2007, 02:16 AM
I wanna break the news soon but not soon mah.
早不早、晚不晚、时间刚刚好 :D
when the time comes the appropriate action will be done.
The other big question is, will she coming here alone? ;)
22-08-2007, 02:22 AM
wah u oso v fast leh!! too bad u didnt get to try the combo...
when will b my turn??? sigh... everyday wk wk wk...
hopefully i get to try them out b4 end of the month!
har so DD is combo:eek: alamak i miss it.knn,must go back try one of this day.hope after you hor....kekeke:D .
22-08-2007, 02:25 AM
Wah so fated ah. If only you had the opportunity to Upz Lucy too - True DDs.
Well NN is indeed a class of her own. With all the extras n experience. But am still waiting for the Legend lah.
walau,i think i'm going to blacklist soooo many good kangtou where my little brother really cannot rest.bro,remember to update me the 'legend' kekeke:D
22-08-2007, 02:50 AM
I wanna break the news soon but not soon mah.
早不早、晚不晚、时间刚刚好 :D
when the time comes the appropriate action will be done.
Bro, tks for sharing the gd news abt BX to us.
I think we chat on the wrong thread here :D
22-08-2007, 03:53 AM
Can PM me the number, xiao di i wish i also can try out....!!! thanks big bro out there..!!
22-08-2007, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the heads up.
But than hor ... your news like 1 week old leh :p
I dun wanna break the news yet cuz I wanna keep all in suspense till nearer to time. Oredi kenna task liao .... sigh .... no need to Zzzzzz liao.
i knew it abt one week ago too... but today than she go collect the ticket mah!! so its confirm!! heehee... if u dun wan this task, i bet lots of bro will volunteer... wahaha... :p
than again so early after such a long flight, tink oso no action liao la...
Bro, tks for sharing the gd news abt BX to us.
I think we chat on the wrong thread here
paiseh must keep on hijackin this thread... keke... will revert to the original thread after this post!
22-08-2007, 10:25 AM
Can share with me the num. Bro. My didi interested too.Never try before!
22-08-2007, 10:40 AM
Can share with me the num. Bro. My didi interested too.Never try before!
all ur 9 previous post askin for contact???
didnt u read the TS terms n conditions??? haiz... :cool:
22-08-2007, 10:45 AM
all ur 9 previous post askin for contact???
didnt u read the TS terms n conditions??? haiz... :cool:
Maybe he's asking for contact nos for collector only :confused:
22-08-2007, 03:47 PM
walau,i think i'm going to blacklist soooo many good kangtou where my little brother really cannot rest.bro,remember to update me the 'legend' kekeke:D
"Blacklist" lor :D
See whether u can tahan when all the FRs roll out kekekeke
Just look out for the "Legend" thread when the time comes around.
Go upz the LL lah you'll experience a new "High" level
22-08-2007, 06:26 PM
"Blacklist" lor :D
See whether u can tahan when all the FRs roll out kekekeke
Just look out for the "Legend" thread when the time comes around.
Go upz the LL lah you'll experience a new "High" level
roger.will try the combo...........kekeke:D
22-08-2007, 06:46 PM
just the above post also kena zap.i have been zapped everyday.wonder are you the bro with clones that keep zapping me,below is the comment.
Wee hours adventure 22-08-2007 06:37 PM
Wee hours adventure 22-08-2007 06:31 PM tcss too much
22-08-2007, 07:38 PM
Double L Threesome adventure
Bros, for this damage, my same old statment, what more can I ask for?
They are worth it. I totally have no complaints but 2 thumbs up!
Glad you enjoy :p
bo chap
23-08-2007, 01:53 AM
With much thanks to bro woofer, i got lily's contact and arranged a session with her. Met her at abt 11+pm proceed to lor 3+ and got a rm.
First glance, like all brother had mentioned b4 look a bit more chao liao but nice body shape. Those push up bras and b cup? booths really highlighted her figure.
Bit tan but nice to hold around the waist.
Walk together to the rm and tcss during the way there. Was actually hoping she said her side kick lucy was here as well but she didnt mentioned leh...
So we went into rm talk a bit then she said something abt lucy. Said that she is too timid to be standing around the street. and half way thru she asked why i didnt ask for lucy for trama? Well being the 1st time and actaully all the brothers have given such a thumb's up its hard to resist them. FFW >>
Lucy arrived and we all started to change into our party suit. And they lead me into the bath with an unforgetable experiance. with lucy behind me lily infront it was like human sandwich rubbing my butt caressing my little bro.
not to mentioned they asked me to rise my butt to clean my butt hole for me.
after the shower we dried up with lucy drying my front and lily drying my back asking me to raise my hands (felt like a king and a baby at the same time)
After that we proceed to bed where lily starts to attack my bro and lucy licking my balls. I was enjoying my time and had my two hands autoroaming both lily and lucy grabbing their butt and rubbing their nippers. Only one word to describe shok!
After a couple alternating blowing and ar between lily and lucy i felt like floating in the air. cant tahan and lily cap me while i am lie on the bed. She back face me and let me into her. from there i could she her butt hole and had one hand on her waist and the other hand busy rubbing lucy's sister.
Guess i cant really tahan trama. coz after a few minutes of pumping lily i cant control but came in her. can really feel her squeezing my brother when she's on top after the deed we went wash up with lucy giving me another back rub.
Rating as follows
looks : 6/10
effort: 10/10
friendlness : 10/10
didnt feel the SAF (serve and f**k off) standard like in most prc
overall: 8/10 i only hate myself for loosing out the battle next time i would not give up so easily hahah well try 1 to 1 on her 1st just to see how much i can tahan her ahah.
looks : 5/10 (i like slim gals)
but wat lacks in shape is covered by her d cup soft and jelly booths they are a bonus when she did a booth job for me :)
effort 10/10
friendlness : 10/10
overall : 6/10 (wish she was slimmer hehe..)
didnt FJ with her at all! :eek:
next time then...
total damage: 100 + tips + hotel.
1st time trama experience: priceless
they really 天衣无缝 what the other lacks is covered by another person.
perfect co-odination
23-08-2007, 02:02 AM
Bro BO Chap....can feel that fr yr FR u really enjoy it. So got planning to RTF them soon :D
Rating as follows
looks : 6/10
effort: 10/10
friendlness : 10/10
didnt feel the SAF (serve and f**k off) standard like in most prc
overall: 8/10 i only hate myself for loosing out the battle next time i would not give up so easily hahah well try 1 to 1 on her 1st just to see how much i can tahan her ahah.
looks : 5/10 (i like slim gals)
but wat lacks in shape is covered by her d cup soft and jelly booths they are a bonus when she did a booth job for me :)
effort 10/10
friendlness : 10/10
overall : 6/10 (wish she was slimmer hehe..)
didnt FJ with her at all!
next time then...
total damage: 100 + tips + hotel.
1st time trama experience: priceless
they really 天衣无缝 what the other lacks is covered by another person.
perfect co-odination
23-08-2007, 03:39 PM
Was surfing the threads of this forum while waiting for my client at Bugis Starbuck, suddently had the urge to try tarma with lily and lucy. Called lily but no one picked up the call. Guess she is busy. By the way, wonder if any bro ever tried solo with lucy?
23-08-2007, 04:22 PM
Was surfing the threads of this forum while waiting for my client at Bugis Starbuck, suddently had the urge to try tarma with lily and lucy. Called lily but no one picked up the call. Guess she is busy. By the way, wonder if any bro ever tried solo with lucy?
Well Double L is like the vampire where they sleep in the day n only comes out at night :D
Where they suck our male essence dry :cool:
bo chap
24-08-2007, 12:10 AM
Bro BO Chap....can feel that fr yr FR u really enjoy it. So got planning to RTF them soon :D
Haha bro sure man! but i need to have permit approval leh... sian...
That day almost kanna coz oc call to check on me... cold sweat man!
But if i rtf i will go for lily solo hehe... need to take revenge for loosing out so fast that day hahaa....
24-08-2007, 02:07 AM
A thousand million THANKS To Bro Woofer for the contact! Session with Lily and Lucy cannot be explained in words alone! My FR as follows:
Called Lily and arranged to meet her at Lor XX half an hour later. (ask me to wait 2 hours now, I also will wait). Once I saw her, she suggest to call Lucy so that both of them can "attack" me together. Of cos I agreed and went to fetch Lucy before driving to a safe hotel.
During the journey, Lily is more chatty while Lucy is more quiet but both of them make me comfortable with their friendly attitude.
Once in the hotel lift, Lily has already began her attack by usng her butt to rub me. Once in the room, Lucy waste no time to strip me and attack my dick! Lily has already attacked my body by licking all over! I really feel like the actor of an AV movie with these 2 wonderful girls snatching to BBBJ me! These 2 girls are hungry or what?! :D When Lucy is BBBJ me, Lily will lick the balls and vice versa! This goes on for 5 mins before we procced to shower. The attack continues in the bathroom while me sandwich between them, Lucy in front and Lily at the back. Great feeling! Lucy continue her powerful BBBJ attack while Lily uses her killer boobs to rubba my back and butt. We played with one another in the bathroom for more than 10 mins (got to be my longest action in wet body!)
Once on bed, attack on me continues! Lucy BBBJ while Lily licking me all over. When Lily is performing her BBBJ, Lucy will do her AR! 3 words to describe: DAMN BLOODY SHIOK! This attack goes on for 20 mins before Lily asked me if I have enjoyed fully and can I proceed to fuck her. Great attitude! Make sure I am really sextisfied! Lily perform cowgirl on me while Lucy uses her D cup Boobs to rub my face :D
Swtich to Doggy and while thrusting Lily, Lucy is performing AR on me! 1st time having this type of COMBO! Cum after a short while, fully sextified with this COMBO!!
Ratings: Lily
Looks: 6.5/10
Age: 23
Boobs: 8.5/10 with great nipples!
Body: 7.5/10
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 9/10 Tight! No rush and GFE.
Attitude: 11/10!
Ratings: Lucy
Looks: 6/10
Age: 23
Boobs: 9/10 D cupper, soft and great to play with!
BBBJ: 9/10 she really can't get enough of it! Keep on sucking n sucking!
AR: 8.5/10 another plus point of her! she can blow a guy's mind off!
Attitude: 11/10!
A great COMBO and their service orientated attitude is really no hose run! Totally enjoyed the session with them and can't wait to find them again!
RTF: definitely!
Hope bros like my FR and once again to Bro Woofer: Thank you! A great COMBO you have discovered!
24-08-2007, 02:37 AM
Hope bros like my FR and once again to Bro Woofer: Thank you! A great COMBO you have discovered!
Glad that you enjoyed them :D
Actually I feel Lucy is the hidden gem, though plain but has the next door gal appeal. And also if she has Lily's personality and lose a bit of weight here n there - she'll outshine Lily liao. That's my personal opinion that is :p
24-08-2007, 09:07 AM
Glad that you enjoyed them :D
Actually I feel Lucy is the hidden gem, though plain but has the next door gal appeal.
May be I should have a solo with Lucy and make a report here.
24-08-2007, 04:32 PM
May be I should have a solo with Lucy and make a report here.
Why not go ahead. Am planning a fire mission too. After recovery from my 3 weeks cough ... finally a sigh of relief from it.
24-08-2007, 06:08 PM
Glad that you enjoyed them :D
Actually I feel Lucy is the hidden gem, though plain but has the next door gal appeal. And also if she has Lily's personality and lose a bit of weight here n there - she'll outshine Lily liao. That's my personal opinion that is :p
yah. agree with you that she is the hidden dragon. her hunger for dick in her mouth is makes her really like an AV actress if she lose a bit of weight.
24-08-2007, 07:53 PM
I do agree that if Lucy lose abit of weight and inject some of lili's personality .. she'll be a true gem ... she got good skin and really nice looks ..
but just too fleshy for my liking and lili's a wee bit skinny ...
25-08-2007, 06:13 AM
Actually I feel Lucy is the hidden gem, though plain but has the next door gal appeal. And also if she has Lily's personality and lose a bit of weight here n there - she'll outshine Lily liao. That's my personal opinion that is :p
Ah, now we know who made Lucy starved herself for three days ;)
Me Siam Bu
25-08-2007, 06:28 AM
wah hee hee can share share?
25-08-2007, 06:29 AM
Paiseh to hijack this thread, but I should leave the honour to bro Woofer to ups BX thread mah.
Bro Woofer, Congratulations for your BeiJing posting. Can make more money, why not?
la kopi?? count me in!! keke... :D
8 bros (Woofer, Stary, DC, Lighting, Sober, dirtyhairy, curious75, alex)
can find 8 WL?? so after the kopi session we can all go bonkin...keke
Wah, looks like a crisis until you all need to have EGM. Have the successor to take care of the legend been found?
After all you senior bros have RTF her, please remember to share-share with us newbees. Please please.
ps, I like to collect number wor, kekeke :D
25-08-2007, 04:43 PM
Paiseh to hijack this thread, but I should leave the honour to bro Woofer to ups BX thread mah.
Bro Woofer, Congratulations for your BeiJing posting. Can make more money, why not?
Thanks. Oredi told BX, when things are more firm up and such she can come over and stay :D
Wah, looks like a crisis until you all need to have EGM. Have the successor to take care of the legend been found?
After all you senior bros have RTF her, please remember to share-share with us newbees. Please please.
No crisis lah.
Ah, now we know who made Lucy starved herself for three days ;)
Eh this was definitely not my doing hmmm maybe Liliy's ?
25-08-2007, 06:21 PM
lucy starved:eek: 'ma na wu yar'...kekeke.looking forward for kopi session:)
26-08-2007, 06:59 PM
Hi Bros of SBF,
Finally had my 1st tarma experience after so many years of cheonging and I guess many more to come in future. Firstly, would like to thank Bro Woofer for giving me LiLi's contact. Actually wanted to arrange a session with them last nite but I guess they were too busy or don't work nites (not too sure maybe TS can enlighten us so we can better plan our time hehe).
Surprise Surprise ! Got an sms this afternoon at about 1pm saying that they will be starting work for the day soon after she finishes with her hair cut and rebonding. Maitu liao, immediately confirm time and place and rush out to meet them.
Reached the designated location, checked-in and call her to tell them the room number. Within 5 mins, ding dong bell rang and I let them in. TCSS with them for 5 mins to create a friendly atmosphere so can have better chemistry in bed later. LiLi is the more chatty one, told me one bro called her earlier requesting for her service and ask her whether she got provide other special services haha found out that the bro wanted to try backdoor with them and she flatly refused saying that he must be a perverted guy:eek: . So Bros to answer your queries sorry they are not comfortable with backdoor service and besides LiLi's frame is too skinny to take it from behind (Guess many bros that tried her before can vouch for tat. They are nice girls easy to talk to so please treat them nicely as they will be here for another 2 years at least.
All 3 of us strip to our birthday suits and proceed to the toilet for a nice wash up. Toilet a bit cramped with 3 of us inside haha Lili was soaping me from the front and Lucy scrubbing my back from behind wow. Stood there like royalty, now I know how a King feels like. Almost didnt wanna step out of the toilet too enjoyable liao!
Proceed to bed and lighted a ciggie while I waited for them to finished their wash up. Lili was the 1st to come out and immediately jumped onto the bed, gave me a fright and almost dropped my ciggie haha Man was she hungry...straight away gave me a bbbj. She has good suction and boy can she lick, her head was moving up down side ways knowing when to suck and when to lick thumbs up to her!
Lucy came out of the toilet 2 mins later and asked Lili to give her some space. now real action starts. While Lili continues her bbbj, lucy would attack my upper part of my body... started with ear licks neck and slowly moved down to my nipples. Used her twin peaks to massage my chest while i grab them occasionally alternating between her jugs and her pussy. In no time, Lucy's pussy was all wet and willing to go but in my mind I had decided to bonk LiLi instead. Lucy wanted to switch position with Lili and but Lili didnt want Lucy to have any of my manhood :eek: can see she really enjoys giving head. After several attempts Lili finally gave in to Lucy but it was more of being forced away. Why I say that was cos when Lili was licking my balls Lucy took advantage of the situation and attacked my little bro and started her monopoly. haha it was both shiok and comical watching them. Lucy's bbbj has less suction more of a sensual and slow bj and ocassionally looking up to me to check my reaction. Lili didnt stop, she got up changed position and now was her turn to service me from the top. Get to suck her eraser nipples for the 1st time, wat a turn on...
Meanwhile, Lucy moved slightly higher and gave me a nice breast fuck while I fingered LiLi (her cunt was quite tight). Continued for the next 10 mins and when Lili sensed that I was about ready for the FJ, she signalled to Lucy to cap me. Lili got up and came on top to ride me cowgal for the next 5 mins. Didnt quite like this position with her though cos she has a bony pelvic and knocking against my bone (I also skinny frame mah). Asked her to change to doggy which was way better... pumped her slowly and then increasing my momentum while she gave me sexy moans this time round. If you are wondering wat Lucy was doing, she certainly wasnt idling around... massaging my back with her tits and her fingers was playing with my nipples throughout. After doggying Lili for the next 10 mins and seeing tat Lili was moaning and screaming and came too, Lucy pop the question if I wanted to try her too... But I was saving my soldiers for Lili haha... Only brought 2 Cds so I figured if I bonked Lucy too then I would have to end with her as I got to change CD.... Evil me pretended not to hear Lucy and continued my rigourious attack on LiLi...
Switched LiLi to missionary position and continued my assault. LiLi being her pal asked Lucy to go wash up 1st and say that it's ok she can handled it from here. Sorry la, I know its my fault.... make Lucy wet but didnt bonk her (think many bros here would feel the same). Next RTF will decide to bonk Lucy 1st then end with LiLi kakaka.... Dickie was fired up and upon seeing LiLi's cramped face knew she was gonna come a 2nd time and co-ordinated to cum together with her... Fired my rounds away and perched on top of her and rested in this position for a good few minutes before proceeding to the toilet to wash up. Lighted a ciggie and more TCSS with them and LiLi picked up a called from a bro here and told him they will be ready to meet him in half an hour and to book a room at bigger 81 premises so that they can just switch rooms.... to the bro after me, I gave them an espire cd LiLi say it was good dunno u got try a not...compliments of me...
Other Details:
Name: LiLi
Looks : 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (Minus point is her armpit hair)
Tits: B cup (enhanced)
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 7/10 (No rush)
GFE : 8/10 (Chatty & very initiative)
Name: Lucy
looks : 5/10 (Plump side)
Body: 5/10 (but very fair)
Tits: D cup (All natural and soft)
BBBJ: 6/10 (Nice & Slow)
FJ: Didnt try
GFE : 6/10 (quieter and shy)
Overall Tarma Experience : 7/10
RTF: You bet! What more can you ask for, young, value for $ and satisfying!~
Damage: $100 + $20 hotel.
Hope some senior bros here would be kind enuff to donate me some measly points if you like my FR. Lastly, a big thank you to Bro Woofer again for providing us Bros such wonderful contacts.
28-08-2007, 12:58 PM
Overall Tarma Experience : 7/10
RTF: You bet! What more can you ask for, young, value for $ and satisfying!~
Glad that you enjoyed them. You hardly get to see lucy on the streets cuz she's too shy hence usually it all depends on lily to draw in the sales pitch for them :p
28-08-2007, 01:10 PM
how are you?me wanting to go for "white" later ley:D
28-08-2007, 01:17 PM
how are you?me wanting to go for "white" later ley:D
Beware of bonking "White" FL after midnites :D
28-08-2007, 01:37 PM
Beware of bonking "White" FL after midnites :D
that's why i go in the daytime:D
28-08-2007, 02:45 PM
Yo guys!
Had the twin tarma terrific last night! I was washed and squashed, licked and flicked, sucked and bucked. These two wonder bunnies have coordinated their services to near harmonious perfection. They effortlessly, seamlessly and gracefully glided around my body, changing places, switching stimulating duties like they had been doing this for years! And it's only been 3 weeks since they provided me with their maiden "shaung-fei" services.
I decided last night not to fuck but just chill and let the tag team supremos do their magic. What a great decision it turned out to be. :eek:
After another sensational shower with both babes sliding their hands and bodies all over me, I went to the bed and stood on it. And looked down at the erotic proceedings. Like graceful panthers and winding snakes, Lily and Lucy twisted and turned through my legs, licking and sucking my balls and crack as they slithered around. Their tongues and hands were everywhere at once. I felt my balls being gobbled, as another cool wet tongue licked my nipples, then twenty fingers on my butt, then my ears were wet with another wandering tongue, more fingers here and there, then my hot dick again greedily devoured again.
I didn't know who was doing what anymore. The smooth uninterrupted actions between the girls felt like it could have been 4 girls doing me! With my eyes closed, and after 25 minutes of non-stop intense all-body stimulation, I exploded in huge spurts of white hot goo that went on and on and on. I unloaded in full strong squirting waves, as my orgasmic climax tightened my body for a full 20 seconds. What a rush! What a cum!
And to tell you the truth guys, I'm really not quite sure who made me cum, and how I came!! Was it Lily's wet talented mouth? Was it Lucy's creamy boobs? Was it Lily's soft hands? It was a major blur of activities, sensations and bodies that I just couldn't tell! When I opened my eyes from my mind-blowing orgasm, it still didn't help. Our three bodies were all entwined in one human flesh heap. My healthy dose of thick spunk could be seen smeared on Lucy's breasts and leg. There were also some slimy dollops on Lily's hands and cheek, and splashes on her tummy. What the fuck just happened? They wouldn't tell, and just laughed! Simply amazing.
Absolutely the best combo I've ever tried, and will ever try I reckon.
Lucy left the room, had 2nd round with Lily alone. :rolleyes:
28-08-2007, 02:53 PM
Absolutely the best combo I've ever tried, and will ever try I reckon.
DOH :eek: another RTF no wonder I din get to see her when I drove past the usual spot to lookc lookc if she's there to help soothe my stomach cramps
What can I say Satyr is Satyr :p
Yep their combo is the absolute bestest so far.
28-08-2007, 02:57 PM
DOH another RTF no wonder I din get to see her when I drove past the usual spot to lookc lookc if she's there to help soothe my stomach cramps
What can I say Satyr is Satyr
Yep their combo is the absolute bestest so far.
Hey, you told me to go and get my fill last night! And you know how big an appetite I have!... hehe:rolleyes:
PS. Bro, looks like another thread has been opened on them.
28-08-2007, 02:58 PM
I didn't know who was doing what anymore. The smooth uninterrupted actions between the girls felt like it could have been 4 girls doing me! With my eyes closed
Bro, u really enjoying 4some hah....when & where the other 2 FL gals come fr? :eek:
Yestereday's nites was chinese (15th of Seventh mth) very scared lor.
28-08-2007, 03:03 PM
Bro, u really enjoying 4some hah....when & where the other 2 FL gals come fr?
Yestereday's nites was chinese (15th of Seventh mth) very scared lor.
Now that you mentioned it! But I only paid for 2. You think the other 2 will come to collect their share? :eek:
28-08-2007, 03:07 PM
[QUOTE=satyr365;2239682]Hey, you told me to go and get my fill last night! And you know how big an appetite I have!... hehe:rolleyes:
Your insatiable appetite just cannot be quell. Hmmm ... you sure you're not Succubus incarnation ?
Best you get some tonic supplements. Or is that how you get your supps :rolleyes:
28-08-2007, 03:07 PM
You think the other 2 will come to collect their share? :eek:
They will collect their share before they leave by the end of " Ghost festival " :D
28-08-2007, 03:14 PM
Your insatiable appetite just cannot be quell. Hmmm ... you sure you're not Succubus incarnation ?
Best you get some tonic supplements. Or is that how you get your supps :rolleyes:
Most certainly am not! I may be the male version of Succubus... so satyr suits me fine. That's me. An insatiable hunger for wine, women and song. I shall wander through the forest (in this case GL), play my happy song as I chase down and make love to the sexy nymphs that abound.
Put it this way, if i didn't, someone else will. Might as well be me!
PS. By the way, do you know any good tonic recipes...hehe
28-08-2007, 03:36 PM
Most certainly am not! I may be the male version of Succubus... so satyr suits me fine. That's me. An insatiable hunger for wine, women and song. I shall wander through the forest (in this case GL), play my happy song as I chase down and make love to the sexy nymphs that abound.
Put it this way, if i didn't, someone else will. Might as well be me!
PS. By the way, do you know any good tonic recipes...hehe
Yep definitely the male version :D
Well one such good supp will be Tongkat Ali. Besides being well known for its libido qualities. Its actually a health supp too, I believe you get it from Joo Chiat complex from those Malay traditional medicine shops. Or alternatively there're some zinc supps or go to TCM shops to ask the uncle for tonic recipes to improve the kidneys
Which should help lots.
28-08-2007, 04:15 PM
Well one such good supp will be Tongkat Ali. Besides being well known for its libido qualities. Its actually a health supp too, I believe you get it from Joo Chiat complex from those Malay traditional medicine shops. Or alternatively there're some zinc supps or go to TCM shops to ask the uncle for tonic recipes to improve the kidneys
I really don't think I need to further increase my libido bro, it's already at very dangerous levels at it is! haha!
Might go for the supps. If I still don't have the strength, I'll just lay back, relax.... and let Team L&L do all the work! And what wonderful work they do!:p
28-08-2007, 04:27 PM
Yo guys!
Had the twin tarma terrific last night!
Bow down to the KING of SEX!!!!
28-08-2007, 04:38 PM
Bow down to the KING of SEX!!!!
No la. No la. Just a humble horny bastard :D
28-08-2007, 04:55 PM
Thanks to Bro Woofer & Bro Soberguy for upping my points.
Really appreciate your contacts & encouragement towards a newbie like me.
Hehe, also enjoyed Bro Satyr's FR... Kinky! Makes me feel like going for a RTF now especially during this rainy weather :D
28-08-2007, 05:13 PM
satyr ur FR really no horse run leh...
last nite all good boys?? onli u cheong??? after la kopi all went home sleep?? :D
28-08-2007, 05:18 PM
satyr ur FR really no horse run leh...
last nite all good boys?? onli u cheong??? after la kopi all went home sleep?? :D
So we must beware of Bro Satyr when BX is back....He's damn fast
28-08-2007, 05:43 PM
So we must beware of Bro Satyr when BX is back....He's damn fast
i can b v fast too... juz no $$ to b fast...:p
29-08-2007, 01:01 AM
satyr ur FR really no horse run leh...
last nite all good boys?? onli u cheong??? after la kopi all went home sleep?? :D
Well last nite was rather quiet in comparison. la kopi till late buot 1130 or so. Cruise around abit but nothing really caught my eye hence head home lor. Plus was experiencing a stomach cramp from a recent intensive bonk so kiv for near future action. You know I know lah :D
Anyways, Friday it is @ that late hour with usual suspects plus additional peepz for late nite supper
29-08-2007, 01:10 AM
satyr ur FR really no horse run leh...
last nite all good boys?? onli u cheong??? after la kopi all went home sleep?? :D
Well last nite was rather quiet in comparison. la kopi till late buot 1130 or so. Cruise around abit but nothing really caught my eye hence head home lor. Plus was experiencing a stomach cramp from a recent intensive bonk so kiv for near future action. You know I know lah :D
Anyways, Friday it is @ that late hour with usual suspects plus additional peepz for late nite supper
29-08-2007, 03:09 AM
Yep definitely the male version :D
Well one such good supp will be Tongkat Ali. Besides being well known for its libido qualities. Its actually a health supp too, I believe you get it from Joo Chiat complex from those Malay traditional medicine shops. Or alternatively there're some zinc supps or go to TCM shops to ask the uncle for tonic recipes to improve the kidneys
Which should help lots.
hehehe..........asking the same question as me last nite:D
29-08-2007, 03:47 PM
FR as promised.
lili / lucy
Looks: 4.5 / 4
boobs: 6 / 8
service: 8 / 9
damage: 100 + 20 + 2
RTF: no
had a quick tarma session. Not as good as I expect.
Close eye enjoy. OK. Lucy's bbbj is good (butterfly kind, no suction). Can;t say about lili.
suck, bang, then cim in lucy. She's hardworking.
29-08-2007, 03:49 PM
oh, thanks to bro woof for contact.
Think i going to retire after this. had quick a few disappointing sessions this few round.
31-08-2007, 03:53 PM
oh, thanks to bro woof for contact.
Think i going to retire after this. had quick a few disappointing sessions this few round.
Thx for the effort memoch. Well a few not so good sessions does not mean the end of the world. I have my fair share of failures too which I've not posted cuz they're not worth it.
There'll be ultimately one that you'll enjoy thoroughly. Alternatively, you may wanna take it less critical and just enjoy the moment. Or stick with the legal joints, cuz you'll always have choices.
02-09-2007, 10:09 PM
My little bro was ready to get lucky with some lily licking tonight. But damn.... lady luck was not ready to abide. Her "auntie" has just come! Guess I have to wait a couple of days to again have those luscious lily lips wrapped around my wanton willy and wildly wanking me to all kinds of spermatoza spewing delirium. hehe.:D
Lily said to call her on Wednesday for that. And more... :p
03-09-2007, 12:30 AM
My little bro was ready to get lucky with some lily licking tonight. But damn.... lady luck was not ready to abide. Her "auntie" has just come! Guess I have to wait a couple of days to again have those luscious lily lips wrapped around my wanton willy and wildly wanking me to all kinds of spermatoza spewing delirium. hehe.:D
Lily said to call her on Wednesday for that. And more...
to them you are a "regular" liao...........kekeke:D
03-09-2007, 01:17 AM
to them you are a "regular" liao...........kekeke:D
I think Bro Satyr365 had RTF both Lily & Lucy lot of times liao....
He's also waiting for someone else to return.
Counting down by days liao ???? :D
03-09-2007, 10:24 AM
to them you are a "regular" liao...........kekeke:D
I think Bro Satyr365 had RTF both Lily & Lucy lot of times liao....
He's also waiting for someone else to return.
Counting down by days liao ????
Quite regular liow hehe. But I'm having fun counting the days... not only L&L, YX is great too (she's mine tonight! haha) and I'm dying to try YZ.
Yo bro curious, maybe I should also start to target your 3 prcs huh?:rolleyes:
03-09-2007, 11:22 AM
Quite regular liow hehe. But I'm having fun counting the days... not only L&L, YX is great too (she's mine tonight! haha) and I'm dying to try YZ.
Yo bro curious, maybe I should also start to target your 3 prcs huh?:rolleyes:
dont know how their service far only one fr nia.or matbe should ask you to train them up then i go n try:D
03-09-2007, 11:48 AM
dont know how their service far only one fr nia.or matbe should ask you to train them up then i go n try
Ok la. Since you're a friend, I won't charge you for the training haha.:rolleyes: And to improve time efficiency, I will teach all 3 of them at the same time! :D
03-09-2007, 11:52 AM
Ok la. Since you're a friend, I won't charge you for the training haha. And to improve time efficiency, I will teach all 3 of them at the same time!
you wont charge me but they still charge you:D they can tarma or threesome but ex ley.80 each n timing still 1 hr ley:( can 1 shot each but timing too short want it?
03-09-2007, 11:54 AM
bro satyr365,btw why should i be charge?i'm not their okt but just helping them nia.:confused: kekeke...............:D
03-09-2007, 12:10 PM
you wont charge me but they still charge you. they can tarma or threesome but ex ley.80 each n timing still 1 hr ley can 1 shot each but timing too short want it?
That's too ex man! Better stick to the wonder twins double trouble Lily&Lucy for only 100!
bro satyr365,btw why should i be charge?i'm not their okt but just helping them nia.:confused: kekeke..............
Hehe. Joke, joke. I know you're not okt, but with the number of girls you now know..... :eek:
PS. have a good day dude!
03-09-2007, 12:24 PM
That's too ex man! Better stick to the wonder twins double trouble Lily&Lucy for only 100!
Hehe. Joke, joke. I know you're not okt, but with the number of girls you now know.....
PS. have a good day dude!
bro,i can still have some more as you know:D too much girls ard liao.
03-09-2007, 03:30 PM
My little bro was ready to get lucky with some lily licking tonight. But damn.... lady luck was not ready to abide. Her "auntie" has just come!
Er ... there's always Lucy and darn you could have taken this opportunity to just on Lucy for a 1 on 1 right ? Unless she's too shy to do it 1 on 1. :cool:
Quite regular liow hehe. But I'm having fun counting the days... not only L&L, YX is great too (she's mine tonight! haha) and I'm dying to try YZ.
I think Bro Satyr365 had RTF both Lily & Lucy lot of times liao....
He's also waiting for someone else to return.
Counting down by days liao ????
Soon soon
And someone rolls around it'll be one more ...
He'll have no one to fight with if am not around :p
03-09-2007, 05:07 PM
YX is great too (she's mine tonight! haha)
Quick quick break my RTF record, now i had 9 rtf with yx liao (12 shots in total, 6 single session and 3 overnite).
Heard from her that her sis came to sg, maybe u can tarma them, Real sister leh!!!
03-09-2007, 11:52 PM
Quick quick break my RTF record, now i had 9 rtf with yx liao (12 shots in total, 6 single session and 3 overnite).
Quite regular liow hehe. But I'm having fun counting the days... not only L&L, YX is great too (she's mine tonight! haha) and I'm dying to try YZ.
Hee...How's come this thread become RTF's thread liao.
Me just waiting for BX to return :D
And i think Bro Woofer will be her first customer lor :p
Haha...guys, me start to take queue nos liao....Cheers
04-09-2007, 12:35 AM
Quick quick break my RTF record, now i had 9 rtf with yx liao (12 shots in total, 6 single session and 3 overnite).
Heard from her that her sis came to sg, maybe u can tarma them, Real sister leh!!!
9??!! damn! tonight my 4th time. Still some catching up to do bro... jia yue, jia yue...
Soon soon
And someone rolls around it'll be one more ...
He'll have no one to fight with if am not around
But.. but... there's nothing like some friendly competition dude :rolleyes:
Next: Yan Zi... thanks bro alex!
04-09-2007, 12:44 AM
Horny today and went GL to look around. Call Xiaoping recommended by brother Sianren 1st but she having her period so have to walk around to hunt new prey.
Saw this pretty girl with fantastic figure talking to a guy and i wait patiently till the guy walk away and i approach her, then 4 more guys queue around me to wait to talk to her but no chance! I took her once i heard the price is reasonable for her standard.
Name: Fang Fang (Chongqing)
Looks: 8/10
Figure: 9/10 (35C natural 23 32)
BJ: 7/10 (suction good and can feel the tongue working hard but not BBBJ)
FJ: 8/10 (willing to try any position, also tight)
Attitude: 8/10 very GFE, offer to bath for you b4 and after session.
Damage: 80+10+2
RTF: yes!
05-09-2007, 03:01 PM
Name: Fang Fang (Chongqing)
Looks: 8/10
Figure: 9/10 (35C natural 23 32)
BJ: 7/10 (suction good and can feel the tongue working hard but not BBBJ)
FJ: 8/10 (willing to try any position, also tight)
Attitude: 8/10 very GFE, offer to bath for you b4 and after session.
Damage: 80+10+2
RTF: yes!
eh shootout, think you've posted this in the wrong thread
05-09-2007, 03:05 PM
Due to some unfortunate brush with the shady characters in GL, Lily's HP was stolen along with her bag and had to acquire a replacement HP n number. . . .
05-09-2007, 04:02 PM
Due to some unfortunate brush with the shady characters in GL, Lily's HP was stolen along with her bag and had to acquire a replacement HP n number. . . .
Apparently the perpetrators were on a motorbike. Poor girl had her bag yanked so hard from her that it threw her off her feet. She landed hard and her arms and legs are pretty bruised and cut up.
Lily has a new number now.
05-09-2007, 07:37 PM
Due to some unfortunate brush with the shady characters in GL, Lily's HP was stolen along with her bag and had to acquire a replacement HP n number. . . .
Like yu xin, her bag was robbed by shady characters and so was her hp is best that they keep a "lousy" handphone. and advice them not to walk in dark alley where robbery is possible. I also told the gals not to hand their handphone to their customers in case they erase the numbers and get away scott free... Somehow there are bastards out there targeting on PRC standing FLs:mad: Also beware that there are some bastard going ard drugging Fls' drink and took away their processions. Tell them to take unopened canned or bottle drinks when handling their customers.
05-09-2007, 09:22 PM
Sigh ... unfortunately, GL is the seediest part of Singapore. Albeit still safer than most place else though as long as you keep your radar alert for troubles. The moment am step out of the house or the car, am in alert mode liao of the surroundings etc.
Lightning besides telling the gals bout the drinks n hp etc. the other thing is to tell them to keep their $ in seperate locations. Cuz if kena sway, and gotten rob of all $ if kept in 1 single location. Actually applies to those of us which travels frequently. A la spreading the risk basket.
Most importantly, she's well with not major harm. Alls well ends well.
05-09-2007, 09:35 PM
erm i been waiting for many days can u share yr tarma contact?
im keen to try
Ev3rton, plz stop pming me for the contact. Cuz you dun even meet up to my requirements. Your last post is is one year ago and NO FRs. Go Figure !
I will only forward contacts to true cheongsters. No newbies for me too new for comfort.
05-09-2007, 09:54 PM
Wah Lighting Bro,
U sooo considerate for them leh... :P
Oi, when go kopi again? Dun late late can? need to go back to OC leh :)
06-09-2007, 11:47 PM
Just a short fr cos much has been said of their services by other bros.
Looks: 6.5/10
Body: 7.5/10 (Slim)
boobs: B cup
bbbj: 7.5/10 ( Gd suction)
service: 7/10
fj: She was having her period so can't do her
Looks: 5/10
Body: 5/10 (Fleshy)
boobs: D cup (huge mammaries) :D
bbbj: 7/10 (Needs to learn from lily
fj: : 7/10
service: 7 /10
Total damages: 100 + 15 hotel room
RTF:Perhaps (Low on vit M liao)
Overall, it's a nice experience & lily says nxt time find them, she will do the fj with me, kekeke:)
Thanks bro woofer for sharing the contact!
07-09-2007, 11:29 AM
Overall, it's a nice experience & lily says nxt time find them, she will do the fj with me, kekeke:)
Thanks bro woofer for sharing the contact!
Thanks for the FR Holyshit !!! :D
07-09-2007, 12:01 PM
erm i been waiting for many days can u share yr tarma contact?
im keen to try
Ev3rton, plz stop pming me for the contact. Cuz you dun even meet up to my requirements. Your last post is is one year ago and NO FRs. Go Figure !
I will only forward contacts to true cheongsters. No newbies for me too new for comfort.
motehr fucker dun share contact can jus let me know u post public wat u trying to prove
son of a bitch
This is what I am proving to YOU.
Apparently you do not know the meaning of 的饶人且饶人 so
I shall treat you as a KID as of now because you are just one BIG GROWN UP KID !
You're the on that needs to wake up your FXXKING IDEA !
There's no need for you to do pming. Post it out publicly if you've the BALLS !
I reserve my perogative on who I would forward the numbers to. Afterall, we live in a meritrocratic society, there no place for the likes of you.
3 times you pm, which I've chosen to ignore in the first 2 pm which is give face already and the 3rd time you do it again with that kind of tone. I don't owe you anything ARSE. Hence I decide than to take action.
Don't you know how to take a NO. Means NO !
So GROW UP and go elsewhere, where you can play. This is not the place for you.
07-09-2007, 12:19 PM
Yo bro, deep breaths, deep breath, now let's count slowly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..... Need to chill bro! Kopi later?? :D
It's sad to see this. And unfortunately it happens far too often. Newbies just undo themselves. Situations like these make it so hard to find any comfort in sharing with newbies (despite the fact that there are probably a lot of nice and true ones around). It's "one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel" mantra I'm afraid.
07-09-2007, 01:42 PM
Relax bro, some peoples are lik this, machiam lik we own them like this and dun know how to ask politely. Its good tat u stick to ur own principles of passing contacts to protect the FL.
07-09-2007, 01:55 PM
Just realised, that chap also PMed me! :(
07-09-2007, 03:51 PM
bro woofer, cool down ley....... n relax lah.have kopi later?mgs or call me,okie?
07-09-2007, 06:25 PM
Thanks fellows.
Am Cool actually :cool:
Especially after the outburst.
Fact is he's not even a newbie, newbie that I still can understand. Usually I'll just ignore it; but last post just take the cake off it and I simply had to react.
As for La Kopi, we'll leave it to next week - Wed - Fri, late Sat if you guys want. Am gonna be tied up the next couple of evenings till late.
Cheers n Have Good Weekend Ahead
07-09-2007, 06:37 PM
Yo Woofer,
Relac brudder
hehehe...rock steady rock steady
sumtimes it's best to ignore than poon$$$$$$
otherwise stressed out ..then sekali mati
which is what tat good-4-nuthing ChaoBawang always says of me
But Uncle DHairy aka friendly laobaby
no angry, no angry always forgives siao didi
Now will certainly buy you kopi,tea but pussy:D
07-09-2007, 08:17 PM
Bro Woofer,
Wah liao eh.... still got such a noob around, no worry lah, this is school holiday mah, monday all gone back to school liao :)
07-09-2007, 09:43 PM
Wah Lighting Bro,
U sooo considerate for them leh... :P
Oi, when go kopi again? Dun late late can? need to go back to OC leh :)
Thanks i am flattered;) hopefully we will be able to gather for another to*k cock session with the rest and will update you. Just cannot stand this assholes going ard preying on them.
07-09-2007, 09:45 PM
Wah Lighting Bro,
U sooo considerate for them leh... :P
Oi, when go kopi again? Dun late late can? need to go back to OC leh :)
Thanks i am flattered;) hopefully we will be able to gather for another to*k cock session with the rest and will update you. Just cannot stand this assholes going ard preying on them.
07-09-2007, 10:04 PM
Yo Bro Lightning the Kilat...
Apologise for not turning up for your last kopi chat
been bzy like crazy...then kenna siong watch by OC
so always hard to find excuse to savour new pussies
but when free, will invite you and the others to leem kopi:D
08-09-2007, 12:02 AM
As for La Kopi, we'll leave it to next week - Wed - Fri, late Sat if you guys want. Am gonna be tied up the next couple of evenings till late.
Cheers n Have Good Weekend Ahead
Hope that i can meet some of the Bros next week for kopi....But it depand on my working schedule.
Sorri guys, this few days i been busy & didn't drop by here to read the FR.
This week sch holiday & how's come there's a small little kid here? :confused:
08-09-2007, 12:21 AM
I am also another student here ^^, new to sbf :cool:
Introduced by my friend lol..
Got alot to learn here... :)
08-09-2007, 01:56 AM
First I have to thanks Woofer for passing me Lili's contact, And below is the FR as promised.......
Past few nights was pretty quiet at my few haunts ( Upper lorongs ) not much action there so i decided to try some recommended FL from this forum . PM bro woofer for lili's contact. Out of his goodwill i managed to booked Lili and Lucy for a TARMA session at 2230hrs at one of the hotel along L22.
"Ding Dong" ..... At last, I thought to myself the moment of truth. Well to my surprised there is only one gal. Before i could speak , she explained that lucy was unavailable she a was booked by one of her regulars. Hai... , there goes my TARMA.
She was telling me how she was hurt relating her incident with the snatch thief. Trying to be a nice guy , I lan lan sit down and TCSS with her and lend her my listening ear . After that the rest is S.O.P.
Face: 6/10
Looks cute in her chinadoll hair cut
body : 6/10 (too thin)
boobs : B cup,big brown nipple
Looks pretty big with her push up bra especially with her petite frame
catbath: 7/10
plenty of nipple nipping and tongue action.
BBBJ : 9/10
I not a fan of BJ but she almost make me CIM. Good Suction and tongue action. Really take her time to give a through BBBJ
FJ : 7/10
Hot and intense gave me a feeling that she is very horny and very wet ( her own saliva when she blow me with CD ?? )
RTF : sure.
MUST try the TARMA session with Lili and Lucy .
Damage: $50 + Tips + 2 cans of green tea.
08-09-2007, 03:10 AM
FJ : 7/10
Hot and intense gave me a feeling that she is very horny and very wet ( her own saliva when she blow me with CD ?? )
RTF : sure.
MUST try the TARMA session with Lili and Lucy .
he he of cuz she is horny lah, aunty just went away not too long mah :p
Eh suggest you sound her out the next time to check if Lucy's available. That way you'll avoid disappointment on your next fling with them.
Keep up cheongster spirit and you may just yet get to enjoy the legend :D
08-09-2007, 10:04 AM
As for La Kopi, we'll leave it to next week - Wed - Fri, late Sat if you guys want. Am gonna be tied up the next couple of evenings till late.
Cheers n Have Good Weekend Ahead
next fri u free or bz??? if bz pls inform me in adv... :D
08-09-2007, 12:42 PM
next fri u free or bz??? if bz pls inform me in adv...
You're the one always busy bro dc! I've met up with woofer twice liow, and expecting your arrival, but twice kenna fly aeroplane by you! :D Lucky you not FL, if not I sure get damn pissed! :p Since, you are a good bro, all's good dude!
08-09-2007, 09:01 PM
You're the one always busy bro dc! I've met up with woofer twice liow, and expecting your arrival, but twice kenna fly aeroplane by you! Lucky you not FL, if not I sure get damn pissed! :p Since, you are a good bro, all's good dude!
I believe when the BX is bk, Bro Dc definitely will meet us for kopi :D
08-09-2007, 09:30 PM
You're the one always busy bro dc! I've met up with woofer twice liow, and expecting your arrival, but twice kenna fly aeroplane by you!
I believe when the BX is bk, Bro Dc definitely will meet us for kopi
dun lidat say leh... paiseh leh... me under bo pian act la... these 2 months, my boss no need to travel oversea for business so i lan lan always kena call to do this do tat... if he not ard, i beri free can always eat snake...
now my lunch time bonk oso bo liao... c how chiam i m?? :(
08-09-2007, 09:40 PM
So GROW UP and go elsewhere, where you can play. This is not the place for you.yo bro, no point getting so worked up over such a small matter, if he still pesters u, just place him on block list can liao..... cheers!!! :cool:
good that u have found such a good deal for yourself n bros here :D
09-09-2007, 12:29 AM
Bro Satyr365,
are you happen to be a copy writer... Your FR in term of writting skill is the best I had seen so far in this forum !!!!! Your words already make me steam without even sitting down with both Lily and Lucy which I intent to book now than ever after reading your FR in page 3. If there was this forum 25 years ago, I am sure I won't fail my English O level.
09-09-2007, 10:16 AM
Bro Satyr365,
are you happen to be a copy writer... Your FR in term of writting skill is the best I had seen so far in this forum !!!!! If there was this forum 25 years ago, I am sure I won't fail my English O level.
wahaha... imagine the teacher who mark ur o level essay!! c the essay oso steam.... :D
09-09-2007, 12:44 PM
Bro Satyr365,
are you happen to be a copy writer... Your FR in term of writting skill is the best I had seen so far in this forum !!!!! Your words already make me steam without even sitting down with both Lily and Lucy which I intent to book now than ever after reading your FR in page 3. If there was this forum 25 years ago, I am sure I won't fail my English O level.
you dont play play with him hor,he is handsome n "air lu cated" wan hor:D his angmo very good wan:D
09-09-2007, 04:32 PM
Bro Satyr365,
are you happen to be a copy writer... Your FR in term of writting skill is the best I had seen so far in this forum !!!!! Your words already make me steam without even sitting down with both Lily and Lucy which I intent to book now than ever after reading your FR in page 3. If there was this forum 25 years ago, I am sure I won't fail my English O level.
You seem to be somewhat familiar with the advertising industry. Not many outside of the fraternity knows what a copywriter is.... I shan't say however... only that I'm glad you enjoy my contributions here. Thanks.
you dont play play with him hor,he is handsome n "air lu cated" wan hor his angmo very good wan
Yo curious! Paiseh! I shall respectfully accept all your gracious compliments. Having said that however, with all my proficiencies, it is still you bro curious who lands up with all the chicks!! (you also handsome!) Alamak, better quit this, people might get the wrong impression. Back to the babes then... :D
09-09-2007, 04:52 PM
You're the one always busy bro dc! I've met up with woofer twice liow, and expecting your arrival, but twice kenna fly aeroplane by you! :D Lucky you not FL, if not I sure get damn pissed! Since, you are a good bro, all's good dude!
Seems like someone didn't appreciate my above mentioned joke with you bro dc, and zapped me! I was just having a little conversation with you and still kena zapped. Oh well... no matter, all's good. Hope to catch you at our next kopi session bro dc :D
09-09-2007, 07:27 PM
Yo Bro Lightning the Kilat...
Apologise for not turning up for your last kopi chat
been bzy like crazy...then kenna siong watch by OC
so always hard to find excuse to savour new pussies
but when free, will invite you and the others to leem kopi
Yo Bro DH, been looking for such positive response from u till neck long long...
If u come, i sure treat u a bottle of TIGER:D Must see the man who brought hilaraious laughter to the SBF and swept the FLs off their feets. Hope that an arrange would be met somewhere next weekend.
09-09-2007, 11:24 PM
You seem to be somewhat familiar with the advertising industry.
It takes one to spot one or from the industry. yeah
Seems like someone didn't appreciate my above mentioned joke with you bro dc, and zapped me! I was just having a little conversation with you and still kena zapped.
Seems like lots of people are rather trigger happy nowadays ... sigh ...
Yo Bro DH, been looking for such positive response from u till neck long long...
If u come, i sure treat u a bottle of TIGER:D Must see the man who brought hilaraious laughter to the SBF and swept the FLs off their feets. Hope that an arrange would be met somewhere next weekend.
Don't count on it, he'll even go AWOL when someone or something turns up round the corner :D
Ooops let too much cat out of the bag ...
09-09-2007, 11:39 PM
Seems like lots of people are rather trigger happy nowadays ... sigh ...
Oh well...
Anyway, I'm glad I cracked you up with my (mis)adventures with Yuxin. Tomorrow, I'm gonna pen my adventures, albeit a totally planned one, with The Amazing ElastaGirl - The Struggle Within (bro lopo's XYZ with whom I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday afternoon!)
PS. Kopi this week?
09-09-2007, 11:49 PM
Oh well...
Anyway, I'm glad I cracked you up with my (mis)adventures with Yuxin. Tomorrow, I'm gonna pen my adventures, albeit a totally planned one, with The Amazing ElastaGirl - The Struggle Within (bro lopo's XYZ with whom I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday afternoon!)
PS. Kopi this week?
Hmmm you should apply for a pen job with Playboy, Penthouse or the likes of Hustler. Am sure your talent will be put to great use :D
Kopi this week - Wed should be fine and Fri for Alex's sake.
Same time - 1930
Same venue (or should we shift one lane up ?, cuz dun wanna feel and smell oily leh)
Parties involve - usual suspects. You know who you are ...
Cheers n a Good one ahead
10-09-2007, 12:01 AM
Kopi this week - Wed should be fine and Fri for Alex's sake.
This WED & Fri sorri i can't make it due to tight schedule.
How's abt Tue & Thur? So paisay :D
10-09-2007, 12:51 AM
Bro Satyr,
No lah.. not in the ad industry but my work let me have the opportunities to touch base with many different industries.... But as you said, the most important is to enjoy your FR which I certainly do....
I intent to book Lily and Lucy on Monday and let them know it is 'brother spectacles' that recommend them and I will treat them nice and will post FR.
If kopi session goes on, please let it happen on tuesday.... I won't be able to join on friday as I will be posted on foreign land for the next 6 weeks... that's why die die must try Lily and Lucy this monday !!!!
10-09-2007, 01:06 AM
Bro Satyr,
I intent to book Lily and Lucy on Monday and let them know it is 'brother spectacles' that recommend them and I will treat them nice and will post FR.
I won't be able to join on friday as I will be posted on foreign land for the next 6 weeks... that's why die die must try Lily and Lucy this monday !!!!
Have fun bro! They're really not-to-be-missed!!! Remember, tell them, especially Lily what you like (if you have certain preferences), she'll abide most gladly. If you don't have any requests, never mind - relax and let them blow your mind (among other parts of your body of course :D)
Tell them I said hi! I'm the "chinese-mixed" guy. Haha
10-09-2007, 01:18 AM
This WED & Fri sorri i can't make it due to tight schedule.
How's abt Tue & Thur? So paisay :D
Sigh very hard to please everyone leh ...
Some want Tues ... some want Fri ...
But very hard to satisfy all leh ...
Tues is out of question for me.
Fri looks good so far, hmmm I may bring a special guest.
If Fri -
Time - 2200 hrs to ... (Alex, you can check if we're still ard)
Venue - same if not one lane before.
Suspects involve plz check in ...
10-09-2007, 01:22 AM
Fri looks good so far, hmmm I may bring a special guest.
Hmmmm.... interesting:rolleyes:
10-09-2007, 01:27 AM
Fri looks good so far, hmmm I may bring a special guest.
I will sms u wheather u guys still around after 2300 on Fri
10-09-2007, 01:46 AM
If happen on late Friday... kind souls, please leave PM to me and I will try to make it as I might just come back from BKK. I really keen to meet the senior here...
10-09-2007, 03:07 AM
Sigh very hard to please everyone leh ...
Some want Tues ... some want Fri ...
But very hard to satisfy all leh ...
Tues is out of question for me.
Fri looks good so far, hmmm I may bring a special guest.
If Fri -
Time - 2200 hrs to ... (Alex, you can check if we're still ard)
Venue - same if not one lane before.
Suspects involve plz check in ...
me got tio bo:D .
10-09-2007, 09:50 AM
It takes one to spot one or from the industry. yeah
Seems like lots of people are rather trigger happy nowadays ... sigh ...
Don't count on it, he'll even go AWOL when someone or something turns up round the corner
Ooops let too much cat out of the bag ...
Ehhh Bro Woofer...
mai ahnee leh...aledi kenna zapped saying me unsincere my kopi offer:eek:
unlike many bros, sum of us are not so lucky
like me got many problems at work and family
so not so simple or free to get out easily to lar kopeeeee
but Bro Lightning at least he understands and dun get angry easily
and my postings in humour, he can he forgives DHairy
who will be away from Sept Bro W & Bro Lightning dun be surprise
bcos I intend to drop by and offer the drinks to you guys
but pls PM me time/place/date
so that I can sneak out before they lock the gate :)
10-09-2007, 11:03 AM
Fri looks good so far, hmmm I may bring a special guest.
Suspects involve plz check in ...
lidat gotta q up liao... dc reporting... keke...
fri to sun confirm cant! gotta work!!
wed i can!! anyone??? drop mi a pm. kopi on me!! :D
10-09-2007, 04:26 PM
lidat gotta q up liao... dc reporting... keke...
fri to sun confirm cant! gotta work!!
wed i can!! anyone??? drop mi a pm. kopi on me!!
bro,kena fly aeroplane by you ley b4;) gather twice liao also never see you.i want tea nia but ginseng tea hor,can?:D
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