View Full Version : Penthouse MAG Eurasian babe 175cm - Swing

23-07-2007, 01:13 PM
Nice to be of service to bros again

Swing 23yrs old (Penthouse Mag Model)

Damage: 220 2 shot 90min

Becks 23yrs old

Damage: 160 2 shot 90min

Preview: http://asia.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/san68tan/my_photos


23-07-2007, 02:06 PM
Nice to be of service to bros again

Swing 23yrs old (Penthouse Mag Model)

Damage: 220 2 shot 90min

Becks 23yrs old

Damage: 160 2 shot 90min

Preview: http://asia.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/san68tan/my_photos


Swing do look delicious... But not sure if willing to pay that price...

Any comments from other brothers?

23-07-2007, 04:18 PM
yapz agree with you that she looks great.
but dun know whether the boobs is real or enhance ?
will wait for FL b4 decide to go for it ....

23-07-2007, 04:23 PM
jaw dropped :eek: , the face, the body, and the price... :D, tamade, sibe tempting.....

23-07-2007, 04:49 PM
Swing looks good....my type....

will camp for frs:o

23-07-2007, 05:30 PM
Looks good but price too high...:(

23-07-2007, 05:50 PM
WOW Bro San69 ,

Your stock sure look good.

But then ............ your pricing is too steep.

$220 i guess it your highest ever pricing for a thai stock.
correct me if i am wrong.

better pricing = better value for cheongster brosther.


23-07-2007, 06:58 PM
Bro San68, I have PMed you. Hope for your early reply.

Thanks & Cheers

23-07-2007, 07:22 PM
WOW Bro San69 ,

Your stock sure look good.

But then ............ your pricing is too steep.

$220 i guess it your highest ever pricing for a thai stock.
correct me if i am wrong.

better pricing = better value for cheongster brosther.


Price steep, his cut from the gal must also very steep :)

The highest till date is $200

The girls quality that was from AJ Joe few years ago that cost $150-200 , i would said they were the best that come with a reasonable price.

23-07-2007, 07:53 PM
Hmmm... heng is not that recycled swing... the one who came under heaven babes then later another okt... sanbro i'm helping you hor

23-07-2007, 08:29 PM
HI San .... Chance for a first blood?

23-07-2007, 11:39 PM
Bro San68, I sent you PM.


24-07-2007, 12:23 AM
Bro San, another power house? Bleeding profusely already. She's got the looks, the body...eeermmm what about the service. Hopefully, she excel in the service field. Hehe :D

Calling 1st blood bro, your valuable / exciting FR. :p

24-07-2007, 01:17 AM
Oh??? Still no FR yet?? Good....let me kick off with it.....
I am lucky to have the 1st Blood on Becks, juz had my sexion with her....and come home a HAPPY man.......budget not enough for Swing....haha...

I am worried after my FR, she will be a TIRED lady till the day she return to the LOS....becos she had the power and strength for the massage, after my 1st firing, i enjoyed the massage very much......

Hmm....WHat can i say...???

You want Bath Tub Service?? You Have Bath Tub Service, she will bath you with those pair of all natual perky boob!!
You want Butt?? You Have Butt, Sure for Butt lover!!
Money Back Guarantee for Butt lovers......doggie style!!

Look : 7/10 (She will grow on you)
Boobs : 8/10 (All natural, with pink nipples, Nice)
Service/Attitude: 8/10 (Hard working....she do all the movement)
GF Feeling : 8/10 (We hugged like lovers)
BBBJ : 8/10 (Keep on giving me that slulty look, but i like it)
FJ : 8/10 (Tight and she really enjoyed it, especially doggie)
Overall : 8/10

I really missed those butt!!!

24-07-2007, 01:36 AM
wow...220. very steep price *look into my wallet*...Does she CIM? :)

24-07-2007, 08:57 AM
Wooo,price are too steep..But most important is the service.....Hmmmmm....Y not..but too bad i am at oversea now...Cant try..Will be back on next month end...:(

24-07-2007, 10:35 AM
Swing looks really good but with that price has to come with great all-in service otherwise will feel 'cheated'. So gonna wait for FR before going in..

24-07-2007, 10:59 AM
Since she is a penthouse model, her real life should be swee, i don't understand why bro san don't post her real life photos so we can have more confident to book? price at 220 is not cheap lo, those Mag are Make up photos, nowadays any dam MP gals in bkk can become penthouse model, most important is photogenic;)

24-07-2007, 12:12 PM
i normally don't post FR but i'll make an exception as Bro San gave me 1st blood with Swing.

yes, she is pricey. but good service, no english so communication was a problem but very friendly, no attitude and looks my type. 80 -90 % pic accuracy ( depending on the pic ). had a short session as had to rush off, but managed 2 explosions. overall, happy.

eurasian looks. Tall too. body a little pear shaped but looks natural.

look : 80 - 90% pic accuracy
body : tall, a bit pear shaped, not model skinny but not bah bah.
boobs: looks like a B. think natural, enough for me
bj : CD at my request, ok, average only. not great suction or variations.
FJ: good, responsive, fantastic doggy.
damage : 220 + tips
rtf: normally not, haven't decided.

24-07-2007, 10:59 PM
Another FR for Swing ..... tried her a few hours ago ....

A very service oriented and friendly gal almost 90% like the pic. nice boobs and smooth skin. Very fair and eurasian look. Does not speak much english but attempts to converse.

BJ: 7/10 (not many different styles)
FJ (rider): (9/10) nice and tight. when she is on top just looking at her beautiful face humping you makes up for the session.
Frenching: none
FJ (missionary): 8/10

Took two shots. got a nice massage in between the shots. Massage a 7/10. Overall I would give this one a 9/10 on looks. Those with desire for pink nipples.... fair eurasian look and tight pussy will like her.

Thanks san bro for arranging it!

RTF: not thought about it.

24-07-2007, 11:54 PM
i normally don't post FR but i'll make an exception as Bro San gave me 1st blood with Swing.

yes, she is pricey. but good service, no english so communication was a problem but very friendly, no attitude and looks my type. 80 -90 % pic accuracy ( depending on the pic ). had a short session as had to rush off, but managed 2 explosions. overall, happy.

eurasian looks. Tall too. body a little pear shaped but looks natural.

look : 80 - 90% pic accuracy
body : tall, a bit pear shaped, not model skinny but not bah bah.
boobs: looks like a B. think natural, enough for me
bj : CD at my request, ok, average only. not great suction or variations.
FJ: good, responsive, fantastic doggy.
damage : 220 + tips
rtf: normally not, haven't decided.

Great, I shall have a taste of her this Friday. slurp slurp

Da Vinci
25-07-2007, 12:10 AM
wow! price very steep..:eek: :rolleyes:

the price is attracting my eyes more than the picture

25-07-2007, 12:34 AM
Swing- The Insatiable One


25-07-2007, 08:22 AM
Met up with Swing yesterday morning, thank you bro san and apologies for the late fr....

Swing, tall, slim and gorgeous...bear some resemblance to Maggie Q...fair with a sweet smile...Boobs, firm and natural with small light coloured nipples...Bbbj, ok but lacks suction and a bit hurried...Fj, reasonably tight, sensuous and unhurried...nice soft moans...

Overall, a nice and relaxed session with a gorgeous looking babe...however her english is poor (to say the least)...she tries hard to communicate though...

25-07-2007, 08:31 AM
I think Foster also not bad leh...
Will camp for fr too:p

25-07-2007, 09:29 AM
Thx for the FRs bro, FR as per to the group by bro Ma Guang

Just had a session with Becks this morning. Overall the session was fantastic experience.
I shall keep this FR short and sharp:

Arrange with bro San68tan yesterday morning for a slot with Becks for this morning. And rec'd a sms from him to confirm that the time changed to 30 min
later...anyway, no problem I took a slow drive down.

Went up to room , she was in a tiny dress. Then she offered me a towel and she has the warm water in tub ready and she came in naked to bath with me.
Thoughtful and helpful girl.

Onto the bed, she did bbbj for me after which she "cow-girl style" me. Man....
must say her body is solid and very fair.

After the 1st round , back to the shower and again help to shower and give me
a good rub too.

Next round, she massaged me . This is the shiok part...she knows how to massage too. Man! until I almost fell asleep hahaha...the massage was so good that I didn't want her to stop for the 2nd round FJ. ( I really like a sweet
young girl like Becks then the usual "auntie looking or a dark dark" lady to massage me )

After almost 45 mins of massage, shower time again. With her cleaning me up once again for the 3rd time.

Following is the summarised stats :
Face: 7/10 ( sweet girl next-door type )
Body: 7/10 ( petite but a solid smooth warm body, best with light brown nipples )
BBBJ: 8/10 (wet and warm. Power suction)
FJ: 7/10 (warm and tight)
Attitude: 10/10 (smiling all the way, hardworking)
Overall service: 8/10 ( Too bad she speaks only a little english. Love her massage )
RFT : One thing I noted is that girls under a good OKT give a better
level of service...I would try Bro san68tan other girls esp those he recommends.
Understand...he is having a "crazy" sales now.

Bro San68tan....hope you won't mind my FR. If it is okay...then use it for Becks, I can't find one on her in Sammyboy forum yet.

Bro...good stuffs pls sms me and if I can make it...I will. I am working in the night shift lah. Can be very tiring.

Ma Kuang

25-07-2007, 09:52 AM
yapz agree with you that she looks great.
but dun know whether the boobs is real or enhance ?
will wait for FL b4 decide to go for it ....

Ya. I hate fake breast. But she looks great but not for the price mann...

25-07-2007, 01:06 PM
hi, bro, san68, I have pm you my contact. please arrange for me with becks or swing... Thx


25-07-2007, 03:59 PM
bro san, ur gals nv cease to impress me..haha but poor uni student here no money...so see if i can save enough b4 she leaves lor..any way they both look nice


25-07-2007, 04:29 PM
Price steep, his cut from the gal must also very steep

The highest till date is $200

The girls quality that was from AJ Joe few years ago that cost $150-200 , i would said they were the best that come with a reasonable price.

Bro Lengkia, the main culprits that kept pushing up the pricing are Bonniesan & Slim a.k.a Hugoman.

San68 has been maintaining the price quite consistently throughout except when bringing in models.

26-07-2007, 12:19 PM
thx for supporting bros, do feel free to post FRs. slots todae are full. tq :p

28-07-2007, 06:57 PM
OK, just got my slot with Swing tonite. I know I shouldn't compare, but after my session with Jo Jo last week, hoping for another similar experience.

Am hoping to have a good time and will provide a detailed FR (if session is good) when I recover. :D

29-07-2007, 06:05 PM

FR on swing.

she's beautiful. She's tall. she got a nice smile.
but i noticed one thing about her hair, her hair is not as long and curvy at the end as in the photos. now hers is quite straight. I actually kinda hope she got the kind of hair in the photos coz they're so elegant looking.
still get a score of [9.0] here.

body : hmmmmmmmm this is difficult to rate accurately. I actually didn't think her body is one of the best. mainly becoz of her 'pear shape' hip area, as mentioned by one of the bro in the early FR. it's very subjective here about whether or not you like it.
well she got that kind of height that I like. when she is standind up i don't quite like her pear hips, but when she is bending down it's still quite sexy for me. as for boobs .. not too big .. and she got small cute nipples.
for me i would rate a [7.8]

bath : just a bath to clean up, nothing more nothing less. some would call 'SOP'. she didn't tease me or use her assets to rub me (even after i tried to communicate with her to ask her to). maybe she misunderstood me. no feelings here. so was rather sian .. and it's fast. hmmm but maybe it's coz both of us are tall and we can only stand, that's why bath is fast fast finish.

english : not good. besides very easy things, talking about other things would be extremely difficult. you got to be a very good listener and interpreter to understand part of it.

feelings :
feels a bit commercial for me. and also becoz of poor communication, there isn't much feelings for us (some would call GF feeling).
however she is still friendly and mostly smiling. having a nice attitude.

BJ : ok here comes the part that I feel i must say as it's important to other bros who might wanna try her. She can't do a BBBJ and can't kiss much becoz something to do with one corner of her lips.
she told me previously can but she do too much bbbj for her costomers before me so now due to her lip problem, i can only get a BJ (with cap).
BJ score : [7.7] was not bad but not as strong as I like .. sorry :p for being picky

cat bath : GOOD. I like her cat bath. previously in the past I don't really enjoy woman licking on my nipples much coz I can usually feel their teeth and its a little more painful and disturbing than arousing. but she know how to use her mouth that i actually feel it's quite pleasurable. and I like the way she use of boobs and rub my lower area while i'm lying down. it's very arousing.
score : will give a [9.0] here

HJ : hmmm normal. it still works for me but it's not the kind that make full use of the capability of the mechanics of the hand if you know what i mean.

FJ : quite arousing doing her doggy. some of the other actions are a bit difficult for me coz im not used to her height but that's just me. [8.5]

RTF : nay .. i even think for a long time before trying this kind of price range.
honestly she is still not bad but base on my FR above I will probably not try her again for the same kind of price.
My arguement would be becoz i still can find same (if not more) amount of pleasure from other FLs with much lower price range (of coz how the word 'pleasure' here means to me differs from other people, remember)

in a nutshell : not bad but not best

30-07-2007, 12:31 PM
Bro san,

how come in the title of the thread it says Eurasian babe but when click on picture of Swing, she look like a thai ?

Are you gonna zap me for asking this question ? (Like that what thaiboy's gang did)

30-07-2007, 05:10 PM
OK bros, here’s the FR which I promised. Sorry, it’s a bit late as I am traveling. Pls don’t zap me hor, if it is not up to your standards because I am such a low pointer to start off with. Your generosity is also always welcomed lah :D

Had a difficult time trying to locate the hotel even with my GPS and had to frantically SMS Bro San for the location. Eventually made the appt just in time. Traffic in Little India at night is a killer; be warned and be careful navigating your car in that area.

Firstly, I would say I was totally satisfied with how she looks. In fact, I would say she even looks better in real life than some of the posted photos. I can confirm with the Bros that Swing is really fair, with Eurasian looks and she is at least 170cm, if not more. Her boobs, etc are all real, no augmentation there at all, so you’ll be getting au naturel stuff with Swing.

Here’s the summary:-

BJ: 7/10
FJ (rider): 9/10 (When she is on top just looking at her beautiful face humping you and her natural breasts bouncing….aaaahhh)
FJ (missionary): 8/10
Frenching: none
Kissing: light
Look: 8.5/10 (better than the pics (which didn’t capture her Eurasian looks)
Body : Tall, at least 170cm. Slim and not model skinny. Definitely not bah bah.
Boobs: 8/10 (At least a B. Looks and feel natural.)
BJ: CD. Average in suction
FJ: good, responsive, fantastic doggy.
GFE: OK only, but she attempted hard to communicate. Definitely not contrived.
Damage : S$220
RTF: Probably not, as I am away and there are others to try

The Welcome
After I pressed the doorbell, I heard the rustling of some footsteps and the door opened to reveal a beautiful, tall and fair babe with Eurasian looks. Wow! My fantasy come true as I have always fancied beautiful Eurasian gals since young. There’s just something about the combination of the best of both the Oriental and the Western looks. I quickly made my way in and asked if she minded me taking a cigarette. I offered her some but she doesn’t smoke and showed her my GPS and how hard it was for me to locate the place in my attempt to break the ice. She said her hotel is expensive as she had to pay $100 per day and that she was here for 6 days already. Asked me whether I knew her frd Becks and whether I saw her from the internet, etc. Said she doesn’t look as good as her photos but I assured her genuinely that her photographer ought to be shot as she looks much better in real life. He he …. that elicited a smile from her and made her (and me) more at ease. She suggested showering and I didn’t want to waste time anymore to see her in the nude. Finally, she peeled off her black lingerie which revealed a full pair of B boobs, a tall slim and fair body. As my loin stirred, I quickly grabbed her boobs and that gave me a hard on.

The Shower
Nothing eventful happened during the shower. It gave me an opportunity to examine her body in more details and I was holding myself back for what I was going to savour later on. Being naughty, I did take advantage and grab her boobies as well as her ass during the shower.

The Main Course
I dried up and waited for her to emerge. She came out with the small hotel towel wrapped around her body. I motioned for her to come and she sat on the bed and started stroking my thighs as I reached over and peeled her towel off her magnificent body. Once unwrapped, I reached over and fondled her natural breasts. It was soft and natural and fair. Aaahhh …… a beauty who can easily pass off as catwalk model in Singapore and here I am, fondling her body with more to come.

She proceeded to lick my body starting off at my left nipple and working all over my body. I let out a small gasp to let her know which part to focus on as I stared at the face of this Eurasian beauty servicing me. Slowly, she made her way down south, licking the shaft of my fully erected dick before taking the head in. I would have preferred that she also licked my balls but …… My hands were wandering all over her smooth, fair and lengthy body. Her complexion is smooth and her hands and long fingers are soft and tender. As I had a CD on, I could last much longer than I usually could and she was like BJ-ing for at least 5-10 mins.

I just couldn’t wait anymore and had to have a taste of the lovely body of this gorgeous Eurasian looking model. I motioned for her to stop and started planting light kisses on her lips (she said she couldn’t French as she has a cold sore which she showed me. Better safe than sorry, since she is so beautiful, must have a lot of different guys, I took heed of her advice). I licked her ears, smelled and nuzzled her long slim neck and worked my way down to her twin mounds. I licked her nipples and flicked my tongue on it as she let out a soft gasp. Encouraged, I continued kissing, licking and flicking at them with my tongue before I sucked her breast into my mouth. I moved down south instead of the other breast. Boy, I had to cover a lot of ground as she is tall! I moved down to her milky thigh and proceeded to lick and kiss them before settling at her groin. Her pussy hair was trimmed and I spent a fair bit of time exploring the outer zones of her cave, both on the left and right side. I deliberately stroked my thumb across her outer pussy lips across her clit and she gave a moan. I spread her thighs even wider as my tongue started tracing the outer lips of her pussy, all the way to her clit. She was now moaning louder and I reached out and grabbed her breast, giving them a massage as I explored her pussy with my tongue. I then released one of her breast as I started to slide my finger into her pussy to get a real feel of the inner sanctum. It was wet and I started stroking the upper half of her pussy. She has now gotten more into the zone and was slowly gyrating her hips in line with all the attention being paid to her pussy.

After a while, satiated, I disengaged and licked my way up her body. She took my dick in her hands and guided it into her wet pussy. I slowly propped myself up and spread her thighs for the missionary action. With her long legs spread-eagled, I slowly thrusted in and out as she moaned. It was a sight to behold! After a while, I took her legs and clamped her thighs together and rested her calves on my shoulders as I continued to pump her wet pussy as her moaning intensified. With her eyes closed, and her breasts bouncing, I kept up the pumping as she continued moaning. Before long, I could feel the build-up within me. I quickly took her ankles and crossed her legs whilst fucking her. When a babe has long legs, you'll be amazed at what you can do with them! I took a light bite at her calves as I cummed and collapsed into the slim and fair body of this Eurasian looking babe and I kissed her lightly all over her face.

The Aftermath
I had a ciggie whilst she proceeded to wash up. We chatted a bit about her life in Bangkok and found out that she stays at a high rise apartment in Bangkok and has 7 Siamese cats, which she breeds and then sell the kittens. Not too bad, a pussy loving Eurasian model who is also a part-time businesswoman. Also spoke about the clubs which are hot in Bangkok, etc. Sufficiently recovered, I went for a 2nd round of FJ and left a happy and contented man.

For the bros who love good looks and tall model potential, Swing would be a good choice. She is not one of those dark indigenous Thais and despite the price, I came away happy. I have gotten my fantasy of bonking a Eurasian babe fulfilled and the bonus is, she could pass off as a catwalk model as well.

31-07-2007, 10:29 PM
Just back from a session with Swing so here's my FR and stats.

Maybe due to her slightly higher pricing being model cat and good reviews from some bros saying she is gorgeous/ beautiful etc my expectations may have gone up. So hope bros here dun mind my not so positive review.

Door open, first impression disappointed. She looks alright but teeth not so nice. Like I said, maybe expectations went up. Anyway walked in had some chat.This gal is service orientated. Wanted to help remove my shoes which I kindly rejected. Very friendly and always smiling.We both stripped down and proceed for bath.

Had full view of her body and this is second disappointment. Body wise not so good pear shape as some bros mention. Slim on top with B cup boobs light brown nips but bottom slight heavy.But her skin fair and smooth. To me she doesn't have the right curves to create sexiness.

Had a standing soapy as she mentioned tub too small which was fine with me. After dry up, proceed to bed for action. Her catbath was ok pretty standard. Think she got a ulcer or blister so she mention BJ with cap which was fine by me too. Did a standard BJ then proceed for FJ cowboy and missionary. Halfway into mission my small bro protested and went soft.Had to get her to HJ to harden and continue. Just one of those where I just wanted to release and get it over with.

After release, lie on bed and she massage my legs. Had a good chat with her for around 20 minutes. She herself told me some bros came and after viewing her rejected. I told her different people and different taste. But for me, I will still carry on as the gal making money and if reject will lose income.Maybe she sensed that I really not into her. Nice gal to talk to though. After chatting proceed to wash up. She offered second shot which I kindly decline giving excuse being tired.Paid up, thanked her and left.

GF-6 (not her fault its mine)
Damage-Standard (duration took one hour with one shot)

Overall a disappointing session for me. As they say different strokes for different folks or one man meats is another poision etc. Just a average looking gal and I'm still wondering why she being priced as such. :confused:

Hope Swing supporters dun mind my honest view. :D

31-07-2007, 11:30 PM
Totally agreed with justl00king. She got the height but I don't think she is pretty. :(

01-08-2007, 12:00 AM
After release, lie on bed and she massage my legs. Had a good chat with her for around 20 minutes. She herself told me some bros came and after viewing her rejected. I told her different people and different taste. But for me, I will still carry on as the gal making money and if reject will lose income.Maybe she sensed that I really not into her. Nice gal to talk to though. After chatting proceed to wash up. She offered second shot which I kindly decline giving excuse being tired.Paid up, thanked her and left.

GF-6 (not her fault its mine)
Damage-Standard (duration took one hour with one shot)

Overall a disappointing session for me. As they say different strokes for different folks or one man meats is another poision etc. Just a average looking gal and I'm still wondering why she being priced as such. :confused:

Hope Swing supporters dun mind my honest view. :D

maybe becoz of the high price,so some brothers will have higher expectations lo....

01-08-2007, 01:25 AM
maybe becoz of the high price,so some brothers will have higher expectations lo....

hmm what's wrong with higher expectations when the price is high

ain't it suppose to be that way ?

Da Ming
01-08-2007, 08:52 AM
bro justlooking

i have kena few times from other OKTs. That why i always insist to view real live picture before i part with my hard earn $. sad to hear your plight

give some discount of 25% to FR..not so accurate

01-08-2007, 09:18 AM
No offense bros, another man's meat is another mans poision

01-08-2007, 09:58 AM
No offense bros, another man's meat is another mans poision

No offense san68, put up real life photos to show your confident on your girls and i may book your girls.

01-08-2007, 10:06 AM
Totally agreed with justl00king. She got the height but I don't think she is pretty. :(And for that price??? :confused:

01-08-2007, 10:07 AM
hmm what's wrong with higher expectations when the price is high

ain't it suppose to be that way ?Precisely. ;)

01-08-2007, 10:09 AM
bro justlooking

i have kena few times from other OKTs. That why i always insist to view real live picture before i part with my hard earn $. sad to hear your plight

give some discount of 25% to FR..not so accurateThink should skip those studio pics ones...sometimes can be a real shocker! :D

01-08-2007, 12:59 PM
Think should skip those studio pics ones...sometimes can be a real shocker! :D

alamak, super suck at taking live pics bros, however wil try :p

01-08-2007, 09:38 PM
hmm what's wrong with higher expectations when the price is high

ain't it suppose to be that way ?

hmm...nothing wrong,its suppose to be that way,so i voice out lo

01-08-2007, 11:14 PM

aiyah no worries bros

we're out to enjoy
and we know sometimes it's like that
I supposed it's 'part of the game'
bro san didn't force us anyway so it's all Cool :)

bro san, we actually understands that sometimes taking live pics do require some technique, because like wise, live pic may not look at good at actual person. it's both ways.
It's like .. if you have to take a pic, you must make sure it's taken properly so that it justifies for the actual look.

however we all would appreciate if some extra live pics are available for the
top range FLs (those most expensive ones)
afterall, you know .. we're spending big bucks.

and you do know that some people actually walk out away from swing when they see her at the doorstep, because they probably refuse to pay the price base on the actual look being not comparable to the impression that the studio pics gave.

you could argue that we can always refuse at the doorstep but don't forget about transportation fees and precious time :P haahahaa

we're not forcing you to do live pics but it would be a nice added service for us brothers :)

just a suggustion ^_^

01-08-2007, 11:16 PM
alamak, super suck at taking live pics bros, however wil try :p

hehe thanks bro
appreciated !

03-08-2007, 12:04 AM
I had a section with Swing. Hope FR helps.

Here’s my Sincere ratiing:

Look: 8/10 (Looks Good. Quite Close to the picture)
Frenching: Not allow
BBJ: Not allow (She excuse small injury (wound) coner of her lips)
BJ: 6/10 (No power)
Fingering: Not allow (Many bros already did and she excuse that now painful)
FJ:7/10 I feel great sex with such kind of beautiful girl (minus point: put too mcuh KY)
GFE: 6/10 (Not really for me)

Comments: More suitable for ppl who prefer looks. In terms of service so so..

Thanks bro San for arrangement.


04-08-2007, 10:35 PM
I was one of her last bonk in Singapore....
Looks: 8 (Model face, tall)
Body: 7.5 (Nice slim)
Boobs: 7 (Firm and nice)
Pussy: 7 (Tight but too much ky)
BJ: 6 (with condom and no suction. she told me mouth hurt but i think just excuse)
Foreplay: 6 (not accomodating)

All in all had a good time with this one, definitely recommended for bros who have fetish with model type.

Please up my rep, i'm a newbie and need bros support.:D

05-08-2007, 04:32 AM
Had a session few day ago. have try quite a few of bro San's girl, this is quite a disappointing session. looking forward for better girl offer by Bro San

Look: 6/10(Far from the picture)
Frenching: Not allow
bBBJ: Not allow (say got ulcer)
BJ: 6/10 (No power)
Fingering: yes
FJ:7/10 (2nd time did not apply ky, natural cum )
GFE: 5/10 (language barrier,just lie down like a log)

Thanks bro San for arrangement.

20-08-2007, 10:54 PM
jaw dropped , the face, the body, and the price... , tamade, sibe tempting.....

bro, wow so difficult to see u here.
what wind blow u here ?
any good lobang to intro ?
