View Full Version : Is blood and urine test accurate?

07-07-2019, 10:31 AM

Any one know if whatever stated in the report is accurate? Doctor say I have herpes simplex type 1 after my blood and urine test oversea. What trigger me to see doctor is recently I felt I have very dry lip, yellow tongue and my smallhead got some red painless spot so I went and took the test after 40days exposeses.

07-07-2019, 11:45 AM

Any one know if whatever stated in the report is accurate? Doctor say I have herpes simplex type 1 after my blood and urine test oversea. What trigger me to see doctor is recently I felt I have very dry lip, yellow tongue and my smallhead got some red painless spot so I went and took the test after 40days exposeses.

Yes they are accurate enough. False positives or negatives are possible, but to be honest rather unlikely. False negatives will most likely be caused by the urine being "too fresh" - aka you didnt wait enough hours between urinating or the time from exposure being too short. False positives are less likely, could be residual antibodies from previous infections or contamination of the specimen. Also HSV is something that in many cases the body is able to fight off and it might show positive once and negative the next time. Generally just relax and enjoy your negative results.

Big Sexy
07-07-2019, 11:49 AM
from the report... yes you have been infected with HSV 1

Doctor say I have herpes simplex type 1 after my blood and urine test oversea..

07-07-2019, 01:36 PM
Any one know if whatever stated in the report is accurate? Doctor say I have herpes simplex type 1 after my blood and urine test oversea. What trigger me to see doctor is recently I felt I have very dry lip, yellow tongue and my smallhead got some red painless spot so I went and took the test after 40days exposeses.

HSV1 is a very common infection and more than 80% of the adult population are infected so it you had tested negative you'd be in the minority 20% category.

If you've had chickenpox it can also cause an HSV1 positive result as chickenpox is caused by the Herpes virus too.

07-07-2019, 03:35 PM
Yes I know I get hsv1 but how come my small head got red painless spot? I didnt ask my document cos two time I went and they have nurses around. And did my test covers syphilies test? I only scare I have this now. I ask doctor if the test I choose cover syphilies he say yes but the report don’t look like to me.

07-07-2019, 03:36 PM
Somemore if I am not wrong syphilies if test positive have to doctor will declare so I prefer doing the test oversea.

07-07-2019, 04:01 PM
Yes I know I get hsv1 but how come my small head got red painless spot? I didnt ask my document cos two time I went and they have nurses around. And did my test covers syphilies test? I only scare I have this now. I ask doctor if the test I choose cover syphilies he say yes but the report don’t look like to me.

VDRL (RPR) = "Non reactive" means you test negative for syphilis.

07-07-2019, 05:53 PM
VDRL (RPR) = "Non reactive" means you test negative for syphilis.

Ok thanks bro. I now very scare of bbbj already. Like karma strike me now. Now I wondering why got the red spot on my small head

08-07-2019, 04:46 AM
Ok thanks bro. I now very scare of bbbj already. Like karma strike me now. Now I wondering why got the red spot on my small head

just 1 red spot or a few of them? did it look like some blister with liquid inside?

09-07-2019, 01:04 AM
just 1 red spot or a few of them? did it look like some blister with liquid inside?

Few but very small. It’s inside the skin. I thought was syphilies that why I went for blood and urine test overseas

09-07-2019, 03:25 AM
thought was syphilies

Its probably something else as you already went for the syphilis test and it was negative

16-07-2019, 10:29 PM
Few but very small. It’s inside the skin. I thought was syphilies that why I went for blood and urine test overseas

It can be due to balantitis ...try..every time after pee. Wash your small head with water and then pat dry the whole head with clean tissue.

Fungal can also cause red tiny spot on head.

27-07-2019, 12:50 AM
It can be due to balantitis ...try..every time after pee. Wash your small head with water and then pat dry the whole head with clean tissue.

Fungal can also cause red tiny spot on head.

If this the case how to treat ah

29-07-2019, 12:51 PM
This is caused by BBBJ?

02-08-2019, 07:56 AM
If this the case how to treat ah

Go see skin specialist...

02-08-2019, 09:53 PM
Go see skin specialist...


This is the redness I am talking about. I put some cream and dissappear. Than now come again.
I don’t have any symptom. I was thinking isit hsv-1 as I come into contact with BBBJ.

Big Sexy
03-08-2019, 06:59 AM
doesnt look like HSV1.. but it is confirm u have it from that report..

from the photo, it look like u have Pearly penile papules + something else..
i suggest u see the doctor again to get a proper diagnose?

here, if u really prefer self diagnose and worry yourself sick then read this post..


This is the redness I am talking about. I put some cream and dissappear. Than now come again.
I don’t have any symptom. I was thinking isit hsv-1 as I come into contact with BBBJ.

04-08-2019, 09:04 PM
Pearly penile papules usually won't go off even with cream. What cream did you apply?

04-08-2019, 10:37 PM
Pearly penile papules usually won't go off even with cream

That was what i was thinking as well unless things have changed nowadays and they have such a product :o

09-08-2019, 11:35 PM
That was what i was thinking as well unless things have changed nowadays and they have such a product :o

I use Dermovate cream but now on and off the redness come and sometime pain like having a cut. Notice it when I raise it.

17-12-2019, 12:47 AM
Rencently my red dot came back and also have clear sticky discharge. Anyone know what happen? I haven been fucking around after the test.

17-12-2019, 03:15 AM
Just asking, you feel painful when rinse water as if there is a cut when u did not pcc or sex the day before?

17-12-2019, 08:43 AM
Just asking, you feel painful when rinse water as if there is a cut when u did not pcc or sex the day before?

Ya painful. I not sure if I got pcc already

21-12-2019, 10:22 PM
Are you better now bro? Can be cure?