View Full Version : Internet OKTs like to Bullshit about the Girls' Real ages

07-08-2007, 10:30 AM

Internet OKTs like to Bullshit about the Girls' Real ages

As a singaporean, who are looking for geniue products with geniue Specifications. :mad:

Because recently due to my small head insists, I tried 3 OKTS on Internet ,and It turns out that the girls are older than what the okts advertise.

Sometimes, samsters will choose girls based on looks, ages, and figures;depending on our individual tastes... but Knn I want young girls, In the end get older girls....

In Geylang, we also choose girls .If OKts in Geylang lie, they know that customers will be angry.... However INTERNET OKTS used Beautiful pictures and false ages to tempt customers. and we did not always get the girls we want....I so sian of this....

Even In thailand, we go Massage palours and pick girls. The papasans/mamasans also will not lie about the girls' ages.

HOW come this matter can happen in SINGAPORE when We have so many ISO standards...???

Whoever had this experiences as me ,please share...

07-08-2007, 10:52 AM
The Fl usally tells us the correct age. OKT tends to lower the age by 2 to 3 years. Significant difference between picture and person. Prepare for surprises buddy.

07-08-2007, 11:14 AM
Personally encountered some during my active period but sometimes, it's the girl that hides the truth.

Some bosses quite "close one eye" , don't scrutinise passport/ID card.

Won't say it's "bullshit" to pull crowd bro...to some guys not important, and some guys want to do with "older" women.

Also, i'm sure not all OKTs are relaxed on this...so in my opinion, should not generalise ALL internet OKT. :)


07-08-2007, 11:49 AM
Whoever had this experiences as me ,please share...

I am sure every cheongster has experienced this before. As for me i dun think it is a big deal if it is only a couple years' difference, but it is not a nice thing to find out!

It is my view that not all the time the okt's are to blame. Many times they dun even see their gals when they come in and depend on their overseas agent to supply the stats, pics etc. But ts, you re right, they should practice more stringent qc cos we are paying good money here!


Ah Dac
07-08-2007, 11:57 AM
Yes, true enough most of the gals I took from OKTs, the age varies abit. But I strongly believe that services is the more important part.

Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts nia!!

07-08-2007, 12:00 PM
Also the real person different from studio pic quite alot. Sometimes really disappointed. :(

07-08-2007, 12:27 PM
HOW come this matter can happen in SINGAPORE when We have so many ISO standards...???
Obviously they are not "ISO" certified.


07-08-2007, 12:29 PM
I wish they posted non studio pic. I only go when there is non studio pic as otherwise very disappointing... hope they do.

Also the real person different from studio pic quite alot. Sometimes really disappointed. :(

But then..... you can always walk out if you dun like what you see.


07-08-2007, 12:57 PM
Also the real person different from studio pic quite alot. . :(

The rule I follow is this:

1) Discount the studio pics by 30%. With all the make up, lighting and imaging software out there, anyone can look presentable...

2) Discount the FRs by 20%. This one takes some judgement call...If you have been in FL Dome long enough, you should know the rules of the game and how it is played..dont have to be too explicit.

But once in the room, chemistry plays a part as well...
The way you talk to the gal and how you make her feel at ease and vice versa...
This all contributes to a good session...


07-08-2007, 01:32 PM
Personally AGE is important for me.... my mentality is that I want Young girl...
For Looks,I not so particular....

Why would I pay for a girl that is 27 years old in singapore when I can get a younger girl in thailand for the SAME MONEY....

If my friends in thailand know that I pay for S$150 ++ for a 27 girl, I will be a laughing stock. As I only pay S$70 ++ in thailand for a 27.

I Hope some OKTS is reading this....AS I AM VERY KIND....I did not reveal any NAMES .... HENCE Stop bullshitting about the damn age...

07-08-2007, 01:33 PM
I wun say I agree wif bro alien69 90%..

I had experince tis so many times tat I hav 2 giv up n lower my expectation. When I write a fr tat r the truth, I got zap badly by okt's clones...

Dun expect 2 much la bro... There was a time I got so fed up tat I actly wanted 2 start my own girl business.

1 thing 4 sure, tos tat r really really beautiful wil cost much more than wat we r paying now in bkk itself.

07-08-2007, 01:44 PM
yes very true. especially the thai fls that agents bring in. their ages are normally lowered by 2 to 3 years so as to entice customers to book them due to them being a SYT. i once went to book this thai fl age was 23 but actual age was 32.. and she has a kid in thailand but OKT wasnt that outgoing in informing me.. thus, have boycott his services.. hope i dont get zapped for that. was just sharing my 2cents worth here.. :D

07-08-2007, 02:49 PM
yes very true. especially the thai fls that agents bring in. their ages are normally lowered by 2 to 3 years so as to entice customers to book them due to them being a SYT. i once went to book this thai fl age was 23 but actual age was 32.. and she has a kid in thailand but OKT wasnt that outgoing in informing me.. thus, have boycott his services.. hope i dont get zapped for that. was just sharing my 2cents worth here.. :D

yo bro,mind to share or pm me which okt?so i can blacklist them.cheers

07-08-2007, 05:41 PM

But U are a "regular customer"....how can they lie to you??? :p

07-08-2007, 05:45 PM
i go for sev, then nia nia last age but can't to old also <35.

07-08-2007, 05:48 PM

Internet OKTs like to Bullshit about the Girls' Real ages

Whoever had this experiences as me ,please share...

I had few encounters when I first joined SBF and tried using the OKT services here..well it has not been very pleasant especially with Thai FLs....discrepancies in terms of age, looks from pics and FR really turns me off and thats why now I switch to Local....kekeke........


07-08-2007, 05:50 PM
haha ..they shall not lie to their regulars.if they do, most probably those regular knows.Just that they are satisfied with the service and keeps on going back.

07-08-2007, 07:52 PM
It turns out that the girls are older than what the okts advertise.

I agree with fellow samsters that the FL age varies slightly from advertised at times.

From what i observed, the really young ones (18+) always say they are at least 21 years old - maybe they wanna show that they are experienced. The more matured ones (>25 yrs old) will say that they are 21-23 years old - to show they got youth and are still fresh. But when they start to 'work', you will find out their age more or less.

To me, age is not important as long as I order SYT, i dun get served with MILFs. I have gotten many good bonks from the young and also the matured ones.

If age is your most important criteria for FLs, I suggest you state this clearly to the OKTs before you order next time.

During the weekend, I just QC-ed a young 21 year old chinese who looks and acts like an 18 year old. Pm me if you like to try. Will start a thread on her soon.

07-08-2007, 08:07 PM
During the weekend, I just QC-ed a young 21 year old chinese who looks and acts like an 18 year old. Pm me if you like to try. Will start a thread on her soon.

Bro is it PRC?? Can't wait for the thread :p ..

Personally I dun really mind 2-3 years off the actual age reported by OKTs, but if age posted 23 and turn up then chao lao then I really get dulan...
Happen only once so far..
But what really gets me off is the photo accuracy..agree with bro justl00king, I have encountered so many FLs who just look so different from the photos, face is one thing, body also different from thin become fat!
So much so I get a little dubious when I see pictures of chiobus in the net which is why I am very hesistant with 1st bloods cos want to see FRs first...hard earned money we make so got to be shrewd..the idea of paying to bonk an average looking gal doesn't make sense to me.
to OKTs: can we have more live pics? I am so disillusioned with studio pics.
But I guess after some cheonging you will know which okt's stable is good and the okts will also know your tastes.. if they want repeat customers they better NOT let you have another bad experience..
Show them yellow card first..
Can we actually walk out if we are unhappy with the gal's looks? It should be a consumer world..the decision should lie with us.

07-08-2007, 08:17 PM
But I strongly believe that services is the more important part.

Very true. Don't meant to be rude to threadstarter, ultimately we are just looking for a good bonk, what matter most is the service and "chemstry" between you and the FL. If can click with the other party, does that 1 or 2 years age difference a very big matter? ;)

07-08-2007, 08:30 PM
Bro is it PRC?? Can't wait for the thread :p ..

Ya, a $60 petite PRC with super huge, soft, real tits.

Why am i raving about it? Cause most of the time for only $60, you get maybe better looks, or nice body or young age but never all 3-in-1 package. It was a rare but good value bonk - she is young, pretty and D-cuppers.

Let me do a search if there is any threads on her, Wang Juan, before writing.

Sorry, threadstarter - a bit off yr topic.

07-08-2007, 09:13 PM
ultimately we are just looking for a good bonk, what matter most is the service and "chemstry" between you and the FL. If can click with the other party, does that 1 or 2 years age difference a very big matter? ;)

Well Said, however if the girl is past the 30 mark and the OKT cliam she is 21-22 that it is very bad.

Another point is, some woman facial got older rather fast due long night clubbing? And some do maintence the face really well , mayb alot of SK|| :D

07-08-2007, 09:18 PM
but sometimes really look abit off the pic...like the pic look innocent(no negative features),but actually person got tattoo etc.age wise,already expected is always under-stated.so is ok 1.

07-08-2007, 09:21 PM
b..like the pic look innocent(no negative features),but actually person got tattoo etc.age wise,already expected is always under-stated.so is ok 1.

Tattoo can be a turn-off by some bro, Hence those who doesnt enjoy tattoo must inform the OKT .

07-08-2007, 09:28 PM
Tattoo can be a turn-off by some bro, Hence those who doesnt enjoy tattoo must inform the OKT .

Alternatively, OKT should highlight in their posting if that particular girl happens to have tattoo. At the least the bro who book her will be mentally prepared to see the "ang kong" rather than got turned off after stripped to birthday suit. Just my 2 cents worth of opinion.

07-08-2007, 09:45 PM

Internet OKTs like to Bullshit about the Girls' Real ages

As a singaporean, who are looking for geniue products with geniue Specifications. :mad:

Because recently due to my small head insists, I tried 3 OKTS on Internet ,and It turns out that the girls are older than what the okts advertise.

Whoever had this experiences as me ,please share...

Hi Bro,

I understand what you mean. Pictures very often do not show us the "real" person especially so if they are taken from the studio.

While most bros won't really mind if the age difference is not that far off, it is still the right of fellow bros to expect to get what they paid for, be it age, type of services, nationality, or body specifications.

But marketing is... marketing so it is not surprising that that OKTs package thier FLs as such. Just like any other products you see on TV. That's just the way it is.

But most OKTs, if not all, won't mind if what you see is not what you expect and you decide to call it off. I know there'll be some time and expenses wasted just like those money back guarantee, you still need to go back to the store to return the products.

I'm OK with age. My personal experiences are the boobs size. Sometimes they are stated as B or C Cup but turns out to be A Cup. I'm not a boobs guy, but that means I don't go for D or above cups but I do like my FL to have some boobs too. Now if the FL already stripped, I'm in a more difficult position as I can't reject then or not too nice to reject.

One thing I've learn is that if the pics show a slim lady, chances are she's skinny by the time they reach our shores. Maybe the flight dehydrate them or what? Ha Ha Ha! So now I choose ladies with obvious body size.

My 2 cents worth.

07-08-2007, 10:34 PM
Not only age, the looks and service are often overrated!

07-08-2007, 11:06 PM
I understand that Service is important too....IF not because the girls' services is good, I will walk out of the room.

But OKTS really bullshit a lot....EG: BBBJ,FRENCHING

Most of the time , I only get a BJ and KISSING....

As for the age. My records of Bonking is from 20 - 26 years old....

If the real age and the advertised age is not a big difference, I also close my eyes.....But now ...the GAP IS BIGGER...at least 5 years difference....

WHen i ask the OKT, He can say her english is not good.... KNN.. I CAN UNDERSTAND THAI like my mother TONGUE...
At least ,He should say SORRY...

I Believe all samsters here, only want the REAL SPECIFICATIONS..... But I realised some OKTS are really USING AGE , as a selling point..... Imaging BUYING A 5 years old CAR when U pay for a new CAR.

okt 's sms :" GOT SYT, 20 yr old, want to try??" .....NOW this type of sms I automatically deleted....:(

All of us here, are member of some yahoo groups , we should at least reinforce this MESSAGE to the Internet OKTS.... Let them understand " what we pay, is what we should get.."

I thinking that I better save my money & F in thailand or Philippines....EVEN GEYLANG FLs is also better.....

07-08-2007, 11:22 PM
...well it has not been very pleasant especially with Thai FLs....discrepancies in terms of age, looks from pics and FR really turns me off and thats why now I switch to Local....kekeke........


Yes, especially girls from thaiboy's stable

07-08-2007, 11:31 PM
Yes, especially girls from thaiboy's stable

Haha. Me small timer now also got clone liao.
Bro 1acoruna69, welcome to SBF!

07-08-2007, 11:42 PM
The Fl usally tells us the correct age. OKT tends to lower the age by 2 to 3 years. Significant difference between picture and person. Prepare for surprises buddy.

The FL will also tell us who they are, Some OKT will just substitute the un-popular girl with others.

Got this experience before, just before seeing the girl the OKT still confirmed the girl is whom they said, after checking the girl's name, the OKT disappeared lao.

08-08-2007, 12:03 AM
humm... a few things to get off my chest with regards to this.

firstly, i do believe that most OKTs do do a bit of "marketing" but this is just normal i guess. caveat emperor eh gentlemen?

i am personally an SYT lover so i would be VERY pissed if the OKT told me the gal is 21 and its obvious she is not. if its a 2 year or so diff, i dont think it would really matter, but i have seen a 30 year old advertised as a 22 year old. dear OKTs: we are not blind.

Word of mouth and customer satisfaction are the main driving forces that will ensure good business for an OKT. i think OKTs would benefit a lot more by being up front; and ensuring that we are happy. Thus ensuring that we will return again and again. It would also mean we would not have to guess if a recommended gal is worth the money.

real life photos versus studio pics is the best judge of an OKT's "open-ness" i think. i tend to "shortlist" the gals with real life photos and just ignoring the ones with studio pics only.

i also think we should have the option of walking out if we think we have been ripped off; and i have almost done that once. i think we should make that the norm here at SBF. any one have opinions with regards to this?

i also realize that the OKTs have been keeping quiet, no one has a retort? or do u not care what your customers think?

and as a footnote, i dont know what the issue with bro TB is; but the times i have tried his gals, i have not been dissapointed. i try to be brutally honest and if there is something i like or do not like, it will be in my FR. go check em out.

08-08-2007, 01:09 AM
and as a footnote, i dont know what the issue with bro TB is; but the times i have tried his gals, i have not been dissapointed. i try to be brutally honest and if there is something i like or do not like, it will be in my FR. go check em out.


From my long list of memorable bonks it is obvious i am Thaiboy's regular... well, personally my experience with him is... he has been quite upfront about the attributes of his girls... in fact his photograher is so jialat that his girls often turn out better than the pics

For me, the photo likeness, the dimensions and height accuracy is the most important. Some OKT tend to overstate height, eg: 1.65m can actually be 1.58m... or C cup turn out to be small B... to me this is misrep... so for such OKT i will wait for FRs before trying... age wise... normally not hard to tell if we have live pics... but to the TS, how do you know the actual age of the girl? check IC?

I guess it is a known fact that age or stats tend to be distorted in this trade, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly, so take it with a pinch of salt and you won't be too disappointed... afterall we are here to relax and enjoy

08-08-2007, 01:45 AM
The FL will also tell us who they are, Some OKT will just substitute the un-popular girl with others.

Experience this before:D

1) but i have seen a 30 year old advertised as a 22 year old. dear OKTs: we are not blind.

2) real life photos versus studio pics is the best judge of an OKT's "open-ness" i think. i tend to "shortlist" the gals with real life photos

3) i also think we should have the option of walking out if we think we have been ripped off; and i have almost done that once. i think we should make that the norm here at SBF. any one have opinions with regards to this?

4)i also realize that the OKTs have been keeping quiet, no one has a retort? or do u not care what your customers think?

5) and as a footnote, i dont know what the issue with bro TB is; but the times i have tried his gals, i have not been dissapointed. i try to be brutally honest and if there is something i like or do not like, it will be in my FR. go check em out.

Point No 1. - Recently experienced this ,but mine was close to late 30s, no joke...think still existing some where in one of the groups. Goosh when she ask me to take off my cloths to bath ..I shook my head like no tomorrow.

Point No. 2 - Some Studio pics have been " Over Polished" At times enter room , thought maybe I got the wrong room, will check sms again to see I got the right details :p

Point 3. - Normally will do that ..If it's really not up to standard. I mean ,pls bring someone who fits this two letters " F L "

Point No. 4 - I think at least 2 okts provide some live pics, (I mean the other OKT at times only)

Point 5. - I second that, Competitive market I guess

Ah Dac
08-08-2007, 08:44 AM
Hi, I presume u r referring to me hor!! Normally I dun really care abt the age, it's more like when I get to see the age and when chatting nothing much to do so just ask lor! Beside, I think my OKTs do know wat I prefer. :DTO : AH DAZ.

But U are a "regular customer"....how can they lie to you??? :p

Yes yes, very true. I even encounter someone whose age is 30 and really look damn young, partly due to her small size frame and she really take good care of her skin!
Well Said, however if the girl is past the 30 mark and the OKT cliam she is 21-22 that it is very bad.

Bro, dirty tatics might seems to be abit strong over here. Can we actually repharse it to be a business tatics? Btw, I seldom do advance booking as my job scope dun allow me to do that. So on that moment when I call to ask for an appt, dun have and I will move on to the others.

Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts!!
Take note

Nowadays many OKTS are using the latest dirty tactic by always telling customers that the lady you are trying to book is taken at this time or that time, instead they will give you a new time slot not too far apart from what you initially ask for. Why they want to do that ?

08-08-2007, 09:53 AM

From my long list of memorable bonks it is obvious i am Thaiboy's regular... well, personally my experience with him is... he has been quite upfront about the attributes of his girls... in fact his photograher is so jialat that his girls often turn out better than the pics

I second that LOL...his stable's gals often turn up better than they look...haha...he's one of the OKTs who bother to post live pics..
and NO i am no TB's okt clone. read my FRs. The only other person that cheong harder than me nowadays is bro coolsaint..:p

Just got zapped for posting my opinion well i guess tt's kind of expected.:cool:

08-08-2007, 10:05 AM
Actually makes OKT this line to be supposed to understand what typefemales the gentlemen do look are, should not conceal or casually putnot the actual picture age in the network, the correct introductionwill cause your business good, to?

08-08-2007, 10:12 AM
paisei ar... even in geylang the OKT does lie about the true age of the girls.. :)

08-08-2007, 10:17 AM
i don really trust studio pics nowadays .. cos some bad experience
usually i will stay away from tat okt for a while , also wont intro my friend to him.

08-08-2007, 10:19 AM
You are not a very honest man. blah blah... I think you like to do very selective reading and see only what pleases your eyes.

I have already mentioned that i have personally encountered OKTs that do that, i added that not all the time the OKTs are aware of their ages as the "agents" handle these transactions. This is commercial sex not something regimental like the SAF where everything from A to Z is accounted for.

Studio pictures may influence your taste for choice. Most customers prefer "live" pictures, that's for sure. Sometimes if we are lucky, the picture posted does not justify the real beauty that we see online as well. However, if you go to a particular OKT and the picture hardly resembles the girl - first time i would definitely give the benefit of doubt, but if you keep going back thereafter since you already know ~ whose fault is that?

To my understanding of the "services", a QC is engaged before the lady arrives and the "agent" will provide the FR towards the boss, he would then market the girl in line with that FR. I don't know about you, but i have not encountered any services which were listed but not provided.

Some OKTs are dishonest, not all - that is my point.


08-08-2007, 12:02 PM

From my long list of memorable bonks it is obvious i am Thaiboy's regular... well, personally my experience with him is... he has been quite upfront about the attributes of his girls... in fact his photograher is so jialat that his girls often turn out better than the pics

I would agree that TB's stable is so far the better one, mainly becos of the live pics which they bother to put up, NOT studio pics.
So what u see is what u get, sometimes better. I used to be a regular of TB...but cut down not becos of quality but becos I couldn't secure a slot.
However, there is other OKT which tries to provide live pics as well.... Frank is one of them..... at least they tried, AND he's pretty upfront about his gal as well.... esp so when they know your taste.

Enough said about them before somebody decides to call me a clone and start zapping me.

IMHO, if one is so particular about the age.....YOU need to let your OKT know.

As for the studio pics, this is how I sees them ;
1. The gal will be more tanned from what u see
2. The gal will hv maybe around 70-80% resemblance of what u see
3. The gal will be very much less stunning from what u see


08-08-2007, 12:02 PM
Studio picts are usually very nice, very pretty....very good looking, but there will surely be some differences if compare to their real faces.

When I chose FLs, first of all I will usually judge them from the first sight (be it facing them directly or from the photos), even some studio picts may NOT attract my attention though! Then I will see how the package like, ie. BBBJ / Frenching / Duration...etc.

So if I really like the FLs' look & the package they offered, I will ignore their age (as long as they're NOT underaged).

Sometimes we really need some luck, not all young FLs can fulfill our needs, and not all old FLs disappointed us either.

In conclusion, age is not really a matter to me, most important thing is their service standards.

08-08-2007, 01:25 PM
So if I really like the FLs' look & the package they offered, I will ignore their age (as long as they're NOT underaged).

Mi 2 Mi 2! except dat i prefer BIG NEH NEH rather than looks. I will not only ignore their age, i will also ignore the statistic. I means, who cared abt their waistline and buttock size. All these figures are given to okts or by estimation from the okts. Who will go and measure.:rolleyes:

As long as the booby gals' looks/figures r not in my small head IA range, Mai Tu Liao!!!:D

08-08-2007, 03:24 PM

Internet OKTs like to Bullshit about the Girls' Real ages

bro, this is quite normal. most of them will quote about 2-3yrs younger if gal is ard mid-20s. for younger ones, of cos no need to lie about their age.

d "worst" i've experienced is one OKT who quoted gal as 23yo. when i asked gal, she told me she's 25....but after becoming frens, find out she's actually 28....hahaha. so u see, the "gap" can be quite big hor.

if u only want SYT, den choose based on stats compared wif pics. most SYT can see frm pics that they r indeed SYT. if they don't look like SYT, den don't choose those gals lor.

08-08-2007, 03:38 PM
i don't get it...

Let the agents lie/cheat/do whatever they want.
In the end, they lose, we gain. More agents will come in, more choices.

Its my money to decide who to support.
I go for honesty and long-term arrangements then agents who cheated me of 1-time session. At least, its a lesson to be learnt.

08-08-2007, 04:41 PM
i don't get it...

Let the agents lie/cheat/do whatever they want.
In the end, they lose, we gain. More agents will come in, more choices.

Its my money to decide who to support.
I go for honesty and long-term arrangements then agents who cheated me of 1-time session. At least, its a lesson to be learnt.

Well said from an OKT. Ha Ha Ha.

08-08-2007, 04:49 PM
So much debates, so much issues over this.

I feel I, as a agent myself, get the need to speak.

Bros, I believe in long-term relationship, discovering customer's likes and dislikes and recommending customers based on my long-term understanding with them. If I know girl A is not his type, I will never allow him to book this girl A. Instead, through the phone or sms, I will recommend him according.

Of cos', there are too many members, too many customers. But I keep my strict database of members, (including banned members) and I know roughly what is their type of preferences based on previous dealings.

Nothing pleases me more than a HAPPY RTF CUSTOMER.

To me, marketing my girls is important, but over-stating and over-promising is not my policy. I can take life pictures of my girls, but my photography skills will kill my girls. As a result, there are supporters who do volunteer to take life pics for me. Some OKT post life pictures. But if life pictures is not well-taken, will the OKT put up? and risk further wrath?

Models or non-models, I rather go for real stuff, real service and sincerity to please my customers. If no one knows, Cartoon used to be a MODEL with magazine pictures. However, she has aged, so why should I priced her due to her past glory? furthermore, there is no rise on her present cuts.

There is no nett earnings in my set-up. All gals' toiletries, welfare, food. All customer's hygience, fresh towels, hotel are included in my set-up. Whatever the girl request, including meditation and extra RED-BULL, I will take care of her. Thats' the minimum I can do, to ensure girl with good morale and have nothing else to worry for, except to work hard, serve my customers well. And I ensure FRESH towels, fresh toiletries for customers. If girls pay for their own, they will cut costs, even including re-using towels for different customers in a day.

Hope customers voice your feedback to me directly.
Up me only if you like me and my service, not my girls.
Girls come and go....
Only my reputation stays in customer's loyalty.

08-08-2007, 04:55 PM
Now with so many new OKTs sprouting out and so many FLs to choose from, I will slowly look around, communicate with the OKTs to see the "best" deals.

As pictures here doesn't really paint a thousand words due to studio shots or photoshop, the "live" pictures do helps to give an assessment of what the FL looks like and how good is her body. In the absence of the "live" photos, then I based on FRs. Not one but several to guage the appearance. I know FRs may be dramatized, but a general idea of the specs should be there.

As for services, even "live" pics cannot give you any hint. The services stated by the OKTs are no more enticing to me as it appears that they are now more the norm than special, like bath together, catbath, frenching, BBBJ, CIM, etc. So I look for something extra, like swallow, AR or AJ, etc which will make my bonk more satisfying. Else, why go to FL if Geylang Cat40 provides?

Finally, price becomes a factor. I now look for "cheaper" bonks having done a comparison between FLs & Cat40.

If I were to pay $150 to book an FL or a cat40, what would be the difference?

For FL, I get a hotel room but not necessarily with a bathtub whereas for Cat40, it's straight forward shower.

For FLs I get 90 mins with 2 bonks whereas for Cat40 I get about 90 mins with 4 bonks, if I can do it, that is.

For FLs, it would be normal price to them whereas for Cat40, it makes them feel "special" to be booked for 4 sessions as such service generally is improved.

So price to me is now a consideration for FLs so I would now wait til they near their 2 weeks ORD whereby the price is lower, some lower to $100!!! Now that would be a good deal!

My 2 cents worth.

08-08-2007, 05:03 PM
So much debates, so much issues over this.

I feel I, as a agent myself, get the need to speak.

Bros, I believe in long-term relationship, discovering customer's likes and dislikes and recommending customers based on my long-term understanding with them. If I know girl A is not his type, I will never allow him to book this girl A. Instead, through the phone or sms, I will recommend him according.

Hope customers voice your feedback to me directly.
Up me only if you like me and my service, not my girls.
Girls come and go....
Only my reputation stays in customer's loyalty.

Yes I do noticed the extra effort you put in in accommodating your customers like me. And most of your prices are reasonable as so far you have accommodated my request.

But there's one unfortunate matter as far as I am concerned. Too bad the "other" FLs marketed in your site are not price like yours as several times already, there are some which interest me but I don't want to deal with the other OKTs. I believe you wil probably get a cut if I booked thru you, so I don't think it's fair to ask you to sacrifice your earnings to get me a discount. So end up, I just suck my thumb and hope for the best that their prices can reduced. Unfortunately, they didn't.

The last one that "got away" was Quincy. Guess I just wait for the next one that comes that will interest me.

08-08-2007, 05:07 PM
ok la bro beauthaiful don get so work up la,ok i give u a fr since i m ur rtf customer liao:cool:

responesive:10/10 (a pro okt cause he know the importance of time)
honesty: 9/10 (no joke good mean good no good mean no good)
service:9/10 (he really try to meet ur needs)

i think 4 those who r customer of bro beauthaiful should argee wif me.
if not pls correct me cause i m still a newbie but i m humble enough to learn from senior sbf bros.

Ah Jet
08-08-2007, 05:08 PM
So price to me is now a consideration for FLs so I would now wait til they near their 2 weeks ORD whereby the price is lower, some lower to $100!!! Now that would be a good deal!

You must also take into consideration, girls tend to be more enthusiastic during the first week of their stay. Some may ORD-mood towards the end of their tour of duty. "Study" the pattern of FRs, it does show if you pay attention to detail ;)

08-08-2007, 05:11 PM
As for the studio pics, this is how I sees them ;
1. The gal will be more tanned from what u see
2. The gal will hv maybe around 70-80% resemblance of what u see
3. The gal will be very much less stunning from what u see

I agree with what you said... Not to mention that some will come with a bit of tummy and flabby arms as well. After cheonging quite a while, you'll just learn to pinch yourself awake while viewing the studio pics to keep from fantasizing too much.

08-08-2007, 05:14 PM
So much debates, so much issues over this.

I feel I, as a agent myself, get the need to speak.

nice PR move man. very opportunistic. :D

08-08-2007, 05:39 PM
I dun see any issue here actually, to each it's own, some like older FL (like me), some like younger. Both have their cons and pro, younger ones services tends to be inexperience, normal services, very unpredictable, while the old ones knows whats the standards we cheongsters looking for, so not many complains, unless she really fuck ups. Next time any FLs stated their age, just add 3-4 years old will do lah, no issue, hehehe.

I think studio shots are a better topic to discuss than age issue, some of them in Studio shots are quite stunning, but when meet in real life, makes me yawn :)

08-08-2007, 06:43 PM

I understand EVERY MALE have DIFFERENT NEEDS and WANTS...and We are also not looking for WIFE.....

But My ultimate OBJECTIVE :

Dont Be a Hai GONG....Please ask your OKTS CLEARLY ,VIVIDLY..

At least, I now know some samsters here walk out and reject the girls if he dont like what he see....

Next Time, I may consider too.:rolleyes: ...especially the PRICE shoot up to average :$150-$180..

Choon Niang
08-08-2007, 06:52 PM


But My ultimate OBJECTIVE :

Dont Be a Hai GONG....Please ask your OKTS CLEARLY ,VIVIDLY..

At least, I now know some samsters here walk out and reject the girls if he dont like what he see....

Next Time, I may consider too.:rolleyes: ...especially the PRICE shoot up to average :$150-$180..

Bro Alien,

Fully 100 pct agree with you on PRICE shoot up.
One OKT started with Thai $100 /60/2 but same girl return three months later
becos of popularity up her to $170. Dont know who make money -OKT or girl?? Pls remember there is alot internet posting and also GL $40 altho looks and standard different but still price prevails.

Lets see how they survive with so many competing in the net ...

08-08-2007, 08:12 PM
True...I think Bozz BTF really follow up on customer's preference...

S 4 majority of the lot, I kana few times alrdy until I sianz...liao... Say 24 yrs old, go there at least 30 man...1 2 reject also shy...dun 1 2 hurt the girl 2 la... Another time, I kana wait wait & wait, go 2 room, the girl 24 yrs old look like bloody my aunty man!!! Wrote a fr after tat n kana zapped big time!!!

Actly inside here sumtimes really na bei la...u pay $$$ 2 bonk girl still got 2 carry sum of tos okt balls, if not u dream on man...the girls u 1 2 book everytime they will tell u no more slots. Pay $$$ go 2 room c the girl dun like can't reject, bonk liao go hm write all the truth nothing but the truth kana zap... Wah lau!!!! Customer at the mercy of okts... Brossss...tos tat write fake fr jus 2 carry okt balls 1 time 2 wake up hor...

Tis age lying thing is ok if the girl look close 2 the age stated, but if its so much diff like wat I had experienced, than I think we hav the rite 2 jus reject n walk out. I think rather than discuss age hor, y not discuss pricing. Haha.....

09-08-2007, 02:22 AM
I also learnt my lesson and mostly skipped those with studio pics. I know as an agent definitely need to show the best side of the gals to market them but most times the difference of "live" and pic really alot!!! :D

Recently tried a so called model cat which was priced above 200+.Very glam studio shots of her but real person just average looking. The higher the price of course the higher the expections. That's why paying more in the first place. Ended up only high received is the high disappointment! :D

09-08-2007, 02:27 AM
Dont Be a Hai GONG....Please ask your OKTS CLEARLY ,VIVIDLY..

At least, I now know some samsters here walk out and reject the girls if he dont like what he see....

Next Time, I may consider too.:rolleyes: ...especially the PRICE shoot up to average :$150-$180..Good point bro.

Must also learn to reject if the goods dun tally with the price paid.

09-08-2007, 02:29 AM
I also learnt my lesson and mostly skipped those with studio pics. I know as an agent definitely need to show the best side of the gals to market them but most times the difference of "live" and pic really alot!!! :D

Recently tried a so called model cat which was priced above 200+.Very glam studio shots of her but real person just average looking. The higher the price of course the higher the expections. That's why paying more in the first place. Ended up only high received is the high disappointment! :D

U also kana ah!!! Haha.... Paid $200 for the model go 2 room c, normal lei... haha.... Wat more, I saw the list of customer she kept record of payment, sum bross here only paid $170 man!!! Ask okt 4 rtf discount he said all customer fixed price $200 cannot discount... Wat the hell, 4get it lor...

09-08-2007, 02:32 AM
You are not a very honest man. Pls be more truthful in your postings & pls stop protecting all the OKT.

Everybody knows that OKT are the one who hide their actual age in order to pulled-in more crowds, can't you see that they always write SYT.

Are you gunning for as super duper discount from all the OKT in this forum, if yes pls share with all the bros here how much discount you get from them :D

i disagreed with you, got one time i book a girl stated age 21 by okt but the girl told me she is 20, how to explain y okt tell us she is 21? was tat necessary? anyway, minor dif in age is not a big deal to me as the agents (okts) tat I supporting r all honest enough to me. just my 2 cents.

09-08-2007, 02:52 AM
So much debates, so much issues over this.

I feel I, as a agent myself, get the need to speak.

Models or non-models, I rather go for real stuff, real service and sincerity to please my customers. If no one knows, Cartoon used to be a MODEL with magazine pictures. However, she has aged, so why should I priced her due to her past glory? furthermore, there is no rise on her present cuts.

Hope customers voice your feedback to me directly.
Up me only if you like me and my service, not my girls.
Girls come and go....
Only my reputation stays in customer's loyalty.

Well say bro Frank, u have my full power support, too bad cant up u now till my power recover although it's only a humble point. btw, when "Cartoon" be back ah??? :D

09-08-2007, 03:01 AM
About 3-4 years back, I met a FL from this forum thru an OKT. Her age was not stated, I thought she looked 24, but some others guessed even as low as 18-20, She was amazingly popular and I rtf many times, I had to bring her to imigration to extend her stay and saw her passport... 29!!!:eek: She was 1 year older than me!!! Anyway, ALL her FRs praised her and she had 3 to 4 visits here and had lots of customers. BUT, if she put her real age, she would have very little business, age doesn't matter, it's how they take care of themselves, no one could've guessed her age... Her looks were maybe 7/10, but the way customers rtf her, you would've thought it was 10/10...

09-08-2007, 03:06 AM
U also kana ah!!! Haha.... Paid $200 for the model go 2 room c, normal lei... haha.... Wat more, I saw the list of customer she kept record of payment, sum bross here only paid $170 man!!! Ask okt 4 rtf discount he said all customer fixed price $200 cannot discount... Wat the hell, 4get it lor...Mine I paid above $200. Somemore not first time patronising the okt. No rtf discount no issues with me. But paying this amount and not up to par in terms of looks and body I can't understand.

Got one okt here very good and always give me very special price for his gals.So who you think I will support? Definitely this okt who gives me good deal. But its not about the discount but because he know how to treat his customers well automatically without asking.For this I will also treat her gals well with a good tip far exceeding the discount offered to me in return.

09-08-2007, 11:12 AM
End of the day, its just another piece of "humchinpheng".
We have the right to reject if we are not happy with what we see.
Of course if possible, compensate some kopi $ to gal lah.
Poor thing for she will miss a slot.
That is why, stick to your preferred OKT.
If venture out of your area, once in a while will have some disappointment.
Cheongster must be a bit of risk taker. No risk no gain.:)

09-08-2007, 12:57 PM
U also kana ah!!! Haha.... Paid $200 for the model go 2 room c, normal lei... haha.... Wat more, I saw the list of customer she kept record of payment, sum bross here only paid $170 man!!! Ask okt 4 rtf discount he said all customer fixed price $200 cannot discount... Wat the hell, 4get it lor...

So , when they say "sms to find out about Promo"...others might have been paying lower than you have. :D

Banana Man
09-08-2007, 04:16 PM
One OKT started with Thai $100 /60/2 but same girl return three months later
becos of popularity up her to $170. Dont know who make money -OKT or girl?? Pls remember there is alot internet posting and also GL $40 altho looks and standard different but still price prevails.

Some lagi best, they raise up the price and in the same time, offer u discount to make u feel song.

$170... but bro, $140 for you. ..
KNN, so many OKT already selling $110, $120 $130 .. That $140 still a higher price... :D

And regarding posting real life pic... chose THAIBOY!!
he always say..


12-08-2007, 11:27 AM

Did anyone of you notice that some OKTs instead of using "21 years old" , the 21 had now changed to 23 .....

Haha...at least I see lesser 21 yrs old now been mentioned....:D

13-08-2007, 01:07 AM
To me, marketing my girls is important, but over-stating and over-promising is not my policy. I can take life pictures of my girls, but my photography skills will kill my girls. As a result, there are supporters who do volunteer to take life pics for me. Some OKT post life pictures. But if life pictures is not well-taken, will the OKT put up? and risk further wrath?

haha hopefully i can be of service to you again :D looking forward to my return to sg this wed !:p