View Full Version : JC boy (18) looking for fwb/sugarmummy anytjing fun

18-08-2019, 06:30 PM
Hello, if there are any ladies out here in sbf. Im an 18 year old student studying in JC. Feeling stressed due to taking A-levels this year so feel like trying something new to relieve stress and have fun. Pm me or talk to me on telegram @boo17 .

18-08-2019, 09:04 PM
Got pic to show???:D

18-08-2019, 11:37 PM
You should try JC lecturer, some are very chio!

19-08-2019, 07:01 PM


19-08-2019, 07:35 PM
Keeping an eye on this thread as a v good social experiment.

I want to see how skewed sexual attraction is for both sexes depending on age. Bet you all that if it were a girl saying she's 18 and looking for fun here she'd be flooded with messages and no shortage of guys wanting to fuck her. But 18 year old guy here? Nothing but crickets and sarcastic ppl asking him if he's a virgin.

Wish u good luck OP. I was in your shoes once too. You may or may not find a woman here willing or interested to take u on but kudos for being brave to post here and look in the first place.

20-08-2019, 09:00 PM
thanks bro. hope alls good with you :)

20-08-2019, 09:01 PM
Keeping an eye on this thread as a v good social experiment.

I want to see how skewed sexual attraction is for both sexes depending on age. Bet you all that if it were a girl saying she's 18 and looking for fun here she'd be flooded with messages and no shortage of guys wanting to fuck her. But 18 year old guy here? Nothing but crickets and sarcastic ppl asking him if he's a virgin.

Wish u good luck OP. I was in your shoes once too. You may or may not find a woman here willing or interested to take u on but kudos for being brave to post here and look in the first place.

thanks bro. hope alls good with u as well :)

20-08-2019, 09:55 PM
ur females classmates can help you distress. All the best for your As

21-08-2019, 06:08 AM
@ Collin - I know it is stressful, many of us have been down the same road. But dude I promise you this is the final stretch. It will be much easier in uni (unless you end up in med school heh...)

Exercise helps. Go for a run every day. Do 20 push-ups when you're stuck on a tough passage. Do 20 crunches whenever you have the feeling of being stressed out. Physical activity clears your head. Its an endorphins in the brain thing. And at the very least, it would give you a better bod (:

Good luck with your As dude. Let us know if you did well.

Keeping an eye on this thread as a v good social experiment.

I want to see how skewed sexual attraction is for both sexes depending on age. Bet you all that if it were a girl saying she's 18 and looking for fun here she'd be flooded with messages and no shortage of guys wanting to fuck her. But 18 year old guy here? Nothing but crickets and sarcastic ppl asking him if he's a virgin.

Wish u good luck OP. I was in your shoes once too. You may or may not find a woman here willing or interested to take u on but kudos for being brave to post here and look in the first place.

Heh dude remember this?

Here is your Evolutionary Biology 101 - in the animal kingdom, there are "seekers" and "choosers" in every species...

Removed the rest as it was a discussion on another tangent topic. The point here is that for humans, men tend to be the "seekers" and women the "choosers". Just take a look at this forum for a good example - how many women (much less 18 year olds) are looking for partners compared to men?

At the end of the day, it relates back to demand and supply. So is it a social experiment? Or a foregone conclusion? Don't need to be a rocket scientist to predict that a gender-flipped thread like this will get tonnes more attention.

Also, all things considered, I think people haven't really been giving this dude shit. Cuntworth is gonna ask for pics in every thread anyway. You said something nice, unsung80 said something nice. The other remarks aren't really aggressive or trollish. And the dude's reputation is still green and pristine.

I think its because everyone's been there at some point, and TS doesn't really sound like an entitled asshat.

Anyway, thanks for the opportunity for discussion. I needed to kill some time.

All the best.

23-08-2019, 08:47 PM
Keeping an eye on this thread as a v good social experiment.

I want to see how skewed sexual attraction is for both sexes depending on age. Bet you all that if it were a girl saying she's 18 and looking for fun here she'd be flooded with messages and no shortage of guys wanting to fuck her. But 18 year old guy here? Nothing but crickets and sarcastic ppl asking him if he's a virgin.

Wish u good luck OP. I was in your shoes once too. You may or may not find a woman here willing or interested to take u on but kudos for being brave to post here and look in the first place.

Seriously think Tinder stands so much higher chance to get fwb

24-08-2019, 03:06 AM
Seriously think Tinder stands so much higher chance to get fwb

True true Tinder works better

25-08-2019, 02:14 PM
haha for real? nvr tried the app before. how is it like?

25-08-2019, 02:20 PM
Seriously think Tinder stands so much higher chance to get fwb

oh really? how was it

25-08-2019, 02:23 PM
really? how did it go