View Full Version : Why changed site?

21-11-2019, 07:56 AM
Hi boss/admins,

Pardon my newbie questions here, and if I missed out on any announcement. I noticed the previous site was down and I had a hard time finding this new site address.. so..

1) curious why is there a need to change site?
2) was there a way to notify/pre-empt members what will be new site address?


21-11-2019, 08:29 AM
Hi boss/admins,

Pardon my newbie questions here, and if I missed out on any announcement. I noticed the previous site was down and I had a hard time finding this new site address.. so..

1) curious why is there a need to change site?
2) was there a way to notify/pre-empt members what will be new site address?


How are you connecting now?

Big Sexy
21-11-2019, 09:16 AM
try using a VPN or one of the recommended browsers to connect to sbf.net.nz

browsers to use

TOR browser (used to be slow but great speeds nowadays) https://www.torproject.org/download/

Puffin browser (lots already using this option based on my stats) https://www.puffin.com/



try this thread for more info

21-11-2019, 10:21 PM
Hello brothers, if type 'https://" seemed ok lor. Singtel confirm plus chop tries all method to block de as many mamy brothers committed various sex related offences using sbf de. :rolleyes: But hor I used puffin browser. My subbodinatre use VPN. hehe! kumsiah! :)