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28-11-2019, 04:13 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently has unprotected sex with my good friend’s bf. Sorry but horniness came over me. He ejaculated inside me. What are the chances of std or pregnancy. I also gave him a bbj for abt 30min.
I know i can google but hope to here from real people.

28-11-2019, 04:21 PM
Newbie girl here.
Recently has unprotected sex with my good friend’s bf. Sorry but horniness came over me. He ejaculated inside me. What are the chances of std or pregnancy. I also gave him a bbj for abt 30min.
I know i can google but hope to here from real people.

You won't catch an STD unless he also has an STD so the best solution is to ask him to get tested first before deciding on your course of action.

As for pregnancy it is quite possible so I suggest that if the event occurred within the last 72 hours you quickly get the morning after pill.


29-11-2019, 03:52 PM
Relax. Not to worry. There is morning after pill. :cool:

01-12-2019, 01:36 AM
There is morning after pill

Yup this is the only solution now since he had perform raw sex with TS :o

02-12-2019, 11:52 AM
u must be kum gong, how u know there are no health care professional here? from what i see, the replies in the forum are all 90% spot on and very useful.

Google usually answered my trained professionals real people here know what ? Bullshit more likely ?
Power is obtained from knowledge and having intelligence maybe your name should be girlweakness

06-12-2019, 06:08 PM
Yes lor. The infos here are way better than Google. And you get almost immediate response if you need help.

15-12-2019, 03:40 AM
Newbie girl here.
Recently has unprotected sex with my good friend’s bf. Sorry but horniness came over me. He ejaculated inside me. What are the chances of std or pregnancy. I also gave him a bbj for abt 30min.
I know i can google but hope to here from real people.

Can I know you? Can pm me