View Full Version : Old Vcd, Some Dvd For Sale

08-10-2007, 09:42 AM
Dear Bros,

I have tons of vcd, dvds various movies from r-rated, x-rated, horror, thriller and what's nots... for sale. Not too sure how many but in region of 150 pieces..

Sale is for whole lot at RM100.00 only. Conditions of VCD's and DVD's are from poor to good.



08-10-2007, 09:51 AM
Dear Bros,

I have tons of vcd, dvds various movies from r-rated, x-rated, horror, thriller and what's nots... for sale. Not too sure how many but in region of 150 pieces..

Sale is for whole lot at RM100.00 only. Conditions of VCD's and DVD's are from poor to good. Bro, 150 pieces for RM100 not expensive but cannot see title very hard to decide leh!!

At least say how many porn or r-rated cos these are the ones that bros here interested in.:p

08-10-2007, 10:55 AM
Eh.....since this is in malaysian thread I guess you are either in JB or KL? My question is got do delievery boh? Like those VCD vendors :D

08-10-2007, 09:10 PM
Hi guys,

firstly i am not a dvd/vcd seller. i am getting rid of it coz i am migrating soon and felt it is a waste to throw it away. FYI, I am in JB. As for the titles, it is just too many for me to key in and guess i am too lazy for it.

you have to self-collect the vcd/dvd yourself and can be collected at jusco tebrau.

it is all properly pack into cd- cases , not all of it though.

10-10-2007, 09:22 AM
Aiyoh...just give away to your SBF kakis in JB.

I am sure Bro 6" inch will not mind.:p

10-10-2007, 10:40 AM
I agree with Bro Shiok. If sell may lead to problem like quality, mnot clear. Give then people cannot complain. Just my opinion.

6" boy
11-10-2007, 03:25 PM
Aiyoh...just give away to your SBF kakis in JB.

I am sure Bro 6" inch will not mind.:p

Heh heh heh... I last time also got a lot... also over 150 VCD + DVD. Then my friends will came to my house and took them and never return. Now only got about 20 DVD.

lcdavid, I don't mind to keep some of them for you until when you are oversea. Next time you come back only i will return to you... :D

11-10-2007, 04:02 PM
.....lcdavid, I don't mind to keep some of them for you until when you are oversea. Next time you come back only i will return to you...


He said he's migrating lehh.. maybe read too much about the crime rate of Malaysia in the SBF thread. Kekeke....

So, if he pass to you and after you watched, you pass to Shiok1968. Then I "borrow" from him and never return, lorrr... :rolleyes: :D

11-10-2007, 04:51 PM

He said he's migrating lehh.. maybe read too much about the crime rate of Malaysia in the SBF thread. Kekeke....

So, if he pass to you and after you watched, you pass to Shiok1968. Then I "borrow" from him and never return, lorrr... :rolleyes: :D

Here only 4rmb for 1 DVD. U dun bonk one night in KTV can buy 200 pieces le...

11-10-2007, 09:22 PM
Here only 4rmb for 1 DVD. U dun bonk one night in KTV can buy 200 pieces le...

we here download for free. even sbf have a section for it. :)

12-10-2007, 09:13 AM
we here download for free. even sbf have a section for it. :)

cheeco...u r right, rich people always like to get things for free....:D

12-10-2007, 10:16 AM
we here download for free. even sbf have a section for it. :)

Different le... cos real DVD-9 is 4GB... even give you superfast connection will take long time to d/l. So if 200 pieces is 4 X 200 = 800GB. Take you months to DL. kekekeke. Why bother when so cheap to buy.

China also have lots of sites can D/L or watch online for free, but my computer screen too small for old man to enjoy. Prefer to watch TV. :D

12-10-2007, 04:07 PM
So, if he pass to you and after you watched, you pass to Shiok1968. Then I "borrow" from him and never return, lorrr... Cipet...still dare to say. Me bring few hundred over all gone.:rolleyes:

Lucky got few thousand more. Want or not? Me bring over after this weekend. :p

12-10-2007, 04:09 PM
Why bother when so cheap to buy.So when you going to pass me your collection??:p

12-10-2007, 04:10 PM
Yes, my friend, good that you open up this column.
I too have plenty of XXX dvd, very good conditions, sometimes I just watch once. Got them cheap from my normal kaki in JB.

One one interested, maybe just RM5 a piece, min. 10, I have 50-100 to let go. I used to throw them out or just put it next to the rubbish bin (lucky security guard)

12-10-2007, 05:04 PM
....Lucky got few thousand more. Want or not? Me bring over after this weekend.....

Don't bring over this weekend. Me not in the country, lehhh.. Further, I'm sure that cipet Gorken will sapu all. Just like he sapu all that you've brought over last time. I have only maybe 6 or 7 left that belongs to you.

Bring over when I get back.

13-10-2007, 12:08 AM
So when you going to pass me your collection??:p

You want meh.... You fly over and collect lorr... kekekekeke

13-10-2007, 09:31 AM
You want meh.... You fly over and collect lorr... kekekekekeNabei....you not coming back meh!!:p

13-10-2007, 01:28 PM
Don't bring over this weekend. Me not in the country, lehhh.. Further, I'm sure that cipet Gorken will sapu all. Just like he sapu all that you've brought over last time. I have only maybe 6 or 7 left that belongs to you.

Bring over when I get back.

First of all, dun call me cipet Gorken. Secondly, i sure will sapu first, kekeke. Thirdly, you need porn VCD for wat? i still cannot find any porn with toe phuck ler.....

Tell me how many you need, in case ssh dun feel like lending his property to you, i can lend you mine. Dun under estimate me, i got my collections too....

Remember to replanish my stock hor.....

13-10-2007, 06:35 PM
Tell me how many you need, in case ssh dun feel like lending his property to you, i can lend you mine. Dun under estimate me, i got my collections too....

Remember to replanish my stock hor.....Knn...got collections but dun lend me. Only know how to keep asking me to replenish your stock. Liddat goot meh!!:mad: :p

21-10-2007, 12:15 PM

Lets meet up and I will bring all the VCD, DVD etc... and will give to all of you. Why don't we plan to meet say Jusco Tebrau. After that can go and do some massage and support the outlet at JJ.

You guys plan the date and time except wed.
say this coming thursday ard 4:30 coffee bean jusco tebrau.

14-11-2007, 03:45 PM
I just got back from a holiday in Brisbane when I saw this post. I am sure all the DVDs are gone by now. Otherwise I would be tempted to get it for myself. :(

Anyway, I know there was a thread somewhere stating a place in JB where we can actually buy porn online but I have searched high and low but coulnt find that particullar thread. The website's name is G*b** or n**DVD. But I cant seem place order online. Are there anymore shops in JB or KL who have this service. I am losing patience with this site as I have placed orders so many times but no action or response were taken from them. Care for info guys? Kinjdly PM me okay

14-11-2007, 04:36 PM
hey. I got this site that allow to view online / DL without paying any cent.. its totally free no catch and I'm not advertising it to get any benefit oso.. just want to share.. The quality is quite good but depends on ur bandwidth.. high bandwidth = pure real action, low bandwidth like watching slideshow/powerpoint presentation.. there are tonns of clip and full length movie to watch or DL.. PM me for the the address.. this site need to give email address but no need credit card etc.. totally free... no popups oso..

i'm not doing promo or adds to gain profit.. try first.. don zap me arr...

14-11-2007, 04:59 PM
hey. I got this site that allow to view online / DL without paying any cent.. its totally free no catch and I'm not advertising it to get any benefit oso.. just want to share.. The quality is quite good but depends on ur bandwidth.. high bandwidth = pure real action, low bandwidth like watching slideshow/powerpoint presentation.. there are tonns of clip and full length movie to watch or DL.. PM me for the the address.. this site need to give email address but no need credit card etc.. totally free... no popups oso..

i'm not doing promo or adds to gain profit.. try first.. don zap me arr...

This sounds great bro. But how do I PM you for the address ? Sorrie I'm still a newbie here.

14-11-2007, 07:19 PM
hey. I got this site that allow to view online / DL without paying any cent.. its totally free no catch and I'm not advertising it to get any benefit oso.. just want to share.. The quality is quite good but depends on ur bandwidth.. high bandwidth = pure real action, low bandwidth like watching slideshow/powerpoint presentation.. there are tonns of clip and full length movie to watch or DL.. PM me for the the address.. this site need to give email address but no need credit card etc.. totally free... no popups oso..

i'm not doing promo or adds to gain profit.. try first.. don zap me arr...

There is no such thing as a "free lunch"....Your details will be data-mined and if you dont believe me, give them a new yahoo e-mail address and in no time your address will be flooded with "viagra" adverts :D

14-11-2007, 11:50 PM
..your address will be flooded with "viagra" adverts :D

:D hehe.. not 'viagra' but dating site adverts.. have to unregister to the advertiser one by one.. heh.. never cross my mind that this is how they got my address..

15-11-2007, 01:11 AM
hehe.. not 'viagra' but dating site adverts.. have to unregister to the advertiser one by one.. heh.. never cross my mind that this is how they got my address..

They will send you cookies :) and later spyware, adware, tupperware, underware and what not...hurhurhur

The worst will be sending in a dynamic worm and some trojan horses and that will be the end of your HDD:oabaran

BTW, I just noticed your sexy avatar...[cabaran betul le]

16-11-2007, 12:51 AM
PROF!! u have forgotten bout Harvard Referencing again!
"there is no such thing as a free lunch" is basically an economic term... due recognition can be traced back to the book authored by Milton Friedman in 1975,.. thus the appropriate referencing will be "there is no such thing as a free lunch" (Friedman, 1975)


Alamak, the phrase has been turned into an idiom which is in public domain, so no need citation loh....;)

How about when you mention to your partner: "shall we make love? (Adam, 1000000000 B.C.)", to which your partner replied: " hurhurhur (Dekuip, 2006):D Need citation ka?

Joking only lah....when there is a serious doubt on your assignment's originality, then citation will save you from any embarassment and consequential punitive measures.

16-11-2007, 10:07 AM
....to which your partner replied: " hurhurhur (Dekuip, 2006).......


Wrong citation again. This "hurhurhur" must be appropriately referred to our infamous bro TD0620G or better known as CBM. Just thought of clearing this up. :p

16-11-2007, 10:13 AM
They will send you cookies :) and later spyware, adware, tupperware, underware and what not...hurhurhur

Got many failed 'tupperware' attempt.. most of em block by my ESET.. Lucky me start surfing xxx site since 19.. now can tell between explorer.exe and exp1orer.exe.. :)

16-11-2007, 12:24 PM

Wrong citation again. This "hurhurhur" must be appropriately referred to our infamous bro TD0620G or better known as CBM. Just thought of clearing this up.

This citation reflects secondary data from multiple sources. Thanks and I will get it updated accordingly. hurhurhur (TD0602G, 2006):D

18-11-2007, 01:37 PM
huh? u surf xXx site since ur 19 and can sucessfully block all those spy and adware? sure boh?.. i surf xxx site since i was 9 and downloaded xxx clips n movies since i was 12 and till today..... i still kena all those ad and spyware ... thats why i always take my laptop for formatting...

Btw, wut's the ESET thingy about? As far as i know, anti-virus and anti spywares are created by those ppl making viruses and spywares, thus in the long run, your antivirus n spyware will also succumb to any virus... (correct me if im wrong)


Bro MelbSJ:

(1) ESET is a spyware removing software.

(2) To me what he meant was since year 19XX [range from 1900 till 1999]:eek:

(3) To sell something, one must add value to users or some perceived value to potential buyers, thus if a spyware removes all viruses, and there are no more viruses forthcoming, how to sell further versions of their anti-spyware programmes leh?? :D

I once asked a dentist on why nowadays dentists are not keen in extracting teeth, and will endeavour to do all sorts of remedial actions, like root canalling, crowning, filling, etc... as compared to those 1960's days whereby the dentists would pluck off your teeth on the slightest pretext or reasons best known to them....to which he replied: As long as the teeth are there, there will be business for us!

18-11-2007, 10:41 PM
haha.. to say that i've blocked all spyware and adware from invading my box is totally BS right.. there are cases but not so severe and can be removed manually.. yeah i kno 19 is maybe a too old to start browsing xXx site but wut to do.. my dad never bought me a computer.. Prof is right.. they did spam my email with loads of junks.. even with spam filter on.. bust most of em goes to bulk.. And by the age 19 and half i learn to make new email just for registering to BS site.. so practically no harm done..