View Full Version : Anyone try internal sperm shot into vaginal straight after menstruation ended.

28-02-2020, 10:04 AM
I tried and successfully avoid pregnancy after i cum into my girlfriend. Straight after her period. I just want to know any bros also tried?

28-02-2020, 07:01 PM
Before tried. 1-2 days after her period ended. I think is still quite safe. The chances is lower doesn't mean you won't kanna

29-02-2020, 10:37 AM
I tried and successfully avoid pregnancy after i cum into my girlfriend. Straight after her period. I just want to know any bros also tried?

Few years back, I tried during the last few days of her period and during the 1st - 2nd day after her period end. As she requested for me to cum inside of her as she tried before and she told me that it is her safe period. So I choose to believe her since she told me that she tried before. 1st 2 month everything is safe but suay suay 3rd month... Haish

There is this suay month that I tried during her 1st day after her period end up suay suay she got pregnant... So I would suggest you not to take the risk again unless your ready to have a child.

I agreed to ArdenT that "The Chances is lower doesn't mean you won't kanna" That is very true.

Usually for my FB period last for 5 days

1st month, cum inside of her during 4th day of her period
2nd month, cum inside of her during 4th and 5th day of her period
3rd month, cum inside of her after the last day of her period end up this is the time when she got preg… Haish
My fb do keep a update of the day when we had sex and her period date inside a apps that is meant for this. After this we always practice safe sex by using birth control method to avoid pregnancy. but now fb have became "Ex-FB"

29-02-2020, 11:05 PM
I tried and successfully avoid pregnancy after i cum into my girlfriend. Straight after her period. I just want to know any bros also tried?

To make sure that is not your sperm weak I suggest to ask sbf tiko bros take turns try next time. I am sure many will be kind enuff to volunteer! :D

01-03-2020, 02:52 PM
I guess is pretty safe

03-03-2020, 03:35 AM
You married her? :confused:

Wanted to, but she choose to abort as she prefer to keep us in FB terms previously. After the abortion we are still fb for 1 year + till she choose to migrate oversea for further studies. After she left Singapore, we lost contact. :(

05-03-2020, 09:53 PM
Should be safe.

But then again, shiok for a few mins, but your heart will squeeze till the next cycle comes la..

06-03-2020, 12:19 PM
Take day 1, start of bleeding, towards day 6/7 no more bleeding, you do on this day is ok. Safe till about day 8 generally, as ovulation will begin from range of day 14 to 18, depending on individual cycles.

Best is do during the 1 weeks before her bleeding starts, as the egg has died. No matter how hard you shoot, also won’t impregnate her.

19-03-2020, 03:42 AM
But too bloody too messy

Agreed that is usually the case :o

21-03-2020, 05:17 PM
There is no such thing as safe period, because it depends how long your sperms stay inside her body :o

On the irony, many people kept shooting inside and hard to get pregnant.. but this kind dont know good or bad, end up you want kid you need to check on your sperms :D

06-04-2020, 11:20 AM
few years back do have FB and i did shoot in before and after her menses.
Usually its pretty safe to shoot in 2 days before her menses and inbtw 7 days after her menses..did practice shoot in for more than 3 years without pregnant..
On the danger periods, usually she will take pills to prevent it when we have great passion sex and we have sex almost everydays.
If happened on weekend, sex will increased to 3-5 times and all shoot in will my sperm flown out from her pussy..

Lucky me not to get her pregnant during all these years..