View Full Version : Puchong area please (NOOB question)
18-10-2007, 05:19 AM
Hello all pro cheongster here. I'm new to this forum and also new to the world of 'cheong'. So i hope my really nood question won't give u a heart attack ok? if you feel that my post is too noob for you to answer, just don't answer unnecessary question alrite?
Before this, i don't even know forum like this exist. This is cool. I began to look for 'stuff' like this since i broke up with my gal months ago. Now very interested to cheong around if can. I have never cheong before, and thinking of cheonging can ald feel the excitement. but also scared kena caught.
I'm staying in puchong area. and im interested to look for places to cheong around puchong, sri petaling, OUG and subang area. Best if can find in subang cause i work there. i see the prices range from usually 200 -300 for good ones. I have to admit that i'm abit picky. But also hope to get a 'good' one. Nasi lemak is fine to me, because i've seem some really hot ones before.
Besides the places that i can get to cheong, can someone tell me how does the system works? do i just go to places like spa or massage parlor or something then ask the OKT if they have it? and how do i know which is the OKT? are we supposed to pay first or what? and how long is usually for one session. And which place can i usually find younger girls... don't want to get some oldie, i'm only 23.
I would appreciate if anyone can PM me more information too.
Thanks alot. looking forward to provide a FR in future if can.
18-10-2007, 08:43 PM
You will definitely get some answer from me soon. :mad: All the hard work of brothers to contribute and you MUST start your own thread here to get an EASY ride!
18-10-2007, 08:45 PM
Fren, are u looking for toruble ??
18-10-2007, 09:00 PM
Fren, are u looking for toruble ??
He found it :D
19-10-2007, 02:54 AM
Fren, are u looking for toruble ??
I am not looking for any trouble. and not asking u to give me contacts directly... i am just asking about how the system works in all the spa and hotel.. for at least give me a hint of where should i go and where hsould i ask for it... does that means giving you trouble? there are probably more than hundreds of posts and threads so just thought of starting a specific one on puchong area... if no willing to share with me... then nvm.. but you have also become a noob once... where u don't even know what is the meaning of cheong.. right?
nvm.. later i'll try myself once... and will try to write a FR one day.
19-10-2007, 10:21 AM
TS has already asked the same question in the newbies thread.
Let's just use this thread for lobangs around Puchong.;)
19-10-2007, 10:26 AM
I am not looking for any trouble. and not asking u to give me contacts directly... i am just asking about how the system works in all the spa and hotel.. for at least give me a hint of where should i go and where hsould i ask for it... does that means giving you trouble? there are probably more than hundreds of posts and threads so just thought of starting a specific one on puchong area... if no willing to share with me... then nvm.. but you have also become a noob once... where u don't even know what is the meaning of cheong.. right?
nvm.. later i'll try myself once... and will try to write a FR one day.
Look at menu, use search, keyword PUCHONG :cool: . Very difficult. If plain lazy to read, just stay at home and PCC.
What i dunno, i READ through to understand FIRST. Not just simply come and expect to be spoonfed.
Everyone was a Noob once, but not necessarily a LAZY NOOB.
19-10-2007, 10:27 AM
come on bro, do some more pls!! :cool:
19-10-2007, 10:31 AM
come on bro, do some more pls!! :cool:
farking cipet... come here act like KL Taikors!!
U better dont fark ppls.. since u are my 'cipet' u must have know my principal..
every newbie has the right the open whatever thread or post whatever he wanna post.. none of my business.
19-10-2007, 10:35 AM
farking cipet... come here act like KL Taikors!!
U better dont fark ppls.. since u are my 'cipet' u must have know my principal..
every newbie has the right the open whatever thread or post whatever he wanna post.. none of my business.
LoLz... u now like Mother Hen. Taking care of little chicks. Dun worry la, those under your wing we treat with TLC one. :D
19-10-2007, 10:36 AM
... i am just asking about how the system works in all the spa and hotel.. for at least give me a hint of where should i go and where hsould i ask for it... does that means giving you trouble? there are probably more than hundreds of posts and threads so just thought of starting a specific one on puchong area... if no willing to share with me... then nvm.. but you have also become a noob once... where u don't even know what is the meaning of cheong.. right?
fren u frm msia right? which school/college/u huh? y nowadays they dont talk about it in school anymore? ...last time after school we use to go imperial for their peanuts & chinese tea.....:p okok...juz in case u r really a good boy...juz PM my TSH...he wil answer u privately mah....u post big big somemore new thread, where can he tolerate...somemore the lanciao puchong area is so hot now...close 1 eye also can find lor, the rest juz try la, they dont charge u for juz drinking tea & some enquiries, unzip pant also must teach u meh?...okok...if stil no answer jus PM me...i bring u go do market survey...all expenses cover by u ok???
19-10-2007, 10:46 AM
fren u frm msia right? which school/college/u huh? y nowadays they dont talk about it in school anymore? ...last time after school we use to go imperial for their peanuts & chinese tea.....:p okok...juz in case u r really a good boy...juz PM my TSH...he wil answer u privately mah....u post big big somemore new thread, where can he tolerate...somemore the lanciao puchong area is so hot now...close 1 eye also can find lor, the rest juz try la, they dont charge u for juz drinking tea & some enquiries, unzip pant also must teach u meh?...okok...if stil no answer jus PM me...i bring u go do market survey...all expenses cover by u ok???
NiaPohKehMukGua... yest i din go the place u mentioned.. but i went with Itto to a new found lubang. I think my next bonk with be a PRC again... she was really good. Show u her pic if later today i go ur place...
sure she wont ngam u coz she is not expired yet.
19-10-2007, 10:49 AM
farking cipet... come here act like KL Taikors!!
every newbie has the right the open whatever thread or post whatever he wanna post.. none of my business.Where got KL Taikors?
The name also you give one.:rolleyes:
I agree that any newbie have the right to post anything but maybe they can consider doing a search before opening a new thread. Not very hard mah!! When we first join, the old birds also teach us to use the search function. Imagine if every newbie open one thread just bcos they feel like opening, then slowly you also dun want to come to SBF Malaysian threads cos too bloody messy.
Btw as mentioned, the TS did also post in the newbies thread so lets move on.:cool:
19-10-2007, 10:55 AM
Where got KL Taikors?
The name also you give one.
I agree that any newbie have the right to post anything but maybe they can consider doing a search before opening a new thread. Not very hard mah!! When we first join, the old birds also teach us to use the search function. Imagine if every newbie open one thread just bcos they feel like opening, then slowly you also dun want to come to SBF Malaysian threads cos too bloody messy.
Btw as mentioned, the TS did also post in the newbies thread so lets move on.
the names i give not taikors but TSH, YSH and SSH.. is it same as taikors?? I dunno woh.
i oredi said none of my business mah.. if become too messy than it's sam keh business mah.. ok lah.. since this we think different so better keep it for ourself.
Oh.. yest i really wanna meet cryer and bring him around.. i called u to get hos where about but u said call me back? :confused: But never!
At the end i went to check some new arrived prc's with bro Itto... no regret. :D
19-10-2007, 11:00 AM
mahgiap....where i fcuk people....where got? okok...later i buy u mukgua juice...and i also wana open 1 new thread...'drydust fruits stall';)
19-10-2007, 11:02 AM
Look at menu, use search, keyword PUCHONG :cool: . Very difficult. If plain lazy to read, just stay at home and PCC.
What i dunno, i READ through to understand FIRST. Not just simply come and expect to be spoonfed.
Everyone was a Noob once, but not necessarily a LAZY NOOB.
Weather still COOL in China right? ..Y U sooo.... HOT toay?
Didn't gat a Good CP MM must be...
19-10-2007, 11:08 AM
the names i give not taikors but TSH, YSH and SSH.. is it same as taikors?? I dunno woh.
i oredi said none of my business mah.. if become too messy than it's sam keh business mah.. ok lah.. since this we think different so better keep it for ourself.
Oh.. yest i really wanna meet cryer and bring him around.. i called u to get hos where about but u said call me back? :confused: But never! are the one that keep saying got KL Taikors. Up to now I also wondering who you mean.
Not being busy body but just maybe hoping that the threads becum cleaner and easier for people to get info. You know Sam never bother about MY threads so lets just help ourself.
Paiseh about the phonecall. You called me during very busy period and after that I forgot about it. You know lah me old already mah!! Cipet...can call me after that also what!! Just bcos I never call you back, dun tell me you angry??:rolleyes:
19-10-2007, 11:19 AM
Paiseh about the phonecall. You called me during very busy period and after that I forgot about it. You know lah me old already mah!! Cipet...can call me after that also what!! Just bcos I never call you back, dun tell me you angry??
Actually i forgot oso.. only remembered this morning.. me oso old oredi. :p Feel pity a bit coz if bro cryer was with us yest sure he got story to tell.. it was really a nice bonking session... somemore stayed in her room for 2 hours... later bros Itto and klpgfun oso join me.. chit chat, make jokes and raba2.. now waiting for bro Itto FR. :D
19-10-2007, 11:26 AM
Actually i forgot oso.. only remembered this morning.. me oso old oredi. Feel pity a bit coz if bro cryer was with us yest sure he got story to tell.. it was really a nice bonking session... somemore stayed in her room for 2 hours... later bros Itto and klpgfun oso join me.. chit chat, make jokes and raba2.. now waiting for bro Itto FR. :DI also want to say paiseh to him. Suppose to go drinking but last min me got to stay back and do work. Weather also very bad and gorken call to cancel. By the time I finish already about 10pm. I already sms his number to you.
Btw today got another good bro of Ahh Fatt and OP coming to town. He staying at PJ Hilton. He ask me for lobangs and I say I will check out for him. Can pass your contact to him or not?;)
19-10-2007, 11:29 AM
I also want to say paiseh to him. Suppose to go drinking but last min me got to stay back and do work. Weather also very bad and gorken call to cancel. By the time I finish already about 10pm. I already sms his number to you.
Btw today got another good bro of Ahh Fatt and OP coming to town. He staying at PJ Hilton. He ask me for lobangs and I say I will check out for him. Can pass your contact to him or not?
ah Fatt kor dun have my ctc meh? I gonna knock his head. :p
Sure i wanna meet Fatt kor and OP.. it's my pleasure to go drink beer with them. :D
19-10-2007, 11:31 AM
I also want to say paiseh to him. Suppose to go drinking but last min me got to stay back and do work. Weather also very bad and gorken call to cancel. By the time I finish already about 10pm. I already sms his number to you.
10 pm still early mah. Yest after PRC session in cheras around 10:45pm i went to ss2 for the second part of my program.. reach home 1:30am.
must say nowadays i like PJ more than KL..
19-10-2007, 11:32 AM
ah Fatt kor dun have my ctc meh? I gonna knock his head. :pNot Fatt Kor and OP lah!! One of their kakis whose nick is KongFuZhi. Dun know if you meet him before. He ever come down to KL with Fatt Kor and OP.:p
19-10-2007, 11:35 AM
Not Fatt Kor and OP lah!! One of their kakis whose nick is KongFuZhi. Dun know if you meet him before. He ever come down to KL with Fatt Kor and OP.:p
opss.. once show i'm old oredi.. sorry sorry. Yup, i have met bro KFZ b4, if he has time tonite sure i wanna drink beer with him too. :D
19-10-2007, 11:35 AM
10 pm still early mah. Yest after PRC session in cheras around 10:45pm i went to ss2 for the second part of my program.. reach home 1:30am.
must say nowadays i like PJ more than KL..
So you like PJ now??
19-10-2007, 11:38 AM
Hello all pro cheongster here. I'm new to this forum and also new to the world of 'cheong'. So i hope my really nood question won't give u a heart attack ok? if you feel that my post is too noob for you to answer, just don't answer unnecessary question alrite?
Before this, i don't even know forum like this exist. This is cool. I began to look for 'stuff' like this since i broke up with my gal months ago. Now very interested to cheong around if can. I have never cheong before, and thinking of cheonging can ald feel the excitement. but also scared kena caught.
I'm staying in puchong area. and im interested to look for places to cheong around puchong, sri petaling, OUG and subang area. Best if can find in subang cause i work there. i see the prices range from usually 200 -300 for good ones. I have to admit that i'm abit picky. But also hope to get a 'good' one. Nasi lemak is fine to me, because i've seem some really hot ones before.
Besides the places that i can get to cheong, can someone tell me how does the system works? do i just go to places like spa or massage parlor or something then ask the OKT if they have it? and how do i know which is the OKT? are we supposed to pay first or what? and how long is usually for one session. And which place can i usually find younger girls... don't want to get some oldie, i'm only 23.
I would appreciate if anyone can PM me more information too.
Thanks alot. looking forward to provide a FR in future if can.
Hello bruder,
There is this place in Puchong somewhere ard Tesco, look for star Inn and u can find all good looking PRC. Try it and let me know abt it. Damage abt 198
19-10-2007, 11:41 AM
So you like PJ now??
huh? i mean PJ has more places to have fun compare to KL... somemore go home oso nearer.
19-10-2007, 11:48 AM
Hello all pro cheongster here. I'm new to this forum and also new to the world of 'cheong'. So i hope my really nood question won't give u a heart attack ok? if you feel that my post is too noob for you to answer, just don't answer unnecessary question alrite?
Before this, i don't even know forum like this exist. This is cool. I began to look for 'stuff' like this since i broke up with my gal months ago. Now very interested to cheong around if can. I have never cheong before, and thinking of cheonging can ald feel the excitement. but also scared kena caught.
I'm staying in puchong area. and im interested to look for places to cheong around puchong, sri petaling, OUG and subang area. Best if can find in subang cause i work there. i see the prices range from usually 200 -300 for good ones. I have to admit that i'm abit picky. But also hope to get a 'good' one. Nasi lemak is fine to me, because i've seem some really hot ones before.
Besides the places that i can get to cheong, can someone tell me how does the system works? do i just go to places like spa or massage parlor or something then ask the OKT if they have it? and how do i know which is the OKT? are we supposed to pay first or what? and how long is usually for one session. And which place can i usually find younger girls... don't want to get some oldie, i'm only 23.
I would appreciate if anyone can PM me more information too.
Thanks alot. looking forward to provide a FR in future if can.
Will forward u some details soon
19-10-2007, 07:04 PM
Will forward u some details soon
Thank you bro, that would be most kind of you.
19-10-2007, 07:10 PM
fren u frm msia right? which school/college/u huh? y nowadays they dont talk about it in school anymore? ...last time after school we use to go imperial for their peanuts & chinese tea.....:p okok...juz in case u r really a good boy...juz PM my TSH...he wil answer u privately mah....u post big big somemore new thread, where can he tolerate...somemore the lanciao puchong area is so hot now...close 1 eye also can find lor, the rest juz try la, they dont charge u for juz drinking tea & some enquiries, unzip pant also must teach u meh?...okok...if stil no answer jus PM me...i bring u go do market survey...all expenses cover by u ok???
no.. never talked about cheong in classes before. because we all get FOC actions from other gfs in same college... got many gfs before, but because it is alot of trouble and commitement.. that's why now want to try pay 'action'.
haha.. ok bro thanks for the info.. really don't know mah.. and the thread really so big... like thousands of post.. find till dizzy...
19-10-2007, 07:29 PM
Look at menu, use search, keyword PUCHONG :cool: . Very difficult. If plain lazy to read, just stay at home and PCC.
What i dunno, i READ through to understand FIRST. Not just simply come and expect to be spoonfed.
Everyone was a Noob once, but not necessarily a LAZY NOOB.
You have no idea how hard working i was to google for so long and for so many websites to find some prostitution dedicated forum.. and just to realized that it is actually called 'cheong'....
19-10-2007, 07:32 PM
Hello bruder,
There is this place in Puchong somewhere ard Tesco, look for star Inn and u can find all good looking PRC. Try it and let me know abt it. Damage abt 198
Hi bro, thanks alot... will check it out asap... you mean i have to find th HC inside star inn? you mean 198 is for the good looking girls do you?
20-10-2007, 12:02 PM
You have no idea how hard working i was to google for so long and for so many websites to find some prostitution dedicated forum.. and just to realized that it is actually called 'cheong'....What bro KLKOOL means is that in SBF if you are loking for a particular area or term example Puchong or Geylang, just use the search button that is located somewhere near the top right of your screen. If got time, then read the stickies in the newbie thread.;)
20-10-2007, 12:08 PM
Hi bro, thanks alot... will check it out asap... you mean i have to find th HC inside star inn? you mean 198 is for the good looking girls do you?
thanks198 is the amount you have to pass for the package. As for good looking or not, you will have to go and see for yourself.;)
20-10-2007, 12:19 PM
People already provide you with information, now go and try it yourself. Next posting i hope to see some positive contribution rather than all talk and no do :rolleyes:
20-10-2007, 12:20 PM
What bro KLKOOL means is that in SBF if you are loking for a particular area or term example Puchong or Geylang, just use the search button that is located somewhere near the top right of your screen. If got time, then read the stickies in the newbie thread.;)
SSH, dun bother la. There are those that are worth helping and those that are not. Use google and search also wanna say hard working you already know is what kind :rolleyes:
04-11-2007, 12:37 PM
Hey Bros who cheong Puchong,
Hope u r not 1 of them...Anyway u haf
DAP AJK(ahli jawatankuasa) or in SBF terms Ass Job King
honcho RONNIE LIU to accompany u in lokap
AJK DAP ditahan ganggu tugas kerja penyitaan hotel
SUBANG JAYA 3 Nov. – Polis menahan Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat DAP, Ronnie Liu ekoran tindakannya mengganggu tugas penyitaan oleh pihak berkuasa ke atas sebuah hotel yang menjalankan kegiatan tidak bermoral di Bandar Puchong Jaya di sini, semalam.
Ronnie, 49, yang menetap di Petaling Jaya Utara ditahan di Balai Polis Puchong dan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan kerana kesalahan menghalang penjawat awam menjalankan tugas.
Beliau bagaimanapun dibebaskan dengan jaminan polis, pukul 4 petang ini.
Dalam kejadian pukul 6.30 petang itu, tindakan penyitaan dilakukan oleh pasukan polis dan anggota penguat kuasa Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ).
Ini berikutan serbuan ke atas hotel itu yang membawa kepada penangkapan 22 pelacur warga asing dan 12 lelaki dipercayai pelanggan, kelmarin.
Ketua Polis Daerah Subang Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Zainal Rashid Abu Bakar berkata, polis terpaksa menahan Ronnie kerana keengganannya memberi kerjasama walaupun sudah lima kali diberi amaran dalam tempoh sejam.
“Pada ketika itu, terdapat kira-kira 15 hingga 20 orang dipercayai pelanggan berlegar-legar di lobi hotel itu, namun ia tidak mengganggu tugas pihak berkuasa.
“Saya tidak tahu kenapa dia bertindak agresif dan membantah serta mempersoalkan tindakan pihak berkuasa sedangkan hotel itu memang tidak berlesen termasuk melanggar undang-undang lain,” katanya kepada pemberita di pejabatnya di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Subang Jaya di sini, hari ini.
Zainal menambah, polis akan berusaha mengenal pasti kaitan Ronnie dengan hotel itu sehingga beliau berkeras mempertikaikan tindakan pihak berkuasa.
“Walaupun beliau telah dibebaskan dengan jaminan polis, kita boleh menahannya atau memanggilnya semula sekiranya perlu dalam tempoh 14 hari ini,” ujarnya.
Mengenai siasatan ke atas hotel dipercayai mengendalikan sindiket pelacuran itu, beliau berkata, polis sedang mengenal pasti dalang atau pemilik hotel yang mengetuai sindiket itu.
Ujarnya, pihak berkuasa sudah beberapa kali menyerbu hotel itu, namun gagal menemui apa-apa sebelum ini.
“Kali ini, dengan kejayaan hasil risikan polis mengesan lorong rahsia yang banyak kali ‘menyelamatkan’ mereka, mereka tidak bernasib baik seperti sebelumnya,” katanya.- Utusan
04-11-2007, 06:08 PM
Putra Inn? Please tell me .. its not putra inn cause the quality of prc at that place is amazing !!
05-11-2007, 07:39 PM
Tried s*bai sab*i Puchong Tmn Puteri last week. Not cheap leh. Was quoted RM160 for 2 hours with batin. Basket, took 1 hour with batin for RM90 and guess what, service sucks and when paying, one of the ML had the cheek to laugh at me for wanting the change Rm10 back.
09-11-2007, 04:10 PM
Hi bro, thanks alot... will check it out asap... you mean i have to find th HC inside star inn? you mean 198 is for the good looking girls do you?
Hey brudder ,
Just go in the from the hotel entrance and there is a side entrance inside. Happy bonking.......
09-11-2007, 05:07 PM
frens...try to avoid puchong if possible...yesterday juz saw the chile raid last 2 weeks)on 999 TV3...1 sohai wearing very bright green shirt but cant see the face...if u still wana go then make sure u dont wear anything striking in color coz chances of appearing on TV veli high...hehehehhe:)
13-11-2007, 11:20 AM
Truelah brudder.... maybe have to change location oledi or lay cool for time being
14-11-2007, 02:38 PM
the place that kena close down is hotel appears at TV3 '999' i guess all have to wait for a while to go there and cheong again...
15-11-2007, 01:59 AM
the place that kena close down is hotel appears at TV3 '999' i guess all have to wait for a while to go there and cheong again...
Hmmm...really ahh.... got 2 b careful dis time lorr....
19-11-2007, 09:41 AM
no 1 look see sri petaling?? maybe i go look see later.. hur hur hur
19-11-2007, 04:01 PM
no 1 look see sri petaling?? maybe i go look see later.. hur hur hur
U Lansi again horr... come here post big big about ur many many lobang :D
20-11-2007, 08:32 AM
U Lansi again horr... come here post big big about ur many many lobang No lah TSH....since he got new title given by Bro Shag, no choice must maintain standard mah.
If no lobangs how to have that title?:rolleyes: :p
21-11-2007, 04:45 PM
today managed to know 2 more Tai Sing Po bros.. anymore TSP bros here? U cam pm me.. i arrange a look see tour soon... BEG chairman and Sober no need pm me. :p
21-11-2007, 11:16 PM
an bro know hw to get to genting frm puchong if by taxi thn hw much will it be thxs need ur advice
22-11-2007, 10:37 AM
an bro know hw to get to genting frm puchong if by taxi thn hw much will it be thxs need ur adviceI ever took from Sunway to Genting and it cost me RM80.
Puchong should be the same price. Just check with the driver.;)
19-12-2007, 03:49 AM
an bro know hw to get to genting frm puchong if by taxi thn hw much will it be thxs need ur advice
By asking this stupid questions, I presume you are not local (KL). If you have your own transport (car is preferred), you can drive along the MRR2 highway towards Batu Caves (if you know where lah), before reaching Batu Cave you should see a road sign that reads Genting.... just follow the sign loh...
If take taxi... errr... I think you will need to get Genting's Taxi, abit expensive but very fast. The drawback will be you need to take either from Puduraya or call for pickup at your house (with additional charge of course).
Last time call up to my house in Cheras, cost me RM 120.00
19-12-2007, 09:51 AM
Hey brudder ,
Just go in the from the hotel entrance and there is a side entrance inside. Happy bonking.......
Brudder, if you need more loboangs, do PM me. maybe we can cheong together. Know a few more place ard subang and puchong.
10-04-2008, 05:26 PM
CHILE is back and open and I tell you that they have some of the best PRC's I've seen .... seriously
10-04-2008, 11:59 PM
q=wer da place bro?
11-04-2008, 01:56 AM
Doesnt that place always have 'big wind'
currien x
21-05-2008, 12:20 PM
Tried Chille Hotel Spa @ Puchong Jaya the other day, plenty PRC to choose from, pick a girl name Ella, service was good with great BBBJ.......cost RM 198, :):)Enjoy......................
Went to Puchong last sat...
S*** **N got 4 chun russian chicks....
Tried Chille Hotel Spa @ Puchong Jaya the other day, plenty PRC to choose from, pick a girl name Ella, service was good with great BBBJ.......cost RM 198, :):)Enjoy......................
23-05-2008, 07:31 PM
How much the damage for the russian chicks?
Need to unload
18-06-2008, 05:10 PM
Putra Inn just change new management. Yesterday mirror saw 3 mongorians!! One very tall one look nice but boob small. Many nice PRC thr, go try.:)
19-06-2008, 11:10 PM
Putra Inn just change new management. Yesterday mirror saw 3 mongorians!! One very tall one look nice but boob small. Many nice PRC thr, go try.:)
Bro,can share with us the location of this place?thanks
20-06-2008, 11:04 AM
Bro,can share with us the location of this place?thanks
bro.... u forget this place already? do u remember the place we go to cheong during CNY? if u really forgot, ask yr good bro for the place. he will definate know it
20-06-2008, 01:18 PM
bro.... u forget this place already? do u remember the place we go to cheong during CNY? if u really forgot, ask yr good bro for the place. he will definate know it
Bro,i only join u all on the 1st session wor...after that,i went off liao la...haha...u forgot la...not me...:P
22-06-2008, 10:09 PM
Bro,can share with us the location of this place?thanks
Go all the way LDP towards Putrajaya, pass thru Tractor Malaysia (1st turn to the left side), then about 3 ~ 4kms you should see another turn that leads you to Puchong Utama, go up the flyover and turn left then you should will see the Hotel at your right side, just go straight and take the 1st turn right towards the hotel. Take lift go up direct to 3rd floor and walk down to 2nd floor, knock the door in your left side and they will allow you to enter.
I bonk mongolian last week, here's my fr:
Name: Ganchimeg (Real name) Forgot her working name already..
Age: 23
Body: Mat Salley size, very tall.
Boob: 33C may b
Communication: English
BJ: So so
FK: No
Catbaht: So so
AR: No
FJ: Good rider, very wet ++point.
Damage: 208
Overall worth to try, plus point is very wet, nice service.
12-10-2008, 12:55 PM
Any bro can provide free run / parttime FL girl's contact to me at puchong area ?
or want exchange the contact ?? i have one puchong girl , she doing parttime service , who want exchange ?
12-10-2008, 05:18 PM
hey bro i have one part timer in puchong she is a pino want to exchange.....
13-10-2008, 12:25 AM
I am new here, would you please pm me the contact? I don't have any for exchange so far.
11-03-2009, 11:13 PM
HI All,
Question : Is this Putra Inn still operating? After many wind
So, anyone knows if putra inn has re-started its business????
They used to have good stocks....I miss a lot!!!
10-04-2010, 02:12 AM
Go all the way LDP towards Putrajaya, pass thru Tractor Malaysia (1st turn to the left side), then about 3 ~ 4kms you should see another turn that leads you to Puchong Utama, go up the flyover and turn left then you should will see the Hotel at your right side, just go straight and take the 1st turn right towards the hotel. Take lift go up direct to 3rd floor and walk down to 2nd floor, knock the door in your left side and they will allow you to enter.
I bonk mongolian last week,....
Phuh!! Mongolian... make sure she not publicised too much ~ she might just get C4'ed if caught - worr...
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