View Full Version : Prc Fl At Brige Between Merlin Tower And City Tower (jb)
25-10-2007, 11:29 AM
Dear Bro Cheongster in Jb,
Does anyone of you got the contact on the FL on the brigde joining Merlin Tower and City Tower in JB?
I was fectching my relative from Singpore yesterday. While I walked along the brigde, my sence of Cheonging tell me there must be some activities there. I saw at least 5 MILF PRC sitting together with Ah Pek and Chit Chat there.
I got time, and I try follow one the the AH PEK, who left the place with a MILF PRC. I realised they proceed to Jalan Wong Ah Fook there and take bus left the place.
I go back to the place. buy a magazine, order a glass of tea and sit there, hoping someone can apporoach me (like the thread of Kuaci Girl in PUDU KL).However, I don get any response from them to apporoach me. I got notime then left the place around 12pm.
can any cheongster brother here tell me wat going on there? got any contact?:)
29-10-2007, 04:13 PM
Actually today I went to Merlin Tower in response to your post and find something interesting. There are indeed a few PRC with OKT sitting at Level 3(if I'm not mistaken) lim teh. The ambience is considered very run down due to the age of the building and also lack of maintenance. However, I didn't approach them coz their looks are way below 4/10.
Anyway, if you any bros here got lobang please share with me, k? Thanks.
29-10-2007, 06:02 PM
Dear Bro Katoeylover96,
Wow! Thanks for your survery and feedback. At least, JB still have someone like u to do survey according to the thread provide by fellow cheongster. U really good. :p Muaks! one kiss for your cheongstership,..............................
Bro, how do u know there is a OKT there? did he approach u ?
As I inform in the early stage, they are mainly MILF. But, I see a lot of chio one leh, Should not be 4/10 as per your gradding here leh. What time u went there? maybe too late, all the good stuff left liao. Anyway, I will do survey again next week after I come back from Indonesia.
Keep the hard work. Thanks:)
29-10-2007, 06:05 PM
Bro Katoeylover96,
I guess u got to the wrong place liao. It should be the bridge joinning City Square and Merlin Tower. Not inside Merlin Tower leh.........:)
30-10-2007, 09:21 AM
I have noticed that the bridge don't really have any PRCs. Probably is due to the time I went around noon. However, I got to know from other threads that usually there will be an ah pek in front of the money changer along Meldrum Walk who provides cheongsters with tomyam and vietdong. Location is unknown though coz never got to try. Seems like damage from RM80-100 inclusive of room.
31-10-2007, 06:50 AM
Yup> There really is some hanky panky.
saw many ah peks and MILF PRCs having teh and eating
the economy mee hoon.
but dare not approach them, maybe the ah peks is the customers leh
31-10-2007, 11:08 AM
Hope bros here will get some adventure. Please let me know if there are any contacts available. I'm interested to look for tomyams or vietdongs here. Good luck bros!
31-10-2007, 05:29 PM
maybe me camping there
got action ,....will let u guys noe
31-10-2007, 08:55 PM
Dear brother ,
No leh. where got Vietdong and Tomyam. There are pure PRC la.............
02-11-2007, 11:30 AM
I will probably be going there next week and see and survey that place and see if got any lobang..
02-11-2007, 11:49 AM
meldrum walk.. me know this place.. this is where i always got my RM130 fcuk.. some of the ger there are quite hot. some of the ger sat INSIDE the kopitiam, some sat outside.. i tried them a few month ago.. service is OK but the ger is hot.. i say ok coz the venue is not nice.. after choosing ger, the OKT lead to the other restaurant on the corner. went upstairs then go to the back to a secluded room. u wont expect the room was there.. believe me.. but the ambient not nice, aircon quite old and got the "anti cockroach" smell.. still, the FJ is ok for RM130.. the ger is quite hot.. my fren even tip her ger 30 for 2nd round BBBJ adn CIM. There is another joint in the hotel BESIDE the Vista Melati (not in the vista melati. dun get confused). its beside the lorong behind Vista Melati in front of Merlin but i fogot the name.. got a fat malay OKT and an indian OKT there, last week i went there and the malay guy showed me the ger inside the room.. usually got 5~6 ger waiting inside the room and he show me all, from 1 room to another. got sabahan and indon. Last week i went there to check out the ger, got 1 small petite sabah ger with nice boob. my taste.. her face very cannot tahan.. i really want to try her but my fren dun wan coz the other ger not nice.. price oso RM130.. but i havent try so no FR yet.. some ppl say service here are not really excellent. just so and so. i dun have the OKT no coz he keep changing his no and sometime not around.. and i oso paiseh to giv other coz last time i gi to my fren he say the number not reachable. just go there and somebody will surely approach u for business.. try the malay OKT.. his price is negotiable..
06-11-2007, 03:25 PM
Bro, I went there for treasure hunt but ended up in the Thai Massage above Vista Melati level 2. As I approached the counter, a very cute malay girl served me but too bad she is a receptionist, she don't do massage, I ask "How much?". I was quoted RM60 for massage w/o oil and RM70 w aromatheraphy oil. I went for the first one coz my intention was there merely for a bonk. Then I asked "Can choose massaseur?" She said can. In my mind I was thinking, not bad, so far the only joint where I can choose my massaseur. Only one catched my eye, others are dinos. As I stepped in the massage room, I was thinking, sure can bonk one, got bath-tub summore. I wrapped myself in a towel, as she massage me, she teased my didi... I was thinking, sure nice can bonk but dunno the damage. But when time is up, she just left? Alamak?
Just wore back my clothes and go home lol. Shit man... I still can't find the tomyams although I'm already so..... close..... Any brothers out there care to help? Please PM me, thanks.
06-11-2007, 03:37 PM
Shit man... I still can't find the tomyams although I'm already so..... close..... Any brothers out there care to help? Please PM me, thanks.To KTL96 :
I am still waiting for your explanation about your FR which you posted in this thread.
First I want to emphasize that I got nothing against your nick althought my JB bros were making noise about you copying their Tailo KTL69.
However, it would good if you could explain how cum your FR and another FR in another thread almost identical? Big difference is that both FR come from two different nicks. So who copy from who??
06-11-2007, 03:52 PM
Bro Shiok1968, I hope you understand that my intention was to get back my points, despite being zapped for imitating KTL69 nick. Prior to that time, I did not use his avatar yet. Until I have being zapped, making me bloody pissed off. Internet forums are for everyone who can express themselves freely, which is what we call as a democratic society. Even is is copyrighted material, you may only prosecute me if you are the original author, it's that simple. I just wanted to get back my points, and yet you all are so "HOO-HAA" of this issue. It doesn't mean that if you all have the power, you all can abuse it and making innocent people damn pissed off.
06-11-2007, 04:07 PM
Bro Shiok1968, I hope you understand that my intention was to get back my points, despite being zapped for imitating KTL69 nick. Prior to that time, I did not use his avatar yet. Until I have being zapped, making me bloody pissed off. Internet forums are for everyone who can express themselves freely, which is what we call as a democratic society. Even is is copyrighted material, you may only prosecute me if you are the original author, it's that simple. I just wanted to get back my points, and yet you all are so "HOO-HAA" of this issue. It doesn't mean that if you all have the power, you all can abuse it and making innocent people damn pissed off.As I mentioned before, I am not concerned about your nick nor avatar. This is an open forum and you do have that right to imitate anyone.
There are many ways of gaining points and I have checked your posts and noticed that you have been writing some nice FRs. However copying another bros FR and passing it off as your own is a no-no.:mad:
Continue with your FRs and I would safely say that your points will return.
FYI, most bros in the Malaysian thread do not zap for nothing. If that is so, I would imagine that your points would definitely be negative by now.:rolleyes:
06-11-2007, 04:11 PM
Bro Shiok1968, thanks for your advice. I will keep in mind. Anyway, my FR's are 99.99 percent accurate and original, I typed myself, and it's my copyright... haha.... If you liked my FR's please up my point, thanks...
06-11-2007, 04:20 PM
Bro Shiok1968, thanks for your advice. I will keep in mind. Anyway, my FR's are 99.99 percent accurate and original, I typed myself, and it's my copyright... haha.... If you liked my FR's please up my point, thanks...Another free advice from me.
It is an unwritten rule in SBF never to ask for pts. The more you ask, the lower your pts will become. Continue with the FRs and your pts should increase. :rolleyes:
06-11-2007, 04:29 PM
Who is actually the moderator who zaps points if samsters ask the up of points?
06-11-2007, 05:03 PM
KatoeyLover96 - not moderator zap, is other brothers zap.
The co-incidence related to the name of your nick and the avatar just further inflame the situation.
Also, some of the experience you share, its not believable. Good luck :cool:
06-11-2007, 05:44 PM
Another free advice from me.
It is an unwritten rule in SBF never to ask for pts. The more you ask, the lower your pts will become. Continue with the FRs and your pts should increase.
If SBF brothers with powers of 5 and above, were to zap this clown, he will go into negative....already this clown has copied entirely KTL's avatar, etc...had inflamed many senior brothers, this clown must be given the appropriate lessons. :mad: Still got the cheek to ask for points pulak:eek:
06-11-2007, 07:40 PM
If SBF brothers with powers of 5 and above, were to zap this clown, he will go into negative...
Bro, mobilization take time one. ;) Lets all work together and put him into moderation.
07-11-2007, 01:45 AM
Bro Shiok1968, I hope you understand that my intention was to get back my points, despite being zapped for imitating KTL69 nick. Prior to that time, I did not use his avatar yet. Until I have being zapped, making me bloody pissed off. Internet forums are for everyone who can express themselves freely, which is what we call as a democratic society. Even is is copyrighted material, you may only prosecute me if you are the original author, it's that simple. I just wanted to get back my points, and yet you all are so "HOO-HAA" of this issue. It doesn't mean that if you all have the power, you all can abuse it and making innocent people damn pissed off.
Bro KatoeyLover96,
I had already asked you to stop using the nick "KatoeyLover96" and the same avatar as I am using because so many Samsters had PMed to me that they thought these postings by you were posted by me because of the 99.9999% similarity in the nick - the only difference is that the '69' had been changed to '96' by you
If you kena zapped I can understand why and I think you deserve it !
Can you be 'more original' and use another totally different nick instead of trying to 'confuse' all the Samsters by being an 'imposter' ???? :mad:
sex crusader
07-11-2007, 08:48 AM
Agreed!Use your brain and come out with a different nick.For once i was fooled this nick.:rolleyes:
07-11-2007, 09:07 AM
careful, not to zap the wrong 96 not 69....
07-11-2007, 10:31 AM
careful, not to zap the wrong 96 not 69....
Dun worry, One I up before, so cannot ZAP :p
07-11-2007, 10:35 AM
Bro KatoeyLover96,
I had already asked you to stop using the nick "KatoeyLover96" and the same avatar as I am using because so many Samsters had PMed to me that they thought these postings by you were posted by me because of the 99.9999% similarity in the nick - the only difference is that the '69' had been changed to '96' by you
If you kena zapped I can understand why and I think you deserve it !
Can you be 'more original' and use another totally different nick instead of trying to 'confuse' all the Samsters by being an 'imposter' ???? :mad:
U famous ma.. Celebrity status so ppl copy lo.
No one copies mine cos me also small potato :p
Bopian liau.. All my dailos wanna zap this KTL96, me also TOR SAU CHAI zap today... muahahahah
07-11-2007, 10:44 AM
No one copies mine cos me also small potato
Bopian liau.. All my dailos wanna zap this KTL96, me also TOR SAU CHAI zap today... muahahahahKekeke...I always like to repeat what I have said before which is...if you small potato, then I french fries.:p
Looks like me dun have to do anything. So many Dailos involved already.:p
07-11-2007, 10:55 AM
Kekeke...I always like to repeat what I have said before which is...if you small potato, then I french fries.:p
Looks like me dun have to do anything. So many Dailos involved already.:p
Wah liao. Malaysian Operasi. Penang, KL, JB. Where is Malacca ???
07-11-2007, 11:04 AM
Wah liao. Malaysian Operasi. Penang, KL, JB. Where is Malacca ???Dun need so big operation lah!! Wait people say we gang up and bully newbie again. I am sure the JB bros enough to settle this issue. After all, their Tailo KTL69 have been complaining so long already.:rolleyes:
Me rather pass my pts to those that post FR in the FR thread.:p
07-11-2007, 11:28 AM
careful, not to zap the wrong 96 not 69....
Just imagine to what degree of confusion this clown 96 had created amongst us:mad: Noway we could tolerate this anymore. My campaigning is getting its due results now, looking at his points sliding drastically.
Even our Penang taikors are reacting too.
07-11-2007, 11:33 AM
I fully support the call to zap 'Imposter' KatoeyLover96 'kau kau' until his points become negative and is put on moderation mode .......
Come on EVERYBODY, let's zap him kau kau NOW !!!!
07-11-2007, 11:38 AM
I fully support the call to zap 'Imposter' KatoeyLover96 'kau kau' until his points become negative and is put on moderation mode .......
Come on EVERYBODY, let's zap him kau kau NOW !!!!
Turtle calling a tortoise slow..
Bro..ur standing also not so steady le. One heavy zap u also into moderation :p
07-11-2007, 11:55 AM
Turtle calling a tortoise slow..
Bro..ur standing also not so steady le. One heavy zap u also into moderation :pHahaha..... for all you know, he suddenly kenna moderation even faster than the other fellow. What a joke.:rolleyes:
07-11-2007, 01:05 PM
Hahaha..... for all you know, he suddenly kenna moderation even faster than the other fellow. What a joke.:rolleyes:
Nvm - I have already fortified cummingliao witha modest 1 point to ease his drop should he face one. :)
07-11-2007, 01:11 PM
Dear Bro cheongster here,
Is there any thread to read and find out the following terms or systems?
(1) Zap
(2) Moderation
(3) Up u
y so complicated one?
Well, I thought this is the paradise to share news and now seems more and more complicated leh.
07-11-2007, 01:11 PM
Nvm - I have already fortified cummingliao witha modest 1 point to ease his drop should he face one. :)Well Prof...lets hope he appreciate your kind gesture and prepay your faith in him with some contributions to SBF.:rolleyes:
07-11-2007, 01:14 PM
Dear Bro cheongster here,
Is there any thread to read and find out the following terms or systems?
(1) Zap
(2) Moderation
(3) Up uGo to the newbies section and check out the stickies :
07-11-2007, 02:33 PM
Bro, mobilization take time one. Lets all work together and put him into moderation.
I have done mine. I zap him last week. :eek:
The zap note i put "jedycity". Cos he already know why we zap him:mad:
07-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Anyway, KTL96 has taken note of the issues about his nick bcos at least he has changed his avatar.
Since his nick cannot be changed, maybe the next thing he can do is to refrain from posting out anymore KNN news.That seems to be a trademark of KTL69.
I just dun think it is fair to force someone to stop using a particular nick just becos it is similiar to another bro.
Just my 2 cents worth. Definitely no offence intended to KTL69.:)
07-11-2007, 03:02 PM
Anyway, KTL96 has taken note of the issues about his nick bcos at least he has changed his avatar.
Since his nick cannot be changed, maybe the next thing he can do is to refrain from posting out anymore KNN news.That seems to be a trademark of KTL69.
I just dun think it is fair to force someone to stop using a particular nick just becos it is similiar to another bro.
Just my 2 cents worth. Definitely no offence intended to KTL69.
Bro shiok1968,
I understand that you were a very fair person & i respect that. Basically if due to nick only. i have no concern.
But having similar, nick, avatar, trademark such as KTLnetwork, etc. is too much liao. And made me very confuse. Hehehe
Anyway, that is just my view. :D
07-11-2007, 03:12 PM
bro KTL69, anyone told you Imitation is Sinceret form of Flattery b4? hehehe just take it in your stride lor.....I believe no bro got patent rights on his also got flak for my nick long as dont use same avatar & signature I think others still can tell the difference wont cause too much confusion but if he out to spoil your reputation then its another matter....cheers! :)
sex crusader
07-11-2007, 08:39 PM
Your nick also quite 'popular' ler.:rolleyes:
08-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Your nick also quite 'popular' ler.:rolleyes:
Ya lor popular for kena target for zapping....dont talk anymore here oredi kena few sniper rounds liao :D
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