View Full Version : Possible to treat death grip syndrome with the help of really pretty girls??

15-04-2020, 04:38 PM
I know i started this many times already, but until now i still camt get over the fact that i have death grip syndrome....

Or pretty girls with good skills?

No problem errecting and ejaculating when self masturbation. But could not ejectulate from hj from girls.

Maybe its the girls not pretty enough?
Is it wise to cough out a huge sum to try a premium service?

Note: only interested in hj, no bj/bbbj/fj

16-04-2020, 04:17 PM
seems like a sensitivity issue, where u have lost most of ur sensitivity from ur death grip style masturbation.

the solution is pretty straightforward, just stop masturbating for 2-4 weeks and ur sensitivity should come back.

moving forward in future, dont use ur own hand to masturbate, maybe use a sex toy (those silicon pussy ones) instead

16-04-2020, 07:12 PM
Tried no fap for 2 weeks. End up harder to ejaculate....

16-04-2020, 09:35 PM
And then u went back to death grip pcc? Dude u need to consider quitting pcc with ur hands for longer period of time, maybe even totally.

16-04-2020, 09:50 PM
it might not be a death grip syndrome also... perhaps u have anxiety issues when another person is involved, perhaps u are just not stimulated enough from a HJ.

for myself i find it harder to cum when the girl is in control (e,g, hj, bj), unless i give her specific instructions. Even during FJ i find it easier to cum from a dominant position where i do the thrusting.