View Full Version : Terrible FL Deals
23-11-2007, 09:02 AM
Many bros here would think that I have a lot of good FL deals, having from time to time provided FLs with excellent services at reasonable prices. In fact some may even think that I had no bad experiences before. Well, that isn't entirely true. So after an incident last night, I thought I'll start a thread on my terrible deals to share with fellow bros here, not so much as a warning but more of reading pleasure. But these terrible deals do exist, so taking it as a warning is also good. And also have fellow bros here who had terrible deals to post them out too.
Now yesterday, I was surprise to receive a PM for a very senior and respectable samster here, Bro JT. He had a contact for me to try and if good, also to promote her since he felt that I had the credentials to do that. As I knew from the various brown sugar and PRC contacts he had provided in the past, I made a deal with him. Bro JT will support one of the FLs I'm helping and I'll take on Yang Yang, a PRC who arrived on our shores not too long ago. I gave Bro JT Xiao Juan's contact and myself, made a call to Yang Yang.
Now apparently, Yang Yang is a friend of a former PRC FL who was here and was quite popular. The friend gave Yang Yang Bro JT's and I believe several other bros contact numbers for assistance.
Well, on the other end of the line, Yang Yang answered with quite a charming voice. You know how these sweet PRCs sound, sometimes quite alluring and sexy. Pleasantries exchanged, we made an appointment to meet up at a coffeeshop near to where Yang Yang is putting up.
As I was early than the appointment time, I sat at the coffeeshop drinking coffee and watching the many PRC chicks going up and down the road where there are some private apartments housing these beauties. Idling away, I assessed these PRCs where many were SYTs. Even those MILFs look good and I'm sure many bros here wouldn't mind a sexxion with any of them. Every time a single PRC walked towards or past my table, I would wonder if Yang Yang would be look like this. Promoting her would be a steal! Especially after an hour or 2 of passionate love making coming soon.
Nearer to the appointed time, I gave Yang Yang a call and she would be down in 15 minutes. She would be wearing white Tees and a beige denim short skirt - the cue to me as this seem to be what most SYTs would wear. I described my attire to her forgetting to state the wind breaker I was also wearing.
Anyway, I eagerly wait for Yang Yang to turn up and "rehearsed" what I might say to her to break the ice and make a good and lasting impression. Shouldn't be difficult for as hey! I'm Midnightiger! Even Bro JT trusts my ability! Saw a couple of similar attired PRCs which were false alarms each time as they were not Yang Yang.
Then from a distance, I saw this PRC walking towards the direction of the coffeeshop. I thought to myself "No this couldn't be her" several times. White Tees, Beige Denim short skirt, swaying towards my direction. From about 10 metres, she was looking at my table for some kind of confirmation that I was the one she was supposed to meet? Our eyes met briefly as I quickly looked into my coffee and keep stirring it even though it was cold by then. Strange thoughts ran through my head and I desperately said a small prayer "Dear God, Don't let this be Yang Yang and I'll never cheong again for the rest of my life and be a good man".
But I think God wanted to punish me.
To Be Continued.
23-11-2007, 09:34 AM
I desperately said a small prayer "Dear God, Don't let this be Yang Yang and I'll never cheong again for the rest of my life and be a good man".
Got so bad meh? It must be a terrible encounter.. Feel sorry for you.
23-11-2007, 09:43 AM
Wah bro- u very good story teller ya??
I camping here liao- keep it coming!!
Solid intro!!!
23-11-2007, 09:50 AM
Ya bro way to go....inject some story-telling into FR to lighten the mood! Feel sorry for your bad experience though :o
23-11-2007, 10:22 AM
I desperately said a small prayer "Dear God, Don't let this be Yang Yang and I'll never cheong again for the rest of my life and be a good man".
But I think God wanted to punish me.
To Be Continued.
From here we can see that this PRC girl walking to you CMI :D
23-11-2007, 11:28 AM
I must have been very bad as God wanted to punish me.
Mobile phone in one hand, a small silver coloured handbag slung over the arm of the other, the PRC stopped right in front of me and started to open mouth as to ask me something but I immediately shook my head and both my hands showing "No No No" to gesture that whatever she wants, I'm not involved or interested and quickly looked down into my cup of cold coffee.
Half of me was hoping that this lady here could be one of the street walkers PRC FLS that goes to coffeeshops and approached single men to "make friends" before zeroing on business and that the real Yang Yang will turn up to "save" my day, but they other half of me feared that she could be Yang Yang.
Then I saw the PRC started to use her mobile phone. I breathed a sign of relief as my own mobile phone was on "earphone" mode so thought that if this PRC happened to be Yang Yang (which I now was 99% sure was but still 1% hoping wasn't) trying to call me, I would be able to avoid noticing the call since my phone was on earphone mode. Lucky me!
Lucky me? Suddenly Kenny G's "Song bird", the ringing tone of my phone played out loud and clear! How can this be? I started to panic, don't know to look left or right, not sure to answer that call or not. Damn! I didn't realize that ringing tones still play even on earphone mode! Damn Nokia! Damn Starhub! I had no choice but to answer the call and the moment I answered "Hello", the PRC was looking right at my face! My 1% hope was gone!
With quick thinking, I gave a weak smile and said "Oh! you're are Yang Yang?" as if nothing as happened and her face lit up the whole coffeeshop with her smile as she replied "Yes" and made herself comfortable by sitting on the empty chair just beside me. Damn! I should have put the chair on the opposite side of the table, I thought to myself. I have a reputation to maintain, you know.
My mind flew to other thoughts and, forgive my vulgarity, I said to myself "Fuck JT!" This fucking son of a gun has played me out! And I recommended to him one of the best service PRC in Xiao Juan! If I were to meet him, I will give him a fucking he'll remember for the rest of his life! As my thoughts grew, my frustration and anger increased but Yang Yang brought me back to reality by asking me whether I've waited long!
I didn't answer but just looked at her. Here is Yang Yang, who looks in her early thirties, short at about 1.55m with a body which reminds me of a potato. Her face is definitely other man's meat as it's definitely my poison! If I give Mila 5/10, Xiao Juan 6/10 or Apple 7/10, then Yang Yang deserves at best a 4.5!!! I'm not trying to insult her but how the hell did this girl think that she could make it as an FL out here? Another "Fuck JT" went through my mind and in fact, during my conversation with her, there were countless thoughts of "Fuck JT" and I even seriously thought of calling Xiao Juan to fake an excuse not to entertainment this so-called respectable samster!
Anyway, trying to make the most of the situation, I started asking Yang Yang about where's she from, how long she's been here and other small matters before she reminded me that I forgot all about being a gentleman by asking me whether I wanted another drink. I quickly offered her one and seriously throughout the hour plus session (at the coffeeshop, please), I stirred through 4 cups of Kopi O as I do not know how to end it.
Here is a girl who seriously CMI and wants to charge $60 for a sexsion excluding room and CD. She must be thinking that we guys in Singapore must be desperate! I wouldn't dare tell her directly that her charges are too high, or that she shouldn't even be here but put it indirectly by giving examples but I don't think she took the hint.
I mean, I said those passing cute SYT PRCS that seemed to only walked past out tables or sitting with some other guys at other tables, charge also around $60 (although I think many would be higher) and here we have Yang Yang listening attentively and answering "Yes, that was why she also charges $60 instead of higher price which she initially wanted to do so."
I said that many FLs on the streets standing from 9.00pm to 6.00am for a whole week may even get less than 5 customers and here we have Yang Yang listening attentively and answering "Yes, lucky she has "contacts" which meant "Us!"
After more than an hour, Yang Yang finally asked me which hotel we would be going. Don't you guys reading dare to even smile! I acted blur and pretended innocently that she was mistaken. I was meeting her up to get to know her and than later recommend her to my contacts on the Internet, etc, although during our phone conversation to arrange the appointment, it was for a bonk. I felt guilty when she apologized for the mistake.
Yang Yang asked me what I thought of her but I don't have the heart to tell her straight. I answered she has very nice complexion and skin tone and that there are guys who may go for her type.
Towards the end of our session at the coffeeshop, or I must say, our session was saved by a fellow bro whom she called earlier. They made arrangements to meet so Yang Yang has to leave. Good luck to the bro. He He He!
I told Yang Yang as she was leaving to keep in touch through the phone even as I felt sorry for her but anger with Bro JT who owes me a fucking big explanation!!!
Anyway, for those of you who want Yang Yang contact, please PM Bro JT for it. In your PM, please send him my fucking regards.
23-11-2007, 11:40 AM
Bro Lao Hu!!! Really so jialat meh??
Like I say, I have not met her but MiLF not a surprise.
Have try calling her a few nights ago and she told me fully booked.
So thought since fully book sure ok. Also since you have so much time,sperm and energy, pass to you. Really jialat ah??? kekeke:D paiseh hor.
Anyone else need the number can contact me!
Looks can be deceiving. Never try never know.However mai aeroplane hor! Poor thing la..
Bro JT. I must humbly stick my middle finger out to you. Why not you try and I fucking pay the $60 for you! As we say "swee bo?"
Brothers should not try her!!I don't feel like writing FR for her.Not worth my time. I am keeping her for myself.;)
Not worth your time? My foot! According to Xiao Juan, after your sexsion, you wanted to take her OVERNIGHT but she couldn't because of other appointments she had which one of them was with me so I know.
Anyway, I believe you owe me big time, bro. BIG TIME!
23-11-2007, 11:46 AM
hmmm... wah bro..
This time u realli kena 圈套 from Yang Yang. Think she know u are tiger so she 扮猪吃老虎
Heng I so far neber kena so chiam.. worst is face CMI but @@ still okay so can still off the light and tahan.
23-11-2007, 11:50 AM
Wah...ho sei Bro Um-Meh-Lao-Hor
You say until boh beh chao about this Yang2 char-bor
Lidat I think I go try Bro JT for her contact
Maybe she can help me break my company's biz contract
if I introduce her to that stingy Taiwanese client who's been after my back!:D
23-11-2007, 12:03 PM
Sad to hear your nightmare...Hope u find a better one.
Monty Python
23-11-2007, 12:21 PM
bro Midnightiger. Sorry for laughing but your FR is truly amusing. Would not want to be in your situation.
23-11-2007, 01:00 PM
bro midnightiger,
I cannot help but smile when reading your FR. really a bad 'fright' and not to mention a waste of precious time. On the bright side, at least you did not get forced to up her and pay for the ordeal. It is a good thing that you stick to your principle and not intro to other bros. I read up a lot on your threads and found that all has good feedback. This case throws a very bad light to JT ..
just my 2 cents..
23-11-2007, 01:26 PM
bro midnightiger
sorry to hear abt your plight... but that was sure farkin funny... couldn't have chosen a better day to release ur story tgif... but at least now u know that things could only get betta rite (since u've kinda seen the worst).. :p
Yes, Dear !!
23-11-2007, 01:40 PM
Very well-written and funny account. think there are others who have also kenna such encounters before.
23-11-2007, 02:53 PM
I know lah. But what to do? You are felt like being trap (at least KC Trap have it's moment), you need a point of release. So since you were the one who intro her to me, you became my point of release.
You want to meet up with her? LOL! Why not make it a surprise? Check into a hotel room and ask her over. All accounts on me, OK? I'll even provide dinner after your sexsion, if you can still eat, that is. LOL!
If you do this, considered yourself redeemed. Fair?
23-11-2007, 03:20 PM
lol sounds like a horrible encounter~!~!
23-11-2007, 03:27 PM
My goodness!:eek: JT and Thaivisitor talking to each other and acting like its a drama serial!Master talking to Disciple and making sound so real to bluff people here.
Can somebody please archive this thread for our amusement next time?:cool:
23-11-2007, 03:28 PM
thanks for informing bro.
23-11-2007, 03:34 PM
Reading your post really make me laugh until stomach ache. Face also cramping up. I never play you out la... Strange leh!! No one actually ask me for her contact. Not even newbies.
Ah yah...Bro JT
You must be so shiok with XJ until blind cant see
Please see below my request for Yang2's contact
bcos I gonna use her to make my bad Taiwanese biz client feel so bad
until knn he will be so angry he breaks our roti flour contract...:D
Wah...ho sei Bro Um-Meh-Lao-Hor You say until boh beh chao about this Yang2 char-bor
Lidat I think I go try Bro JT for her contact
Maybe she can help me break my company's biz contract
if I introduce her to that stingy Taiwanese client who's been after my back!:D
23-11-2007, 03:41 PM
Haha... its quite funny actually.... reminds me of meeting those IRC girls last time...
Body like potato!!! Haha! :p
23-11-2007, 03:55 PM
don't worry. I believe you will get more good bonks in future!!!
if not, you can count on me again.... :p
23-11-2007, 03:58 PM
No worry bro. I am still smiling. I will call her up and meet her.
Find out what actually happen and post here if possible.
Strange leh!! No one actually ask me for her contact. Not even newbies.
walan with this FR where got ppl ask for contact:rolleyes:
maybe here for more FR:p
23-11-2007, 04:44 PM
Bro Midnightiger!!
Sorry to hear about your encounter.
Nevermind, you always got good contacts and babes to share. I am sure, the incident will be forgotten, when u have a good bonk.
Probably, by the time I finish typing this, you would have already had your SOLID bonk and hungry for more.
23-11-2007, 05:48 PM
Bro tigher, u'r the man! so good in telling the story! guess most of us have some not so good encounters...
Hope to hear good new experience from u soon.
23-11-2007, 05:52 PM
You want to meet up with her? LOL! Why not make it a surprise? Check into a hotel room and ask her over. All accounts on me, OK? I'll even provide dinner after your sexsion, if you can still eat, that is. LOL!
If you do this, considered yourself redeemed. Fair?
Hi bro are most generous with your contacts and most entertaining in your FR! Keep it up..
23-11-2007, 05:58 PM
Its like meeting gals from the net! I understand your sorrow. Not to mention its a recommendation from someone else, this make the sorrow more sorrow!haha~
23-11-2007, 07:40 PM
Feel sorry for you too. Should take a snap shot on her and show it to us.:)
Thanks to both bro's for providing comic relief, more funny than comedy central and just for laughts combined!
24-11-2007, 03:40 AM
Anyway, for those of you who want Yang Yang contact, please PM Bro JT for it. In your PM, please send him my fucking regards.[/QUOTE]
Is not that the newbies don't want YY's contact
but they dare not help convey the message to you
24-11-2007, 12:17 PM
Feel sorry for you too. Should take a snap shot on her and show it to us.:)
Yes, on hind sight I should have done that. But during the "session", heart already beating fast, mind already not working too well, how to take snap short?:confused:
28-11-2007, 02:33 PM
Yes, on hind sight I should have done that. But during the "session", heart already beating fast, mind already not working too well, how to take snap short?:confused:
Hahaha...u so called FR really made my just so nice to have people sharing the same plight as me when i meet out with chatline girls...most of the time thinking of escape routes n excuses...
28-11-2007, 02:58 PM
Yo bro midnightiger,
your interesting description of the incident is really outstanding! I couldn't help but laughed out loud in my office and ppl passing by thought I mad or something......million thanks for sharing and it really cheered me up.
28-11-2007, 06:30 PM
bro midnightiger
Tks for sharing your story. Is like third encounter of the third kind! There’s alway good and bad experience. Dont take it so hard. Play Hard and work Smart. Cheers Bro....
28-11-2007, 07:03 PM
Last night before my session with Apple, I walked along Geylang since I had time to spare.
Now, along Lorong 14 at the junction of Tarma Road, I saw a very, very beautiful lady!!! She doesn't look like Chinese, more like Thai but I heard her replying to a guy asking her, that she was Vietnamese.
Had I not confirmed my booking with Apple, I would have "on" this really very beautiful lady. Any bros walking here will definitely know who I'm talking about if she's not "engage" at that moment. You can't miss her.
Now, the problem is this. Despite her beauty which can equate to any singer, model, actress, I felt a little discomfort. Her feet are not small, and her built is a little odd. Don't know how to describe but I thought could be a ladyboy?
But there's no Adam's apple, and when she spoke, it's a voice that could either be male or female.
I'm very tempted to go look for her to have a session as seriously, her beauty beats ALL the FLs I had this year!!!! That's how beautiful!!!
But I want to make sure that she's not a ladyboy, as I don't think LB is my cup of coffee.
Any bors out there has information to prevent me from another Terrible FL Deal???
28-11-2007, 07:30 PM
Adam's apple can also remove leh.
Chances are if you feel its too good to be true it is! :p
29-11-2007, 02:34 AM
Midnightiger, u always the commando to try! :)
don't let one bad apple spoil your good APPLE
29-11-2007, 09:39 AM
Midnightiger, u always the commando to try! :)
don't let one bad apple spoil your good APPLE
Well, in a certain way you're right.
I think I'll try to slot her in between my very hectic work and bonk schedule. I think she's a female lah. Just very beautiful and if I don't bonk her, I can't get her out of my system. Just hope her service is as good as her looks.
BTW, soon my one month will be up and I can start patronising your FLs. Now I cannot only see, salivate but cannot touch since I banned myself as punishment for one month after the last incident.
29-11-2007, 05:18 PM
Yo bro Midnightiger,
please be caution on the lady as I have been to Lor 14 recently and have seen ladyboy moving from lor 16 to lor 14. juz my recent observation. cheers.
29-11-2007, 06:13 PM
Yo bro Midnightiger,
please be caution on the lady as I have been to Lor 14 recently and have seen ladyboy moving from lor 16 to lor 14. juz my recent observation. cheers.
Bro, did you see this lady? Or ladyboy? Seriously she's the one that is very, very beautiful!!! Kind of erotic looks (Bro yinyang would love this). More like Thai but heard her say Vietnam. Cannot miss her as she definitely stands out.
Seriously, I have not seen any ladyboy that looks so good. I think she's a female FL.
29-11-2007, 06:15 PM
I laugh until tears come out reading your FR.
Tiger, from now on, you are my man! Salute you!!!!
Your soldier,
30-11-2007, 09:00 AM
Bro Tiger gonna be captain commando and try her out first? This operation is rather risky still and there might be a chance that you might not make it out of the jungle from this operation:eek:.
30-11-2007, 10:33 AM
hi bro midnightiger,
Later I will go check it out again....can give more directions?
30-11-2007, 01:57 PM
BTW, soon my one month will be up and I can start patronising your FLs. Now I cannot only see, salivate but cannot touch since I banned myself as punishment for one month after the last incident.
why got 1 month probation? btw, you know what... u will be in for a great treat! nice timing! :)
30-11-2007, 04:03 PM
why got 1 month probation? btw, you know what... u will be in for a great treat! nice timing! :)
Well, I feel that a lot of your "customers" were not very happy with the pictures/videos incident which upsetted Za Za. And it appears that they kind of put the blame on me as I was able to take them, with Za Za's permission of course. This caused me not to be able to RTF her and I believe that at that time, if I were to patronise any girls of yours, I don't think that I would be welcome, by the FLs at least.
Maybe I'm too sensitive. So I banned myself loh.
30-11-2007, 04:57 PM
Now, the problem is this. Despite her beauty which can equate to any singer, model, actress, I felt a little discomfort. Her feet are not small, and her built is a little odd. Don't know how to describe but I thought could be a ladyboy?
Bro Tiger,
why worry about her being LB? You like AJ, right? If she is so beautiful, has a body like a woman, and you can take her from behind, what is the problem then?
Don't know how to describe but I thought could be a ladyboy?
But there's no Adam's apple, and when she spoke, it's a voice that could either be male or female.
I'm very tempted to go look for her to have a session as seriously, her beauty beats ALL the FLs I had this year!!!! That's how beautiful!!!
But I want to make sure that she's not a ladyboy, as I don't think LB is my cup of coffee.
Bro, best FR so far, for not fxxking. And it's fxxking hilarious!
Pls try this one and come back to write another funny experience.
30-11-2007, 06:06 PM
Bro Tiger,
why worry about her being LB? You like AJ, right? If she is so beautiful, has a body like a woman, and you can take her from behind, what is the problem then?
I have of phobia of ladyboys lah bro. Long story better don't talk about it or else kenna laughing stock.
30-11-2007, 06:34 PM
hi bro midnightiger,
Later I will go check it out again....can give more directions?
Sorry, I missed out your post. She was standing at the junction of Lorong 14& Tarma Road, opposite Hotel 81.
She's damn beautiful. You can't missed her.
30-11-2007, 06:42 PM
Bro, best FR so far, for not fxxking. And it's fxxking hilarious!
Pls try this one and come back to write another funny experience.
Wa lau, are you serious? You're hoping for her to be a ladyboy? Damn cruel leh.
Hope for her to be my dream girl lah... let me enjoy sex to it's fullest! So that I can write a steamy FR in return lah.
Wa lau, are you serious? You're hoping for her to be a ladyboy? Damn cruel leh.
Hope for her to be my dream girl lah... let me enjoy sex to it's fullest! So that I can write a steamy FR in return lah.
No lah, the way you've described her. Must be the best so far, right?
Man are more sensitive when come to ladyboy. When you see her, does your cock stand? or your hair stand?:)
30-11-2007, 07:11 PM
No lah, the way you've described her. Must be the best so far, right?
Man are more sensitive when come to ladyboy. When you see her, does your cock stand? or your hair stand?:)
In all honesty, cock stand lah. I wanted to cancel my appointment with Apple to take this beauty on, actually. But then, didn't as I don't want to disappoint Apple.
And I've ben thinking of this beauty until now. Can't get her off my mind or my system. Kind of like a "must bonk". LOL!
01-12-2007, 03:12 PM
As I couldn't take my mind off this beautiful Vietnamese FL, I went hunting for her last night.
I'm not exaggerating her beauty, mind you. Even though there were a lot of beautiful PRCs lining up the streets of Lorong 14 & Tarma Road, MY beauty still stands out like a rose among the thorns! That's how outstanding she is.
But try as I might, I rounded the area for a good couple of hours, searching high and low, among groups of FLs standing in every nook and corner, but alas, my rose was not to be found.
Guess I'll have to wait for another day and meanwhile picked one of the "thorns" there to satisfy my urge, which like what we used to say about PRC, turned out to be a "spit smelly saliva" for a damn $80 (after negotiation from $100) excluding room charge. (Not going to give you guys the pleasure of enjoying my displeasure so no FR on this episode, heh heh).
Meanwhile the hunt for the.... Vietnam Rose:eek: continues..
03-12-2007, 04:47 PM
Bro i think i know who u r talking about...=)..chio but becos i dun like thai/vietnamese/malay i gave her a pass..but from bros along the streets, they have been heard passing comments like..sibe swee!! kar chng jin swee!! bin jin swee!! etc etc...made me a little tempted...roaming ard GL area as the chick patrol for so many CONSECUTIVE nites, i realise along L14, she is the best looking one..btw, there is an innocent looking yet korean looking babe at L12 junction....
03-12-2007, 05:12 PM
Bro i think i know who u r talking about...=)..chio but becos i dun like thai/vietnamese/malay i gave her a pass..but from bros along the streets, they have been heard passing comments like..sibe swee!! kar chng jin swee!! bin jin swee!! etc etc...made me a little tempted...roaming ard GL area as the chick patrol for so many CONSECUTIVE nites, i realise along L14, she is the best looking one..btw, there is an innocent looking yet korean looking babe at L12 junction....
Spot on bro, spot on. But I can't find her. Not even last night when I did a hour patrol of the area.
I can't really differetiate between korean, chinese and sometimes japs as they all have the innocent look especially with proper make up on.
But the woman of my dreams at this point is vietnam rose (Damn! trying to think of a better word than this leh!).
02-03-2009, 11:15 AM
Ahh... the hits & misses of life...
Almost a year old, this thread, but such experiences truly are timeless.
Anyway, bro Midnight Tiger (if you still around), that lady was definitely a boy. Hope this news wasn't too late. :p
Last night, I also kena a rather terrible deal. I am a sucker for big boobs but wah lau eh... packaging and plastic surgery is the bane of all mankind!
See big headlights and hear $100/2/2, still nod head... she looks late 20s or early 30s already. :eek: But bo bian... the promise of an E (at least D) cup made the blood in my brain go elsewhere... some more, my breathing became very shallow. Brain starved of oxygen also...
Go inside room strip... Sigh... boobs only C cup... like that still not worst... shower together, press press abit... Sigh... silicone inside... She lifted her arm... :eek: wah lau eh! Armpit hair more than mine! LL pay already... I closed my eyes and imagined I was fucking the bastard child of Pamela Anderson & Chewbacca. Lucky she gives rather good BBBJ and pussy quite tight and very warm.
RTF at $100? No way, man! I'd rather fuck ladyboy who looks more ladylike sans APH! Some more, I stilll have my KC chick who's priced at 1/2 of that! This gem I won't share, sorry. :D
02-03-2009, 02:59 PM
Bro midnighttiger,
ur encounter sure scary man... i also use to kanna con by PRC to the hotel and see a group of all CMI one make up and keep pulling me in when i wanna run away...
03-03-2009, 03:02 AM
Bro Midnitetiger,
After reading your FR. I think it is very funnie & at the same time thinking it is a torture to 'Us' if we had to oblige to having paiseh to turn dwn their expectations & go along with it. I started to admire ur commando mentality.
Well, hope someone could give a FR for Yang Yang & see whats the outcome.
I remembered many years ago. we used to sabo some bro during his bachelor nite & we forked out $$$ to 'treat' him a free fuck but on condition that we choose the girl. The girl we chosen was like OMG!...potato body & Maggie Mee hairstyle. The bro ended up... almost having to oblige & he freaked out immediately & from then on he treated his wife nicely hahaha
04-03-2009, 02:47 PM
1 up for u becos you took the plunge for us brothers. You da the manz....:p
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