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29-01-2023, 11:39 AM
Raw will get you STDs and HIV.
BBBJ ie blowjob without condom will also get you STDs and HIV.
Always bring own CD just in case tempted by MLs.

29-01-2023, 03:58 PM
Bro, take one day off, walk in to DSC at Kelantan at 8am. Some times they refuse the walk ins but say you've STD, like example, when you urine, your track is itchy (works all the time).

Once they hear this, the head of admin will come out, and tell the counter nurse to give you priority. They'll ask you, did you pee... The answer should be no (and please don't pee before seeing the nurse or pee at least 4 hours earlier cuz they need to take a sample).

Then wait for your number. If you didn't pee, about 2 hours you'll see the nurse and doctor. If you peed just before entering DSC, it will be 4 hours before you see the nurse and doctor.

When you enter the room to see the nurse, they'll ask you what's the problem. Just tell them you had unprotected sex with a ML/FL.

They'll advise you to do a full blood and full urine test. Not ex, only $98. Private will be like $600.

Then just do the test. By lunch time will be settled. Quite fast and easy.

Also good that DSC is cheap. Like after a recent test, they say I've to do Hep B immunisation. Only cost like $20+.

When results are out, they'll inform you. Go back, get your antibiotics and complete the course.

Unless it's HIV, the rest can settle quite easily. Even those not curable, with medication can suppress, including things that condom cannot protect. It won't kill you or make your life hell. In fact, if you go every quarter, take your medication, you won't even have any problems with pains or itches.

Thank you for sharing the costs and the overall process at DSC Kelantan.

Super useful.

29-01-2023, 05:13 PM
Raw will get you STDs and HIV.
BBBJ ie blowjob without condom will also get you STDs and HIV.
Always bring own CD just in case tempted by MLs.

this same thing has been said again and again, so the spirit of the thread is about raw, and its pro raw.

Those not pro, well, again, your arguments have been repeated and repeated.

one man's meat is another man's poison. I am sure those bros who practice whatever level of sex, know what they are doing.

Playing the devils advocate,

In law, ignorantia juris non excusat, you cannot come to law saying you were not aware. The Law assumes you are educated about the laws. I thereby extend it to the issue at hand and rope in the health risk it brings.

On that statement, might I also assert, raw with your gf, wife, fb or another one, is capable of the risk of stds, hiv, hpv, pregnancy or anything kind of risk it brings.

29-01-2023, 08:31 PM
this same thing has been said again and again, so the spirit of the thread is about raw, and its pro raw.

Those not pro, well, again, your arguments have been repeated and repeated.

one man's meat is another man's poison. I am sure those bros who practice whatever level of sex, know what they are doing.

Playing the devils advocate,

In law, ignorantia juris non excusat, you cannot come to law saying you were not aware. The Law assumes you are educated about the laws. I thereby extend it to the issue at hand and rope in the health risk it brings.

On that statement, might I also assert, raw with your gf, wife, fb or another one, is capable of the risk of stds, hiv, hpv, pregnancy or anything kind of risk it brings.

lets get wet and slippery ... HooYah :D

30-01-2023, 06:48 AM
What type of medicine? Recommended by Hua Tuo?
There are med to reduce the viral load of infected person and to help reduce transmission. However only useful if u are the infected person and taken hrs prior to the deed.

30-01-2023, 11:53 AM
Regardless, play safe and responsibly. All those boasting of RAWing ML, FL and their flings should announce it proudly during meal times with whoever they are eating, see if anyone else wants to share a tzechar meal or even a glass with them :rolleyes:

30-01-2023, 01:20 PM
I always find the risk quite scary

30-01-2023, 02:02 PM
Regardless, play safe and responsibly. All those boasting of RAWing ML, FL and their flings should announce it proudly during meal times with whoever they are eating, see if anyone else wants to share a tzechar meal or even a glass with them :rolleyes:

not really trophy material for a conversation bro, sex always is, unless you are those doctors who tried to share women.

I am sure people rather announce how they made money in the stock market, or which new sports car they bought, or new property and how much it made.

30-01-2023, 02:28 PM
Regardless, play safe and responsibly. All those boasting of RAWing ML, FL and their flings should announce it proudly during meal times with whoever they are eating, see if anyone else wants to share a tzechar meal or even a glass with them :rolleyes:

Then similarly those who don't raw should announce you call chicken but you are safe by using a condom.

We all know the stigma is more towards ppl finding a wl.
Just let them boast.
There are always 2 camps

30-01-2023, 05:30 PM
lets get wet and slippery ... HooYah :D

nothing beats the feeling of dripping, wet uninhibited pleasure- forbidden fruit makes the thrill even more alluring.

I guess these raw escapades are somewhat tempting just like one night stands, when you pick up a sexy girl at a bar, pub, disco or even someone you just met, via apps.

The only horny day, was yesterday. :D:D

30-01-2023, 07:28 PM
nothing beats the feeling of dripping, wet uninhibited pleasure- forbidden fruit makes the thrill even more alluring.

I guess these raw escapades are somewhat tempting just like one night stands, when you pick up a sexy girl at a bar, pub, disco or even someone you just met, via apps.

The only horny day, was yesterday. :D:D

How’s your staycation at Shang Suite Master Chief with our Mrs SG…hooyah:D

dude head
30-01-2023, 08:02 PM
There is a prick that goes around attempt to force raw with ml by purposely torn open the cd then insert into unknown ml and cip her.
This kind of bro deserve all bad things happen him as create anxiety worrying to get pregnant and std.
What for u want the ml to preg with your child
In the end if it happen the child will go through abortion.

30-01-2023, 08:34 PM
There is a prick that goes around attempt to force raw with ml by purposely torn open the cd then insert into unknown ml and cip her.
This kind of bro deserve all bad things happen him as create anxiety worrying to get pregnant and std.
What for u want the ml to preg with your child
In the end if it happen the child will go through abortion.


jail and rotan dun play play

31-01-2023, 01:08 AM
nothing beats the feeling of dripping, wet uninhibited pleasure- forbidden fruit makes the thrill even more alluring.

I guess these raw escapades are somewhat tempting just like one night stands, when you pick up a sexy girl at a bar, pub, disco or even someone you just met, via apps.

The only horny day, was yesterday. :D:D

Exactly lor. If both side willing parties, then going raw is the pinnacle of men-women intimacy.

31-01-2023, 09:54 AM
I seldom raw with other MLs now even if allowed except one, as she is super hot and wild . Can have sex in any occasion if permit. Really giving me a hard-on whenever we are alone. Always feel like the 1st time even after so many years .

Raw is still the best as can feel there is a connection like making love to someone you care then juz a commercial transaction.

31-01-2023, 05:08 PM
Thanks for the good link.


jail and rotan dun play play

31-01-2023, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the good link.

My pleasure Sir 🫡

01-02-2023, 07:32 AM
Raw with MLs alot more common than we think. As much as we advocate for no raw with ML/FLs and both parties knowing the risk of doing raw, anything is possible for the right price. Have tested water many times during my visits and would estimate about 50% would offer raw for the right price.

01-02-2023, 09:53 AM

jail and rotan dun play play

Like this, might as well buy a life size play doll to have a peace of mind :D

In SG, want to have sex also feels so pathetic

06-02-2023, 07:58 AM
Regardless, play safe and responsibly. All those boasting of RAWing ML, FL and their flings should announce it proudly during meal times with whoever they are eating, see if anyone else wants to share a tzechar meal or even a glass with them :rolleyes:

haha.. if someone here claims he raw with this ML many times , he sure get many PMs asking for the contact. I think this forum quite many Dare Devils who like to raw with ML or FL.

Those who suay suay kana HIV will keep silent and continue to raw with the MLs.

In the end we can only protect ourselves by using condoms. Those who wants to raw and get HIV is their business really.

Until one day HIV gets out of hand then the authority will surely kill of this forum.

06-02-2023, 06:13 PM
Wouldn't be surprised many gotten infected with HIV from raw.

Nobody would want to spend time to annouce here or start a AMA thread about his HIV infection.

They got more problems to deal with.

06-02-2023, 06:24 PM
I ganna one ML at Moo*$70nE lane also jio me raw.

First massage liao go into special then rub rub ask me want what service? Everything also can. Then i said want sex but i never bring cd. She said nevermind la suai ge just relax and enjoy. Lucky i still think straight and told her its ok just body blow no need sex. Dont want to regret later on sia..yep practice some self control for that few moments of joy alife time of regrets

06-02-2023, 06:44 PM
Well said also..up you...:D:cool:

yep practice some self control for that few moments of joy alife time of regrets

06-02-2023, 09:10 PM

A good article to read.

09-02-2023, 09:45 AM
I only have raw with one ML and is about 12 years ago,
Remember I go to this health center at balestier point 2nd floor very small health center and only have few rooms.
One Saturday I go to meet my friend and after that think of message with special and go this place because quite near my home.
After reach the receptionist ask have booking I say no. Suddenly one sexy pretty milf walk pass by and I say I want her.( Entry fee is $45 for 45 mins)
When she come in I so excited and she start to massage
After 15mins she start GQ and I agree of full service $100, wah C cup with pink nipples. Bbbj of course with CD FJ.
Although I go home still think about her😅, so, plan almost every week meet her twice, 1 month later become her regular and she ask me to paint her and really like making love.
We exchange contact and talk about family, she from Vietnam but PR already married with Singaporean but her husband always go gamble not taking care family. She had one daughter study secondary school.
To be continue...

09-02-2023, 08:57 PM
Her age and my wife age same, that time she 38 and I 44. After 2 months we decide to go hotel and she charge me only $100. But hotel I pay and CD she bought. Remember one time when we enter the room and we start to take off all and bath, she suddenly said she forgot to buy CD, oh no so how, she said NVM lah, you shoot on stomach don't CIP, I say ok. But can't tahan and CIP. She didn't said anything and we still hug, after I pull out my brother, she cover her hole and go and wash.
I ask her how will have baby? She said don't worry lah nothing will happen. After this we always CIP at her work place or hotel. But so far ok till her work place close down and I work oversea and this relationship stop.

10-02-2023, 09:38 AM
Her age and my wife age same, that time she 38 and I 44. After 2 months we decide to go hotel and she charge me only $100. But hotel I pay and CD she bought. Remember one time when we enter the room and we start to take off all and bath, she suddenly said she forgot to buy CD, oh no so how, she said NVM lah, you shoot on stomach don't CIP, I say ok. But can't tahan and CIP. She didn't said anything and we still hug, after I pull out my brother, she cover her hole and go and wash.
I ask her how will have baby? She said don't worry lah nothing will happen. After this we always CIP at her work place or hotel. But so far ok till her work place close down and I work oversea and this relationship stop.
I have had a few over the years and heard from other sbf bros who also had their share.
Rest assured that almost all the mls who allowed raw know how to take care of themselves, contraception wise.
I won't kid myself that the ml did raw with me only and am sure they also do with others. But most will be selective with which customer they don't mind doing.

10-02-2023, 02:14 PM
I have had a few over the years and heard from other sbf bros who also had their share.
Rest assured that almost all the mls who allowed raw know how to take care of themselves, contraception wise.
I won't kid myself that the ml did raw with me only and am sure they also do with others. But most will be selective with which customer they don't mind doing.

My only regular ML whom I raw with ,always asked me to CIP and she seems to enjoy it. I sometime wonder what kind of contraception they took or did they already gone thru sterilisation before.

10-02-2023, 03:12 PM
A lot of Atb from a certain era (40s onwards) are sterilised coz of their national one child policy then..

10-02-2023, 06:03 PM
The worry is usually not the PRCs. Most of them are at a certain age where they might have already sterilised. Those mid-late 30s onwards, especially single mums type.

My personal worry is always the young thai and viet cos they are likely much more fertile. Hence i usually do the withdrawal method on them even if they don’t mind CIP.

10-02-2023, 11:48 PM
My RAW journey with a chio ML.

[Part 1]
There was this day I was walking around lavendar area and stumble upon this massage joint. From the looks of the shop, its not those sleazy parlour lookalike. Its visible to see inside from outside. As i stood by the door, saw this PRC ML alone at the counter smiling and calling me in. Without having double thoughts, i went in and ask what’s the service available. She speak softly what you want. I went ahead and pop the GQ. She look around and said… hand $50 mouth $100 and no sex. Because of her charm, I went ahead agreeing to the mouth deal. Went inside saw a massage bed. And fyi, its not a room. Its just a massage bed that’s seperated by a sliding barrier. So its obviously not a place that offers sex but the basics of Happy Ending….

Continue Part 2…

10-02-2023, 11:49 PM
[Part 2]
She asked me if i have any CD. Obviously who would have carried a CD around unless you are planning on a bonking session. So i said no. And she took a clear plastic (the one looks like you pack kuehs) and wrap around my dick and started blowing. I was shock as this is the first time i saw my dick was wraped by an alternative plastic besides CD. And duhhh. The feeels is ZERO. The only thing that kept my rod harden is her nehneh as she allows to keep her boobs hanging but clothes on. Its a beautiful B cup with pencil eraser nipples. Back to the blow. After quite an attempt, she gave up the plastic and just BBBJ me. And that feels so electrifying goood. I was moaning with lust. Seeing her blow, i pop another GC. Can i fuck you? She just said, give me $150 can? While ure at a peak of excitement, would you think twice? I said Ok and she immediately pull down her pants till her ankle and went over me in cowgirl. I toook a peak and saw a white fleshy plump hairless oysters. My eyes almost popped out. That moment when she slid it in and starts grinding, she was moaning so loud and her pussy felt soo wet. Damn she is horny. After cowgirl, we switch position to missionary and that was the most clearer view i had of her pussy. We end things with doggy and she kept wispering please cum outside. Not in my pussy. As much as pleasure rules over my head, i still respect her demands and i cummed on her tummy. It was a huge loads and she was surprised and at the same time gasping for breath. We both took turns to wash up and sat for a lil bit. Exchanged num and i leave as a happy man. Definitely the best MP joint i ever been in life.

P/S: i know raw is war. But judging from the physical looks, no foul smell with clean shaven and no sex involve when asked at first made me assured that she really took care of herself and no funny business accepted. It just that im lucky and she’s too horny and need a fuck session.

Please dont ask for contacts or location. I am keepin this gem for myself. 😎

11-02-2023, 12:07 AM
They got more problems to deal with.

11-02-2023, 08:10 AM
I only have raw with one ML and is about 12 years ago,
Remember I go to this health center at balestier point 2nd floor very small health center and only have few rooms.
One Saturday I go to meet my friend and after that think of message with special and go this place because quite near my home.
After reach the receptionist ask have booking I say no. Suddenly one sexy pretty milf walk pass by and I say I want her.( Entry fee is $45 for 45 mins)
When she come in I so excited and she start to massage
After 15mins she start GQ and I agree of full service $100, wah C cup with pink nipples. Bbbj of course with CD FJ.
Although I go home still think about her😅, so, plan almost every week meet her twice, 1 month later become her regular and she ask me to paint her and really like making love.
We exchange contact and talk about family, she from Vietnam but PR already married with Singaporean but her husband always go gamble not taking care family. She had one daughter study secondary school.
To be continue... ha...it is the one up the escalator? I use to go there frequently too. I tried Sally, Juju and Yvonne...Sally and Juju are my favorite. Juju is the most busty among the three. On one day, just found them closed.

11-02-2023, 09:47 AM
I only have raw with one ML and is about 12 years ago,
Remember I go to this health center at balestier point 2nd floor very small health center and only have few rooms.
One Saturday I go to meet my friend and after that think of message with special and go this place because quite near my home.
After reach the receptionist ask have booking I say no. Suddenly one sexy pretty milf walk pass by and I say I want her.( Entry fee is $45 for 45 mins)
When she come in I so excited and she start to massage
After 15mins she start GQ and I agree of full service $100, wah C cup with pink nipples. Bbbj of course with CD FJ.
Although I go home still think about her😅, so, plan almost every week meet her twice, 1 month later become her regular and she ask me to paint her and really like making love.
We exchange contact and talk about family, she from Vietnam but PR already married with Singaporean but her husband always go gamble not taking care family. She had one daughter study secondary school.
To be continue...

talked about balestier point, used to go to one spa at the corner near the toilet at level2...always had Maggie for massage and slowly she also became close to me...always raw her but shoot outside..everything also try..but she always ask me don't stop as she is reaching her orgasm but cannot don't stop if not will cip...so pull out at last min and continue to finger her until she collapsed

11-02-2023, 10:23 AM
talked about balestier point, used to go to one spa at the corner near the toilet at level2...always had Maggie for massage and slowly she also became close to me...always raw her but shoot outside..everything also try..but she always ask me don't stop as she is reaching her orgasm but cannot don't stop if not will cip...so pull out at last min and continue to finger her until she collapsed

We miss those days health center MLs are Malaysian and Singaporean.
Last time I don't dare to FJ raw with ML and so many years only one because incident Chance. Maybe because of family and children's still young.
Although now getting old and children's all already 20++ and 18++, still need to think twice if go raw.😅😅

11-02-2023, 08:33 PM
We miss those days health center MLs are Malaysian and Singaporean.
Last time I don't dare to FJ raw with ML and so many years only one because incident Chance. Maybe because of family and children's still young.
Although now getting old and children's all already 20++ and 18++, still need to think twice if go raw.😅😅

Raw is like drink driving or speeding... out of 50 cases, maybe only 1 get into trouble ie: 1 out of 50 get killed on the road or 1 out of 50 kana HIV

USUALLY most of the time a person who goes raw will not encounter any problem becos just like many drivers like to try their luck drink driving or speeding but usually nothing happens to them.

BUT suay suay kana then regret too late liao lo, no remorse or crying will give u a 2nd chance.

So think of going raw = drink driving or speeding lo...

12-02-2023, 08:34 AM
The trade-off here is between having fun and the chance of becoming sick. Raw sex, however, is always pleasurable and appealing. With that plastic in between, the affection is simply not felt.

12-02-2023, 09:50 AM
got 3 thai fl who can raw and cip. pm if willing to exchange for other raw contacts thanks

12-02-2023, 04:43 PM
The trade-off here is between having fun and the chance of becoming sick. Raw sex, however, is always pleasurable and appealing. With that plastic in between, the affection is simply not felt.

It’s true with what you said. Had raw sex once, that feeling of pleasure was so much different than having sex with a condom, although mind end up in a unsatisfying way

12-02-2023, 06:16 PM
got 3 thai fl who can raw and cip. pm if willing to exchange for other raw contacts thanks
Not Amazon girls right lol

12-02-2023, 10:29 PM
Not Amazon girls right lol

What’s Amazon girls?

12-02-2023, 11:41 PM
What’s Amazon girls?

My guess is girls with Amazon forest? :D

12-02-2023, 11:46 PM
Anyone enjoy raw with SYT school girl from other countries? like tw, jp, sk ?


13-02-2023, 02:39 PM
I have alot of raw sex with them

13-02-2023, 06:11 PM
What’s Amazon girls?

probably a stable in dome 1

13-02-2023, 06:22 PM
got 3 thai fl who can raw and cip. pm if willing to exchange for other raw contacts thanks

recently got bro tio std from dome 1

better control your small head :D

13-02-2023, 09:36 PM
Anyone enjoy raw with SYT school girl from other countries? like tw, jp, sk ?


Not school girl but intern. Year back I was working in Tokyo full time and every now and then we will get interns from different universities. Me being one of the most junior in the office will usually take them out for lunch. There was one who even after knowing I was attached still make comments like "your type" when I asked what kind of guys she likes.

So week when my ex gf went for biz trip, I visited her apartmemt since she is renting a 1 rm unit by herself. Fucked her raw and sometimes CIP since she said menses over. After which we purposely go for dinner after work and go back to office to fuck in the meeting room tables and chairs overlooking Tokyo bay area. Sometimes she got so horny during the day she would ask me to go to the sick bay or toilet. She said she didnt like to prepare CD. Need to be spontaneous then will have the feel. Great memories.

Deal breaker was when she started giving me love bites and I told her cannot. We drifted apart after her internship ended.

13-02-2023, 11:11 PM
Not school girl but intern. Year back I was working in Tokyo full time and every now and then we will get interns from different universities. Me being one of the most junior in the office will usually take them out for lunch. There was one who even after knowing I was attached still make comments like "your type" when I asked what kind of guys she likes.

So week when my ex gf went for biz trip, I visited her apartmemt since she is renting a 1 rm unit by herself. Fucked her raw and sometimes CIP since she said menses over. After which we purposely go for dinner after work and go back to office to fuck in the meeting room tables and chairs overlooking Tokyo bay area. Sometimes she got so horny during the day she would ask me to go to the sick bay or toilet. She said she didnt like to prepare CD. Need to be spontaneous then will have the feel. Great memories.

Deal breaker was when she started giving me love bites and I told her cannot. We drifted apart after her internship ended.

Personally I also feel safer doing it raw with Japanese, ahem ahem.

13-02-2023, 11:19 PM
What’s Amazon girls?

Probably referring to girls from the Amazon stable in Dome 1.

14-02-2023, 08:00 AM
Personally I also feel safer doing it raw with Japanese, ahem ahem.

Yup, they seem to have less STDs prevalent in the country. Their old school thinking is anyone who kanna STDs must have done it with a foreigner.

14-02-2023, 08:32 AM
got 3 thai fl who can raw and cip. pm if willing to exchange for other raw contacts thanks

wow... hahaha... I hope u not one of those infected with HIV and then now want to seek revenge by spreading to as many ppl as possible :D

14-02-2023, 08:36 AM
recently got bro tio std from dome 1

better control your small head :D

Tat's why i wonder sometimes all these ppl who "encourage" others to raw, whether they already infected with STDs or worse HIVs and try to revenge spread to as many ppl as possible. We cannot rule out there are sick minded ppl in this forum trying to "lure"/"encourage" others to raw with stories of how wonderful and safe raw is but their agenda is try to spread the STDs/HIV to as many bros here as possible for revenge.

In the end, I do hope we take some of the wonderful stories about how Raw is safe and shiok with pinch of salt

If anyone of u really believe that RAW is safe and shiok then wish u all the best man

15-02-2023, 12:54 AM
What’s Amazon girls?

Means below is bushy like amazon forest. Unshaved

15-02-2023, 10:13 AM
Means below is bushy like amazon forest. Unshaved

might also find a snake in the bush.

15-02-2023, 12:41 PM
might also find a snake in the bush.

haha, omg. that would be a find most bros don't want to get.

On that note, I once had a ONS with a client, and she was a lonely crazy girl, who had a small business.

Went to her house, she liked my looks. We got down to it. Honestly, her house was creepy, she had this big Jesus Statue in the hall and was praying for her, me and us. We had some drinks, kissed, she gave me some half baked blowjob, and took off her bottom and OMG, she was hairy like hell. Like a bomb exploded out of her shorts, it was downright disgusting.
She said, perhaps she should shave, I was like? You need a professional team of experts to level that forest.

She thought I was interested in sex, and insisted must wear a condom. Honestly I shrunk the min I saw that Amazon, and was happy to go to sleep since I was tipsy from the drinks.

Give me a white tiger anyday. Makes me miss this Local FL, Joey, her below is clean, hairless, and tight like hell like 1 finger tight, and it makes me forget she's in her 40s.

15-02-2023, 03:00 PM
We had some drinks, kissed, she gave me some half baked blowjob, and took off her bottom and OMG, she was hairy like hell. Like a bomb exploded out of her shorts, it was downright disgusting.
She said, perhaps she should shave, I was like? You need a professional team of experts to level that forest.

This story reminds me of that scene in the first Scary Movie...where the guy used a lawnmower type thing and got bats come out and all hahhahaha

15-02-2023, 04:01 PM
recently got bro tio std from dome 1

better control your small head :D

If that happens, do the stables keep quiet about it? Because this stuff would really hurt their business tbh and to the girls who working under them

15-02-2023, 05:51 PM
She said, perhaps she should shave, I was like? You need a professional team of experts to level that forest.

darn it
i was smiling in office, heng my colleague didnt see it


15-02-2023, 07:16 PM
no head no tail indeed.

15-02-2023, 07:25 PM
darn it
i was smiling in office, heng my colleague didnt see it


Lumberjack gonna shout :p


17-02-2023, 09:10 AM
haha, omg. that would be a find most bros don't want to get.

On that note, I once had a ONS with a client, and she was a lonely crazy girl, who had a small business.

Went to her house, she liked my looks. We got down to it. Honestly, her house was creepy, she had this big Jesus Statue in the hall and was praying for her, me and us. We had some drinks, kissed, she gave me some half baked blowjob, and took off her bottom and OMG, she was hairy like hell. Like a bomb exploded out of her shorts, it was downright disgusting.
She said, perhaps she should shave, I was like? You need a professional team of experts to level that forest.

She thought I was interested in sex, and insisted must wear a condom. Honestly I shrunk the min I saw that Amazon, and was happy to go to sleep since I was tipsy from the drinks.

Give me a white tiger anyday. Makes me miss this Local FL, Joey, her below is clean, hairless, and tight like hell like 1 finger tight, and it makes me forget she's in her 40s.

Hope u said your prayers before you start

17-02-2023, 03:03 PM
Hope u said your prayers before you start

Upped +153

17-02-2023, 03:38 PM
Upped +153

Will up u tml

17-02-2023, 05:03 PM
Tat's why i wonder sometimes all these ppl who "encourage" others to raw, whether they already infected with STDs or worse HIVs and try to revenge spread to as many ppl as possible. We cannot rule out there are sick minded ppl in this forum trying to "lure"/"encourage" others to raw with stories of how wonderful and safe raw is but their agenda is try to spread the STDs/HIV to as many bros here as possible for revenge.

In the end, I do hope we take some of the wonderful stories about how Raw is safe and shiok with pinch of salt

If anyone of u really believe that RAW is safe and shiok then wish u all the best man

Fully agreed

17-02-2023, 05:06 PM
Will up u tml

Upped u bro :)

17-02-2023, 05:12 PM
Will up u tml

+21 for exchange 😂

18-02-2023, 04:50 PM
Will up u tml

Ups you....

21-02-2023, 04:51 PM
lol funny story
today a bro called me, and he said he was getting divorced.
Turned out the wife who was working in far east, cdl was cheating on him since a long time back.
While having drinks, he confided wife came back 10 plus everyday, bo hiew lan him.

Now linked to the thread, how did he find out about the affairs? His wife came back having birth control pills.

They had not had sex in 9 years, and the wife was doing RAW with other men. Raw with other men, let the men enjoy so she was on the pill, but got CIN3 from HPV.
He went to check himself, and thankfully he got nothing(also didn't sleep with the wife)

Raw with anyone, wife, gf, ons etc... all can get STD, if want to be certain, use your hand or sex toy, lol...

21-02-2023, 05:59 PM
remember to sanitize your hand before putting on surgical gloves

as for toys, autoclave before using

Just kidding brother:D

21-02-2023, 06:02 PM
This ain't funny, but very real.
Not only men can cheat, so can women, and mind you, if the women want to cheat, they are better liars and can even have multiple partners, FWB in a day yet may not be detected.
Anyway, about the cheating wife of your friend, she's only worried about being pregnant but not aware about the risk of being infected by STD.
Indeed, whether a WL, FL, ONS, or even gf, wife, FWB, all can be infected. Hence, be careful.

21-02-2023, 06:13 PM
Most people fuck other people wife or girlfriend normally creampie one

FWB FB lagi worse with multiple partners

21-02-2023, 06:38 PM
lol funny story
today a bro called me, and he said he was getting divorced.
Turned out the wife who was working in far east, cdl was cheating on him since a long time back.
While having drinks, he confided wife came back 10 plus everyday, bo hiew lan him.

Now linked to the thread, how did he find out about the affairs? His wife came back having birth control pills.

They had not had sex in 9 years, and the wife was doing RAW with other men. Raw with other men, let the men enjoy so she was on the pill, but got CIN3 from HPV.
He went to check himself, and thankfully he got nothing(also didn't sleep with the wife)

Raw with anyone, wife, gf, ons etc... all can get STD, if want to be certain, use your hand or sex toy, lol...

Sorry to hear about your friend’s wife, quite sad for a man to be in this state

Just wondering if the wife is still suss or just plain horny?

surprised that your friend did not even touch her for years.. amazing…

21-02-2023, 07:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend’s wife, quite sad for a man to be in this state

Just wondering if the wife is still suss or just plain horny?

surprised that your friend did not even touch her for years.. amazing…

marriages are complicated, and looking at the forum, many bros also have this situation, wives don't give out anymore.

Senior bros, senior men, will be able to tell many stories.

21-02-2023, 07:20 PM
Most people fuck other people wife or girlfriend normally creampie one

FWB FB lagi worse with multiple partners

damn right. his wife confess, when the guy fuck his wife, the mindset of the guy was that if she got pregnant, she will just go back, con the husband into sex and claim its his.

When husband wife sexually active, they used condoms, scare pregnant, but the wife when fucking another person(s), like a horny beast, all raw and horny, CIP, CIM, COF. Some of these things she never even do for the husband.

Now wife kenna HPV, and in CIN stage, next is possible cervix cancer.

He damn dulan and going to leave her.

Remind me last time I screw this Ms Singapore Tourism ex SQ, she got bf, I also can't be bothered to wear condom because I know she only want me to sugar her, and I was just in it for a fun, 1 month, spend 10k, I kick her to the curb. Overrated and was not great in bed, look like Cecilia Cheung

21-02-2023, 08:27 PM
damn right. his wife confess, when the guy fuck his wife, the mindset of the guy was that if she got pregnant, she will just go back, con the husband into sex and claim its his.

When husband wife sexually active, they used condoms, scare pregnant, but the wife when fucking another person(s), like a horny beast, all raw and horny, CIP, CIM, COF. Some of these things she never even do for the husband.

Now wife kenna HPV, and in CIN stage, next is possible cervix cancer.

He damn dulan and going to leave her.

Remind me last time I screw this Ms Singapore Tourism ex SQ, she got bf, I also can't be bothered to wear condom because I know she only want me to sugar her, and I was just in it for a fun, 1 month, spend 10k, I kick her to the curb. Overrated and was not great in bed, look like Cecilia Cheung

hooyah...the only horny day was yesterday...me young time same pattern too :D

now old liao...watch CNA see Liz Neo PCC safer :p

ah rat
21-02-2023, 09:49 PM
damn right. his wife confess, when the guy fuck his wife, the mindset of the guy was that if she got pregnant, she will just go back, con the husband into sex and claim its his.

When husband wife sexually active, they used condoms, scare pregnant, but the wife when fucking another person(s), like a horny beast, all raw and horny, CIP, CIM, COF. Some of these things she never even do for the husband.

Now wife kenna HPV, and in CIN stage, next is possible cervix cancer.

He damn dulan and going to leave her.

Remind me last time I screw this Ms Singapore Tourism ex SQ, she got bf, I also can't be bothered to wear condom because I know she only want me to sugar her, and I was just in it for a fun, 1 month, spend 10k, I kick her to the curb. Overrated and was not great in bed, look like Cecilia Cheung

Bro, your friend no interest in sex.
Piak piak her wife full full until she don't eat outside :)
Cecilia Cheung hairy pussy :D

21-02-2023, 10:04 PM
Last May, I frequented a ML which started with a very nonsense massage and a mechanical hj. After several visits and wc chats, we got familiar and usually I will visit her in the morning when she is working morning shift … I offered to massage her and she didn’t reject … tried to pull her pants down also no reject … she allowed me to insert between her thighs and cum that way many times… slowly then she didn’t reject when I force in deeper and I also lost control and went inside … I counted I shoot inside her 5 to 6 times before we stopped the rs… 😂

21-02-2023, 10:19 PM
Last May, I frequented a ML which started with a very nonsense massage and a mechanical hj. After several visits and wc chats, we got familiar and usually I will visit her in the morning when she is working morning shift … I offered to massage her and she didn’t reject … tried to pull her pants down also no reject … she allowed me to insert between her thighs and cum that way many times… slowly then she didn’t reject when I force in deeper and I also lost control and went inside … I counted I shoot inside her 5 to 6 times before we stopped the rs… ��

wah. nice. I had a ML also naked sit on top, use her below rub and rub, in the end she use mouth, but honestly, could have gotton stuff from these actions too.

No safety in life. Safest, don't do, use hand.

One bro pay 6k screw influencers, everyone thumbs up, no one ask him why he raw and he CIP

22-02-2023, 12:32 AM
One bro pay 6k screw influencers, everyone thumbs up, no one ask him why he raw and he CIP

maybe he needs boleh bayi 🤭🤭🤭

22-02-2023, 05:13 AM
wah. nice. I had a ML also naked sit on top, use her below rub and rub, in the end she use mouth, but honestly, could have gotton stuff from these actions too.

No safety in life. Safest, don't do, use hand.

One bro pay 6k screw influencers, everyone thumbs up, no one ask him why he raw and he CIP

Best few months of my life … 😂

22-02-2023, 07:38 AM
Best is visit ML in tcm shop. Early morning or after shop close. Put two massage beds together and there you go, fuck their brains out on the bed.

22-02-2023, 01:22 PM
Best is visit ML in tcm shop. Early morning or after shop close. Put two massage beds together and there you go, fuck their brains out on the bed.

Haha agree… best time to screw them haha

22-02-2023, 04:57 PM
any bros raw with ONS from pubs, clubs with stories...

I had quite a few from different places, all raw one. 2 waitress from Duxton Blue

Fortunately, never kenna anything.

One time at the disco, my friend intro a girl to me, later found out she was tanglin HC, do that time, ask her for condom, don't have but said she was clean, just checked. My brother in other room kenna one with breasts bigger than his head, but he cannot stand.

This ML really got skill, everything also willing to do, scream like mad, like you are some porn star stud, later still claim no one make her cum like that before. Below wet, mouth also got drip honey.

haha, everyone young once right.

22-02-2023, 05:52 PM
any bros raw with ONS from pubs, clubs with stories...

I had quite a few from different places, all raw one. 2 waitress from Duxton Blue

Fortunately, never kenna anything.

One time at the disco, my friend intro a girl to me, later found out she was tanglin HC, do that time, ask her for condom, don't have but said she was clean, just checked. My brother in other room kenna one with breasts bigger than his head, but he cannot stand.

This ML really got skill, everything also willing to do, scream like mad, like you are some porn star stud, later still claim no one make her cum like that before. Below wet, mouth also got drip honey.

haha, everyone young once right.

you brought her to ana:p

23-02-2023, 02:36 PM
any bros raw with ONS from pubs, clubs with stories...

I had quite a few from different places, all raw one. 2 waitress from Duxton Blue

Fortunately, never kenna anything.

One time at the disco, my friend intro a girl to me, later found out she was tanglin HC, do that time, ask her for condom, don't have but said she was clean, just checked. My brother in other room kenna one with breasts bigger than his head, but he cannot stand.

This ML really got skill, everything also willing to do, scream like mad, like you are some porn star stud, later still claim no one make her cum like that before. Below wet, mouth also got drip honey.

haha, everyone young once right.
Hahaa duxton blue..I RMB xiao la jiao

23-02-2023, 03:15 PM
Hahaa duxton blue..I RMB xiao la jiao

bro which you upped?

the china girl, who migrated to australia Karen? Or the Single Mom Angelia

23-02-2023, 11:19 PM
My regular ML till date without fail. Always provides me the best one stop service : CIP,AR,bbbj,Licking and dare to take video.
Serious Members whom interested in trading wild ML can PM me.

24-02-2023, 07:12 AM
My regular ML till date without fail. Always provides me the best one stop service : CIP,AR,bbbj,Licking and dare to take video.
Serious Members whom interested in trading wild ML can PM me.

Can share bro like wild ML

25-02-2023, 03:44 PM
My regular ML till date without fail. Always provides me the best one stop service : CIP,AR,bbbj,Licking and dare to take video.
Serious Members whom interested in trading wild ML can PM me.

"dare to take video" wow great find. i only got wefies~:o

25-02-2023, 06:14 PM
Will ML massage you after creampie?

25-02-2023, 07:13 PM
Will ML massage you after creampie?

massage then bukkake better :D

26-02-2023, 12:05 PM
bro which you upped?

the china girl, who migrated to australia Karen? Or the Single Mom Angelia
China girl...haha

26-02-2023, 03:01 PM
Any MLs allow cum on face after massage?

26-02-2023, 04:56 PM
Any MLs allow cum on face after massage?

I think Joey allows it, she's not ML, she is a FL, local.

26-02-2023, 08:23 PM
Will ML massage you after creampie?
My regular one usually does that 。 the GFE is very strong 😊

27-02-2023, 09:37 AM
Bro, take one day off, walk in to DSC at Kelantan at 8am. Some times they refuse the walk ins but say you've STD, like example, when you urine, your track is itchy (works all the time).

Once they hear this, the head of admin will come out, and tell the counter nurse to give you priority. They'll ask you, did you pee... The answer should be no (and please don't pee before seeing the nurse or pee at least 4 hours earlier cuz they need to take a sample).

Then wait for your number. If you didn't pee, about 2 hours you'll see the nurse and doctor. If you peed just before entering DSC, it will be 4 hours before you see the nurse and doctor.

When you enter the room to see the nurse, they'll ask you what's the problem. Just tell them you had unprotected sex with a ML/FL.

They'll advise you to do a full blood and full urine test. Not ex, only $98. Private will be like $600.

Then just do the test. By lunch time will be settled. Quite fast and easy.

Also good that DSC is cheap. Like after a recent test, they say I've to do Hep B immunisation. Only cost like $20+.

When results are out, they'll inform you. Go back, get your antibiotics and complete the course.

Unless it's HIV, the rest can settle quite easily. Even those not curable, with medication can suppress, including things that condom cannot protect. It won't kill you or make your life hell. In fact, if you go every quarter, take your medication, you won't even have any problems with pains or itches.

Thanks for sharing on DSC! Appreciate it!

27-02-2023, 10:16 PM
Will ML massage you after creampie?

Very good question, lol

28-02-2023, 11:42 AM
Will ML massage you after creampie?

Well, at least mine did.

28-02-2023, 06:07 PM
Well, at least mine did.

So nice of her :)

03-03-2023, 10:36 PM
Well, at least mine did.

Lucky you bro

13-03-2023, 08:52 PM
Anyone got luck at the spa in UWR? RTF with s***** & k**** but nothing so far.

14-03-2023, 06:44 AM
I only have raw with one ML and is about 12 years ago,
Remember I go to this health center at balestier point 2nd floor very small health center and only have few rooms.
One Saturday I go to meet my friend and after that think of message with special and go this place because quite near my home.
After reach the receptionist ask have booking I say no. Suddenly one sexy pretty milf walk pass by and I say I want her.( Entry fee is $45 for 45 mins)
When she come in I so excited and she start to massage
After 15mins she start GQ and I agree of full service $100, wah C cup with pink nipples. Bbbj of course with CD FJ.
Although I go home still think about her😅, so, plan almost every week meet her twice, 1 month later become her regular and she ask me to paint her and really like making love.
We exchange contact and talk about family, she from Vietnam but PR already married with Singaporean but her husband always go gamble not taking care family. She had one daughter study secondary school.
To be continue...

What is so fun about painting?
I had rather buy a tin of nippon paint and paint her whole ass black. HAHAHAHA.

14-03-2023, 01:10 PM
What is so fun about painting?
I had rather buy a tin of nippon paint and paint her whole ass black. HAHAHAHA.

Then my question to you is will the black nippon paint on her ass lead her to orgasm? If not, most would rather stick to painting...

14-03-2023, 03:53 PM
Then my question to you is will the black nippon paint on her ass lead her to orgasm? If not, most would rather stick to painting...

I think his point was, painting the ML doesn't add to the guy's pleasure, so why do it lol.

14-03-2023, 06:02 PM
I think his point was, painting the ML doesn't add to the guy's pleasure, so why do it lol.

Yeah exactly.
It's a fully paid svc, got to utilize the time for own pleasure. :D

15-03-2023, 07:42 AM
Anyone still in touch with Bukit Merah Lina?

15-03-2023, 11:07 AM
Seems like good advice for anything, covers all scenarios


20-03-2023, 12:23 PM
interesting thread :cool:
had my share of raw with ML :)

20-03-2023, 02:33 PM
any bros raw with ONS from pubs, clubs with stories...

I had quite a few from different places, all raw one. 2 waitress from Duxton Blue

Fortunately, never kenna anything.

One time at the disco, my friend intro a girl to me, later found out she was tanglin HC, do that time, ask her for condom, don't have but said she was clean, just checked. My brother in other room kenna one with breasts bigger than his head, but he cannot stand.

This ML really got skill, everything also willing to do, scream like mad, like you are some porn star stud, later still claim no one make her cum like that before. Below wet, mouth also got drip honey.

haha, everyone young once right.

True bro.. strongly agree with you

20-03-2023, 02:45 PM
interesting thread :cool:
had my share of raw with ML :)

Sure you do , as your nick is Raw Man 💪🤣

20-03-2023, 04:01 PM
Lina is back! Bukit Merah Lina. For bros who know

20-03-2023, 04:02 PM
Lina is back! Bukit Merah Lina. For bros who know

20-03-2023, 05:03 PM
I think his point was, painting the ML doesn't add to the guy's pleasure, so why do it lol.

so TRUE man.....

21-03-2023, 06:15 AM
Lina is back! Bukit Merah Lina. For bros who know

Bro, what does her return have to do with Raw with ML? You seen to be too excited with her return:D Maybe you would like to share us more

21-03-2023, 01:18 PM
Sure you do , as your nick is Raw Man ����

its a taboo in SBF to discuss about raw with ml or fl. even worst with a Raw nick. kana zapped till -ve when I post that I raw with this ML or FL.

I only name the ML/FL after the RTV or going to RTV and not coming back.

21-03-2023, 03:31 PM
its a taboo in SBF to discuss about raw with ml or fl. even worst with a Raw nick. kana zapped till -ve when I post that I raw with this ML or FL.

I only name the ML/FL after the RTV or going to RTV and not coming back.

I understand , same goes to me too. Must apologise to bros whom PM me for the Ctc for MLs whom allowed Raw.

By the way are Vietnamese easier to request raw ?

21-03-2023, 05:07 PM
By the way are Vietnamese easier to request raw ?

i dont have the luck with prc, so its yes for vietnamese.

22-03-2023, 12:17 AM
I regularly raw with a receptionist but the bad part is that she dont give BJ and need to pull out.

Sorry not giving contact. My question is if straightaway FJ without doing anything shiok meh? Already met a lot of ML dont BJ want to FJ directly. A bit no gfe...

24-03-2023, 02:10 AM
i dont have the luck with prc

Same here as you bro :(

24-03-2023, 08:10 AM
I understand , same goes to me too. Must apologise to bros whom PM me for the Ctc for MLs whom allowed Raw.

By the way are Vietnamese easier to request raw ?

i dont have the luck with prc, so its yes for vietnamese.

nowadays viet thai mls straight want 3 blue notes tipping for creampie on top of their regular fee

actually kind of scary come to think about it

meaning they take everyone

better Siam far far away

24-03-2023, 11:16 AM
Is it true that every 6 months the ML go for health screening including HIV and pregnancy?

24-03-2023, 01:11 PM
Is it true that every 6 months the ML go for health screening including HIV and pregnancy?

those holding white medical card only

24-03-2023, 01:43 PM
those holding white medical card only

What is the criteria to get a white card? Get caught 1st time in vice activities?

24-03-2023, 01:51 PM
What is the criteria to get a white card? Get caught 1st time in vice activities?

two different things

Med for DSC

latter from ICA

24-03-2023, 03:10 PM
nowadays viet thai mls straight want 3 blue notes tipping for creampie on top of their regular fee

actually kind of scary come to think about it

meaning they take everyone

better Siam far far away

I have encounter young viet from the geylang pub, go to hotel, don't even bother with condom and don't know how to use.

Lol...you are right, its scary...

24-03-2023, 03:25 PM
those holding white medical card only

what’s a white medical card ?

24-03-2023, 08:23 PM
I have encounter young viet from the geylang pub, go to hotel, don't even bother with condom and don't know how to use.

Lol...you are right, its scary...

true lor...they are too environmental friendly liao :D

what’s a white medical card ?

medical checkup card for licensed ML :)

25-03-2023, 06:07 AM
For the bros who are worried but not rushing to check for syphillis/hiv, can try AFA mobile van that goes around the island 3 times a week.

You can google for their schedule.

25-03-2023, 03:10 PM
Have raw occasionally previously but since 2023, I only go for raw with a 3 of my regulars ML. All are PRC, all are older than me but I have a fetish of older women. Going raw need some time and investment eg regular visit till they allow u raw.

25-03-2023, 05:36 PM
Most PRC who insist on cap are more afraid of pregnancy than STD. If they think it's their safe period, will allow raw or even CIP.
Hence, do not mistake they allow raw cause they know you better. More likely than not you are not the only to be able to raw them.

25-03-2023, 06:50 PM
I did it once but regretted. All started with grinding and then cannot tahan the lady just rode me. And I couldn’t stop in time. Total freak out and lucky all test are cleared

28-03-2023, 02:11 PM
Duplicate post

28-03-2023, 02:54 PM
I have encounter young viet from the geylang pub, go to hotel, don't even bother with condom and don't know how to use.

Lol...you are right, its scary...

I curious to know which pub

28-03-2023, 04:35 PM
Have raw occasionally previously but since 2023, I only go for raw with a 3 of my regulars ML. All are PRC, all are older than me but I have a fetish of older women. Going raw need some time and investment eg regular visit till they allow u raw.

PRC easier to raw in Singapore but in Malaysia, I find Viets easier . I may be wrong.

28-03-2023, 07:25 PM
Lina is back! Bukit Merah Lina. For bros who know

She’s a low quality ML for Viets leh. No looks nor figure; only good thing is can creampie her.

There are many Viets here who are even better than her. Has looks, figure and do a lot of crazy stuff too

29-03-2023, 01:40 AM
She’s a low quality ML for Viets leh. No looks nor figure; only good thing is can creampie her.

There are many Viets here who are even better than her. Has looks, figure and do a lot of crazy stuff too
Bro which one do u recommend?

01-04-2023, 04:21 PM
Bro which one do u recommend?

I rather go tanjong pagar la.

03-04-2023, 12:16 AM
I rather go tanjong pagar la.

Maybe will go and look look see myself too :)

04-04-2023, 04:11 PM
I curious to know which pub

Same here too

04-04-2023, 05:33 PM
Just bonk viet lady from michat today. Just test my luck, you know michat many scams. Went up to her hotel room, she in sexy lingerie when open the door. 100% same as profile photo. I had shower alone and she already undress herself waiting for me on the bed. We drenched alot and after she scked me hard. After she took a small sachet I thought was condom until she said please cum outside. We did doggystyle and changed to missionary when almost cumming. Took out and cum on her breast. Finished took a breath and I head to shower. We had a small chat after. 27yo as she mentioned mixed blood Spanish american+viet. Had baby before. She said she do this only pt as she got a ft job as a fashion designer and makeup artist. Slim figure as she exercise regularly. We exchange wechat maybe will rtn again for date or etc. Left happily after.

04-04-2023, 09:31 PM
Just bonk viet lady from michat today. Just test my luck, you know michat many scams. Went up to her hotel room, she in sexy lingerie when open the door. 100% same as profile photo. I had shower alone and she already undress herself waiting for me on the bed. We drenched alot and after she scked me hard. After she took a small sachet I thought was condom until she said please cum outside. We did doggystyle and changed to missionary when almost cumming. Took out and cum on her breast. Finished took a breath and I head to shower. We had a small chat after. 27yo as she mentioned mixed blood Spanish american+viet. Had baby before. She said she do this only pt as she got a ft job as a fashion designer and makeup artist. Slim figure as she exercise regularly. We exchange wechat maybe will rtn again for date or etc. Left happily after.

Can share contact? Btw I'm very curious as to what that sachet is haha

05-04-2023, 12:16 AM
Can share contact? Btw I'm very curious as to what that sachet is haha

I had no idea probably lubricant. Because room light was dim. Sorry for bros who pmed. She not taking anyone else so I respect her. Will share ctc of another ml if interested need a good massage.

05-04-2023, 08:23 AM
I understand , same goes to me too. Must apologise to bros whom PM me for the Ctc for MLs whom allowed Raw.

By the way are Vietnamese easier to request raw ?

For me is pinay > indon > Viet > Thai > PRC..

Tw girls also

sex hunter
05-04-2023, 09:30 AM
Just bonk viet lady from michat today. Just test my luck, you know michat many scams. Went up to her hotel room, she in sexy lingerie when open the door. 100% same as profile photo. I had shower alone and she already undress herself waiting for me on the bed. We drenched alot and after she scked me hard. After she took a small sachet I thought was condom until she said please cum outside. We did doggystyle and changed to missionary when almost cumming. Took out and cum on her breast. Finished took a breath and I head to shower. We had a small chat after. 27yo as she mentioned mixed blood Spanish american+viet. Had baby before. She said she do this only pt as she got a ft job as a fashion designer and makeup artist. Slim figure as she exercise regularly. We exchange wechat maybe will rtn again for date or etc. Left happily after.

can share contact very keen to try her.Tks

05-04-2023, 03:24 PM
Just bonk viet lady from michat today. Just test my luck, you know michat many scams. Went up to her hotel room, she in sexy lingerie when open the door. 100% same as profile photo. I had shower alone and she already undress herself waiting for me on the bed. We drenched alot and after she scked me hard. After she took a small sachet I thought was condom until she said please cum outside. We did doggystyle and changed to missionary when almost cumming. Took out and cum on her breast. Finished took a breath and I head to shower. We had a small chat after. 27yo as she mentioned mixed blood Spanish american+viet. Had baby before. She said she do this only pt as she got a ft job as a fashion designer and makeup artist. Slim figure as she exercise regularly. We exchange wechat maybe will rtn again for date or etc. Left happily after.

yes what is that small satchel??

05-04-2023, 04:31 PM
black magic:eek:

05-04-2023, 04:34 PM
yes what is that small satchel??

lucky charm to charm guys lol

05-04-2023, 04:39 PM
Pre covid some MY ML at KL also offer Raw.. those were the fun days.

06-04-2023, 01:21 PM
For me is pinay > indon > Viet > Thai > PRC..

Tw girls also

So far yet to try the Thai yet. Hopefully more Thai ML coming.

06-04-2023, 11:13 PM
black magic:eek:

Hello bro Banaber
Returned your Up

07-04-2023, 01:40 PM
Had another raw session with her again. Sorry no share ctc. Already clarify with her the small sachet is lubricant haha.

07-04-2023, 02:02 PM
she should've pose with the sachet~ :D

07-04-2023, 02:04 PM
Had another raw session with her again. Sorry no share ctc. Already clarify with her the small sachet is lubricant haha.
She looks so yummylicious:D

07-04-2023, 02:17 PM
She looks so yummylicious:D

Yup really not bad at all

07-04-2023, 03:29 PM
Really look good for face n fig :) Envy u bro

07-04-2023, 07:56 PM
Yup really not bad at all

so lucky to have such premium grade Bluefin tuna:D

07-04-2023, 10:09 PM
Really look good for face n fig :) Envy u bro

This is something i really envy as well over here :o

08-04-2023, 02:02 AM
Just curious, any bros got bonk ML with condom but still kena STDs before? :confused: Want to indulge in some FJ but read that Herpes, HPV and some other diseases spread via skin-to-skin contact, so even if you wrapped up, still can kena STDs at the base of your rod or balls.

08-04-2023, 06:44 AM
Just curious, any bros got bonk ML with condom but still kena STDs before? :confused: Want to indulge in some FJ but read that Herpes, HPV and some other diseases spread via skin-to-skin contact, so even if you wrapped up, still can kena STDs at the base of your rod or balls.

Yes bro, even wear condom. I got genital herpes even I never go raw before with FL. Just part of life, take meds when have breakout

08-04-2023, 08:21 AM
Warts aka cauliflower too 🙈🙉🙊

08-04-2023, 01:03 PM
Yes bro, even wear condom. I got genital herpes even I never go raw before with FL. Just part of life, take meds when have breakout

Waaa this is scary… like not worth it leh, especially if have wife. Is it even a norm to pay for your regular ML’s STD test before doing the deed?

08-04-2023, 03:18 PM
Waaa this is scary… like not worth it leh, especially if have wife. Is it even a norm to pay for your regular ML’s STD test before doing the deed?

Which ML will go for STD check ? Even they kana they will still busy serving customers
It better u guai guai go back to yr wife don't be naughty outside bro :p

08-04-2023, 03:38 PM
Just curious, any bros got bonk ML with condom but still kena STDs before? :confused: Want to indulge in some FJ but read that Herpes, HPV and some other diseases spread via skin-to-skin contact, so even if you wrapped up, still can kena STDs at the base of your rod or balls.Yes not 100% safe even with Condoms

08-04-2023, 11:15 PM
Waaa this is scary… like not worth it leh, especially if have wife. Is it even a norm to pay for your regular ML’s STD test before doing the deed?

Herpes hard to check bro, most accurate is if got breakout and doctor take swab and test. Blood test inaccurate. My situation slightly better as I got it before I met my wife. So before going steady with her I told her I have it and luckily she’s ok with it. If wanna protect ur loved ones can take valtrex everyday as breakout suppression, but the meds are exp..

09-04-2023, 02:40 AM
Herpes hard to check bro, most accurate is if got breakout and doctor take swab and test. Blood test inaccurate. My situation slightly better as I got it before I met my wife. So before going steady with her I told her I have it and luckily she’s ok with it. If wanna protect ur loved ones can take valtrex everyday as breakout suppression, but the meds are exp..

Well... guess I'm sticking to HJ and Boob fucks for the foreseeable future :(

09-04-2023, 08:15 AM
Well... guess I'm sticking to HJ and Boob fucks for the foreseeable future :(

my buddy kena from hj too:(

hard to answer to his oc:o

09-04-2023, 02:36 PM
Well... guess I'm sticking to HJ and Boob fucks for the foreseeable future :(

Then u r missing out on a lot of things tho.. 😈

10-04-2023, 12:33 AM
my buddy kena from hj too:(

hard to answer to his oc:o

How to even kena from HJ?!? Herpes? Most ppl chiong do HJ never get before leh haha

10-04-2023, 12:34 AM
Then u r missing out on a lot of things tho.. 😈

Problem is catching something from FJ and passing to OC… that one confirm destroy family :D

10-04-2023, 02:16 AM
Problem is catching something from FJ and passing to OC… that one confirm destroy family :D

Stay home and be good. As long your wife doesn't stray, both of you will be safe

10-04-2023, 08:07 AM
How to even kena from HJ?!? Herpes? Most ppl chiong do HJ never get before leh haha

people who kena from hj will not broadcast on social media unless close friends

if scared don't chiong

If chiong don't scared

BTW contaminated massage oil cream towel masseur's hands all are unavoidable

just like many thought no raw no war so assuming bj is faithfully safe:D

Commercial sex is not safe sex :p

10-04-2023, 12:23 PM
How to even kena from HJ?!? Herpes? Most ppl chiong do HJ never get before leh haha

How about is the ML used the same towel to wipe before the HJ. She being an ang bai, the customer before actually had STD?
Anyway, anything is possible. Or the same bed when ML offered massage, when you probed on it, the little bro position likely similar to the previous client.

11-04-2023, 09:14 AM
Have not been chionging ever since my ML/FB RTC in Jan - but recently rekindled with an old ML whom I have visited for awhile.

Wanted to book hotel but she told me her house mate will not be at home until noon, so I went ahead and booked her from 9am keke. She came down to pick me up and we small talk in lift.

Reach her house, the moment the door closed we immediately speak french. In the past we have never raw-ed before so it was very arousing for me to have her pushing me down the sofa after giving me BBBJ. Then she teased me saying she didnt wear underwear, continued to speak french and suddenly she just inserted my little bro in and started riding! I was shocked but it felt too good as I haven"t fucked for months. After a few minutes I told her I'm cumming and she just continued to ride and make me shoot everything inside lol.

Went to wash up then i asked if she is on pill, she replied "没吃药哪敢让你射里面”。 Wa i hear already hard again and carry her to her bedroom for round 2.

Feels good to be back in action.

11-04-2023, 05:08 PM
How to even kena from HJ?!? Herpes? Most ppl chiong do HJ never get before leh haha

Herpes can spread through skin-to-skin contact or contact with saliva. Most hj, people will request the ml to catbath or maybe french or finger the ml. The safest way for HJ is this Japanese service tat caters to sexual needs of disabled people.
"One that doesn’t is a Niigata-based organization called White Hands. “It’s very businesslike,” writes investigative journalist Kaori Kawai in Shukan Post (Aug 20-27). “A young woman slips on a pair of disposable gloves. She removes the man’s trousers and underwear and covers him with a bath towel. She dips a cloth in warm water and rubs him down. She slips a condom on him. The woman does not remove her clothes, engages in no superfluous sexual contact, uses no erotic DVDs or books. The entire procedure lasts 5 to 10 minutes on average.”

12-04-2023, 12:03 AM
Have not been chionging ever since my ML/FB RTC in Jan - but recently rekindled with an old ML whom I have visited for awhile.

Wanted to book hotel but she told me her house mate will not be at home until noon, so I went ahead and booked her from 9am keke. She came down to pick me up and we small talk in lift.

Reach her house, the moment the door closed we immediately speak french. In the past we have never raw-ed before so it was very arousing for me to have her pushing me down the sofa after giving me BBBJ. Then she teased me saying she didnt wear underwear, continued to speak french and suddenly she just inserted my little bro in and started riding! I was shocked but it felt too good as I haven"t fucked for months. After a few minutes I told her I'm cumming and she just continued to ride and make me shoot everything inside lol.

Went to wash up then i asked if she is on pill, she replied "没吃药哪敢让你射里面”。 Wa i hear already hard again and carry her to her bedroom for round 2.

Feels good to be back in action.

👍🏻 read liao envy

12-04-2023, 08:16 AM
Have not been chionging ever since my ML/FB RTC in Jan - but recently rekindled with an old ML whom I have visited for awhile.

Wanted to book hotel but she told me her house mate will not be at home until noon, so I went ahead and booked her from 9am keke. She came down to pick me up and we small talk in
Feels good to be back in action.

One of my fantasy to bonk my ML in her rented room. Uppz you +21 points for your FR.

12-04-2023, 08:19 AM
One of my fantasy to bonk my ML in her rented room. Uppz you +21 points for your FR.

especially those staying at Chinatown partition wall rooms :p

can hear everything so clearly next door:D

12-04-2023, 12:44 PM
especially those staying at Chinatown partition wall rooms :p

can hear everything so clearly next door:D

haha had a quickie with my fb a month back, even in the corridor could hear a bro whacking this FL girl. through the wall inside the room also can hear

this is the fun of stuff

I remember one time in OT, years back, Star was being rammed damn hard by an ang mo with a big dick, and she was screaming the building down. End up Gigi had to bang on her cubicle ask her to less noisy.

12-04-2023, 12:48 PM
haha had a quickie with my fb a month back, even in the corridor could hear a bro whacking this FL girl. through the wall inside the room also can hear

this is the fun of stuff

I remember one time in OT, years back, Star was being rammed damn hard by an ang mo with a big dick, and she was screaming the building down. End up Gigi had to bang on her cubicle ask her to less noisy.

Similar experience! Booked FL in hotel once. Can hear the next door the girl moaning damn loud! When my action was over, the FL and I laughing in the room about the sounds coming from next door. Hahaha damn interesting experience for me.

12-04-2023, 02:44 PM
haha had a quickie with my fb a month back, even in the corridor could hear a bro whacking this FL girl. through the wall inside the room also can hear

this is the fun of stuff

I remember one time in OT, years back, Star was being rammed damn hard by an ang mo with a big dick, and she was screaming the building down. End up Gigi had to bang on her cubicle ask her to less noisy.

hahaha actually kind of fun lor :p

last time haru haru red string orange geisha palace sama sama:D

12-04-2023, 06:15 PM
[Duplicate post]

12-04-2023, 07:10 PM
Had another raw session with her again. Sorry no share ctc. Already clarify with her the small sachet is lubricant haha.

Similar to bro hideki, I managed to score with this hot lady using the same method but without any further input from bro hideki. I believe he did not respond to my query due to my low rep. But it’s ok, managed to score her hot contact by hunting on my own.

Already sighted this beauty on michat before bro hideki’s post but was concerned that this may be a catfish. Further messaging proved that it’s different and she is genuine but chemistry matters. Had a great convo understanding why she’s here.

My experience is consistent, same raw with a lubricant.

She’s of mixed heritage, which in my view explains her looks.

She don’t wish to have anyone else by referral so I respect her decision. I won’t be responding to any PMs regarding this hot lady.

I enjoyed the time with her but she’s not for everyone, you need to have stamina as she will want it fast and furious. I had two rounds with her (pulled out and shot on her twice), panting at the end. Also, she’s not a time-watcher.

12-04-2023, 09:16 PM
[/TABLE][/TABLE][/TABLE]Had another raw session with her again. Sorry no share ctc. Already clarify with her the small sachet is lubricant haha.

Similar to bro hideki, I managed to score with this hot lady using the same method but without any further input from bro hideki. I believe he did not respond to my query due to my low rep. But it’s ok, managed to score her hot contact by hunting on my own.

Already sighted this beauty on michat before bro hideki’s post but was concerned that this may be a catfish. Further messaging proved that it’s different and she is genuine pt but chemistry matters. Had a great convo understanding why she’s here.

My experience is consistent, same raw with a lubricant.

She’s of mixed heritage, which in my view explains her looks.

She don’t wish to have anyone else by referral so I respect her decision. I won’t be responding to any PMs regarding this hot lady.

I enjoyed the time with her but she’s not for everyone, you need to have stamina as she will want it fast and furious. I had two rounds with her (pulled out and shot on her twice) and she’s not a time-watcher.

hi mod, can delete this duplicate post? thanks

12-04-2023, 09:53 PM
Similar to bro hideki, I managed to score with this hot lady using the same method but without any further input from bro hideki. I believe he did not respond to my query due to my low rep. But it’s ok, managed to score her hot contact by hunting on my own.

Already sighted this beauty on michat before bro hideki’s post but was concerned that this may be a catfish. Further messaging proved that it’s different and she is genuine but chemistry matters. Had a great convo understanding why she’s here.

My experience is consistent, same raw with a lubricant.

She’s of mixed heritage, which in my view explains her looks.

She don’t wish to have anyone else by referral so I respect her decision. I won’t be responding to any PMs regarding this hot lady.

I enjoyed the time with her but she’s not for everyone, you need to have stamina as she will want it fast and furious. I had two rounds with her (pulled out and shot on her twice), panting at the end. Also, she’s not a time-watcher.

Sorry bro is not your low rep issue. Because I'm receiving many pms and can't be I reply one by one is a hassle for me so I did post separately stated she not accepting anyone else on page 94 maybe you have missed out. Anyway I'm happy you manage to have a great session with her.

12-04-2023, 10:01 PM
Here's my last bonk before she going back.

Thanks for the share :)

13-04-2023, 05:54 PM
Just bonk viet lady from michat today. Just test my luck, you know michat many scams. Went up to her hotel room, she in sexy lingerie when open the door. 100% same as profile photo. I had shower alone and she already undress herself waiting for me on the bed. We drenched alot and after she scked me hard. After she took a small sachet I thought was condom until she said please cum outside. We did doggystyle and changed to missionary when almost cumming. Took out and cum on her breast. Finished took a breath and I head to shower. We had a small chat after. 27yo as she mentioned mixed blood Spanish american+viet. Had baby before. She said she do this only pt as she got a ft job as a fashion designer and makeup artist. Slim figure as she exercise regularly. We exchange wechat maybe will rtn again for date or etc. Left happily after.

Great FR bro, of this mixed blood beauty. Interesting background she has.

15-04-2023, 09:29 AM
This kind better go check on yourself bro to be safe ah

Have not been chionging ever since my ML/FB RTC in Jan - but recently rekindled with an old ML whom I have visited for awhile.

Wanted to book hotel but she told me her house mate will not be at home until noon, so I went ahead and booked her from 9am keke. She came down to pick me up and we small talk in lift.

Reach her house, the moment the door closed we immediately speak french. In the past we have never raw-ed before so it was very arousing for me to have her pushing me down the sofa after giving me BBBJ. Then she teased me saying she didnt wear underwear, continued to speak french and suddenly she just inserted my little bro in and started riding! I was shocked but it felt too good as I haven"t fucked for months. After a few minutes I told her I'm cumming and she just continued to ride and make me shoot everything inside lol.

Went to wash up then i asked if she is on pill, she replied "没吃药哪敢让你射里面”。 Wa i hear already hard again and carry her to her bedroom for round 2.

Feels good to be back in action.

15-04-2023, 01:23 PM
This kind better go check on yourself bro to be safe ah

If want to raw, all also must check up lor.
Unless that WL or FL offers her service from home, those who ask you to go their home are usually comfortable with you.

15-04-2023, 04:19 PM
This kind better go check on yourself bro to be safe ah

Was thinking the same here too

16-04-2023, 04:19 PM
Raw or not raw, once come out to cheong, better do regular checks...as advised by some of the ML's that I know...


17-04-2023, 01:57 AM
This kind better go check on yourself bro to be safe ah

Yes bro, i check every half a year, or whenever its a new encounter. Raw or not, I encourage any bro who chiong to just check periodically to be safe.

17-04-2023, 01:53 PM
managed to date one of the ML out on her off day after so many visits and attempts...finally agreed to go out for lunch...went for a light lunch after picking her up at a shopping centre...then suggested to her to go for a rest at a hotel...initially she rejected the idea but I told her is just rest and the most is some touching...she unwillingly agreed to it and we proceed to a hotel at G area...once we are in the room, told her I need to bathe as I was feeling hot...I came our naked and to my surprise, she was in her undies, on the bed, watching TV...I asked her if she is feeling horny, if not why strip to undies...she said no lah, don't crumple the clothing....so we both lie on the bed, she in her undies, and I fully naked...then she saw my little bro getting harder and harder and it was at full mast...when she asked, you want is it?...without any warning, I placed my dick near her mouth and pressured her to suck it, she didn't avoid and gave me a good deep bj...then I slide my finger down her pussy and realised she was all wet already...I knew I got chance to up her...then with one swift move, I was lying on top of her with the hardened dick pressing against the stomach...I slowly slide down further till it reached the wet hole.... sssuuuuupppp....it went in! she gave out a moan and the rest is history...pumped her left and right, front and back till she climax..shot out on the breast and neck...she laid there, motionless, and after a while she went to clean herself..before we left the hotel, asked her for another bj which she gladly performed...gave her $100 for her performance...she reminded me that I must not disclose to. anyone as she is working at a clean spa...

17-04-2023, 03:21 PM
managed to date one of the ML out on her off day after so many visits and attempts...finally agreed to go out for lunch...went for a light lunch after picking her up at a shopping centre...then suggested to her to go for a rest at a hotel...initially she rejected the idea but I told her is just rest and the most is some touching...she unwillingly agreed to it and we proceed to a hotel at G area...once we are in the room, told her I need to bathe as I was feeling hot...I came our naked and to my surprise, she was in her undies, on the bed, watching TV...I asked her if she is feeling horny, if not why strip to undies...she said no lah, don't crumple the clothing....so we both lie on the bed, she in her undies, and I fully naked...then she saw my little bro getting harder and harder and it was at full mast...when she asked, you want is it?...without any warning, I placed my dick near her mouth and pressured her to suck it, she didn't avoid and gave me a good deep bj...then I slide my finger down her pussy and realised she was all wet already...I knew I got chance to up her...then with one swift move, I was lying on top of her with the hardened dick pressing against the stomach...I slowly slide down further till it reached the wet hole.... sssuuuuupppp....it went in! she gave out a moan and the rest is history...pumped her left and right, front and back till she climax..shot out on the breast and neck...she laid there, motionless, and after a while she went to clean herself..before we left the hotel, asked her for another bj which she gladly performed...gave her $100 for her performance...she reminded me that I must not disclose to. anyone as she is working at a clean spa...
she asked you not to disclose, but can share contact right? :D:D:D

17-04-2023, 03:40 PM
if share contact, will expose her already...people are here to make a living...so will keep it secret for now...

17-04-2023, 04:15 PM
if share contact, will expose her already...people are here to make a living...so will keep it secret for now...

U got a very good price package bro .... envy u :)

17-04-2023, 04:35 PM
if share contact, will expose her already...people are here to make a living...so will keep it secret for now...
55555 ok :(:(:(

17-04-2023, 07:19 PM
Clean spa means no hanky-panky inside licensed premises:p

Must only go outside steal eat :D

17-04-2023, 07:56 PM
..she reminded me that I must not disclose to. anyone as she is working at a clean spa...

Good One Bro , Upz You ;)

17-04-2023, 08:38 PM
Clean spa means no hanky-panky inside licensed premises:p

Must only go outside steal eat :D

yalor, she told me she doesn't provide any service to anyone..only proper massage..their spa is unisex...maybe we have good vibes about each other, that is why she agreed to meet me outside...

17-04-2023, 08:59 PM
yalor, she told me she doesn't provide any service to anyone..only proper massage..their spa is unisex...maybe we have good vibes about each other, that is why she agreed to meet me outside...

meet outside and cum outside...nice :p

last time I had the Javanese massage along Sembawang road ML also said FJ outside only :D

did she give you a proper massage after FJ ;)

17-04-2023, 09:01 PM
maybe we have good vibes about each other, that is why she agreed to meet me outside

That is also quite a possibility as well :)

17-04-2023, 11:47 PM
yalor, she told me she doesn't provide any service to anyone..only proper massage..their spa is unisex...maybe we have good vibes about each other, that is why she agreed to meet me outside...

Good catch bro. Keep her well.

18-04-2023, 12:06 AM
Good One Bro , Upz You ;)

Well done, upz, cheers!

18-04-2023, 06:32 AM
meet outside and cum outside...nice :p

last time I had the Javanese massage along Sembawang road ML also said FJ outside only :D

did she give you a proper massage after FJ ;)

she did some massage after the deed...it doesn't feel so commercialised as she did not ask for money, I gave it to her..

18-04-2023, 07:49 AM
she did some massage after the deed...it doesn't feel so commercialised as she did not ask for money, I gave it to her..

very true takeaway FJ better feel for sure than fucking on the tiny massage bed :D

you definitely got a very good deal cos normal outcall FJ damn expensive one :p

18-04-2023, 09:26 AM
ML from clean spa also have needs. Just need to manage it well, if chemistry happens, sex is just a likely event.
This is even better than getting a FL for FOC rendezvous.

18-04-2023, 09:28 AM
yalor, she told me she doesn't provide any service to anyone..only proper massage..their spa is unisex...maybe we have good vibes about each other, that is why she agreed to meet me outside...

Reminded me of my experience a long time back...I still have a few of her pics :D

18-04-2023, 02:01 PM
Raw is War

but Raw is also OTW (out of this world) :D:D

18-04-2023, 03:06 PM
Raw is War

but Raw is also OTW (out of this world) :D:D

errr so bareback or blank attachment huh :D

18-04-2023, 08:25 PM
Well done, upz, cheers!

Upz You Too :D ;P

22-04-2023, 10:47 AM
My most recent one was unlocked having committed a significant amount of time. It all started with that one super heavy downpour when i reached her place and was drench to the underwear.
But once she led me into the room, she started attacking me and eventually when i was licking the nips in a missionary position, I thrusted into her. She didn’t reject and gave very sultry moans. Keep reminding me shoot outside. I nodded and kept going at it. She was so wet that the sheets were soaking by the time we were done. I kept to the promise to shoot outside and fired on her breasts.

Just 2 days ago, revisited her and this time, she didn’t say shoot outside. So i ended up giving her a creampie from doggy! I hope she is here for a long time so i do not need to keep hunting for gems!

22-04-2023, 02:41 PM
My most recent one was unlocked having committed a significant amount of time. It all started with that one super heavy downpour when i reached her place and was drench to the underwear.
But once she led me into the room, she started attacking me and eventually when i was licking the nips in a missionary position, I thrusted into her. She didn’t reject and gave very sultry moans. Keep reminding me shoot outside. I nodded and kept going at it. She was so wet that the sheets were soaking by the time we were done. I kept to the promise to shoot outside and fired on her breasts.
Just 2 days ago, revisited her and this time, she didn’t say shoot outside. So i ended up giving her a creampie from doggy! I hope she is here for a long time so i do not need to keep hunting for gems!

It's been more than 5years since i last visit ml..should do some hunting soon..last time for me is easy, nowadays i don't know already..yes really need time..how many visit per week before u unlock..👻😝

22-04-2023, 02:52 PM
It's been more than 5years since i last visit ml..should do some hunting soon..last time for me is easy, nowadays i don't know already..yes really need time..how many visit per week before u unlock..👻😝

if heng heng ryt place at ryt time can unlock very fast :D

all depend chemistry as they got needs too


22-04-2023, 05:20 PM
Many years ago had raw with 1 PRC ML near at AMK area...
Started with only bbbj then 69 and suddenly she just sat on me just like that
After the deed felt uneasy and here itchy there itchy then when to a clinic at serangoon gardens for STD check.
Lucky everything also negative, sibeh heng...
From then on if FJ with ML then strictly wear rubber

23-04-2023, 12:01 AM
Hi senior bros, the MLs is spa kind or from SLG website? Thx for share

23-04-2023, 01:42 PM
Hi senior bros, just curious. After trying to unlock someone for raw, do they let u do it for their original price? Or do u have to give a bit more $$ to unlock?

23-04-2023, 03:28 PM
Hi senior bros, just curious. After trying to unlock someone for raw, do they let u do it for their original price? Or do u have to give a bit more $$ to unlock?

Depends on ML, if they want to charge more for raw, they would have been more upfront and tell u to tip more.

23-04-2023, 03:46 PM
Raw is War

but Raw is also OTW (out of this world) :D:D

Yeah, I always say Raw is War but sometime small head cannot think straight. There was once the build up w the ML was so much, I could not resist doing her raw. She was so high and sexcited that she also wanted me to penetrate her anal, raw too. But my big head kicked in and said better to do the anal w CD instead. That was a very memorable moment.

23-04-2023, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I always say Raw is War but sometime small head cannot think straight. There was once the build up w the ML was so much, I could not resist doing her raw. She was so high and sexcited that she also wanted me to penetrate her anal, raw too. But my big head kicked in and said better to do the anal w CD instead. That was a very memorable moment.

so true, think about our ONS or those fling, or those hook up on apps

It could largely be mental, and we implement a risk reward ratio and also a informed judgment based on possibility and assessment of the profile of the person.

If we pick up in clubs or bar and we are going at it in the car, how many of us will still be using condoms for oral and actual sex?
I remember screwing a girl in KTV in hongkong, I was drunk I forgot if I had a condom, later I asked the girl when she came back to sit, she said yes.

Similarly we do not use protection with our gfs, wife, but I know people who have gotton things from their so called "Clean" partners.

All about assessment of risk and how much a risk taker you are. But end of the day, there is no absolute certainty.

23-04-2023, 06:14 PM
meet outside and cum outside...nice :p

last time I had the Javanese massage along Sembawang road ML also said FJ outside only :D

did she give you a proper massage after FJ ;)

Javanese massafe also have special? I tot its a clean place..hahah

23-04-2023, 07:13 PM
Javanese massafe also have special? I tot its a clean place..hahah

even atas spa botanica also can bring them out but deep pockets needed:D

too ex until close down but really sibay nice at sentosa:p

23-04-2023, 07:46 PM
Hi senior bros, just curious. After trying to unlock someone for raw, do they let u do it for their original price? Or do u have to give a bit more $$ to unlock?

I will not give extra $$ to unlock the next level of service. To enjoy that raw feel, it is important to create that good feel between each other. In fact, most of the time she will tell me to either arrange to come early in the day when she just start or late at night before she ends the day. This way, i dun have to pay the $55 entrance fee that her boss demand. I also save up that $ and give her the $120 for FJ. Which has been consistent since day 1.

23-04-2023, 08:53 PM
The ML are human too. If they chance upon a seemingly nice client whom they can click, even though they work in a clean joint, also can jio to a date with happy ending.

23-04-2023, 10:57 PM
The ML are human too. If they chance upon a seemingly nice client whom they can click, even though they work in a clean joint, also can jio to a date with happy ending.

that's true, that's how I ended up with a fling with a OT ML.

we had some feel, some drinks, some raw fun.

24-04-2023, 04:01 PM
The ML are human too

Very true bro, agreed here too

24-04-2023, 08:02 PM
that's true, that's how I ended up with a fling with a OT ML.

we had some feel, some drinks, some raw fun.

did you raw the Chio Malay ML at Tanglin 3rd floor :D

29-04-2023, 12:34 AM
I will not give extra $$ to unlock the next level of service. To enjoy that raw feel, it is important to create that good feel between each other. In fact, most of the time she will tell me to either arrange to come early in the day when she just start or late at night before she ends the day. This way, i dun have to pay the $55 entrance fee that her boss demand. I also save up that $ and give her the $120 for FJ. Which has been consistent since day 1.

I see, mmmm, interesting👍👍 This is an eye opener for me, especially since I always thought that giving more $$ is the way to go. I guess connection is also important. Tks for the advice!!!

01-05-2023, 06:17 PM
I see, mmmm, interesting👍👍 This is an eye opener for me, especially since I always thought that giving more $$ is the way to go. I guess connection is also important. Tks for the advice!!!

Eye opener for me too :o

01-05-2023, 09:25 PM
Those ML who demands more money to get them to offer FJ or raw, for sure they also offer to their other clients.
Whereas those who don't ask for more, better still if they belong to the clean joints, either offer a quickie or hanky panky or outcall on their off days without asking for money, that's a home run. Rare, but not impossible.
As said, they are human who have urge and needs. If happen that you can click, anything possible.

02-05-2023, 12:16 AM
Those ML who demands more money to get them to offer FJ or raw, for sure they also offer to their other clients

That is 100% for sure

02-05-2023, 08:19 AM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)

02-05-2023, 11:25 AM
did you raw the Chio Malay ML at Tanglin 3rd floor :D

There’s a Malay ML in the 3rd floor where Tang Li is working at? Or I read that wrong and the Malay ML suppose to be at Tanglin? 😆

02-05-2023, 11:22 PM
got a msg from ml that long time never visit her...I told her unless got fj, if not not so interested...she told me just come lah, sure got something for u...I suspect the most is bj as she only offer me hj before...so proceed to her place and try enough only offer bj...I told her just give me a good massage...if you want to give me,must be fj & bj....she said not ready for fj...ended up, gave me a few mouthful of bj without asking me for extra...told her don't worry, the deed is only between you and me...

03-05-2023, 01:26 AM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)

This is actually one of the most honest posts around, end of the day the ML will always expect you to pony up any "expenses" that can conjure up, so its never free

03-05-2023, 07:40 AM
This is actually one of the most honest posts around, end of the day the ML will always expect you to pony up any "expenses" that can conjure up, so its never free

it's only she starts her special requests then showtime...:D

guess no free lunch :p

Another well known version is :)

Honey don't worry creampie exclusively for you only ;)

03-05-2023, 09:52 AM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)

For PRC , they girls always have the thinking that boy friends or husbands pay for everything. As long as you know she is not 一脚踏两船 and you 心甘情愿。

if you are there looking for FOC fuck with no emotion attached ,then best to pay, fuck and go .

03-05-2023, 10:24 PM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)
About these, must know the tell tale signs, when they tell you to accompany them go shopping, die die must reject. Of course the risk is, they will blacklist or block you. Then move on to the next target. Never put all you mojo in one pussy, else, you will be at that pussy's mercy.

03-05-2023, 10:41 PM
About these, must know the tell tale signs, when they tell you to accompany them go shopping, die die must reject. Of course the risk is, they will blacklist or block you. Then move on to the next target. Never put all you mojo in one pussy, else, you will be at that pussy's mercy.

Best part is place order instead of shopping:D

Kena too many times already:p

You are right shopping is the worst;)

04-05-2023, 06:08 PM
got a msg from ml that long time never visit her...I told her unless got fj, if not not so interested...she told me just come lah, sure got something for u...I suspect the most is bj as she only offer me hj before...so proceed to her place and try enough only offer bj...I told her just give me a good massage...if you want to give me,must be fj & bj....she said not ready for fj...ended up, gave me a few mouthful of bj without asking me for extra...told her don't worry, the deed is only between you and me...

The next few visits got FJ?

05-05-2023, 09:00 PM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)

haha bro, yes I also kenna.

one time I went to a disco, after that go supper, thought can on the girl, the girl later went to a boutique that open late and bought few hundred dollar of clothing(think she regular).

No free meal, so true.

07-05-2023, 09:20 AM
If always think of FOC is saving, this is wrong, finally will pay even more. 买的比养的还便宜

07-05-2023, 02:38 PM
haha bro, yes I also kenna.

one time I went to a disco, after that go supper, thought can on the girl, the girl later went to a boutique that open late and bought few hundred dollar of clothing(think she regular).

No free meal, so true.

when we are young

we believe in fairy tales

when we getting older

we believe in creampie:D

Hooyah...the only creamy day was yesterday:p

07-05-2023, 08:18 PM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)

Well said, sure there is no free lunch one.

Maybe end up pay more

07-05-2023, 08:25 PM
Well said, sure there is no free lunch one.

Maybe end up pay more

no choice cos during that moment small head overrule main CPU :D

07-05-2023, 08:39 PM
no choice cos during that moment small head overrule main CPU :D

at that point of time very hard to do a reset. Maybe got to destroy to solve it.

07-05-2023, 08:42 PM
at that point of time very hard to do a reset. Maybe got to destroy to solve it.

wow :eek: destroy small head :eek: so hardcore leh :D

08-05-2023, 02:46 PM
always take note when ML said FOC FJ

it doesn't mean free of charge

cos it's Fuck On Credit

rather pay them than owe them

me kena iPhone iPad watch jewellery etc

my 2ml worth of semen:)

Great wisdom, first heard of this from a late samster senior

08-05-2023, 02:59 PM
The next few visits got FJ?

Finally booked her for massage...same patterns and was trying to fish her for some extras...but she acted blur, I told her either bj+fj or nothing...I don't want hj...not shiok already since I knew her for long time..she told me she is going off work in a few hours time, then can see what to do..I told her go hotel and she agreed to it...then I said to her, since we are going to hotel, why don't u bj me first, then later do the real deed...she agreed to it and gave me one of the best bj, with slurping sound and full of her saliva on my dick...but alas only blow for about 20times then stopped...forward to few hours later, pick her up at the spa and went to a hotel in G area...went in, strip her in her civilian clothing, bathe together and ask her to continue her unfinished bj...nearly cum.in her mouth, pulled out immediately and clean her up..put her on the bed and started pumping her missionary...she was enjoying with her eyes closed and clutching the bed sheet and let out a forced fuck moan...shot the cum on her face and she was like breathing heavily with the cum dripping down the face, just like the AV...she told me she hadn't had sex for a long time already..we clean up and left the hotel very satisfied...gave her $200...and she was like 'so.much'? I told her it is ok since you are willing to do this but not to everyone..

08-05-2023, 03:59 PM
Finally booked her for massage...same patterns and was trying to fish her for some extras...but she acted blur, I told her either bj+fj or nothing...I don't want hj...not shiok already since I knew her for long time..she told me she is going off work in a few hours time, then can see what to do..I told her go hotel and she agreed to it...then I said to her, since we are going to hotel, why don't u bj me first, then later do the real deed...she agreed to it and gave me one of the best bj, with slurping sound and full of her saliva on my dick...but alas only blow for about 20times then stopped...forward to few hours later, pick her up at the spa and went to a hotel in G area...went in, strip her in her civilian clothing, bathe together and ask her to continue her unfinished bj...nearly cum.in her mouth, pulled out immediately and clean her up..put her on the bed and started pumping her missionary...she was enjoying with her eyes closed and clutching the bed sheet and let out a forced fuck moan...shot the cum on her face and she was like breathing heavily with the cum dripping down the face, just like the AV...she told me she hadn't had sex for a long time already..we clean up and left the hotel very satisfied...gave her $200...and she was like 'so.much'? I told her it is ok since you are willing to do this but not to everyone..

Wah now she will expect 200 each time liaoz. I think all she needed was too release. Both sides benefit mah