24-02-2021, 09:20 PM
For donald trump so love usa that he gave up his good life as a millionaire, to join politics to defeat all his opponents to become president, so that whoever who believes in him will together make usa great again.
Under his short but impressive 4 years rule, he make usa great again by defeating china, russia, iran and north korea. He make the tyrant xi jinping bow down at his feet to sign a humiliating unfair trade deal. He ordered the killing of iran's top general and scientist. He make the dotard kim so scare that kim dare not to test nuclear weapons anymore.
Unfortunately, the great patriot claims to be defeated by a rigged election and was forced to step down.
His evil enemies tried to kill him twice in 2 impeachment trials but he defeated them by rising up from the dead. He proved that he have eternal life and he will live forever.
There exists no greater love than this, that a man shall sacrifice his life to make his beloved country great again.
Donald trump will be greatly missed by all Americans and he will be remembered in history for his great achievements.
Under his short but impressive 4 years rule, he make usa great again by defeating china, russia, iran and north korea. He make the tyrant xi jinping bow down at his feet to sign a humiliating unfair trade deal. He ordered the killing of iran's top general and scientist. He make the dotard kim so scare that kim dare not to test nuclear weapons anymore.
Unfortunately, the great patriot claims to be defeated by a rigged election and was forced to step down.
His evil enemies tried to kill him twice in 2 impeachment trials but he defeated them by rising up from the dead. He proved that he have eternal life and he will live forever.
There exists no greater love than this, that a man shall sacrifice his life to make his beloved country great again.
Donald trump will be greatly missed by all Americans and he will be remembered in history for his great achievements.