View Full Version : some update about myself
07-07-2021, 12:45 PM
Hi All,
it has been quite awhile since my last post many months back.
i have been low profile for awhile and trying to keep my life as simple as possible and only stay faithful w one ML instead of sleeping w many ML and f around. thing are moving in good direction and seem like my life also getting better.
just to update what happened. after found out that i had std w the ML that i f raw, i treated myself and also that ML. finally all clear. i was with her for few months and realise that she is very down to earth. and finally i made her an offer to quit. she finally quit the industry. i also open up 3 MP for her to operate to keep her busy. the 3 MP has more than enough income to sustain her needs so i dun need to give her any allowance. of course i invested on those shop. i charge rental to the MP on std market rate plus some amount to take back my renovation cost.
since half year back life has been good except some quarrel about her ex cust keep looking for her and send some slew messages which i really dislike. since then she change her number and wechat and thing are moving good now.
till this day, if you ask me whether i made a right decision, my answer is i really dont know. does it make business sense? my answer is not. am I happy w it? my answer is yes. how long will it last? will she be faithful to me? i guess yes till that day happened then see how. i cant predict what going to happen but i just feel happy that i made this decision and stop f around and just stay faithful w one. some say i stupid.. because of 1 tree i give up whole forest.. some say this is right decision. but i cant care that much. i just do it and feel happy w it then i continue when i met the right person.
whether i will make her to become my wife? i do not know. let nature take the course ba..
next thing is about whether i mind if she was ML and worked for few years.. starting yes. but now i feel no. one of the reason is while i dun think i touch more cb than her touching other ppl dick, but definitely i f more cb than she get f by others.
wishing u nice day and stay safe!
07-07-2021, 12:57 PM
now to her , money is not an issue.
When u are in debts and in financial troubles, and lost all u have. You see whether she will go all out to save you or not... or just pack up run away and divorce.
This is the only way to know how much she love you.
Advise from NL
07-07-2021, 01:07 PM
whether i will make her to become my wife? i do not know. let nature take the course ba..
next thing is about whether i mind if she was ML and worked for few years.. starting yes. but now i feel no. one of the reason is while i dun think i touch more cb than her touching other ppl dick, but definitely i f more cb than she get f by others.
wishing u nice day and stay safe!
To each his own bro.
No one knows the future for sure until it happens.
We each have to bare the consequences of our decisions.
Anyway, hope all turns out OK for you & wish you all the best lah bro! :)
07-07-2021, 01:23 PM
I think in life, do what you want and not have regrets. Do what u want and bear all consequences. Something right will be deemed as bad from others and something bad will be deemed as right by another group. We are living in this world for a short period. Live happily and leave no regrets. We cannot always please everyone around us.
That being said, do leave a backdoor for yourself should this investment on ML fails. Always be prepared..
07-07-2021, 01:29 PM
Sounds like things are going well. I wish you all the best.
But yes I also think a back door is necessary just in case.
07-07-2021, 03:01 PM
Hi All,
it has been quite awhile since my last post many months back.
i have been low profile for awhile and trying to keep my life as simple as possible and only stay faithful w one ML instead of sleeping w many ML and f around. thing are moving in good direction and seem like my life also getting better.
just to update what happened. after found out that i had std w the ML that i f raw, i treated myself and also that ML. finally all clear. i was with her for few months and realise that she is very down to earth. and finally i made her an offer to quit. she finally quit the industry. i also open up 3 MP for her to operate to keep her busy. the 3 MP has more than enough income to sustain her needs so i dun need to give her any allowance. of course i invested on those shop. i charge rental to the MP on std market rate plus some amount to take back my renovation cost.
since half year back life has been good except some quarrel about her ex cust keep looking for her and send some slew messages which i really dislike. since then she change her number and wechat and thing are moving good now.
till this day, if you ask me whether i made a right decision, my answer is i really dont know. does it make business sense? my answer is not. am I happy w it? my answer is yes. how long will it last? will she be faithful to me? i guess yes till that day happened then see how. i cant predict what going to happen but i just feel happy that i made this decision and stop f around and just stay faithful w one. some say i stupid.. because of 1 tree i give up whole forest.. some say this is right decision. but i cant care that much. i just do it and feel happy w it then i continue when i met the right person.
whether i will make her to become my wife? i do not know. let nature take the course ba..
next thing is about whether i mind if she was ML and worked for few years.. starting yes. but now i feel no. one of the reason is while i dun think i touch more cb than her touching other ppl dick, but definitely i f more cb than she get f by others.
wishing u nice day and stay safe!
Of course, its a good decision bro, even though i dont know you personally, as long as happy can liao, thats what I feel. The 3MP should be making a lot of $$$ especially in these convid situation. Maybe next step should be join name buy property ba, like this maybe have some security. As long as your heart is at peace of that she was a ML and that you all are blissful now thats most important, as what will happen 5-10 years cannot predict one, happy can liao.
07-07-2021, 03:09 PM
Hi All,
it has been quite awhile since my last post many months back.
i have been low profile for awhile and trying to keep my life as simple as possible and only stay faithful w one ML instead of sleeping w many ML and f around. thing are moving in good direction and seem like my life also getting better.
just to update what happened. after found out that i had std w the ML that i f raw, i treated myself and also that ML. finally all clear. i was with her for few months and realise that she is very down to earth. and finally i made her an offer to quit. she finally quit the industry. i also open up 3 MP for her to operate to keep her busy. the 3 MP has more than enough income to sustain her needs so i dun need to give her any allowance. of course i invested on those shop. i charge rental to the MP on std market rate plus some amount to take back my renovation cost.
since half year back life has been good except some quarrel about her ex cust keep looking for her and send some slew messages which i really dislike. since then she change her number and wechat and thing are moving good now.
till this day, if you ask me whether i made a right decision, my answer is i really dont know. does it make business sense? my answer is not. am I happy w it? my answer is yes. how long will it last? will she be faithful to me? i guess yes till that day happened then see how. i cant predict what going to happen but i just feel happy that i made this decision and stop f around and just stay faithful w one. some say i stupid.. because of 1 tree i give up whole forest.. some say this is right decision. but i cant care that much. i just do it and feel happy w it then i continue when i met the right person.
whether i will make her to become my wife? i do not know. let nature take the course ba..
next thing is about whether i mind if she was ML and worked for few years.. starting yes. but now i feel no. one of the reason is while i dun think i touch more cb than her touching other ppl dick, but definitely i f more cb than she get f by others.
wishing u nice day and stay safe!
thanks for sharing, wish you a blissful and happy life together, if both of you enjoy each other's company then that is all that matters, whatever happens just face it together!
不在乎天長地久 只在乎曾經擁有
07-07-2021, 03:17 PM
Don't worry be happy time r short
U ans to nobody just yrself just do what u want n follow yr heart as long as u don't hurt anyone leave no regret
Best wishes to u bro :)
Typically I would envision there will be lots of trust issues between the 2 of you and that leads to quarrels and all because of the way you all met.
That’s what happen to me previously, and we didn’t proceed any further after meeting her family in China.
I would advise to think real hard for your next step Bro. And once you decided, weed out the negatives and just proceed onwards.
Good luck
07-07-2021, 04:51 PM
U sound like u are very rich bro. With your standard, why dun u just find a SG pretty OL instead of a PRC ML?
I dun understand why so many rich & successful guys in SG like to marry PRC/Thai ML and go through so much trouble :confused:
07-07-2021, 05:16 PM
Don't worry be happy time r short
U ans to nobody just yrself just do what u want n follow yr heart as long as u don't hurt anyone leave no regret
Best wishes to u bro :)
Agree. You happy can liao. Don't need to report to anybody lah.
07-07-2021, 05:44 PM
U sound like u are very rich bro. With your standard, why dun u just find a SG pretty OL instead of a PRC ML?
I dun understand why so many rich & successful guys in SG like to marry PRC/Thai ML and go through so much trouble :confused:
To each his own
Women like to marry bad boys too
07-07-2021, 05:57 PM
There must be something from your partner attracted you that deep you decided to stay with her only, what is that something can you tell further?
08-07-2021, 04:13 AM
Hi All,
it has been quite awhile since my last post many months back.
i have been low profile for awhile and trying to keep my life as simple as possible and only stay faithful w one ML instead of sleeping w many ML and f around. thing are moving in good direction and seem like my life also getting better.
just to update what happened. after found out that i had std w the ML that i f raw, i treated myself and also that ML. finally all clear. i was with her for few months and realise that she is very down to earth. and finally i made her an offer to quit. she finally quit the industry. i also open up 3 MP for her to operate to keep her busy. the 3 MP has more than enough income to sustain her needs so i dun need to give her any allowance. of course i invested on those shop. i charge rental to the MP on std market rate plus some amount to take back my renovation cost.
since half year back life has been good except some quarrel about her ex cust keep looking for her and send some slew messages which i really dislike. since then she change her number and wechat and thing are moving good now.
till this day, if you ask me whether i made a right decision, my answer is i really dont know. does it make business sense? my answer is not. am I happy w it? my answer is yes. how long will it last? will she be faithful to me? i guess yes till that day happened then see how. i cant predict what going to happen but i just feel happy that i made this decision and stop f around and just stay faithful w one. some say i stupid.. because of 1 tree i give up whole forest.. some say this is right decision. but i cant care that much. i just do it and feel happy w it then i continue when i met the right person.
whether i will make her to become my wife? i do not know. let nature take the course ba..
next thing is about whether i mind if she was ML and worked for few years.. starting yes. but now i feel no. one of the reason is while i dun think i touch more cb than her touching other ppl dick, but definitely i f more cb than she get f by others.
wishing u nice day and stay safe!
bro which mp u open? i go and support
08-07-2021, 09:31 AM
Hi daniel6969. You are so kind. Best of luck to you and her and your business.
08-07-2021, 10:52 AM
U sound like u are very rich bro. With your standard, why dun u just find a SG pretty OL instead of a PRC ML?
I dun understand why so many rich & successful guys in SG like to marry PRC/Thai ML and go through so much trouble :confused:
maybe if you marry a sg lady you will understand. either that or your sg wife damn nice to you.
08-07-2021, 11:07 AM
Advise from NL
How come no one ask who this girl is and what's her story? :confused: Chio leh. :p ML ah? Too many accessories though. Should just choose a simple pair of earrings, a plunging necklace and no bracelet. Although I know the earrings, ring and necklace comes in a set lah
08-07-2021, 11:31 AM
How come no one ask who this girl is and what's her story? :confused: Chio leh. :p ML ah? Too many accessories though. Should just choose a simple pair of earrings, a plunging necklace and no bracelet. Although I know the earrings, ring and necklace comes in a set lah
We all assume is Female Main Character loh.
08-07-2021, 11:38 AM
How come no one ask who this girl is and what's her story? :confused: Chio leh. :p ML ah? Too many accessories though. Should just choose a simple pair of earrings, a plunging necklace and no bracelet. Although I know the earrings, ring and necklace comes in a set lah
This one DCP bro need to be andy lau to woo hahahaha.
08-07-2021, 11:56 AM
We all assume is Female Main Character loh.
Photo posted by a different guy. Not TS
08-07-2021, 12:16 PM
Photo posted by a different guy. Not TS
A lot of random pics also pop up at other threads.
08-07-2021, 12:40 PM
thanks all for the best wishes!
what attracted me is her character and of course the overall appearance. she is no the most beautiful ML that you imagine but normal2 look. in her group, probably she is the last one that ppl notice.
i cant tell which MP. cos you guys can easily know who i am exactly and also my gf.. we always in shop most of the time.
08-07-2021, 02:36 PM
Hi All,
it has been quite awhile since my last post many months back.
i have been low profile for awhile and trying to keep my life as simple as possible and only stay faithful w one ML instead of sleeping w many ML and f around. thing are moving in good direction and seem like my life also getting better.
just to update what happened. after found out that i had std w the ML that i f raw, i treated myself and also that ML. finally all clear. i was with her for few months and realise that she is very down to earth. and finally i made her an offer to quit. she finally quit the industry. i also open up 3 MP for her to operate to keep her busy. the 3 MP has more than enough income to sustain her needs so i dun need to give her any allowance. of course i invested on those shop. i charge rental to the MP on std market rate plus some amount to take back my renovation cost.
since half year back life has been good except some quarrel about her ex cust keep looking for her and send some slew messages which i really dislike. since then she change her number and wechat and thing are moving good now.
till this day, if you ask me whether i made a right decision, my answer is i really dont know. does it make business sense? my answer is not. am I happy w it? my answer is yes. how long will it last? will she be faithful to me? i guess yes till that day happened then see how. i cant predict what going to happen but i just feel happy that i made this decision and stop f around and just stay faithful w one. some say i stupid.. because of 1 tree i give up whole forest.. some say this is right decision. but i cant care that much. i just do it and feel happy w it then i continue when i met the right person.
whether i will make her to become my wife? i do not know. let nature take the course ba..
next thing is about whether i mind if she was ML and worked for few years.. starting yes. but now i feel no. one of the reason is while i dun think i touch more cb than her touching other ppl dick, but definitely i f more cb than she get f by others.
wishing u nice day and stay safe!
Bro you doing well than most average singaporean. Being happy and no money or health issue. I feel as long both side can accept both past and face the critism from family and friends together should be fine.
From what I see she quite independent and not a liability by managing and contributing both future. Look like you trust her too which is good sign.
Just curious, how do u introduce her to your family or friends? Like how u met etc? This will be quite a challenge. And especially if she is ang pai where possible some will recognise.
08-07-2021, 08:46 PM
Wonder if I see wrongly, TS open 3 MP for her? That is quite a bit of investment.
08-07-2021, 08:57 PM
Wonder if I see wrongly, TS open 3 MP for her? That is quite a bit of investment.
That’s the amazing part, TS connections must be quite extensive. Each cat 3 MP licence is minimum 5 months in the wait; even takeover … few months opened 3 is astonishing. Faster than bubble tea joints.
08-07-2021, 09:46 PM
Respect to the TS. Big hearted man, walk your own path and most importantly be happy and at peace.
09-07-2021, 10:01 AM
How come no one ask who this girl is and what's her story? :confused: Chio leh. :p ML ah? Too many accessories though. Should just choose a simple pair of earrings, a plunging necklace and no bracelet. Although I know the earrings, ring and necklace comes in a set lah
this one is local socialite/influ-enzer Novita Lam.
09-07-2021, 10:59 AM
Bro you doing well than most average singaporean. Being happy and no money or health issue. I feel as long both side can accept both past and face the critism from family and friends together should be fine.
From what I see she quite independent and not a liability by managing and contributing both future. Look like you trust her too which is good sign.
Just curious, how do u introduce her to your family or friends? Like how u met etc? This will be quite a challenge. And especially if she is ang pai where possible some will recognise.
yes she was actually angpai in one of the MP in central area. or more to west.
about introducing to family i do not have problem cos my family rely on me. although i am youngest in family but i am at level that i hv final say in family. most sibling are workign for me.. my parent not working already and rely on my support monthly. of course at the back they may say something but they respect my decision and also supported me very well. in fact my parent is the one that tell me to accept her as it's and dont think about her previous job..
about fren, yes it's a problem but i do not care that much. my fren was the one intro me to her. in fact he visited her many times for hj. and he also do whatever that he can do to her as std.. except fj. after i together with her, i stop meeting them cos they are her regular customers. and she also dun want to hv dinner together w them. so i lose a group of kaki that always cheong MP together previously
09-07-2021, 11:02 AM
That’s the amazing part, TS connections must be quite extensive. Each cat 3 MP licence is minimum 5 months in the wait; even takeover … few months opened 3 is astonishing. Faster than bubble tea joints.
only 1 start fr scratch. .the other 2 took over together with the tua pek kong and all exiting arrangement intact. then close down for awhile for reno then open back.
09-07-2021, 12:16 PM
yes she was actually angpai in one of the MP in central area. or more to west.
about introducing to family i do not have problem cos my family rely on me. although i am youngest in family but i am at level that i hv final say in family. most sibling are workign for me.. my parent not working already and rely on my support monthly. of course at the back they may say something but they respect my decision and also supported me very well. in fact my parent is the one that tell me to accept her as it's and dont think about her previous job..
about fren, yes it's a problem but i do not care that much. my fren was the one intro me to her. in fact he visited her many times for hj. and he also do whatever that he can do to her as std.. except fj. after i together with her, i stop meeting them cos they are her regular customers. and she also dun want to hv dinner together w them. so i lose a group of kaki that always cheong MP together previously
its not easy bro. Jiayou!! +14
09-07-2021, 12:30 PM
maybe if you marry a sg lady you will understand. either that or your sg wife damn nice to you.
Hahaha.. don't say marry or mai stead, during the flirting process with sg girls already can vomit blood sometimes..
09-07-2021, 01:45 PM
yes she was actually angpai in one of the MP in central area. or more to west.
about introducing to family i do not have problem cos my family rely on me. although i am youngest in family but i am at level that i hv final say in family. most sibling are workign for me.. my parent not working already and rely on my support monthly. of course at the back they may say something but they respect my decision and also supported me very well. in fact my parent is the one that tell me to accept her as it's and dont think about her previous job..
about fren, yes it's a problem but i do not care that much. my fren was the one intro me to her. in fact he visited her many times for hj. and he also do whatever that he can do to her as std.. except fj. after i together with her, i stop meeting them cos they are her regular customers. and she also dun want to hv dinner together w them. so i lose a group of kaki that always cheong MP together previously
frens you may loose some but you will gain some too, but usually family is more important to placate as related by blood.
kudos bro, it really takes alot of courage to take that leap of faith in view of the potential gossips or comments, just soldier on!
09-07-2021, 06:08 PM
this one is local socialite/influ-enzer Novita Lam.
Thanks. I understand who NL is now. It was mentioned in another thread
09-07-2021, 10:42 PM
Hey bro, as long u r happy u dun really own anyone an explanation. Just make sure u have a backup plan if things go south. All the best bro.
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