View Full Version : Durex 2 in 1 massage gel

01-04-2008, 01:42 AM
Just done with my gf 3mins ago. She is now cleaning herself in the toilet.

Just now when we were on our way home, passed by petrol station and i stop for a refill. Pay at the counter and saw this gel. Looks like a diblo (Sex toy, wrong spelling). Bought it and thinking of having a good bonk tonite.

Reach home, she asked watz so big thing inside my pouch. Lan lan take out. She smile and go to bath. Come out nia...


but wat is diff is that i insert the whole fuking bottle inside her and she was screamming in PLEASUREQQQQQ its so big that even her mouth canot take the size.

Bro, go to buy one and u will know. My gf love it. I gonna go b4 she saw mi posting this. Will discusss again tml when i have time.

Enjoy and good bonk tonite!

01-04-2008, 08:01 AM
Which station

01-04-2008, 08:08 AM
seems like a good product :)

01-04-2008, 08:49 AM
Wow bro is the bottle bigger than your kuku ... if it is next time she dont want your kuku want the bottle how ... :D

01-04-2008, 09:35 AM
Useful information, just to check is it available at every petrol kiosk and is it a new product.

01-04-2008, 01:57 PM
thought it's been around for quite a long while.

01-04-2008, 03:43 PM
but wat is diff is that i insert the whole fuking bottle inside her and she was screamming in PLEASUREQQQQQ its so big that even her mouth canot take the size.

wah...old uncle cannot understand how can you insert the whole
bottle inside her, old uncle idea you rub gel on didi and insert into her,
not the bottle, no wonder her mouth open big big lah ....

da jie
01-04-2008, 03:52 PM
Maybe thats why it is 2 in 1 .... gel for rubbing and bottle to act as dildo .... :D

01-04-2008, 04:33 PM
Maybe thats why it is 2 in 1 .... gel for rubbing and bottle to act as dildo .... :D

but he no say use gel, he say he insert the whole
bottle into her leh .... must be really painful leh ...
how cum can enjoy ?

da jie
01-04-2008, 04:41 PM
Haha quite true what you said. Somemore it is damn big ,..... siao , if me wont insert something that big ... use long liao , next time become lah kopi, how?

01-04-2008, 04:57 PM
Just done with my gf 3mins ago. She is now cleaning herself in the toilet.

Are u exaggerating or being insensitive? U write a FR 3 mins after making love with your gf? Shouldn't u be hugging her longer after the deed? Why rush to type when you are afraid of her catching u typing? You can easily type after sending her home. :cool:

01-04-2008, 05:01 PM
I foresee 3 situation here.


1. He has the same tool size as the bottle, but bottle doesn't go weak
2. She prefers bigger sized entries, fisting possible?
3. He "gan zheong' and mistyped.


01-04-2008, 05:07 PM
YouTube - Durex Massage 2 in 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFWL3Czslik)


01-04-2008, 05:11 PM
Are u exaggerating or being insensitive? U write a FR 3 mins after making love with your gf? Shouldn't u be hugging her longer after the deed? Why rush to type when you are afraid of her catching u typing? You can easily type after sending her home.

Maybe he so successful with the dildo thingy must quick quick share with us .... :D

01-04-2008, 07:51 PM
Wow bro is the bottle bigger than your kuku ... if it is next time she dont want your kuku want the bottle how ... :D

LOL!!! That's a good one! That's going to be a damn pathetic matter to him if it really happens :D

01-04-2008, 09:23 PM
Wow bro is the bottle bigger than your kuku ... if it is next time she dont want your kuku want the bottle how ... :D

Same logic as dun ever let woman watch european porn movies.:D. Es[ those African countries

01-04-2008, 11:49 PM
Which station

ANy esso lo.

01-04-2008, 11:54 PM
Wow bro is the bottle bigger than your kuku ... if it is next time she dont want your kuku want the bottle how ... :D

Yes... i must admit... Its bigger than mine. hahahhaa

02-04-2008, 12:09 AM
but wat is diff is that i insert the whole fuking bottle inside her and she was screamming in PLEASUREQQQQQ its so big that even her mouth canot take the size.

Wah bro u fierce leh the bottle so big u stuff it into ur gf pussy..... u not scare next time when she walk she will ka kui kui ar :D just joking la no offence

02-04-2008, 12:22 AM
but wat is diff is that i insert the whole fuking bottle inside her and she was screamming in PLEASUREQQQQQ its so big that even her mouth canot take the size.

Wah bro u fierce leh the bottle so big u stuff it into ur gf pussy..... u not scare next time when she walk she will ka kui kui ar :D just joking la no offence

da jie
02-04-2008, 07:24 PM
Yes... i must admit... Its bigger than mine. hahahhaa

:eek: so bro are u going to use it somemore .... maybe it is even bigger than African Americans kuku .. wait leng leng .. hmmmm.

tongkat ali
03-04-2008, 09:30 AM
i think the ts is a very young man
let me explain hor the gel in question
use to sold in all 7-11 and petrol kiosk
shape and size is very different from what you
see in the video the singapore version is smaller
and the bottle is pink in colour can be use as a sex toy but
i never try
come to the product the term 2-1 does nor means that is can
be use as a sex toy and a lub lah ok !!!!
the 2-1 mean that the gel can be use to massage and also a lub
try before good it is like deep heat when you start the action
the thing is like a normal lub and when the action becomes
faster and faster the lub becomes warmer and warmer sure make
the woman buay tahan now a days dunno why never sell already.

03-04-2008, 09:54 AM
:eek: so TS wrong liao ... anyway, maybe the size suits Ang Moh chabor ...

03-04-2008, 10:58 AM
Tat bottle so big... Sure very pain... :eek:

03-04-2008, 12:29 PM
Tat bottle so big... Sure very pain... :eek:

ho...ho...ho... nat nat, you try try before meh ?
share share your experience leh ?

03-04-2008, 05:37 PM
the 2-1 mean that the gel can be use to massage and also a lub
try before good it is like deep heat when you start the action

Haha... This is good joke... 2-1 having 2 different meaning... LOL

03-04-2008, 06:05 PM
Haha, I think maybe the product manufacturer deliberately mislead people ... or TS misunderstood or din read the small print :D

03-04-2008, 06:31 PM
ho...ho...ho... nat nat, you try try before meh ?
share share your experience leh ?

Haha.. Never try before... Dildo den have.. :p But will feel pain lei... Imagine dildo already pain liao... den tat bottle go in den hw wor... :(

07-04-2008, 01:08 PM
Haha.. Never try before... Dildo den have.. :p But will feel pain lei... Imagine dildo already pain liao... den tat bottle go in den hw wor... :(

Hee..hee..hee..old uncle like cat like that, boring so go to watsons check
check, looking here looking there, looking up looking down, wah...
heng ah ... saw the bottle "DUREX 2 IN 1 MASSAGE" down down
below, poor uncle back bone cracked legs weak weak, squat down
and take one to see see read read.

Ha..ha..ha.. the bottle really fat fat one and letter small small
old uncle got bad eyesight have difficulty reading, it say the oil can
use for massage on body and lubrication on intimate area, even on
condom also can, think that's why call 2 in 1.

Now I know why TS Ah Tee's girlfriend mouth big big, the bottle
is too big than a dildo, not for inserting into vagina one, alamak
dont know how he can do it to his gf....

Nat Nat, dildo should be enjoy one mah, also pain one meh ... you
buy wrong one too big for you ah ??? Luckily you didn't try the
2 in 1, the bottle is really fat fat one ...

07-04-2008, 03:34 PM
Wow shaft such a big one in, your ger still can tahan ,..... got check whether she last time got bonk with ang moh bo ...

12-04-2008, 03:17 AM
Yes... i must admit... Its bigger than mine. hahahhaa

haha, Bro, you very funny...... I dont understand why you so happy trying to loosen up your gf. Next time you how to satisfy her anymore?!?! And you still come here post to recommend to everyone else? haha :D Joker man!!

13-04-2008, 09:16 PM
Wow bro,

u better stop ur gf from using before she addicted to it and u r finished :D