View Full Version : Encouragement to all Newbies Seeking FL contacts
12-04-2008, 11:19 AM
Dear Boss / Senior Bros, I had decided to start this thread as I feel that as a newbie who received so much help from Senior Bros myself over the past months, I should now pass on what I had received to newbies here.
Dearest Newbie Bros,
By now, you should know why you are called newbie, no offence to you guys, I am also a Newbie myself. (do read all the stikies on Newbies do and don't before you carry on reading this thread ok) Thanks.
When I started off as a Newbie, my intention was to get more FL contacts and also share with Senior Bros my bonking accounts and my good FL contacts.
We all start off as a 10 pointer, so long we follow the "newbies do & don't" chances are, we will not get zapped of our points for nothing. As a 10 pointer and without any good FRs, I agree it is very difficult for Senior Bros to share with us their FL gems. Pls take note tht this is not becuse our Senior Bros are "Yayah" or Selfish or Bullying Newbie, do not have such perception. There are so many reasons that if you use your Brain to ponder and as time goes by, you will understand the rational of why some Senior Bros insist on FRs or Minimium Reputation power in order to share FL contacts with you. Also pls do not have the perception that they want to share with samsters with Power so that they can earn reputation points, this is also a WRONG perception.... ... like I said, think deep, think security reasons and thingy like that ok... ..
So we as newbie may start to think : "like this I will not get FLs contact forever lah"... ... Newbie Bros, pls do not be negative here, I also think in this way before.. .. look at some Newbie Bros here including myself, how come we can get our reputation points ? Tio Boh ?? We was once like u also 10 pointer mah, tio boh ?? Bros, if you were to seriously go into detail in the FL dome, some Bros or some OKT need not you to have certain reputation points to get a contact, you can start with these FLs, post good FRs after trying.
Good FRs meaning Honest FR Bros, do not over inflate the rating on the FLs, especially with so many season Chiongsters and Senior Bros around, a Fake FR will be exposed in no time... ...
Do not feel left out should you think that you are not able to post a Good Steamy FR, yes, everyone like to read steamy stories, including myself, so long your FRs are Honest ratings with good intention of sharing with Senior Bros here, trust me your efforts will Surely Be Appreciated !
12-04-2008, 11:28 AM
Bro fully agree with you
Your "share price" already up so fast hor, ( I mean you rep pt)
ha ha
12-04-2008, 11:37 AM
... .. do not be discourage after trying a few PMs and not getting any contact, somehow or rather, trust me, you will get get a contact.
After a few FRs, you will begin to feel that Senior Bros is willing to accept you as part of the Chiong family and you will start to receive more reply from senior Bros when requesting for FLs contacts.
Next :
After happily bonking with all the new and good FL contacts from Senior Bros, you will realise that there are some Gems that senior Bros will only share with Bros of certain Points or Power... ... u will also want badly to try out these Gems but half the time, you will not meet the requirements at all.. ... once again, like I had earlier said, do not have the wrong or negative perception on the requirements, if you are not qualified, you should think of how to go about making yourself qualified for these gems... ... tio boh ? or are you already comfortable with the contacts you have ?? What happens when your FL contacts dry up and you do not have enough Reputation points to Qualify for some of the contacts you are really keen on ?? :rolleyes:
12-04-2008, 11:39 AM
Bro fully agree with you
Your "share price" already up so fast hor, ( I mean you rep pt)
ha ha
Bro JJjumper, ha ha... .. nothing compare to your power leh... :D
Bro thanks for agreeing with me yah ! I am posting this cos as a newbie last time, I face problems also lah... .. so encourage Bros lah... ..
12-04-2008, 11:57 AM
... .. do not be discourage after trying a few PMs and not getting any contact, somehow or rather, trust me, you will get get a contact.
After a few FRs, you will begin to feel that Senior Bros is willing to accept you as part of the Chiong family and you will start to receive more reply from senior Bros when requesting for FLs contacts.
Next :
After happily bonking with all the new and good FL contacts from Senior Bros, you will realise that there are some Gems that senior Bros will only share with Bros of certain Points or Power... ... u will also want badly to try out these Gems but half the time, you will not meet the requirements at all.. ... once again, like I had earlier said, do not have the wrong or negative perception on the requirements, if you are not qualified, you should think of how to go about making yourself qualified for these gems... ... tio boh ? or are you already comfortable with the contacts you have ?? What happens when your FL contacts dry up and you do not have enough Reputation points to Qualify for some of the contacts you are really keen on ?? :rolleyes:
Newbie Bros, I was also once in such a stage, after few FRs and constructive posts, about 15 to 16 points, not Qualify for a Gem that a Senior Bro is offering to "25 pointer and above only", I was also NEGATIVE during that time, I was thinking , wah, so "Yayah" this Senior Bro, must 25 points then can share contact... ... but Bros, I had said it earlier, do not be Negative, and this is negative thinking tio boh ?? ;)
So I looked at my points, I started with 10, now I got 15, I will strive for 25, like some Senior Bros also have it in their Signature "target = 100 points or whatever" I told myself, my target is 25. What did I do or what tips do I have ???
Newbie Bros very simple, how do you get your 1st points ??? its always thru good FRs and good contribution posting and discussion tio boh ???
So the tips is to contribute POSITIVELY and share with bros your FRs, or your positive comments thru discussions or share with Bros some FLs findings that you may have scouted... .. tio boh ???
Newbie Bros, TRUST ME and I MEAN TRUST ME, there are Senior Bros looking at postings and comments, if you post or share something good, they will encourage you with points !!! :D
Yes, I do agree that Points cannot be exchanged for $$$ in real life, but it sure can help you in getting Gems FLs... ... he he he... ...
With such attitude,
12-04-2008, 12:01 PM
.. .. it will be more meaningful for us newbies to me joining and participating in this Forum.
I wish all Newbie Bros a good time here.
Also apologise to Boss and Moderator as I intended for this thread to be on the upper column and not under this column.
Cheers ! :D
12-04-2008, 12:05 PM
To the Bro who zapped me 3 points for wasting Bandwidth and being unconstructive and saying that I got nothing better to do :
My apologies as I feel that as a Newbie facing some discouragement when I first joined, it is my duties to Encourage them and for them to fully enjoy the spirit of SBF here.
And to the Bro who zapped me 3 points :
I do admit in earlier post that I posted this in the wrong column, it is suppose to be on the upper column but this was my first time starting a thread, so not sure, pai seh... .. :(
12-04-2008, 12:24 PM
To the Bro who zapped me 3 points for wasting Bandwidth and being unconstructive and saying that I got nothing better to do :
My apologies as I feel that as a Newbie facing some discouragement when I first joined, it is my duties to Encourage them and for them to fully enjoy the spirit of SBF here.
And to the Bro who zapped me 3 points :
I do admit in earlier post that I posted this in the wrong column, it is suppose to be on the upper column but this was my first time starting a thread, so not sure, pai seh... .. :(
To Newbie Bros who happen to read this thread, do not be discourage by the above Quoted posting.
There are alot of good Senior Bros here who will help you in your progress, I got zapped 3 points by 1 Senior Bro who don't like my post, but I got upped back by another Senoir Bro who agree with what I say... .. (if you don't fully understand how the point system work, you should read a thread under reputation points system)... ..
Ok, what I want to say is, do not be discouage if some senior Bros Zapped you, (which you will surly also encounter in the process of your SBF surfing life) what just happend to me is good classic example, just like what SBF Boss had said, this is life... .. we will have our ups and downs... .. :D:D:D
Cheers and I sincerely wish all Bros a Happy Bonking Weekend !!
12-04-2008, 12:29 PM
good write up, hopefully I will be able to get my 1st FL contact soon.
12-04-2008, 12:41 PM
Good point bro, i personally joined this forum 2 months ago. But im pretty sure i have written more FRs then some of the so called Seniors who just spam the forums with posts.
I dont really care about points, if i need a contact, i will just PM the thread starter and he only have to look at my past posts to judge if im a real samster.
Dont get dishearten by Zaps and all, those bros who are fair and intellegient can tell who are the ones being serious from those who are just collecting numbers!
Nice post brother!
12-04-2008, 02:17 PM
Good point bro, i personally joined this forum 2 months ago. But im pretty sure i have written more FRs then some of the so called Seniors who just spam the forums with posts.
I dont really care about points, if i need a contact, i will just PM the thread starter and he only have to look at my past posts to judge if im a real samster.
Dont get dishearten by Zaps and all, those bros who are fair and intellegient can tell who are the ones being serious from those who are just collecting numbers!
Nice post brother!
agree with you bro!
i have been zap for god knoes what reasons...
but i stand by my FRs..
is kinda of hit and miss in getting FL contacts but i believe if u perservere it will come..
12-04-2008, 06:00 PM
Thanks bro for the advice:)
12-04-2008, 11:27 PM
Bro TS,
Me too hopefully can get my 1st FL contact soon... hahahaaaa
A Newbie in this forum does not equal to newbie in cheonging, as well as senior in this forum does not equal to senior in cheonging..
hahahaa, I'm been cheonging for about 7 years but a new bird in this forum..
So, i'm still newbie?
Anyway, I will still have to play by the Rules and Regulation in this prestigious forum...
Happy Bonking Brothers Hahahaaa
13-04-2008, 12:13 PM
ya agree to get your 1st point is really tough.
but with so many OKTs website flying around with LOS
this FL contact sharing is more or less for PRCs, locals and others
13-04-2008, 02:02 PM
I have been surfing in sammyboy forum for years. It serves as a solid guide for my chionging experience. Many bros provide accurate tips, advices and FRs to guide fellow cheongsters. Its only recently that i signed up as a forum member to contribute my own thoughts and experience.
So far my experience as a newbie forum member has been positive. I have gotten some contact from bros who are open to sharing and recently got up some rep for my postings.
Got some bro nv reply to my request for contacts but its their right to reject after all.
Be positive, contribute and things will go well.
13-04-2008, 05:41 PM
Yes everyone has to start somewhere... :)
14-04-2008, 09:16 AM
Dont get dishearten by Zaps and all, those bros who are fair and intellegient can tell who are the ones being serious from those who are just collecting numbers!
Nice post brother!
Bro, I agree with you, there are alot of senior Bros who are fair and intelligent here :D
Cheers and Happy Bonking !
14-04-2008, 11:37 AM
agree with you bro!
is kinda of hit and miss in getting FL contacts but i believe if u perservere it will come..
Bro Jabwemet, u had said it ! :D perservere, and not forgetting a Honest FR will help !
Cheers !
14-04-2008, 12:33 PM
Like i have said many times...
the easiest and fastest way to get your rep points up is to go out on the field(chatline,geylang.HC,KTVs etc) and find a nice bonk, get her contacts and permission to introduce more bros to her, do a FR here(make sure its honest) and voila....i'm pretty sure you will get your 25 rep points within the 1st or 2nd try.
Problem is lotsa newbies dun bother to contribute and just waiting to be spoon fed..and these are the black sheeps that caused the "unwillingness" to share contacts with newbies(at least for me anyway)
just my 2 cents.
15-04-2008, 10:44 AM
Bro TS,
Me too hopefully can get my 1st FL contact soon... hahahaaaa
A Newbie in this forum does not equal to newbie in cheonging, as well as senior in this forum does not equal to senior in cheonging..
hahahaa, I'm been cheonging for about 7 years but a new bird in this forum..
So, i'm still newbie?
Anyway, I will still have to play by the Rules and Regulation in this prestigious forum...
Happy Bonking Brothers Hahahaaa
Bro, thats the spirit man, we join SBF so we play by the rules here.. .. :D me also been chionging for donkey years and used to have an old SBF account many years back but forgotten the id and password, so start again... .. :D
But rest assured that if you are a season Chiongster, this is the place for U Bro !
Cheers and happy bonking ! :D
Prostate Intact
15-04-2008, 02:44 PM
Thanks to bro VG for the insightful sharing. I am a newbie in sbf and thoroughly enjoyed reading the FRs from many bros. I tell you some of you samsters are so good and vivid with the details of your exploits that I can't help but beg for the contacts!
Newbies like us will do well to remember to be patient and try to contribute whenever we can to gain enough brownies someday. I will not be discouraged even if I get zapped becos I believe in democracy and ppl have a right to censure me if I post irresponsibly or in the wrong threads.
So newbie bros, let's enjoy and hope that senior bros will be kind enough to share their gems with us one day!
Happy bonking in the meantime... from your own resources, keke
16-04-2008, 09:06 AM
I have been surfing in sammyboy forum for years. It serves as a solid guide for my chionging experience. Many bros provide accurate tips, advices and FRs to guide fellow cheongsters. Its only recently that i signed up as a forum member to contribute my own thoughts and experience.
So far my experience as a newbie forum member has been positive. I have gotten some contact from bros who are open to sharing and recently got up some rep for my postings.
Got some bro nv reply to my request for contacts but its their right to reject after all.
Be positive, contribute and things will go well.
Bro, thats the spirit ! Be positive here, I see that u already got your first few points ! :D
More points will come if you continue with this spirit, but remember, not to be discourage if some Bros zap u ok.
But like I said in my earlier posting, there are alot of Senior Bros going around helping people like us and giving encouragement points. So lets enjoy the the fun of this forum together.
Happy Bonking. :D
16-04-2008, 09:17 AM
To the very Senior Bro who upped me and leaving a signature [.]
Very sorry I cannot locate you in the forum, can I know who you are so that I can thank you and wish you well.
Thanks Bro ! :D
16-04-2008, 09:47 AM
actually for starters, trying to earn that 1st power is not easy, l noe, becos l am a passer by.
But jus perserve on and 1 thing to add, be humble and not arrogant, ppl dun like arrogant ppl. And not only tat, patronise more and write more FR. Senior samster will notice and jus uppz u wifout u saying.
some newbies can jus pm u and then ask for contact like as if l own them sumtinz. Ask properly in the pm, and Thank ppl for the contact if u get it, if u didnt get a reply back, dun worry, there are still many other lobangs here mah :D
16-04-2008, 11:15 AM
To the Bro who zap me 2 points without leaving nick and saying "I post this thread to seek attenton and points and wasting bandwidth" :
Bro, let me say this, I post this to Help our Newbie Bros in SBF, as I myself is also newbie and wish to encourage all newbie bros.
Does Newbie have power to up me ? If I want point and attention, why don't I go up Senior Bros with alot of power and hope for a up in return ?
Its not the 2 points that u zap which annoyed me, I start this thread so that New Bros who join will not get discourage when seeking FL contact or when got zapped by people like u :mad: (if u were to read my thread properly).
I am helping newbie, all without power and points here, some still under (M), can I get points from them ? What are u talking about ?? :confused:
Anyway, feel no offense, u have the right to zap me as it is the rules of the game here. So cheers and hope you will like my future post / contributation. :D
16-04-2008, 01:00 PM
Bro, thats the spirit ! Be positive here, I see that u already got your first few points ! :D
More points will come if you continue with this spirit, but remember, not to be discourage if some Bros zap u ok.
But like I said in my earlier posting, there are alot of Senior Bros going around helping people like us and giving encouragement points. So lets enjoy the the fun of this forum together.
Happy Bonking. :D
I just get my first few virgin points and also more recently today just got my virgin zap too haha.
Hey thanks Bro VanGogh for your support for all newbies.
16-04-2008, 01:41 PM
here some tips for newbies :
1. Dont ask for free contacts like samster here own u a living.
2. Get your first FL contacts and share with samster here...honest one...
3. being zapped...dont shout around in forum - u will get mass zap by doing so...
4. being honest and sharing of FL contacts...senior will notice u and will up u in time to come..
5. as a what others said..pls take the first move...go to KTV, HC, GL...hunting and u will get more in return...
cheers to everyone ...peace...
16-04-2008, 03:44 PM
Well Said Bro shanghaifun,will try to upz everyone in this thread starting with bro shanghaifun tonite..We are all here to share .
17-04-2008, 10:15 AM
Well Said Bro shanghaifun,will try to upz everyone in this thread starting with bro shanghaifun tonite..We are all here to share .
Bro Night70, thanks for the idea and taking the lead as a Senior Bro, since I started this thread, I will also up all the bros who contribute positively in this thread here once my power is back tomorrow.
But Bro Night70, don't have to up me as like I said in my earlier posting, I started this as I am a newbie also and want to help and share with all newbie bros here.
Your post is a good enough encouragement for myself, leave your power for the new bros who posted positively here :D
Thanks for your support Bro ! :D
17-04-2008, 10:25 AM
Thanksk for encouragement
17-04-2008, 10:25 AM
After reading this thread.
only n faster way to get contact from other is to share with other 1st:D
Thanks TS.
17-04-2008, 06:58 PM
My recently zap tells me that some samsters here can be quite liberal in their zapping haha.
According to what i read , it takes a long time to zap or up the same person again. How does it work ? Any kind bro can explain.
If this is how i think it works then newbies like me can take heart that there are only that limited amount free zapping samsters out there. With every zap there is one less person who will zap you freely so the chance for upping gets higher with every zap. That is provided we newbies give neutral or constructive comments.
However if we were to give fake frs, stupid, negative or lame posting or start a word war then potential for getting zap will be limitless haha.
18-04-2008, 09:16 AM
According to what i read , it takes a long time to zap or up the same person again. How does it work ? Any kind bro can explain.
If this is how i think it works then newbies like me can take heart that there are only that limited amount free zapping samsters out there. With every zap there is one less person who will zap you freely so the chance for upping gets higher with every zap. That is provided we newbies give neutral or constructive comments.
However if we were to give fake frs, stupid, negative or lame posting or start a word war then potential for getting zap will be limitless haha.
Bro, the person can only re-zap you after he upped or zapped another 1000 bros here. The whole cycle will take another 3 years. Which is a good system, but do bear in mind that mess zapping is allowed and do not behave "lan si lan yong" in this forum to get mess zap... :D if u don't understand what is "lan si lan yong", ask your hokkien friends... .. :D
Anyway, saw that u got zapped off 1 point (i dunno what is it for but hope u had learn from the zapping). I wil have the honour to up you your first point in this forum! :D
Cheers Bro ! and remember to share and take care of newbie bros when you become Powerful and senior !:D
18-04-2008, 10:41 PM
Thanks to Bro Night70 and Bro Vangohn for your encouragement in words as well as rep
18-04-2008, 11:06 PM
wonder if i should add abit of my humble experience...
Though i have joined this forum for some time, i just started to contribute of late ...however i must admit that to share or not to share its a matter of senior bros here taking the 1st step to "trust" newbies. (by somehow, senior bros here can identify those with multi nick n those with single sign in nick.)
i started off getting to share n write FR from being accepted to join LOS groups and post geniune FR. (reason being, if u fake sure will be spotted n label...) so i believe if need to get some points in order to "level up" or build up the trustworthiness of coz need to start off somewhere somehow. i dont seek returns in terms of points as i usually wrote FRs whenever i bonk LOS girls (reason being i wrote inside the groups without stating my nick in SBF.) and due to recent flops on my career, i have temp drop LOS group. (cant resist sometimes...haha)
i must also kudos to some bros here who really putting this trust on me however i must admit i am not regular cheongster (OC very strict:( plus vit M very limited) n i must also admit that there are times that i cant make it in time to bonk after getting contact. (to be honest with you, i apologised, make the effort to PM bros that shared the contact and be truthful...)
for the above is my 2 cents humble exp...
19-04-2008, 10:10 AM
wonder if i should add abit of my humble experience...
Though i have joined this forum for some time, i just started to contribute of late ...however i must admit that to share or not to share its a matter of senior bros here taking the 1st step to "trust" newbies. (by somehow, senior bros here can identify those with multi nick n those with single sign in nick.)
i started off getting to share n write FR from being accepted to join LOS groups and post geniune FR. (reason being, if u fake sure will be spotted n label...) so i believe if need to get some points in order to "level up" or build up the trustworthiness of coz need to start off somewhere somehow. i dont seek returns in terms of points as i usually wrote FRs whenever i bonk LOS girls (reason being i wrote inside the groups without stating my nick in SBF.) and due to recent flops on my career, i have temp drop LOS group. (cant resist sometimes...haha)
i must also kudos to some bros here who really putting this trust on me however i must admit i am not regular cheongster (OC very strict:( plus vit M very limited) n i must also admit that there are times that i cant make it in time to bonk after getting contact. (to be honest with you, i apologised, make the effort to PM bros that shared the contact and be truthful...)
Bro, thanks for sharing your experience, btw, eh eh... .
Can you tell me what is LOS goup ha ?? :rolleyes:
19-04-2008, 10:16 AM
Bro, thanks for sharing your experience, btw, eh eh... .
Can you tell me what is LOS goup ha ?? :rolleyes:
bro~ LOS (land of smiles) thai girls yahoo group~ :D:p
Nice thread, very encouraging for newbies to contribute to the forum without fears of being "zapped"
Had been zapped many times myself and it is frustrating when you are just voicing your thots but hey its part of the game so if you wanna play it, you gotta stick by it.
20-05-2008, 11:30 PM
i guess the we just have to be positive, forward looking and perservere...agree that you ware bound to get zapped along the way but if you have your reasons and if bros here agree, i'm sure your ups will outweigh your zaps...just my 3 cents :)
05-01-2011, 11:54 AM
Thanks bro for the encouragement.. As a newbie, may I ask how to PM? As I tried numerous times and still can't pm anyone ;(
10-01-2011, 11:07 PM
good thread by bro vangogh :D
10-01-2011, 11:16 PM
thanks for the advice bro
11-01-2011, 04:09 AM
1 bump for the morning!
I do not know for sure, but it seems nowadays "regular" chongster (non paying user) will have difficulity to start a thread for a gem found, and keep it going. When I 1st joined, I was lucky to encounter a gem newly arrived, and started a thread to share, the thread last for 2 months, till the FL left our shores. The second thread I started for another FL few months later, got closed just after few days, and my account became restricted. It took me some time to convince BOSS that I am just a regular chongster, non profit party, before the restrictions are removed.
Eversince, I have not started any threads for new Gems encountered, thou managed to hoot a few that was really enjoyable. So how is the situation now for non paying TS? Does BOSS still allow nonpayer to start and continue a thread for FL found, esp those that will be in sgp only for a short time.
So now, less time hunting, spent more time QC those FL posted, trying my luck and see if tio tikum. :D
Do not have new lobang to share, but atleast contribute honest FRs for those FL that really deserve them. :cool:
11-01-2011, 05:53 AM
thanks for all e useful info bro !
11-01-2011, 08:44 AM
A thousand kudos to bro VanGohr. Wish i can up u. Feel much relief after reading tis thread. Was trying hard to blend into tis exciting community. Now i understood the do n dont. I like to say thank u to all the bros who zapped me n to bros who hv upped me. Hope to bcome a snr bro one day. Happy chionging n b safe ;)
13-01-2011, 10:34 PM
Thanks for the great "orientation" to SBF bro! Am trying to find my way in this great sea as well and really encouraged to see that there are some senior bros here who are willing to lend a helping hand! :D
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