View Full Version : What will happen if tested positive for HIV in pre-employment checkup?

20-10-2021, 09:27 PM
Will the company report to MOH and someone will contact you immediately?

21-10-2021, 06:28 AM
Yup. I am not sure whether they will put you as fail the employee check. It depends on the company’s criteria. Usually it is like super easy to pass one. The pre employment check is mostly to identify the pre existing conditions (more for health insurance claim). However in some situation like doctors, nurses, HIV, Hep B are critical as they deal with patients

22-10-2021, 04:11 PM
According to this, seems like the lab that do the testing will report, then someone will contact you to trace (I think): https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/default-document-library/list-of-infectious-diseases-legally-notifiable-under-the-ida.pdf

27-10-2021, 03:05 PM
Just to followup, it has been 2 weeks since I did my pre-empolyment checkup which include HIV screening. But till now the test result not shown in my healthhub and my HR also keep quiet, so where can I check my HIV result?

02-11-2021, 06:29 AM
Just to followup, it has been 2 weeks since I did my pre-empolyment checkup which include HIV screening. But till now the test result not shown in my healthhub and my HR also keep quiet, so where can I check my HIV result?

R u healthcare worker? I never hear before need to do HIV before for normal jobs. How come results will show in health hub? Can go look for Dr Tan.

Maybe not lab no manpower? Usually results will be out 1 week. Why u suspect u r HIV positive? I think quite rare la. Shouldn’t happen. Is it u worry too much?

30-11-2021, 11:49 PM
R u healthcare worker? I never hear before need to do HIV before for normal jobs. How come results will show in health hub? Can go look for Dr Tan.

Maybe not lab no manpower? Usually results will be out 1 week. Why u suspect u r HIV positive? I think quite rare la. Shouldn’t happen. Is it u worry too much?

Unless is govt jobs and you're not local I think they will call u for health check? Locals working in govt at most do simple screening and xray and urine test. But the last 2 company I joined never ask me to do check up at all

05-12-2021, 06:43 AM
Bro MIA. Either cleared and retired or in ncid