View Full Version : Indian guy and Chinese girl coupling - Whats's ur take?
26-04-2008, 11:04 PM
Seems pretty common these days. Looks like Chinese gals prefer Indian guys. What do the masses here think? Would like to know your 2-cents worth especially from Chinese guys.
Are Chinese girls slowly prefering Indian guys over Chinese guys? Let the discussion begin..
27-04-2008, 12:24 AM
I've no problem with cross racial relationships. Most of the girls who date indian guys are actually quite good looking, I've noticed. And the indian bros are usually very 'clean' looking, short crop hair, well dressed, good manners and above average body. Seldom see chinese guys with indian ladies though.
27-04-2008, 02:08 AM
I've no problem with cross racial relationships. Most of the girls who date indian guys are actually quite good looking, I've noticed. And the indian bros are usually very 'clean' looking, short crop hair, well dressed, good manners and above average body. Seldom see chinese guys with indian ladies though.
Who cares! Most of the ones came across were fucking contemptuous and even racist saying that Chinese gals prefered Indian guys. How resentful can that be?
27-04-2008, 02:37 AM
Hold it bro, why suddenly become so angry?
Whats your point in starting this thread? To say this?
27-04-2008, 02:48 AM
Hold it bro, why suddenly become so angry?
Whats your point in starting this thread? To say this?
No. To get the opinions of the masses. Was carried away just now..
27-04-2008, 03:03 AM
Bro, this thread is a potential flame bait...Just need one extremist to say his/her views here and a fire will break out. You oredi noted yourself that most are contemptuous ;)
Ya, exactly because we have masses here, and so will be the differing opinions on this sensitive matter.
From your "carried away-ness" in previous post, sounds like you have something more to tell us? Why not dive right into it and let us help with more specific advice? For a start, you're a chinese?
27-04-2008, 03:12 AM
I have no objections or whatsoever on this, but i don't think most chinese gals are going for indian guys instead i see more going for angmoh guys
27-04-2008, 03:12 AM
as long as they are happy. I also hoping to couple with a SYT local malay big boob curvy ass :p
27-04-2008, 03:25 AM
I also like malay syt with sexy big boobs and curvy hips:p
27-04-2008, 04:57 AM
i dont think so. at least i didnt see a mass or sudden increase of percentage when it comes to indian-chinese couple. i think its perfectly alright. i girl-friends who are an item with indian guys. i think its perfectly cool. we are in the 21st century. not 1950s
27-04-2008, 07:02 AM
as long as they luv each other,& they r not hurting others,who kares.
27-04-2008, 09:00 AM
IHMO more and more SG chinese men are looking for foreigner gals as potential wives, due to they more submissive and less demanding as compared to the always demanding SG gals.
SG men are highly wanted by gals from neighbouring countries, ended some of ther SG gals hv to look for indian men.:D
27-04-2008, 09:13 AM
Indian men have longer and thicker cocks. Fuck by one is very shiok, especially if they are Bollywood types (i.e. northern indians).
27-04-2008, 09:25 AM long as the couple likes each other, doesnt really matter. Nowadays there's even more ang moh girls with chinese or malay guys also! :D
But to not get carried away, most of the indian guys with the chinese girls are nice..
Basically girls like nice guys rite? heh...unless they're after his money la..:P
27-04-2008, 09:31 AM
Indian men have longer and thicker cocks. Fuck by one is very shiok, especially if they are Bollywood types (i.e. northern indians).
Dun knw if you'r a she or him??
:rolleyes: You have any experience with one???
27-04-2008, 10:48 AM
Indian men have longer and thicker cocks. Fuck by one is very shiok, especially if they are Bollywood types (i.e. northern indians).
erm not really
u know the pictures of an indian/black guy with a not bad looking chinese girl?
they were taking photos(nude and making out pics)
looks pretty small to me
like my primary sch size hha
27-04-2008, 10:49 AM
Indian men have longer and thicker cocks. Fuck by one is very shiok, especially if they are Bollywood types (i.e. northern indians).
Hey sissy you bonk by Indian men before huh? heehee..
No problem with Indian-Chinese rela. Saw a very good looking chinese gal with an indian guy on a bus stop. The chinese babe keep having fun with him, keep sitting on his lap got up and sat on it again while giving him kisses. Cute babe and equally nice guy too, made me smile to myself.
27-04-2008, 11:15 AM
I think its pretty common nowadays.
27-04-2008, 11:36 AM
no point we guys discuss this..
maybe the gals in here would like to share with us wat make you fall for others races of guys...
27-04-2008, 11:38 AM
like someone had mentioned, we're living in the 21st century.
who goes out with whom and does what, is strictly their business.
In fact I do know a handful of chinese men, who are married to indian women.
sorry if I sound out of topic.
apologise if I had offended anyone.
Maybe the chinese girl like black cock.
27-04-2008, 01:06 PM
If a Indian guy love the Chinese girl and vice versa, why not :D:D
27-04-2008, 02:05 PM
A friend of my mum married an Indian guy and had a 10+ yr old daughter. They are still happily married today. :p
27-04-2008, 02:40 PM
If a Indian guy love the Chinese girl and vice versa, why not :D:D
Sometimes, when one eats chinese food everyday, one also has craving for Roti Prata mah ...
27-04-2008, 02:48 PM
Well it's the other way round for Uncle DirtyHairy
becos I used to have two lovely fuck buddies
and they were super delicious hot Indian ladies,
one a yummy Hindustani and the other a Nepali
from them I learn lots about kamasutra and hot curries
and gee whiz them sexy Indian gals can be really jolly
usually fun to be with, but they tend to care less about their bodies
blame it on naan, toseh, lassi or even chapati
but their bodies usually become 3-size too big upon hitting 23
oso if for example Ms Indira, Anusa, Devi or Letchmi
are in no mood for sex, you can bet they will tell you "Ne hee, Ne Hee"
which means "no, no" in the Bollywood language of Hindi
Alto with one such sexy babe I almost wed
but it failed when her family insisted that our marriage can only consumate
after we danced at least an hour under a coconut tree
if even doing the waltz is hard for DirtyHairy
knn shaking head and gyrating waist so wild until kukuchiao gets dizzy:eek:
is lagi bad for Laobaby who finally opted not to marry
But to all the sweet lovely Indian babes I bonked before
I'd like to say to them "moo-see-toom-see-piah-re-heh" once more:D
27-04-2008, 03:20 PM
Indian men have longer and thicker cocks. Fuck by one is very shiok, especially if they are Bollywood types (i.e. northern indians).
apologies 4 asking a stupid question here.
why u r able 2 tell so many things of an indian guy???:o
Cyberspace Nerd
27-04-2008, 04:41 PM
lately i have noticed chinese girls (mainly gounger ones) dating malay mat guys too, especially those ride motor bikes one. anyone notice that? :confused:
27-04-2008, 04:56 PM
Those chinese girls we call them FBI trained.
FBI here stands for FUCKED BY INDIAN :D
27-04-2008, 05:29 PM
like someone had mentioned, we're living in the 21st century.
who goes out with whom and does what, is strictly their business.
In fact I do know a handful of chinese men, who are married to indian women.
sorry if I sound out of topic.
apologise if I had offended anyone.
Don't you guys feel threatened? I mean these Indian (*&*&* - replace with your fav dirty word) are taking away our Chinese gals from us and diminishing our chances of finding a beautiful gal to the point that some here have had to resort to match-making agencies to find a soulmate. Anyone here ever seen a beautiful Indian gal go out with a chinese guy? Anyone?
27-04-2008, 06:07 PM
Don't you guys feel threatened? I mean these Indian (*&*&* - replace with your fav dirty word) are taking away our Chinese gals from us and diminishing our chances of finding a beautiful gal to the point that some here have had to resort to match-making agencies to find a soulmate. Anyone here ever seen a beautiful Indian gal go out with a chinese guy? Anyone?
Bro ask if there's any Chinese guys seen with Indian ladies
Go read DirtyHairy's post here, he not only dated, one he almost marries
his didi has enjoyed those hot & jolly Indian tunkachees, oh blimey
for the record Uncle Laobaby has had not one but three
so relac lah bro...if many Chinese gals wanna up Indian didis
so can we up nice Indian hotties
oso dun worry, Indian gals oso have higher standards
bcos there are more Indians than Chinese crowned Miss Universe:D
27-04-2008, 06:52 PM
Hehe...almost settle down with one local tunkachee. Hmmm..but didnt materialise. Shes hot! Typical Hindu parents though shes not that religious. Bo yian bo yian...:( (read my sig)
27-04-2008, 10:00 PM
No big deal nowaday lah, afterall Sg is muilti racial society.
Last night I just attend a wedding between Chinese Girl and Modern North Indian Man. As long as both of them are happy. Who Cares. ;)
27-04-2008, 10:05 PM
Chinese female population in Sgp are higher than male (read that somewhere).
If they are not allowed to find non-chinese, how to balance the equation?
27-04-2008, 11:15 PM
Chinese female population in Sgp are higher than male (read that somewhere).
If they are not allowed to find non-chinese, how to balance the equation?
How come so many Chine bros here are paying a fortune to marry foreign wives when the Indian assholes are having a good time with our girls?
Me Siam Bu
27-04-2008, 11:20 PM
Those chinese girls we call them FBI trained.
FBI here stands for FUCKED BY INDIAN :D
lol ya true hee hee
27-04-2008, 11:29 PM
it's quite common to see inter-racial relationships in s'pore, i think most dont see a problem with it, even though i've seen quite a few ugly resentment, for e.g i've seen ppl acted in disgust esp when they see a pretty chinese girl with an indian or malay guys, i've seen chinese guys (young and old) glaring at those indian and malay guys or talk bad about them literally in front of the couple, most of the time the couples usually act more intimate in front of these ppl, real funny sight.
c'mon ppl it's the 21st century already :)
27-04-2008, 11:37 PM
No big deal as long as they enjoy each other, and of coz, good sex life :D We (men) can fuck angmoh, why our local sluts cant be fucked by non-chinese? big deal duh :rolleyes:
27-04-2008, 11:38 PM
From my point-of-view, if the indian guy and chinese girl loves each other it will be bliss for both of them.
But blissful life may not be easy for inter-racial marriage.
Firstly Chinese and Indian are two different races.
Though both in Sing may speak English but mother lang for chinese is mandarin and Indian speak tamil.
And communication to relatives may pose problems.
Next is having daily meals can the chinese gal every meal take curry and chilli?
These 2 points i raised are just the basic issues arising.
All i feel for indian-chinese couple is being together is not easy and takes up lots of time and courage.
For Me, Chinese guy-Chinese gal and Indian guy-gal is more favorable.
27-04-2008, 11:41 PM
How come so many Chine bros here are paying a fortune to marry foreign wives when the Indian assholes are having a good time with our girls?
U know when i read threads like this it is always sort of implied to put down chinese males.
The penis size thing will somehow come into the equation and it did someone mentioned it. How is anyone supposed to know enough about the penis size of one race and compare it to the next unless they have seen both races and measured them????
This is not breast size. It is safe to say chinese gals have small breasts and butts.
I also have one more thing to add. Usually men of other races are not as accomodating as the chinese. U don't believe? Go and date an indian gal and walk on the streets and if u run into a group of indian males they are bound to stare. They are thinking how dare that indian gal date outside her own race. In fact some indian families do not even allow their females to marry another indian if they do not belong to the same caste or have the same background.
Many cases in china too. In china the minority races like ughers and tibetians have more privilge than the han chinese. They are usually let off by police if they beat up a han chinese and they do it on a regular basis when they see a chinese male with a tibetian female for example.
In the west, based on their movies u know how it is almost taboo for an asian male to go with a white female, although they did a good coupling of jet li in kiss of the dragon and romeo must die. I think cos they know jet li hates doing love scenes since he is married and is an action star after all not a heart throb.
If u go to sites like youtube where someone posted a vid of asian males with ang moh females some ang moh dude said cannot be possible these asian guys are dating these ang moh gals cos they are asian and are not supposed to be liked by white gals. This is the mentality that some of them have. Take note that asian in usa mostly means oriental races.
I sometimes feel chinese are too chin chai and also the media too. Chinese gals always demand so much more compared to say malays and indians.
Its riddiculous, its like the flavour of the month is chinese gals with indians, then malays then some other race. It is changing however, seen chinese guys with african also.
The thing is chinese guys dun really fancy gals from other races that's why u dun really see the other way round not cos chinese guys lose out which wat some ppl are implying.
27-04-2008, 11:44 PM
While there are more Chinese gals with Indian males, I dont think that = sweeping statement that Chinese gals prefer indians. Unless this statement is made by the indian guy involved with a Chinese gal as a showing off and agression against Chinese males, then there is no problem. Actually most of the time, it is usually not the indian guy involved with the Chinese girl but some other busybody third party who makes this kind of statement... go figure what is their intention?
It is all a matter of personal choice in life. Whether it is Chinese gal with Indian male or Angmoh chick with Chinese guy or Japanese chick with black guy...what;s the big deal? it is absolutely alright so long as nobody starts to try imposing their own values onto others. So long as it is between the 2 lovers, nothing wrong. It is their own free choice. Afterall, the blood that flows through us are all red regardless of skin colour.:)
27-04-2008, 11:45 PM
From my point-of-view, if the indian guy and chinese girl loves each other it will be bliss for both of them.
But blissful life may not be easy for inter-racial marriage.
Firstly Chinese and Indian are two different races.
Though both in Sing may speak English but mother lang for chinese is mandarin and Indian speak tamil.
And communication to relatives may pose problems.
Next is having daily meals can the chinese gal every meal take curry and chilli?
These 2 points i raised are just the basic issues arising.
All i feel for indian-chinese couple is being together is not easy and takes up lots of time and courage.
For Me, Chinese guy-Chinese gal and Indian guy-gal is more favorable.
There are some ppl from the same race whom look down on the men from the same race as them. Some local gals use the skin of the ang mohs backside since they are dating an ang moh, his ang moh ness rubs off unto them and they are superior to the locals even though they are also local. It also applies to the whores. Notice how the orchard towers whores tend to be more haughty compared to the geylang ones even though they might come from the same country.
These issues need to be addressed. Threads like this are started to put down one gender of one race. Ang mohs are damn proud of their race, if not why have they managed to be the richest and most advanced race for so long???
You have started a very bad thread. zap. :cool:
28-04-2008, 12:12 AM
lately i have noticed chinese girls (mainly gounger ones) dating malay mat guys too, especially those ride motor bikes one. anyone notice that? :confused:
think saw once before.
I suspect in our new society now, its not about keeping the "tradition" that one race is to date only his/her own race. I felt its more of a "lifestyle" compatibility, which more likely applies to younger generation, whereas for middleage ppl, its more of capabilities.
Take a look around. The pubbers end up with a pubber; the thrill seeker end up with a thrill seeker.
When lifestyle and habits mold one's characters/personality, it will always be easier to be with someone who shares the same mentality and personality with you.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
28-04-2008, 12:31 AM
What I deeply resent about this whole interracial thing is that Indian assholes think that just because more and more attractive Chinese gals are dating Indian guys, they are of the opinion that Indian men are superior to Chinese men! One Indian fucker even had the audacity to tell me that Chinese gals prefer Indian guys because they are sick and tired of Chinese guys who are docile, submissive and immasculate! :mad::mad:
Guys! We are slowly but surely being deprived of mating opportunities! What say you?
28-04-2008, 12:46 AM
Let's move beyond the race thing and accept each other as individuals. There are good and bad people in every race and religion. If we don't move beyond this we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history.
To paraphrase an adage from the sixties :"Let's make love not war"
28-04-2008, 12:52 AM
dear ts, obviously you don't approve of the whole indian guys and chinese girls dating thing, seriously why do you care so much, do you expect us all chinese guys to go against our indian bros just because of your prejudice? seriously, it's the girls' choice, nobody is pointing a gun at their heads to go and date indian guys.
and you youself admit, just because ONE indian guy who's dating a chinese girl pissed you off, you wanna blame all of them?
and why issit always ok for us to go with girls of other races and then got raged when see other races with our chinese girls?
it's a fair game out there, if the chinese girl chose an indian guy over you, it's her choice, move on, no point playing the racial cards in here.
28-04-2008, 12:54 AM
How come so many Chine bros here are paying a fortune to marry foreign wives when the Indian assholes are having a good time with our girls?
I think you just managed to connect a lot of things together which are not related at all.
First of all, I do not think bros go look for foreign wives there's no more chinese girls left. This sounds absurb. If I marry a prc, its not becos the girl I like happen to prefer and idolise an indian bro, its becos I prefer their character more than our local girls.
Sorry man, but this is very wrong. Its like blaming others for our consequences.
28-04-2008, 01:13 AM
Don't you guys feel threatened? I mean these Indian (*&*&* - replace with your fav dirty word) are taking away our Chinese gals from us and diminishing our chances of finding a beautiful gal to the point that some here have had to resort to match-making agencies to find a soulmate. Anyone here ever seen a beautiful Indian gal go out with a chinese guy? Anyone?
How come so many Chine bros here are paying a fortune to marry foreign wives when the Indian assholes are having a good time with our girls?
What I deeply resent about this whole interracial thing is that Indian assholes think that just because more and more attractive Chinese gals are dating Indian guys, they are of the opinion that Indian men are superior to Chinese men! One Indian fucker even had the audacity to tell me that Chinese gals prefer Indian guys because they are sick and tired of Chinese guys who are docile, submissive and immasculate! :mad::mad:
Guys! We are slowly but surely being deprived of mating opportunities! What say you?
Bro, are you getting carry away again? ;)
Bro, this thread is a potential flame bait...Just need one extremist to say his/her views here and a fire will break out. You oredi noted yourself that most are contemptuous ;)
Ya, exactly because we have masses here, and so will be the differing opinions on this sensitive matter.
From your "carried away-ness" in previous post, sounds like you have something more to tell us? Why not dive right into it and let us help with more specific advice? For a start, you're a chinese?
I tot we don't allow racist craps in this forum?
What's your motive is starting this thread? Trying to lobby for support for something?
28-04-2008, 01:20 AM
I believe in fair competition, regardless of race. :).
28-04-2008, 01:23 AM
Hey bros giving your take on interracial relationships is easy. But do you think about the girl/guy who are involved in the relationship before making a comment? Interracial relationships are no easy feats to accomplish, they need more support, tolerance and understanding. They heavily involve families and circle of friends to make them stable.
Please do think before generalizing and making a comment on impulse. It is not just about big cocks or good looks. Those stuff are found in porn. Here understandably, Chinese are the majority, and the perceived Chinese mentality is that every one of them is more superior than the Indians and Malays. Thus when something like this happens, superior race feels threatened.
Come on long lasting relationships mean more than all these. Just let it pass and be happy that they found someone they love. If they are your friends and family, you will surely see through the racial aspects and accept them for who they are. Just my 5 cents...
28-04-2008, 02:24 AM
No offend here.... but wat wrong with those indians??
not like they are some bangala or wat rite?
TS or maybe ur gf just broke up with u be cos of a indian guy?
If they dun cheat or steal,wat wrong with them wooing a chinese gal? seriously speaking i dun see wat the pt of having such a thread?
if i'm wooing this gal,and this indian is wooing as well... even i lose,well too bad i just lost to a better player i guess... instead of whinning,isn't it better to look for some better gals out there?
El Nino
28-04-2008, 04:04 AM
Race shouldn't be an issue as long as they are happy.... given a choice I think most guys would like to try "International" flavors if the opportunity arises right?
28-04-2008, 06:25 AM
To the threadstarter,
this is ridiculous thread!What so special abt sgp gals like "keilengkia".That's sgp ladies problem whether they like or don't like chinese guys but prefer "keilengkia".
28-04-2008, 11:22 AM
I dun see anything wrong about it as long as the relationship is a giving them what they want..(Sexually or emotionally)
Be it Chinese and Malay, Chinese and Indian, Chinese and Ang Mo etc etc. I'm cool with it.
What I am not comfy is that when a person starts despising on their own race or colour.
Like there's alot of chinese ladies in AFF who stated...
"If your're yellow skinned...Pls F**k Off from me..."
"Only caucasians, the rest please stay away from me"
I mean... Thay have the right to choose but personally I do feel offended by their statement...Well, thats a bit too much for me to take... Alot of better words to use but why such offensive words??:rolleyes:
28-04-2008, 11:22 AM
:D all grounds to the word " EGO"
y not we change our mindset n started to date their girls...?? but then again will their girls wanna us???
its subjective tt most of "chinese" girls are more open in our society...due to a lot other reasons...
2 cents humble offense
28-04-2008, 11:33 AM
Don't you guys feel threatened? I mean these Indian (*&*&* - replace with your fav dirty word) are taking away our Chinese gals from us and diminishing our chances of finding a beautiful gal to the point that some here have had to resort to match-making agencies to find a soulmate. Anyone here ever seen a beautiful Indian gal go out with a chinese guy? Anyone?
How come so many Chine bros here are paying a fortune to marry foreign wives when the Indian assholes are having a good time with our girls?
What I deeply resent about this whole interracial thing is that Indian assholes think that just because more and more attractive Chinese gals are dating Indian guys, they are of the opinion that Indian men are superior to Chinese men! One Indian fucker even had the audacity to tell me that Chinese gals prefer Indian guys because they are sick and tired of Chinese guys who are docile, submissive and immasculate!
Guys! We are slowly but surely being deprived of mating opportunities! What say you?
Your comment are really uncalled for, what's so bad for Indian man going after Ch girl?
You seem to have suffer lots of emotional setback thru this thrend. My advice is why dont you leap out the well and start to explore Indian Girl.
Mind u, there have been years whereby Miss World or Universe are from India.
Good luck for your quest. ;)
28-04-2008, 01:01 PM
What I deeply resent about this whole interracial thing is that Indian assholes think that just because more and more attractive Chinese gals are dating Indian guys, they are of the opinion that Indian men are superior to Chinese men! One Indian fucker even had the audacity to tell me that Chinese gals prefer Indian guys because they are sick and tired of Chinese guys who are docile, submissive and immasculate! :mad::mad:
Bro, try to refrain from racial remarks. Whatever the Indian guys say, we must reflect on our own behaviour and actions. Maybe those girls just didn't have enough confident in us, Chinese guys, or maybe the indian guys just gave them enough confident to marry them.:rolleyes:
Guys! We are slowly but surely being deprived of mating opportunities! What say you?
Whether we are deprived on mating opportunities is fully dependent on ourselves and what we have done to secure these opportunities. If one is good enough, he/she should not worry too much on how the others fare... ;)
Cheers... Just my 0.5 cents worth of opinion.
Cyberspace Nerd
28-04-2008, 03:08 PM
I dun see anything wrong about it as long as the relationship is a giving them what they want..(Sexually or emotionally)
Be it Chinese and Malay, Chinese and Indian, Chinese and Ang Mo etc etc. I'm cool with it.
What I am not comfy is that when a person starts despising on their own race or colour.
Like there's alot of chinese ladies in AFF who stated...
"If your're yellow skinned...Pls F**k Off from me..."
"Only caucasians, the rest please stay away from me"
I mean... Thay have the right to choose but personally I do feel offended by their statement...Well, thats a bit too much for me to take... Alot of better words to use but why such offensive words??:rolleyes:
I do notice that a lot of gilrs who date guys other than their own race are like that. They actually hate guys of their own race. I have a thai gf she dont like thai men. I have a malay gf also (those fair kind), she told me she dont malay guys also.
28-04-2008, 03:32 PM
I do notice that a lot of gilrs who date guys other than their own race are like that. They actually hate guys of their own race. I have a thai gf she dont like thai men. I have a malay gf also (those fair kind), she told me she dont malay guys also.
Bro, probably the guys of their own race betray/do anything wrong to them or make them lost their confidence. I guess every case is different and unique.
I personally have two friends, both local chinese ladies, married to Indian guys. They are happily married, however, there is a crunch for these ladies when it comes to gathering with chinese friends as such gatherings may make their partners feel out of place if everyone speaks mandarin and dialects only.Sometimes it is just fate.
As for TS, please take things easy and on case by case basis, every case is different and unique, hence, it will be easier to let go than hanging on to unnecessary worries.
29-04-2008, 12:20 PM
I am part Indian.
Sex with Chinese gals to Indian gals on a 15:1 ratio, damn hard to get Indian gals into relationships as most of them will have a double standard when it comes to dating their own kind. Now if you show them an angmoh, pussy juice will be dripping like a leaky tap even if that angmoh is a white-trailer thrash. Am talking about those fair-skinned type Indians though, the darker skinned ones these days aren't any better........ these days generally few of them are poor unlike those days..... many are highly educated and are professionals.
Chinese gals to angmoh on a 5:1 ratio, largely because we now live in a country where majority are Chinese. Thus the chances of meeting a non-Chinese gal is somewhat lesser.
When I mentioned Chinese I also include those from PRC, Malaysia, HK and Taiwan, not just those from SG.
Anyway if after just sex, it is easier to do with Chinese gals. Less interference and end of the day you got money and a bit of character is all it takes. Nothing more.
29-04-2008, 02:58 PM
I am male chinese, and got Indian (fair) and malay gfs.
So far am ok with it. Even my parent had accepted it too. Well its true, they tend not to like guys of their own race for some reason or another....
But they do make great gfs or wifes, compare with most chinese gals.... :D hahaha
29-04-2008, 04:10 PM
Chinese gers with those indian guys or black men are a disgrace to us chinese it makes chinese guys think or look like we chinese guys are shit n useless dont u guys think so?
29-04-2008, 04:18 PM
We Chinese Must Be United Dont U Think So? If Not Those Ppl From Other Races Think We Chinese Easy To Eat
Wake Up Man Chinese Guys Do Something 4 Our Race La
29-04-2008, 05:23 PM
Its quite common now for gers of a race to wanna be with another race that she perceive to be 'superior'. All this crap in papers that some SG gers say that local guys are not up to standard ... are all bullshit, they just trying to give excuse to cover up the real reason ... ie, they think they move up in the social ladder .... . No disrespect to foreigners .... I think quite a number of the ang mohs especially are really CMI in theor own country, and then come here treated like king ,.... haiz, so the gers here has lousy taste compared the guy's gers in his hometown ... just show you how shallow these gers are ...
I also find that more Indians would like to marry Chinese gers .... :D
29-04-2008, 05:41 PM
Chinese gers with those indian guys or black men are a disgrace to us chinese it makes chinese guys think or look like we chinese guys are shit n useless dont u guys think so?
We Chinese Must Be United Dont U Think So? If Not Those Ppl From Other Races Think We Chinese Easy To Eat
Wake Up Man Chinese Guys Do Something 4 Our Race La
No I dun think so. I think you are inciting a riot, one that is based on just race and nothing to do with inter racial relationships. You said nothing objective about why its good or why its bad, just why we should fight, which amounts to nothing more than your own personal views and possibly problems you faced.
And you sound so much like cool_cam85.
29-04-2008, 06:17 PM
We Chinese Must Be United Dont U Think So? If Not Those Ppl From Other Races Think We Chinese Easy To Eat
Wake Up Man Chinese Guys Do Something 4 Our Race La
Yes indeed bro YnD1-9-8-5
the Chinese should all unite but with Indian guys
To join forces is better, & do you know why?
imagine when at one go, all Indians strip,
and at same time all Chinese urinate & spit
it will be one massive black-out :D
and what a yellow river tsunami of flood, no doubt
if these two world's most populated races
should pool together their natural resources
there combined lethal but natural forces
will certainly put fear unto those racist-inclined/power-crazed masters:(
29-04-2008, 06:41 PM
Hi fellow banana-skinned bros out there. Be there as it may, all shall unite and team up to bonk more colored n exotic chics. Trust me, they are tastier and more exciting than the common gals available out there.
I had done many brown sugars, nasi lemak and a vast variety of birds over the yrs.
Be more adventurous and spread the chinese supremacy nad seeds all over the globe. Have dick, will travel.........
So after all, color is not a issue at all, just bonk merrily and make more conquests, just as the europeans did all over the world and in the states.
We will have our say now............hope fella brudders out there will agree with me and spread our wings everywhere............
Conquer more brown n white chics, hahahaha........
~the devil's quests~
29-04-2008, 08:50 PM
Its quite common now for gers of a race to wanna be with another race that she perceive to be 'superior'. All this crap in papers that some SG gers say that local guys are not up to standard ... are all bullshit, they just trying to give excuse to cover up the real reason ... ie, they think they move up in the social ladder .... .
I also find that more Indians would like to marry Chinese gers .... :D
Chinese local gal want to date Indians or whitemen is fairly acceptable.
But these chinese gals should not put local chinese guys down.
Simple logic that she come from Chinese parents.
By looking down on fellow chinese guys aren't they doing the same to their own fathers..
Be it that we are chinese,Indians or whitemen we can never change our skin color and the outlook others see us.
Date a whiteman and you become an American/European is it true?
29-04-2008, 09:24 PM
No....Maybe ang moh's dick taste better:rolleyes:
29-04-2008, 10:31 PM
No, i still love chinese guys. haa.
29-04-2008, 10:39 PM
What I deeply resent about this whole interracial thing is that Indian assholes think that just because more and more attractive Chinese gals are dating Indian guys, they are of the opinion that Indian men are superior to Chinese men! One Indian fucker even had the audacity to tell me that Chinese gals prefer Indian guys because they are sick and tired of Chinese guys who are docile, submissive and immasculate! :mad::mad:
Guys! We are slowly but surely being deprived of mating opportunities! What say you?
I would say, what that guy said is some what true! Not about Indian guys being superior, it's about those guys being docile, submissive, etc etc. If u notice, Malay & Indian guys are less patient / tolerant 2wards "disobedient" / unreasonable / rebellious gals, they may even get physically violent 2wards the gals. While SG Chinese guys tend to be more "gentleman".
I am also a Chinese guy, I am fine with inter-racial r'ships as long as they love each other & are happy. What I'm against is 1 party, ie, ang moh, feels he is superior than Asians or other darker skin colour when he is able to date darker skin coloured gals, and taunts / hurl degrading remarks about other skins.
There are enough articles out there about gals being contradicting / conflicting creatures. Yes, on the outside, SGP gals wanna be pampered, want guys 2 read their minds & be at their wimps & calls, etc, but in reality, gals prefer guys to be macho. Yes, on the outside, the gals will say the guy not gentleman, no grace, etc etc, but that's cos the gal is not impressed with that guy then she say that!
Isn't all typical, that many (chinese) guys try hard to please the gal he's sianing, to the extent giving-in to every wimp & call? This, in the gals' eyes, are really non-masculine. Yes, in the beginning, it's nice feeling. But after experiencing a few more guys like tat, the gals sian liao, find it no fun liao.
I remember when I was younger, ie, say 10 years back, my older frens, average 10 years older than me, told me, yes, at 1st, we should give-in 2 the gals, be gentlemen, get into their good books. But, there must be a limit. Too much of it, the gals climb over yr heads, it's game's over 4 u!!! Yes, they're talking from MCP point of view. And I admit, I am oso MCP.
In recent years, whenever I go SGP (I quit SGP several years liao) & go out wif my frens, who oso bring some gals along, I always tell the gals, I am spoilt by gals overseas. Be they Thai gals, PRC gals, or Taiwanese gals, I am spoilt by them. SGP talks about crap such as equality & gentleman behavior, ie, ang moh wannabe. But in other parts of Asia, MCP is still largely Asian culture. I told them, those non-SG gals, even ONS only, next day, she can even help do abit housework / cleaning up, such as folding the clothes, arranging things at my apartment neatly. SGP (chinese) gals? U should be happy they dun tell u to do it!!!
In ang moh countries, the gals are more democratic. Whoever pays more $$ during dates have the say. So those ang moh gals dun like to be bossed by men, they have to work hard & stand on their own. While I'd oso seen many ang moh gals who take good care of the household, work part-time such as secretary or clerk, simple jobs to kill time & earn abit more pocket $$$. SGP (chinese) gals? They want the men 2 be gentlemen, to pay the expenses & bills, and then wanna be served like princess!
I outrightly told those SGP (chinese) gals I'm biased & prejudiced against SGP gals. I told them, I'm in SGP for short visit only, no gals, no bonks, I'm fine. Cos when I leave SGP, I'll be back in heaven again, with all the pretty, nice & gentle gals who are happy to be with me. So many I dun have enuf time & energy for them, $$ is not the issue! I'd rather go bonk WL than put up wif those nonsense from SGP (chinese) gals. Probably oso when they realised I'm an expat, I'm employed overseas with ang moh packages, the gals suddenly can serve me drinks, take food & put on my plate, etc, and say not all SGP gals are so bad, etc. hahaha.
Got 1 gal, even went to Shanghai to find me, say that I said I can be tour guide when she wanna come Shanghai 4 holiday. B4 that, email me, say she like me, blah blah blah. But I din respond 2 the email. After confirming my schedule & got time to entertain her, she booked the air ticket. 2 days b4 her arrival, then I realised she havent booked hotel, I joked, say she booked air ticket only, din book hotel (din go wif tour package), wanna sleep wif me ah? She really slept wif me on my bed throughout that trip! But then, I din bonk her. Instead, I arranged many parties / clubbing sessions with my PRC frens & colleagues & brought her along. Then I can feel she kinda got jealous wif a few of my colleagues. Told me say, as a gal, she can feel this gal like me, that gal wanna get closer to me, etc etc. On those times I went office to work, she can guai-guai stay at home, clean-up the apartment!!! Few months later, she came on another holiday trip, say feel v stressed & depressed in SGP, wanna take a break. 1 of the nites, she got so drunk, I gotta carry her home. At home, she ended up in the toilet vomitting. I was v tired, I went 2 sleep. Next thing, I was awakened by her sobbing. I saw her totally naked, sitting on the floor leaning against the bed, crying in drunken stupor, I thought she still drunk, so flipped over & continued sleeping. And next thing I know, how come someone pushing me? Again, she's naked, she's pushing me to move further into the bed so she can snuggle up with me under the blanket. Again, I tossed over & continue to sleep. Next day wake up, I asked her why she naked, she said she dunno whether got dirty her clothes wif vomit, anyway, gotta change fresh clothes, so took off, but cant find the fresh clothes in drunken stupor, oso dunno wat she doing, that's why end up naked. I said now wake up oredi, not afraid I see free show, see her naked meh? She said, wont even mind me bonking, not 2 mention lemme see her naked!!! Anyway, I still persist, dun bonk her. She oso saw 4 herself, there's so many attractive PRC gals ard, there's no lack of gals at all.
Frankly, I find SG malay gals more chin chai, easier to please than SG chinese gals. Malay gals are oso less selfish, more willing to share. Indian gals, I had ONS wif 2, 1 is fair skin, 1 is actually mix-blood wif chinese, they're real hot & aggressive!!!
30-04-2008, 06:37 AM
Hi TS... Actually.. i think.. tis is a personal issues and not a race issue. If 2 person can communicate well enough, i dun think thr's a prob in being together... Look, as many bros mentioned, we r in the 21th centry le, of coz we girls r more opened to relationships and sex regarding issues. Some abangs and ind guys do look cute too... However, if a local chinese man can find minahs n ind girls... Chinese girls cant be seeing guys from other races? Dun mean to flame but its jus my own personal view... In fact, yes some chinese girls may be those who try to put their own race down de (i dunnoe wads the percentage out there...), but as for me myself... i'm proud to be a chinese, proud tat my parents r chinese. Nothing wrong with being chinese.
Sometimes, problems r produces from plain assuming. Assuming something doesnt really work things out, but more likely to cause misunderstandings and doubts between people.
I've dated chinese... malays... even till mix blood... Personally, i am always thinking, if u nvr met those guys, how u will realize who is actualy more suitable for urself? Guys in singapore chose to marry oversea wives may jus bcos they thought SG girls r more 'money-face'.. However, some girls r jus being more practical... and some guys r jus dishearted...
Maybe end of the day, wad matters the most is how both person inside a relationship can communicate with each other... :)
P/s: Pls pardon me if there's any typo errors n poor english.. Am using fren's lappy.. Dunnoe how to use... Anyway, sleepy... Nitez and Morningz to all... Have a nice day. Let nature take its course bah... Cheers~ ;)
30-04-2008, 07:54 AM
TS, I think you should spend more time reflecting on why girls don't date you. Instead of pointing fingers at other guys better than you, why not use this time wasted on starting thread to actually improve yourself, i.e. make yourself a more attractive catch?
I don't have problems with girls choosing other guys over me, there's a voice in my head that says to them, "Your loss" ;) Have some confidence in yourself, but if the trend persists, do try to mian bi xi guo and proactively do something rather than whine on SBF.
Race is not an issue at all. Globalisation is here to stay and if you can't get rid of your antiquated mindset, good luck for the rest of your life.
30-04-2008, 10:50 AM
agree man!a friend of mine,an indian guy,had his relationship with many chinese girls (7 atleast) be it from malaysia,china or local.he is tall,quite good looking but not fair.honestly it may due to lust partly,undeniable,but he was really serious in every relationship,taking good care of them nicely.but the failure of his every relationships were due to misunderstanding of both cultures and lifestyles.besides,some girl's parents rejecting him due to different race,although he is much financial capable,and well behave person.currently he is dating with a christian chinese girl.both really love each other and have the courage to get marry.well guys,i dun agree if someone says that indians n malays are dominating in finding chinese girls.such a short minded i prefer to say if u r pointing that they have better sex skill.come on man,girls too have the desirable to find the guys they prefer.they tend to do so coz they can accept the characteristic of the guy,his background and of coz understanding.if those losers cant accept the fact and fate that they are not that good enough to compete with these winners,well i guess,girls that finding them will really get suffer.
Be Safe
30-04-2008, 11:04 AM
Nowadays there are alot of people no learn mother tongue liao, and their mandarin sucks , these are the ones highly likely to look for men outside their race ...
30-04-2008, 09:12 PM
TS, I think you should spend more time reflecting on why girls don't date you. Instead of pointing fingers at other guys better than you, why not use this time wasted on starting thread to actually improve yourself, i.e. make yourself a more attractive catch?
I don't have problems with girls choosing other guys over me, there's a voice in my head that says to them, "Your loss" ;) Have some confidence in yourself, but if the trend persists, do try to mian bi xi guo and proactively do something rather than whine on SBF.
Race is not an issue at all. Globalisation is here to stay and if you can't get rid of your antiquated mindset, good luck for the rest of your life.
How the fuck do you know girls don't date me? You don't even know who I am yet you presume girls don't date me based on what I've said. If you're Chinese, you fit the bill of a submissive, emasculate, asexual male who sucks up to other races. I guess ur a traitor to your own race. Good luck to you for the rest of your life.
30-04-2008, 11:50 PM
I said now wake up oredi, not afraid I see free show, see her naked meh? She said, wont even mind me bonking, not 2 mention lemme see her naked!!! Anyway, I still persist, dun bonk her. She oso saw 4 herself, there's so many attractive PRC gals ard, there's no lack of gals at all.
Frankly, I find SG malay gals more chin chai, easier to please than SG chinese gals. Malay gals are oso less selfish, more willing to share. Indian gals, I had ONS wif 2, 1 is fair skin, 1 is actually mix-blood wif chinese, they're real hot & aggressive!!!
Bro Gunner...Really take my hat off you...
For me... I would have "chew" her up liao. kekekekeke...:D
01-05-2008, 08:51 AM
Dun knw if you'r a she or him??
:rolleyes: You have any experience with one???
Yes, has been fucked by quite a few Indian cocks. Like it because can feel it mah.
01-05-2008, 12:25 PM
Frankly, I find SG malay gals more chin chai, easier to please than SG chinese gals. Malay gals are oso less selfish, more willing to share. Indian gals, I had ONS wif 2, 1 is fair skin, 1 is actually mix-blood wif chinese, they're real hot & aggressive!!!
Tats about sums it all. Cant agree with u more, bro. :D
01-05-2008, 04:33 PM
thr r chinese girls who's chin chai oso mah... jus tat, after they realize they chin chai ppl will take advantage or dun even treasure them, so they rather not chin chai anymore... ;)
01-05-2008, 10:27 PM
hehehe it's not juz increasingly tat more chi gals r going after indian bros. more chi bros r oso getting indian gf too. but mainly north indian. haha i once had a north indian gf. actually it's not a bad experience. at first i told my parents they all kpkb say y diff race. when i show em my gf they "wah". trust me, north indian gals can be good lovers too. =) and most importantly... the bonk is juz as nice! ^^ naked body under dim light. super shiok.
02-05-2008, 12:01 AM
Tats about sums it all. Cant agree with u more, bro. :D
From my previous experience, malay & indian gals are definitely more chin chai than chinese gals
02-05-2008, 10:01 AM
thr r chinese girls who's chin chai oso mah... jus tat, after they realize they chin chai ppl will take advantage or dun even treasure them, so they rather not chin chai anymore... ;)
Aiyo ... sis natsuki ... dun say until like this lahh ... where got girls chin chai fall in love one ???
But ofcoz the more failed relationships the more bitter and picky loh ... coz once bitten twice shy ... this one everyone oso understand ...
02-05-2008, 07:05 PM
From my previous experience, malay & indian gals are definitely more chin chai than chinese gals
Malay/Indian girls are not so $$ face like Most Chinese girls do. Thats my real dating/relationship with them. And as far as bonking are concerned they are HOT! Believe me! :D
Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to this forum but I just thought that I should give my two cents. First, I'm an Indian guy, and I have dated numerous Chinese girls (including girls of other races). As a matter of fact, I'm with a catholic Chinese girl right now. It is a serious relationship. I've always been serious in all of my relationships.
But as someone else has pointed out, most of my relationships failed due to lacking of understanding of the differences in culture, and simply not dealing with it. Sometimes it's due to the fact that their parents do not approve of them dating a guy from another race as they are "traditional", and I understand that completely, and so we part on amicable terms.
Right now, I'm really close to the girl I'm with and her parents adore me as well because they know how much I love their daughter. When they first found out that we've had sex before, they were really not happy, in fact, they were furious with her, especially since they were staunch catholics. I thought that that would have been the end of our relationship. In the end, her parents realised that it was part and parcel of living in modern times and they told her that it was her life. They know that I really care about their daughter, and she knows it herself too. We're very much in love.
So I just have one thing to add, I've found that especially in our tiny island, racial differences aren't a big a factor as they once used to. Especially since I'm now in university, I've talked to a lot of the other female chinese friends of mine and asked them about their views on inter-racial relationships. I got really different answers as compared to 5 years ago when I was in JC. Back then, a lot of them said they were too traditional to do something like that. Right now, a lot of them said that differences in race isn't as big an issue as what they think about the guy (i.e. whether they have feelings for the guy or not).
Despite the difference in opinion in today as compared to 5 years ago, I've found that it's all a matter of the girl you're dealing with. Sometimes the girl is just looking for someone who can love her and care for her. And if it's an Indian guy, or a Malay guy, or a White guy, it doesn't really make a difference does it? What really matters is what he brings to the table.
With that, I hope you guys don't start a flame war about this topic. It has the potential to be extremely volatile. So I hope you guys keep calm and discuss it like adults. :)
P.S: To the person that said that most of the Indian guys who were with Chinese girls are smug and contemptous, have you considered the possibility that it could be because 1) So many people have discriminated and given them weird looks when they walk down the road holding the hands of a chinese girl, or 2) You might harbour some sort of ill feelings towards the notion of an inter-racial relationship, and you're projecting it to them, and they can sense it, and they're pissed off about it?
P.P.S: I have other male Indian friends who are with Chinese girls, most of them are really great guys. They only behave in a contemptous manner when they know someone is trying be funny with them/insulting them when they are walking down the road with their girlfriends, and a Chinese dude who is walking past them turns to them and says something like, "Chao kei leng kia!". We're not daft, we're Singaporeans, and we know what it means. And yes, it is really offensive, so I'm not surprised that some times they behave in a contemptous manner. Please also consider the possibility that they are probably just joking when they say things like, "Cos Chinese guys aren't good enough for Chinese girls anymore." What's wrong with just taking it as a joke which is cracked between friends? Everyone needs to take life with a pinch of salt.
Take care everyone. :) Feels good to be on this forum!
Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to this forum but I just thought that I should give my two cents. First, I'm an Indian guy, and I have dated numerous Chinese girls (including girls of other races). As a matter of fact, I'm with a catholic Chinese girl right now. It is a serious relationship. I've always been serious in all of my relationships.
But as someone else has pointed out, most of my relationships failed due to lacking of understanding of the differences in culture, and simply not dealing with it. Sometimes it's due to the fact that their parents do not approve of them dating a guy from another race as they are "traditional", and I understand that completely, and so we part on amicable terms.
Right now, I'm really close to the girl I'm with and her parents adore me as well because they know how much I love their daughter. When they first found out that we've had sex before, they were really not happy, in fact, they were furious with her, especially since they were staunch catholics. I thought that that would have been the end of our relationship. In the end, her parents realised that it was part and parcel of living in modern times and they told her that it was her life. They know that I really care about their daughter, and she knows it herself too. We're very much in love.
So I just have one thing to add, I've found that especially in our tiny island, racial differences aren't a big a factor as they once used to. Especially since I'm now in university, I've talked to a lot of the other female chinese friends of mine and asked them about their views on inter-racial relationships. I got really different answers as compared to 5 years ago when I was in JC. Back then, a lot of them said they were too traditional to do something like that. Right now, a lot of them said that differences in race isn't as big an issue as what they think about the guy (i.e. whether they have feelings for the guy or not).
Despite the difference in opinion in today as compared to 5 years ago, I've found that it's all a matter of the girl you're dealing with. Sometimes the girl is just looking for someone who can love her and care for her. And if it's an Indian guy, or a Malay guy, or a White guy, it doesn't really make a difference does it? What really matters is what he brings to the table.
With that, I hope you guys don't start a flame war about this topic. It has the potential to be extremely volatile. So I hope you guys keep calm and discuss it like adults. :)
P.S: To the person that said that most of the Indian guys who were with Chinese girls are smug and contemptous, have you considered the possibility that it could be because 1) So many people have discriminated and given them weird looks when they walk down the road holding the hands of a chinese girl, or 2) You might harbour some sort of ill feelings towards the notion of an inter-racial relationship, and you're projecting it to them, and they can sense it, and they're pissed off about it?
P.P.S: I have other male Indian friends who are with Chinese girls, most of them are really great guys. They only behave in a contemptous manner when they know someone is trying be funny with them/insulting them when they are walking down the road with their girlfriends, and a Chinese dude who is walking past them turns to them and says something like, "Chao kei leng kia!". We're not daft, we're Singaporeans, and we know what it means. And yes, it is really offensive, so I'm not surprised that some times they behave in a contemptous manner. Please also consider the possibility that they are probably just joking when they say things like, "Cos Chinese guys aren't good enough for Chinese girls anymore." What's wrong with just taking it as a joke which is cracked between friends? Everyone needs to take life with a pinch of salt.
Take care everyone. :) Feels good to be on this forum!
03-05-2008, 03:18 AM
thr r chinese girls who's chin chai oso mah... jus tat, after they realize they chin chai ppl will take advantage or dun even treasure them, so they rather not chin chai anymore... ;)
The chi gals who are chin chai usually are best avoided with a 10ft long pole. Usually these are the types who aren't exactly desirable anylonger.
03-05-2008, 03:27 AM
such coupling actually not so encouraged IMO.
I also know Chinese gals with Malay guys married,
wah lau - does it mean they like circumized penis ? hahaha?
my work place there were two - a building mgt mgr
and an IT engr. Singapore malays are sure improving.
cross race marriage will end up with kids having to learn more
languages, religions, ethnic habits - so which is which ???
the kids will confused and cursed !
and the colour of the skin sure a question ???
I no racist but honestly, better not to mix
fuck around okay - but for for marriage IMO!
anyway, Indians men can talk very well - that's why this happen!
03-05-2008, 03:31 AM
Aiyo ... sis natsuki ... dun say until like this lahh ... where got girls chin chai fall in love one ???
But ofcoz the more failed relationships the more bitter and picky loh ... coz once bitten twice shy ... this one everyone oso understand ...
Hmmm... Actually i more or less agree with wad u say bah... Haha.... u see ah.... when girl chin chai, ppl say they lok or bo bian, so nid to chai chin... when they are not chin chai ah... ppl will say they 吊起来卖... Hmmm.... Should they chin chai or 吊起来卖? sometimes its not really a matter of '吊起来卖' or not... But they r dishearted... maybe they jus nid someone with a more sincerity heart... Someone tat might not just cater the cash, but yet cater something that the heart is lack of. :)
The chi gals who are chin chai usually are best avoided with a 10ft long pole. Usually these are the types who aren't exactly desirable anylonger.
Wad is a 10 foot long pole?? Eh?? Nan desuka?? Pardon my poor english please.. Sorry... :o
such coupling actually not so encouraged IMO.
anyway, Indians men can talk very well - that's why this happen!
Not encourage is not encourage la.. but if the couples r fine and happy with each other, y not? Hmmm... And ya, i do agree with... the kids will definately feel confuse about their language lik : 'omg... wic language to take ah?' but however, it's still encouragable for our younger generations to learn more den just 1 single language... Other den basic Mother Tongue language and English... I doubt tat learn another language will bring harm to the next gen..... My personal view only k? :)
Erm... Not all indian men talk well... =.='' Some talk rough.... But thank god, most indian i know since my school days, r okay...
ya lor bro this kinda thread is very wad one. but i for one object . jus my own personal view. duno wads with girls nowadays? mayb jus bored frm fuckin chinese.. or their own race.
03-05-2008, 08:03 AM
anyway, Indians men can talk very well - that's why this happen!
Thats why u could see so many of them (lawyers/Judges) at Supreme Ct. Gift of the gab they have. There was one hearing I went. Judge, DPP, Defence counsels, Accused/Defendants....long chong Makal deh.... :p:D
03-05-2008, 08:54 AM
the kids will confused and cursed !
and the colour of the skin sure a question ???
I no racist but honestly, better not to mix
I agreed with u:cool:
During my ns, there is a guy whose father is chinese and mother is malay. In his I.C, his race is chinese but he has a muslim name:confused:. He look 100% malay and can only speak a liitle mandarin. I was just wondering what will happen to his children:confused: Race:Chinese ????
03-05-2008, 09:16 AM
it's best not to mix, it will sort of 'sabo' your next generation, sorry if i offend any mixed here..
03-05-2008, 12:42 PM
it's best not to mix, it will sort of 'sabo' your next generation, sorry if i offend any mixed here..
I dun see any prob with the "rojak" (mixed) marriage though i wont do it. But that doesnt mean i dun screw those "rojak" :D Sometimes, it isnt all bad for the "rojak" (eg, Michelle Reis Lee) and i dun mind to marry her :p
03-05-2008, 04:09 PM
Bro Gunner...Really take my hat off you...
For me... I would have "chew" her up liao. kekekekeke...:D
heh heh, when u live overseas in other parts of AsiaPac such as PRC, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, etc, u have more than enough gals to bonk. Among my frens, we always say, it's not so much a matter of money (those gals are much more chin chai than SG gals, they dun need / demand / spend so much), but more of a matter of energy! In hokkien, we say "Umm see kia lee bo gao lui, see kia lee bo gao lard!".
I have posted this b4: if u count / look at the number of gals in AsiaPac region outside SGP, ie, assuming half the population of each country are females, divide them by 3: 1 third under-age, 1 third over-age, 1 third bonk-able age. China has 1.4 billion population, Thailand has 60+ million population, there's still Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Korea, Japan, etc etc. U go do the calculation, even if u sleep wif a different gal every nite, there's much more than enuf throughout yr whole life-time! Not to mention to deduct the phases of yr life u cant bonk, ie, when u were a boy, haven't start puberty yet, and when u are too old yr dick cant mari kita. Even during yr bonk-able years, u cant bonk every day/nite. U will need days of rest. U can oso further reduce the bonk-able age gals by taking away those attached (have boyfrens) and married ones, there's still much more than enuf!!!
There was a period, I bonked too much I really felt damn tired the next day, U are kinda telling yrself u wanna take a break, stay away from sex for the next 2 - 3 days. Sometimes, I bonked 1 more round that nite, the next day, I felt so tired I regretted bonking that 1 more round. That's when I learn & told myself to bonk "selectively". Such as, if the gal is not my taste (looks + figure + attitude), it's no problems giving her a miss. Better "save" the energy.
I have oso seen more than enuf naked gals. U go Thailand, there's so many agogo bars wif topless / naked gals dancing on the platforms, I basically couldn't count the numbers. Yes, many frens envy me when I was stationed in Thailand. During my initial days in Thailand, I was all alone, no frens, no relatives, can't speak Thai, I went alot to the agogo bars, to drink, see gals, sometimes book + bonk them. After about or less than 2 months, I got tired (sick of it), I'd rather go to other discos / pubs where things are more normal, ie, the gals wear clothes. I'd go those agogo bars only when I have foreign visitors, to bring them see something different.
Somehow, I just have a fetish for Northern / North-eastern Chinese accents, I oso find gals from those regions prettier, ie, fairer skin, better skin texture. So, that SGP gal, or other SGP gals, even if they are model category, might not be attractive to me. Not even if they are butt naked!
03-05-2008, 04:33 PM
From my previous experience, malay & indian gals are definitely more chin chai than chinese gals
oso more hot & aggressive in bed! They are oso generally more obedient than SG Chinese gals.
When I was in SGP, when I cheong KTVs, I oso find the malay gals better than SGP chinese gals! Better service, more GFE feeling, wont complain or suan that tips I gave is too little. For info, I usually give 50 SGD for "sitting" only (usually get to do some rubba), and that was about 10 years ago & beyond. Any additional service or extras, I pay more / separately. Knn, I encounter some SGP chinese gals say, I gotta give more, cos she's chinese, etc etc. When I kena these, I'll tell the gal straight in the face, just becos other gals are not chinese, does that mean their neh nehs are not neh nehs, or their chee byes are not chee byes, or yrs made of gold (that time platinum category havent start yet)? If they still not happy, get the mummy or KTV manager to come talk 2 me! In any case, I "ban" SGP chinese gals from sitting with me after several such encounters. There were several times, dunno why when I went KTV, the available gals are mostly SGP chinese gals, the mummies get a headache when I outrightly refuse. Seems other gals are more popular (too busy / not available).
03-05-2008, 06:23 PM
Good to see more interracial relationship. No use for Singapore being a multi-racial country if couples are of a same race.
To each his/her own I guess.
03-05-2008, 11:31 PM
saw a couple near my work place today. an indian looking guy and a chinese syt holding to his arm....both teens.
29-05-2008, 11:18 AM
I'm indian...i think chinese gals generally dislike indian guys...
I mean with all the "Sorry No Indians & Malays" & "Chinese Guys Only" i see in the freelance section...isn't it quite evident?
Wat do u think? Just my 2 cents worth..:cool:
29-05-2008, 06:04 PM
I mean with all the "Sorry No Indians & Malays" & "Chinese Guys Only" i see in the freelance section...isn't it quite evident?
Exactly lah....
Why when FLs (even Malay FLs) say they only want chinese guys, why you guys don't complain about racism? :rolleyes:
There's no point in feeling threatened. If a girl prefers coffee ice-cream instead of mango ice-cream, then too bad lor. But if the guy is better than you in terms of bearing, career and grooming, then the onus is on you to better yourself. Why blame others for making a better choice?
29-05-2008, 10:57 PM
I'm indian...i think chinese gals generally dislike indian guys...
I mean with all the "Sorry No Indians & Malays" & "Chinese Guys Only" i see in the freelance section...isn't it quite evident?
Wat do u think? Just my 2 cents worth..:cool:
i think they dislike indian/malay with dark skin but prefer those with fair skin:rolleyes:
29-05-2008, 11:37 PM
I'm indian...i think chinese gals generally dislike indian guys...
I mean with all the "Sorry No Indians & Malays" & "Chinese Guys Only" i see in the freelance section...isn't it quite evident?
I dun know... but i think those good looking/quality Indians are humping their chinese girls every nite and no need FLs service... thus, those indians patronizing FLs are ... errr.... :D
just kidding nia... :p
29-05-2008, 11:47 PM
The saying ......
"Once you go black, you will never go back...."
Can samstress pls verify ?
30-05-2008, 03:19 PM
Don't you guys feel threatened? I mean these Indian (*&*&* - replace with your fav dirty word) are taking away our Chinese gals from us and diminishing our chances of finding a beautiful gal to the point that some here have had to resort to match-making agencies to find a soulmate. Anyone here ever seen a beautiful Indian gal go out with a chinese guy? Anyone?
Welcome to the Globalized World. Threatened? NO. It is pure and simple competition. Nothing wrong with that. And yes, I have seen gorgeous Indian chicks go out with Chinese/ANg Moh/ Black guys too.
30-05-2008, 05:25 PM
Why is it that there are always singaporean guys who are so insecure and xenophobic that they have start threads like this one? Mr threadstarter please go build some self esteem and stop being a racist.
30-05-2008, 05:41 PM
I agree, the world is getting smaller, so to each his own. Love is more than just skin colour.
30-05-2008, 10:08 PM
I dun know... but i think those good looking/quality Indians are humping their chinese girls every nite and no need FLs service... thus, those indians patronizing FLs are ... errr.... :D
just kidding nia...
actually u r quite rite i have indian frens humping chi gals,u mean to say chi mly guys patronizing fls are not ....err..... also:p:D u noe the no of fls who say no ind or mly in thier thread end up taking them as clients,i shd noe i recommended 1 indian fren to a fl who stated she don t take ind or mlys here n dam he s bonking her every week now.:p
30-05-2008, 10:55 PM
hi bro hawksbay you are back..
My mly gf, before I knew her also don't like and take chinese guys, her ex all ang mohs (SPG).
In the end, she still ended up kena bonk by a cina boi every week... kekeke... hmm... I wonder sometimes is it the more you hate and avoid certain things the more it will happen in reality... but anyway I don't mind because they are hot.. ouch! :D
actually u r quite rite i have indian frens humping chi gals,u mean to say chi mly guys patronizing fls are not ....err..... also:p:D u noe the no of fls who say no ind or mly in thier thread end up taking them as clients,i shd noe i recommended 1 indian fren to a fl who stated she don t take ind or mlys here n dam he s bonking her every week now.:p
31-05-2008, 06:11 AM
Good to see more interracial relationship. No use for Singapore being a multi-racial country if couples are of a same race.
To each his/her own I guess.
guess u r rite cos no point cum aug 9 we all at std or padang declaring one nation,one people one spore.:p
31-05-2008, 06:26 AM
hi bro hawksbay you are back..
My mly gf, before I knew her also don't like and take chinese guys, her ex all ang mohs (SPG).
In the end, she still ended up kena bonk by a cina boi every week... kekeke... hmm... I wonder sometimes is it the more you hate and avoid certain things the more it will happen in reality... but anyway I don't mind because they are hot.. ouch! :D
hi bro miloluv, they r hot is an understatement,guess u n i noe:D kekeke
31-05-2008, 02:46 PM
yes, agree with TS tt i noticed this trend too. N i fully agree with some bros here it's becoming more common tt our local gals r preferring to date other races/foreigners tis days. r our local guys becoming more undesirable or our local gals' tastes/expectations r now more demanding? walk along boat/clark quay or orch rd n u can see tis rising trend.
it could oso be due to more male foreigners wkg in s'pore now. some of them r gd looking, n of cos if they r here they r mostly earning gd bucks.
yup. i totally agree with TS and im totally against it. i duno why jus dun like the idea. jus my personal view..
03-06-2008, 01:23 AM
My oh my.. you really know me so well ma man.. hahaha... but I can't think of another statement to best describe... I will never ever forget that precious "gem" of yours that I have came across! I miss her so much, pls find her back again.. totally outa this world... Man.. I will treat you like god if there's any in the same league again.. I'm gona bribe you with a lunch this time.. hahaha :D
hi bro miloluv, they r hot is an understatement,guess u n i noe:D kekeke
03-06-2008, 11:58 AM
Wats the take here? This is Singapore, and with modern times, inter-race dating is getting common.
Its just that the Indian guys ( some of them only ) thinks they are happening cos day are dating gals of other race. Esp chinese gals as Malay gals are still dark skin.
No offense to any other race gals or bros here. Cos this is wat they claimed thru my ears.
But hey its ok, there are also equally many girls of other races, Indians and Malays dating guys of other races too, incl chinese. So hey, there's no issues here.
I am chinese and am in serious relationships with gals of other races except chinese gals which I have no luck with, and those datings started like more than 10 years ago for me, which is kinda uncommon then. So for me, I usually attact lots of stares etc. But am used to it.
And my Indian gal is the chio chio kind. She told me she hated Indian guys (in general) cos they're double standard MCPs. But this is her opinion.
But hey, isn't most guys like this everywhere, race not an issue? I can fuck around, but u cannot. hahaha.
So relax and enjoy ur love, bonk, relationship with whoever, and enjoy the cultural exchange experience too. :D
07-05-2009, 12:12 AM
it's best not to mix, it will sort of 'sabo' your next generation, sorry if i offend any mixed here..
i'm mixed...but im not offended, just not sure whether you're being honest with yourself.
like someone else mentioned, if lets say there's a hot and nice and decent eurasian girl, or mixed ind/chi/malay girl, who loved you and was available to you for marriage -- you would say no on the grounds of future generations?
i mean, you might not yourself realise this but there's a strong possibility you are not from a "pure" ethnic lineage. there has to be some mix here or there somewhere.
anyway my father is foreign, my mother local indian, and i identify with my mother's family alot because they are in sg and i am in sg, most of my family here is married to outside of their IC race -- indian uncle to a jap, auntie to an angmoh, brother to a russian, and im with a filipino, my mother is even dating a chinese guy from work.
im just still so perplexed that race is such a big deal here. look at it this way -- a chinese couple in singapore, an indian couple in singapore and a malay couple in singapore still endure the same problems being singaporean in singapore! everyone is dealing with economic problems these days -- it's so silly to worry about whether the chinese neighbour is bonking the indian guy from school or whether a mixed race kid is gonna be confused to speak what language (here's a hint: teach him/her both languages! the rest of us should be so lucky to be able to be tri-lingual)
07-05-2009, 01:39 AM
quite interesting reading the various views. In my view the main factor is materialism. Local gals are materialistic, and in awe of people who have seen the world and in whose company they feel more international and cool (obviously the guy has to qualify some basics). So you will hardly see these girls with the local Indians. Their number one choice is ang mohs of course, but these days given that there are quite a few well off, well travelled, well spending indian expats, these girls dont mind them either. so if can talk smooth...preferably with an accent, take them out for drinks and dinner in your expensive car, give them due attention and pamper them a bit (they love to be treated like kids for some reason)...and they are yours for a while till the next such person comes along and takes them away!
btw i am in this category too - of indian origin here in singapore.
the other thing i have observed is (and pls dont take this otherwise) that local guys are not smooth operators, they dont spend enough time charming these girls who are just attention and identity hungry...may be this is a minor reason too.
07-05-2009, 01:58 AM
Yea a very common scene...
And you know what.. the girl is normally very fair and that makes the contrast even greater..
Everytime , my gf and I saw such a couple, we still cannot help it but turn our heads around :rolleyes:
Nothing bad..just curious...
16-05-2009, 12:15 AM
who knows, we may be at the brink of an alien encounter/invasion in the next year or so.
When that happens, maybe people will upgrade their racist ideas to "earthlings" vs "martians".
Then the TS will have no issues indian bonking a chinese. Maybe he'll start another hate thread when a martian bonks a chinese.
22-06-2009, 10:46 PM
yeah man.. it'll be like ..i saw a martian with an earthling at orchard today. what's the matter? earthling cocks not good enough for them anymore?? they prefer green tentacles to tantalize their pussies?? But even then, there might come breaking of social norms leading to fury slowly emerging to acceptance.. and that's how people's minds evolve. We cannot always live in the past. If not, we'd still not be able to see nice legs on girls wearing fbt shorts.. because that would be a huge nono.. And we cannot claim that it is our birthright to any kind of girl. Because even amongst within our own races, divorce rates are very high.. so why not let the heart rule control what the mind has failed to. Live and let live. Nobody's controlling anyone here and saying you're not allowed to have your own prejudices.. so why control others? Restrict other people's freedom only when you are prepared to relinquish your own.
16-07-2009, 04:45 AM
I have a friend from India with who I sometimes cheong when he is here.
I can assure you that he bonked more PRC- and Taiwan gals than you and I can ever dream of. :)
He is tall, goodlooking and fair but that is not the only reason. Somehow he got "it", the way he talks with the gals.
I can learn a lot from him. :)
16-07-2009, 04:56 AM
I guess most chinese spore gals love to be pampared and also seeks attention. On this, indians are very good as they are very good snake charmers. Otherwise, by nature, I can see that generrally most chinese or malay gals dont like indians as can be seen by most of the freelancers who do not wish to service these indians.
16-07-2009, 05:06 AM
I guess most chinese spore gals love to be pampared and also seeks attention. On this, indians are very good as they are very good snake charmers. Otherwise, by nature, I can see that generrally most chinese or malay gals dont like indians as can be seen by most of the freelancers who do not wish to service these indians.
really i guess u don t noe sbf to well.:D
Haden Chow
16-07-2009, 08:10 AM
my take of indian guy and chinese girl is = FBI (refer to the girl) cos she Fxxk By Indian! :p
27-12-2009, 09:09 PM
I have a friend from India with who I sometimes cheong when he is here.
I can assure you that he bonked more PRC- and Taiwan gals than you and I can ever dream of. :)
He is tall, goodlooking and fair but that is not the only reason. Somehow he got "it", the way he talks with the gals.
I can learn a lot from him. :)
LOL he bonked many prc pros? Wow what an accomplishment. :rolleyes:
LOL i know of a chinese guy who bonked many bollywood indian women then an indian can ever dream of. They are not whores btw.
Damn wish to learn from him.
ANyway it's also cos of indian culture that prevents their women from dating outside of their social standing much less race and culture.
27-12-2009, 09:16 PM
Wats the take here? This is Singapore, and with modern times, inter-race dating is getting common.
Its just that the Indian guys ( some of them only ) thinks they are happening cos day are dating gals of other race. Esp chinese gals as Malay gals are still dark skin.
No offense to any other race gals or bros here. Cos this is wat they claimed thru my ears.
But hey its ok, there are also equally many girls of other races, Indians and Malays dating guys of other races too, incl chinese. So hey, there's no issues here.
I am chinese and am in serious relationships with gals of other races except chinese gals which I have no luck with, and those datings started like more than 10 years ago for me, which is kinda uncommon then. So for me, I usually attact lots of stares etc. But am used to it.
And my Indian gal is the chio chio kind. She told me she hated Indian guys (in general) cos they're double standard MCPs. But this is her opinion.
But hey, isn't most guys like this everywhere, race not an issue? I can fuck around, but u cannot. hahaha.
So relax and enjoy ur love, bonk, relationship with whoever, and enjoy the cultural exchange experience too. :D
Do u know that many indian guys like to declare their superiority over chinese guys cos they are dating a chinese girl. How insecure and racist is that?
WHat your chio indian gf is merely stating the facts to you.
Btw i am sure u have noticed the angry or jealous stares of indian guys when they see u and ur chio indian gf together.
Seen it a couple of times. In buses outside clubs etc.
I even saw 1 indian and 1 chinese guy looking at this chinese guy with indian gf. It's like even the chinese guy is not happy. Seriously there are some chinese guys out there who would sell out their own race, some chinese really act like dogs to other races.
I always notice this trend. When a chinese asks about interracial dating he's always told to shut up and he's a racist etc etc yet it's okay when indian or ang mohs complain. Freaking double standards. :mad:
27-12-2009, 09:22 PM
oso more hot & aggressive in bed! They are oso generally more obedient than SG Chinese gals.
When I was in SGP, when I cheong KTVs, I oso find the malay gals better than SGP chinese gals! Better service, more GFE feeling, wont complain or suan that tips I gave is too little. For info, I usually give 50 SGD for "sitting" only (usually get to do some rubba), and that was about 10 years ago & beyond. Any additional service or extras, I pay more / separately. Knn, I encounter some SGP chinese gals say, I gotta give more, cos she's chinese, etc etc. When I kena these, I'll tell the gal straight in the face, just becos other gals are not chinese, does that mean their neh nehs are not neh nehs, or their chee byes are not chee byes, or yrs made of gold (that time platinum category havent start yet)? If they still not happy, get the mummy or KTV manager to come talk 2 me! In any case, I "ban" SGP chinese gals from sitting with me after several such encounters. There were several times, dunno why when I went KTV, the available gals are mostly SGP chinese gals, the mummies get a headache when I outrightly refuse. Seems other gals are more popular (too busy / not available).
It's this sickening racist thing among the females that is never ever addressed.
Notice whenever it's racial it always involves chinese guys and somehow it's very wrong if a chinese guy puts down guys from other races but guys from other races can put down chinese guys no problem.
For the females if u are chinese u are automatically at the top of the heap. I simply don't know why some ppl treat chinese girls like gold and get treated like crap in return.
I encourage more guys to go interracial u will find the chinese girls get jealous when they are the ones whom treat their guys the worst.
Personal experience during one student gathering. I just went up to talk to 1 indian girl suddenly. Out of the blue the chinese girl students wanted my attention.
27-12-2009, 09:25 PM
The saying ......
"Once you go black, you will never go back...."
Can samstress pls verify ?
it's actually once u go black we don't want u back.
The more accurate saying is
Once u go yellow u'll never want another fellow.
28-12-2009, 11:26 PM
lol i will pity the girl. must be eye piak stamp inside.
29-12-2009, 02:48 AM
Actually, it doesnt reali matter wad race u r. its how u suck it up to the girls.
I have an indian fren whose gf is a chinese and is freaking Hot with a capital "H". Filled with envy when i see them tgt.
Well personally, i would love to date a malay girl some day. Heard of their busty boobs, devilish body and perky butt.
I would take any girl as along as she's hot, regardless of their race.
29-12-2009, 06:46 AM
i think it all boils to what they perceive to be desirable
if u refer to marriage ads in india, it will state down a list of requirements, one of which, is skin colour
shah rukh khan endorsed a skin lightening product a few yrs back, and wat he said in the ad is a real insult to all those who are dark skin
30-09-2010, 12:30 PM
actually if you ask any average indian guy they will say they are not too interested in chinese chicks simply becasue they prefer girls who have nice ass and tits. And skin color part it really depends in india you find the entire hue from fair white girls in kashmir to dark ebony godesses in Tamil nadu so Indians are open to the whole spectrum of color hues when it comes to bonking unlike some other group of it depends person to person ..some like dark girls some fair ones and so on.
However yes you are right I have met quite a few indian bros here in SG with chinese girls which surprised me at first but then if you look at the choices out there its fair game...
Actually, it doesnt reali matter wad race u r. its how u suck it up to the girls.
I have an indian fren whose gf is a chinese and is freaking Hot with a capital "H". Filled with envy when i see them tgt.
Well personally, i would love to date a malay girl some day. Heard of their busty boobs, devilish body and perky butt.
I would take any girl as along as she's hot, regardless of their race.
30-09-2010, 04:52 PM
I have an old male friend, his dad is Indian and mom Chinese, i find he is rather good looking. I think he had his dad sharp nose and, mom Chinese eyes. But his sister, well i think she looks too ordinary, she is btw both races. Anyway, is mine own thought only.
Yrs ago, Newpaper run a story of a local Chinese girl's relationship with an Indian construction worker. They had a baby girl, somehow the news is not complete, i mean Qs i asked. She gave birth to their child here, they cannot ROM because he is S Pass, messy situation they got into. This i say, all cross countries marriage will encounter 1.
Pic of traditional wedding pic at India, her parents here w/o news commend, probably they wasn't happy. Last news, he return home she had to flew often to see her hubby. He wished that authority will grant him full stay to take care of his family. I guess is difficult, he should know he was on work pass cannot marry local.
This is 1cross border love story that sometimes i thought of.
30-09-2010, 05:49 PM
I wish to offer another viewpoint for this Indian man/Chinese female issue. Given the small Indian population here, the biggest sufferers of this are the Indian gals. For us Chinese men, we can have the pick of gals from Malaysia, China, Vietnam or other countries. However, for every Indian man that chooses a Chinese gal, the pool of Indian men for Indian gals gets smaller and smaller.
Some Chinese bros here may feel somewhat 'buay song' seeing an Indian male with Chinese female but the disgust felt by the Indian gals are much much more stronger. That is what my Indian female friends told me coz it makes them feel inferior to Chinese gals.
There are 2 sides to the coin :D
30-09-2010, 06:58 PM
Don't have any problem with Chinese girls with Indian guys. Even if I care a lot, what's the use. That can't stop them from mingling with Indian guys. I think the Chinese girls you are referring applies more to Singaporean and Malaysian girls. Mainland Chinese girls still do not like dark skin people. By nature, as compared to Chinese guys, Indian guys can sweet-talk a lot and you really have to do a lot of this kind of nonsense talking to get girls.
I have no violent objections over this ! (
30-09-2010, 10:19 PM
actually if you ask any average indian guy they will say they are not too interested in chinese chicks simply becasue they prefer girls who have nice ass and tits. And skin color part it really depends in india you find the entire hue from fair white girls in kashmir to dark ebony godesses in Tamil nadu so Indians are open to the whole spectrum of color hues when it comes to bonking unlike some other group of it depends person to person ..some like dark girls some fair ones and so on.
However yes you are right I have met quite a few indian bros here in SG with chinese girls which surprised me at first but then if you look at the choices out there its fair game...
I believe that indian men choose to chase chinese women. Anyway the pt is this shouldn't become a racial issue of whom is superior to whom. I know some assholes here would like to put it that way. It's a very disgusting way to make oneself feel superior.
Anyway i have seen chinese men with indian women but let me add this. Most chinese men aren't interested in indian women compared to indian men interested in chinese women. Men from all races in general prefer light skinned women. That's why african men prefer lighter skinned black women or go for ang moh women but you see fewer white men with black women.
Back to the topic most east asian men prefer east asian type of women and this includes japanese, koreans, vietnamese and you can even extend it to thai men. Malay guys also won't really go for very dark skin women like indians.
Lastly indian women are also controlled more tightly by their families on whom to marry. In fact indians are more racist in the sense that they don't like indian women to marry outside their caste much less their own race. It's the same with arab women.
04-10-2010, 12:01 AM
No special comments, its so common for cross race marriage. please remember we have chinese brothers marrying ang mo, malay, indians so on ........
04-10-2010, 12:58 AM
LOL THE CHINESE WOMEN MUST BE EYE PIAK STAMP. :confused::confused::confused:
04-10-2010, 11:20 AM
As long as both parties are happy, should be no problem. :)
wa haha
04-10-2010, 11:57 AM
yup. we are in a multi racial country.
so i guess we can also have our pick if we want. :)
04-10-2010, 01:03 PM
It's a multi-racial society in Singapore.
And don't forget,
More and more Singaporean Chinese guys marrying wives from
i) China;
ii) Vietnam;
iii) Myanmar;
iv) Malaysia;
v) Thailand
and the list goes on.........
In this scenario, lesser local men for the Singaporean ladies.
Singaporean Chinese ladies with
i) Ang Mo guys;
ii) Indian guys;
iii) Malay guys;
iv) Chinese guys;
and the list goes on......
These are just the results of cause and effects that's all.
04-10-2010, 03:40 PM
Seems pretty common these days. Looks like Chinese gals prefer Indian guys. What do the masses here think? Would like to know your 2-cents worth especially from Chinese guys.
Are Chinese girls slowly prefering Indian guys over Chinese guys? Let the discussion begin..
Brother, are these white collar educated Indians or are they some guy with a turban who smells like a camel and seems like they should be in a movie saying open sesame or someting liket that? Are they the SBY type Indian or the intellectual Ghandi type?
simply horny
04-10-2010, 05:01 PM
Seen many couples like this nowadays, nothing special :p
04-10-2010, 10:37 PM
Brother, are these white collar educated Indians or are they some guy with a turban who smells like a camel and seems like they should be in a movie saying open sesame or someting liket that? Are they the SBY type Indian or the intellectual Ghandi type?
STOP inciting racism harmony here or for that matter any where in this forum
26-10-2010, 12:49 PM
Maybe we should all make love to one another until we become the same colour. In that way, many years from now, finally the world can be united and a whole new era of classicism will arise.
26-10-2010, 08:24 PM
the chinese girl needs to get a new pair of spec:d:d:d
27-10-2010, 12:28 PM
Basically much of our emotions are shaped by stereotypes and over generalisation.
Actually there are all sorts of women (actually, people in general) but we tend to see one chinese girl with an Indian and we generalise. Similarly just like the indian bloke who generalised saying chinese gals are sick of chinese guys :)
If I may simplistically categorise our women (Chinese) into the following. This may give a better understanding on the different types of behaviour:
(1) The cosmopolitan, peace loving and citizen of the world type. To these people, race hardly feature in their thought process. Everyone is equal. So an Indian, Caucasian stand a good a chance in going after them as a Chinese or whatever, provided there is chemistry.
(2) The extremist. These are either very pro Chinese or anti chinese (despite being Chinese themselves). There are also Indians who are like that, ie anti indians despite being indians themselves.
(a)The ultra pro chinese would not even want to eat indian food let alone date indian guy. These ultra chinese type also dont feel comfortable dating caucasians due to cultural differences.
(b) The ultra anti chinese are well, your typical SPGs. They would sell their own souls and even parents just to be accepted by the ang mos. Sensing their desperation, the ang mos have only got one thing to do, screw them and circulate amongst themselves. To this group, any race is better than Chinese.
(3) The Conformists. This would form the majority. For most of us, our thoughts are shaped by societal views. For many Singaporeans, there is the perception that indians are dirty and smelly, and ang mos are just typically chao ang mos. So for these women although they dont necessary hold such strong views, they are not openly receptive to other races due to such sublimal stereotypes impressed upon them. Because they are not so openly receptive, the chances of them getting close with someone outside their race is lower. But for this group, if someone of another race who is really outstanding comes along and actively pursues her, she may be moved. This is unlike the ultra chinese who will never allow this to happen.
So there, don't generalise. In fact the above can be applied to all the other races, indians caucasians etc.
27-10-2010, 04:30 PM
It normally happens in school.
I am an indian - Indian national myself.
used to have a chinese gf in school. she's from PRC.
I have a couple of honest opinions to share here from an Indian mindset. I would appreciate comments from other indian bros especially sgp citizens:
chinese gal we see with an indian guy may most likely be one from PRC and not sg citizen.
PRC gals r a bit cunning. They knew very well tat indian guys r quite smart if not all. :p....not coz am an indian, think urself guys...thousands of indian students from india (still a slum and a poor country with hopeless living conditions at large when compared to the likes of china, vietnam, msia etc..etc..) manage to flock to top schools in sgp.
Most, if not all are as dark as charcoal like we have this inherent inferiority complex when we are in a land where majority of people belong to a "snow white superior race" group - the chinese. we feel a bit happy when a gal from this superior group makes friends with any of the "inferior" group...leave alone they become our gf.
PRC gals too have this complex. coz of thier english..they feel tat Indians (from India) could make a soft target - to learn english.
what surprises me is tat at school level, I havent come across sgp chinese guys who go after a chinese gal if she's from PRC. They normally prefer a sg chinese or m'sian chinese or even better - a caucasian. And this makes it easy for indians to hunt gals from PRC.
However an singaporean indian with a singaporean chinese is not uncommon these days. My landlord (singaporean indian)'s daugher-in-law is a singaporean chinese. The couple is happily married for over 3 years and has a kid (who looks like malay).
Some of u may wonder why I left my chinese gf. parents didnt agree. :o
Fact is that in India, parents chose the life partner for thier children. you are strictly not allowed to find a life partner for yourself.
27-10-2010, 05:00 PM
Basically much of our emotions are shaped by stereotypes and over generalisation.
Actually there are all sorts of women (actually, people in general) but we tend to see one chinese girl with an Indian and we generalise. Similarly just like the indian bloke who generalised saying chinese gals are sick of chinese guys :)
If I may simplistically categorise our women (Chinese) into the following. This may give a better understanding on the different types of behaviour:
(1) The cosmopolitan, peace loving and citizen of the world type. To these people, race hardly feature in their thought process. Everyone is equal. So an Indian, Caucasian stand a good a chance in going after them as a Chinese or whatever, provided there is chemistry.
(2) The extremist. These are either very pro Chinese or anti chinese (despite being Chinese themselves). There are also Indians who are like that, ie anti indians despite being indians themselves.
(a)The ultra pro chinese would not even want to eat indian food let alone date indian guy. These ultra chinese type also dont feel comfortable dating caucasians due to cultural differences.
(b) The ultra anti chinese are well, your typical SPGs. They would sell their own souls and even parents just to be accepted by the ang mos. Sensing their desperation, the ang mos have only got one thing to do, screw them and circulate amongst themselves. To this group, any race is better than Chinese.
(3) The Conformists. This would form the majority. For most of us, our thoughts are shaped by societal views. For many Singaporeans, there is the perception that indians are dirty and smelly, and ang mos are just typically chao ang mos. So for these women although they dont necessary hold such strong views, they are not openly receptive to other races due to such sublimal stereotypes impressed upon them. Because they are not so openly receptive, the chances of them getting close with someone outside their race is lower. But for this group, if someone of another race who is really outstanding comes along and actively pursues her, she may be moved. This is unlike the ultra chinese who will never allow this to happen.
So there, don't generalise. In fact the above can be applied to all the other races, indians caucasians etc.
Summed up very well bro. This is to prevent some bloody racists from claiming superiority as mentioned in my earlier post on this page i think.
28-10-2010, 11:55 AM
It normally happens in school.......
Oh well your prc gf would have left you anyway.
Most of them are money grabbers.
28-10-2010, 01:42 PM
Basically much of our emotions are shaped by stereotypes and over generalisation.
Actually there are all sorts of women (actually, people in general) but we tend to see one chinese girl with an Indian and we generalise. Similarly just like the indian bloke who generalised saying chinese gals are sick of chinese guys :)
If I may simplistically categorise our women (Chinese) into the following. This may give a better understanding on the different types of behaviour:
(1) The cosmopolitan, peace loving and citizen of the world type. To these people, race hardly feature in their thought process. Everyone is equal. So an Indian, Caucasian stand a good a chance in going after them as a Chinese or whatever, provided there is chemistry.
(2) The extremist. These are either very pro Chinese or anti chinese (despite being Chinese themselves). There are also Indians who are like that, ie anti indians despite being indians themselves.
(a)The ultra pro chinese would not even want to eat indian food let alone date indian guy. These ultra chinese type also dont feel comfortable dating caucasians due to cultural differences.
(b) The ultra anti chinese are well, your typical SPGs. They would sell their own souls and even parents just to be accepted by the ang mos. Sensing their desperation, the ang mos have only got one thing to do, screw them and circulate amongst themselves. To this group, any race is better than Chinese.
(3) The Conformists. This would form the majority. For most of us, our thoughts are shaped by societal views. For many Singaporeans, there is the perception that indians are dirty and smelly, and ang mos are just typically chao ang mos. So for these women although they dont necessary hold such strong views, they are not openly receptive to other races due to such sublimal stereotypes impressed upon them. Because they are not so openly receptive, the chances of them getting close with someone outside their race is lower. But for this group, if someone of another race who is really outstanding comes along and actively pursues her, she may be moved. This is unlike the ultra chinese who will never allow this to happen.
So there, don't generalise. In fact the above can be applied to all the other races, indians caucasians etc.
VERY WELL SUMMED UP!!! It also applies to other races.
For me, I belonged to the Cosmo catergory. And I have no quipps about it. I dont see an issue to races. Honestly, based on experience, all girls (and men) behaves similar patterns despite different race.
I've had gfs, in Singapore, whom are Indians, eurasians, malay, 2 chinese girls (super cosmo type), German ang mo (madly going after me now), British ang mo, Australian ang mo.... and girls are still girls. Though no doubt I do get looks from crowds, especially when am with my ang mo gfs.
Thus its just a perception of personal ideas and thoughts. thus lets not impose on others with our personal thoughts and belief :)
28-10-2010, 02:34 PM
People who can bring race issues into relationship are generally insecure about themselves.
28-10-2010, 02:41 PM
It normally happens in school.
I am an indian - Indian national myself.
used to have a chinese gf in school. she's from PRC.
I have a couple of honest opinions to share here from an Indian mindset. I would appreciate comments from other indian bros especially sgp citizens:
chinese gal we see with an indian guy may most likely be one from PRC and not sg citizen.
PRC gals r a bit cunning. They knew very well tat indian guys r quite smart if not all. :p....not coz am an indian, think urself guys...thousands of indian students from india (still a slum and a poor country with hopeless living conditions at large when compared to the likes of china, vietnam, msia etc..etc..) manage to flock to top schools in sgp.
Most, if not all are as dark as charcoal like we have this inherent inferiority complex when we are in a land where majority of people belong to a "snow white superior race" group - the chinese. we feel a bit happy when a gal from this superior group makes friends with any of the "inferior" group...leave alone they become our gf.
PRC gals too have this complex. coz of thier english..they feel tat Indians (from India) could make a soft target - to learn english.
what surprises me is tat at school level, I havent come across sgp chinese guys who go after a chinese gal if she's from PRC. They normally prefer a sg chinese or m'sian chinese or even better - a caucasian. And this makes it easy for indians to hunt gals from PRC.
However an singaporean indian with a singaporean chinese is not uncommon these days. My landlord (singaporean indian)'s daugher-in-law is a singaporean chinese. The couple is happily married for over 3 years and has a kid (who looks like malay).
Some of u may wonder why I left my chinese gf. parents didnt agree. :o
Fact is that in India, parents chose the life partner for thier children. you are strictly not allowed to find a life partner for yourself.
Brother, you seem very insecue. Should not be that way. You should be more confident about your ethnicity. SG is a mult-cultural society and a meritrocracy. Brother, it has its flaws but I think SG has a bright future and if you choose to immigrate here you can be part of SG's elite workforce and contribute. Don't let some racist clown intimidate you. But you should also embrace your own culture and listen to your parents. Try to integrate into SG society more. I see lots of people hang around in their own sub-groups outside of the office. Office may be integrated by socially its not yet he model society I envision for the future of SG.
28-10-2010, 03:26 PM
My opinion... who cares... whoever can be with whoever they want.. it s a free world..
28-10-2010, 07:38 PM
I believe it is all a matter of opinion. Im chinese and i have an indian gf.
It does not really matter what the race is actually. At the end of the day we are all mere human beings ya =)
And recently this Inter Racial courtship is slowly on the rise. Just a few days ago i spotted quite a number of young couples. Male chinese and then the female is indian and vice versa.
In Singapore.. it just has to happen hahaha.
28-10-2010, 08:01 PM
That's common here.. Many tie up with different race .. That's the special about sg developing cross culture relationship
28-10-2010, 10:58 PM
the chinese girl needs to get a new pair of spec:d:d:d
WOW, Mr idontknow is saying something original for the first time :eek:
28-10-2010, 11:08 PM
Lol PRC and Indian. sounds like an interesting mix.
28-10-2010, 11:51 PM
Oh well your prc gf would have left you anyway.
Most of them are money grabbers.
I am afraid thats an other reason too. yeah. Which is why they 1st target the singaporean chinese males.
29-10-2010, 12:08 AM
Your nationality has a greater say than your ethnicity. esp. 4 singaporeans.
watever it is @ sch level, i feel singaporeans form one in-seperable bunch.
tat makes it difficult for a PRC gal to break into ranks of singaporean men. they tend to have gfs who r singaporeans or atleast..locals. ethnicity may not matter to them. guys r gals..watever. I am not sure about the scenario in workplace.
most of you would be surprised if i say tat even inside india, there exist different races - fair looking north indians (bollywood type) compared to darker south indians.
and its true that south indian males feel if they have a gf (95% of indians dont know wat gf see a gal 4 d 1st time decided by parents/elders and you marry her the same day or next day :rolleyes:) or wife from north india, they seem to have accomplished smt. I guess again its linked to the inferiority complex.
And yeah, north indian parents will not chose an in-law from S.indian community (and vice-versa).
06-11-2010, 06:35 PM
BIG big thank you, thos who up me... really need some help to come back to my positive points and power..
need some more help to boost up... will be sharing somemore with you guys.
again big thanks
14-11-2010, 08:06 PM
Ask ourself one question. Why don't Indian guys want to marry Indian gals?
19-01-2011, 03:11 PM
Well 99.99% Indian guys marry Indian gals...Indian girls are hot and also its a culture issue..more comfortable to live with if you are from the same culture
Ask ourself one question. Why don't Indian guys want to marry Indian gals?
19-01-2011, 03:13 PM
What a bunch of shat out crap below lol have you ever been there bro...North indian and south indian in-laws are plenty in India nowadays I dunno which country you been around
Your nationality has a greater say than your ethnicity. esp. 4 singaporeans.
watever it is @ sch level, i feel singaporeans form one in-seperable bunch.
tat makes it difficult for a PRC gal to break into ranks of singaporean men. they tend to have gfs who r singaporeans or atleast..locals. ethnicity may not matter to them. guys r gals..watever. I am not sure about the scenario in workplace.
most of you would be surprised if i say tat even inside india, there exist different races - fair looking north indians (bollywood type) compared to darker south indians.
and its true that south indian males feel if they have a gf (95% of indians dont know wat gf see a gal 4 d 1st time decided by parents/elders and you marry her the same day or next day :rolleyes:) or wife from north india, they seem to have accomplished smt. I guess again its linked to the inferiority complex.
And yeah, north indian parents will not chose an in-law from S.indian community (and vice-versa).
20-01-2011, 02:26 PM
What a bunch of shat out crap below lol have you ever been there bro...North indian and south indian in-laws are plenty in India nowadays I dunno which country you been around
Is that true? I had an Overseas North Indian in my class... he outright declared that he hated the South Indians to the ENTIRE class when asked by the lecturer. He claimed that this was the sentiment of North Indians.
Luckily my Singaporean South Indian buddy who was in the same class was not there at the time if not dunno what will happen haha:D
20-01-2011, 05:28 PM
On a lighter note, the whole post here reminds me of a joke:
one comedian once said, that in few years all the white guys will disappear from this planet. The reason was that two largest population in the world are indians and chinese, and they are seen everywhere, and are mixing with other races and within themselves. So sooner or later, the mixing will happen. So if u are eyeing a girl of different race, but hesitating, then go for it. Dont wait, because sooner or later this is gonna happen anyway..
20-01-2011, 06:24 PM
Agreed! I will sometimes watch Hindi series with my mum-in-law to be and up until today, they still craft the storyline around different castes and how the girls run away from their families because they want to be with a guy from a different caste but both sides, parents buay ho seh. When I'm with my fiance (I'm a chinese girl) Indian girls will also stare at us. But I don't really mind, it's part of accepting the differences of their culture. For example, during Deepavali in November I got to experience their culture and the best part is the food. :B Of course there will be different cultural issues that we have to face. He also has to learn to use chopsticks. ^^
21-01-2011, 09:37 AM
I believe it is all a matter of opinion. Im chinese and i have an indian gf.
It does not really matter what the race is actually. At the end of the day we are all mere human beings ya =)
And recently this Inter Racial courtship is slowly on the rise. Just a few days ago i spotted quite a number of young couples. Male chinese and then the female is indian and vice versa.
In Singapore.. it just has to happen hahaha.
Good for you. You know interracial is all and fine just except for the fact that humans don't make it so.
Like take this chinese-indian coupling similar to white and black thing.
In both cases the male from the darker skinned races are usually with the females from the lighter skinned ones.
Some ppl usually the racist ones like to attribute it to the superiority of one race that allows such a coupling to take place but fail to ignore it might be cos in general males from all races tend to prefer females that are fairer than them. This is also true in the darker skinned races. You'll see indian,malay, african couples and the females usually are fairer compared to the males. From this we can conclude why there are more male - female ratios in certain interracial mixes. Like there are rarely indian girls that are very fair like chinese girls and alot of chinese guys like very fair girls. Same with white guys.
Just watch out for certain racists that love to proclaim their superiority all becos they just happen to observe more males from 1 race dating females from another race. :rolleyes:
The default for guys is : Tall, dark and handsome. That's what all girls are looking for.
Do you ever hear for girls: Curvy, dark and pretty?
It's usually Slim, white and pretty.
That should explain why there are no chinese guys with indian girls. It's a pre-conception that's going to be hard to change... .
21-01-2011, 11:41 AM
I'm indian and my girls chinese
actually i'm only attracted to chinese and caucasians
kinda weird, just dont find indians attractive
but gotta say love my girl
21-01-2011, 12:00 PM
I thing is perfectly normal for current generation to date other long both of them are happy...than there's no reason to be jealous or envy....
Toyota Honda
21-01-2011, 12:00 PM
What I deeply resent about this whole interracial thing is that Indian assholes think that just because more and more attractive Chinese gals are dating Indian guys, they are of the opinion that Indian men are superior to Chinese men! One Indian fucker even had the audacity to tell me that Chinese gals prefer Indian guys because they are sick and tired of Chinese guys who are docile, submissive and immasculate! :mad::mad:
Guys! We are slowly but surely being deprived of mating opportunities! What say you?
I am a Chinese. If you are not happy, Go and get an Indian girl and show him. Tell the indian girl to tell him y she choose to be with u a chinese than be with an indian. Y resort to such racist remarks?
Or even better, bash him up ah. Y kpkb here?
21-01-2011, 04:29 PM
I am a Chinese. If you are not happy, Go and get an Indian girl and show him. Tell the indian girl to tell him y she choose to be with u a chinese than be with an indian. Y resort to such racist remarks?
Or even better, bash him up ah. Y kpkb here?
Actually, I am not surprised that some Chinese girls feel that way, in that just like some Indians who think that they are ang mo, there will also be chinese who hate chinese..... if so, so be it.
But I can tell you that 90% of Chinese chicks would not take on an Indian guy....... so why feel so insecure? There will always be minority opinion and sentiments........
For all you know there are 10% of Indian girls who can't stand Indian men and prefers Chinese..... But I think only 0.1% of Chinese men will take Indians la haha
21-01-2011, 10:02 PM
The default for guys is : Tall, dark and handsome. That's what all girls are looking for.
Do you ever hear for girls: Curvy, dark and pretty?
It's usually Slim, white and pretty.
That should explain why there are no chinese guys with indian girls. It's a pre-conception that's going to be hard to change... .
When they say dark they don't mean black skinned.
22-01-2011, 04:26 AM
Bangali can go n die. Why dunt they stick to their own race. or go home.
24-01-2011, 01:04 PM
if they go home who will build the roads, bridges and buildings...I guess you will or are you under qualified?
24-01-2011, 01:28 PM
Intresting topic bro but I doubt Indian girls like chinese men and not to be racist but chinese men are not considered handsome in non chinese cultures and that is the truth! or for that matter sexually satisfying? but that be said Iam sure there are some non chinese women who might find chinese men attractive?
I know for sure some white girls find Korean men attractive since in LA there are quite a few dating Korean men but never seen White girls showing any keen interest for chinese males either..Once in a blue moon you do come across a couple with a chinese male partner but thats about it. Same goes for latina women and black women ..also all the myth out there also doesnt help chinese males: both sexual and otherwise..
Also in particular to Singapore..Indian women from India in general prefer manly men not momma boys and men who can take care of business plus they like men well hung to sexually satisfy and also be romantic...though some indian men are not known to be romantic..Also their taste in beauty and looks are different to chinese definitions of beauty:smooth yellow skin and slanted eyes are considered exotic but not sexually invigorating or animalistic?
Most indian women who are singaporean seems some how a little different..they seem fine hanging out with momma boys and their sexual preference seems a little more adventurous? However I havent seen many local indian women dating chinese men either and like you said maybe many local chinese men dont prefer indian women here either..they rather prefer a local chinese girl or if they want to conisdered some more elite go for a Japanese woman?
Also coming to Indian men most dont prefer to date chinese women again this has to do with both taste of beauty and sexual preference? Indian men in general like women with a nice ass, tits and olive skin or darker hues. Petite chinese girls are exotic and a novelty.. Like if you go to west bengal or the east of india near sikkim region or Arunachal Pradesh you will see a sizable chinese community and quite a few Indian men dating them but not many..its is considered something 'different' and thats about it.
Some white guys generally prefer the oriental look..slanted eyes .yellow smooth skin and petite with a tight ass and small tits. So locally we see a lot of local chinese girls dating white guys because they feel they are dating elite and the white guy feels good because he likes that asian look and is sexually aroused by it.
Of course all this don't matter much to cheongsters because 'WHY DATE WHEN YOU CAN PAY AND FUCK' on the go... correct or not?
Actually, I am not surprised that some Chinese girls feel that way, in that just like some Indians who think that they are ang mo, there will also be chinese who hate chinese..... if so, so be it.
But I can tell you that 90% of Chinese chicks would not take on an Indian guy....... so why feel so insecure? There will always be minority opinion and sentiments........
For all you know there are 10% of Indian girls who can't stand Indian men and prefers Chinese..... But I think only 0.1% of Chinese men will take Indians la haha
24-01-2011, 01:35 PM
actually only minority so called act high class gals like indian lah. They think sure bigger and thicker ma same like love ang mo rather than chinese. no offence, but usually these gals are more open minded and slut. haha my colleague from chinese switch to ang mo within few weeks
1) either her ex small
2) the ang mo more thicker:D
but she really slut lah few weeks only start to stay at his house liao
but she is indonesia chinese so m,aybe thinking different from local gals here ( majority, of course still got local SPG here)
24-01-2011, 01:41 PM
Bro you quoting Russell Peters lol
On a lighter note, the whole post here reminds me of a joke:
one comedian once said, that in few years all the white guys will disappear from this planet. The reason was that two largest population in the world are indians and chinese, and they are seen everywhere, and are mixing with other races and within themselves. So sooner or later, the mixing will happen. So if u are eyeing a girl of different race, but hesitating, then go for it. Dont wait, because sooner or later this is gonna happen anyway..
Doran Gray
24-01-2011, 01:47 PM
Yo! Bro Samsters,
Let's cool it. Me chinese but still like the song, Ebony and Ivory.
There is black and white, good and bad in everyone...
If anyone wanna be with martian or an octopus, issit your biz?
The world will be better if we are all colour-blind.
Maybe, we should stop this thread here....kindly read my quote!
P.S. The most famous but "unknown" indian woman/chinese man
married couple is actually right at our doorstep...
.....our country President Nathan's daughter and his engineer
son-in-law! They are a perfect pair and a decent couple.
24-01-2011, 08:43 PM
FBI= f by indian
24-01-2011, 09:59 PM
Be more open minded, society is changing rapidly then sometimes people have a hard time catching up. :D
04-02-2011, 04:02 AM
I think this whole thread is bloody waste of time... Trying to separate people within classifications of skin colors.. Just think of the general term of people as humans. We got our likes and dislikes and our preferences. So just mind your own bloody business and carry own living..:)
04-02-2011, 12:21 PM
I Just think of the general term of people as humans.
These guys don't look human to me.
07-02-2011, 07:03 PM
It's a joke. Indian guys don't want to marry Indian gals because they can't stand their own type?
08-02-2011, 02:02 AM
Yo! Bro Samsters,
Let's cool it. Me chinese but still like the song, Ebony and Ivory.
There is black and white, good and bad in everyone...
If anyone wanna be with martian or an octopus, issit your biz?
The world will be better if we are all colour-blind.
Maybe, we should stop this thread here....kindly read my quote!
P.S. The most famous but "unknown" indian woman/chinese man
married couple is actually right at our doorstep...
.....our country President Nathan's daughter and his engineer
son-in-law! They are a perfect pair and a decent couple.
Correction. His son-in-law's a lawyer not engineer.
18-04-2011, 01:36 PM
dunno leh, most chi gal nowday prefers long term relationship with indian bro than their own race maybe due to ur long thick cigar is it heheh , jus jokin liao
anyway for decades i resided regardless of race langugae or religion
i have nothing against the indians singaporean, just dont like the ones from india, same for our chi bros, singaporean chi alrite, no to the ones from china.
When they say dark they don't mean black skinned.
Sure DARK doesn't mean Black skinned but if we look at it on a Pantone chart where would Chinese guys fall into? Light or DARK?
It's a shocking misuse of the line but some girls take things very literally.
18-04-2011, 03:05 PM
Hiya not ur biz mean not ur biz lor.
Some people like very small n yellow banana others the white white big big kind. Then still got others won't eat banana but find kentang or durian nice.
As long as the couple like the relationship is real and no party tio force or tio con or tio violence or hurt other party in real way good enuff liao.
People KPKB about their skin colour prefer other colour kuku but go around hao lian sbout their Mistress whores fm PRc , thailand or vietnam is most boliao.
Better to protect urself not just kaypoh others.
18-04-2011, 03:44 PM
Sure DARK doesn't mean Black skinned but if we look at it on a Pantone chart where would Chinese guys fall into? Light or DARK?
It's a shocking misuse of the line but some girls take things very literally.
Chinese guys would be considered dark if they tan. That's what dark means someone tanned with dark hair and eyes which chinese guys automatically have.
Look this term tall dark and handsome was from european novelists.
Most ppl consider ang mohs to be fair skinned and in fact this term dark is used to seperate the blond haired men from the darker haired ones.
They didn't use it to mean literally black skinned ppl.
I have to correct all this and state this for the record cos there are many racist ppl here that like to show their racial superiority all because they observe females from 1 race dating males from another race which is pretty stupid, absolutely riddiculous and they don't have the stats they based their evidence on what they saw. :rolleyes:
You must also take note that it's not always the majority race that is the discriminator like how some ppl just love to spout out.
18-04-2011, 06:01 PM
Seen many times indian guy dating chinese ladies.
19-04-2011, 09:32 AM
indian guy + chinese gal r quite common these days.
but seem the trend now is malay guy + chinese gal & chinese guy + malay gal!!
so wat yr take on this bros out there!!!
20-04-2011, 09:42 PM
Seen many times indian guy dating chinese ladies.
chinese guys don't like indian ladies.
Indian guys try very hard to date chinese.
20-04-2011, 09:43 PM
indian guy + chinese gal r quite common these days.
but seem the trend now is malay guy + chinese gal & chinese guy + malay gal!!
so wat yr take on this bros out there!!!
There was a news report about more malay professional ladies marrying outside their race like chinese guys.
20-04-2011, 11:25 PM
i have an indian friend with chinese gf. took him 7years to make the girl accept him. bt nw they are happily married
23-04-2011, 09:37 AM
chinese guys don't like indian ladies.
Indian guys try very hard to date chinese.
well i think it a lot depends on the taste of what women or men want.. everyone has their own choice..
but i also think on the other hand, and noticed as well, some of my local gf's n prc have pointed out the Indian men usually treat them quite well compared to chinese men.. especially after marriage (if they are planning)..
But in the end still its everybody's choice on whom to be with or not.
24-04-2011, 04:05 PM
It's very common nowadays. I guess it doesn't matter especially when the Indian guy and Chinese girl are of the same Singaporean nationality. I guess if both the Indian guy and Chinese girl are from the same country, then there isn't much of a culture shock compared to if the Indian guy is from South Africa and the Chinese girl is from Thailand. I'm a guy who is of mixed heritage (Indian/Chinese mixed) and my parents seem fine with each other. Nothing weird at all..
For some reason, I find that many of the Indian-Chinese mixed girls are pretty. Of course, got exceptions also liao..
I agree with andriy15. Nowadays the trend is more towards Chinese-Malay couples.
I've seen really beautiful Indian girls going out with ang mohs and some North Indian girls with Chinese boyfriends/husbands.
Btw, Shocking_Vibes your avatar never fails to make me laugh. Reminds me of my friend's cat (or my friend himself, rather)
Toyota Honda
24-04-2011, 05:24 PM
sorry to digress abit but reading this thread reminded me of my 2 uni friends.
1 chinese lady and 1 malay guy. This chi lady is infact quite pretty, tall, long haired, sweet face big eyes. Thing is, she has an angmoh bf. And this poor malay guy, who likes her so much, tried to act high class, proud and even slang just to try to win her heart. Cannot tahan.. He stays in Clementi, but he can send the girl home from boonlay to pasir ris then go back clementi again. even when we try to friendly chat with the girl, he also give us that stern face machiam he own the girl. the only time he is not with the girl is when she goes tyo the toilet but he stands outside the ladies waiting for her.
End up, still can't get her even though the girl eventually kena dumped by the angmo after his work stint in spore ended though he promised to bring her back to his country to get married.
After havingtyped so much, I realised that I dun have any value add toi this thread at all.. So sorry. Please continue..
24-04-2011, 05:49 PM
its all good, interracial or whatever, as long the guy/girl treats the other party well, coupled with awesome sex and respect.
I've some minah and indian brown sugars I love to get my cock in as well.
24-04-2011, 08:22 PM
Seen too many times, nowadays feel nothing special at all.
25-04-2011, 05:06 PM
sorry to digress abit but reading this thread reminded me of my 2 uni friends.
1 chinese lady and 1 malay guy. This chi lady is infact quite pretty, tall, long haired, sweet face big eyes. Thing is, she has an angmoh bf. And this poor malay guy, who likes her so much, tried to act high class, proud and even slang just to try to win her heart. Cannot tahan.. He stays in Clementi, but he can send the girl home from boonlay to pasir ris then go back clementi again. even when we try to friendly chat with the girl, he also give us that stern face machiam he own the girl. the only time he is not with the girl is when she goes tyo the toilet but he stands outside the ladies waiting for her.
End up, still can't get her even though the girl eventually kena dumped by the angmo after his work stint in spore ended though he promised to bring her back to his country to get married.
After havingtyped so much, I realised that I dun have any value add toi this thread at all.. So sorry. Please continue..
Even malay guy tries to think he owns the girl from another race. :D
Sometimes we see more of 1 gender from 1 race compared to vice versa is cos of this example here. Look at how despo the malay guy is in chasing the chinese gal.
Doubt a chinese guy would act like that.
25-04-2011, 05:08 PM
well i think it a lot depends on the taste of what women or men want.. everyone has their own choice..
but i also think on the other hand, and noticed as well, some of my local gf's n prc have pointed out the Indian men usually treat them quite well compared to chinese men.. especially after marriage (if they are planning)..
But in the end still its everybody's choice on whom to be with or not.
But somehow indian men treat indian women terribly. Usually a woman getting severely beaten up by her husband is an indian man doing it to an indian woman.
I pity indian women in the sense that they are controlled even more so compared to their male counterparts in whom they can date and marry.
25-04-2011, 11:30 PM
Was @ CV eating late night supper on sat night. Witnessed a chinese lady quarrel with a indian guy(suspected posible gf/bf) as me & my fb saw them holding hands earlier on. The indian guy just scold her for been a cheapo & the chinese lady scold him for spending 'unwisely' for something. End up the indian guy got mad & went to his car & drove away while the lady got into a taxi & go. Well it depends.
Next experience was a ex classmate gathering my ex classmate, a local chinese married to an indian. She was happy & blessed after 5 years courtship. Her hb now an IT director & she live like taitai now.
26-04-2011, 01:10 AM
Even malay guy tries to think he owns the girl from another race. :D
Sometimes we see more of 1 gender from 1 race compared to vice versa is cos of this example here. Look at how despo the malay guy is in chasing the chinese gal.
Doubt a chinese guy would act like that.
Why would u think that way? The chinese girl, already so despo to marry her ang mor bf n live in his country that she would date him even though he;s probably much older(she being in uni, he working) and on some kind of short work contract, that she probably already let him do it in all her holes.
Fact is, just give any local chinese girl that 1% chance of being with an ang mor, and they will grab it.
26-04-2011, 03:53 PM
Why would u think that way? The chinese girl, already so despo to marry her ang mor bf n live in his country that she would date him even though he;s probably much older(she being in uni, he working) and on some kind of short work contract, that she probably already let him do it in all her holes.
Fact is, just give any local chinese girl that 1% chance of being with an ang mor, and they will grab it.
How about give any local gal malay, indian or eurasian that 1% chance and they will go with ang moh?
You're just another one of those think chinese ppl are inferior or that somehow chinese girls don't like chinese guys and get angry when you see situations that don't fit your view. Like in this case it's a malay guy that lost out not a chinese guy.
Like you had to add in local chinese girl and not local girl like somehow only chinese gals like behave like what you mentioned.
26-04-2011, 03:55 PM
President nathan's daughter is married to a chinese guy. I think some lawyer. Think she lives like a tai tai but then again her dad is already so rich.
26-04-2011, 10:07 PM
How about give any local gal malay, indian or eurasian that 1% chance and they will go with ang moh?
You're just another one of those think chinese ppl are inferior or that somehow chinese girls don't like chinese guys and get angry when you see situations that don't fit your view. Like in this case it's a malay guy that lost out not a chinese guy.
Like you had to add in local chinese girl and not local girl like somehow only chinese gals like behave like what you mentioned.
Yeap, thanks for pointing that out, probably any local girl then.
Well, I must point out that Im not from the 4 common races in SG and have gotten lucky with local girls as well as foreign ones, thanks to my race.
So no, Im not sure why you would think that, but i do not think that Chinese people, or any other races are inferior, and yes, I got angry when I read your racially-biased point of view "Doubt a chinese guy would act like that." which I believe does not fit my view or Singapore's either. :)
27-04-2011, 03:14 AM
Yeap, thanks for pointing that out, probably any local girl then.
Well, I must point out that Im not from the 4 common races in SG and have gotten lucky with local girls as well as foreign ones, thanks to my race.
So no, Im not sure why you would think that, but i do not think that Chinese people, or any other races are inferior, and yes, I got angry when I read your racially-biased point of view "Doubt a chinese guy would act like that." which I believe does not fit my view or Singapore's either. :)
Oh pls I'm being different in this case. I'm a breath of fresh air.
Why would you take offence at my last sentence. I doubt a chinese guy would behave like that but yet at the same time type a racially charge sentence in your other post about a local chinese girl not a local girl but specifically a local chinese girl would go for a white if just given a 1% chance?
That's the problem with the racial situation in this country. Anytime anyone types out something that insults a non chinese person everyone gets offended. Yet if someone types out an offensive post insulting chinese ppl especially ESPCIALLY chinese males it's okay.
I'm asking you why should you be offended that i wrote that when you wrote something offensive yourself.
You mentioned that you're not from the 4 main races here and 1 of the races is a mixed race with the white ppl. Are you perhaps a white or latino perhaps? Why won't you reveal your race?
You know i find it riddiculous cos i'm in perhaps in the minority that if he even dares say something degradatory about a non chinese person here is immediately condemned as a racist and so on etc just for writing that last sentence but somehow it's okay for you to write that about chinese ppl of course particularly targetting the chinese males.
You didn't even see the irony when you wrote that post #206 and then somehow got offended by my post. :rolleyes: Go back and reflect on it.
27-04-2011, 04:10 AM
tts good! Chinese + Indians = Chindian Chicks....Think chinese looking gals with sharp features and large voluminous assets...hehehe I like...
My favorite all-time Chindian: Michelle Saram....Loved seeing her on TV when in primary school....
18-06-2011, 02:49 AM
Hey don't be a bloody racist. Let's love & not hate. I love any race or type of women. I love pussy period. All we need is love. Why the hate?
30-12-2011, 05:10 AM
I know about having a sg chinese gf, its always about judging and being judged... people never admit it. But they do.. I'm nice enough, but I do get pissed off when people say dumb shit...
1. Indians, as a rule of thumb, don't really beat our wives... we don't get drunk and come home and clobber them...
2. Yes, we are dark skinned, furry and talk/behave differently, but we're from different backgrounds, it takes time to understand each other
3. Sex... its actually, something we must consent upon... 2 people can have similar everythings, but their attitude towards sex can differ...
haha, hope this was insightful and relevant to the thread
11-12-2012, 11:41 PM
I guess interracial is always more charming then regular mating......personally i like chinese gals more even being an indian dude........and the chemistry in interracial relationship is much more exciting..............dont know if any chi sis here thinks of the same way!!
12-12-2012, 02:41 AM
bangali are all rapists and pervert. All have mental problem.
12-12-2012, 02:43 AM
Y bangali dunt go after their own race. Fucking cheebye bangali. All rapists. Dirty shit.
12-12-2012, 02:46 AM
They all fucking look the same. All look like monkeys.
16-12-2012, 12:36 PM
bangali are all rapists and pervert. All have mental problem.
It is obvious who is having mental problems.
Banglas are much more useful to Singapore than you.
While I am not a fan of Banglas' attitude*, we have to admit that they come her to pull their family out of poverty, far from their wives, work for *very low* wages, are constantly exploited by their employers, yet are the real muscles which built not only your HDB flat, but also all the glitter that you see in CBD, MBS, Orchard road etc.
*They might look dirty, ogle at women, go out with Filipino maids, but what exactly do you expect? Them to be dressed up and drive BMWs like a CEO, hire high class escorts for $3K/hour when they feel horny?
Learn to use some part of your brain, have some compassion to fellow human beings. Grow up.
16-12-2012, 02:07 PM
I am talking about singapore bangali. They are the worst.
16-12-2012, 02:13 PM
bangali all are possesed.
16-12-2012, 11:38 PM
I am talking about singapore bangali. They are the worst.
What/who exactly is 'singapore bangali' ? I thought Banglas were from Bangladesh?
Are you a clone of arius3 ?
17-12-2012, 12:33 AM
Arius3 and drekman sounds just like the same person...
17-12-2012, 01:25 AM
how pathetic! people could be so racial in thinking and comments!! i believe all races have their own charm and problems. why finger someone when we might have the problem with ours also
for me .........any race can mingle with any race.......thats the beauty of mating!!
10-04-2013, 02:47 AM
Sorry Indian bros but this my view.
I got this story to tell.
I got this female friend got pregnant and this Indian guy flee and disappear and no one able to find him. Until few months later when my friend went through the pain of abortion then he appear and take it as nothing happened, worst is we manage to find him by banging into him on the street with another girl.
he girl is 14 that time dunno much thing as this Indian guy starting been a nice guy, after some time he teach this girl to play ice and this is when this thing happens.
My another friend of 17 malmost the same. Both use to be good girl but because of this it spoil their life...
So I really have this prejudge on Indian guys with Chinese girls.
I have no offends to Indian bros but hope you guys understand.
10-04-2013, 06:07 AM
bangali are lairs and bullshit. And they smell like skunk even though they put perfume.
10-04-2013, 06:15 AM
It is like chinese kissing a monkey.
10-04-2013, 01:58 PM
Look at it at the more possible perspective.
Actually, more INdian guys prefer Chinese Gals ... nowadays.
Not actually the other way round.
So Indian guys do find chinese gals more appealing to them after the longest time. That goes to show Singapore Chinese gals generally are more well received as a life time partner for all races.
And ...not many Chinese gals would think about having Indian boyfriends in the first place until time & space plus fate brings them together. Chinese gals still think about Chinese guys first when they wants to have a partner.
10-04-2013, 02:31 PM
Sorry Indian bros but this my view.
I got this story to tell.
I got this female friend got pregnant and this Indian guy flee and disappear and no one able to find him. Until few months later when my friend went through the pain of abortion then he appear and take it as nothing happened, worst is we manage to find him by banging into him on the street with another girl.
he girl is 14 that time dunno much thing as this Indian guy starting been a nice guy, after some time he teach this girl to play ice and this is when this thing happens.
My another friend of 17 malmost the same. Both use to be good girl but because of this it spoil their life...
So I really have this prejudge on Indian guys with Chinese girls.
I have no offends to Indian bros but hope you guys understand.
THIS IS RIDICULOUS. If it was a chinese guy who did this to a chinese girl, then you would not say anything. Just, oh he is a stupid fella. But since it's Indian in this case, you now look down on Indians. ????
This is how prejudice and racism begins. It begins becuase you see ONE minority act badly, then you judge all. But when the MAJORITY act badly, never mind lah.....:eek:
BTW - i am not an indian.
10-04-2013, 02:41 PM
Look at it at the more possible perspective.
Actually, more INdian guys prefer Chinese Gals ... nowadays.
Not actually the other way round.
So Indian guys do find chinese gals more appealing to them after the longest time. That goes to show Singapore Chinese gals generally are more well received as a life time partner for all races.
And ...not many Chinese gals would think about having Indian boyfriends in the first place until time & space plus fate brings them together. Chinese gals still think about Chinese guys first when they wants to have a partner.
It is not that Indian guys prefer Chinese girls. It just so happens, that the INdian guys are LIVING IN Singapore so obviously much bigger selection of Chinese girls. So this alone, makes higher percentage of dating a chinese lady. Why limit yourself to only one race? Especially when your race is the minority.
I would say Indian ladies are also very open to Chinese guys. I have seen many Singaporean Indian ladies very open to dating chinese guys.
If a chinese girl has choice of dating chinese toilet cleaner, or indian ceo...who you think she choose? Same other way around, indian lady wants to date indian toilet cleaner or chinese banker?
Would the Chinese men here in this forum rather date an ugly chinese girl, or Aishwarya Rai? For me...this is obvious.
10-04-2013, 02:42 PM
Which one would Chinese guys choose? So if you choose the Indian girl then it means all chinese guys prefer Indian girls. ( (
10-04-2013, 03:56 PM
Hey Bro,
Not good la. I recall that particular chinese lady got do some crime (shoplifting?) and that is her mugshot. But not nice to make a point (and joke) at her misfortune.
But I agree with your points. If you give me some african ladies like Halle Berry or Tyra Banks, I will definitely score and put Singapore on the international map!
But if you give some see beh jia lat lazy fat ass ...... err....... actually I will still score, but I won't tell anyone about it!
People cant judge me or laugh at my standards and act all high and mighty moral police if they dont know!
10-04-2013, 04:44 PM
One of the prettiest girl in my JC back in the late 80s is of Indian father-Chinese mother descent... one look at girl and she will melt your heart.
Indian-Chinese mix is not that strange, been occurring for a long long time. Only with influx of lots of northern indians and western indians have we become more sensitive. I think Singapore Tamils Indians (the biggest group of natural born citizens) also find the large influx disturbing.
10-04-2013, 09:58 PM
its up to individual perference. AS what most ppl say... love is blind
10-04-2013, 10:43 PM
my comment is that inferior complex is at plays here, say whichever "stigmatised races" is well groomed, well educated, well manner, kind hearted+ fucking rich beyond belief; then the perception of (indians etc) will change.
i guess the point here i want to make is, we shouldnt look down on any races, just because we perceived and generalised our experience towards them. After all, we are not here to judge any human being based on their culture or skin color (nazi?)
10-04-2013, 11:55 PM
Look at it at the more possible perspective.
Actually, more INdian guys prefer Chinese Gals ... nowadays.
Not actually the other way round.
So Indian guys do find chinese gals more appealing to them after the longest time. That goes to show Singapore Chinese gals generally are more well received as a life time partner for all races.
And ...not many Chinese gals would think about having Indian boyfriends in the first place until time & space plus fate brings them together. Chinese gals still think about Chinese guys first when they wants to have a partner.
Yes, I fully agree with u bro.
nowadays it's becoming more common seeing indian guys paired with chinese gals.
the interesting thing is that the gal usually is quite chio (or at least presentable lah). whenever my friends n I see such a pair, we always cant help but wonder:
1) we chinese guys must be quite lousy in sian-ing chinese gals cos these indian guys always manage to sian d pretty ones.
2) some of these indian guys are not very handsome, so it must be their glib tongue n character that won d gals over. (very often, chinese gals complain that chinese guys juz do not have the 'feng du' or not 'da fang' enuff.)
3) always it's chinese gal-indian guy. but why is it not happening d other way round, i.e chinese guy-indian gal??? there could be pairs but it's rare.
11-04-2013, 12:34 AM
Just my humble two cents worth:
If they love each other, be it indian, chinese, malay etc etc.. so be it, why the hell are we even discussing this?
Are you jealous that the indian chap got a pretty chinese gf or something?
Chill man.. we dont need racism in this society..
11-04-2013, 01:19 AM
I'm curious whether there is a misconception indians have BBC (big black cocks) like the american blacks. If so maybe that will explain part of their appeal. Anyway if we have more fair skinned indian girls, I would like try this interracial thing too.
11-04-2013, 09:16 AM
Yes, I fully agree with u bro.
nowadays it's becoming more common seeing indian guys paired with chinese gals.
the interesting thing is that the gal usually is quite chio (or at least presentable lah). whenever my friends n I see such a pair, we always cant help but wonder:
1) we chinese guys must be quite lousy in sian-ing chinese gals cos these indian guys always manage to sian d pretty ones.
2) some of these indian guys are not very handsome, so it must be their glib tongue n character that won d gals over. (very often, chinese gals complain that chinese guys juz do not have the 'feng du' or not 'da fang' enuff.)
3) always it's chinese gal-indian guy. but why is it not happening d other way round, i.e chinese guy-indian gal??? there could be pairs but it's rare.
WRT point 3 - becuase you don't do somethign about it! go and court some hot indian girls. I bet you they will give you the chance. Indian guys got courage to court chinese girls, becuase they are minority so need to increase their dating pool. Chinese guys being majority, get lazy becuase they are majority race. But it is same for Indian gals - they have limited dating pool of indian guys. My experience with indian gals, they are very open to other races!! Give it a shot bro, u might be very pleasantly surprised.
11-04-2013, 09:17 AM
Hey Bro,
Not good la. I recall that particular chinese lady got do some crime (shoplifting?) and that is her mugshot. But not nice to make a point (and joke) at her misfortune.
But I agree with your points. If you give me some african ladies like Halle Berry or Tyra Banks, I will definitely score and put Singapore on the international map!
But if you give some see beh jia lat lazy fat ass ...... err....... actually I will still score, but I won't tell anyone about it!
People cant judge me or laugh at my standards and act all high and mighty moral police if they dont know!
nah she was the one who got sued by her husband in china becuase she got plastic surgery. AFter surgery she very beautiful, but her children of course don't ineherit the good looks of surgery. So husband sue her for ugly children ha ha
11-04-2013, 12:26 PM
nah she was the one who got sued by her husband in china becuase she got plastic surgery. AFter surgery she very beautiful, but her children of course don't ineherit the good looks of surgery. So husband sue her for ugly children ha ha
Eh...all ur posts seems to be defensive abt indians leh...what's up?
And do you need to flood this thread or not?
In secondary school, due to overwhelming influence of world cup 1990, we set up a team to play football with other secondary school kids. The only indian in our team is a muscular goalie aneh. He also play waterpolo btw. His gf then was very fair and a chinese. My friend one day just asked with him not around, how come his chiobu chose him and not us, I said, because Keling Dua Kee. All of us laugh.
When I was in pri sch, went to a neighbourhood place for tuition, the teacher, a chio indian undergrad, her sis married a Chinese.
My point is no need to differentiate who's who because of skin and creed. Its like nothing extraordinary now. You watch Taiwan programme WTO 姐妹会, wah lau, those taiwanese also married African girls. Let alone those Ang Mohs.
Even we married our own race no guarantee that is will be blissful. Just my thought.
11-04-2013, 12:44 PM
Eh...all ur posts seems to be defensive abt indians leh...what's up?
And do you need to flood this thread or not?
Here is the article as you don't seem to believe me and think i made this up to attack chinese
The article above seems to offend you, not sure why, becuase what one chinese does, does not reflect all chinese.
11-04-2013, 01:36 PM
Here is the article as you don't seem to believe me and think i made this up to attack chinese
The article above seems to offend you, not sure why, becuase what one chinese does, does not reflect all chinese.
Eh what do u mean by answering the question you asked? Did I said its offensive? I am asking why are u so defensive?
11-04-2013, 02:14 PM
Eh what do u mean by answering the question you asked? Did I said its offensive? I am asking why are u so defensive?
What question did I ask?
Please show me how I am defensive?
13-04-2013, 04:58 PM
some bros may be offended by this thread but I see nothing wrong or racist la. guess TS is merely discussing on a rising trend in spore. think we still dont see malay guys with chinese gals over the decades? ang mo guys with chinese gals have been fairly consistent so nothin much to talk abt. also don't see many cross-country (apart fr msia) marriages like sporean-myanamr/korea/japan/african/s.american etc.
i guess if d topic is a Malay instead of Indian it'd hv attracted less criticism lah.
13-04-2013, 05:49 PM
What is Racist??? My Lecturer once said, the term of Racist is a FACT where peoplen cannot accept, E.g.
1) Chinese like to gamble
2) Malay like to take drug
3) Indian like to be drunk
No offence to any bros down here but if you really be a policeman b4 or PNS before you will know this 3 are the fact, jus that people cannot accept the reality.
14-04-2013, 12:28 AM
Indian men have longer and thicker cocks. Fuck by one is very shiok, especially if they are Bollywood types (i.e. northern indians)..... We r talking abt love n u r talking abt dick...shit urself u northerns
14-04-2013, 12:08 PM
i always sad to see chinese ladies go with ah neh, mud or even angmoh
really no chinese guy to suit her?
however there are also many chinese ladies who pick a very ugly looking chinese guy .. somehow can conclude chinese woman no care look
but the ladies who chose other races and mix till dunoe what ...
can foresee in future SG population is zup zeng ... very sad ,, sad for the ladies parents and ancestors
why can't just keep to your own races?? why?
anyone knows why chinese and mud guy rarely go for indian woman?
30-04-2013, 04:36 PM
what s the fuck??? this is unbearable to imagine or see....
sorry to say but indian are the worst guy can imagine with any girls except their own race...their color is so horrible....white people are white, it s fine, arabian or indonesian or malay are brown is fine, black people are black is fine too....BUT INDIAN PEOPLE ARE SHIT COLOR SKIN, NEITHER BLACK NEITHER BROWN BUT LIKE THE SHIT COLOR YOU FLUSH OUT OF THE TOILET
01-05-2013, 05:58 PM
I'd dated guys from the major ethnic groups as well as men from other parts of the world.
The current guy I am seeing is a local Indian (I'm Chinese with Peranakan blood btw). When I look at him, I do not SEE a man who is of 'shit' colour. I FEEL the personality he exudes from within. He makes me feel like the most precious thing without pretence. Am I deceiving myself? I would say I'd dated and experienced enough to judge a man.
He doesn't like easy girls despite me being one of the demanding girls some of you may despise.
Superficially speaking, we have great sexual chemistry. He is definitely bigger than many guys (even some ang mo). We can't get enough of each other.
Why get so worked up over others just because they are dating girls of your colour? There is no rule stating chinese should date chinese etc. While people are getting angry with Indian men dating Chinese girl or vice versa, they are happily enjoying their dates.
01-05-2013, 06:15 PM
my opinion is as long as you happy with your partner all is a ok. races and religions are just barier to overcome. those who cling to racism are loser.
02-05-2013, 08:15 PM
Dosen't matter Indian,Malay or chinese love is blind.
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