View Full Version : PURE SOLID MASSAGE - Xiao Wei

10-06-2008, 10:29 PM
Thanks to bros who had given me lobang before. My first time to contribute to bros. Yesterday received a SMS from this prc, she say her friend give her me number say I good man willing to help type. Hear also make me pei sai :D .
Okay now straight to the topic. Meet her today and was rewarded with a real solid massage but she give massage only no hanky panky. Anyway is okay for me as I love good massage. After massage TCSS with her and understand that she is on student pass. She learn the skill of massage in her homeland and during her study here giving massage to support herself. She ask me to intro her my friends for massage, so here I am doing. Me no good in fr so let bros try her massage and give review. :D

Look : 6.5 girl next door type
Age : 25 she say, me see also around there
Massage : 8.5/10 she solve my aching back problem
Damage : 50 for 1+half hr of pure massage + 20 (H81) + tip (I give cause her massage is real good). She say that for a proper massage should be at least 1+half hour.
Location : Lavender H81
Operation hour : afternoon to about 10pm, she need to sleep for next morning study.
NOsss : NO other service, massage only.

Bros who are looking for good solid massage only she is the one, you will not regret. :D PM me for contact, please understand I am not able to log on always, will try my best best.

I am still a newbie so I know how is feel, but to protect this gem will only give contact to bros who got frs posted before.

Disclaimer: I make no $ just helping her and also let bros enjoy her massage which I think is really good.

10-06-2008, 10:36 PM
Bros , can I hv the contact please. thank you :)

10-06-2008, 10:43 PM
bro, pls private message me her contact number, thank you

10-06-2008, 11:00 PM
i wanna try
pls share her contacts

10-06-2008, 11:01 PM
bro, i am new here, trying to figure out how to post here
pls sms me her contact, thankyou

10-06-2008, 11:07 PM
wanna try also,pls share the contact.:):)

10-06-2008, 11:33 PM
Bro, please PM me the contact. Thanks:)

11-06-2008, 02:37 AM
hi bro, can pm me her contact as I need is a solid hard massage

11-06-2008, 02:40 AM
pls pm me e contacts, as im really looking for a good massage to solve my sports problems.. thanks

11-06-2008, 02:41 AM
Can share contact ?

11-06-2008, 06:58 AM
Bro, can pm me her contact as I need is a solid massage.

11-06-2008, 10:17 AM
Had given her contact to come bros, those bros that I no give because you have no posting of fr only post TCSS

Bros, forget to mention she from PRC only understand chinese. Those bros who no know chinese sorry. :D

11-06-2008, 11:47 AM
private message me her contact number pls, looking for a good massage! :)

11-06-2008, 01:38 PM
bro, can I have her contact?? Thanks

11-06-2008, 07:21 PM
Brother, can share her contact? I always want good massage only, many thanks

11-06-2008, 09:57 PM
Thanks to bros who had given me lobang before. My first time to contribute to bros. Yesterday received a SMS from this prc, she say her friend give her me number say I good man willing to help type. Hear also make me pei sai :D .
Okay now straight to the topic. Meet her today and was rewarded with a real solid massage but she give massage only no hanky panky. Anyway is okay for me as I love good massage. After massage TCSS with her and understand that she is on student pass. She learn the skill of massage in her homeland and during her study here giving massage to support herself. She ask me to intro her my friends for massage, so here I am doing. Me no good in fr so let bros try her massage and give review. :D

Look : 6.5 girl next door type
Age : 25 she say, me see also around there
Massage : 8.5/10 she solve my aching back problem
Damage : 50 for 1+half hr of pure massage + 20 (H81) + tip (I give cause her massage is real good). She say that for a proper massage should be at least 1+half hour.
Location : Lavender H81
Operation hour : afternoon to about 10pm, she need to sleep for next morning study.
NOsss : NO other service, massage only.

Bros who are looking for good solid massage only she is the one, you will not regret. :D PM me for contact, please understand I am not able to log on always, will try my best best.

I am still a newbie so I know how is feel, but to protect this gem will only give contact to bros who got frs posted before.

Disclaimer: I make no $ just helping her and also let bros enjoy her massage which I think is really good.

I am a newbie here, but would like to have good massage. Can pm me the contact. Will post fr after that. Appreciate.

11-06-2008, 11:30 PM
Would be glad can you share her contact to me too.

12-06-2008, 02:21 AM
I need a good massage too. Pls share her contact.

12-06-2008, 02:21 AM
I need a good massage too. Pls share her contact.

12-06-2008, 03:46 AM
Bro,can share her contact. thanks

13-06-2008, 12:31 AM
Bro, can you please kindly pass me her contact.
Thanks in advance!

13-06-2008, 06:54 AM
Bros , can I hv the contact please. thanks

14-06-2008, 01:08 PM
Bros who had tried her massage, why no frs. Please give your frs so that other bros can know if she is really good in massage. This also can help her to have more customers.

Kum sei in advance for bros frs.:D

15-06-2008, 12:02 AM
Tried her massage yesterday, very good and detail, and she look like the girl next door type, you will be suprise by her good and hard massage. for those bro. who looking for extra, she don't provide any, please respect her, she just want to use her skill to earn a living. Thanks Brother A. L. for her contact.

15-06-2008, 12:06 AM
Tried her massage yesterday, very good and detail, and she look like the girl next door type, you will be suprise by her good and hard massage. for those bro. who looking for extra, she don't provide any, please respect her, she just want to use her skill to earn a living. Thanks Brother A. L. for her contact.

Glad you like her massage and thanks for the fr. Had up you for it :D

15-06-2008, 12:11 AM
Glad you like her massage and thanks for the fr. Had up you for it :D

Thank you Brother.

16-06-2008, 01:42 AM
Thanks bro change1012 for Xiao Wei ctc.

Was having a backache so gave her a call.
Arrange for a session at Lavander81 but I was late. She was kind enough to wait for me. Upon reaching, was greeted by a girl-next-door sweet looking gal. She is very smiley and I was glad it was a good start.

Massage was so good. Despite her petite size she had the strength and knows the place to rub. She is also very chatty so spend a good time with her until cross the 2 hours :o

Tip her for the good service and left a restored man.
She is not into any hanky panky so hope bros will respect her for it.
Good value for money massage are hard to find these days.
Thumbs up for a good lobang.

Pls get ctc from TS.

16-06-2008, 01:54 PM
Thanks to TS who had given me the contact.. Call her few days back and luckily she is not so ang-pai so I'm able to arrange an immediate slot with her at 6.30pm. (due to work committment thus always able to pre-arrange in advance) Went to have my de-huan-giam-chai dinner beside the hotel before the massage..
Book a room and sms her, 2 mins later goes the bell rang and as described by other bros here, a plain jane with a smiling face. Advance to the massage session and yes,,,, good strength and good knowledge of where to apply necessary pressure on individual spot. Try to take a nap through but she solid massage kept me awake (slightly painful lah).....
TCSS with her and she confirmed she doesn't provide any extra service... Overall,a really enjoyable massage....

Look : 6/10
Age : 25
Massage : 9/10
Damage : 50 for 1+half hr of pure massage + 20 (H81) + 20 tips
Location : Lavender H81
Extra : YES......... (only the extra tips u pay to her, others extras bo lah) :D.

16-06-2008, 10:35 PM
Thanks to bro Monster98 and bro Ekemono for their frs. I am very happy that both bros are satisfied with her massage. :D

Bro Monster98 thanks for your upping had return the up.

Bros who are satisfied with the massage and can afford it, please give her the EXTRAS that bro Monster98 had mentioned. She work very hard, this is just a token of appreciation. A BIG THANK YOU! :)

Any more bros who want pure solid massage please pm me. For those bros who had pm me and I did not give you contact means you no meet the minimum requirement - 1 fr in your past posting

17-06-2008, 12:55 PM

I am new in this forum. I join this forum becoz i would like to get pure great massage.I am attract by your post. Would appreciate if you can give me her contact.

17-06-2008, 10:42 PM
Had given her contact to many bros but only a handful of frs :confused:

Bros, I had stated before to have her contact the minimum requirement is 1 fr posting. Those bros who did not meet the minimum requirement I will just ignore. Sorry.

18-06-2008, 11:18 AM
Had given her contact to many bros but only a handful of frs

Bro change1012,

Thanks for the CTC, will write fr when am free to make a date...

Thanks again........


18-06-2008, 11:50 AM
can i have the contact? will fr once i try her.. thanks

18-06-2008, 01:27 PM
can i have the contact? will fr once i try her.. thanks

Sorry bro, I scan thru your postings I cannot find any fr , all is only tcss on TH ktv

I had stated minumum requirement 1 fr

18-06-2008, 02:47 PM
H bro,

can pls pm me her contact? many tks!

19-06-2008, 11:00 AM
Tried her few days back. The massage was unbelievably good! Hard just the way i liked it and she really took her time. When the recep called to inform that the room is up in 10 mins time, she was still giving me the final lap of the massage.

Great value for money. Eased my backache which she spent considerable time and effort.

Thanks again to bro change!

19-06-2008, 01:02 PM
Tried her few days back. The massage was unbelievably good! Hard just the way i liked it and she really took her time. When the recep called to inform that the room is up in 10 mins time, she was still giving me the final lap of the massage.

Great value for money. Eased my backache which she spent considerable time and effort.

Thanks again to bro change!

Your are welcome bro, I am happy you like her massage. :D

20-06-2008, 11:12 PM
Hey! Had given Xiao Wei contact to so many bros yet only so few frs. :confused:

21-06-2008, 12:04 AM
Thks TS for the contact.

Wanted to book a session with XW Wed, but she told me she need to study, asked me if Thur is alright for me. Told her I am quite tight the next few days and will "date" her again next week. She's so kind to tell me that she can introduce her friend if I'm really tired. But i declined her offer.

Then went of 1/2 day leave on thur to run errand and after running the errand, still got time.. so sms her and ask if she's free. She said she's free.

So book a rm and L81 and waited for her. Doorbell rings, and a ger-next-door came in with a smile. Massage was good and really can feel her strength. After the full body massage, she offers to massage my head..... the big head..of cos.....

After washed up, paid her and left the htl with body feeling so relief...:)

Bro who enjoy hard and clean massage shd not miss her....

plse ask TS for contact.

21-06-2008, 01:04 PM
can i have her contact. really need a good massage

21-06-2008, 05:29 PM
bro can pm me the number? like to try today after work

22-06-2008, 12:03 PM
Thanks to bro Hanky Panky for the fr. She is a gem in massage thats why I only give to bro who had at least 1 fr posting. Bros who did not qualify please do not pm me. Thank you and sorry.

22-06-2008, 09:25 PM
Arranged for Sun morn session with her at L81....

As it was a rtf, as expected, the same top notch massage was provided... definitely a GEM if you are looking a great massage for your body aches..

To enhance it, I even bought a bottle of lavender massage oil from body shop to use.. :p

23-06-2008, 12:04 AM
No hank panky massage I like.

Please PM me the contacts bro, will post FR once done.

Thank you Kam Siah

23-06-2008, 09:54 AM
No hank panky massage I like.
Please PM me the contacts bro, will post FR once done.
Thank you Kam Siah

Bro, check your pm. :D

Bro Killerlp, thanks for your fr. Will do something when I regain power.

So many bros had booked her for massage that I am not able to book her for more than one week already. Now body aching! :( But in the spirit of SBF sharing, bo bian :p

23-06-2008, 04:29 PM
Thank BRo TS for the contact
This is my FR

Reach office see today not much appt so faster sms xiao wei, fast reply said on at 1pm,upon reach Lavander81 saw 1 lady in black wearing so short that got free backside to look at:eek: almost bang into the car in front. NVM faster park and ask how much? quoat $100.00 but got appt already, go in take a room sms xiao wei, than empty my things feeling a bit funny 1st time check in hotel never bring CD:rolleyes: 5 mins later a girl-next-door sweet looking gal arrived.
Massage was so good. started with oil massage on back than normal massage for the rest of the body except little bro dun get any.:p
this is the best 2hrs massage that i get in these few months all the other are all piano massage than special special,She is not into any hanky panky so I respect her,Good value for money massage.

Look 7/10
services 9.5/10
massage 9.5/10
Damages $50+$10 Tip + $20 Room
RTM 100%yes

Thanks TS Bro once for the great lobang:D

23-06-2008, 05:12 PM
Solid massage, just what I am looking for!!!
Can PM me?

23-06-2008, 07:03 PM
Thanks bro for your PM....can see that she seem very popular here....i will try to make booking with her....hopefully can fit into my schdule...:D

24-06-2008, 02:46 AM
Thanks bro for your PM....can see that she seem very popular here....i will try to make booking with her....hopefully can fit into my schdule...:D

Yah lor bro, now I very the hard to book her also. Been more than a week no massage, my back complaining very the aching liao. ;)

24-06-2008, 10:12 PM
Hi Bro,

Can share her contact too??

24-06-2008, 10:25 PM
pls share the contact, thank you bro..

25-06-2008, 10:49 AM
pls share the contact, thank you bro..

Check your pm bro. :D

25-06-2008, 01:08 PM
hi, can i have her contact too.

25-06-2008, 05:42 PM
hi, can i have her contact too.

Bro, check your pm :D

Bros, bros, those who tried her massage please give your comments - fr. Those not too convenient to post fr, I understand. But not all bros who tried her massage not convenient right. :confused:

25-06-2008, 07:28 PM
For those bro who PM me about the contact...pls follow the sbf rule....ask the TS...no way i am going to break the rule...:D

26-06-2008, 12:55 PM
For those bro who PM me about the contact...pls follow the sbf rule....ask the TS...no way i am going to break the rule...:D

Thanks bro for upholding the rule of SBF. :D

The minimum requirement is only 1 fr, had give contact to bros who are 10 pointers or less than 10 but meet the requirement. I am not too cat in giving contact.

26-06-2008, 01:45 PM
Thanks very much for the lobang.

I got my aching back fixed, i got my aching legs and thighs fixed.
And most importantly, I really enjoyed her massage!!!

Arranged with her at lavdendar for 1 hour of hard bone cracking relaxing shiok massage!!! First look at her, she not so chio...but heck! its the massage, its the not fuck. Anyway, I got to commend her, her professionalism. No hanky panky means no hanky panky!!! Bros' please respect her. She jut want to do her job as a masseur. Want hanky panky, go others.

Massage: 9.5/10
Service: 9.5/10
Professionalism: 9.5/10
RTM: Yes and I will recommend all brothers.

Do contact the threadstarter.. not me!
but if you like her massage, and my recommenddation, please do up my points too. So i can get more contacts and share more

26-06-2008, 02:18 PM

Really need a good massage, having backache now.
Pls PM me her contacts.
Thks :)

26-06-2008, 05:58 PM
I love good solid massage without any hanky panky. Can Ts share her contact. Thanks.

26-06-2008, 06:29 PM
Bro can I have contact please

27-06-2008, 07:09 AM
Thanks to bro Change1012 for the contact.

Managed to make appointment with her for a massage session. A simple looking gal with no make up, simple blouse and shorts.

Session started with

Back/ limbs: 6/10 Apply some oil on my back and start massage. Average only. Cannot compare to Sin Yui Wonderful 5 in 1 Experience. Maybe she still young loh, give her some time to learn loh . ^^

Head: 6/10 Start with face massage lightly massage eyes and nose area. And also apply pressure point on yr head. Average.

Limb/ legs: 5/10 Most of the time, massage through a towel over the legs. Not a nice feeling. Maybe I need sensual feel ba. Ha ha..

Name: Xiao Wei
Massage: $50 / 1.5hr (Room Excluded)
Age: 25
Place: Lavender Area

Too many choices now, so she is not on top of the list. But if you need a good rub at a budget price. Xiao Wei is definitely a good consideration. For me. I simply love Soothing, Sensual Massage massage, with big boobs


FR Pretty SYT QQ BM Queen (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/2838264-post68.html)
FR Sin Yui (锌雨 )5 in 1 & juagen (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/2829778-post129.html)
FR 23YRS 宝贝 Kexin (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/2848401-post98.html)

27-06-2008, 06:36 PM
Before I start... I must first thank bro Change1012 for his contact.

Thanks very much.

Ok... back to my FR.

I just had a golf game yesterday and needed some major back relief, as those in Batam only play piano and wanted to provide HJ. So was thinking of who can I find to provide my back the necessary relief. So I went thru my list .... and then I remembered asking Bro Change1012 for XW's contact. So I decided to try. 30 minutes later... she replied "Slot available" in Chinese of course.

So after lunch, made my way to destination for appt. Was early, so asked to come earlier than schedule...she replied "5 mins" Fantastic!!!

Got the room and went up, after Smses her the room number, she replied "How come never see me go pass the entrance, as she was there. Told her, I used the back entrance.

Anyway, striped to my boxers and the massage begin.

I must say, this was one of the best massage I ever had, to a point of saying that it was better than what I get from a spa (Shiatsu massage). My back was completely removed from strain and ache. The whole session took almost 2 hours. Body, arms, legs and head (Big head), dun get funny ideas.

This is my verdict!!

Massage: 9/10
Service: 8/10
Professionalism: 9/10
RTM: Definitely, I told her that I will.

Oh, she wanted to get her colleague to do the massage for me as she could not manage the hours. I told her that it was not a good idea, as massage would be different and also unfair.

Anyway...... she is a gem and nice to talk to. Kinda adorable too. Ha ha!

Ok guys... contact TS for her contact!

Cheers!! :)

27-06-2008, 10:02 PM
Bro Change1012, thanks for the contact.

Upz u liao :)

29-06-2008, 02:04 AM
Bro Change1012, thanks for the contact.
Upz u liao :)

Bro, thanks for your fr and upz.
Had return your upz. :p

29-06-2008, 02:35 AM
bro TS,

pls give contact. really keen on good clean massage. thks.

29-06-2008, 03:32 AM
pls give contact. really keen on good clean massage. thks.

Bro, you got pm. :D

29-06-2008, 09:50 AM
hey bro.... care to share the contact of xiao wei??? thanks

29-06-2008, 11:50 AM
First thanks to TS for the contact...

Manage to get an appointment with Xiao Wel at noon time yesterday, can't get a rm at 81 so go to Fragrance for a room, she told me there is one more new hotel got room but i already book and check in...

Just a simple looking lady to me...t shirt with jean...

service is good those.. she help me to put my cloth in the looker ...

Massage is just a relax one, not like wen wen who she realy give a very hard one which is different......

I do 2 hours so it's 60 + room + give her 20 tips...

she told me her friend is more harder than her if i wanna try, i say yes, I'll try her friend maybe coming Sat...

Thanks again for the TS..



29-06-2008, 09:49 PM
Bro, can i have her nos. too?? :)

My body is aching, need some repair works!! :D

Thank you. :)

30-06-2008, 11:09 PM
Thanks Bro change1012 for the contact.

Had a great session yesterday with Xiao Wei. Her massage was nice & solid,
feeling very refreshing after the whole session. very SHIOK!! Bro who enjoy hard massage must try...

Please take good care to her, treat her well!:)

01-07-2008, 06:25 AM
Thanks Bro change1012 for the contact.

Had a great session yesterday with Xiao Wei. Her massage was nice & solid,
feeling very refreshing after the whole session. very SHIOK!! Bro who enjoy hard massage must try...

Please take good care to her, treat her well!:)

01-07-2008, 11:34 PM
Thanks to bros who posted frs. Most bros do agreed that her massage is GOOD :D

Bros who want good solid massage but no hanky panky please pm me for her contact, EXCEPT those bros with zero fr please do not pm me cause I will IGNORE. :(

Very sian got to repeat and repeat but still got bros with zero fr pm me. :mad:

04-07-2008, 10:26 AM
Thanks to bros who up my points, if got other lobang will share with bros. 2 bros who up me but there it no increase in my point, I believe they got no power so I only receive the massage. Anyway thanks for the thoughts. :D

04-07-2008, 10:31 AM
dear all.

Pse PM Xiao Wei contact for a good massage, thks


05-07-2008, 10:39 PM
dear all.
Pse PM Xiao Wei contact for a good massage, thks

Bro, check you pm. :D

06-07-2008, 01:00 AM
dear bros,

mind sharing xiao wei's contact? i reali need a good massage =( my neck is in pain.. thanks in advance bros :)

06-07-2008, 01:53 AM
dear bros,

mind sharing xiao wei's contact? i reali need a good massage =( my neck is in pain.. thanks in advance bros :)

Check your pm bro.

Bros who had tried her massage, good or bad frs please. :D
If she is good, than she will have more business than can survive in our extremely expensive sillypore. :p

06-07-2008, 04:43 AM
I must thank TS for the cts. Had a session with her recently at L area. I must say her massage is quite comprehensive ie. cover most of body except for only one vital area. She is hardworking and service oriented. Recommended for persons who are interested in massage only.


06-07-2008, 05:26 AM
Hi bro change1012,

Interested in XW massage and hearing the good frs so far would like to try and will post a FR . Kindly PM .

07-07-2008, 01:35 PM
Hi bro change1012,
Interested in XW massage and hearing the good frs so far would like to try and will post a FR . Kindly PM .

Bro, I had go thru your fr on Lor 23 but I do wonder is fr real. If you got other fr than I will consider giving contact to you. Sorry.

07-07-2008, 01:51 PM
hi bro.care to share the contact? always looking out for good massage :)

08-07-2008, 12:16 PM
Bros, where are those frs? :confused:

Many bros had tried her massage, but so few frs. Those bros that need to be discreet, I understand but other bros where are your frs. Honest one please. :p

This will be the last time I repeat, I will only give her contact to bros regardless of their points but had at least posted ONE FR. Thank you.

08-07-2008, 09:33 PM
Sorry for late, try her massage in last Thusday. She is really get the skill in massage, really get relax after. Too bad, only pure massgae. :o

12-07-2008, 10:07 AM
Tried her services sometime back but too busy to post FR.

Agreed with brothers that she provided excellent massage - no horserun! Value for $. By the way, the looks grow on you the more you see her.

Thanks to brother Change1012 for contact. Will RTM.

18-07-2008, 02:44 PM
Cannot contact Xiao Wei on her handphone; as it is off for the past few days. Can TS verify? Thanks

18-07-2008, 11:45 PM
Cannot contact Xiao Wei on her handphone; as it is off for the past few days. Can TS verify? Thanks

Sorry bro, she had gone back to her country. I only able to contact her early this week and understand that she find life here is too hectic for her and cannot take it so gone home and might not be coming back. A massage gem is gone liao :(

If in any event that she come back, I will revive this thread and inform bros.

Have a nice weekend. :D

19-07-2008, 07:22 AM
Bro, check you pm. :D

Hi need contact pls. thanks

19-07-2008, 08:28 AM
a good massage helps us relax...hope she come back soon

19-07-2008, 08:57 AM
such a long time never go to this place:)

19-07-2008, 09:31 AM
Hi need contact pls. thanks

Bro, what contact you want? Her PRC mobile number or PRC house number??? :confused:

Bro BinBin81, fully agreed with you thats why I am die hard fan.

19-07-2008, 11:55 PM
Very strange...the friend xiao wei recommend (with harder massage) - shang shang also couldnt be reach from the hp suddenly these few days...thought they are schooling here and suddenly they quit the school to go back?...Jus wonder...

20-07-2008, 06:39 PM
Ha ha!

No wonder cannot get her.

Well, have to move on then!


*Anyway, thks bro change1012 for contact.

21-07-2008, 10:36 AM
Sorry bro, she had gone back to her country. I only able to contact her early this week and understand that she find life here is too hectic for her and cannot take it so gone home and might not be coming back. A massage gem is gone liao :(

If in any event that she come back, I will revive this thread and inform bros.

Have a nice weekend. :D

Thanks for the clarifications.

11-09-2008, 09:26 AM
Very strange...the friend xiao wei recommend (with harder massage) - shang shang also couldnt be reach from the hp suddenly these few days...thought they are schooling here and suddenly they quit the school to go back?...Jus wonder...

All all, Shan Shan is back! PM me if you want her ctc. Those bro that play me out (you know who you are!) pls don PM me.

11-09-2008, 09:41 AM
All all, Shan Shan is back! PM me if you want her ctc. Those bro that play me out (you know who you are!) pls don PM me.

Bro, is this Shan Shan contact 961...828.

11-09-2008, 10:06 AM
Nope bro... Probabably there's another Shan Shan out there. This Shan Shan only don pure massage!

11-09-2008, 10:27 AM
Nope bro... Probabably there's another Shan Shan out there. This Shan Shan only don pure massage!

Bro, can pm me her contact, me like to try her massage skill. Since Xiao Wei gone back me body aching all over. :D

Since you using this thread me started, must give me hor. Joke only bro :p

11-09-2008, 10:38 AM
true hor, use yr thread must "pay" commission...:p

You gt mail!

11-09-2008, 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by MassageLover88
All all, Shan Shan is back! PM me if you want her ctc. Those bro that play me out (you know who you are!) pls don PM me.

Hi bros. If you needs brothers here to help you with contacts than please
don't saboo him, after all brothers are here to enjoy ourselves and give each others good recommendation if avaliable.
Bro MassageLover88 good work please keep it up.:p

11-09-2008, 10:53 AM
true hor, use yr thread must "pay" commission...:p

You gt mail!

Thanks bro, me had collected "commission" already and "bank" into your rep a/c. :D
Will try her massage this few day.

11-09-2008, 11:06 AM
Wow, fast "deal".
Anyway, Enjoy!!

11-09-2008, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by MassageLover88
All all, Shan Shan is back! PM me if you want her ctc. Those bro that play me out (you know who you are!) pls don PM me.

Hi bros. If you needs brothers here to help you with contacts than please
don't saboo him, after all brothers are here to enjoy ourselves and give each others good recommendation if avaliable.
Bro MassageLover88 good work please keep it up.:p

Yep. the intention is straight forward. We share our lobang's to enjoy, why make it till so complicated?
Thanks bro!

12-09-2008, 12:24 PM
Bro newleaf, you mailbox is full, cant sent to ctc to you...

12-09-2008, 11:52 PM
can message me the contact?

21-09-2008, 05:33 PM
Aiyo...so many ctc's given out to bro's than not even a single field report...:confused:

21-09-2008, 05:41 PM
Can message me the contact of Xiao Wei if she is back and Shan Shan

Btw is Shan shan massage good?

22-09-2008, 11:05 PM
I tried contacting her the previous sunday but she did not reply and last weekend, she replied that she is on holiday.. will have to wait for her to be back before rtf

22-09-2008, 11:31 PM
Hi Bro, Can i have the contact? Thanks alot.

03-10-2008, 05:22 AM
Anybody with any idea if Xiao Wei is back already. Miss her massage

03-10-2008, 06:44 PM
Will like to have contact if available, thanks~

10-10-2008, 02:10 PM
bro mind giving me a contact be sure to post an fr

11-10-2008, 02:35 PM
Bros , can I hv the contact please. Thanks a lot.

04-11-2008, 08:04 PM
Hi bro,

can i have Xiao Wei's contact pl? Wanted a good massage. 10q