View Full Version : 20YO Michelle, local chinese
10-07-2008, 12:25 PM
name: Michelle
age: 20
height: 160cm
weight: 49kg
Stats: 34B, 27,36
Do not provide: CIM, COF & anal.
Charges: $250/hr/shot exluding room
Available timing from Monday - Friday 7pm onwards.
I will be back for only a short period. Will meet only meeting about 50 people and I will leave as I need this money urgently for medical bills. Pls kindly support me as I wish to get the money soon.
Only chinese pls, as I am more comfortable. Thank you~
[email protected]
19-07-2008, 08:59 PM
Hi Bros,
FR on Michelle - SYT
I have been waiting to meet Michelle since she posted her services in this website in June last year. The first time, I missed her because when I saw her post, she had already earned enough money to pay for her brother's legal expenses ... Alas, I was too late. Reading through the postings, I really admired her for her courage and guts to come to this forum to post her services and meet with total strangers just because she wanted desperately to help her brother. This phase has come and passed and I hoped her brother has learnt his lesson and will grow up to be a better man.
Somehow, she came back to the forum again, this time to earn money for her mother's medical expenses. I think, it is very noble of her to forgo her chastity for the love of her family. However, there were a lot of nasty fellows who tried to run her down just because she had forgotten to meet up with them under the very trying situation she was in at that time. Under such circumstances, I believe the family always comes first and naturally priority will be given to the well being of the family. If you had lost your loved ones before, you will know what I mean so it is normal to brush aside other things that are of lesser priority. I did not get to meet her as she was fed up with all the insults and innuendoes and decided to stop freelancing.
I think it was fate that gave me the opportunity to meet her. I was feeling lonely as my wife and daughter went on a long overseas holiday so I just sent an email to her email address in the forum not expecting a reply. I was pleasantly surprised when she replied my email and said she would meet me. We communicated by sms and finally I met her last evening at a hotel in town.
I flirted with her through the sms to build up our mood right up till the time she pressed the doorbell of my hotel room. My heart jumped a bit, when I heard the doorbell as I was anxious and apprehensive at the same time. This all disappeared when I was greeted by a very sweet charming looking lady and was immediately aroused by her beauty. We had Subway sandwiches for dinner but she did not like the hot and spicy stuff so she only ate the slices of turkey meat. After our dinner, I proceeded to caress and undress her and wow she really has a very beautiful pair of breast with nice pink nipples. As I came straight from work and feeling a bit sticky, I requested that we bathe before proceeding to our love making session. In the bath, we kissed and caressed each other and she deftly fondled my manhood with her gentle hands and tiny fingers till I was really hot and my dick was hard and solid like a rock. I caressed and kissed her lovely breasts and was greeted by a soft purring sound liked the kitten wanting to be stroke even more. It really made my dick harder.
Having finished our shower, I led her to the bed where we continued frenching, fondling and caressing each other. As I was frenching her, I proceeded slowly down to her beautiful breasts and suckle them. She purred softly and I knew that she loved to be suckled so I suckle her breasts even more as she arched her body and breasts towards my mouth. At the same time, my hand went down to her love hole and caressed her. I could feel the wetness indicating that she was really enjoying the very intimate moments that we were exploring each other’s body. I inserted my finger into her and she squirmed with delight as I gently fingered her love hole which was now wet and slippery. I slowly went to her love hole and slowly pry it open and was greeted by the soft tender pinkish lips. As I licked them, she moaned louder while trying to restraint her moaning at the same time. It was a pleasure to she her enjoying our intimacy as much as I enjoyed it. Next was my turn to be aroused as she took my hard, solid erect dick into her small mouth and suck it with her luscious lips up and down the length of my dick. I was in heaven and enjoying every second of it as she moved up and down. It was sheer ecstasy. Moments later, I felt liked coming so she capped me and I slowly penetrated her lovely love nest. Her love hole was well lubricated with her love juice and I glided into her smoothly. As I gently inserted my manhood in and out of her love hole, she gasped and moaned and I knew she was enjoying every moment of it as much as I did. I was not able to hold back any longer as I feel my manhood engulfed with a flourish, and I released all my love juice into her warm lovely nest. We hugged and rested after the wonderful, exhilarating and exhaustive love making session.
Looks: 8/10
A really SYT that would make anyone desire her.
Body: 8/10
She has a very nicely proportioned body coupled with a very beautiful pair of firm and bouncy breasts. Perky pink nipples compliment her supple and youthful body.
BBBJ: 9/10
Fantastic suction. I’ve never had it so good. It was heaven as she went up and down my dick.
FJ: 9/10
She was very wet after the foreplay. As I penetrated her, she purred and moaned liked a kitten and that made me horny.
GFE: 9/10
We clicked very well and talked on a lot of things. Enjoyed my conversation with her. We lost track of time and chatted until almost time to check out.
RTF: 10/10
Thinking of her and writing this FR already made me wet down under and I have already arranged for another intimate encounter with her.
A real gem that is worth every cent !! Treat her with respect and you will be reciprocated.
20-07-2008, 06:59 PM
Hi apollo thanks for your FR ^^ really glad that you are helping me out as I thought that this thread can just leave it to die off.
See ya soon!
I am available every weekend. Do email me or PM me if interested :)
[email protected]
20-07-2008, 08:07 PM
Don't know how to edit my post.
Meant to say I am available every weekday. Weekends can try to be arranged :)
20-07-2008, 08:58 PM
you got mail !
20-07-2008, 09:11 PM
same girl?
21-07-2008, 06:58 AM
Re: 20YO Michelle, local chinese
Hi apollo thanks for your FR ^^ really glad that you are helping me out as I thought that this thread can just leave it to die off.
See ya soon!
Hi poisonmichieger,
It was my pleasure to post the FR for such a sweet charming lady. Of course, I could not forget you and felt wet as I wrote the FR thinking of the intimate moments fondling and caressing you.
Re: 20YO Michelle, local chinese
same girl?
Hi Bro Orionix,
Ya, she’s the same girl !! It was worth the one year wait cos she has been well trained by our samster bros here. Thanks guys !!
21-07-2008, 07:23 AM
Hi apollo thanks for your FR ^^ really glad that you are helping me out as I thought that this thread can just leave it to die off.
See ya soon!
I am available every weekend. Do email me or PM me if interested :)
[email protected]
Waiting for your PM,
Waiting to see you,
Waiting to have you,
See you soon.
21-07-2008, 08:19 AM
you got mail !
Heys, your PM is full and I accidentally deleted your email. Do let me know again yea?
21-07-2008, 08:20 AM
same girl?
Yes, is the same girl and I think I know what you are going to say -.-
21-07-2008, 08:24 AM
I see Apollo's point going lower and lower after posting my FR. Not sure isit me who causes all this. But anyway, if any of you does not agree with the FR, pls don't just zap as I feel that each person have their own preference. Hence, his rating is base on his preference and it is just a guide for all of you.
I myself rate myself the following:
Looks: 6.5/10
Body: 6/10
Thank you~ Have replied all PM and emails :)
21-07-2008, 08:29 AM
Why your price jack so high?
21-07-2008, 08:40 AM
Why your price jack so high?
Already know tis qns will come out.
1. This will be the last all of you will see me. Will quit totally by 11August08 and no more coming back as I do not see the need to.
2. My mum is already classified as 'no more cure' under National Cancer Centre (NCC) hence NCC can't cure, my mum wanted to go overseas for treament, which requires lots of money. That have to be done within short period as we never know what would happen.
3. Other then my mum'sm medical bill, I would also want to further studies. And to do that I have to fork out 2k-3k, which I am unable to with my current job and pay.
To save more then 10k within less then a month period is very hard. And even with this, I am not even sure whether I will be able to save that much of money by 11Aug.
Some of you may understand my situation, some may not, and I totally understand this. Just hope that whoever can help, do help me.
Thank you!
21-07-2008, 08:44 AM
Hi Michelle,
How are you? Really hope you can settle your money issues soon.
Dear Bros,
Michelle is genuine FL. Handling all her own PMs and sms. Yes, she has been here before, and yes, she is more expensive now. But every cent goes to her and not anyone else. Again I will say, OKTs have a role to play and I use them often. But OKT not involved currently.
Michelle is a nice girl but a bit straight forward. So sometimes her post a bit forward. If you don't like it, then ignore. No need for flame wars here.
If you find her character intriguing and the price is right for you, then I think you will be rewarded. I call her Chilli Padi. Petite babe with an attitude. Ha ha, but fun lah.
I have not tried her myself, dunno when I'll be able to as I'm going on overseas assignment soon for a short while. Hope to suck her clit soon. :)
Happy bonking, folks.
21-07-2008, 08:53 AM
Hi blacktaj,
Well said..take it or leave it. No need to go into flaming war. She's here for a good reason and we should respect her for it. Yes a chili padi !!
You did not add "Cindy" to your KILL LIST. Can I have her contact.
21-07-2008, 10:05 AM
Hi Michelle,
We understand your need to earn $$ quick. Jacking up prices wont help. You are driving away "donors". Sorry about your predicament, but $250 is out of my budget.
21-07-2008, 10:45 AM
Hi Michelle,
We understand your need to earn $$ quick. Jacking up prices wont help. You are driving away "donors". Sorry about your predicament, but $250 is out of my budget.
Hi, like i said earlier, I understand that not everybody understand, and of cuz, may be out of the budget range, that I understand. So I am trying hard to save everything I can. If cannot hit the 50slots by 111Aug, then it's also ok. I will just do wtih everything I can and leave. :)
21-07-2008, 10:48 AM
Hi Michelle,
We understand your need to earn $$ quick. Jacking up prices wont help. You are driving away "donors". Sorry about your predicament, but $250 is out of my budget.
Same here, bro. Too rich for my blood also...:D
But no worries. Let the Invisible Hand of the Free Market Economy do its job.:p
21-07-2008, 11:37 AM
Same here, bro. Too rich for my blood also...:D
But no worries. Let the Invisible Hand of the Free Market Economy do its job.:p
Humm... within a month for $12500... Just some simply calculation
Case 1
@250*50 clients=12500
50/25 Days=2 clents/day (need to secure)
Case 2
@150*83.33 clients=12500
83.33/25 Days=3.33 clients/day (need to secure)
Which case fit her most? Hard to tell la....
21-07-2008, 12:17 PM
Hi Michelle,
How are you? Really hope you can settle your money issues soon.
Dear Bros,
Michelle is genuine FL. Handling all her own PMs and sms. Yes, she has been here before, and yes, she is more expensive now. But every cent goes to her and not anyone else. Again I will say, OKTs have a role to play and I use them often. But OKT not involved currently.
I have not tried her myself, dunno when I'll be able to as I'm going on overseas assignment soon for a short while. Hope to suck her clit soon. :)
Happy bonking, folks.
ello Uncle...
nowadays u so busy ah? :p
she wish to charge a higher rate, thats her right.
of cos its other people's right to complain as well, irritating to her but its the part and parcel of this business.
So poisonmichieger, you should just take it with a grain of salt. You dont have to response to every single comment and be so defensive. Us Men are the most petty creatures.
I see no reason to start a new thread also, kinda wasting bandwidth.
21-07-2008, 12:34 PM
Yeah, can't afford move on.
Personally I don't feel she is worth $250 as well.. just my opinion.. so I will skip as well..
21-07-2008, 12:45 PM
ello Uncle...
nowadays u so busy ah? :p
she wish to charge a higher rate, thats her right.
of cos its other people's right to complain as well, irritating to her but its the part and parcel of this business.
So poisonmichieger, you should just take it with a grain of salt. You dont have to response to every single comment and be so defensive. Us Men are the most petty creatures.
I see no reason to start a new thread also, kinda wasting bandwidth.
Paiseh lar. I know waste bandwidth but even when I start new thread still got people come and ask me wheher I still do just BBBJ service when in this thread I did not state it at all. Damn irritating -.-
I know don't need to response to every single comment and be defensive. And I am not mar. Just being myself and just answer some qns which peopoe wanna know. If you see, I really didn't =p
21-07-2008, 12:46 PM
Yeah, can't afford move on.
Personally I don't feel she is worth $250 as well.. just my opinion.. so I will skip as well..
Ahem, thanks for your comment. =) Never meet me before de person cannot just like that judge me wor. It's very unfair to me. Just my comments that's all. Peace okie :)
21-07-2008, 12:59 PM
Ahem, thanks for your comment. =) Never meet me before de person cannot just like that judge me wor. It's very unfair to me. Just my comments that's all. Peace okie :)
My comments are just my personal opinion based on the stats and what I read. For me, I have a preference for slim girls (so baby fats I minus point) - this is my personal preference.
Fair or not fair, I have no comments
21-07-2008, 01:16 PM
My comments are just my personal opinion based on the stats and what I read. For me, I have a preference for slim girls (so baby fats I minus point) - this is my personal preference.
Fair or not fair, I have no comments
Icic. No mar, very hurtful for me because it is like, you say straight to my face. So just telling you lor. Because almost no one who have met me before say I am not worth the price. So very hurting to hear somebody who never meet me before say im not worth it. ANyway, alot of slim girls out there. All the best yea?s ^^
21-07-2008, 01:27 PM
Good luck girl! Hope to see you be able to raise your sum of money fast enough for you to get out of this line.
All the best in your future endeavours! :)
21-07-2008, 01:28 PM
So very hurting to hear somebody who never meet me before say im not worth it. ANyway, alot of slim girls out there. All the best yea?s ^^
Take it easy. Or you will feel better that I met you and said that you are not worth it? Even worse right?
Or you are so confident that every guy you met will think you are definitely worth it? Then in this case you don't have to worry about my comments.
You just have to learn to take it easy on other's comments.
No intention of hurting you. If I did, I say sorry.
21-07-2008, 01:35 PM
Take it easy. Or you will feel better that I met you and said that you are not worth it? Even worse right?
Or you are so confident that every guy you met will think you are definitely worth it? Then in this case you don't have to worry about my comments.
You just have to learn to take it easy on other's comments.
No intention of hurting you. If I did, I say sorry.
Nono, I think you got me wrong, just saying that I am hurt by your that 'no intention' of hurting me comments, that's all. I didn't say I want to kill you etc. I can smile also and everything. Just wanna say out how I feel since you can do so yea? Every body have their own preferences and I do know that, not that I don't know like a kid yea? Everybody have their likes and dislike. A may like you B may dislike you. Is like that :)
21-07-2008, 01:59 PM
Hi bros, Michelle is a part-time FL who has just raised her price on her own decision. Nowadays the prices of many things have already gone up. But i am not siding with her just to get a good screw or anything cos i have tried her previously.
I just believe us guys should be 'bigger' and let her run her biz. Why squabble over a few bucks? They always say: those who willing to pay can try, those not willing continue shopping. Hehe.
21-07-2008, 02:19 PM
So very hurting to hear somebody who never meet me before say im not worth it.
Let me contribution my views.
What you have claimed is a very common statement by FL (be it local or PRC or others) - many times, the goods fail to deliver. Not that we doubt your words, but FLs just fail to understand that we Clients can reject them. And it is good to under-promise, and over-deliver.
The only way we could judge is through real pictures, otherwise some statistics. However, from your statistics, I am not tempted too :)
Anyway, there might other willing clients.
21-07-2008, 02:31 PM
Let me contribution my views.
What you have claimed is a very common statement by FL (be it local or PRC or others) - many times, the goods fail to deliver. Not that we doubt your words, but FLs just fail to understand that we Clients can reject them. And it is good to under-promise, and over-deliver.
The only way we could judge is through real pictures, otherwise some statistics. However, from your statistics, I am not tempted too :)
Anyway, there might other willing clients.
Hmmm.. I never over-promise, else I can say that I am 160cm, 46kg, C cupper :) I always believe that you, clients have the right to reject, hence I never lie about anything as whatever I lie about, u all can see the moment we meet.
And of course, all of you have the right to reject as I am not going to be everyone's taste. Have come across a guy who rejected me because I look too young. That's fine with me too. That I understand, and hope you all understand too. Cannot be just 1 way traffic.
RAINBOW seasons
21-07-2008, 02:49 PM
Though I can’t engage your service, I feel sense of pity when reading your posts/treads. Hope that u will earn enough to settle everything you need be it medical bills or whatever it is.
Don’t give up HOPE. ALL the BESTS to U :)
21-07-2008, 04:28 PM
alamak people let the supply and demand curve work itself point we argue what is fair or not fair pricing or what is worth or not only advise to the fl concerned...don't get engage in the squabbling...any interested party just engage..those who want to comment just let it engaging in petty squabbling will not enhance your popularity...and that you need a plenty in this forum...
21-07-2008, 09:00 PM
will email you again
21-07-2008, 09:08 PM
you got mail
22-07-2008, 07:04 AM
Hi blacktaj,
Well said..take it or leave it. No need to go into flaming war. She's here for a good reason and we should respect her for it. Yes a chili padi !!
You did not add "Cindy" to your KILL LIST. Can I have her contact.
You are right, buy or bye bye.
Use to know her for sometime but till now have not met her yet, timing are always not right.
Seen to me she's a nice gal, because of her sick mum made her no choice but to up price..bros support is what she need now.
22-07-2008, 08:11 AM
Had a nice session last night. I'm too tired to give comprehensive FR, but is pretty much as what Apollo has reported.
I will add, shes a bubbly, easy to talk to girl. Had fun. And yes, her BBBJ is superb.
Commando Taj getting a bit old.....
22-07-2008, 09:06 AM
Had a nice session last night. I'm too tired to give comprehensive FR, but is pretty much as what Apollo has reported.
I will add, shes a bubbly, easy to talk to girl. Had fun. And yes, her BBBJ is superb.
Commando Taj getting a bit old.....
I am also getting old -.-
22-07-2008, 09:09 AM
Hi all
I am available on today, Tuesday, 22July from 6pm onwards ^^
*My HP break down immediately after i reach home yesterday so reply may be slow as I do not have any spare phone, have to switch in between.
For those who have my no. already, can still SMS me, will reply once I see your message*
22-07-2008, 11:17 AM
updates updates =p
I will be quitting by 6Aug instead of 11Aug as due to my company got some problem so I have to push forward some of my stuff so have to change it to 6Aug. Happy to see all of you, esp those who support me. Thank you!
22-07-2008, 12:25 PM
As much as I wish to support, the stack of yusof getting thinner each days...sigh. :(
btw, if you don't mind me asking, how's your target...closing 50 by 6 Aug?
wish you success, understand it is not easy in your situation.
giving this thread a push as the OKTs here also very onz in pushing their thread. ;)
22-07-2008, 12:38 PM
As much as I wish to support, the stack of yusof getting thinner each days...sigh. :(
btw, if you don't mind me asking, how's your target...closing 50 by 6 Aug?
wish you success, understand it is not easy in your situation.
giving this thread a push as the OKTs here also very onz in pushing their thread. ;)
haha. thanks wor. because i don't know how to push up my thread.
hmm. whether or not i get my client by 6aug i also will leave. jus be it. it only meant that im not fated to earn that money =p
but anyway, at least i tried my best :)
22-07-2008, 12:57 PM
Why not try to reduce your rate down to 150? Sure you will get more biz than now.... ;)
22-07-2008, 01:01 PM
Continuing My Intimate Affair with Michelle-SYT
We met again last night to continue our very passionate affair. It was just as enjoyable and satisfying as the first time I had the intimate encounter with her.
We met last night at another hotel and the new environment gave the meeting a bit of mystery and satisfaction, as I needed to find out how to get to the hotel, which was in the central or eastern part of Singapore from my office in Jurong.
I would not go into the details of our rendezvous, as the passionate lovemaking was just as torrid as the one I had with her on Friday evening. However, I could sense that she was tired as she was yawning away… could be due to the late nights meeting clients. She should take care of herself and get enough rest so that she could provide her excellent services to all her clients. However, I must say that she is one gutsy lady and she was supposed to have another client after our session but the client turned her away without compensating her. My poor girl … she doesn’t deserve to be treated in this way!! She is honest on why she is doing this and in all fairness if you don’t liked her because she is too small, looked too young or for whatever reason, you don’t want her services, be a gentleman and compensate her for her time and taxi fares she paid to meet up with you. Yes, she really looks young but she is a matured lady able to strike up a wonderful conversation and I really enjoyed talking with her. After her client rejected her, she sat on the steps leading to a mall waiting for her friend. When I saw her there, I asked her what happened and she said the client rejected her and she was now waiting for her friend. As I was free, I sat down with her and talked about why she entered this line and the encounters with her clients. It was a really interesting conversation and I never new those things happening. Perhaps, I have been blessed and have been living a good life, free of the difficulties that she and her family are encountering. I offered to take her home after her friend had finished meeting her client but she declined and I left for home with a heavy heart.
Well, like she said in her post, she is asking for help and I’m going to help her again as I would be meeting her again this Friday to continue from where we stopped yesterday. You can never be satisfied, if you enjoyed the company and passionate session with this very sweet charming young lady.
I hoped she can attained her goal of earning enough money so she could send her mother, who is in the third stage of ovarian cancer, for medical treatment overseas. No matter how remote the chance of a cure, she is a filial daughter who wants to give her mother the best treatment possible before she departs from this earthly world.
Lastly, its true I’m helping her promote herself because she is doing it for the love of her family. No girl would want to lose her chastity to strangers and I admire and love her for being a filial daughter to her family. If you want to deduct points from my post, because you don’t like my post, you may go ahead because they are not important to me !! Thank you all.
22-07-2008, 01:02 PM
I came across some posts and went away feeling that pricing is sensitive in any areas, so it will tend to cause comments. But it's just a person's comment and whether true or not eventually the buyer will know. To be partial, if there is no negative FR then it should not be criticized as there are others at higher rates which I personally feel is overpriced but still I didn't make bad FR as it was my choice.
Maybe the marketing can be better, like instead of hitting target of 50, maybe can say first 25 cust get 2x, that accelerate the sales, and subsequent return cust get 10% discount per visit, making it hit the quota :D
22-07-2008, 01:14 PM
I came across some posts and went away feeling that pricing is sensitive in any areas, so it will tend to cause comments. But it's just a person's comment and whether true or not eventually the buyer will know. To be partial, if there is no negative FR then it should not be criticized as there are others at higher rates which I personally feel is overpriced but still I didn't make bad FR as it was my choice.
Maybe the marketing can be better, like instead of hitting target of 50, maybe can say first 25 cust get 2x, that accelerate the sales, and subsequent return cust get 10% discount per visit, making it hit the quota :D
Even if you go outside shopping also not that good business deal huh? YOu open one sell thing I go get for you. How you can guarantee that everybody wilL RTF? You dare to guarantee? With wad? I, do not take money from all of you for nothing. I provide service in return.
All of you are putting me down and bargaining prices with me, why? Because I, am all, out, alone, easy to bully? So, all of you are the one who encourage girls to go under OKT, then you all complain why higher higher but still don't dare to bargain right?
So sorry if my post offend anyone of you, or all of you. But all I can say is, I'm here to earn, not to let all of you put me down, not to let any one of you cristise me for nuts. Because I do not owe anyone of you.
Last post for reply to any comments, Flame, War, Zapped. Whatever. Like I say to one guy before, I don't care about the rich guy, poor guy. You can afford, you come to me, I will do my best, earn whatever I want, whatever I can and leave. Bye.
23-07-2008, 12:03 AM
Had a session with Michelle last night, she is a real Nice Lady in person..
Soft voice with a nice body..Session with her was great and her bj is Fantastic!!
Maybe she is a bit too blunt with her replies in her thread cause of the Heavy Burdens she has to carry on her shoulders.. Me told her not to be so Blunt and just ignore the negative comments....
Bros Please forgive her Bluntness as she is young and give her your Support as she is really in need of the money for her family yeah..:) Her Service is GREAT, NO REGRET!!
23-07-2008, 09:07 AM
Hi Michelle,
I know you are a strong willed lady who will voice out and fight for your rights. It's good for you to voice your opinion but a lot of bros here doesn't like this kind of lady !! They like to demure and submissive ladies who will pander to their whims and fantasies, so just stay "cool" and let them write what they want to write. Don't be agitated or upset by their comments. Take care of your health.
Hoped you remember our date. I like a tough and strong willed lady who can talk and debate with me on a variety of subjects. It is intellectually stimulating. See you soon.
23-07-2008, 09:37 AM
Hi Lexus, thanks yea. Think yesterday abit too tired so when I talk to you am abit rude. Sorry about that!
23-07-2008, 09:57 AM
If I wanted to put down someone here, it would not be so civil :cool:
23-07-2008, 12:59 PM
Oh dear... seems like one of your customers took a pic of you and posted in a forum somewhere.. Not sure if it's you..:(
23-07-2008, 01:25 PM
Hi Michelle
I m interested in ur services. Care to pm me ur cöntact?
Btw, i wil like to encourage u for ur guts to post ur services. Ignore those flaming remarks as they are so call "chi bu dao pu tao suo pu tao suan".
23-07-2008, 01:29 PM
Oh dear... seems like one of your customers took a pic of you and posted in a forum somewhere.. Not sure if it's you..:(
where got. you bluff me lor -.-
23-07-2008, 01:30 PM
Hi Michelle
I m interested in ur services. Care to pm me ur cöntact?
Btw, i wil like to encourage u for ur guts to post ur services. Ignore those flaming remarks as they are so call "chi bu dao pu tao suo pu tao suan".
Haha. Thanks. Have PM you.
23-07-2008, 04:39 PM
Weekdays available after 6pm, best is Bugis or Bencoolen ^^
Weekends availability can be checked via SMS to me. Most likely available for the next 2 weeks around 2pm onwards.
Friday is reserved already, so let me know other date & time.
Thanks yea!
23-07-2008, 07:09 PM
Hi Michelle Dear,
Thank you for reserving this Friday night for me. Although it is only two nights away, it seems liked an eternity.
You are a beautiful and charming lady and deserved to be treated liked a lady. I promised to treat you kindly, gently and gracefully and make it a romantic evening that we will treasure in our memories ... only the two of us.
Please keep the secret to ourselves and do not disclose even to your closest friend ... C_N_Y ... on what we did together.
See you on Friday night !! :)
23-07-2008, 08:27 PM
Weekdays available after 6pm, best is Bugis or Bencoolen ^^
Weekends availability can be checked via SMS to me. Most likely available for the next 2 weeks around 2pm onwards.
Friday is reserved already, so let me know other date & time.
Thanks yea!
good luck Michelle and hope you ca nattain your target :)
I can't afford 250 per bonk (yet heehee) so best i can do is try to up Apolo11's points who have helped you so much before. Must wait till tomolo tho :p
23-07-2008, 08:46 PM
You got mail :)... Hear from you soon.
24-07-2008, 08:14 AM
Thanks for all the well wishes, and yes, I am really gonna quit by 6Aug, am going to swear to God on Saturday (am a buddhist) that I will quit for sure by 6Aug, whether or not I have made that money that I wish to.
If I don't earn enough, my studies can always wait :)
These few days I have met up with some samsters and you know, they are really nice people. And I really enjoy being with them :) Thanks for all those who have met up with me :)
Available today from 6pm onwards!
Location either bugis or bencoolen is fine with me
PMs and Emails replied!
24-07-2008, 10:00 PM
Please take care of yourself k :)
24-07-2008, 11:57 PM
Hi Michelle,
Sent you a PM.
25-07-2008, 03:45 AM
Thanks for all the well wishes, and yes, I am really gonna quit by 6Aug, am going to swear to God on Saturday (am a buddhist) that I will quit for sure by 6Aug, whether or not I have made that money that I wish to.
If I don't earn enough, my studies can always wait :)
These few days I have met up with some samsters and you know, they are really nice people. And I really enjoy being with them :) Thanks for all those who have met up with me :)
Available today from 6pm onwards!
Location either bugis or bencoolen is fine with me
PMs and Emails replied!
Frankly to don't have to swear to God on anything you do becoz you didn't owe anyone a living. I also wish I would be of help but at the moment I can only give you moral support for your quest.
So...stay healthy and be happy, and hope you can meet your aim in whatever things you do.
Cheers!! :)
25-07-2008, 09:06 AM
Frankly to don't have to swear to God on anything you do becoz you didn't owe anyone a living. I also wish I would be of help but at the moment I can only give you moral support for your quest.
So...stay healthy and be happy, and hope you can meet your aim in whatever things you do.
Cheers!! :)
Morning to all :)
PMs and emails all replied!
I don't need to swear to God, But I am doing that because I want to make sure I quit and not tempted to come back anymore as it is not a nice 'job' to do. ^^
Tomorrow, Saturday, available timing will be 2pm and after 9.30pm!
25-07-2008, 10:46 AM
Quite inspired. Think will make 6 Aug will be my last day of cheonging too...
25-07-2008, 08:42 PM
Quite inspired. Think will make 6 Aug will be my last day of cheonging too...
I second that. Me too.
25-07-2008, 08:57 PM
Until i meet up with her :)
27-07-2008, 03:27 AM
Thanks for the great time Mich!
No matter if you choose to keep in contact or not i hope you can pursue your dreams and be happy. Family's still the most important i guess.
27-07-2008, 10:02 AM
Memories of My Intimate Affair with Michelle-SYT
Thank you Michelle for spending your precious time with me on Friday evening. I really enjoyed the time we spent together looking at the beautiful skyline outside the hotel. The time you spent with me cannot be measured in monetary terms as these are all beautiful memories that will be etched in my mind forever. The neon lights and the silhouettes of the buildings make it a breath-taking scene and, of course, the height of the room made my legs wobble as we peered over the balcony. I really felt scared looking at the tiny people walking along the pavements and the tiny cars and buses whizzing along Stamford Road but somehow gained the courage with a beautiful lady beside me. How I wished that it were National Day so that we could sit and relaxed in the balcony watching the beautiful fireworks in the night as it peppered the sky with its radiant, flowery and colourful dots of a thousand lights.
Although I will miss you once you quit the scene, I sincerely hoped that you would keep to your vow and quit the scene for good. Some people maybe skeptical but being a strong willed lady, I believe that you will have the strength and courage to quit the scene because as you said “its not a nice job”! Another thing, which I hoped you would do, is to take good care of your health … you have a persistent cough. Please go see a doctor on why you have the persistent cough and better still if you could stop smoking. Lastly, since your mum has cancer, you should follow up on your medical checks. Do not try to save money by not going for a check up because early detection increases one’s chances of recovery rather than discovering it at the 3rd or 4th stage of cancer. My friend’s wife died of lung cancer because she discovered it at the 4th stage, which was too late as there’s no hope for recovery. She has since died and now my friend has to bring up his three children as a single parent.
For such a young lady, your thoughts and thinking of life is rather matured. Treasure the future you have in front of you.. get yourself upgraded by furthering your studies. This is also one of the goals you have set for yourself. Don’t postpone it. Do it now and you will have a brighter future !!
I wish you success in all your future endeavours.
27-07-2008, 11:13 AM
:)thanks for the support. have finally went to the temple and pray yesterday. tomorrow available's timing will be from 7.30 onwards.
28-07-2008, 06:16 PM
With only 1 and a half week more to go with 26 more clients, my menses came and down with a fever. -.-
I am really very sorry to greatbody and sorin, esp for greatbody! So sorry for the last minute information. Really very sorry, will try to make it up to you.
So currently I won't have any more slots. When my menses ends, will update again
28-07-2008, 08:59 PM
No worries, get well soon.
, esp for greatbody! So sorry for the last minute information. Really very sorry, will try to make it up to you.
28-07-2008, 10:58 PM
With only 1 and a half week more to go with 26 more clients, my menses came and down with a fever. -.-
I am really very sorry to greatbody and sorin, esp for greatbody! So sorry for the last minute information. Really very sorry, will try to make it up to you.
So currently I won't have any more slots. When my menses ends, will update again
Hi Michelle,
No worries, take care of your health and have a good rest.
Best regards :)
29-07-2008, 10:29 AM
Come on.. This type of family problems, whether true or not, we get to hear from FLs everywhere everytime. You come out to FL you don't need to explain. What matters most to us customers is the price and service. You will be one of the passing clouds here, so don't bother to talk family or whatever, just get your job nicely done and carry on your life.
29-07-2008, 10:52 AM
But quite seriously why bother to post such things...Let her write what she wants, we listen...true or not will it matter? Will it contribute the final outcome with a session with her?
Well for Hippo's case...its always sweet sweet love...for 4 seconds :D
Everyone, get off her case...we should always support independent FL...only discard them when encounter poor service or attitude. So far i see, she has pretty positive FRs.
Now that Hippo has said his stand, can he get a nice bag from Apollo11 :p
29-07-2008, 10:59 AM
what the matter with the ppl here? she here to provide a service. all that was important to us is how good her service was, not why she provide service. Those not interested please stay away, stop disturbing her.
29-07-2008, 04:20 PM
If the smart bro here thinks that she is cheating for compassion, you ought to take a good look at your own f*cking face in the mirror for a long long time.
Then consider if you have the same courage to become a FL duck.
To be honest, it really takes alot of courage to be in the trade, let alone independent FL.
So girl, do not be concern of what other may say, after all, you are providing services.
It is still a fair trade.
Wish you well girl, and may you achieve your goal whatever that may be. :)
30-07-2008, 11:44 AM
If the smart bro here thinks that she is cheating for compassion, you ought to take a good look at your own f*cking face in the mirror for a long long time.
Then consider if you have the same courage to become a FL duck.
To be honest, it really takes alot of courage to be in the trade, let alone independent FL.
So girl, do not be concern of what other may say, after all, you are providing services.
It is still a fair trade.
Wish you well girl, and may you achieve your goal whatever that may be. :)
as expected, kana zap by balless bro who say I talk cock, and don't dare to leave down nick
doesn't matter, zap some more if you like, don't worry about me zapping you back, i am not that petty
for the bro who up me point, let me know yours so that I can return the favor :)
30-07-2008, 12:42 PM
as expected, kana zap by balless bro who say I talk cock, and don't dare to leave down nick
doesn't matter, zap some more if you like, don't worry about me zapping you back, i am not that petty
for the bro who up me point, let me know yours so that I can return the favor :)
As long as you stand by your words, as long as you know u are right, that's enuff :)
Everybody's thinking is different. They wanna zap you just because their view is different, it's their problem. Because I believe other then me, FLs, there are other samsters that support you in silent! :cool:
30-07-2008, 12:49 PM
I don't need to swear to God, But I am doing that because I want to make sure I quit and not tempted to come back anymore as it is not a nice 'job' to do. ^^
ya....I respect your view and hope you get what you set out for. Take care and cheers :)
hi,try to email u but got bounce bk,pm me to arrange a session.Thanks.
31-07-2008, 01:30 AM
well to be honest, i think sometimes family problems are meant to lure some sense of pity so that we bros are more willing to part with a higher price.
if you google poisonmichieger, you'll actually find that she just did a recent post looking to buy coach bags. in other words, the cancer story might just be a ruse. just a reminder for bros to keep the service in mind, not the background story.
31-07-2008, 01:59 PM
-dun even understand wad's the point of u doing all tis? to make me 'downgrade' my price so that u can afford?
aniwae, it's non of my business as i know what im saeing and doing is right and im not lying or conning anithing. take care yas, trouble maker-
finally my aunty decide to go home!
will be available on this saturday & sunday.
saturday currently earliest appt is at 6.30pm onwards
sunday will be 2pm onwards. ^^
31-07-2008, 07:12 PM
I know , I know , I had my quarrel with this girl before but even I think enough is enough , leave her alone to conduct her business ! She'd probably still insist I'm a hypocrate for attacking her and defending her at the same time . Well , too bad !! :mad:
31-07-2008, 07:58 PM
I have met her three times and found her to be a sincere and trustworthy person and I certainly believe in why she had made a plea to us for help when she posted her services in this website.
The decision to help or not, lies in each of us and we really do not need anyone to advise us on it. I believe that any young lady would not want to lose her chastity to total strangers and offer herself to strangers to earn money to pay for her mother’s medical expenses overseas is certainly a very noble thing to do. I do not see why you should try to speculate that this was to touch on our compassion so that she could charge a higher amount for her services. She had stated it very clearly at the start of the post that it is to raise money for medical expenses overseas and if you were in her shoes, I believe you would do likewise so that you would not need to meet so may strangers to raise the money.
I have met her on three occasions and have no regrets giving the money to her because she is genuinely doing it to raise money for her mother’s medical expenses to go overseas even though she knows that there is no cure for her mother’s ovarian cancer, which is at the final stage. I respect her for her filial piety to her mother and have full of admiration for her. She has not cheated me and I gladly parted my money to her and besides, I really enjoyed the conversation and time she spent with me on those occasions. We have become closer and she has the confidence in me to disclose her name to me. This shall be my secret.
This is certainly a tough line to be in because, she has been rejected before and this happened after our second meeting when the client rejected her without even offering to compensate her for missing the opportunity to meet another client. I know it because after my meeting with her, I met her at a sidewalk after I had checked out and found her sitting there waiting for her friend because she had been rejected by the client. I sat down with her and we had an enjoyable one hour chat that evening by the sidewalk.
I hoped that you will stop all those speculative thoughts you have about this lady who is out to make enough money to pay for her mother’s medical treatment overseas. :cool:
31-07-2008, 08:12 PM
well to be honest, i think sometimes family problems are meant to lure some sense of pity so that we bros are more willing to part with a higher price.
if you google poisonmichieger, you'll actually find that she just did a recent post looking to buy coach bags. in other words, the cancer story might just be a ruse. just a reminder for bros to keep the service in mind, not the background story.
Judging from the way you post, I can only figure that you're trying to play vigilante. Unfortunately, if you are TRYING, it's the wrong place to be cuz a "good-hearted" vigilante would never wanna join this forum as a member. :)
31-07-2008, 10:45 PM
It's not relevant what she buys :confused: She's not asking for a loan but providing services.
well to be honest, i think sometimes family problems are meant to lure some sense of pity so that we bros are more willing to part with a higher price.
if you google poisonmichieger, you'll actually find that she just did a recent post looking to buy coach bags. in other words, the cancer story might just be a ruse. just a reminder for bros to keep the service in mind, not the background story.
31-07-2008, 10:46 PM
It's not relevant what she buys :confused: She's not asking for a loan but providing services.
well to be honest, i think sometimes family problems are meant to lure some sense of pity so that we bros are more willing to part with a higher price.
if you google poisonmichieger, you'll actually find that she just did a recent post looking to buy coach bags. in other words, the cancer story might just be a ruse. just a reminder for bros to keep the service in mind, not the background story.
31-07-2008, 10:51 PM
It's not relevant what she buys :confused: She's not asking for a loan but providing services.
well to be honest, i think sometimes family problems are meant to lure some sense of pity so that we bros are more willing to part with a higher price.
if you google poisonmichieger, you'll actually find that she just did a recent post looking to buy coach bags. in other words, the cancer story might just be a ruse. just a reminder for bros to keep the service in mind, not the background story.
01-08-2008, 04:56 PM
Sorry for the repeats, internet connection problem last nite :p
01-08-2008, 05:09 PM
Michelle, really admire your courage to come and work. Hope you solve your problems.
01-08-2008, 05:54 PM
well... why border whether true or not true... she just provide her service. If you want, just look for her, if not just leave her alone.
Hi Michelle... NEED NOT border what those people say.
01-08-2008, 06:44 PM
Michelle is a Very Nice Lady and those who can help her out during the last week of her Fl please do so as she is quitting after this...
02-08-2008, 01:45 AM
Hi Michelle, will you allow me to shave your pussy hair ?
Sorry, please don't get angry with me for asking this bcos this is my fetish which has yet to be fulfilled. So far, I have been asking a lot of FLs but all turn me down except Natsuki. But Natsuki has shaved it herself so I have to wait for it to grow.
I hope you will allow and fulfil my fetish.
02-08-2008, 10:14 PM
Hi Michelle,
Nice meeting you today. Enjoyed talking to you. Wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Cheers :)
04-08-2008, 10:08 AM
well... why border whether true or not true... she just provide her service. If you want, just look for her, if not just leave her alone.
Hi Michelle... NEED NOT border what those people say.
thanks yea. but i dun realli wish to bother animore. afterall im quitting this wed :)
Hi Michelle,
Nice meeting you today. Enjoyed talking to you. Wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Cheers :)
nice talkin to ya too. remb wad i told u okies? must enjoy!
Hi Michelle, will you allow me to shave your pussy hair ?
Sorry, please don't get angry with me for asking this bcos this is my fetish which has yet to be fulfilled. So far, I have been asking a lot of FLs but all turn me down except Natsuki. But Natsuki has shaved it herself so I have to wait for it to grow.
I hope you will allow and fulfil my fetish.
nopes. not angry, but well, i dun do such ting :)
04-08-2008, 10:10 AM
6 August, Wednesday, will be my last day.
Available timing as follow:
Mon-Wed 6pm onwards
Still available slots:
Monday 7.30pm, 9pm, 10.30pm
Tuesday 8.30pm, 10pm, 11.30pm
Wednesday 8pm
05-08-2008, 08:24 AM
6 August, Wednesday, will be my last day.
2 more days to go baby. Soon Soon.
Last chance for the bros to taste your loveliness.
06-08-2008, 08:55 AM
It's the last day! And I am so happy about it. Finally, I am free.
Been looking forward to this day. Though I have not met my target, but at least, I am more then halfway there.
Thanks for all the support and all the encouragement. Definitely there are people who thinks that I am a evil child to go and curse my mum. But I did not curse her or whatever, because it is a real situation.
Nevertheless, I have met many nice people in this forum. Nice people, can still keep in contact :) Got time can go out lim kopi okie? Though I don't drink kopi :p
06-08-2008, 09:15 AM
Hi Michelle,
I'm glad that you will get out of this line cause you are a very sweet and charming lady.
Can I be one of those you consider "nice guy" and have coffee with to reminisce the good old times.
Hope everything will turn out well for you and wish you success in your career.
06-08-2008, 09:29 AM
It's the last day! And I am so happy about it. Finally, I am free. ......
Nice people, can still keep in contact :) Got time can go out lim kopi okie? Though I don't drink kopi :p
Steamboat can? :)
06-08-2008, 09:37 AM
Steamboat can? :)
can can! must be with crab one okie? Or Ah Yi Bao Yu also can =p
06-08-2008, 02:54 PM
Even though she is quitting, I will still like to post a FR to compliment her.
SOP, bros who don't like long story, scroll all the way down.
Regardless of your believe in her reason, she is here to provide a service.
She is not asking money for free, so however she wish to spent her money, it is not up to any bros to comment on anything.
Hope all bros respect that.
I am not a rich bro, so I thought I may be able to try her service.
Luckily, I tio 4D on the on one of the weekend, number 2XXX
(have to keep the number discreet, else people will find out who I am, sorry to 4D fans, I can't give you any 真字...LOL...)
Personally, I do not think this kind of gamble money is meant to be kept, so I thought why not use it to help TS.
So I proceed to arrange a session with her.
We exchange contacts and arrange a date to meet.
On the day, she actually proceed to book the room first, she sms me said she want to go in earlier to rest.
Seems she have been staying up late to earn extra money and still have to cope with her day job, really tough on her.
So instead of sms out the room number, I receive a sms on room number. (Kind of weird, like I am the FL instead...:p)
When I ring no the door bell, the door open after a moment...nobody stand in front.
Knn...dun tell me got ghost...hesitate abit...
Take courage to step in, the mischievous girl actually hiding behind the door (phew...relieve)
First impression, how come a minah ?? she has darker skin tone than most chinese.
After closer look, maybe she is those sporty type, that's why abit tan.
Definitely a young girl, abit lianish look, so not on the sweet sweet kawai type.
Still a pleasant girl.
As I am not a verbal person, we did not really tcss much.
Proceed to bath separately, I bath first then wrap towel and lay down on the bed to wait for her to wash up.
She came out which just a towel wrap around her.
Then silently, she laid down beside me, resting on my shoulder.
Very GFE feeling, like those 小鸟依人 girl.
We just rest there for a few moment, she said she feel cold so I hug her closer and rub her shoulder to give her some warm.
Can feel her goose bum from the cold, so try to keep her as warm as I can.
Turn down the air-con abit as she do not know how.
We continue to rest for a little while hugging together.
Its feels like having a GF who knows you and you just do not need to talk to much.
Slowly, I lower her and gaze into her in the eye, her looks starts to grow on me.
Undid her towel gently and admire at her beautiful breast.
Taking no rush, slowly give her a kiss on her lips, she respond back gently.
Still taking my time to caress and hug her, like petting with GF.
Moving gently to her nipple and give it a quick lick before moving back up to her lips.
Running my lips down to her neck and towards her ear, her breath gets slightly heavier.
Moving so gently, I return to her soft breast and cover my lips over her nipple.
(I must say her breast is really soft and yet firm at the same time, younger girl sure feel different)
After teasing her from neck to breast, back and forth, she give out light moan of enjoyment every time my lips reaches her sensitive part of her body.
As my hand caress and roam around her body, from front to back and lower, she spread her legs for me.
I started to run my finger along the outer area of her love center, teasing her and she spread even more for me.
You can tell she really wants to be feel down there, so I slide my finger outside her already moist vaginal.
As I caress her love hole, more love juice emitted out and she was really enjoying my attention.
Proceed to insert a finger into her and outburst of nectar come flowing.
At the same time, bring myself up to kiss her and she starts to open up her lips eagerly.
We let our tongue intertwine as she enjoying my touch, by now, her moaning was clearly from enjoyment.
As I continue my attention on her whole body, I felt her body spasm with higher tone of moans.
She may have reach her orgasm or almost going to be there.
I did not stop my love touch and continuing to enjoy my suckle on her nipple.
Her body occasionally trembles as my finger stroking in and out of her.
Not giving her a break, I lower myself to her love hole and probe her with my twirling tongue.
The next thing I hear is louder moans and heavier breaths.
By the time I move back up to behold her, she looks like she is in a daze.
I thought I give her some rest, so went to pick up my caps from my pant's pocket that is hanging on the wall.
Then move to laid beside her.
Just after a brief moment of catching her breath, she lower herself to swallow my member.
With good suction, she is really giving me a hell of a blow.
With her tongue working within and the piston like stroke with good suction, she will send me firing in no time.
Trying my best to hold back and still wanting to concentrate on the enjoyment of the BBBJ, I am struggling and desperately searching for the caps.
After a few minutes, I have to stop her to have her caps me.
Laid her down and enter her missionary, hugging her like lovers while I pump her.
It really feels like make love than having paid sex...
After some time of missionary, I wanted to do her doggy, so I lifted her up.
In the midst of confusion of moving into our position, I find myself laid down on my back and she straddle me.
Then she lower herself down on me and cowgirl me.
I must say from the earlier enjoyment of BBBJ and missionary...I am at the verge of explosion liao.
Just a few minutes of riding me, my will give up and have to seed the lovely girl (although just off loading into CD, mind still thinking of giving into her)
Think she abit disappointed as she seems to still want more.
Nonetheless, she laid down and hug me while I am still in her.
We just laid there for awhile as I savor the moment.
The cleaning up was rather SOP, after the bath, I just laid down for a bit before get dress and part separately.
Overall rating is good, pleasant girl and surely very GFE.
And my rating as follow:
look: 7.2/10 (it does grow after awhile)
age: 20+ per TS stated (thinks she want to show me her ID, but I skip, I am not mata..hehe)
height/weight: estimate accurate per TS stated
boobs: B+ (soft and natural, nice brownish nips)
skin: got 2 tattoos, i think, unless i miss others
bbbj: 8.5/10 (good suction)
fingering: yes
painting: yes
french: yes (I must say she quite passionate)
gfe: 9.5/10 (really feel like making love to a young GF)
fj: 7.5/10 (think she genuinely enjoy it, so it makes overall experience better)
overall: 8/10
rtf: no chance, she retired after 6 Aug
damage: 250/1/1 + 50 (tips+room) + CD
Kind of mix feeling that she retire, will want to RTF but yet happy for her to quit the line.
Well, it just life that you can never get the best of everything.
So take good care of yourself TS, and will surely find a day to treat you for a meal.
06-08-2008, 03:37 PM
Even though she is quitting, I will still like to post a FR to compliment her.
SOP, .............................
Kind of mix feeling that she retire, will want to RTF but yet happy for her to quit the line.
Well, it just life that you can never get the best of everything.
So take good care of yourself TS, and will surely find a day to treat you for a meal.
Very nice FR. Already up you, else will up you again. Cheers.
06-08-2008, 04:45 PM
[QUOTE=skirtchaser639;2951987]Even though she is quitting, I will still like to post a FR to compliment her.
SOP, bros who don't like long story, scroll all the way down....
After some time of missionary, I wanted to do her doggy, so I lifted her up.
In the midst of confusion of moving into our position, I find myself laid down on my back and she straddle me.
Then she lower herself down on me and cowgirl me....[QUOTE]
Hahas! Thanks for writing this FR for me to remember on my last day.
To say the truth, I was also thinking you wanted to doggie, but then you suddenly lie there, so I think, oh must be i think wrong!
Have time can go out lim kopi ehs? But I guess hor, we have nothing much to say. The way you look into my eyes make me speechless! Hahas. Don't know why also. 'Mute' medicine?
06-08-2008, 04:50 PM
Hahas! Thanks for writing this FR for me to remember on my last day.
To say the truth, I was also thinking you wanted to doggie, but then you suddenly lie there, so I think, oh must be i think wrong!
Have time can go out lim kopi ehs? But I guess hor, we have nothing much to say. The way you look into my eyes make me speechless! Hahas. Don't know why also. 'Mute' medicine?
Y u nv ask mi go kopi! :mad:
free find mi go kopi la so i can namoorhmitohfook to u .... :D
06-08-2008, 05:10 PM
Y u nv ask mi go kopi! :mad:
free find mi go kopi la so i can namoorhmitohfook to u .... :D
LOL. AGAIN?! God Bless Me.
Hahas. Can can, got time also can come lim kopi with me.
I think like that must fix appt also de liaos. Else I can't handle so many at one go ;)
06-08-2008, 05:27 PM
Hahas! Thanks for writing this FR for me to remember on my last day.
To say the truth, I was also thinking you wanted to doggie, but then you suddenly lie there, so I think, oh must be i think wrong!
Have time can go out lim kopi ehs? But I guess hor, we have nothing much to say. The way you look into my eyes make me speechless! Hahas. Don't know why also. 'Mute' medicine? that process of changing position, i felt kind of awkward so I give up and lay down :D
I am a quite person when face to face, but if you get me going, I can be as lor soh as I write...LOL...
I kind of like the silent moment when we both look at each other.
Hope I did not give you the intimidating look and scare you from speech...:p
06-08-2008, 05:28 PM
LOL. AGAIN?! God Bless Me.
Hahas. Can can, got time also can come lim kopi with me.
I think like that must fix appt also de liaos. Else I can't handle so many at one go
wah muz take appointment wan meh... :p u meet all 1 short at a kopitiam then all diff table u butterfly la... easiler mah.... :D
06-08-2008, 05:29 PM
Very nice FR. Already up you, else will up you again. Cheers.
Thanks bro for the compliment.
Not too concerns about the point though, just here to share and make peace. :)
06-08-2008, 05:43 PM
Shucks.. Missed out by 1 day.. Guess its too late to book now. Anyway, good luck on your future endeavors !
07-08-2008, 08:22 AM that process of changing position, i felt kind of awkward so I give up and lay down :D
I am a quite person when face to face, but if you get me going, I can be as lor soh as I write...LOL...
I kind of like the silent moment when we both look at each other.
Hope I did not give you the intimidating look and scare you from speech...:p
no lar. u won't scare me. i have nothing to fear! =p
07-08-2008, 08:30 AM
wah muz take appointment wan meh... :p u meet all 1 short at a kopitiam then all diff table u butterfly la... easiler mah.... :D
nono. i don't want be entertainer wwor. you all entertain me still more like it. hees =p
07-08-2008, 06:41 PM
I know it's already late. But able to book you?? Any revision in your price?
07-08-2008, 08:49 PM
Forget me not !!! ;) ;)
07-08-2008, 11:12 PM
It is really to late for me ?
20-01-2009, 08:59 PM
Hi everyone I was just checking around Friendster for fun (who uses it these days rite) and came across this profile - can anyone confirm this is her???
21-01-2009, 10:09 PM
nope... dun think so
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