View Full Version : 18yr old student lynn
15-07-2008, 02:24 PM
hello to all the bro here. Recently one of my female friends need some cash urgently so she ask me for help.
Here is my fr on her:
Name: Lynn
Looks (to me): 7/10 (abit lian type)
Age: 18 this year ( local chinese )
Height: 158
Weight: 45kg
Breast size: B cup
BJ: 8/10 ( nice suction )
FJ: 8/10 ( nice sound and wet hehe )
Do: BBBJ, FJ, Frenching, CIM have to ask her
Dont: no ANAL, no RAW
Damage: Paid her $200 plus $50 tips (since she so poor) for 1hr 1shot exc room exc cd
She is a syt student and i think new to this fl line. When she need money she will always sms me for help and of coz i so kind hearted always willing to help her out lolz. Anyway this time she ask me to intro more guys to her coz she need quite a bit of cash for her studies. As she is new to this line, she has ask me to help her to arrange for her. i want to clarify i am not a okt so pls dun zap me ok.
She will be doing this for only a short time so i am sharing this gem with u bros. pls treat her well.
*She is not willing to take any fat guys as she is quite small size. No offence meant to all fat bros out there.
She only takes Chinese and malay. Sorry to all Indian bros. Pm me or email me at
[email protected] for bookings with your contact number and name.
She will only do on certain days due to her school. her timing is TMR wed 16/07 3pm to 9pm and fri 18/07 3pm to 9pm.
17-07-2008, 03:43 PM
Sorry to all bros out there. Lynn now has been taken to join under a okt from this forum and will no longer be available. This is the reason y i dun like to post any of my contacts on sammyboy coz got so many okts around. Due to their young age and inexperienced many fls believe what the okts tell them and promise them so they are seduce to join them. Her rate is now $250 instead of $200 under the okt (more expensive for us bros).
Any bros got this type of problems before?
17-07-2008, 07:35 PM
just put it behind u and learn from this very common in here nowadays and u cant do anything about it.he/she will just laugh at ur naivety and it goes to show he/she got plenty of clones account.
just put it behind u and learn from this very common in here nowadays and u cant do anything about it.he/she will just laugh at ur naivety and it goes to show he/she got plenty of clones account.
This was wat i wrote in this Jade's thread! Haahaahaa!!!
Isn't ur Jade the same gal under this gal called Chanel ( that was intro by fellow samster PCCC? Why do u always disturb the gals that are already being marketed in here? U r not doing ur business right! U r only causing the gals price to go up by $50 extra, for no reason! Chanel was $350/1/1 and just becos she went under u, u market her at $400/1/1 instead? Ferine, Pinky, Summer, Winter also the same. Recently another gal named Lynn ( that was introduced by guy milkshake000 and was poached by an OKT! I pretty sure it's U! U can deny it but let us see in another few days or so to see if I’m right! Let us see ur next gal is it going to be around the same stats and market at least $250/1/1 or more!
Seriously dun u even know where to look for new gals? Other local OKTs always bring in new gals that are never from SBF b4, u r the only one that recruit gals that were already intro by non-OKT samsters and in the end market them at $50 more. We dun need such OKT like u who dun contribute at all to this forum! The moderator ought to ban you! I’m sure u will start using ur clones to zap me but I’m not afraid to speak up! I had observed for very long and u r truly the one n only useless OKT in the whole of FL section.
Why r u even struggling so hard to get gals from within the forum? just quit n go find a job la! I really see u as a cockroach that just refuses to die and vanish! Your very existence in this forum really brings disgrace to fellow OKTs! All other OKTs are working hard to bring in new gals we never knew existed, you just poach n start new thread and add $50 to the pricing and claim as ur new gal. Wat a loser! So let’s wait n see wat name r u going to market this Lynn as.
I urge AF’s clients to stop patronizing him, else he will be thinking wat he did is right. Bonita n cyberOKT have gals who are ard the same price as AF n they are new gals recruited from outside. If u have more budget, u can take TE’s gals, also from outside. These OKTs really bring in more gals for us to try, so the extra commission to them is fair for the service and hard work they have provide us. But why r we paying AF the extra $50? For his effort to poach existing gals, n making genuine samsters fear his unscrupulous way of recruitment till they decide to stop bringing more new gals to share in future?
I hope AF’s existing clients can be more sensible and do wat is right in order to preserve the true motto of SBF’s FL section. Supporting him is only going to make him poach for more gals whenever someone has a new gal to intro into the forum n cause everyone to pay extra $50 or even more for no fucking reason!
PS: My points is now 10, let’s see how the rollercoaster ride will be.
18-07-2008, 02:41 AM
Totally agree with bro gal2swap. Theres nothing u can do so just forget it. When u post yr contacts u should hace expected it. Nowadays SG gals are already so exp, still got okts come in snatch the gals and raise their prices. Its so hard to find a good and decent price SG gal in sammyboy. hace a look, most of the nice and local gals are under okts and they are so exp. Only left those fatty fls advertising on their own.
I understand that okts need to make a living also and i meet some okts that are nice to their gals and price them decently. but in this case, the okt come and take the gal and raise her price from $200 to $250 just so he can benefit and thats sucks. Like that i don't think many ppl will dare to post their contacts in forum anymore. Maybe u can share who the okt is in this forum?
I am just a newbie but we are all here to cheong fls so don't spoil the market
18-07-2008, 11:17 AM
wow...this thread begins to look like OKT battle field....:(
18-07-2008, 01:45 PM
Everyone just cool down. we dun know who the okt is in this forum so dun start pointing fingers. the okt use the name Da*** and the gal say that he is f*t and Ug*y (no offense meant to other fat bros out there) So maybe some of u have seen this okt before and know who he is. but then i dun want to create a row or quarrel over this. wanted to share a gem with the bros here but dun know y turn out like this. just treat it as a lesson learned.
18-07-2008, 02:14 PM
hahaha... if OKTs earn only a small cut, i would think its ok...
but i know some who takes half of the money... thats total Bullshit.
i have supported alot of OKTs and i have no issues with most of them.
they provide a service and we as customers should pay them a cut for what they have done. thats totally logical until i found out one day one particular one is getting alot more cut (50% or more) and he is using these gals as they are too naive.
thats why i stop using this particular guy services.
btw, i dun give a damm if that particular OKT is going to zap me...
just speaking my mind
18-07-2008, 03:17 PM
wah... really ar.. AF OKTs so cb 1 ar.. Like that might as well ask the ger under him to say him out his name when she is been really caught for this trade. Say is he who bring her in. Like that don't know how much fine and cane he will get.
19-07-2008, 02:57 AM
Everyone just cool down. we dun know who the okt is in this forum so dun start pointing fingers. the okt use the name Da*** and the gal say that he is f*t and Ug*y (no offense meant to other fat bros out there) So maybe some of u have seen this okt before and know who he is. but then i dun want to create a row or quarrel over this. wanted to share a gem with the bros here but dun know y turn out like this. just treat it as a lesson learned.
Wa bro milkshake if this okt so fat and ugly and cmi y yr gal still want to follow him? Lots of other better okts around, better ask yr gal to go see a eye doctor lol.
Anyway this type of okt sure will get their retribution, hope other okts will snatch away his gals, or since he offended so many ppl sure kena bo tao and get caught. So u wait and see, don't get so work up.
I just a newbie, but we are all here to cheong fls so don't spoil the market
hahaha... if OKTs earn only a small cut, i would think its ok...
but i know some who takes half of the money... thats total Bullshit.
i have supported alot of OKTs and i have no issues with most of them.
they provide a service and we as customers should pay them a cut for what they have done. thats totally logical until i found out one day one particular one is getting alot more cut (50% or more) and he is using these gals as they are too naive.
thats why i stop using this particular guy services.
btw, i dun give a damm if that particular OKT is going to zap me...
just speaking my mind
Are you sure the OKT u r talking about is from this forum cos so far i know none of the OKT here took half or more. Even TE who r famous for taking a higher cut than the rest only take about ratio of 2:1. Wat makes u so sure about wat u heard? :confused:
Anyway back to AF! It's ok if he takes a cut from the gals he brings in from outside but he just poached existing gals in the forum n market them for extra $50. Wat e fuck for? U r really not seeing e picture here, dont u?
19-07-2008, 05:50 AM
Are you sure the OKT u r talking about is from this forum cos so far i know none of the OKT here took half or more. Even TE who r famous for taking a higher cut than the rest only take about ratio of 2:1. Wat makes u so sure about wat u heard? :confused:
Anyway back to AF! It's ok if he takes a cut from the gals he brings in from outside but he just poached existing gals in the forum n market them for extra $50. Wat e fuck for? U r really not seeing e picture here, dont u?
You look like OKT ........haha:D:p
19-07-2008, 06:50 AM
the okt use the name Da*** and the gal say that he is f*t and Ug*y (no offense meant to other fat bros out there)
hahaha some how thats the image i conjure in my head of what a okt normally looks like....hahaha maybe monster should do okt also becos monster oc say i also FAT AND UGLY.....:D:D
19-07-2008, 09:05 AM
Sorry to all bros out there. Lynn now has been taken to join under a okt from this forum and will no longer be available. This is the reason y i dun like to post any of my contacts on sammyboy coz got so many okts around. Due to their young age and inexperienced many fls believe what the okts tell them and promise them so they are seduce to join them. Her rate is now $250 instead of $200 under the okt (more expensive for us bros).
Any bros got this type of problems before?
Bro feel sorry for you, i am sure the OKT must have given lynn some brain washing. thanks for bringing in this SG FL ... although it doesn't last long. :)
live with it ... you the man!
As for the OKT, there is nothing we can do. anyway i don't go for overrated price from OKT... i know who they are.
19-07-2008, 09:17 AM
Bro feel sorry for you, i am sure the OKT must have given lynn some brain washing. thanks for bringing in this SG FL ... although it doesn't last long.
No choice, it's the gal's decision. Quite a number of them quit the OKT and came out again a few years later as an FL. But that time too late liao. Their value would have dropped due to age and staleness. In the end, still no business.
19-07-2008, 11:19 AM
Actually I don't know what the fuss is all about.
OKT plays the role of middleman - advertising here and then arranging for the session. The additional is for the service rendered. Whether the girl from outside or from the forum - it is really immaterial.
There is no need to brain-wash the girls because it is pretty obvious the pros of having a OKT
I know a lot of these girls don't want the hassle of doing the arrangement themselves:
a) firstly they have to give their numbers to so many people if they are not under OKT(ok they can get another pre-paid card) but it is still a hassle
b) Secondly they have to deal with SMS/CALL to arrange - may not be convenient all the time cos they may be studying or family members with them
c) thirdly at least under OKT they have some form of protection - if for eg the guy didn't pay.. the okt can help to chase.
There are many pros for the girls. Anyway the additional cost is pass to us the consumer and not from the girls - so naturally they don't feel it.
At the end of the day we are the paying customer so we decide if the girl is worth that price.
And if bro really want to bring FL here and not to be disturbed by OKT, then they have to do the work of OKT for the girls, otherwise if the number of the girls are given out - naturally OKT will target them.
Well writing this post may not go well with some bros and they may zap me or think that I am OKT clone. Those who have read my FRs will know that I am not a clone. Zap me OK - please leave you nick behind and let me know the reason - I will not zap you back, don't worry.
19-07-2008, 04:30 PM
Well i also got zapped for no reason. maybe zapped by the okt... here to share and got zapped WTH?
Thanks to bro johnlittle for upping my points. will pass yr msg to lynn if i talk to her.
19-07-2008, 04:53 PM
Well i still have some other contacts (syt and milf ) contacts, dun have alot maybe only left 4 or 5 but i am willing to share with other bros here.
but due to this incident of okt i will be selective and discreet in handing out their numbers.
For bros that are interested just pm me or email with just yr name, contacts and nick (most imp) can liao. only bros with frs and most likely not okts will be entertain. sorry just to be on the safe side
oh ya pls state yr preferance syt or milf? i also need to get their permission to pass out their numbers so be patient
20-07-2008, 01:44 PM
Actually I don't know what the fuss is all about.
OKT plays the role of middleman - advertising here and then arranging for the session. The additional is for the service rendered. Whether the girl from outside or from the forum - it is really immaterial.
sorry maybe wat i gonna post could be of different views with u.the postings in this thread if i am not wrong is that TS intro a lobang in here to share with fellow samsters at the rate of $200.den the gal was supposedly poached by an okt in here and will be marketed at 250 or u that extra 50 or more may not be an issue as u could have deep pocket so it doesnt affect u.but to many others,it could mean the difference of being able to try anot cos additional $50 may mean alot.yes,u can say no money dun bonk or not worth it dun book but then the actual pricing shd be 200 n not 250 n above which may be ok with some of them.
it may also be seen as an innuendo to future samsters who wish to intro lobangs in here to load on the rate and make money themselves instead of sharing or better still,pm the okts operating in here directly and pass it to them to market to prevent any further unhappiness or frustrations.the funny thing is that we keep reading of okts poaching the independent fls being intro in here but no TS ever dare to post out their nos or nick all becos of the fear of being zapped.
if i am wrong in my reading of ur postings,den i say sorry to u here.
20-07-2008, 01:47 PM
Well i still have some other contacts (syt and milf ) contacts, dun have alot maybe only left 4 or 5 but i am willing to share with other bros here.
but due to this incident of okt i will be selective and discreet in handing out their numbers.
maybe u shd load up on the pricing n make money urself.just kidding hor.
kudos to u for the spirit of sharing and do be more careful on passing of contacts but it will most probably again land up in okts hands.will up u for ur spirit of sharings.
20-07-2008, 06:28 PM
Well i also got zapped for no reason. maybe zapped by the okt... here to share and got zapped WTH?
Thanks to bro johnlittle for upping my points. will pass yr msg to lynn if i talk to her.
Bro Up you for sharing.
dont mind you pm any of your SYT contacts. I go for looks
20-07-2008, 07:15 PM
Threadstarter support you, too bad no power to up you.Nowadays OKT like to use underhand methods to poach girls over. I think those who share the number will have to come out of a way to control it or else soon all the good lobang here will be poach away soon especially local girls because i notice there is an in flux of local girls here.
20-07-2008, 07:22 PM
Up you 7 points for sharing but next time learn to be more discreet in giving out contact.
If you are not sure of the samter's background don't give him the contact. If in doubt ask me. I'll share my view with you.:)
Fiery dragon
20-07-2008, 07:31 PM
Bro milkshake00, i fully understand hw u feel from my experience in another thread. Shall share with those who are unaware of the doings of a particular OKT. This local OKT actually uses two ways to psycho the local FLs (he did tat even if that FL is under another OKT):
1) Less hassle for FL herself to get customer/arrange for time slots or more $ and customers under him. He will proceed to no. 2 if she refuses.
2) Threaten the FL that he is going to scare away all her potential customers by posting something nasty against her in SBF...senior bros shld have seen it for countless times already.
20-07-2008, 07:33 PM
a) firstly they have to give their numbers to so many people if they are not under OKT(ok they can get another pre-paid card) but it is still a hassle
b) Secondly they have to deal with SMS/CALL to arrange - may not be convenient all the time cos they may be studying or family members with them
c) thirdly at least under OKT they have some form of protection - if for eg the guy didn't pay.. the okt can help to chase.
First of all i must say that i agree with most of your post. I think point A) and point B) is quite forward, we all can understand that.
But do you think that these OKT really have any form of protection for the girls? Do you know what sort of action they take (for e.g.) when customer dont pay or threaten with police, or maybe even undercover police.
I think the OKT (namely ppl with characters like AF) will be the first to hide and just run away. What sort of protection is that?
Just for everyone's info. I am not a newbie here but i do not post any FRs as i want to remain low profile, but i just cant stand this guy.
I am not worried about my points too as after being so long here. I know where to get my gals.
You look like OKT ........haha:D:p
:eek: How u know i fat n ugly? Haahaa! No la, just that so have been a cheongster to few of the OKTs ard n i heard of the cut the OKTs take.
Me Siam Bu
20-07-2008, 11:26 PM
Up you 7 points for sharing but next time learn to be more discreet in giving out contact.
If you are not sure of the samter's background don't give him the contact. If in doubt ask me. I'll share my view with you.:)
agree bro :)
Let me rephrase, i urge fellow samsters to not book gals that he poached from this forum. Those that r originally brought in by him, pls do carry on booking as this is consider his effort. i will try my best to find out which r e gals whom he poach from this forum n inform u guys. U do not have to up me or reply to this post to show ur support, but not book e gals he poach. End of the day, it's just by not booking for those gals, he will know not to repeat himself. If he still gets support, he will only keep repeating the same things and the rest of e guys will incur e unnecessary extra cost.
21-07-2008, 09:57 AM
hahaha some how thats the image i conjure in my head of what a okt normally looks like....hahaha maybe monster should do okt also becos monster oc say i also FAT AND UGLY.....:D:D
then your stable will all offer AJ....
21-07-2008, 10:17 AM
Are you sure the OKT u r talking about is from this forum cos so far i know none of the OKT here took half or more. Even TE who r famous for taking a higher cut than the rest only take about ratio of 2:1. Wat makes u so sure about wat u heard? :confused:
Anyway back to AF! It's ok if he takes a cut from the gals he brings in from outside but he just poached existing gals in the forum n market them for extra $50. Wat e fuck for? U r really not seeing e picture here, dont u?
btw i didnt state that the OKT is AF.
and what makes u so sure that TE is not taking so high?
I say that becos I heard it from the gal themselves.
Thats why.
21-07-2008, 10:36 AM
hi bros kindly share lynn contact pls pm me thank
21-07-2008, 12:20 PM
But do you think that these OKT really have any form of protection for the girls? Do you know what sort of action they take (for e.g.) when customer dont pay or threaten with police, or maybe even undercover police.
Allen, you do have a point. OKT may not protect much but I heard it from the gals themselves - most of them feel safer with OKT. Like if a bro just ran away or insisted on RAW... they can always tell OKT and OKT can expose the bro.. not much but still better than if they are one their own.
21-07-2008, 12:26 PM
You can't really stop the OKT from poaching.. the only thing you can do is not to give out the number of the girls easily..
Yes, you can expose the OKT if you are aware of the poaching.. but really your thread in the FL section will be buried pretty easily.. not easy to keep it active and to everyone's attention.
I am not advocating poaching.. but in reality there is nothing much we can do..
And as consumers, we can only vote through how we buy. So unless you boycott and refrain from patronising the OKT - they will continue to flourish.
21-07-2008, 12:29 PM
How much the OKT charge on top of the gal's is really irrelevant.
Not much point to debate whether it is 10%, $50 or 50%.
That is between the girl and the OKT.
For us we look at the final price to us. If it is too expensive then we simply pass .
21-07-2008, 01:16 PM
Threadstarter. Someone whispered to me that you took a $50 cut from the gal.:rolleyes: So how do you account for this? I thought you say you are sharing. Also it seems that its your gal that told the other party.;)
Very confusing.
ha ha good one here..
21-07-2008, 01:24 PM
Girl go under OKT nothing new ma. If the OKT treat her well, u should be happy. I know from experience its a BIATCH to arrange time slots . lol . :p
21-07-2008, 01:25 PM
fat and ugly then the okt has got to be AF. I personally saw him before. He goes by many names : Gary lah, david lah, paul king lah.. but i am definately sure that AF is the okt. he loves to poach girls and he has revealed his intentions to a couple of his close aides and i so happen to know one of them that his idea is to ELIMINATE competition in this forum for local girls so that he can manipulate and monopolize the trade here so that whatever is earned, goes to him and his girls.
Com'on lah, let us have some variety here! We are the customers and we have a right to choose and say our opinions. Like i have always said before, i do not urge everybody to boycott AF, i just want everybody to know of his unscrupulous way of making business in this forum. Its really unfair to the girls, us and most importantly, the okts which he stole/poached the girls from.
21-07-2008, 02:55 PM
Threadstarter. Someone whispered to me that you took a $50 cut from the gal.:rolleyes: So how do you account for this? I thought you say you are sharing. Also it seems that its your gal that told the other party.;)
Very confusing.
?? So which fellow samster did u hear it from, care to say it out? from what i know i only give her number out to 4 or 5 bros and to my okt friend for more business for her, but i confirm never take a cut unless its my friend the okt intro to her, u can verify with her in person JT (can pass u her number). only a few bro here try her before she is under the okt so unless i am mistaken i think yr friend that whisper to u is the okt she is now working?
2nd she is not my gal, she is my friend and she is the one who approach me for help. when she told me got okt approach her to help her, i ask her to consider before deciding and if she think its better go ahead. thats y she is now under the okt coz i did not object. U think if i am okt i will be agreeable to let her go?
3rd i did not try to flame the okt just stating the facts, in fact i say that theres no point now in blaming or pointing fingers, (read my starting thread).
"Also it seems that its your gal that told the other party.;)" what other party can it be unless its the okt coz i know she dun keep in touch with other bro samters here. tell yr "friend" that whisper to u to get his facts right or he purposely wanted to frame me coz i exposed him? whatever he not happy like people call him fat and ugly he can just post a reply or zapped me (i think he did that liao) but no need to resort to this underhand method? whisper to??? spread rumors???
21-07-2008, 02:57 PM
Threadstarter. Someone whispered to me that you took a $50 cut from the gal.:rolleyes: So how do you account for this? I thought you say you are sharing. Also it seems that its your gal that told the other party.;)
Very confusing.
?? So which fellow samster did u hear it from, care to say it out? from what i know i only give her number out to 4 or 5 bros and to my okt friend for more business for her, but i confirm never take a cut unless its my friend the okt intro to her, u can verify with her in person JT (can pass u her number). only a few bro here try her before she is under the okt so unless i am mistaken i think yr friend that whisper to u is the okt she is now working?
2nd she is not my gal, she is my friend and she is the one who approach me for help. when she told me got okt approach her to help her, i ask her to consider before deciding and if she think its better go ahead. thats y she is now under the okt coz i did not object. U think if i am okt i will be agreeable to let her go?
3rd i did not try to flame the okt just stating the facts, in fact i say that theres no point now in blaming or pointing fingers, (read my starting thread).
"Also it seems that its your gal that told the other party.;)" what other party can it be unless its the okt coz i know she dun keep in touch with other bro samters here. tell yr "friend" that whisper to u to get his facts right or he purposely wanted to frame me coz i exposed him? whatever he not happy like people call him fat and ugly he can just post a reply or zapped me (i think he did that liao) but no need to resort to this underhand method? whisper to u??? spread rumors???
21-07-2008, 03:47 PM
fat and ugly then the okt has got to be AF. I personally saw him before. He goes by many names : Gary lah, david lah, paul king lah.. but i am definately sure that AF is the okt. he loves to poach girls and he has revealed his intentions to a couple of his close aides and i so happen to know one of them that his idea is to ELIMINATE competition in this forum for local girls so that he can manipulate and monopolize the trade here so that whatever is earned, goes to him and his girls.
i second that...seen him b4 :p
a bit small gas...but he does provide a service which most pple here enjoy.
The market determines his survival here i guess.
21-07-2008, 04:39 PM
Sorry to all bros out there. Lynn now has been taken to join under a okt from this forum and will no longer be available. This is the reason y i dun like to post any of my contacts on sammyboy coz got so many okts around. Due to their young age and inexperienced many fls believe what the okts tell them and promise them so they are seduce to join them. Her rate is now $250 instead of $200 under the okt (more expensive for us bros).
Any bros got this type of problems before?
2nd she is not my gal, she is my friend and she is the one who approach me for help. when she told me got okt approach her to help her, i ask her to consider before deciding and if she think its better go ahead. thats y she is now under the okt coz i did not object. U think if i am okt i will be agreeable to let her go?
I am a little bit confused based on your 2 remarks above :eek: Now, what is what? Does the okt hijacked her or she joined the okt on her own accord? :cool: :D
21-07-2008, 07:37 PM
No offense mean to u bro Jt. U are a senior and should have seen alot of things. Lynn is my friend and i did say ok for her to join the ok coz i really wish her well and to earn more money, if her business is good then i am really happy for her.
What i am not happy is that the okt raise her prices may make it unaffordable to some other bros here, as someone has post, maybe $50 is nothing to u but to others bros it may mean alot. and the $50 is just for the okt benefit. that is what i am not happy about.....
And if yr friend that "whisper" to u is that okt that alot of ppl has been whispering about, it just goes to show that how many people are very unhappy with him in this forum. but as i have said, i dun blame or point the fingers at anyone.
I know that u as a senior in this forum will differientate between what is right.
21-07-2008, 07:55 PM
thanks to all the bros who have support me here. i will try my best to intro good stuff to u. tonight i will be meeting a gal name huiling and maybe i can get permission to give out her number.
Name: huiling
Age: 24
Local chinese
Ht: 167cm
Wt: 56kg
damage: $80 for fj? (have to confirm with her)
Location: central
*I dun know whether is she new to this fl line or been in sammyboy before.
thanks to all the bro who have upp me please leave yr name so i can do u the same favor.
21-07-2008, 08:40 PM
You should have tell her no. Then you will not be posting this thread. Sorry if I am wrong, anyone will be thinking that u are a sour grape, losing yr girl and KPKB here. If you are a friend, you should have give her yr blessing when you ask her to decide tobe under OKT or FL. By posting here, you are distrubing her rice bowl indirectly. Who would dare to take her service? So much for a friend.
with such wise words from you,we should see her launch pretty soon rite;)
21-07-2008, 11:53 PM
btw i didnt state that the OKT is AF.
and what makes u so sure that TE is not taking so high?
I say that becos I heard it from the gal themselves.
Thats why.
Who the fuck did you even hear that from? Ask any of my other regulars, my cut is always 2:1 ratio like what that japanese guy mentioned. I will never take half nor more than the girls, that's my principle! I'm sure you heard it wrongly from the gals! Anyway I will find out which gals you ever book and look into it! I spend heavily on advertising and other expenses just so that I can bring in very good quality gals, i dont see why is ratio of 2:1 not reasonable? FYI i take the 1 part, not 2. So for $300, I take $100. How does that ever result to half? You failed your Mathematic? Find your stats properly first!
Frey also comes into this forum to post sometimes, ask her directly!
22-07-2008, 12:12 AM
Who the fuck did you even hear that from? Ask any of my other regulars, my cut is always 2:1 ratio like what that japanese guy mentioned. I will never take half nor more than the girls, that's my principle! I'm sure you heard it wrongly from the gals! Anyway I will find out which gals you ever book and look into it! I spend heavily on advertising and other expenses just so that I can bring in very good quality gals, i dont see why is ratio of 2:1 not reasonable? FYI i take the 1 part, not 2. So for $300, I take $100. How does that ever result to half? You failed your Mathematic? Find your stats properly first!
Frey also comes into this forum to post sometimes, ask her directly!
woah man brother, relax! cool it TE. i salute u for going the extra mile to find girls on your own rather than AF whose hobby personally is poaching other okt's girls. prolly better watch your back and your girls, might never know when he might be one of their customers or something.. haha..
cheers! :rolleyes:
22-07-2008, 02:24 AM
Who the fuck did you even hear that from? Ask any of my other regulars, my cut is always 2:1 ratio like what that japanese guy mentioned. I will never take half nor more than the girls, that's my principle! I'm sure you heard it wrongly from the gals! Anyway I will find out which gals you ever book and look into it! I spend heavily on advertising and other expenses just so that I can bring in very good quality gals, i dont see why is ratio of 2:1 not reasonable? FYI i take the 1 part, not 2. So for $300, I take $100. How does that ever result to half? You failed your Mathematic? Find your stats properly first!
Frey also comes into this forum to post sometimes, ask her directly!
I'm not Frey but i myself is currently working for Bro TE and yes, indeed he will NEVER ever take a cut more than whatever the girl is getting no matter what, that's his priciple! And i can support that fact! He had to cover costs on advertising and how many coffee sessions interviews he needs to go thru just to get ONE quality girl? If you think it a easy job, you can always try your luck to find those nap local FL on your own with low price lor..
22-07-2008, 08:37 AM
To me I don't really care how much the OKT is making. I pay base on the quality of the girl and the price to me.
Why do we even want to debate on the principle of the OKT? To be OKT is already illegal. The fact that we patronize the OKT is already a tacit acceptance of this middleman role. If he charges too high for low quality girl he will not be in business for long.
What we can do is to bonk and to share honest FR and give our personal opinion about the girl and its value for money.
I don't stick to a particular OKT or only FL - I go GL, HC, PRC, Thai, Viet, local FL from OKT as well as from my own source. At times if lucky can pick up a girl or two for fuck buddy for a while.
For bro TE, yes I believe his girls are mostly at a premium - but I find some of the girls really are gems and worth the money. For those girls that I don't feel worth it, I simply don't call or just call once.
For bro AF, I don't have much comment. I called his calls infrequently and not really a regular customer as currently there are simply too many choices in the FL market. I will not rule out calling his girls in the near future though.
We should spend our time bonking than worry about how much the OKT cut is or how he got the girls. In SG I believe most of the time the girls join OKT on their own accord as no one is pointing a gun at their head.
22-07-2008, 10:17 AM
wow seems like some one opened Pandora Box....
22-07-2008, 10:47 AM
wow seems like some one opened Pandora Box....
not open pandora box.if u follow the thread closely,it more like laying the foundation for her new launch.kill the hooha first b4 launching.:D
ps:doesnt refer to frankenstein.
tot u say tis gal doesnt exist?very confused by all ur different versions when u call me trying to to trust ur words again?
22-07-2008, 11:35 AM
ha ha after so much talk.
Is there a launch for this girl?
Mr. Lonely
22-07-2008, 11:39 AM
Independent FL join okt is because mainly they dun wan their personal life to be disturbed especially wif perverts asking for phone sex etc. So wat make those number distributors feel that the nos they gave out to are really trust worthly customers? 1 nos given out is as good as giving out to 100.
Also recently in the forum there are quite a lot of local independent FL. Who can make sure tat those gals r really independent and not someone using a gal nick to market another gal just to escape sponsoring the forum? Y are so many nick keep claiming i am not a okt? I dun mind to have competition, but fair competition. But those pple hiding behind a gal nick or operating on behalf on the gal to earn comm, i just feel disgusting. U may think you r smart cos u dun hav to pay to advertise but it will not for long. Cos anytime the moderators will close ur thread once u r exposed n i am sure to visit the gals when i am free :D
Bro milkshake00, ur mistake is u r too secretive to ur gal. U told her u got a okt friend who is taking 50 cut but she nvr speak or meet that okt. U just ask her to pass the money to u.:rolleyes: 2ndly u only told her 3 things before she go meet customer. 1) bathe wif customer b4 n after 2) cannot extend the session 3) Cannot do raw. U go check around all okts how much time we spoke to our gals b4 sending them to the field. Lastly she feel insecure wif u. U reply all the guys sms when she not around. N when she meet u, u just pass her the phone and ask her to reply n contact the customer from there. U wan take cut and ask her gal to do all the coordinating herself. Hence wif so much doubts in her, tat is y she accept my invitation. :)
Very fierce posting indeed.Like issuing a challenge out to everyone.Relax and take it easy.:)
22-07-2008, 11:40 AM
Haha bro JT, Wonder how his friend will feel if she happen to see this thread. :D
Shut up lah AngelAsshole, so many people in this forum buay song u liao u still come here kpkb.
U snatch her gal still can come here and laugh, just shows what a F#$king B@#tard u r.
U say u dont poach but invite, then if u are so good y don't u go invite yr own gals instead of inviting the gals whom we already invite to fellow bros here?
U know I know what u have been doing to your previous gals and some of yr existing gals. So f@#k off before i exposed u.
U an be fat and ugly and a pimp and people will still respect u. but dont ever be a fat ugly disgusting pimp with no morals that everyone looks down upon.
I may be a newbie but we are all here to cheong fls so dont spoil the market
22-07-2008, 12:03 PM
Sorry to correct your english. I dun proach but i invite. :D
There is always a bond between Okts n their gals. Unless the relationship between them is weak or the okts cant give them business then they will leave eventually to be independent FL or join another okt. It is also hard for the gals to make a decision cos they also afraid to make a wrong decision and may end up even worse.
Independent FL join okt is because mainly they dun wan their personal life to be disturbed especially wif perverts asking for phone sex etc. So wat make those number distributors feel that the nos they gave out to are really trust worthly customers? 1 nos given out is as good as giving out to 100.
Also recently in the forum there are quite a lot of local independent FL. Who can make sure tat those gals r really independent and not someone using a gal nick to market another gal just to escape sponsoring the forum? Y are so many nick keep claiming i am not a okt? I dun mind to have competition, but fair competition. But those pple hiding behind a gal nick or operating on behalf on the gal to earn comm, i just feel disgusting. U may think you r smart cos u dun hav to pay to advertise but it will not for long. Cos anytime the moderators will close ur thread once u r exposed n i am sure to visit the gals when i am free :D
Bro milkshake00, ur mistake is u r too secretive to ur gal. U told her u got a okt friend who is taking 50 cut but she nvr speak or meet that okt. U just ask her to pass the money to u.:rolleyes: 2ndly u only told her 3 things before she go meet customer. 1) bathe wif customer b4 n after 2) cannot extend the session 3) Cannot do raw. U go check around all okts how much time we spoke to our gals b4 sending them to the field. Lastly she feel insecure wif u. U reply all the guys sms when she not around. N when she meet u, u just pass her the phone and ask her to reply n contact the customer from there. U wan take cut and ask her gal to do all the coordinating herself. Hence wif so much doubts in her, tat is y she accept my invitation. :)
As wat bro infinitiumus stated. Wat pricing the okt fixed is the okt n gals problem , let the market decide. So bro milkshake00 if u still treat her as friend u should wish her do well. Hope this chapter is closed.
bro af, no offence lah but indeed, theres a difference between invite and poach and whatever you said here you can claim that u invited. not a problem but why is it that you must invite them to join u? why not find local girls on your own. i dont see bonita, cyberokt, TE poaching/inviting girls though i have NEVER book their girls.
22-07-2008, 02:57 PM
Bro milkshake00, ur mistake is u r too secretive to ur gal. U told her u got a okt friend who is taking 50 cut but she nvr speak or meet that okt. U just ask her to pass the money to u.:rolleyes: 2ndly u only told her 3 things before she go meet customer. 1) bathe wif customer b4 n after 2) cannot extend the session 3) Cannot do raw. U go check around all okts how much time we spoke to our gals b4 sending them to the field. Lastly she feel insecure wif u. U reply all the guys sms when she not around. N when she meet u, u just pass her the phone and ask her to reply n contact the customer from there. U wan take cut and ask her gal to do all the coordinating herself. Hence wif so much doubts in her, tat is y she accept my invitation. :)
Thanks AA by this u have already verify my innocence. 1st she never ask to speak to my friend the okt.
2nd coz i am not a okt so i dun know anything. i can only tell her the 3 things in order for her to protect herself and her business. if i am okt of coz i will sure say alot more.
3rd i only help her to coordinate the time, i am not her okt y should i help her to contact and reply the customer? if she is around of coz its better for her to talk to them herself right.
Last but very imp point: her 1st time so i help her we took a cab $20 plus then eat prata $8 then i book room waited for her to come out $20 then we took a cab back $20 plus again. total i spend about $70. if i earn $50 comission $50 - $70 = -$ negative equity i still lose money. which okt is so stupid?
I know u pay money in this forum but that does not give u the right to "invite".
Haha bro JT, Wonder how his friend will feel if she happen to see this thread.
22-07-2008, 03:17 PM
Anyway back to my fr on huiling yesterday.
Meet her for the 1st time near gl, omg her size is totally different from what i would expect (a baby elephant). see sian half. we proceed to the hotel but no mood to do anything so we just chit chat talk talk. she is very chatty and sweet only her size a bit of problem (her voice very high pitch). paid her the $80 and left. anyway for those that interested in fat fl can still pm me for her number (frankly her looks is ok) and for those bro that have pm me for huiling thinking she is a syt i can only ssay sorry i have disappointed yr faith in me.
Name:Huiling (local chinese)
Age: 24
Ht: 164cm
Wt: 60 to 65kg?
Bj: dun know
Fj: dun know
Damage: she told me is $80/90/unlimited plus room $20. maybe she has been in sbf before i never ask.
consider a good budget bonk coz got unlimited shots.
well if i am okt maybe for every customer i intro to her $80 can ask her treat me eat 1 plate of chicken rice :).
(Well i still got 2 syt. the problem is persuading them to give out their numbers)
22-07-2008, 05:39 PM
wow seems like some one opened Pandora Box....
.... and wake u up from ur sleep horr
22-07-2008, 06:43 PM
Sorry to correct your english. I dun proach but i invite. :D
feel that the nos they gave out to are really trust worthly customers? 1 nos given out is as good as giving out to 100.
Before you correct other person's English, maybe you should check your own English first. It is "poach" not "proach". It is "worthy" not worthly"
I supposed besides lynn you must have invited many other recycled FLs in the forum. :D Since you are open to fair competition, can I sugggest bros here to call all Okts like TE, Bonita, CyberOkt, Bulldogg and many other Thai Okts to start inviting other independent FLs. Let the competiton begins.
PS. Please correct my English if you can find any mistakes.:D
22-07-2008, 07:08 PM
Shut up lah AngelAsshole, so many people in this forum buay song u liao u still come here kpkb.
U snatch her gal still can come here and laugh, just shows what a F#$king B@#tard u r.
U say u dont poach but invite, then if u are so good y don't u go invite yr own gals instead of inviting the gals whom we already invite to fellow bros here?
U know I know what u have been doing to your previous gals and some of yr existing gals. So f@#k off before i exposed u.
U an be fat and ugly and a pimp and people will still respect u. but dont ever be a fat ugly disgusting pimp with no morals that everyone looks down upon.
I may be a newbie but we are all here to cheong fls so dont spoil the market
So what has he been doing? just concern for my friend lynn here.
And AF y do so many people in this forum hate u so much?
23-07-2008, 12:12 AM
This thread is getting interesting by the day. A can of worm is going to spill out.:D
Big Phil
23-07-2008, 12:47 AM
why must quarrel?
23-07-2008, 09:55 AM
I know u pay money in this forum but that does not give u the right to "invite".
I have been following this drama for a while. I am wondering how come Sammyboy allow such OKT to post here.
I had wanted to try AF girls. I have second thought now. Do not want any trouble later. His reputation not so good base on all the posting.
23-07-2008, 10:46 AM
I have been following this drama for a while. I am wondering how come Sammyboy allow such OKT to post here.
if i not wrong, now a days they have to pay to advertise their gals...l
23-07-2008, 11:21 AM
I supposed besides lynn you must have invited many other recycled FLs in the forum. :D Since you are open to fair competition, can I sugggest bros here to call all Okts like TE, Bonita, CyberOkt, Bulldogg and many other Thai Okts to start inviting other independent FLs. Let the competiton begins.
wah....cuteboy, u not scare he charge u more than your usual over-priced deals meh? :p
cannot lah...if u invite his girls...he will use his clones to flame
bombard the other okt with phonecalls with threat of calling police
disturb the girls...threaten to expose them
However strictly as a service provider, he plays his role very well indeed.
Which is what guarantees his stay here.
23-07-2008, 12:47 PM
Thanks AA by this u have already verify my innocence. 1st she never ask to speak to my friend the okt.
2nd coz i am not a okt so i dun know anything. i can only tell her the 3 things in order for her to protect herself and her business. if i am okt of coz i will sure say alot more.
3rd i only help her to coordinate the time, i am not her okt y should i help her to contact and reply the customer? if she is around of coz its better for her to talk to them herself right.
Last but very imp point: her 1st time so i help her we took a cab $20 plus then eat prata $8 then i book room waited for her to come out $20 then we took a cab back $20 plus again. total i spend about $70. if i earn $50 comission $50 - $70 = -$ negative equity i still lose money. which okt is so stupid?
I know u pay money in this forum but that does not give u the right to "invite".
brother, u ask her to come view this forum herself, she might turn around and market her ownself leh, then when that happens, please tell her lower her price hor.. hehehe :p
23-07-2008, 12:51 PM
Like bro JT say if u concern for ur friend, then u should stop this. I can understand cos ur deed r being exposed. If ur friend is 'comfortable' wif you do u think i can so easily invite her over? Hope u understand the issue...
I been in this forum for 2yrs. I had wars wif nato n chaichai, do335 n bonita angels. It wun be suprised if their supporters still hate me. Is a norm in this industry that flaming n rumours r everywhere.
If i am a bad guy then let my gals decide. If my gals r overpriced then let the market decide.
Anyway thanks for all the promotion n helping to push up my gals thread. My gals enquiries boom by 30%. All my old customers actually came back n book my gals. Apologise to u guys cos i am too busy to follow up on u all. :)
As for the gal huiling, Start it on another thread. May not be posting anymore in this thread. Have a nice day everyone. :)
wah.. u still got take down statistics one ah?!?!?! :D
23-07-2008, 01:35 PM
Hmmm.... Interesting... Seriously by inviting gals who are independent in this forum is really effortless and sure can help with the profit but so far we, OKTs don't do that for a simple reason. To be fair to the rest of the OKTs in here as it's suppose to be a no man land, no one holds the right to invite these gals over the rest. At least that's what i thought untill now, a silent rule that we should all abide by. However since AF has took the lead to show the rest of us that it is ok to do so, I shall follow suit and start to invite existing gals from this forum. Thanks bro AF! You are the man! :D
23-07-2008, 02:34 PM
I'm not Frey but i myself is currently working for Bro TE and yes, indeed he will NEVER ever take a cut more than whatever the girl is getting no matter what, that's his priciple! And i can support that fact! He had to cover costs on advertising and how many coffee sessions interviews he needs to go thru just to get ONE quality girl? If you think it a easy job, you can always try your luck to find those nap local FL on your own with low price lor..
Hmmm... I think i know who you are... From the way you type your message. ;)
23-07-2008, 02:41 PM
hmmm since we are in the mood for recruitment maybe monster start recruitment also but not for want to recruit okts so i can be the monster of all okts....bros think good idea?
23-07-2008, 03:33 PM
I shall follow suit and start to invite existing gals from this forum. Thanks bro AF! You are the man! :D
can also invite existing gals from other okts and market at higher price like af did. good luck to all bro.. haha..
23-07-2008, 04:00 PM
the saga continues.
look like we gonna have "romance of the 3 kingdoms" soon.
seriously dun understand his mentality.trying to prove he is the greatest or simply indestuctible with his kind of postings.seems like everyone is in the wrong except him.good luck to all who wish to intro any lobangs in here.u have been warned.:)
23-07-2008, 04:04 PM
hmmm since we are in the mood for recruitment maybe monster start recruitment also but not for want to recruit okts so i can be the monster of all okts....bros think good idea?
someone has ardy beaten u to it.:D
23-07-2008, 04:19 PM
someone has ardy beaten u to it.:D
but currently like fishmonger market lidat...each howling their own "fish" and price.....
23-07-2008, 04:25 PM
but currently like fishmonger market lidat...each howling their own "fish" and price.....
simple many fishes out there.cast ur net with ur wallet.:D
23-07-2008, 04:30 PM
Huiling's number has been given out to some of the bros here. any bros still want can pm me. too lazy to start a new thread
23-07-2008, 05:04 PM
simple economic..cast ur net with ur wallet.:D
Bro. Why vote with wallet?:confused:
23-07-2008, 05:40 PM
wah....cuteboy, u not scare he charge u more than your usual over-priced deals meh? :p
Ha ha bro. He banned me liao so how is he going to charge higher wor?:D
23-07-2008, 06:58 PM
Ha ha bro. He banned me liao so how is he going to charge higher wor?
with ur credibility and spending power,it his gals losses and other agent gals gains.pretty sure u not only depends on lobangs from here.u must also b members of some other exclusive groups which provide higher quality fls.:D
23-07-2008, 07:03 PM
My reason is to expose those using clones or hiding behind a gal nick to escape paying the sponsorship and taking comm from the gals.
How does u guys feel if u found out actually all along a guy is massaging you wif 'dear i miss you' , 'dear how r u' , 'darling have u check in' ? But to these guys they dun care cos end of day they still got their comm.
???????????.honestly til now,i still cant comprehend what others do, got to do with u "inviting" independent/other stables fls to ur group.if u feel they are cheating the forum,u shd inform the moderator to take action.sorry not trying to pick on u but the more u post,the more i find it not logical.:confused:
23-07-2008, 07:06 PM
with ur credibility and spending power,it his gals losses and other agent gals gains.pretty sure u not only depends on lobangs from here.u must also b members of some other exclusive groups which provide higher quality fls.
Bro. Thank you for your encouragement. Will up ur rep pts. .:) Will private "massage" you once I up ur rep pts. Ooops, it should be "private message you.":D
23-07-2008, 07:09 PM
Bro. Thank you for your encouragement. Will up ur rep pts. .:) Will private "massage" you once I up ur rep pts. Ooops, it should be "private message you.":D
haha,got the drift of this "massage".u can be an english tutor leh,keke.
23-07-2008, 07:12 PM
Bro. Thank you for your encouragement. Will up ur rep pts. .:) Will private "massage" you once I up ur rep pts. Ooops, it should be "private message you.":D
If it's a private message i think i would like to join in the queue too! Oops! Think some people should correct their own English before they start correcting others right, cuteboy? :D
23-07-2008, 07:17 PM
All Hail angelfighter....the FL Dome police.
Based on his explaination, i feel Okts like true_enjoyment here owes him an apology. Hiaz, he does good work you know. Spend time expose clones pretending to be the girl itself.
I mean seriously, i will kill myself if i find out a guy message me "I miss you darling". Hippo here not gay pls.
I feel so safe that with the extra $50-100 i am paying for the same girl, i am guaranteed it is a guy, our hero angelfighter, who sms me back. Cos honestly, the sms is also part of the foreplay. :D
Who says singaporeans are all money-minded and self-centered. :p
23-07-2008, 07:26 PM
Bro. Why vote with wallet?:confused:
when most wallets dun open,u will see promotion prices being offered.:D
23-07-2008, 07:28 PM
All Hail angelfighter....the FL Dome police.
Based on his explaination, i feel Okts like true_enjoyment here owes him an apology. Hiaz, he does good work you know. Spend time expose clones pretending to be the girl itself.
I mean seriously, i will kill myself if i find out a guy message me "I miss you darling". Hippo here not gay pls.
I feel so safe that with the extra $50-100 i am paying for the same girl, i am guaranteed it is a guy, our hero angelfighter, who sms me back. Cos honestly, the sms is also part of the foreplay. :D
Who says singaporeans are all money-minded and self-centered. :p
1 of the best posting.;)
23-07-2008, 08:18 PM
My reason is to expose those using clones or hiding behind a gal nick to escape paying the sponsorship and taking comm from the gals.
Seriously. I am puzzled by your sentence above. I have been in the forum for quite long and normally I dun do posting as most of the time I cheong KTV and Geylang gals. But based on what you say, I thought I should contribute my 2 cents worth.
Maybe you did the rite thing exposing those clones trying to escape the sponsorhip. However, how do you account when you invited precious gems gals like Fererine, Summer and Pinky to your stable? By doing this, precious gems may have to stop sponsoring the forum as she will not have any gals and that means revenue loss.
Also, you could have just inform the moderator if you suspect something is not rite. Then the mod can do something abot it and ask TS to start sponsoring thus having additonal revenue for the forum.
I do hope that you will not invite fallen maiden 3 gals as well else the okt may not be able to sponsor the forum too.
Hope the moderator can see my pt of view:)
23-07-2008, 10:56 PM
Hmmm.... Interesting... Seriously by inviting gals who are independent in this forum is really effortless and sure can help with the profit but so far we, OKTs don't do that for a simple reason. To be fair to the rest of the OKTs in here as it's suppose to be a no man land, no one holds the right to invite these gals over the rest. At least that's what i thought untill now, a silent rule that we should all abide by. However since AF has took the lead to show the rest of us that it is ok to do so, I shall follow suit and start to invite existing gals from this forum. Thanks bro AF! You are the man! :D
wah bro TE, u must continue to find more good gems leh! i will support u one! time to test water. hehe .. :p
23-07-2008, 11:02 PM
Ha ha bro. He banned me liao so how is he going to charge higher wor?:D
huh? how come u tio banned? from forum ah?
23-07-2008, 11:06 PM
Its still considerably fine with me that AF steals girls but to MARK up their ages when they are actually underage is totally unacceptable!
This is CHEATING, LYING to us the valued customers who are paying from our pockets with blood earned money.
Anyway, let me make myself clear here. I do not hate AF and his stable but i just hate it when OKTs LIE about something, especially if it matters the girls' being underage. this is serious! not a joke man!
23-07-2008, 11:14 PM
huh? how come u tio banned? from forum ah?
No la bro. I referring to AF banned me. Thats y I replied to ur post saying that he is not able to charge me higher.
24-07-2008, 12:26 AM
My reason is to expose those using clones... then whose job it is to "expose" your clones??
haha maybe other okts should also start "inviting" Af's girls. business so good meh? still got time to play fl dome police and use his clone to zap ppl. oh yah because that's all he have to do besides "inviting" other okt's girls or independant FLs :cool: (inviting is different from poaching he said? think what, all bros kindergarten level english?) even if other ppl attempted "avoiding the sponsorship" that's your job ah? boss pay you meh? maybe singtel should also check if m1 or starhubs customers are paying their bills anot. haha
24-07-2008, 12:36 AM
haha maybe other okts should also start "inviting" Af's girls. business so good meh? still got time to play fl dome police and use his clone to zap ppl. oh yah because that's all he have to do besides "inviting" other okt's girls :cool: (inviting is different from poaching he said? think what, all bros kindergarten level english?) even if other ppl attempted "avoiding the sponsorship" that's your job ah? boss pay you meh? maybe singtel should also check if m1 or starhubs customers are paying their bills anot. haha
haha. thats a good point made. who want his girls sia after that day someone claimed AF qc his girls without condoms one.. raw = war leh brother af. must really improve your standard lar, even if u want try to not let the news leak out to the public and open where your customers are based if not sure lose business sia... sorri ah my english a lil better than kindergarten. hahaha. primary school perhaps but to me, inviting and poaching means the same thing just how nice someone puts it across. just like shitting and moving your bowels. same meaning but one sounds nicer than the other.
24-07-2008, 02:51 AM
Sorry to correct your english. I dun proach but i invite.
There is always a bond between Okts n their gals....wif so much doubts in her, tat is y she accept my invitation......
Oxford Dictionary for the word "Invite":
1. ask politely for
2. request the company of
In Angelfighter DICKsionghorny, "Invite" means:
1. Use a clone with a different number, act as a customer, poach another OKT's girl and try to psycho her to join his stable in a threatening or deceiving manner in an attempt to increase his profits and stakeholding in the forum.
My reason is to expose those using clones or hiding behind a gal nick to escape paying the sponsorship and taking comm from the gals.
How does u guys feel if u found out actually all along a guy is massaging you wif 'dear i miss you' , 'dear how r u' , 'darling have u check in' ? But to these guys they dun care cos end of day they still got their comm.
i wonder who dead n make u boss????
24-07-2008, 04:44 AM
haha. thats a good point made. who want his girls sia after that day someone claimed AF qc his girls without condoms one.. raw = war leh brother af. must really improve your standard lar, even if u want try to not let the news leak out to the public and open where your customers are based if not sure lose business sia... sorri ah my english a lil better than kindergarten. hahaha. primary school perhaps but to me, inviting and poaching means the same thing just how nice someone puts it across. just like shitting and moving your bowels. same meaning but one sounds nicer than the other.
Well bro bonker, i also heard before that AF did his gals RAW, esp those young and inexperienced gals that just join him.
24-07-2008, 05:09 AM
Angelfighter, u better dun do anything bad to lynn, or i swear that i will personally find u and give u a lesson u will never forget. i have seen yr face before and its not easy to forget such a disgusting face like yrs.
Nowadays they are very strict on spreading on HIV/AIDS. One word to the anti vice squad that u are spreading HIV to innocent gals and i see whether u can laugh anot.
24-07-2008, 05:29 AM
Just my opinion, i m sure i will be zapped saying this. I dont think OKT will bonk his gal raw lah. I dont think any OKT will be so stupid since RAW = war and this will sure affect his business. What OKT want is to make $$$.
I think such framing is very common here. I remember a thread on TE too. Well for bro who know TE, dont think he is so stupid rite? These seemed to be tactic competitors use to slow down other okt business.
Well after following this thread since day 1, I think it's time to move on. We samters objective is only to bonk and chiong right? This thread seemed to become a OKT or OKT clone war thread now which not the objective for bro milkshake. I think milkshake bro objective is juz to help his friend Lynn. But since Lynn chose to go to another OKT family after an so call "invitation" from a OKT it's all up to her.
We should all wish her luck and move on. It need 2 hands to claps. Bro rite? To be frank, I dont like going for OKT's gal. WHY? Why pay commission? But something if u go direct to those so call FL, the quality is not what it was promise. What u see if not what u get. Example recently I tried a local gal Txxx. Well age 24, chinese, asking for $250. But guess, face ok, but once she strip, my cock cant even stand.
I think there is always pros and cons. Going via OKT is sure more expensive at times, but at least, you can have a piece of mind. Just imagine if you go for those so call new FL but the gal turn and say u rape her HOW? There is only 2 person in the room and the current law protects gal more than guy, u think the judge will listen to u or the gal? The middle man here still got so value rite?
For us customer, as long is reasonable, go for it. If it is not your piece of cake, move on lor. No point pointing finger here and there or KPKB. There is a saying, "u pay peanuts u get monkey". End of the day, just chiong n go lah.
24-07-2008, 02:05 PM
Knn talk so much for wat. Pm me ur contact lah. U dare to meet or not first. i am challenging you now to meet n not to post. Lynn already complain u send so many sms to disturb her n how u wan account for this? Try act good guy to gain sympathy. I know say who not not happy cum out n talk.
wah seh this okt not only okt also paikia..! dont pray pray with him ahhh! anyway.. what do u mean by "I know say who not not happy cum out n talk."? I dont really get you here AF. ;)
24-07-2008, 02:22 PM
Just my opinion, i m sure i will be zapped saying this. I dont think OKT will bonk his gal raw lah. I dont think any OKT will be so stupid since RAW = war and this will sure affect his business. What OKT want is to make $$$.
I think such framing is very common here. I remember a thread on TE too. Well for bro who know TE, dont think he is so stupid rite? These seemed to be tactic competitors use to slow down other okt business.
Well after following this thread since day 1, I think it's time to move on. We samters objective is only to bonk and chiong right? This thread seemed to become a OKT or OKT clone war thread now which not the objective for bro milkshake. I think milkshake bro objective is juz to help his friend Lynn. But since Lynn chose to go to another OKT family after an so call "invitation" from a OKT it's all up to her.
We should all wish her luck and move on. It need 2 hands to claps. Bro rite? To be frank, I dont like going for OKT's gal. WHY? Why pay commission? But something if u go direct to those so call FL, the quality is not what it was promise. What u see if not what u get. Example recently I tried a local gal Txxx. Well age 24, chinese, asking for $250. But guess, face ok, but once she strip, my cock cant even stand.
I think there is always pros and cons. Going via OKT is sure more expensive at times, but at least, you can have a piece of mind. Just imagine if you go for those so call new FL but the gal turn and say u rape her HOW? There is only 2 person in the room and the current law protects gal more than guy, u think the judge will listen to u or the gal? The middle man here still got so value rite?
For us customer, as long is reasonable, go for it. If it is not your piece of cake, move on lor. No point pointing finger here and there or KPKB. There is a saying, "u pay peanuts u get monkey". End of the day, just chiong n go lah.
You mention framing, well, in what way have we framed your favoured local OKT ah? I have insisted Ferine, Summer and Pinky are all UNDERAGE (below 18 years old). 2 of them are 16 going 17 this year and one of them is 17 going 18 this year. I can confirm and double confirm and triple confirm that. Well, AF may come out and say that those 3 girls are of legal age. Given his underhand means, he could have faked an IC for each of them or whatever, i do not know but they are DEFINITELY UNDERAGED!
Yes here i do agree with you, the girl lynn was a freelance independant girl but that does not account for the many other girls AF stole or rather say, invite from other OKTS' stables! Here in sbf, as i know, sharing is caring.. looks like we're going to have to add, poaching/stealing/inviting is part and parcel of OKTS.. how sad would that be? I just wonder and i cant wait to see it happen honestly, because its just going to make this whole forum messy and it'll be like some cyber space war whereby OKTs claim their territory.
IMO, paying commission to OKT is basically a form of courtesy because, the okt has taken enough time, effort and money to go through and interview his girls one by one till he finds the suitable few whom he would like to add to his stable as FRESH GIRLS. whereas your favoured OKT, invites these girls and market them as recycled girls and YET, still charge the same or HIGHER price! How is this fair? Credit and honor and respect should go to the 1st OKT where he took his time to find the girl. Imagine this, 1st okt market the fresh girl at 300/1/1.. his cut is 100.. AF comes in and invites this girl and also markets at 300/1/1 .. his cut is ALSO 100. its NOT FAIR mah.. Its all about effort and hardworking comparing with laziness, unscrupulousness.
24-07-2008, 06:07 PM
Summer and Pinky are all UNDERAGE (below 18 years old). 2 of them are 16 going 17 this year and one of them is 17 going 18 this year. I can confirm and double confirm and triple confirm that. Well, AF may come out and say that those 3 girls are of legal age.
I am not siding the OKT on this. I agree that if the girls are under legal age, then he ought to be shot. You have already published this fact a couple of times. If you can confirm, double & triple confirm, I suggest you report to the police for them to act on this rather than write here.
How is this fair? Credit and honor and respect should go to the 1st OKT where he took his time to find the girl. Imagine this, 1st okt market the fresh girl at 300/1/1.. his cut is 100.. AF comes in and invites this girl and also markets at 300/1/1 .. his cut is ALSO 100. its NOT FAIR mah.. Its all about effort and hardworking comparing with laziness, unscrupulousness.
In this world there is no such thing as fair. This is a dog-eat-dog world. I don't care about the source of the girls. At the end of the day, we just need to pay and bonk. If the price is too high, we move on. If the quality is too low, we move on. The market will work itself out.
Whatever you are saying here is of no use. If you really don't like him, as I said, call the anti-vice. Being a PIMP is illegal.
24-07-2008, 06:24 PM
I am not siding the OKT on this. I agree that if the girls are under legal age, then he ought to be shot. You have already published this fact a couple of times. If you can confirm, double & triple confirm, I suggest you report to the police for them to act on this rather than write here.
Whatever you are saying here is of no use. If you really don't like him, as I said, call the anti-vice. Being a PIMP is illegal.
wah,like that very dangerous leh.wat happen if he was "invited" to cantonment and then samsters here call or sms him for girls:eek:
24-07-2008, 08:40 PM
damn true then we all kena invited to cantonment also lor. boh bian. hahaha :p
24-07-2008, 11:31 PM
wah,like that very dangerous leh.wat happen if he was "invited" to cantonment and then samsters here call or sms him for girls:eek:
ha ha.. not dangerous at all. Being a PIMP is illegal. Having the services of a FL (not under-age one) is not illegal.
So if they invite me to cantonment I will go because I know I never engaged services of FL that is younger than 18 years.
25-07-2008, 02:24 AM
ha ha.. not dangerous at all. Being a PIMP is illegal. Having the services of a FL (not under-age one) is not illegal.
So if they invite me to cantonment I will go because I know I never engaged services of FL that is younger than 18 years.
engaging services of a FL not illegal meh? haha. didnt know that, thought by law not supposed to have commercial sex except for those approved by AV?
25-07-2008, 02:39 AM
legal matters is this country is always so strict...but loopholes r always around...
25-07-2008, 08:05 AM
Seeing bro bonker-69, i dont know to laugh or not to laugh. The framing I m talking about OKT doing RAW here and he is talking about underage gal. Chinese saying "Cow Head dont match Horse Mouth". I think you must have lost track of the thread u have me shooting across different threads.
I dont see why OKT want to QC their gal RAW as the gal are their $$$, even they like it so much, they as well get other gals.
For poaching as i say, it need 2 hands to clap, i dont think any1 is at fault. Example if your company is good to u, some1 ask u to join his company, will u? So dont see any right ot wrong
For underage gal, this is a big problem, we should not recommend or touch this at all. I wont touch and dont to get involved too. One thing I just dont understand why this "NEWS" was only out when the 3 gals goes to AF stable
? Previously when they are in Previous GEM stable why we did not hear such "NEWs" Strange rite????
I'm not trying to side any1 in this reply, I just hope every1 to see it in a logical way. I'm following this thread since day1, to be frank, i feel it is wasting the bandwidth.
I will suggest the moderator why dont start a section for complaints, so all complaints could be consoildate togather. Today 1 complaints from 1 joker bascially spam across a few threads, this is not the way lah
You mention framing, well, in what way have we framed your favoured local OKT ah? I have insisted Ferine, Summer and Pinky are all UNDERAGE (below 18 years old). 2 of them are 16 going 17 this year and one of them is 17 going 18 this year. I can confirm and double confirm and triple confirm that. Well, AF may come out and say that those 3 girls are of legal age. Given his underhand means, he could have faked an IC for each of them or whatever, i do not know but they are DEFINITELY UNDERAGED!
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