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27-07-2017, 07:04 AM
The agg told me they prefer jipun customer coz they will bf the girl them bring them out for supper and do 1 shot only...anyone try 198 from rainbow 4.tried asking her for lt but she reject.knn

27-07-2017, 07:12 AM
198 - petite abt 1.6m, long hair, look like ah lian?

The agg told me they prefer jipun customer coz they will bf the girl them bring them out for supper and do 1 shot only...anyone try 198 from rainbow 4.tried asking her for lt but she reject.knn

27-07-2017, 07:33 AM
198 - petite abt 1.6m, long hair, look like ah lian?

Yup..very pretty ah lian.

27-07-2017, 08:10 AM
Haha bro u really into ah Lian girls :x

27-07-2017, 09:21 AM
Haha bro u really into ah Lian girls :x

Hahaa bro how are u..i always on the look out for ah lian wl..i a nerd during schooling days and no chance to bonk ah lian ma.hahahaha

27-07-2017, 07:21 PM
i think im old. Where has spore ah lian goes to? It seem like long time no see ah lian:D

28-07-2017, 01:26 AM
If we are talking about the same gal, then maybe it's chemistry. I always LT her and she buys me dinner in return. Maybe also I heng...most of the RB gals don't seem to like LT.

Best is still Crazy House. My regs stay all the way to lunch time :D

Yup..very pretty ah lian.

28-07-2017, 01:37 AM
Eg. I go Japan for bonk.
S$140/15 Minute/1 Shot.
Not cheap but I sibei song as eat premium Jap meat and AV stereo effect. :p
Easily S$200 or double the price if eat premium Jap meat outside of Japan.
To me this is value because I just want to bonk and go, not looking for wife.
If I want longer time frame for bonk I go for KTV hostess already.

wah nowadays go yippun also got handhold service liao ah.. kimochiiii!!!:D

28-07-2017, 02:14 AM
wah nowadays go yippun also got handhold service liao ah.. kimochiiii!!!:D

Oii don't anyhow say hor.
Later tio labeled! :eek:

I always make it a point to groan, "Iku iku ikuuuuu..." when I cum 5555. :p
The Jap AV stereo effect is truly priceless.
KNN the Jap girl moan so loud macam tio rape. :D

*Disclaimer: Some busybody and cocky people claim my info and opinion are misleading as out of touch with Thailand. Please use info at your own discretion.

28-07-2017, 03:25 AM
Hidden Holiday

Today (Friday) is an unlisted national holiday. A couple AGGs at SC said they'd be open, but one said they'll be closed. The boss and Somchai both said Thermae will be open, but one staff there said not sure. So far the police haven't said anything. However, they could open and then 10 minutes later get the order to close.

28-07-2017, 06:54 AM
If we are talking about the same gal, then maybe it's chemistry. I always LT her and she buys me dinner in return. Maybe also I heng...most of the RB gals don't seem to like LT.

Best is still Crazy House. My regs stay all the way to lunch time :D

Bro u must be good looking...can advice where is crazy house.i walked along soi cowboy bit couldnt find it.end up at barraca only

28-07-2017, 12:00 PM
Bro u must be good looking...can advice where is crazy house.i walked along soi cowboy bit couldnt find it.end up at barraca only

Keep waking abit more and turn right after the Irish pub

29-07-2017, 12:13 AM
Cannot campare choing at sin n choing at bbk.. is totally a differ sence..
In sin u go geylang $50 25min 1 shot.. 2 sec 40min $100 maybe 2 shot. In bbk 2500b to 3000b so call st.. but there is no actual time limit.. can take the time to slowly enjoy..
Wher as come to club.. in bbk u go nana plaza or any agg pub.. u can sit down relax n see girl half naked dancing in front of u.. even the girl sit wit u.. u can always take off their bra.. rub or squeeze thiet boob as n when u like.. in sin.. even now ktv.. when sin wher got this kind of place.. even ktv girl oso nowsaday this cannot tat cannot..
Even if it spend more on bbk.. i find it more worth.. cos of the expricence..

totally agreed with you bro!! i had grinded, finger fucked and suck tits for only 1 fucking LD!

29-07-2017, 12:24 AM
Haha I where got good looking. Me over 100kg, fat and look like shit. I treat the gals nice so they reciprocate.

Crazy house can actually find using google maps :)

Bro u must be good looking...can advice where is crazy house.i walked along soi cowboy bit couldnt find it.end up at barraca only

29-07-2017, 03:03 AM
Kings Castle 1

Kings Castle 1 has dropped their barfine from 1800 baht to 1300 baht so as to get their girls moving out of the place. They have too many girls and no space inside for all of them. The manager told me they are looking for a larger place to migrate to. Strange that they have the best looking stunners amongst the clubs in BKK but very few takers for them. Even the coyote who sat with me suggested that she meet me after work when I wanted to barfine her. And she came to my room @ 3am saving my barfine. :D

That's great that they dropped the BF. B1300 is now less than Nana, where the BF for coyotes is B1500.

Note that B1800 was only for the real stunners. The BF for other coyotes was lower.

They have 2 groups of dancers - coyotes and go-go girls. The BFs for go-go girls are at about the same level as Nana/SC.

This might explain why it seems more girls are getting barfined now. When I started going there, I was surprised to see stunners in the bar even tho it was late. I didn't see anyone barfining a girl. Now, you have to go there well before 9 pm if you want to see the real hotties. By 10 pm, both the girls and customers have thinned out.

Met this coyote who wears a baseball cap. She's a real cutie. :) She said she's 19 but this guy who knows her said she's 18.

IMHO B1300 is still high for just a quickie.

04-08-2017, 12:39 AM
Ok .. I am very curious about Nana and Soi Cowboy but avoided due to horrors stories told to me.

I have pass thru Nana and Soi Cowboy before but some cheongsters that I met in Malaysia told me not to go to Soi Cowboy as the horror stories about getting scam .. have to pay extremely high price for a bottle of beer if you do not take a lady, etc.

Nana, I have not explored because my previous stay there was short and I went there pretty late due to work. I know that there are 2-3 LDs bars that I should avoid.

I prefer hard liquor compared to beer .. is hard liquor / cocktails cheap - reasonable ?

Please enlighten me as I really want to know if this horror stories way way in the past or just a myth.

Please recommend 1 place in SC and Nana for a first timer.
Is Crazy House - SC safe ?

04-08-2017, 01:44 AM
Ok .. I am very curious about Nana and Soi Cowboy but avoided due to horrors stories told to me.

I have pass thru Nana and Soi Cowboy before but some cheongsters that I met in Malaysia told me not to go to Soi Cowboy as the horror stories about getting scam .. have to pay extremely high price for a bottle of beer if you do not take a lady, etc.

Nana, I have not explored because my previous stay there was short and I went there pretty late due to work. I know that there are 2-3 LDs bars that I should avoid.

I prefer hard liquor compared to beer .. is hard liquor / cocktails cheap - reasonable ?

Please enlighten me as I really want to know if this horror stories way way in the past or just a myth.

Please recommend 1 place in SC and Nana for a first timer.
Is Crazy House - SC safe ?

For soi cowboy, the scam that you mentioned, I have never heard of it or experienced it before. The drink prices are stated on the menu so just double check your bill whenever you order your drink. In crazy house, the waitresses make you sign the bill to make sure you acknowledge of the price that you are paying. If a waitress pressures you to choose a lady, just tell them you are still looking.

For nana, there are now 6 ladyboy bars, but it's very easy to avoid them if you wish. Just simply walk past the bars and if a ladyboy grabs your arm, just tell them no thank you and walk away.

Hard liquor is typically 170 baht to 200 baht per glass I believe. These drinks typically come with a free mixer. Cocktails however, prices usually start around 200 baht and above.

Don't believe all the horror stories you might hear from other people. Yes indeed there are some scams that the bars might try and pull on you, but if you are firm, street smart, and stay alert and not drink too much, you will be fine.

If I had to recommend 1 place in soi cowboy and Nana for a first timer, for Nana it would be any of the rainbow bars or spankys. They typically get could feedback and rarely do I hear negative stories about these bars. For soi cowboy, I would recommend either Baccara, Suzie Wong or Crazy House. The girls at Suzie Wong are not the most attractive, but it is generally a scam free bar. For Baccara, it is also usually a scam free bar but just take not that there is a 2-drink minimum if you want to barfine a girl. And for crazy house, it is more well known for some scams, such as double ladydrink order, or padded bills, or a required entrance fee but all of that is avoidable so long as you know what you are doing.

04-08-2017, 11:33 PM
For soi cowboy, the scam that you mentioned, I have never heard of it or experienced it before. The drink prices are stated on the menu so just double check your bill whenever you order your drink. In crazy house, the waitresses make you sign the bill to make sure you acknowledge of the price that you are paying. If a waitress pressures you to choose a lady, just tell them you are still looking.

For nana, there are now 6 ladyboy bars, but it's very easy to avoid them if

Thank bro .. will definitely check it out this time.

05-08-2017, 04:31 AM
The one place I visited at Nana after many years was RB4. Didn't get fleeced so I think shd be ok.

Crazy House is my regular sin city with the sin city. Generally ok. Yes waitresses will get you to acknowledge and sign every drink chit but doesn't hurt to check the final tally for padding. Watch out if this farking ah gua manager presents you the final bill. That cheebye bin padded my chek bin with $2k. If you have doubts over the bill, just ask the nearest waitress to help you tally. Be polite be nice, no need to show anger.

Thank bro .. will definitely check it out this time.

05-08-2017, 02:50 PM
The one place I visited at Nana after many years was RB4. Didn't get fleeced so I think shd be ok.

Crazy House is my regular sin city with the sin city. Generally ok. Yes waitresses will get you to acknowledge and sign every drink chit but doesn't hurt to check the final tally for padding. Watch out if this farking ah gua manager presents you the final bill. That cheebye bin padded my chek bin with $2k. If you have doubts over the bill, just ask the nearest waitress to help you tally. Be polite be nice, no need to show anger.

I am always amazed by these waitresses with their mental sums ability.
Every time they were asked to tally the bills.... I see them doing it mentally without any calculator and 99% of the time they have got the total amount correct. :D

05-08-2017, 03:13 PM
A 100 baht tip will turn any gogo waitress into a mathematical fiend :p

I am always amazed by these waitresses with their mental sums ability.
Every time they were asked to tally the bills.... I see them doing it mentally without any calculator and 99% of the time they have got the total amount correct. :D

05-08-2017, 04:35 PM
Normally do you guys change your Thai Bath in Thailand or in your country.
I heard that Thailand money changer does not have the best competitive rate and I had some SGD and USD to change during my trip.
If I change in Malaysia, I have to go thru a double conversion .. SGP to MYR to THB.

Is this Superrich https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en
any good ?

Normally I change from MYR to THB but currently I have some excess of USD and SGD.


06-08-2017, 01:39 AM
Normally do you guys change your Thai Bath in Thailand or in your country.
I heard that Thailand money changer does not have the best competitive rate and I had some SGD and USD to change during my trip.
If I change in Malaysia, I have to go thru a double conversion .. SGP to MYR to THB.

Is this Superrich https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en
any good ?

Normally I change from MYR to THB but currently I have some excess of USD and SGD.


In Msia KL or JB you can chg directly SGD to ฿ in mostly money changer.
For the best rate in Bkk i guess is SuperRich cos that where i change always. If got SGD1k the rate will higher abit. If you change only 1k 2k actually wont lose much also maybe 200฿ in every SGD1k *if there is diff in other money changer*. Cannot be here give 24.00 and there give 25.00 at the same time. I really haven't see before
Good luck and happy cheonging

06-08-2017, 04:11 AM
In Msia KL or JB you can chg directly SGD to ฿ in mostly money changer

are you stupid or cannot read properly? ;)

06-08-2017, 07:04 AM
Anybro can help that hatyai had a building which can go into their room and ask them to accompany you for one or few day??? I didn't remember what the building name already can any Big Bro here can help?

06-08-2017, 12:43 PM
Normally do you guys change your Thai Bath in Thailand or in your country.
I heard that Thailand money changer does not have the best competitive rate and I had some SGD and USD to change during my trip.
If I change in Malaysia, I have to go thru a double conversion .. SGP to MYR to THB.

Is this Superrich https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en
any good ?

Normally I change from MYR to THB but currently I have some excess of USD and SGD.


I had worked in Bangkok for several years so I would recommend SuperRich to change SGD to THB because they give one of the best rates in Bangkok. UOB also not bad if you can find a branch. Anyway SuperRich can be found in Nana BTS station (inside) and Chid Lom BTS Station (outside).

You can also download SuperRich app in Google Play Store and find out the current rates for all currencies. Do note that some currencies like USD they want your notes to be in very good condition otherwise they will refuse to change them.

06-08-2017, 01:00 PM
And for crazy house, it is more well known for some scams, such as double ladydrink order, or padded bills, or a required entrance fee but all of that is avoidable so long as you know what you are doing.

double ladydrink order ?? you mean you just wana buy 1 LD and then the lady say cannot..must buy 2LD ?

Master bedroom
06-08-2017, 03:07 PM
went bbk last week and went to nana plaza..got one shop call London calling.

the girls are pretty! anyone tried the girls before?

06-08-2017, 04:28 PM
went bbk last week and went to nana plaza..got one shop call London calling.

the girls are pretty! anyone tried the girls before?

They have 2 sets. 1 set coyote , other is Ladyboy. Not sure u are referring to which set. :p

06-08-2017, 05:19 PM
double ladydrink order ?? you mean you just wana buy 1 LD and then the lady say cannot..must buy 2LD ?

Basically the girl will ask for a drink and then the waitress will come back with one tequila shot and one coke. And they will charge you 170 baht per drink. So if a girl asks you for a ladydrink, tell her yes but only coke.

06-08-2017, 06:44 PM
Thanks bro .. good info about the money changer so I guess I will do that... change at Superrich.

I got their app but no location for Nana and Asok .. my friend told me Asok has one also.

I will find out more .. thanks.

06-08-2017, 06:54 PM
Thanks bro .. good info about the money changer so I guess I will do that... change at Superrich.

How much u going to change?? 10k, 20k, 100k SGD???

Assume u changing 500 SGD, super rich gives 24, while naemlo exchange just below your hotel gives u 23.8.... how much u save by wasting so much time, effort and travel to change 500 SGD? Near your hotel if there are a few exchange shops, just compare and change.... save the time, thinking which ger is more worth it.

Super rich branches in the train stations or whatever, sometime the rates are almost the same as bank. Only their HQ rates are good.

06-08-2017, 09:42 PM
There's superrich Thailand and superrich international 1965. I only use the green one and only at the HQ.

06-08-2017, 09:47 PM
Thanks for the advice.. I will be around Asok or Nana area so no worries.

I don't plan to go to Superrich HQ to change .. just their branch will do.

08-08-2017, 06:40 AM

....rather funny and descriptive account of the current partying scene

11-08-2017, 04:32 PM
Will I get into trouble if I bring a couple of apcialis pills back to Singapore? :confused:

11-08-2017, 05:05 PM
Will I get into trouble if I bring a couple of apcialis pills back to Singapore? :confused:

Well you can try to put some in Panadol packaging haha

11-08-2017, 05:45 PM
Well you can try to put some in Panadol packaging haha

Lol the pills look nth like panadol though :D

11-08-2017, 07:13 PM
Any massage place that is family oriented that I can smoke and bring my family there and the girls offer extra? 😅

11-08-2017, 07:15 PM
The there any massage spa in Bangkok I can bring my female friends to and it seems clean yet offer undertable extra service? 😅

11-08-2017, 07:52 PM
Will I get into trouble if I bring a couple of apcialis pills back to Singapore? :confused:

Not a problem.... just make sure you have a prescription.
Can be bought from the pharmacist :D

11-08-2017, 10:49 PM
Not a problem.... just make sure you have a prescription.
Can be bought from the pharmacist :D

How do I buy a prescription, does all pharmacist provide this service ? Lol.. And how much will it cost me?

11-08-2017, 11:06 PM
Usually i buy Sidegra or Cialis at ANY of their pharmacies, they don't ask for prescription. Come back SG they X-ray and open my bag see it also never really ask questions about it. While it may be technically not allowed, its definitely not enforced in my experience.

12-08-2017, 04:01 AM
anyone know a massage or was it a shower house??? near ratchprarop station.........went a few year back, step in and is a lounge area with girls behind glass........forget exact where.....anyone know?

12-08-2017, 09:56 AM
How much u going to change?? 10k, 20k, 100k SGD???

Assume u changing 500 SGD, super rich gives 24, while naemlo exchange just below your hotel gives u 23.8.... how much u save by wasting so much time, effort and travel to change 500 SGD? Near your hotel if there are a few exchange shops, just compare and change.... save the time, thinking which ger is more worth it.

Super rich branches in the train stations or whatever, sometime the rates are almost the same as bank. Only their HQ rates are good.

Yes. Green SuperRich HQ offers the best rate. Can also change at their branch Suvarnabhumi Airport. Rate lightly lower than HQ but better than their other city branches. It's at the ARL station.

17-08-2017, 03:19 PM
Will be Heading to BKK end of this month for my Birthday (26). Will do FR after that. Here is My Plan:

1) Visit recently opened Chang Chui Market.
2) Meet up the expo/showgirl that previously knew and had fun.
3) Visit Addict Massage and nearby massage place.
4) Have beer on SC & Nana but no plan to barfine girl.
5) Meet up a girl recently know from thai friendly, chat through line almost a week, seem legit and quite hot girl.. She works at car dealer.
6) Heading to Club (Only if I have girl to accompany me)

Backup Plan:
7) Pickup at Thermae

19-08-2017, 11:47 AM
Hi all sifus,
Any fun places to go around Centara Grand @ plaza ladorao
I saw got centara spa massage.
Will there for work so need to release stress at night :)
Thanks all in advance

21-08-2017, 03:39 PM
In bkk now and will look for my regular. She's now working in taragon massage. Anybody knows if it's a soapy like poseidon and the like? How to go there? Looked thru its website and it looked more like a karaoke or gents club to me. Wd appreciate any help :)

22-08-2017, 08:48 AM
In bkk now and will look for my regular. She's now working in taragon massage. Anybody knows if it's a soapy like poseidon and the like? How to go there? Looked thru its website and it looked more like a karaoke or gents club to me. Wd appreciate any help :)

what did your regular tell you it is?

22-08-2017, 09:02 AM
In bkk now and will look for my regular. She's now working in taragon massage. Anybody knows if it's a soapy like poseidon and the like? How to go there? Looked thru its website and it looked more like a karaoke or gents club to me. Wd appreciate any help :)

Poseidon is just short walking distance from MRT Sutthisan. Poseidon is also near to another soapy Copa Cabana. My last visit is not bad, sometime there have stunner too, and the girl offered me 2nd shot for additional 500. No see any karaoke and gent club though, It just a soapy place.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Poseidon+Entertainment+Complex/@13.7871492,100.5746473,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x18f32de1ab8f42e0!8m2!3d13.78 53674!4d100.573671

22-08-2017, 04:01 PM
Poseidon is just short walking distance from MRT Sutthisan. Poseidon is also near to another soapy Copa Cabana. No see any karaoke and gent club though, It just a soapy place.
Think he's familiar with likes of Poseidon, only asking what's Taragon like.

...my regular. She's now working in taragon massage. Anybody knows if it's a soapy like poseidon and the like? How to go there? Looked thru its website and it looked more like a karaoke or gents club to me.
From the webbie, more of a soapy with lounge + member loyalty packages (plus the obligatory whisky). Note the # visits thrown in. Scroll bottom for map, it's at Mengjai area.

Give your best shot, and come tell us about your experience:p

22-08-2017, 05:21 PM
The there any massage spa in Bangkok I can bring my female friends to and it seems clean yet offer undertable extra service? 😅

Go to AWAY Spa at W Hotel, one of the most luxurious spa in Bangkok. Signature spa treatment 'New You' is THB3990 per pax. Let your lady friends be pampered.

Then if you want hanky panky ask for this masseuse called Palmela Handerson. She's mixed farang-thai luk keung. Sibei hot, tight and will make you cum usually less than 30 secs. :D:D

22-08-2017, 06:01 PM
Go to AWAY Spa at W Hotel, one of the most luxurious spa in Bangkok. Signature spa treatment 'New You' is THB3990 per pax. Let your lady friends be pampered.

Then if you want hanky panky ask for this masseuse called Palmela Handerson. She's mixed farang-thai luk keung. Sibei hot, tight and will make you cum usually less than 30 secs. :D:D

Ya, this spa very high class one.

The W hotel also very luxurious very hard to book and also the bed have remote control one. Imagine bonking at those bed. I think is shiok mak mak.

22-08-2017, 06:29 PM
In bkk now and will look for my regular. She's now working in taragon massage. Anybody knows if it's a soapy like poseidon and the like? How to go there? Looked thru its website and it looked more like a karaoke or gents club to me. Wd appreciate any help :)

It's a Soapy parlour, like poseidon. If your regular working there, just text her and let her know what time you going lor. If don't have her contact, it will be a hit/miss trying to find her there.

Only way there is via cab. If too shy to say Taragon massage, tell cab driver to go Meng Jai, Huai Kwang, and then use Google map to direct him. Or tell him you going Maldives (or mao deep), Huai Kwang. Maldives restaurant is just next door.

22-08-2017, 07:46 PM
Hey bros, thks much for the pointers. Will be at taragon this Thursday and will update of my experience. Really starved for thai hoy. The office gals having dinner here look farking pedas sia ;)

23-08-2017, 10:53 PM
Anyone can do a update of clubs like insanity, shock39? Clubs with freelancers and their price?

23-08-2017, 11:12 PM
Thanks bro .. good info about the money changer so I guess I will do that... change at Superrich.

I got their app but no location for Nana and Asok .. my friend told me Asok has one also.

I will find out more .. thanks.

Superrich at Central plaza ladrao basement now gives 24.25 for below 1k n 24.30 for 1k n above. I just changed dere. De plaza is just near phahonyothin mrt station.

24-08-2017, 11:59 AM
Hi bros,

Going to try soapy massage at hwa kang area.
Anyone know their operations time?
E.g. Poseidon, emmanuallle, Amsterdam.
Do they open till late night? Or late night not a good time to go.
Thanks for any tips!!!

24-08-2017, 03:39 PM
Hi bros,

Going to try soapy massage at hwa kang area.
Anyone know their operations time?
E.g. Poseidon, emmanuallle, Amsterdam.
Do they open till late night? Or late night not a good time to go.
Thanks for any tips!!!

Most open around 1-2pm and close around midnight.

24-08-2017, 05:24 PM
Hi bros,

Going to try soapy massage at hwa kang area.
Anyone know their operations time?
E.g. Poseidon, emmanuallle, Amsterdam.
Do they open till late night? Or late night not a good time to go.
Thanks for any tips!!!

Bro I think Amsterdam has been closed for some time now. Girls and Managers have moved to Emmanuelle. Good time to go is around early evening when most girls would have started working. Going early around 1pm can also be rewarding even though there will be fewer girls available. Late night after 10Pm not worth going as girls would already be shacked out by then. Some would already be going back once they have 2 or 3 customers for the day.

24-08-2017, 05:51 PM
Sianz, my regular suddenly say she not working today. Making my way to addict massage now :D

Hey bros, thks much for the pointers. Will be at taragon this Thursday and will update of my experience. Really starved for thai hoy. The office gals having dinner here look farking pedas sia ;)

24-08-2017, 11:49 PM
Am in bkk now alone, any bros wna meet up to go party ? Please leave ne a pm

25-08-2017, 12:49 AM
Most open around 1-2pm and close around midnight.

Dam, means after work need rush there. Thanks anyway bro! :)

25-08-2017, 12:52 AM
Bro I think Amsterdam has been closed for some time now. Girls and Managers have moved to Emmanuelle. Good time to go is around early evening when most girls would have started working. Going early around 1pm can also be rewarding even though there will be fewer girls available. Late night after 10Pm not worth going as girls would already be shacked out by then. Some would already be going back once they have 2 or 3 customers for the day.

Thanks bro for the tips. Guess I need to go directly after work.
emmanualle seems like the best choice then. Will try coming week

25-08-2017, 05:43 PM
Observations from recent trip

1. Only 3 sitters at La Belle when I went around 5pm. Moved to Emmanuel. More available albeit older than my liking. Waited 5 minutes and jumped on a 19 yo SYT who just walked in. It's a rare gem to unearth such a young talent at Emmanuel. Almost a flash back to good old days at Nataree lol.

2. Checked out most of the agogos at Nana. The same bars seemed to have played musical chairs and moved around. So, take care not to end up in LB bar unintentionally lol. Billboard seemed to have quite a few playful SYT's dancing on the non-bathtub side. Two of them forced their tongues in my mouth while the middle fingers of my each hand was busy digging in their wet pus, all while at the open side bench for everyone to see. But I'm sure everyone else was busy with his own actions. Just be careful not to get carried away with lady drinks.

3. Finally tried Club 102 next to Addict. The white owner somehow made me feel pressured into staying and picking a so-so gal from a lineup which I think would cater more to farang taste. Sometimes the lineup in Addict is just as bad. So I would only check these two out if you feel lazy to haul yourself over to Ratchda.

4. Did not get a chance to explore Ramkhamhaeng area. Had a feeling I would not know where to look and feared I would waste a precious night in bad traffic to and fro. Maybe some bro with a good heart will drop some more hints for us.

5. One night at Baccara there were so many girls working they had 3 instead of 2 groups rotating on the stage, a few of them real lookers. ST total about 4000 baht which is cheaper than what you will find at The Lord soapy which features mostly over-the-hill gals clad in classier dresses. I think Baccara represents more value and better return with many SYT's to choose from. You can save short time hotel expenses too if you stay nearby at hotels such as Radisson Blu, Pullman, Centre Point Terminal 21, SKV Suites or Continental.

6. Unearthed a 22 yo SYT gem at Thermae. Can speak and read Chinese too. Had a baby but her body belied such fact. Quite sweet and innocent. Went out for drinks on subsequent night to help celebrate my BD. Part of the intrigue at Thermae is that pleasant surprise is possible if you look hard enough.

7. Chang Chui creativity market is far and hard to get to. Not many people around 5pm. Was told it gets lively on weekend nights. But night time may not be ideal for selfie taking with the abandoned airplane.

8. Paid 300 to get in Insanity and left after about 15 min. Looks like they spent a lot of money on lighting but it's the software that is lacking. Maybe I was there too early around 11:30. The vibe was not the same. Crowd was old international and Thais.


26-08-2017, 10:28 AM
One month ago quick trip to BKK. Quick and Straight FR.

1. Thermae. Open 8pm-1am. Can sneak in through back entrance to avoid buying a drink. Stayed in hotel above, so walk downstairs to look at stocks. About 100 woman standing around waiting for you to pick them. Additude is business-like, not very GFE. Prices are 5000LT/2500ST, but can negotiate a little bit, but most girls wanna stick to these prices to chop those carrot types. Mostly average office type gers.....about 6/10.

2. StreetWalker. Outside Sukhumvhit....many FL gers of varying quality...mostly 4-5/10. She ask 1500ST but able to nego to only 1000ST in my case, which i think is good price. Many Black girls on street also, but i don't want to catch AIDS. Many Black drug dealers lurking around...freaking annoying to see these Blackies in Thailand.

3. Club Insanity. FL pickup joint with average quality. Many farangs in the crowd when i went. Gers abit older and some MILF types. didn't see any i was interested in. Asked one girl she wanted 3000 for LT, but i passed.

Side Note: no more freaking street food in Bangkok! Can only get Street food in some locations like Narawat Chinatown, or FOOD COURT like Terminal 21!!!!:mad::mad:Who get street food in a food court :confused::confused:
one less reason to travel there, apart from raising ger prices, and overinflation caused by farangs and other tourists.

26-08-2017, 12:15 PM
Side Note: no more freaking street food in Bangkok!

Depends on which area u stay.... street food are still available.

27-08-2017, 10:08 AM
was planning to visit bkk end Oct then remembered the late king's funeral.

will the entertainment outlets and massage parlors be affected?

27-08-2017, 10:09 AM
Depends on which area u stay.... street food are still available.

I walked all along Sukhumvhit from Soi4 (Nana) to around Soi 21 (Cowboy), and no street food there, some of th Sois inside have a few carts...but really not much that looked good. Change alot last few years

27-08-2017, 12:00 PM
I walked all along Sukhumvhit from Soi4 (Nana) to around Soi 21 (Cowboy), and no street food there, some of th Sois inside have a few carts...but really not much that looked good. Change alot last few years

Sukhumvit is 1 of the longest street in Thailand, from BKK to other province. :D Your mentioned area is mainly for tourists and mongers.... try walking down further till Soi 101. :D

27-08-2017, 02:05 PM
was planning to visit bkk end Oct then remembered the late king's funeral.

will the entertainment outlets and massage parlors be affected?

If your holiday coincide with the date of cremation (I think 26 October) than it is very likely all entertainment will have to shut down from the night before and no alcohol sold. I believe all of the massage parlours, go-go bars etc will strictly follow the orders. Expect live telecast of the historic event on all the Thai TV channels.

Best to avoid this date and go early or mid-Ocotober.

27-08-2017, 02:26 PM
One month ago quick trip to BKK. Quick and Straight FR.

1. Thermae. Open 8pm-1am. Can sneak in through back entrance to avoid buying a drink. Stayed in hotel above, so walk downstairs to look at stocks. About 100 woman standing around waiting for you to pick them. Additude is business-like, not very GFE. Prices are 5000LT/2500ST, but can negotiate a little bit, but most girls wanna stick to these prices to chop those carrot types. Mostly average office type gers.....about 6/10.

2. StreetWalker. Outside Sukhumvhit....many FL gers of varying quality...mostly 4-5/10. She ask 1500ST but able to nego to only 1000ST in my case, which i think is good price. Many Black girls on street also, but i don't want to catch AIDS. Many Black drug dealers lurking around...freaking annoying to see these Blackies in Thailand.

3. Club Insanity. FL pickup joint with average quality. Many farangs in the crowd when i went. Gers abit older and some MILF types. didn't see any i was interested in. Asked one girl she wanted 3000 for LT, but i passed.

Side Note: no more freaking street food in Bangkok! Can only get Street food in some locations like Narawat Chinatown, or FOOD COURT like Terminal 21!!!!:mad::mad:Who get street food in a food court :confused::confused:
one less reason to travel there, apart from raising ger prices, and overinflation caused by farangs and other tourists.

When did you go to Thermae? Over the weekdays or weekends? Didn't know the standard drop so much. Use to be quite decent with a handful of pretty ones lurking around. Good if you get a drink and hang around for 1-2hours, act uninterested, some girls will glue her eyes on you and ask you to take her. Act like you are just there to have a drink or tell them that you are still drinking. Exchange smile and chat with them. They will lower their price down from 5000 to 3000 (If they have been chatting with you and there is no one taking her home) =) Tried this technique many many times and it works. Got ones I got charged for short time but ended up long time cause the girl doesn't want to leave.
Once you are out, there are many taxis around trying to carrot you, just turn into those small lane and wait for a taxi that use meter after midnight, ask the girl to nego, its gona be very cheap. =)
Anyway enjoy BKK. Lovely place to be in.

27-08-2017, 02:34 PM
I walked all along Sukhumvhit from Soi4 (Nana) to around Soi 21 (Cowboy), and no street food there, some of th Sois inside have a few carts...but really not much that looked good. Change alot last few years

Only those stalls along the main road pavements of Sukhumvit were cleared. Those on the side streets were left alone. My usual street hawkers in Thonglor and Rachada areas are still there and still the same.

27-08-2017, 02:39 PM
When did you go to Thermae? Over the weekdays or weekends? Didn't know the standard drop so much. Use to be quite decent with a handful of pretty ones lurking around. Good if you get a drink and hang around for 1-2hours, act uninterested, some girls will glue her eyes on you and ask you to take her. Act like you are just there to have a drink or tell them that you are still drinking. Exchange smile and chat with them. They will lower their price down from 5000 to 3000 (If they have been chatting with you and there is no one taking her home) =) Tried this technique many many times and it works. Got ones I got charged for short time but ended up long time cause the girl doesn't want to leave.
Once you are out, there are many taxis around trying to carrot you, just turn into those small lane and wait for a taxi that use meter after midnight, ask the girl to nego, its gona be very cheap. =)
Anyway enjoy BKK. Lovely place to be in.

Usually your choice of hotel also determine whether the girl stay for LT or leave.
I have taken girls for ST who ask to be allowed to stay until morning when I stay in those luxury hotels (book by company or clients as I am cheap charlie and usually stay in budget hotels if I am the one paying :o)

28-08-2017, 01:12 AM
Sukhumvit is 1 of the longest street in Thailand, from BKK to other province. :D Your mentioned area is mainly for tourists and mongers.... try walking down further till Soi 101. :D

Tia gong towkay naemlo handhold service got BMW 7 series airport transfer and bring u around kapoo/g-club/shower house/AGG.. :D

Walk from sukhumvit 1 to 101 later leg like jelly, cock also cannot stand.. Only let katoey gan yr backside..

28-08-2017, 01:14 AM
Tia gong towkay naemlo handhold service got BMW 7 series airport transfer and bring u around kapoo/g-club/shower house/AGG.. :D

U forget to add, USD 1000. :D

28-08-2017, 02:18 AM
U forget to add, USD 1000. :D

How much did you charge Yingluck for engaging your hold hand servis to run road ? Surely cannot be only US$1000 :D

28-08-2017, 11:21 AM
How much did you charge Yingluck for engaging your hold hand servis to run road ? Surely cannot be only US$1000 :D

Hello, hello, dun anyhow say...Very sensitive issue. U want to shoot me 1 gun? Later the junta comes after me.

28-08-2017, 03:49 PM
U forget to add, USD 1000. :D

anything fresh to do in LOS these day not boss.. all the old stomping ground very sian liao..

in SG bored like dog, went to cat150 last week, jus yesterday at ION Orchard shopping with the wife then bump into the working girl.. luckily wife engrossed with salesperson.. the girl just smiled and nodded and pull her friend out of the shop.. :eek::eek:

i think all the blood drained from my big head and small head straight to my heart..

can't wait to go back LOS

28-08-2017, 05:03 PM

9. Street food is still prevalent everywhere in BKK. The section on SKV from Nana to Asok used to be filled with vendors and hawkers, making walking on sidewalk very difficult. But, some of them have now been removed thankfully.

10. Patpong feels seedier than Cowboy or Nana to me. But agree that King's Castle 1 has some cute SYT's. One named May, only 19, was so gorgeous that she could easily be a TV celebrity.

11. Most G clubs nowadays are pretty dead on Sunday-Wednesday. Still plenty of girls to choose but not many customers. Maybe The Pimp is an exception because of its notoriety.

12.The area around Thonglor and soi 10 is teeming with activities with many bars popular with the well heeled Thai young crowd. You have Atmos, 7th Street, Wine Republic and The Social. A little further down you have 72 Courtyard and Arena 10 where Demo is. Nice place to take a date to.


28-08-2017, 11:41 PM
BJ bar can post here? Read it somehwere, but can't find already. Anyway went soi 6 at sukumvit got some SYT, not those sibei chio kind, but passable body and face, slim i would say. important only 800baht. So its good price for a quick release.

Anyway they have 2 shift, morning till 6pm, and 6pm til 1am. So 2 different batch of gals. :cool:

29-08-2017, 01:00 AM
Any nuru massage lover here? Will be around huai kwang area coming week. Not sure which are the best nuru place to go.

29-08-2017, 01:30 AM
If u ask me , those BJ bar at soi6-14 are quite terribly looking

29-08-2017, 01:34 AM
Any one try before pent 33 or tomoe club at soi 33 ?

29-08-2017, 08:05 AM
Kasalong have decent looking ones sometimes.

RotiPrata Man
29-08-2017, 09:02 PM
Went to check out Scratch Dog this trip. Hmm in my opinion, don't bother. 90% Korean customers there and 80% of them are young and good looking. Seriously all good looking. I was, surprised myself. If I'm FL there I rather go with them than old man like me... Lol!

29-08-2017, 09:09 PM
Went to check out Scratch Dog this trip. Hmm in my opinion, don't bother. 90% Korean customers there and 80% of them are young and good looking. Seriously all good looking. I was, surprised myself. If I'm FL there I rather go with them than old man like me... Lol!

Wow then I can go... I am handsome n young like them:D

30-08-2017, 01:02 AM
Went to check out Scratch Dog this trip. Hmm in my opinion, don't bother. 90% Korean customers there and 80% of them are young and good looking. Seriously all good looking. I was, surprised myself. If I'm FL there I rather go with them than old man like me... Lol!

"young and good looking" and same same from surgery. Don't feel too bad cuz probably uglier than u before surgery lol. Money can still buy love in LOS lah! Just remember the "L" in LOVE doesn't stand for LONG.

30-08-2017, 01:25 AM
Was in BKK from 21 to 26 Aug. Since I may have to travel semi regularly to Thailand to see the wife, I thought to pen everything in this thread rather than jam up the section with new threads.

Day 1 - 21 Aug

Was at Thermae at midnite. Mostly 5s and 6s, and the odd 7s, nothing interesting in sight. Was about to leave when a prospect started talking to me. 1.55m, looked slim and busty, maybe mid-20s and perhaps a 6. Her story was she ran a clothes shop somewhere, indeed just about every gal in Thermae says the same thing. The entire BKK clothing retail industry must have been meeting in Thermae every night then. Settled on LT for 5k I think and off we went.

Moonlight can be just as unforgiving as daylight; once outside, her looks plunged to a 5 and her age went up to mid 30s. When the clothes came off in the room, a thick waist added to the visual ordeal. A CBJ added to the misery. However, her hoy was quite well kept and after I heroically applied some tongue there, turned out to be wet as hell. Her boobs were nicely shaped Cs with nipples hard as knobs. She was quite a screamer too. To her credit, she stayed till 6am when she "had to go home to rest before opening the shop".

Day 2 to follow.

30-08-2017, 01:26 AM
Day 2 - 22 Aug

Looked for a regular who now worked in Thonglor 2 Massage. Think I paid 1k for 90 minutes' use of the room, which was quite decently done up. I was immediately sexcited when I saw her succulent D cups and leered at her tanned but smooth complexion, MILF looks and curvy curves. On the MILF metre I would give her an 8. Would have been a 9 if she allowed raw. Ate her hoy and got an excellent BBBJ/CIM. Gave her the well-deserved 1.5k she asked for.

Night entertainment was with another regular at Rainbow 4 (or it's now 5?). 1.55m petite SYT, lovely bewitching eyes, firm B cups with eraser tip nipples and a tight well kept hoy. Paid her 700bt BF and 2 LDs, and took her for dinner and drinks. We got back to the hotel a little drunk, and had a marathon session with an endurance only alcohol can bestow; frenching, multiple cums (hers) from eating her hoy, super BBBJ and more. Probed her hoy with my bare kkj and she drew me in raw. She was so tight and warm and I damn near shot my load there and then. She asked me to unload inside her which I did after she assured me she had taken the necessary meds. Gave her 6k for LT and she stayed till 8am.

Day 3 next.

30-08-2017, 01:28 AM
Day 3 - 23 Aug

Breakfast was a freaky experience. Was by myself when the chair across the table in front of me jerked suddenly, as if someone had knocked into it, except no one did. And I didn't kick it by mistake. Sensed nothing malicious so I carried on with breakfast at my own time, though the coffee tasted a little sweeter than the previous cup.

Had earlier booked an escort for an afternoon ST thru TonyBkk. Had an instant hard on when Hunnie turned up at my door. Hunnie stands at abt 1.6+m and had a taut belly which was visually very pleasing. She was always joking and jovially chatting and her good looks added to her charm. Overall package was very easily an 8. I was totally smitten. Best feature were her exquisite D cups; I could not get enough of those magnificent mammaries which were au naturel to the touch (and grab). She was initially reluctant to allow painting but a few exploratory but expert flicks of my tongue changed her mind. The sight of her taut belly clenching and sensation of my head pincered tightly between her wonderful thighs as she came (twice) was worth a million baht. We also had BBBJ and deep frenching which left me a very happy camper; I seriously felt like I was screwing a Thai movie star. Sex with cap but that's ok as I was totally in love with Hunnie. Though Tony's escorts may be a bit more pricey, I had never been disappointed by him.

Went out with my Soi Cowboy regulars that evening. Paid their 700bt barfines and 2 LDs apiece and took them out for dinner and drinks, following which they brought me to Hooters at Sukhumvit for more drinks. Either my eyes were deceiving me or there were indeed some very delicious looking waitresses at Hooters. One in particular caught my eye for most of the time; she was a 1.6m petite SYT, had peroxide hair and a very taut ass (well, they all had that). If someone could tell me her name and if she can be brought out, I would be very grateful. Also saw several 8s and 9s enter Thermae across from the back, which left me wondering where the hell they were when I was there two nights ago.

We adjourned to the hotel after that quite inebriated and threw caution to the winds with wild torrid raw sex (but COP), frenching, painting and the lot. I'm sure the neighbours were kept up by the screams and thumping of the bed against the wall. It was only the next morning when I discovered the curtains were not drawn fully. Ah well. They stayed till close to 12 noon the next day and I gave them 6k each.

Day 4 to follow.

30-08-2017, 01:30 AM
Day 4 - 24 Aug

Wanted to book Mook from Dream Massage but she was booked right up to night. Tried to book Sandy from Addict but she was not working. I lacked alternatives and so went down to take meself a look.

Addict was undergoing renovations so downstairs was chaos. Mamasan-owner was outside and she waved me in. Hmm, she wasn't too bad looking for her age and I wouldn't have minded a romp between the sheets with her. Mamasan brought me up to the 2nd floor where I plonked myself gratefully into a sofa. It was bloody hot outside and the cool aircon was a balm. Mamasan brought out the entire crew and I was presented with an array of smiling purple-clad hoy in all shapes and sizes. Was at a loss and told mamasan I would surrender my fate to her. She then picked out a 1.6m SYT which she said she thought would suit me very much. As if on cue, all the megawatt smiles of the other hoy disappeared. Real cold hard calculation. Can't remember how much I paid for the room...2.5k for gel I think. Room was spacious and clean; picture below.

Back to the SYT. Sofia was of medium tan complexion, slim, and had a pair of 34Cs which felt they had gone through enhancements though they felt natural enough. Sofia's hoy was quite well kept which I enjoyed feasting on. She said she usually does not allow painting with unfamiliar people; guess I convinced her otherwise at the first stroke. For the first few minutes of licking there was not much response from her, which left me with a sinking feeling that I had ended up with a starfish. Suddenly Sofia let out a ragged moan and started bucking wildly. Her hoy also started getting real wet and she eventually jerked her hoy away and spasmed. Jackpot! Allowed her a few minutes' respite and teased her in Thai about her acting shy in the beginning. The ice disappeared totally and I went into round 2 of DATY which elicited a repeat spasmodic performance from Sofia. Sex was covered at her request. Ah well, can't win them all. Well worth the 2k tip she asked for, even though there was no DFK.

Day 5 finale next.

30-08-2017, 01:31 AM
Day 5 - 25 Aug

Escaped from the wife for a few hours and headed to Taragon Massage. Never been there before but a raw regular had just started working there. Mai tu liao.

Taragon is a little tricky to get to bcz it’s not close to any subway or BTS. Best way to get there is to take the subway to Hwai Kwang, get out and take a taxi or motorsai to Maldives Restaurant. Most of them should know where it is if you pronounce it as “Mau Dee Restaurant”. If all fails, show them where it is on Google Maps. Impossible to miss Taragon when you reach Maldives Restaurant; it’s right next to it, literally a cum shot away.

Address of Taragon: 669 Soi Ratchadanivet, Mengjai Junction, Prachauthit Rd, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Tel : 02-691-6199.

Taragon is a huge complex, reminiscent of places such as Poseidon (is it closed down?), Copacobana, and Amsterdam. There is a huge carpark which separates two wings. The left wing appears to be little used. Where you want to get to is the right wing. My reg was waiting for me at the entrance and brought me up to the second floor where an entirely different world existed. There was the usual huge fish tank on one side of the room at which I was near drooling over the bevy of beauties waiting within, many of them easily 7s and 8s. In front of the tank were sofas where clients can admire the flesh market and make their choices. Rates for the gals are from 2.3k to 6.8k. My reg was of the 2.3k category.

Went up to the 3rd floor where the rooms were located. Quite nicely done up room. Won’t bore anyone with the details of the romp, which was every bit as hardcore as her previous performances. And of course raw CIP.

Ended my August rampage of BKK with a trip to Hooters for lunch the next day. Chatted up one very foxy looking waitress. Perhaps I'll work on her in my next trip if she's still there.

Next rampage hopefully in Dec or Jan. Tata.

30-08-2017, 08:14 AM
...travel semi regularly to Thailand to see the wife, ...indeed just about every gal in Thermae says the same thing. The entire BKK clothing retail industry must have been meeting in Thermae every night then.
Good account of your romps. Plenty of ammo with tarma and paint jobs:p

30-08-2017, 07:50 PM
Day 5 - 25 Aug

Escaped from the wife for a few hours and headed to Taragon Massage. Never been there before but a raw regular had just started working there. Mai tu liao.

Taragon is a little tricky to get to bcz it’s not close to any subway or BTS. Best way to get there is to take the subway to Hwai Kwang, get out and take a taxi or motorsai to Maldives Restaurant. Most of them should know where it is if you pronounce it as “Mau Dee Restaurant”. If all fails, show them where it is on Google Maps. Impossible to miss Taragon when you reach Maldives Restaurant; it’s right next to it, literally a cum shot away.

Address of Taragon: 669 Soi Ratchadanivet, Mengjai Junction, Prachauthit Rd, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Tel : 02-691-6199.

Taragon is a huge complex, reminiscent of places such as Poseidon (is it closed down?), Copacobana, and Amsterdam. There is a huge carpark which separates two wings. The left wing appears to be little used. Where you want to get to is the right wing. My reg was waiting for me at the entrance and brought me up to the second floor where an entirely different world existed. There was the usual huge fish tank on one side of the room at which I was near drooling over the bevy of beauties waiting within, many of them easily 7s and 8s. In front of the tank were sofas where clients can admire the flesh market and make their choices. Rates for the gals are from 2.3k to 6.8k. My reg was of the 2.3k category.

Went up to the 3rd floor where the rooms were located. Quite nicely done up room. Won’t bore anyone with the details of the romp, which was every bit as hardcore as her previous performances. And of course raw CIP.

Ended my August rampage of BKK with a trip to Hooters for lunch the next day. Chatted up one very foxy looking waitress. Perhaps I'll work on her in my next trip if she's still there.

Next rampage hopefully in Dec or Jan. Tata.

dang bro, normally around day 3 i don't feel like hving sex anymore, i guess i need to eat hoy boiๆ ... ppl say hoy is aphrodisiac food :D

30-08-2017, 08:27 PM
Day 5 - 25 Aug

Escaped from the wife for a few hours and headed to Taragon Massage. Never been there before but a raw regular had just started working there. Mai tu liao.

Taragon is a little tricky to get to bcz it’s not close to any subway or BTS. Best way to get there is to take the subway to Hwai Kwang, get out and take a taxi or motorsai to Maldives Restaurant. Most of them should know where it is if you pronounce it as “Mau Dee Restaurant”. If all fails, show them where it is on Google Maps. Impossible to miss Taragon when you reach Maldives Restaurant; it’s right next to it, literally a cum shot away.

Address of Taragon: 669 Soi Ratchadanivet, Mengjai Junction, Prachauthit Rd, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Tel : 02-691-6199.

Taragon is a huge complex, reminiscent of places such as Poseidon (is it closed down?), Copacobana, and Amsterdam. There is a huge carpark which separates two wings. The left wing appears to be little used. Where you want to get to is the right wing. My reg was waiting for me at the entrance and brought me up to the second floor where an entirely different world existed. There was the usual huge fish tank on one side of the room at which I was near drooling over the bevy of beauties waiting within, many of them easily 7s and 8s. In front of the tank were sofas where clients can admire the flesh market and make their choices. Rates for the gals are from 2.3k to 6.8k. My reg was of the 2.3k category.

Went up to the 3rd floor where the rooms were located. Quite nicely done up room. Won’t bore anyone with the details of the romp, which was every bit as hardcore as her previous performances. And of course raw CIP.

Ended my August rampage of BKK with a trip to Hooters for lunch the next day. Chatted up one very foxy looking waitress. Perhaps I'll work on her in my next trip if she's still there.

Next rampage hopefully in Dec or Jan. Tata.

Awesome FR there!!! I'm going to bkk next week too.
Planning to try tarragon. Just wondering is the nuru awesome?

30-08-2017, 09:16 PM
Live update.

Greetings from matong36 !!

Passed the customs using auto clearance. Its like what we do in SG except that we have to scan our boarding pass to get through the gate and a custom officer will chop your passport.

Return would be similar process as per custom officer.

The clearance took less than 3 mins.

Wondering if Thermae have beautiful ladies today, shall drop by shortly.

31-08-2017, 12:19 AM
Haha bro, with raw, kkj soft also must squeeze in :D

dang bro, normally around day 3 i don't feel like hving sex anymore, i guess i need to eat hoy boiๆ ... ppl say hoy is aphrodisiac food :D

31-08-2017, 12:20 AM
Bro, I wasn't there for the nuru :p

Awesome FR there!!! I'm going to bkk next week too.
Planning to try tarragon. Just wondering is the nuru awesome?

31-08-2017, 10:14 AM
Day 4 - 24 Aug

Wanted to book Mook from Dream Massage but she was booked right up to night. Tried to book Sandy from Addict but she was not working. I lacked alternatives and so went down to take meself a look.

Addict was undergoing renovations so downstairs was chaos. Mamasan-owner was outside and she waved me in. Hmm, she wasn't too bad looking for her age and I wouldn't have minded a romp between the sheets with her. Mamasan brought me up to the 2nd floor where I plonked myself gratefully into a sofa. It was bloody hot outside and the cool aircon was a balm. Mamasan brought out the entire crew and I was presented with an array of smiling purple-clad hoy in all shapes and sizes. Was at a loss and told mamasan I would surrender my fate to her. She then picked out a 1.6m SYT which she said she thought would suit me very much. As if on cue, all the megawatt smiles of the other hoy disappeared. Real cold hard calculation. Can't remember how much I paid for the room...2.5k for gel I think. Room was spacious and clean; picture below.

Back to the SYT. Sofia was of medium tan complexion, slim, and had a pair of 34Cs which felt they had gone through enhancements though they felt natural enough. Sofia's hoy was quite well kept which I enjoyed feasting on. She said she usually does not allow painting with unfamiliar people; guess I convinced her otherwise at the first stroke. For the first few minutes of licking there was not much response from her, which left me with a sinking feeling that I had ended up with a starfish. Suddenly Sofia let out a ragged moan and started bucking wildly. Her hoy also started getting real wet and she eventually jerked her hoy away and spasmed. Jackpot! Allowed her a few minutes' respite and teased her in Thai about her acting shy in the beginning. The ice disappeared totally and I went into round 2 of DATY which elicited a repeat spasmodic performance from Sofia. Sex was covered at her request. Ah well, can't win them all. Well worth the 2k tip she asked for, even though there was no DFK.

Day 5 finale next.

Day 3 - 23 Aug

Breakfast was a freaky experience. Was by myself when the chair across the table in front of me jerked suddenly, as if someone had knocked into it, except no one did. And I didn't kick it by mistake. Sensed nothing malicious so I carried on with breakfast at my own time, though the coffee tasted a little sweeter than the previous cup.

Had earlier booked an escort for an afternoon ST thru TonyBkk. Had an instant hard on when Hunnie turned up at my door. Hunnie stands at abt 1.6+m and had a taut belly which was visually very pleasing. She was always joking and jovially chatting and her good looks added to her charm. Overall package was very easily an 8. I was totally smitten. Best feature were her exquisite D cups; I could not get enough of those magnificent mammaries which were au naturel to the touch (and grab). She was initially reluctant to allow painting but a few exploratory but expert flicks of my tongue changed her mind. The sight of her taut belly clenching and sensation of my head pincered tightly between her wonderful thighs as she came (twice) was worth a million baht. We also had BBBJ and deep frenching which left me a very happy camper; I seriously felt like I was screwing a Thai movie star. Sex with cap but that's ok as I was totally in love with Hunnie. Though Tony's escorts may be a bit more pricey, I had never been disappointed by him.

Went out with my Soi Cowboy regulars that evening. Paid their 700bt barfines and 2 LDs apiece and took them out for dinner and drinks, following which they brought me to Hooters at Sukhumvit for more drinks. Either my eyes were deceiving me or there were indeed some very delicious looking waitresses at Hooters. One in particular caught my eye for most of the time; she was a 1.6m petite SYT, had peroxide hair and a very taut ass (well, they all had that). If someone could tell me her name and if she can be brought out, I would be very grateful. Also saw several 8s and 9s enter Thermae across from the back, which left me wondering where the hell they were when I was there two nights ago.

We adjourned to the hotel after that quite inebriated and threw caution to the winds with wild torrid raw sex (but COP), frenching, painting and the lot. I'm sure the neighbours were kept up by the screams and thumping of the bed against the wall. It was only the next morning when I discovered the curtains were not drawn fully. Ah well. They stayed till close to 12 noon the next day and I gave them 6k each.

Day 4 to follow.

Day 2 - 22 Aug

Looked for a regular who now worked in Thonglor 2 Massage. Think I paid 1k for 90 minutes' use of the room, which was quite decently done up. I was immediately sexcited when I saw her succulent D cups and leered at her tanned but smooth complexion, MILF looks and curvy curves. On the MILF metre I would give her an 8. Would have been a 9 if she allowed raw. Ate her hoy and got an excellent BBBJ/CIM. Gave her the well-deserved 1.5k she asked for.

Night entertainment was with another regular at Rainbow 4 (or it's now 5?). 1.55m petite SYT, lovely bewitching eyes, firm B cups with eraser tip nipples and a tight well kept hoy. Paid her 700bt BF and 2 LDs, and took her for dinner and drinks. We got back to the hotel a little drunk, and had a marathon session with an endurance only alcohol can bestow; frenching, multiple cums (hers) from eating her hoy, super BBBJ and more. Probed her hoy with my bare kkj and she drew me in raw. She was so tight and warm and I damn near shot my load there and then. She asked me to unload inside her which I did after she assured me she had taken the necessary meds. Gave her 6k for LT and she stayed till 8am.

Day 3 next.

Was in BKK from 21 to 26 Aug. Since I may have to travel semi regularly to Thailand to see the wife, I thought to pen everything in this thread rather than jam up the section with new threads.

Day 1 - 21 Aug

Was at Thermae at midnite. Mostly 5s and 6s, and the odd 7s, nothing interesting in sight. Was about to leave when a prospect started talking to me. 1.55m, looked slim and busty, maybe mid-20s and perhaps a 6. Her story was she ran a clothes shop somewhere, indeed just about every gal in Thermae says the same thing. The entire BKK clothing retail industry must have been meeting in Thermae every night then. Settled on LT for 5k I think and off we went.

Moonlight can be just as unforgiving as daylight; once outside, her looks plunged to a 5 and her age went up to mid 30s. When the clothes came off in the room, a thick waist added to the visual ordeal. A CBJ added to the misery. However, her hoy was quite well kept and after I heroically applied some tongue there, turned out to be wet as hell. Her boobs were nicely shaped Cs with nipples hard as knobs. She was quite a screamer too. To her credit, she stayed till 6am when she "had to go home to rest before opening the shop".

Day 2 to follow.

Day 5 - 25 Aug

Escaped from the wife for a few hours and headed to Taragon Massage. Never been there before but a raw regular had just started working there. Mai tu liao.

Taragon is a little tricky to get to bcz it’s not close to any subway or BTS. Best way to get there is to take the subway to Hwai Kwang, get out and take a taxi or motorsai to Maldives Restaurant. Most of them should know where it is if you pronounce it as “Mau Dee Restaurant”. If all fails, show them where it is on Google Maps. Impossible to miss Taragon when you reach Maldives Restaurant; it’s right next to it, literally a cum shot away.

Address of Taragon: 669 Soi Ratchadanivet, Mengjai Junction, Prachauthit Rd, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Tel : 02-691-6199.

Taragon is a huge complex, reminiscent of places such as Poseidon (is it closed down?), Copacobana, and Amsterdam. There is a huge carpark which separates two wings. The left wing appears to be little used. Where you want to get to is the right wing. My reg was waiting for me at the entrance and brought me up to the second floor where an entirely different world existed. There was the usual huge fish tank on one side of the room at which I was near drooling over the bevy of beauties waiting within, many of them easily 7s and 8s. In front of the tank were sofas where clients can admire the flesh market and make their choices. Rates for the gals are from 2.3k to 6.8k. My reg was of the 2.3k category.

Went up to the 3rd floor where the rooms were located. Quite nicely done up room. Won’t bore anyone with the details of the romp, which was every bit as hardcore as her previous performances. And of course raw CIP.

Ended my August rampage of BKK with a trip to Hooters for lunch the next day. Chatted up one very foxy looking waitress. Perhaps I'll work on her in my next trip if she's still there.

Next rampage hopefully in Dec or Jan. Tata.

Very nice read up on your 5 days in BKK, get to know new place too. Great share.

31-08-2017, 02:20 PM
Greetings from matong36!

Went to Thermae, plenty ladies. Took a milf whom was dressed in pink spaghetti that showed her beautiful bosom.

Back in room, shower separately. CBJ lots of positions. Her body has baby damage but its still a hot body especially with her modified boobs, thin waist and phat bosom. I forgot to mention she has a slutty face. Unloaded when I doggie her.

Paid 2.5k and she left shortly.

01-09-2017, 02:42 PM
What's with siam bu and showering separately I don't know understand.:confused: So far all my agogo barfine and thermae experience, only 1 girl ever shower with me. And its after the deed kind.

01-09-2017, 06:23 PM
What's with siam bu and showering separately I don't know understand.:confused:...only 1 girl ever shower with me. And its after the deed kind.
Arb nam song khun (shower together) goes beyond saving water:p.
Can enhance the experience, ala soapy with foreplay (and possibly main event) :p. But some may bluff you they are shy:cool:

01-09-2017, 06:57 PM
Erm, the pooyings I pick up all invite me to arb nam with them leh

What's with siam bu and showering separately I don't know understand.:confused: So far all my agogo barfine and thermae experience, only 1 girl ever shower with me. And its after the deed kind.

02-09-2017, 01:21 AM
Day 5 - 25 Aug

Escaped from the wife for a few hours and headed to Taragon Massage. Never been there before but a raw regular had just started working there. Mai tu liao.

Taragon is a little tricky to get to bcz it’s not close to any subway or BTS. Best way to get there is to take the subway to Hwai Kwang, get out and take a taxi or motorsai to Maldives Restaurant. Most of them should know where it is if you pronounce it as “Mau Dee Restaurant”. If all fails, show them where it is on Google Maps. Impossible to miss Taragon when you reach Maldives Restaurant; it’s right next to it, literally a cum shot away.

Address of Taragon: 669 Soi Ratchadanivet, Mengjai Junction, Prachauthit Rd, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Tel : 02-691-6199.

Taragon is a huge complex, reminiscent of places such as Poseidon (is it closed down?), Copacobana, and Amsterdam. There is a huge carpark which separates two wings. The left wing appears to be little used. Where you want to get to is the right wing. My reg was waiting for me at the entrance and brought me up to the second floor where an entirely different world existed. There was the usual huge fish tank on one side of the room at which I was near drooling over the bevy of beauties waiting within, many of them easily 7s and 8s. In front of the tank were sofas where clients can admire the flesh market and make their choices. Rates for the gals are from 2.3k to 6.8k. My reg was of the 2.3k category.

Went up to the 3rd floor where the rooms were located. Quite nicely done up room. Won’t bore anyone with the details of the romp, which was every bit as hardcore as her previous performances. And of course raw CIP.

Ended my August rampage of BKK with a trip to Hooters for lunch the next day. Chatted up one very foxy looking waitress. Perhaps I'll work on her in my next trip if she's still there.

Next rampage hopefully in Dec or Jan. Tata.

wow. u're not scared of getting AIDS? it's a FUCKING death sentence.

02-09-2017, 02:27 AM
Will be in BKK from 13-17 Sept, any bros wanna to hook up?

02-09-2017, 12:31 PM
Bro, commercial sex is already a fucking death sentence.

wow. u're not scared of getting AIDS? it's a FUCKING death sentence.

02-09-2017, 08:48 PM
Greetings from matong36 !!

The auto clearance applies only for arrival in BKK.

Departure from BKK still the same old way.

Time flies when youre in the Land of Smiles!

03-09-2017, 10:48 AM
Bro, commercial sex is already a fucking death sentence.

hats off to you :D

04-09-2017, 05:28 PM
Went to check out Scratch Dog this trip. Hmm in my opinion, don't bother. 90% Korean customers there and 80% of them are young and good looking. Seriously all good looking. I was, surprised myself. If I'm FL there I rather go with them than old man like me... Lol!

:confused: Hhmm, I dunno wat's ur definition of good looking, but if u consider Korean dudes like Psy & Cha Tae Hyun good looking, then yeah, probably most of the Kimchi Boys there r good looking cos most of them look like that. :D U're right abt the proportion of the guys crowds there though. I was there last week wif 2 of my friends & it's still pretty much the same.

However, I do observe a change of attitudes of the Puyings towards the Kimchi Boys. Frm wat I gathered when I conversed wif a few of the Puyings there, it seems like the Kimchis' stock had depreciated wif the Puyings. Yeah yeah, I know some of u will say that these B*tches will say anything to please u, so that u'll tah bao them. But I saw wif my own eyes that there're many FLs or Puyings who rejected Kimchis' advances. N the funny thing is that there were even FLs, whom we thought had alrdy hooked up wif some other Kimchis, came over to our table & try to chk us out. :D On 1 occasion, 1 of the Kimchis shot us a dulan black face when he came over to "reclaim" back his gal. Classic man! Even the 2 gals whom I tao bao-ed back to hotel oso said that they kinda prefer non-Kimchis customer. N let me go on record & say that I did NOT pay them any premium price for the ladies & spoilt market, in case some peeps suspect that I did. Therefore, there're probably no incentives for them to say these niceties to me, which tbh dun bother me anyway.

Anyway, end of the day, to me it's not so much abt looks or nationality that will get u hooked up wif FLs. It's ur pocket that counts. But, pls do it responsibly & try not market. Oh well, perhaps my encounters r something of a 1 off thing. Bros who had diff than mine, feel free to share. Cheers fellas...:cool:

04-09-2017, 09:56 PM
Sept 10-14any1 wanna go agogo or chiong tgt?

04-09-2017, 10:44 PM
:confused: Hhmm, I dunno wat's ur definition of good looking, but if u consider Korean dudes like Psy & Cha Tae Hyun good looking, then yeah, probably most of the Kimchi Boys there r good looking cos most of them look like that. :D U're right abt the proportion of the guys crowds there though. I was there last week wif 2 of my friends & it's still pretty much the same.

However, I do observe a change of attitudes of the Puyings towards the Kimchi Boys. Frm wat I gathered when I conversed wif a few of the Puyings there, it seems like the Kimchis' stock had depreciated wif the Puyings. Yeah yeah, I know some of u will say that these B*tches will say anything to please u, so that u'll tah bao them. But I saw wif my own eyes that there're many FLs or Puyings who rejected Kimchis' advances. N the funny thing is that there were even FLs, whom we thought had alrdy hooked up wif some other Kimchis, came over to our table & try to chk us out. :D On 1 occasion, 1 of the Kimchis shot us a dulan black face when he came over to "reclaim" back his gal. Classic man! Even the 2 gals whom I tao bao-ed back to hotel oso said that they kinda prefer non-Kimchis customer. N let me go on record & say that I did NOT pay them any premium price for the ladies & spoilt market, in case some peeps suspect that I did. Therefore, there're probably no incentives for them to say these niceties to me, which tbh dun bother me anyway.

Anyway, end of the day, to me it's not so much abt looks or nationality that will get u hooked up wif FLs. It's ur pocket that counts. But, pls do it responsibly & try not market. Oh well, perhaps my encounters r something of a 1 off thing. Bros who had diff than mine, feel free to share. Cheers fellas...:cool:

Korean customers don't have a good reputation. They can be rough and demanding with the girls which is why most of the girls avoid them unless they look like a Korean superstar.

05-09-2017, 01:24 AM
:confused: Hhmm, I dunno wat's ur definition of good looking, but if u consider Korean dudes like Psy & Cha Tae Hyun good looking, then yeah, probably most of the Kimchi Boys there r good looking cos most of them look like that. :D U're right abt the proportion of the guys crowds there though. I was there last week wif 2 of my friends & it's still pretty much the same.

However, I do observe a change of attitudes of the Puyings towards the Kimchi Boys. Frm wat I gathered when I conversed wif a few of the Puyings there, it seems like the Kimchis' stock had depreciated wif the Puyings. Yeah yeah, I know some of u will say that these B*tches will say anything to please u, so that u'll tah bao them. But I saw wif my own eyes that there're many FLs or Puyings who rejected Kimchis' advances. N the funny thing is that there were even FLs, whom we thought had alrdy hooked up wif some other Kimchis, came over to our table & try to chk us out. :D On 1 occasion, 1 of the Kimchis shot us a dulan black face when he came over to "reclaim" back his gal. Classic man! Even the 2 gals whom I tao bao-ed back to hotel oso said that they kinda prefer non-Kimchis customer. N let me go on record & say that I did NOT pay them any premium price for the ladies & spoilt market, in case some peeps suspect that I did. Therefore, there're probably no incentives for them to say these niceties to me, which tbh dun bother me anyway.

Anyway, end of the day, to me it's not so much abt looks or nationality that will get u hooked up wif FLs. It's ur pocket that counts. But, pls do it responsibly & try not market. Oh well, perhaps my encounters r something of a 1 off thing. Bros who had diff than mine, feel free to share. Cheers fellas...:cool:

One of the FL that spoke to told me like although the koreans pay more, they expect the FL to treat them like gods. Like on the rough side which to them is a bit too much to handle that why i suspect they actually don't like korean guys. Also, it is the language barrier where some of the korean don't even speak a single english.

05-09-2017, 11:46 AM
Here is summary of my FR:

Picked one, average experience, starfish performance.

Soi Cowboy:
Bacarrca still has the prettiest girl. But the girl is still the same since 1 year ago. No spot any pretty newcomer. Just have a beer and no BF any girl.

Rainbow 5- spotted 2 very cute young girl. both them very skinny with busty boob, just like cosplayer body. Just have a beer and no BF any girl.

Rainbow 3- previously i always no stop by this bar as their selection is not many. But this time, spot one gem inside. NO.58- Perfect body and face. Her face is not too plasticky with little baby fat as she just 20. Boob is around Big C to Small D with no tummy fat and nice leg. Her look and skin definitely enough to be those love story actress on TV. Only downside she has large tattoo on her back. My heart want to barfine her but my brain told me not to.. At last, the brain win the heart.

Went to addict on saturday evening, many japanese customer. scan all the girl and no find any SYT. Went to beside Club102, greeted by friendly Ah Mo boss.. There is 1 or 2 girl not bad. Picked one, the price is around 100baht pricier than Addict. The room is clean and newly renovated. BBBJ is so good, she really take care of my ball too. FJ is also great, not starfish type. After that she also gave me short decent massage. Worth repeat.

Had the dinner with the expo girl. She had to went to another city on next day. Hence nothing more.
Accidentally hook up with a sibeh nice body girl when I was at airport, face is cute with some baby fat, skin is white and smooth as japanese, with long black hair. Had her FB and after some further chat, only knew she is from north thailand, stayed and work in BKK. No wonder her body is so perfect, because she is a workout instructor. But she complained her boob is small, she plan to do 400cc implant in this year. She will be my meet up girl on next trip.

05-09-2017, 12:02 PM
One of the FL that spoke to told me like although the koreans pay more, they expect the FL to treat them like gods. Like on the rough side which to them is a bit too much to handle that why i suspect they actually don't like korean guys. Also, it is the language barrier where some of the korean don't even speak a single english.

Wat u said r true, but those aren't the only few "Horror stories" I heard frm Puyings abt the Kimchis. Frm wat I gathered frm FLs & WLs (in discos, agg, showerhouse etc.), nowadays, these Kimchis oso smartened up alrdy. Many of them wld prob be seasoned chiongster of Bkk & wld alrdy knew the mkt prices in whichever premises they go. Words spread & many of them r reluctant to pay "carrot prices" for Puyings liao, since they knew there're plenty of meat to go arnd. Therefore, it's not necessary that the notion of Kimchis (or Sushis) able to pay more being true. In fact, I kinda suspect that we (@ least some of our fellow SG chiongsters) might actually be the ones paying slightly premium prices to the ladies, which might be y we're becoming their favs once again. :D

Second thing is that some FLs actually told me that some Kimchis even refused to pay them after the deeds or juz simply acted blur. This actually is not surprising to me, since many Kimchis seems to think that they're very highly sought after.

Lastly, they're rather well-known to be quite bastard to gals, in the sense that they like to do raw on gals, regardless of the gals wishes. Heard abt this frm many WLs & FLs, that they like to tell gals to turn over for doggy then sneakily pull out their caps & F**k them. Sibeh lao gan :D

TBH, wat I've mentioned above dun surprises me alot, since the Kimchis r well-known chauvinist & generally hav low regards for women on the whole. Bros who've been to Korea or known any Kimchis wld probably know wat I'm talking abt. However, having said that, I believed watever they did, we're prob guilty of them in some ways too. There're always black sheep in every race/country. OkOk, talk too much alrdy. Sorry abt that, no punt intended. Cheers fellas! :)

05-09-2017, 03:44 PM
:confused: Hhmm, I dunno wat's ur definition of good looking, but if u consider Korean dudes like Psy & Cha Tae Hyun good looking, then yeah, probably most of the Kimchi Boys there r good looking cos most of them look like that. U're right abt the proportion of the guys crowds there though. I was there last week wif 2 of my friends & it's still pretty much the same.

However, I do observe a change of attitudes of the Puyings towards the Kimchi Boys. Frm wat I gathered when I conversed wif a few of the Puyings there, it seems like the Kimchis' stock had depreciated wif the Puyings. Yeah yeah, I know some of u will say that these B*tches will say anything to please u, so that u'll tah bao them. But I saw wif my own eyes that there're many FLs or Puyings who rejected Kimchis' advances. N the funny thing is that there were even FLs, whom we thought had alrdy hooked up wif some other Kimchis, came over to our table & try to chk us out. :D On 1 occasion, 1 of the Kimchis shot us a dulan black face when he came over to "reclaim" back his gal. Classic man! Even the 2 gals whom I tao bao-ed back to hotel oso said that they kinda prefer non-Kimchis customer. N let me go on record & say that I did NOT pay them any premium price for the ladies & spoilt market, in case some peeps suspect that I did. Therefore, there're probably no incentives for them to say these niceties to me, which tbh dun bother me anyway.

Anyway, end of the day, to me it's not so much abt looks or nationality that will get u hooked up wif FLs. It's ur pocket that counts. But, pls do it responsibly & try not market. Oh well, perhaps my encounters r something of a 1 off thing. Bros who had diff than mine, feel free to share. Cheers fellas...:cool:

Koreans indeed have abit of bad reputation as some FL who went to south korea will complain that kimchi expectation are very high :rolleyes:

05-09-2017, 04:41 PM
One of the FL that spoke to told me like although the koreans pay more, they expect the FL to treat them like gods. Like on the rough side which to them is a bit too much to handle that why i suspect they actually don't like korean guys. Also, it is the language barrier where some of the korean don't even speak a single english.

Koreans indeed have abit of bad reputation as some FL who went to south korea will complain that kimchi expectation are very high :rolleyes:

Hhmm, this is the part where I dun quite understand. I've talk to alotta FLs & WLs who went there (South Korea) to work b4. More than half will say that they kinda like it there & they won't mind going back again as long as visa can approve. N most of them wld say that they prefer working there & Japan than SG. Maybe it's the weather, the food & their relaxed custom bah. Many oso said that the Kimchis customers r actually quite easy to service (which I wld loosely interpret as cum very easily & fast :D) & r quite nice as to take them out for makan or tour.

Most of the complaints I heard frm FLs & WLs r abt Kimchi tourist or workers overseas. In fact, it's not only Puyings that they seems to enjoy abusing. I've frens who chiong Philippines & Vietnam, & they oso heard the sh*t frm their gals too. Seems to me that these Kimchis kinda prefer doing their sh*t or revealing their true colours overseas than in their own country....:D

05-09-2017, 04:51 PM
Hhmm, this is the part where I dun quite understand. I've talk to alotta FLs & WLs who went there (South Korea) to work b4. More than half will say that they kinda like it there & they won't mind going back again as long as visa can approve. N most of them wld say that they prefer working there & Japan than SG. Maybe it's the weather, the food & their relaxed custom bah. Many oso said that the Kimchis customers r actually quite easy to service (which I wld loosely interpret as cum very easily & fast :D) & r quite nice as to take them out for makan or tour.

Most of the complaints I heard frm FLs & WLs r abt Kimchi tourist or workers overseas. In fact, it's not only Puyings that they seems to enjoy abusing. I've frens who chiong Philippines & Vietnam, & they oso heard the sh*t frm their gals too. Seems to me that these Kimchis kinda prefer doing their sh*t or revealing their true colours overseas than in their own country....:D

Korea is different as they can stay there for a couple of months while they can only stay in SG for 30 days

SG is not really their preferred choice due to ICA restriction, the rejection rate are quite high so imagine spending money on airplane ticket just to get turn back by ICA, and if immigration ban them by chopping on their passport its even harder as they cannot come in SG for 2 years and even after that... they need to seek ICA permission if they want to come SG after the 2 years...

And even when they work in SG, if got caught working as illegal FL, mild case is as above, cannot come back SG for 2 years.... more severe cases is their passport get confiscated and issue white card so they will be detained in SG for 1-2 years .... And they have to report to ICA every week :rolleyes:

RotiPrata Man
05-09-2017, 06:59 PM
:confused: Hhmm, I dunno wat's ur definition of good looking, but if u consider Korean dudes like Psy & Cha Tae Hyun good looking, then yeah, probably most of the Kimchi Boys there r good looking cos most of them look like that. :D U're right abt the proportion of the guys crowds there though. I was there last week wif 2 of my friends & it's still pretty much the same.

However, I do observe a change of attitudes of the Puyings towards the Kimchi Boys. Frm wat I gathered when I conversed wif a few of the Puyings there, it seems like the Kimchis' stock had depreciated wif the Puyings. Yeah yeah, I know some of u will say that these B*tches will say anything to please u, so that u'll tah bao them. But I saw wif my own eyes that there're many FLs or Puyings who rejected Kimchis' advances. N the funny thing is that there were even FLs, whom we thought had alrdy hooked up wif some other Kimchis, came over to our table & try to chk us out. :D On 1 occasion, 1 of the Kimchis shot us a dulan black face when he came over to "reclaim" back his gal. Classic man! Even the 2 gals whom I tao bao-ed back to hotel oso said that they kinda prefer non-Kimchis customer. N let me go on record & say that I did NOT pay them any premium price for the ladies & spoilt market, in case some peeps suspect that I did. Therefore, there're probably no incentives for them to say these niceties to me, which tbh dun bother me anyway.

Anyway, end of the day, to me it's not so much abt looks or nationality that will get u hooked up wif FLs. It's ur pocket that counts. But, pls do it responsibly & try not market. Oh well, perhaps my encounters r something of a 1 off thing. Bros who had diff than mine, feel free to share. Cheers fellas...:cool:

Well when I was there 2 weeks also.. I only managed to spot 2 girls I like. 1 is with a kimchi (tall and handsome) and the other gal say she is not working there
I was many guys went to approach her but all talk a bit then U turn.

Maybe I go try again end of this month. Haha.

Levels and insanity don't have much lookers. All fake boobs and dark skin. Any bros can feedback on mixx, cm2 and other places?

05-09-2017, 07:06 PM
Went to Chrome (previous BJ nuru) after reading some review and wanted to try nuru again instead of soapy. Not much selection but quoted 2k for 1 hour so I guess is quite worth it. So just choose a gal "Nam". Quite playful inside. When remove clothes, a bit sian to see the shaggy boobs and a little tummy. Dun really like that kinda boobs. Later told me she has a 5yo kid.

Anyway the massage was good. Looks wise not that good. I'd go for looks, I'll just walk away as anyone in the soapy can win over them. And I always can't choose any in a soapy joint. This time just try try. She ask me want bj or boom boom.. so just choose boom boom since long time no unload.. thought will be boom boom directly but after nuru front, she took out the cd and cap.. before tat was fingers fuck by her.. then after that finally can f her and finish off.. overall not so bad.

06-09-2017, 09:09 AM
Went to bunnies Bangkok at nana plaza after looking at the review saying no bar fine.. as I entered the joint thru the certain, I bumped into a lady and both of us was shocked by the sudden bump. Looks not bad and we just laughed and continue our way. Found a sit and ordered a drink. Quite a handful of ladies with some taking off thier bra to show thier boobs to attract buyer I guess. After sometime, saw the lady i bumped into and she was going to go on stage.

Just nice she was dancing in front of me directly and we both smile at each other. Looked at her until she's coming down. Just before she came down, a big boobs lady came to me and wanna sit with me. I told her no and she insisted. Saw the lady walking towards me but stopped as the big boob lady squeezed to sit with me. Big boob lady asked me if I have someone in mind then she help me call her. Basket.. I know the lady will come to me, just because of her, she can't come over.. so I told her I'm waiting for that lady and she went to call her over and asked me to buy lady drink for both of them.. so just buy and ask her to leave us.

This lady I bumped into is 20yo student. Ask her whether got bar fine, she said yes.. 700.. ask her what about ST and LT, she said 3k for st and she dun do LT as she got lesson in the morning.. haven tried LT and thought of trying her for LT but she only ST. So in the end, just go for ST.

Previously tried ST all no service. This time has more gfe. Really like ur gf.. dun demand u to bath or what.. just talk abit and play some music and lie on the bed and started making out like lover.. normal French and slowly undress. Rotating between her and me to take charge.. stripped till nothing, then flip over again to French and suck nip. Then flip again for my turn.. after that finger f her. Very hot down there. As daty will have a higher risk for std, I just finger her and can smell that there's some smell so just finger till she wanted.. so she asked me if I have cd.. luckily I bought the .01mm cd with me this time.. if not I guess she would say just do it without cd..

So cap on and mission her till she become wild and came up and push me down to cowgirl me. As she's quite a good dancer, cowgirl on top is faster and better than most ladies.. within short time, I've to unload.

After deed, just continue to lie down and hug and French. Then she went to pee and I went to bath.. asked her if she's bathing, she said nope.. was quite surprised.. first time the lady dun wanna bath... so just bath and send her back.. number 200. Never ask me for tips like many other gals. Wanted to asked her for contact but think better not..

06-09-2017, 10:40 AM
Lad prao is another good place to go chiong. Many coyotes bars too. Can't say too much later my inbox will be flooded with messages asking the exact location. :D:p

Hi...any suggestions are welcome. I will be at the Grand centara hotel in lad prao next week. Looking for to some tips

06-09-2017, 11:46 AM
Well when I was there 2 weeks also.. I only managed to spot 2 girls I like. 1 is with a kimchi (tall and handsome) and the other gal say she is not working there
I was many guys went to approach her but all talk a bit then U turn.

Maybe I go try again end of this month. Haha.

Levels and insanity don't have much lookers. All fake boobs and dark skin. Any bros can feedback on mixx, cm2 and other places?

Levels & Insanity r alrdy goners few yrs ago. In fact, I nv find both clubs r quite over-rated in the 1st place.

I've been to Mixx @ Hotel Intercontinental twice early last yr, & I thought it is OK, even though I didn't tah bao any gals frm there b4. The place is more up-scale than SD & had more range of FLs, in terms of race & nationalities. Can find hot locals, Ang Mo, Middle-Eastern, mixed blooded gals there. I thought the place is geared towards Farang as there seems to be more tanned skin Puyings there, even though there's still a fair amt of fair skins there. The last time I was there, I wanted to tah bao this hot FL who look like this Indonesian actress called Pevita Pearce. But her price was abit steep @ 4K ST, LT not available. As I dun really know the economic pricing there & I thought there shld be better offers arnd, I passed on her. Within an hr or 2, saw her left wif a hunky Ang Mo. Oh well, too bad :( After that, a pretty voluptuous Turkish mixed Thai FL came over to our table to chk us out. She quoted my fren 5K for ST, but my fren rejected as he's not so much into FLs. In the end, all 3 of us go back empty handed :(

As for the proportions of FLs, it depends. The club is a popular after-hr club for many so if u sees 1 hot chick, dun be surprised that she brought her Ang Mo BF or sugar daddy along. Or, she might be really there to party & hav fun only. If u go late, u'll still see some FLs who roam over frm other clubs. The deco there is more posh than SD & prices of liquor I think is abt the same.

Well, think my frens & I were quite noob that time when we're there. Bros who had chiong there or CM2 b4, feel free to share ur experiences wif us. Cheers fellas~ :)

06-09-2017, 05:05 PM
Been to BKK for many times but this time is the first time I went alone :p Did some researches before going.

Below are just MHO on BKK;

Thermae: Not really to my liking though I prefer FL. I went on a weekday night but the selection of girls was huge, easily near 80 to 100. Easily can spot 10 to 15 SYTs that can match to bring back. ST 2500, LT not available. Managed to bring 1 cute SYT back hotel but no BJ, service wise still ok. Overall you can feel that they are there just to earn quick $ and zao.

Emmanuelle (Hway Kwang): Also went on a wkday night, about 30 to 40 girls only, not much selection. Prices range from 2000 to 6800, depending on the grade of the gal you choose. Face/body standard wise I felt that they don't deserve the price, especially those above 4800. Before that I went to honey2 in Pattaya, the 3800 gals can already beat all the gals in Emmanuelle hands down.

Agogo: Went to Baccara 1st as heard its the best. With about 20 girls (color 1) each round on 1st floor dance stage, after about 15mins swop to another 20 girls (color 2), after 15 mins swop back to color 1 girls again. 2nd floor as norm, with girls in student uniform and bare top to dance. 3rd floor not much happening. Went on 1st night but did not BF any cos just came to see look. After that went to Tilac, didn't see any liking and hop to cowboy 2. Sat with an SYT age 20 and she say she don't follow customer out so no choice left and went to Nana to check out. As reached there quite late, not much finding there too. One of the left over saw me and quickly grab me and ask whether want bring her back. As she is not really hot only ok looking, I was just think'g if price cheap then no fish, prawn also ok, but she quoted ST 2000 & LT 4000 + BF 1000. Then I thank her and left.

Surprised find: After no find in Agogo (about 2am), was actually wanting to walk to Thermae to check out again. Just about 2mins away before reaching Thermae, spotted a super cute 18yo SYT standing beside 2 ladyboys. The SYT gave me the hand signal, as I know mostly standing near Thermae r ladyboys so I politely ask, Ladyboy or Lady? She confirm & double confirm she is Lady, even the ladyboy beside also confirm she is Lady. Was quoted 2000 ST & 4000 LT (by the ladyboy, at first I thought the ladyboy is her OKT) so I told her ok for LT. She told me this is the first time she is doing this (which I don't really believe at first) as she only work/sing in to pub/bar + drink. Back in the hotel, she gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM. After wash up, she told me her dad call has to go back (so I was think'g NBz chuk pattern liao), say normally she work in pub/bar till 2am+ and now so late liao her dad dunno why she haven't back yet. So I say ok go then no choice.. but she keep play my didi and say want see me tomor. I keep hinting her to go but she keep continue playing till my didi awake again, NBz I no choice have to strip her again. Then something funny happen.. she stopped me from taking off her panties, keep saying she got no bf, she nvr do this b4 & she is very scared. NBz at first I thought she was just pretending.. so I try to take off her panties again saying no need to be scared, I will be gentle but she forcefully tried her best to keep her panties on.. & keep saying the same thing till I gave up. She then gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM again.. After deed & wash up, I asked her y she want to stand with the ladyboys & come with me since she dunno need to FJ.. she says this is the first time she stand there and she dunno need to do this in hotel.. NBz dunno whether to believe or not.. but by the way she tried to keep her panties on.. I really believe 50% true.. I told her no FJ so gave her 3000 only since her BBBJ is really good. She told me she dun even know what's the rate & the quote was by the ladyboy (whom she dun even know) so she just agreed. She requested me to send her down cos she say she scared, so I politely send her down to the hotel entrance and she keep saying want to see me tomorrow & I just smile and say ok but nvr give contacts.

Next day I just went straight to Baccara, pick up a SYT girl that have abit like Japanese look and went back hotel for ST. She told me she is from Chiang Mai. We clicked really well and this round was the best round so far in BKK.

Would like to try out Disco next round if got chance :D

06-09-2017, 05:21 PM
She requested me to send her down cos she say she scared, so I politely send her down to the hotel entrance and she keep saying want to see me tomorrow & I just smile and say ok but nvr give contacts.

If u believe in FL words then the below is true :D


06-09-2017, 05:37 PM
Sounds suspicious when she don't want to remove her panties. Might be a ladyboy ot post-op ladyboy. Don't want you to see her pussy because you might see it is not the real deal. Did she have silicone breasts?

06-09-2017, 05:46 PM
Sounds suspicious when she don't want to remove her panties. Might be a ladyboy ot post-op ladyboy. Don't want you to see her pussy because you might see it is not the real deal. Did she have silicone breasts?

Ya that was what I thought at first but her breast is real, small B

06-09-2017, 05:55 PM
If u believe in FL words then the below is true :D


I believe u.

.....Then something funny happen.. she stopped me from taking off her panties, keep saying she got no bf, she nvr do this b4 & she is very scared. NBz at first I thought she was just pretending.. so I try to take off her panties again saying no need to be scared, I will be gentle but she forcefully tried her best to keep her panties on.. & keep saying the same thing till I gave up. She then gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM again.. After deed & wash up, I asked her y she want to stand with the ladyboys & come with me since she dunno need to FJ.. she says this is the first time she stand there and she dunno need to do this in hotel......

Many ladyboys would stand near and outside the Star War cantina.

The reason she no want a fuck is either he just did a post op or his small kukujiao .....hidden away by his panties.

Any LBs would react the same way that he did......keep the panties on so u cannot see his cock.

All lies from him and his 2 LB friends.

Had a good lady. Me half drunk. In the counter, lady receptionist of the hotel asked for her ID and kept her ID. The counter lady looked at her ID with big eyes and then looked at me.

In room, the syt gave me a bbbj. I struggled to strip off her panties that she wanna kept on. Saw his small cock and threw him out.

In BKK, even mamasan and her friends in agog bar said she is a girl. In my room, fucking an arse was very different than screwing a pussy. She was post op.

In Jakarta, girl kept her sunglasses on even at night. At room......she turned off all the lights. And she banged me while she was on top. Very small tits. She was a he. Banging arse is ( even when u think it is a pussy when u ... drunk ) completely different.

Glad, that u now enjoy BKK and LBs. Luckily, u never screw a LB.

06-09-2017, 06:06 PM
I believe u.

Many ladyboys would stand near and outside the Star War cantina.

The reason she no want a fuck is either he just did a post op or his small kukujiao .....hidden away by his panties.

Any LBs would react the same way that he did......keep the panties on so u cannot see his cock.

All lies from him and his 2 LB friends.

Had a good lady. Me half drunk. In the counter, lady receptionist of the hotel asked for her ID and kept her ID. The counter lady looked at her ID with big eyes and then looked at me.

In room, the syt gave me a bbbj. I struggled to strip off her panties that she wanna kept on. Saw his small cock and threw him out.

In BKK, even mamasan and her friends in agog bar said she is a girl. In my room, fucking an arse was very different than screwing a pussy. She was post op.

In Jakarta, girl kept her sunglasses on even at night. At room......she turned off all the lights. And she banged me while she was on top. Very small tits. She was a he. Banging arse is ( even when u think it is a pussy when u ... drunk ) completely different.

Glad, that u now enjoy BKK and LBs. Luckily, u never screw a LB.

I slipped my hands inside to touched her mei mei, she does not have a cock though. She is ok for me to touch her mei mei but cannot strip :o

Too bad I didn't thought of checking her ID when the lobby guard kept her ID. But I didn't notice any weird looks from them when they keep the ID, haha.. at least now I learnt, must check ID even after double confirm

06-09-2017, 07:53 PM
If u believe in FL words then the below is true :D


This is also true :D


06-09-2017, 09:07 PM
Look nice.. This place can bring the girl out ?


06-09-2017, 09:55 PM
Look nice.. This place can bring the girl out ?


It's a gentleman club tomorrowland. Membership club. Not the usual coyote/agogo bar ;)

06-09-2017, 10:16 PM
Cancelled. Double posted.

06-09-2017, 10:20 PM
I slipped my hands inside to touched her mei mei, she does not have a cock though. She is ok for me to touch her mei mei but cannot strip :o

Too bad I didn't thought of checking her ID when the lobby guard kept her ID. But I didn't notice any weird looks from them when they keep the ID, haha.. at least now I learnt, must check ID even after double confirm

Surgeons in BKK sure can do a wonderful job in turning a male to female. With his panties on, your hand went in to touch.......sure can touch a fake strategic spot with a hole, with labia and with a make believe tiny clitoris at the top. Cock can be sliced off. Tits without silicone can be added. Kudos to LOS surgeons !!!. But so much THB spent.......for a excellent blow job
with cim.......oh my goodness............soooooo expensive.

Never mind. Just as in your nickname.....said it..........sometimes_only.

07-09-2017, 12:59 AM
Just thought I share my recent experience at The Lord.

Went there with a couple of buddies around 3pm. The setting of the place is more like a palace to begin with. We were greeted by a papasan (mid-60s) at the main lobby who ushered us to the sofas over-looking the circular ring area where the girls were seated. He gave us a small “menu” (rate card) with the price list of the girls for selection (4400-9900 THB per 90mins). There weren’t any models on at that time. Each of the girls had a small tag on them and all we had to do was to tell the papasan which girl we fancied. I immediately noticed all their eyes trying to make contact with me and my friends as we shifted our focus from one girl to another. The decision wasn’t a very easy one to make. I settled on a young kawaii looking SYT in a peach bodycon dress (6500 THB if I’m not mistaken). She came over to seat with me after the papasan called out to her. Abit of GFE going on with the hand-holding and caressing of my thighs. After all of us had made our selections, the papasan proceeded to usher us into our suite.

The suite was very opulent. There were 6 bedrooms, a ktv with huge sofas, jacuzzi, sauna and long dining table. The waitresses came over to take our drink orders (we ordered 2 bottles of Macallan) and we also agreed on the time-session (3 hours) with the papasan. The girls went to get the jacuzzi ready for us but to our dismay, there were some water-filling issues with it. I didn’t want to waste any time to wait for the jacuzzi to be ready, every minute was precious.


07-09-2017, 01:06 AM

I told my girl to head into our room first. Once inside the room, she stripped off her peach bodycon dress to reveal her pink lacy bra and panties. I felt blood rushing to my little brother at this point. She walked across the room to setup the bath tub for our bath. I couldn’t take it any longer, I came from behind, unhooked her bra and pulled down her panties! She screamed a little but gave me a grin. She was clean shaven down there. We stepped into the bath tub where she gave me a good washing all over, especially focusing on my little brother. She came out and dried me with a towel. I cupped my hands over her boobs and we walked over to the bed. We started with a bit of foreplay, I licked her erected nipples and started to place my fingers up her pussy, she was starting to get very moist. She was kissing me all over my neck, ears lobes, nipple. I was so turned on. I went down and gave her a good painting (no smell) with my fingers continuously stroking her clit and pussy lips, she grabbed onto my head and started to moan loudly. My fingers were soaked with her natural pussy juices. I took them out and placed them in her mouth. She sucked onto my fingers like as if they were lollipop and then bend down to give me a good raw BJ. She took out a packet of condom and proceeded to cap me. I penetrated her tight pussy in the missionary position whilst leaning in to have some tongue action with her. I remember feeling the tight walls of her pussy wrapping my dick. She then went on top of me and started riding me like a cowgirl. The sound her perky butt made each time it landed on me was pleasure to my senses. I motioned for her to get on all fours so I could fuck her from behind. I wanted our moment to be a little kinkier so I took her pink lacy panties, placed one end in her mouth and the other end over her head. I began fucking her while pulling hard on her panties. She was moaning with pleasure and I could feel myself cumming soon so I decided to finish off in the missionary position, her pussy throbbed as I came and so did her alarm to signal that 90mins had ended. She gave me a good thorough washing up and I helped her to get dressed. We shared a kiss in the room before we both walked out to the living room/ktv. I learned that my buddies had a merry-go-round with their girls in the Jacuzzi but I didn’t bother for that, maybe next time. My girl was enough pleasure for a day.

The papasan was nice enough to waive off the charges for our 2 Macallans and even gave one of my buddies a VIP card. We left the suite, and made our way out to the main lobby. It was pass 6pm and there were twice as many girls then before, with a couple of models present.

Total Damage for 5 = 60k THB
5 Girls (3 hours) = 5.6k THB
Balance = Tips (Girls, Papasan, Waitresses), loose drinks

Looks: 8/10
Body: 9/10
FJ: 9/10
Service: 8/10
RTF: Yes but abit coslty for BKK standards imho

07-09-2017, 03:10 AM
I slipped my hands inside to touched her mei mei, she does not have a cock though. She is ok for me to touch her mei mei but cannot strip :o

Too bad I didn't thought of checking her ID when the lobby guard kept her ID. But I didn't notice any weird looks from them when they keep the ID, haha.. at least now I learnt, must check ID even after double confirm

so far all my coyotes are authentic puyings... ;)

07-09-2017, 08:01 AM
Looking for a disco near platnium mall for relax.

I am on my own so i welcome any bros who want to tag along to have fun

pm me. Will be free on friday and saturday

07-09-2017, 08:27 AM
Total Damage for 5 = 60k THB
5 Girls (3 hours) = 5.6k THB
Balance = Tips (Girls, Papasan, Waitresses), loose drinks

Looks: 8/10
Body: 9/10
FJ: 9/10
Service: 8/10
RTF: Yes but abit coslty for BKK standards imho

How did 5 of you end up paying 60k? Did you buy the VIP package from the papasan?

5 girls at average 5.6k per session = 28k.
Let's assume you paid 2k for drinks and tips =2k
So you paid 30k for the VIP room??? No wonder he gave you two bottles free.

If you bought the vip package (aassuming 60k), the VIP room and two bottles would have been part of the package. You will have credits left (32k) to use next time. Perhaps that's why he gave your buddy the VIP card.

So if not VIP package, it's a lot to pay for VIP room. There are other better options in other places...

*Caveat- I never booked Lord VIP room before, so don't know if you overpaid for it...

07-09-2017, 02:30 PM
** My mistake, it was 56k for 5 girls for total of a 3-hour session.

07-09-2017, 04:58 PM
Surprised find: After no find in Agogo (about 2am), was actually wanting to walk to Thermae to check out again. Just about 2mins away before reaching Thermae, spotted a super cute 18yo SYT standing beside 2 ladyboys. The SYT gave me the hand signal, as I know mostly standing near Thermae r ladyboys so I politely ask, Ladyboy or Lady? She confirm & double confirm she is Lady, even the ladyboy beside also confirm she is Lady. Was quoted 2000 ST & 4000 LT (by the ladyboy, at first I thought the ladyboy is her OKT) so I told her ok for LT. She told me this is the first time she is doing this (which I don't really believe at first) as she only work/sing in to pub/bar + drink. Back in the hotel, she gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM. After wash up, she told me her dad call has to go back (so I was think'g NBz chuk pattern liao), say normally she work in pub/bar till 2am+ and now so late liao her dad dunno why she haven't back yet. So I say ok go then no choice.. but she keep play my didi and say want see me tomor. I keep hinting her to go but she keep continue playing till my didi awake again, NBz I no choice have to strip her again. Then something funny happen.. she stopped me from taking off her panties, keep saying she got no bf, she nvr do this b4 & she is very scared. NBz at first I thought she was just pretending.. so I try to take off her panties again saying no need to be scared, I will be gentle but she forcefully tried her best to keep her panties on.. & keep saying the same thing till I gave up. She then gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM again.. After deed & wash up, I asked her y she want to stand with the ladyboys & come with me since she dunno need to FJ.. she says this is the first time she stand there and she dunno need to do this in hotel.. NBz dunno whether to believe or not.. but by the way she tried to keep her panties on.. I really believe 50% true.. I told her no FJ so gave her 3000 only since her BBBJ is really good. She told me she dun even know what's the rate & the quote was by the ladyboy (whom she dun even know) so she just agreed.

Would like to try out Disco next round if got chance :D[/QUOTE]
Wat ts got sure a post op LB.. saw he4 after post op LB their below can be jus look like real lady.. even can see Camel toe.. the only differ is u can poke there..

RotiPrata Man
08-09-2017, 08:15 AM
** My mistake, it was 56k for 5 girls for total of a 3-hour session.

So expensive.......... :eek:

08-09-2017, 09:29 AM
Went to nana plaza butterflies. Not many pretty ladies there but mostly are quite fun to play with. Keep rejecting the ladies but still Fren with them. Finally saw one lady that catch my eyes with her dance and ok body and full of tattoos. Ask her over bought a LD and start to dance with me and can't stand her butt, so just pull her to sit on me to continue shaking. Done this around more than 10mins. In USA we ask lady to dance on us for 1 song (maybe 3min only) is $50 usd. So I guess one LD $5 should be ok.

Didn't wanna bring out lady but dunno y end up taking her even though another lady at bunnies Bangkok was supposed to wait for me to go back bonk her. And another lady at spanky..

So end up ST with this lady as the papasan said LT only 5 hours, ST 2 hours. So took ST and bring her back hotel.

Overall quite gfe. This time got bath together in the tub and play abit there before proceed to bed. Asked me got cd anot and I ask her if dun have then how.. haha.. anyway luckily I brought cd with me this time. So just took out and bonk her. Good bbbj before the fj.

After deed ask her about check up and so on and she said she went checkup every month and no bf for 1 year plus.. so no raw for 1 year plus.. took her line and see maybe future can find her again.

The lady at bunnies still hotter but just afraid not so clean.. she offered 4K ST with her Fren but didn't accept it..

08-09-2017, 10:25 AM
[QUOTE=hhlover;16396540]Surprised find: After no find in Agogo (about 2am), was actually wanting to walk to Thermae to check out again. Just about 2mins away before reaching Thermae, spotted a super cute 18yo SYT standing beside 2 ladyboys. The SYT gave me the hand signal, as I know mostly standing near Thermae r ladyboys so I politely ask, Ladyboy or Lady? She confirm & double confirm she is Lady, even the ladyboy beside also confirm she is Lady. Was quoted 2000 ST & 4000 LT (by the ladyboy, at first I thought the ladyboy is her OKT) so I told her ok for LT. She told me this is the first time she is doing this (which I don't really believe at first) as she only work/sing in to pub/bar + drink. Back in the hotel, she gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM. After wash up, she told me her dad call has to go back (so I was think'g NBz chuk pattern liao), say normally she work in pub/bar till 2am+ and now so late liao her dad dunno why she haven't back yet. So I say ok go then no choice.. but she keep play my didi and say want see me tomor. I keep hinting her to go but she keep continue playing till my didi awake again, NBz I no choice have to strip her again. Then something funny happen.. she stopped me from taking off her panties, keep saying she got no bf, she nvr do this b4 & she is very scared. NBz at first I thought she was just pretending.. so I try to take off her panties again saying no need to be scared, I will be gentle but she forcefully tried her best to keep her panties on.. & keep saying the same thing till I gave up. She then gave me a hell BBBJ till CIM again.. After deed & wash up, I asked her y she want to stand with the ladyboys & come with me since she dunno need to FJ.. she says this is the first time she stand there and she dunno need to do this in hotel.. NBz dunno whether to believe or not.. but by the way she tried to keep her panties on.. I really believe 50% true.. I told her no FJ so gave her 3000 only since her BBBJ is really good. She told me she dun even know what's the rate & the quote was by the ladyboy (whom she dun even know) so she just agreed.

Bro, you spoil market siol. BBBJ only 800 baht. the most give only 1k. You save 2k, go back to thermae, then get a 2k hooker.

08-09-2017, 12:06 PM
After deed ask her about check up and so on and she said she went checkup every month and no bf for 1 year plus.. so no raw for 1 year plus.. took her line and see maybe future can find her again.

The lady at bunnies still hotter but just afraid not so clean.. she offered 4K ST with her Fren but didn't accept it..

If u are talking about Nana "Butterflies" on the 3rd floor, it's a coyote bar. Coyotes are not bound by the bar to take regular monthly check ups. So she's definitely lying to u about the regular check ups she took. ;)

08-09-2017, 04:52 PM
If u are talking about Nana "Butterflies" on the 3rd floor, it's a coyote bar. Coyotes are not bound by the bar to take regular monthly check ups. So she's definitely lying to u about the regular check ups she took. ;)

Oh... she told me need to take hiv test and std test. 1000 baht each.. if don't do check up will have fine.. haha..

08-09-2017, 06:11 PM
Oh... she told me need to take hiv test and std test. 1000 baht each.. if don't do check up will have fine.. haha..

There are clinics whereby u pay 500baht to get certified HIV & STD free so that she could work at the bars etc. HIV test is not that ex also if u go clinics or government Hospitals. I highly doubt a coyote would go to a private hospital to take tests. Mind if I ask , how old is she? ;)

08-09-2017, 06:49 PM
Oh... she told me need to take hiv test and std test. 1000 baht each.. if don't do check up will have fine.. haha..

When I went to get my Thai driving license, I needed to produce a medical cert, I went to a local clinic, no check up, just pay 200thb and I got the letter within 5 mins. I always say in this forum, this is Thailand... u killed someone, your police charge can expire with money.

08-09-2017, 07:15 PM
I want to play football, chio Thai football manager.


08-09-2017, 07:59 PM
I want to play football, chio Thai football manager.


We can form the O40 football team for singaporeans in Bangkok. Over 40 years old. U want to play which formation? :p

08-09-2017, 09:04 PM
are you sick of fake hiv tests? fake news? fake frs? fake pics? no worries just read my posts... all pics are taken by me and real... ;)

at villa gclub with sexy siambu ;)



08-09-2017, 10:07 PM
In bkk this sunday to wed, whos there? Would like to go agogo n drink

09-09-2017, 01:10 AM
There are clinics whereby u pay 500baht to get certified HIV & STD free so that she could work at the bars etc. HIV test is not that ex also if u go clinics or government Hospitals. I highly doubt a coyote would go to a private hospital to take tests. Mind if I ask , how old is she? ;)

Oh.. actually I also dunno how old she is.. will this matter? I asked her if she's 20 and she just said yes..

09-09-2017, 01:18 AM
Went to rainbow 5 at level 3 and got 150. Previously wanted to have a LT but didn't manage to find anyone who can do it. Den in rainbow 5, saw this big boobs ok looking lady and smile at her. When the waitress ask which lady I wan, I just told her 150 and she came down. Asked if she do LT and she said LT is only 3 hours which is 7k and 2hrs will be 5k and ST will be 3k. So dunno y I thought I only want Lt but end up with st. Maybe can't tahan.. previously another lady at enter ask me to bf her but she only do st. Very good at shaking but boobs not so big so told her only want LT. So it's not really matter what the customer wants. If the lady can really attract you, u will do any anything. Overall the deed was good. First Lady who bath me before and after together.. got gfe, frenching, and ask me politely if she can suck me..

Realized all dun have cd.. so we need to provide.. with the 0.01, she can feel that it's closer to her. Big boobs but made. Nose also made. Used to work in Singapore TD..

09-09-2017, 09:26 AM
I want to play football, chio Thai football manager.

We can form the O40 football team for singaporeans in Bangkok. Over 40 years old. U want to play which formation? :p

Too bad she just resign.

"Madam Dear” quits as manager of Thailand’s U-23 football team.


09-09-2017, 03:12 PM
We can form the O40 football team for singaporeans in Bangkok. Over 40 years old. U want to play which formation? :p

Substitute, dai mai....

09-09-2017, 11:02 PM
Went to rainbow again and this time the lady service so far is the worst I have gotten from the agogo. Maybe I gotten her too early.. I think the later it is the better as they will not have to rush for it. This one touch me here and there in the bar so I thought should be gfe. And ok to go my hotel instead of going upstairs which the other lady only offer upstairs. So I thought if she ok to go hotel should be ok.

End up reach hotel room then started to strip and wanted to go to the bathroom and close the door. But I insisted then she let me in and just wash my little one then act shy..

After that on bed, started with licking nip and no kissing. Tried to kiss but she rejected saying no kissing.. then after that just told me she only bj with cd. Initially little bro was big and strong, after hearing all these become soft. Then she ask is it I drink too much. I said no.. depend on her.. and told her she said no this and that end up it become small. Cos last night u drink even more but alive and kicking.

After that she said den she has to go if I cannot.. so I have to ask her to try her best to wake him up.. but still cannot.. then I have to force myself to try to wake him up.. finally rubbing her pussy a while den can go in and finally can f her..

Another thing she has a DD cup and I asked her is it real when we were in the bar, she said yes.. end up I saw there's cut mark under her two breast. . Basket.. bluff me.. somemore keep using KY jelly..

09-09-2017, 11:40 PM
hi there, im very new in bkk scene. what is the best atas place in bkk? like maybe similar to alexis in jakarta or smthg like tat. appreciate ur infos bros.

i read abit here, n find the lord is like e atas place yes?

need to impress clients so yeh :)

10-09-2017, 12:49 AM
Went to rainbow again and this time the lady service so far is the worst I have gotten from the agogo. Maybe I gotten her too early.. I think the later it is the better as they will not have to rush for it. This one touch me here and there in the bar so I thought should be gfe. And ok to go my hotel instead of going upstairs which the other lady only offer upstairs. So I thought if she ok to go hotel should be ok.

End up reach hotel room then started to strip and wanted to go to the bathroom and close the door. But I insisted then she let me in and just wash my little one then act shy..

After that on bed, started with licking nip and no kissing. Tried to kiss but she rejected saying no kissing.. then after that just told me she only bj with cd. Initially little bro was big and strong, after hearing all these become soft. Then she ask is it I drink too much. I said no.. depend on her.. and told her she said no this and that end up it become small. Cos last night u drink even more but alive and kicking.

After that she said den she has to go if I cannot.. so I have to ask her to try her best to wake him up.. but still cannot.. then I have to force myself to try to wake him up.. finally rubbing her pussy a while den can go in and finally can f her..

Another thing she has a DD cup and I asked her is it real when we were in the bar, she said yes.. end up I saw there's cut mark under her two breast. . Basket.. bluff me.. somemore keep using KY jelly..

up u bro :)

10-09-2017, 09:17 AM
Another thing she has a DD cup and I asked her is it real when we were in the bar, she said yes.. end up I saw there's cut mark under her two breast. . Basket.. bluff me.. somemore keep using KY jelly..

In general, how many Thai gers u encounter have D?? Most Thai gers are flat.

hi there, im very new in bkk scene. what is the best atas place in bkk? like maybe similar to alexis in jakarta or smthg like tat. appreciate ur infos bros.

U might want to try Naemlo KTV.

10-09-2017, 11:47 AM
Jus wondering.. at Nana plaza.. any bro try be4 BF girl n bring they r so call upstair?
How the upstair look like n is it clean?
Hope some bro tat have try can give some advice.. thank

10-09-2017, 03:07 PM
up u bro :)

Thanks bro

10-09-2017, 03:11 PM
Jus wondering.. at Nana plaza.. any bro try be4 BF girl n bring they r so call upstair?
How the upstair look like n is it clean?
Hope some bro tat have try can give some advice.. thank

Yes. I would like to know too. One girl at rainbow quoted me 3.7k do at upstairs. I rejected her as she don't wanna go to my hotel. My feeling is it will be a quicky to do it upstairs. It save them time so that they can have more ST customers.

So this gal I rejected saw me going with another gal and I went back again as the First Lady service wasn't good. End up saw the lady 150 and up her again. As we are going out, the lady who only wanna do it upstairs saw me and ask 2 times??

RotiPrata Man
10-09-2017, 03:55 PM
Jus wondering.. at Nana plaza.. any bro try be4 BF girl n bring they r so call upstair?
How the upstair look like n is it clean?
Hope some bro tat have try can give some advice.. thank

Even it is clean I also won't recommend. The damn thing will be a rush. I rather u go thermae and get 1 for 2.5k.

RotiPrata Man
10-09-2017, 03:59 PM
hi there, im very new in bkk scene. what is the best atas place in bkk? like maybe similar to alexis in jakarta or smthg like tat. appreciate ur infos bros.

i read abit here, n find the lord is like e atas place yes?

need to impress clients so yeh :)

Depends where you want to bring your clients bro. For soapy then the lord is so call atas because they charge very expensive. They claim to have the best looking girls.

For drinking and clubbing you can try G Club but no guarantee a fuck because not all the girls will go back with u even u offer to pay. That place is a bit like our SG Thai club but more high end. The girls entertain u for an hourly fee and will try to sell u ladies drink.

10-09-2017, 04:02 PM
what is wrong about nana bars? pls do not break my coyote's rice bowl :mad:

sinkies can afford the price ok ;)

RotiPrata Man
10-09-2017, 04:03 PM
In general, how many Thai gers u encounter have D?? Most Thai gers are flat.

U might want to try Naemlo KTV.

Super agree. Most Thai girls are flat. Unlike China girls.. I cheong both countries and I can tell u in terms of body, China girls win hand down! That's why China girls do their faces while Thai girls do their boobs. My problem in Thailand is really the boob thing.

10-09-2017, 05:37 PM
It save them time so that they can have more ST customers.

These gers merely open legs n within 15mins, job done. Assume customer stays in Ratchada, thru n fro about 2 hrs... These gers are all well trained n street smarter than any doctorate on the street.

10-09-2017, 11:03 PM
In general, how many Thai gers u encounter have D?? Most Thai gers are flat.

U might want to try Naemlo KTV.

dont joke la brother. naemlo is ur nickname..knn

10-09-2017, 11:08 PM
Depends where you want to bring your clients bro. For soapy then the lord is so call atas because they charge very expensive. They claim to have the best looking girls.

For drinking and clubbing you can try G Club but no guarantee a fuck because not all the girls will go back with u even u offer to pay. That place is a bit like our SG Thai club but more high end. The girls entertain u for an hourly fee and will try to sell u ladies drink.

cheers mr rotiprata. soapy is like massage parlor yes?

im looking something like girls+cozy ambience with nice music. i guess the lord/nataree/poseidon yes?


RotiPrata Man
10-09-2017, 11:28 PM
cheers mr rotiprata. soapy is like massage parlor yes?

im looking something like girls+cozy ambience with nice music. i guess the lord/nataree/poseidon yes?


Bro all these u mention are massage parlor. U go in.. Pick a girl and proceed to get service for 2 hours.

I think you want to bring your clients to drink? Then go G Club.

11-09-2017, 12:07 AM
cheers mr rotiprata. soapy is like massage parlor yes?

im looking something like girls+cozy ambience with nice music. i guess the lord/nataree/poseidon yes?


can you stop asking stupid questions? ;)

11-09-2017, 02:40 AM
dont joke la brother. naemlo is ur nickname..knn

There is a KTV called Naemlo in New Petchaburi Road la.... old style joint that has been around since the 80s...... 10 mins walk from Makkasan MRT :p

Maybe bro Naemlo take his nickname from this KTV.

11-09-2017, 10:45 AM
Look like no bros here try be4 bringing the girl go upstair..
Dun have a actual ans how it look like upstair n wat the whole service is abt..

11-09-2017, 11:42 AM
Look like no bros here try be4 bringing the girl go upstair..
Dun have a actual ans how it look like upstair n wat the whole service is abt..

There are a few short time short time room establishments in Nana Plaza. My favourite is on the third floor near the staircase nearest to Billboard gogo bar. Instead of turn left to Billboard you turn right. Go through the double doors and will see the reception counter. Anyway if pick a girl from Nana she will know it is located.

It's 350 baht for 1 hour. There is a shower room/toilet in each room and most of the rooms are big enough. Most of the rooms have a large mirror so you can see your performance and the beds are queen size. Two towels are provided for each room. I use the rooms s lot for fucking and taking pictures.

After every customer the staff will change the towels. They may or may not change the bedsheets depending whether they are soiled or not. If there is something not to your satisfaction you can ask your lady partner to talk to the staff in Thai to rectify the problem.

Sometimes you will see several couples waiting at the reception area waiting for their rooms because all of them are occupied. In this case you will probably have to wait your turn too.

The reception also sells condoms if you did not bring any but it will be more expensive compared to bringing your own.

Payment in cash only.

11-09-2017, 04:01 PM
Bro, you spoil market siol. BBBJ only 800 baht. the most give only 1k. You save 2k, go back to thermae, then get a 2k hooker.

Paiseh ah Bro, as this is my first time cheonging in BKK.. at least after sharing, other bros will now know & my next round there will be a much better trip :D

Any Bro would like to share is there a diff between soapy massage in Pattaya vs BKK? I had my first soapy in Pattaya, but the sexperience I woud say.. the bath procedure is same as about 12 - 15 years ago in SG, the Thai FL will bath & BBBJ in the bath tub, which I guess now does not have cos most of the condo in SG does not come with bath tub now.

12-09-2017, 01:55 PM
I went to the agogo bar at the most left hand side ona second floor,nana plaza. Next door is rainbow. The girls are very pretty even better than baccara. But the place is small and very few people. My feeling is not right , so i ask mamasan all lady na?,the mamasan say all real lady.
I saw the line up, most look pretty and girl alike. But i saw one or two, which i picture them in mind, their face frame look like guy. I got suspicious. After a while, i pick one to come down, she has small face big boobs, but when she sat down, she put my hand everywhere on her body, up down left right. To me , no real girl has ever be so aggressive before. When she speaks, i could tell (around 60%),she is not girl. I paid and left. This bar all transgender for sure, and if so pretty why dont work else one like popular joints?

I can tell from transgender because i did some transgender in the past. Although the experience was good but still it is a turn off when if i suspected transgender before i do, unless i found out after the deed then is diff story.

12-09-2017, 05:37 PM
Was in BKK few days ago... Nana was very crowded.

Recently had 2 funny incidents in wechat. 1st in BKK, a lady offered me sex for 3k ST. From her photo sent to me, not worth. I told her not interested, she countered offer me 2k LT and begged me to help her. :eek: Lim peh, no money, will u help me?

2nd incident, before I left for airport Hanoi last week, a ger wechat me n offered me 2 mil for ST. I wechat her back I not in Hanoi. Will msg her if I want by next week. On Monday, she wechat me again n remind me and she reduced to 1 mil. I told her if I want, I will wechat her. She suddenly got angry n mentioned I only want to chat with her in wechat and did not want to have sex n said a lot stupid words. :D Lim peh lost of word.

FLs are getting very desperate in wechat.

12-09-2017, 09:57 PM
I went to the agogo bar at the most left hand side ona second floor,nana plaza. Next door is rainbow. The girls are very pretty even better than baccara. But the place is small and very few people. My feeling is not right , so i ask mamasan all lady na?,the mamasan say all real lady.
I saw the line up, most look pretty and girl alike. But i saw one or two, which i picture them in mind, their face frame look like guy. I got suspicious. After a while, i pick one to come down, she has small face big boobs, but when she sat down, she put my hand everywhere on her body, up down left right. To me , no real girl has ever be so aggressive before. When she speaks, i could tell (around 60%),she is not girl. I paid and left. This bar all transgender for sure, and if so pretty why dont work else one like popular joints?

I can tell from transgender because i did some transgender in the past. Although the experience was good but still it is a turn off when if i suspected transgender before i do, unless i found out after the deed then is diff story.

The bar you went to is called Straps Bar. The last GG in the bar left some months ago so now it is 100% post-op ladyboys.

The ladyboys will always say they are real ladies otherwise how to get customers? Anyway many customers will probably not know they are ladyboys because they have never encountered one before. Also, if you know they are ladyboys, you should keep quiet because the mamasan may chase you out of the bar if you talk too loudly or you inform other customers they are not real girls.

12-09-2017, 11:31 PM
Greetings all,

I'm heading to BKK at the end of the month and Im hoping for some tips. I've got a few hours without my OC for a single evening so I'm wondering if there's any place for a happy ending massage near Siam Kempinski ... i'm hoping not to have to travel out by train or otherwise in case OC comes back early.

Thanks in advance.

14-09-2017, 01:39 AM
Asked if she do LT and she said LT is only 3 hours which is 7k and 2hrs will be 5k and ST will be 3k.
Used to work in Singapore TD..

wah lao eh .... LT 7k 3hrs .... wth... used to work sg TD .... no wonder. She only want ST lah.
lucky you didnt go LT bro ... rip off sia

14-09-2017, 01:45 AM
If u are talking about Nana "Butterflies" on the 3rd floor, it's a coyote bar. Coyotes are not bound by the bar to take regular monthly check ups. So she's definitely lying to u about the regular check ups she took. ;)

yeah ... used to have coyote teerak ... no need regular check up one lah ... if they tell me they regular check up then i confirm red flag change girl 555

20-09-2017, 05:36 AM
Suddenly very quiet in this thread...

Just curious about something I always wondered....

There is a fat white guy with crutches always sitting just outside the door of Baccara. Anyone knows who he is? Is he the owner, or is he a lost farang who decided to make Baccara his permanent home?

RotiPrata Man
20-09-2017, 05:50 PM
Suddenly very quiet in this thread...

Just curious about something I always wondered....

There is a fat white guy with crutches always sitting just outside the door of Baccara. Anyone knows who he is? Is he the owner, or is he a lost farang who decided to make Baccara his permanent home?

Don't know. Maybe I go ask him tomorrow night :D

20-09-2017, 07:51 PM
anyone stay furama at silom before? girl friendly?

21-09-2017, 01:05 AM
Suddenly very quiet in this thread...

Just curious about something I always wondered....

There is a fat white guy with crutches always sitting just outside the door of Baccara. Anyone knows who he is? Is he the owner, or is he a lost farang who decided to make Baccara his permanent home?

He is not the owner. He is there most of the time but just there as a customer. The owner is a tall and well dressed farang for his age. ;)

21-09-2017, 01:36 AM
are you sick of fake news? fake frs? fake pics? no worries just read my posts... all pics are taken by me and real... ;)

i treat my girls well. if never go maldives for supper we just go back my condo at belle grande. after few more drinks some girls get horny and sleep over ;)


21-09-2017, 07:21 AM
anyone stay furama at silom before? girl friendly?

girl friendly but inside damn old.. for similar price, take pullman g which is across furama

RotiPrata Man
21-09-2017, 08:49 AM
anyone stay furama at silom before? girl friendly?

Stay sukhumvit better la... Choose those apartment style hotels. Big and nice.

Flying off in 4 hours :D

21-09-2017, 02:04 PM
girl friendly but inside damn old.. for similar price, take pullman g which is across furama

Pullman about another 150 sgd for 3 nites sah... Wanted to stay there but too ex.. Not worth

21-09-2017, 02:05 PM
Stay sukhumvit better la... Choose those apartment style hotels. Big and nice.

Flying off in 4 hours :D

Meeting colleagues ah working around there

21-09-2017, 03:28 PM
Pullman about another 150 sgd for 3 nites sah... Wanted to stay there but too ex.. Not worth

555 I like Silom area as many OLs there for me to wash eyes. :p

If lazy to get out of Silom can go to Patpong bars.
There's one Soapy Massage Parlour around Patpong area also.
Not sure still in business?

Usually when you hear people hao lian boast they stay at simi simi 4 or 5 Stars Hotel is because all under company expenses and can claim from Ah Gong.
It's like showing you a movie trailer but not the whole movie.
Their story tell partially only 555. :p

Most regular or hardcore cheongsters usually stay 2-3 Star Hotels good enough for them. :D
By that I meant those that cheong Bangkok 1-3 times a month.

*Disclaimer: Some busybody and cocky people claim my info and opinion are misleading as out of touch with Thailand. Please use info at your own discretion.

21-09-2017, 05:11 PM
In Bangkok this Sunday to Wednesday who’s in town can go drinking Cheong together. Pm me.

21-09-2017, 05:38 PM
Suddenly very quiet in this thread...

Just curious about something I always wondered....

There is a fat white guy with crutches always sitting just outside the door of Baccara. Anyone knows who he is? Is he the owner, or is he a lost farang who decided to make Baccara his permanent home?
he claims to be friend of the owner and no need talk to him too much lol ... kns ask me to buy him mineral water ... diu 555

Master bedroom
21-09-2017, 06:26 PM
They have 2 sets. 1 set coyote , other is Ladyboy. Not sure u are referring to which set. :p

din know got 2 sets :eek:

which one is LB and which one is real girls?

think I went to the outside one.

21-09-2017, 11:46 PM
There is a fat white guy with crutches always sitting just outside the door of Baccara. Anyone knows who he is? Is he the owner, or is he a lost farang who decided to make Baccara his permanent home?

Curious, why are u interested in an old farang? Why bother whether is he the boss, a beggar or.? U should focus more attention on the gers there unless u telling me, u have a fetish for old white man?

22-09-2017, 01:07 AM
thought you move house already? how come still belle?

[QUOTE=kelthai;16455552]are you sick of fake news? fake frs? fake pics? no worries just read my posts... all pics are taken by me and real... ;)

i treat my girls well. if never go maldives for supper we just go back my condo at belle grande. after few more drinks some girls get horny and sleep over ;)

22-09-2017, 04:24 AM
Pullman about another 150 sgd for 3 nites sah... Wanted to stay there but too ex.. Not worth

sometimes pullman g is only 10-20 bucks more than furama. be warned, it's really damn old and even the corridor is non air con. lift is horribly slow. lobby is leaking when it rains. BTW, I can go on and on.

Another option is red planet surawong, kinda like ibis hotel and very much newer but smaller rooms.

I would spend that 150 bucks for cleaner and better room at pullman g and they do have bathtubs( can have some fun in it) they have a tuk tuk to send u to the BTS station.

22-09-2017, 04:57 AM
Curious, why are u interested in an old farang? Why bother whether is he the boss, a beggar or.? U should focus more attention on the gers there unless u telling me, u have a fetish for old white man?

Curiosity in general does not have to be sexual always. Seeing him there every day, and sometimes being admonished by him to move out of the way of the entrance naturally made me wonder who he is and his interesting life story that lead him to becoming a permanent fixture at a gogo bar.

Besides, life is damn boring here in US. Just reminiscing the fun time in BKK....

22-09-2017, 09:50 AM
din know got 2 sets :eek:

which one is LB and which one is real girls?

think I went to the outside one.

Well there's 2 sets. While the ladyboys are gyrating on stage, the coyotes will be sitting/ playing with the customers. The ones without customers will be outside "attracting" customers in. When change the next set , they will go in and vice versa. U will noticed a set with slightly taller/bigger size "girls" on stage. The whole set will be ladyboys. ;)

22-09-2017, 10:14 AM
Curiosity in general does not have to be sexual always.

If others tell u, he is the boss n what will u do? If others tell u, he is a beggar n? If others tell u, he is another mongers n? Life has more than bothering about another man outside a bar unless u r working in FBI or some kind.

There are a lot farangs, foreigners waiting outside for their "wife".... will u bother who they are? :D

RotiPrata Man
22-09-2017, 06:47 PM
Anyway went Baccara to look see last night with bro CheongKa. Hmmm yes we saw farang but we are not there for him. :D Girls selection not bad but we wanna go see Thermae stock so didn't pick any.

Head to Thermae at 9+. Selection was disappointing so head Rainbow 5. Bro Cheongka ended up with number 11 who he claim is one of the tightest pussy he ever had. Haha! I went to meet 3 girls for drinks and end my night at 3am.

This morning my ThaiFriendly came look for me at 10am.:D Finally "close" her after some sweet talking and bullshitting.

23-09-2017, 12:44 AM
If others tell u, he is the boss n what will u do? If others tell u, he is a beggar n? If others tell u, he is another mongers n? Life has more than bothering about another man outside a bar unless u r working in FBI or some kind.

There are a lot farangs, foreigners waiting outside for their "wife".... will u bother who they are? :D

Why do you even read posts on SB? What are you going to do about what others say or do? Nothing! Because there is nothing you can do. Yet, you still read. What are you going to do about fat boy Kim launching missiles. Nada! Yet you still read news.

Curiosity is what separates humans from plants. Unless you are a plant, then I have nothing to say.

I saw this guy sitting there every time I go to Baccara. It piqued my interest. That does not mean I want to jump on him and rape him. It just made me wonder about his life journey that brought him to where he is now. Life is not all about boom boom. I read books about famous people, watch documentaries about history, talk to old ladies who run noodle shop....it's just curiosity about life in general.

No need to attack or criticize others on this forum if you have nothing nice or productive or relevant to say. Just move on to next post that interests you please.

23-09-2017, 09:03 AM
Agreed. If you want to know his life story, maybe you should buy him a drink, sit down and talk with him and hopefully post what you know here. I'm curious too. He acts like a door greeter and shakes everyone's hand coming in and out of Baccara.

24-09-2017, 02:22 AM
are you sick of fake news? fake frs? fake pics? no worries just read my posts... all pics are taken by me and real... ;)

my sexy coyote friends give half ball at my condo's swimming pool. maybe you guys saw them at Nana before ;)


24-09-2017, 03:25 PM
my sexy coyote friends give half ball at my condo's swimming pool. maybe you guys saw them at Nana before ;)


How to see your syts when one got baby teddy bear Superman and the other got Spiderman faces ?. Go NEP, sure cannot spot them at all.

24-09-2017, 04:54 PM
Dear Bros
Update from my recent Bkk trip in Aug 17. Apcalis is once again available, from the bigger shop named Charoen, located just outside Soi Nana, few steps from Bullys Pub. One pack of 4 tablets cost Bht 400. Buy 10 Packs at BHT3500. Usually, half a pill is good enough for 59 year old uncle like me, so younger guys please maybe you should try that dosage first. Thank you for reading and chiong safe :)

Dear Bros
Please allow me to update since my visit to Bangkok in Feb 2017.
All apcalis is not allowed to be imported anymore, new rule from Thai customs. But luckily, we can still buy Sidegra, which is made in Thailand. Baht 120 per pack of two tablets. Take half tablet will do, unless you are very 'weak'.
There are two medicine shops, one big shop Charoen, and one small shop adjacent on the left hand side. I recently found that the small shop gives better pricing and better service. Look for Song, the shop assistant, he is a good guy.
Thank you for reading and chiong safe.


24-09-2017, 10:26 PM
Dear Bros
Update from my recent Bkk trip in Aug 17. Apcalis is once again available, from the bigger shop named Charoen, located just outside Soi Nana, few steps from Bullys Pub. One pack of 4 tablets cost Bht 400. Buy 10 Packs at BHT3500. Usually, half a pill is good enough for 59 year old uncle like me, so younger guys please maybe you should try that dosage first. Thank you for reading and chiong safe :)

here is the location on google map (https://www.google.com.sg/maps/place/Charoen+Pharmacy/@13.7419958,100.5523376,20.3z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x30e29ee779289209:0x7afbeb76 93b4b539!2sBully's+Pub!8m2!3d13.7421!4d100.552499! 3m4!1s0x0:0x5c15e21f1f86b496!8m2!3d13.742156!4d100 .5526102) - I will go and check it out tomorrow :D

RotiPrata Man
25-09-2017, 01:39 AM
Anymore bros in bkk? Tomorrow can go party together.

25-09-2017, 03:04 PM
Anymore bros in bkk? Tomorrow can go party together.

Bro just Send you a PM

25-09-2017, 03:07 PM
Anybody going watersonic 2017 this friday?

26-09-2017, 07:07 AM
That farang from barcarra is from Israel

26-09-2017, 10:03 AM
That farang from barcarra is from Israel

U guys still bother who the man is? Amazing :D Man more interesting than gers inside Bacarra.

26-09-2017, 11:56 AM
Hello, anyone tried massage 102 @ sukhumvit?? Looks interesting? Any recommendation for bathhouse like La Belle, Poseidon near sukhumvit area? Help will be very much appreciated

27-09-2017, 04:03 PM
Hello, anyone tried massage 102 @ sukhumvit?? Looks interesting? Any recommendation for bathhouse like La Belle, Poseidon near sukhumvit area? Help will be very much appreciated

Went to addict on saturday evening, many japanese customer. scan all the girl and no find any SYT. Went to beside Club102, greeted by friendly Ah Mo boss.. There is 1 or 2 girl not bad. Picked one, the price is around 100baht pricier than Addict. The room is clean and newly renovated. BBBJ is so good, she really take care of my ball too. FJ is also great, not starfish type. After that she also gave me short decent massage. Worth repeat.

27-09-2017, 06:22 PM
Just curious. Any bros here can advise where to find sex shops - selling things for sex. Any bros can recommend?
Last time I was there it didn't cross my mind to look for 1...

27-09-2017, 06:45 PM
Just curious. Any bros here can advise where to find sex shops - selling things for sex. Any bros can recommend?
Last time I was there it didn't cross my mind to look for 1...

U can try sam peang market.... a lot n cheap.

27-09-2017, 10:20 PM
U can try sam peang market.... a lot n cheap.

Thanks bro, just nice Sam peang market is on my itinerary. I will check it out.

28-09-2017, 12:57 AM
Sam Paeng market is a wholesale market selling clothes, fabrics and stuff. I've never seen any shop selling sex toys. Pray tell where are they?

28-09-2017, 09:54 AM
Sam Paeng market is a wholesale market selling clothes, fabrics and stuff. I've never seen any shop selling sex toys. Pray tell where are they?

U need me to hold your hand? Just look around, head towards the DVD area.

28-09-2017, 04:10 PM
U need me to hold your hand? Just look around, head towards the DVD area.

Can u hold my dick? I gib u 1 satang.. hehe.. will be in khrung thep in mid Nov.. wanna meet up? I treat u kopi if u hold my hand too..lol

28-09-2017, 04:14 PM
Can u hold my dick? I gib u 1 satang.. hehe.. will be in khrung thep in mid Nov.. wanna meet up? I treat u kopi if u hold my hand too..lol

Kopi in JW Marriot ok? Cheap kopi I dun drink.

28-09-2017, 09:19 PM
Was just in bkk for two night biz trip. Got a nuru massage at dozo massage the first day in the afternoon. Went around 5pm and was shown around 15+ girls, 3900 bht for 90 mins and 2 shots (or more if you can manage lol). Girls were alright, age wise all look around 20ish. Too bad the girl I had there who was really good changed line contact and wasn't in the line up.

settled on a girl with a nice small sharp nose and curvy. Nuru massage was not bad - she was only doing this part time and just started work in this line not lkng. Had a nice ass and tits which is I find better for experiencing nuru. Command of English was good so could easily communicate and joke around.

Went crazy house around 10pm after dinner and drinks. Nothing different since my last trip in May. Saw the same girl Who I thought was cute with a perky butt from my previous trip on stage. She declined me buying her a ld the last tkme cause she thought I was a playboy for entertaining other girls - like come on, I'm in crazy house, what do you expect me to do lol.

Anyway made eye contact and she noticed me. This time told the waitress to get her 5 ld after I had a few beers. While chit chatting and still calling me a playboy, asked if she's drunk after the shots and she replied she's strong. So ok I ordered another 5 for her lol. Can see she cannot stomach so I gave a couple to the waitress and mamasan as their 'tip'. After all the drinks done, can see she is high already, asked for LT and nego down from 6 to 5k (including bf). So total damage around 7k.

Went back hotel, chat abit, showered together and then to the action. Overall skills very good. Good bbbj, rimming and FJ in many positions. Ended unloading on her pussy and she rubbed it all over her lips. Showered again then went back to sleep together. Woke up around 10am with her giving me a bbbj and more rimming. Did a round two and this time shot on her ass in doggie. Showered chit chat abit and she left around 1230pm.

Did some shopping and after dinner went for a foot massage. Went to baracca this time, full of girls on stage on the first floor. Still probably the best place with syt but unlike at crazy house the girls just move their legs on stage and don't really dance. Sad since they actually have a dj who is spinning. Saw some cute ones but didn't have the mood since the girls just look so lifeless on stage. Stayed for a few beers between ground and second floor before heading back to hotel and pack for tmr morning flight.

28-09-2017, 10:11 PM
Kopi in JW Marriot ok? Cheap kopi I dun drink.

Nabe..._|_.. haha.. ok la.. for old times sake I treat u lim jw kopi.. happy? Lol.. actually I prefer thai kopi .. will pm u my contact n travel details closer to date.. Flight n hotel confirmed liao.. it's a go!

28-09-2017, 11:36 PM
Was just in bkk for two night biz trip. Got a nuru massage at dozo massage the first day in the afternoon. Went around 5pm and was shown around 15+ girls, 3900 bht for 90 mins and 2 shots (or more if you can manage lol). Girls were alright, age wise all look around 20ish. Too bad the girl I had there who was really good changed line contact and wasn't in the line up.

settled on a girl with a nice small sharp nose and curvy. Nuru massage was not bad - she was only doing this part time and just started work in this line not lkng. Had a nice ass and tits which is I find better for experiencing nuru. Command of English was good so could easily communicate and joke around.

Went crazy house around 10pm after dinner and drinks. Nothing different since my last trip in May. Saw the same girl Who I thought was cute with a perky butt from my previous trip on stage. She declined me buying her a ld the last tkme cause she thought I was a playboy for entertaining other girls - like come on, I'm in crazy house, what do you expect me to do lol.

Anyway made eye contact and she noticed me. This time told the waitress to get her 5 ld after I had a few beers. While chit chatting and still calling me a playboy, asked if she's drunk after the shots and she replied she's strong. So ok I ordered another 5 for her lol. Can see she cannot stomach so I gave a couple to the waitress and mamasan as their 'tip'. After all the drinks done, can see she is high already, asked for LT and nego down from 6 to 5k (including bf). So total damage around 7k.

Went back hotel, chat abit, showered together and then to the action. Overall skills very good. Good bbbj, rimming and FJ in many positions. Ended unloading on her pussy and she rubbed it all over her lips. Showered again then went back to sleep together. Woke up around 10am with her giving me a bbbj and more rimming. Did a round two and this time shot on her ass in doggie. Showered chit chat abit and she left around 1230pm.

Did some shopping and after dinner went for a foot massage. Went to baracca this time, full of girls on stage on the first floor. Still probably the best place with syt but unlike at crazy house the girls just move their legs on stage and don't really dance. Sad since they actually have a dj who is spinning. Saw some cute ones but didn't have the mood since the girls just look so lifeless on stage. Stayed for a few beers between ground and second floor before heading back to hotel and pack for tmr morning flight.

Thanks, good fr!

29-09-2017, 12:33 AM
What a rainy day in bkk. :mad:

29-09-2017, 01:37 AM
Anyone bro in bkk on a raining night?

29-09-2017, 09:01 AM
Anyone bro in bkk on a raining night?

How heavy is the rain? Raining often Nowadays? Best is to get a puying n cuddle up under the sheets!

29-09-2017, 05:25 PM
Life is not all about boom boom. I read books about famous people, watch documentaries about history, talk to old ladies who run noodle shop....it's just curiosity about life in general.

No need to attack or criticize others on this forum if you have nothing nice or productive or relevant to say. Just move on to next post that interests you please.

Funny leh, to all thai taxi drivers, they think my whole life is all about boom boom.

Hail cab anytime of the day also ask me same set of question:

1. Where you from?
2. Stay how long in BKK?
3. Want boom boom?

29-09-2017, 05:44 PM
Funny leh, to all thai taxi drivers, they think my whole life is all about boom boom.

Hail cab anytime of the day also ask me same set of question:

1. Where you from?
2. Stay how long in BKK?
3. Want boom boom?

It's called commission. They get it if they take you to a place which offers sex.

They dont get anything if they end up finding out about your hobbies.

30-09-2017, 01:05 PM
Curiosity in general does not have to be sexual always. Seeing him there every day, and sometimes being admonished by him to move out of the way of the entrance naturally made me wonder who he is and his interesting life story that lead him to becoming a permanent fixture at a gogo bar.

I was told he used to be an owner of one of the bars there but fell from his condominium nearby soi 27. He survived the fall but lost his bar. He claims he did not fall but was thrown from his condo unit. He has a blog and provides updates on soi cowboy on it.

01-10-2017, 07:32 AM
I was told he used to be an owner of one of the bars there but fell from his condominium nearby soi 27. He survived the fall but lost his bar. He claims he did not fall but was thrown from his condo unit. He has a blog and provides updates on soi cowboy on it.

Interesting! If my memory serves me correctly, I might have come across a news story about some farang bar owner falling off a building in the past. In fact, I read Bangkok Post news app everyday. And it seems like every week there is a farang falling off buildings in Thailand lol. It’s an epidemic.

Next time, I will indeed buy him a beer and have a chat.

02-10-2017, 03:03 PM
The bar you went to is called Straps Bar. The last GG in the bar left some months ago so now it is 100% post-op ladyboys.

The ladyboys will always say they are real ladies otherwise how to get customers? Anyway many customers will probably not know they are ladyboys because they have never encountered one before. Also, if you know they are ladyboys, you should keep quiet because the mamasan may chase you out of the bar if you talk too loudly or you inform other customers they are not real girls.

Yes. Straps Bar. Next to Spanky.. The 'girls' inside all have Koreans after cosmetics surgery looks. Really beautiful if you like Korean gals. If you don't think about their past, and just wanna bonk a beautiful face and body, then this joint has it all.. see already also cannot tahan.. I think I might have gotten one when I was a little drunk late at night around 2+am when everyone is leaving.. Caught one lady who looks like Korean.. 'She' even drive me back to my hotel and on the way drop me to buy condom.. 'free' ride back to hotel.. Told me she flew around for 'jobs'.. Japan and Taiwan seems to be better place to earn.. When bonking 'her', dunno why her bone is so hard that i feel a bit pain bonking her as my bone hitting her pelvis bone.. And looking at her closer, can feel that 'she' is a he.. before bonking, she went to close the curtain and i was behind her and she told me got ghost and point to herself on the glass.. really looks scary.. after finished then just pay and sleep.. I guess just for viewing is good.. Bonking may not be so good..

02-10-2017, 05:32 PM
Jus curious, u bonk a post op ladyboy.. by the front or back..?

03-10-2017, 01:20 AM
When bonking 'her', dunno why her bone is so hard that i feel a bit pain bonking her as my bone hitting her pelvis bone.. And looking at her closer, can feel that 'she' is a he..

Jus curious, u bonk a post op ladyboy.. by the front or back..?

Holy cow! :eek:

*Disclaimer: Some busybody and cocky people claim my info and opinion are misleading as out of touch with Thailand. Please use info at your own discretion.

03-10-2017, 10:02 AM
Holy cow! :eek:

Life is full of excitement... :D If u want to try, I can send 3 to your room... with or without dick. :eek:

03-10-2017, 10:16 AM
Sawadeekhup, you want ladyboy mai?
Lol, that was what i have been teasing my friend this morning. Yes sparky is a ladyboy bar but my friend won't believe it and went for it anyway. Think his horns too sharp liao, ditched me last night at Nana. While I headed for Suzie Wong at Soi cowboy. I always like this bar bcos the ladies that I get here are a lot more friendly n playful as compared to other joints. Easily I get more GFE from the ladies here. Though not all are lookers but the performance on bed and then looking after you is just so so good~~

We were at thermae the night before, girls selection is a lot from the young and hopefully not illegal types to the chio n firm types. Not less to say there are older ladies for the picking also. I got one near the exit who is about 24ish big boobs and perky ass. On bed she is a bit submissive but she has that cold I Wan's get out of here fast attitude, kinda turned off on this. Oh ya, her boobs definitely fake cos I could feel her silicon... poor job done if u ask me...

Today's agenda, MPs!

03-10-2017, 10:07 PM
Why do you even read posts on SB? What are you going to do about what others say or do? Nothing! Because there is nothing you can do. Yet, you still read. What are you going to do about fat boy Kim launching missiles. Nada! Yet you still read news.

Curiosity is what separates humans from plants. Unless you are a plant, then I have nothing to say.

I saw this guy sitting there every time I go to Baccara. It piqued my interest. That does not mean I want to jump on him and rape him. It just made me wonder about his life journey that brought him to where he is now. Life is not all about boom boom. I read books about famous people, watch documentaries about history, talk to old ladies who run noodle shop....it's just curiosity about life in general.

No need to attack or criticize others on this forum if you have nothing nice or productive or relevant to say. Just move on to next post that interests you please.

Very good write-up. Same sentiments...

04-10-2017, 10:12 PM
Any bro in Bangkok on 8th , this coming Sunday.

We come out party together.

05-10-2017, 12:31 AM
Any local residents can advise us on the dates of bar closure in Oct mourning month?

05-10-2017, 08:11 AM
..can advise us on the dates of bar closure in Oct mourning month?
Official schedule for the royal cremation ceremonies for 5 days 25-29/10 (actual cremation date 26/10). Maybe wise to siam the time window, as the official line to tourists is that entertainment spots will be cut down for said period


05-10-2017, 09:42 AM
Yes. Straps Bar. Next to Spanky.. The 'girls' inside all have Koreans after cosmetics surgery looks. Really beautiful if you like Korean gals. If you don't think about their past, and just wanna bonk a beautiful face and body, then this joint has it all.. see already also cannot tahan.. I think I might have gotten one when I was a little drunk late at night around 2+am when everyone is leaving.. Caught one lady who looks like Korean.. 'She' even drive me back to my hotel and on the way drop me to buy condom.. 'free' ride back to hotel.. Told me she flew around for 'jobs'.. Japan and Taiwan seems to be better place to earn.. When bonking 'her', dunno why her bone is so hard that i feel a bit pain bonking her as my bone hitting her pelvis bone.. And looking at her closer, can feel that 'she' is a he.. before bonking, she went to close the curtain and i was behind her and she told me got ghost and point to herself on the glass.. really looks scary.. after finished then just pay and sleep.. I guess just for viewing is good.. Bonking may not be so good..

These Post Op LB is nice to see but not nice to Fxxk. Their fake vaginal does not have nerve, mean when u fxxk them it just fake moan. Moreover the fake vaginal will not wet/lubricant itself hence does not feel good to fxxk. Lastly, it just feel loose as it will not like real vaginal tight and contract when orgasm.

05-10-2017, 10:44 PM
Any bro 17-24 Oct around?

05-10-2017, 10:53 PM
Now at bbk.. Nana plaza is closed? Izzit all nite spot closed for the whole month.. any bro staying bbk can advise?

05-10-2017, 11:34 PM
Now at bbk.. Nana plaza is closed? Izzit all nite spot closed for the whole month.. any bro staying bbk can advise?

It is closed today because today is end of Buddhist Lent, one of three big Buddhist holidays in Thailand. Cannot sell alcohol from midnight so Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy closed. However, from my experience, Patpong will be opened because the bars can bribe the cops in Patpong district.

The bars in Nana and Soi Cowboy will be open tomorrow Friday evening.

06-10-2017, 06:47 PM
Guys, heard that all entertainment will cease for the month of Oct due to Thai king funeral. Anyone can confirm this?

06-10-2017, 10:58 PM
At Nana now, everything open as normal :)

07-10-2017, 11:22 AM
At Nana now, everything open as normal :)

Thanks bro... I am travelling nearer to the Funeral date.. Worry i will waste my trip shooting spider in the hotel...:D

07-10-2017, 02:34 PM
Thanks bro... I am travelling nearer to the Funeral date.. Worry i will waste my trip shooting spider in the hotel...:D

when you travelling? I think if before 25 oct should be as per normal.

07-10-2017, 02:39 PM
when you travelling? I think if before 25 oct should be as per normal.

21st - 24th this month as this is the only free time i have.. Hopefully still not too bad