View Full Version : Numbers collectors are bad meh? How come?
12-08-2008, 07:29 PM
I would expect that if the purposes are to intro bros to good lobangs, as well as to help the FLs get lots of business, then the more people given the contacts, the better. More bros get good shags, and they thank you and/or up you; the FLs get good business and they thank you with better service.
Perhaps there are pranksters or cheapos who will bother the gals with useless calls. And TSs want to minimise the problem. But will just telling numbers collectors to keep far away be any useful? And who is a numbers collector, BTW? If a bro PMs and asks for contact, how’ll TS know if he’s a prankster?
The best way to deal with pranksters or let’s call them idiots, is to ask the FLs to feedback to the TS with numbers of the idiots. And TSs post the numbers in their threads.
I must admit that I do collect numbers. Sometimes an FL is fully booked and I need a shag urgent! Or I need a shag at short notice but many are available only much later. At times an FL has aunty in town. Then, there are those whose visas expire and have gone back to arrange for another trip here (and that takes a while esply PRC FLs). Or she is unwell and needs rest. Or she is lazy and wants a rest (business too good). Or she kena caught by AV. Or this or that. Then, at times I must have a kopi, or kopi-oh, and on those occasions the need for numbers is really very very extreme, as Chinese won’t do. Same goes for local fare. The more experienced among you should know what I’m going on about.
Or, are numbers collectors members without sufficient rep, posts, points, jades, or what-nots? I do see the need to be careful as these indicate new players and they may in their excitement bother the FLs with too much questions and upset them, causing them to treat true cheongsters poorly. But I say, give these newbies a chance. Hey, in this business, the gals KNOW what to expect. If they wish to work by phone, they should and would expect nuisance calls. If they can’t take it, they should get back into the coffee shop or walk the street which they know can be tougher. Besides, some newbies in SBF are not newbies in the business of buying services. They’ve only just discovered SBF.
BTW, how can someone have more rep, posts, blah blah to his credit if he doesn’t have the chance to try out the goodies in the first place?
Anyhow, who the hell cares about rep, posts, blah blah enyway? I don't. Used to, but now - hell with that.
The best way is to stress in post #01 that price is fixed ie no bargaining, and those given contacts must not message FL for anything other than to ask ‘today, 4pm for 1 hr can or not’ or something like that, and warn that FLs will delete message without reading or feedback numbers to TS to be posted in the thread.
So, let’s do it the other way. And have ourselves lots more great shags, can or not?
12-08-2008, 10:31 PM
i agreed! with 2 hands up!
Thou there is still a need to screen thru the requests by newbies under moderation.
We will still need to protect a Gem from the AV.
12-08-2008, 10:50 PM
yes i agree but the best way to be recognised is to write FR after shagging. dunn understand y samsters dunn wanna leave an FR. but number collectors who prank sms FL is also detering genuine ones from meeting them, so no. colectors r bad cos they waste everyones time
12-08-2008, 11:44 PM
Actually number collecting is not bad.... but actually offer us more ration when we need it....... but when someone do funny thing to the number tat is not right............ Especially idiot tat prank call.... the gers are already having a hard life le........ dun add on to their misery.......... :(
13-08-2008, 12:36 AM
The best way to deal with pranksters or let’s call them idiots, is to ask the FLs to feedback to the TS with numbers of the idiots. And TSs post the numbers in their threads.
BTW, how can someone have more rep, posts, blah blah to his credit if he doesn’t have the chance to try out the goodies in the first place?
or not?
Just my views bro
Ask TS to post their no? wat if they are using private no? or maybe even to the extend of payphone? or maybe using hi card? u can't tell the FL not to ans private no call mah rite? i guess some samsters are using private no.....
And how to have more pts? everyone come in with a certain amount of pts only.... Maybe he got good lobang? post some nice pic or vidz? give some gd advise to some samsters? Not everyone after posting FR jump shot to alot of pts de....
Cheers and have a gd day :)
13-08-2008, 01:38 AM
The gals know better than to answer pte calls and such. They have told me so. Those who start their own threads have also warned that they won't answer pte numbers. Give them some credit for street-smarts, bro.
Ask if she wants help ie you provide lots bros her number, and she'll tell you go ahead.
Usually it's the thread-starters who feel protective and that's kudos to them; but like I said, those gals know how to look after themselves. They're wiser than us in this biz.
But glad that thread is throwing up views.
Just my views bro
wat if they are using private no? or maybe even to the extend of payphone? or maybe using hi card? u can't tell the FL not to ans private no call mah rite? :)
13-08-2008, 01:44 AM
Not all numbers collectors are bad, lah. They need a few for the reasons in first post.
But you are absolutely spot-on - bros SHOULD write FRs after sampling. Some bros have always been stressing this - that FRs is the material that lubes the thread if not the Forum. Hope your post reminds bros to do just that.
In the end, everyone, including the gals have a part each to play. And prankk calls is not one of the parts.
yes i agree but the best way to be recognised is to write FR after shagging. dunn understand y samsters dunn wanna leave an FR. but number collectors who prank sms FL is also detering genuine ones from meeting them, so no. colectors r bad cos they waste everyones time
I collect numbers but now I just view from yahoo groups. Anyway, how do I prove that I really shag the girl? I always thought that shag and pay is the end of transaction. The purpose of FR is to highlight the girl among the rest wat, nothing to do with proving.
Oh yes
13-08-2008, 11:15 AM
I agree too, I also keep 2-3 #, but unlucky, some time 2-3 also not free.
but the true FR also important. some bro post FR said c+, some B ... I jump in .. she only A :confused: I understand looks is diff, but size cannot be big diff arma.
some time I got the #, but after read some "true" FR, so I give up that gal.
so I also number collector :p
13-08-2008, 11:37 AM
Er... I think I might be considered as a number collector because of the following scenario...:o
Got a soccer tip/hunch. Bet $500 and expected to get a five good shags from the winnings.
Ended up lose money. Can only get 1 good shag instead...:p
So, can only sample 1 FL and give 1 FR instead of 5 FLs and give 5 FRs.
13-08-2008, 11:49 AM
Bro Tallman is a very practical, down-to-earth, sensible & realistic gentleman. Well done & very well-written!! It's a chicken-and-egg story for many newbies. Low points... cannot get contacts.... points remain low. Re: FR's: there's no guarantee that points are always given for all FR's. It doesn't matter; but I fully agree that FR's are useful & important for sharing. Proper, genuine & hopefully unselfish Sharing is KEY to this forum. Being unkind and disturbing the FL's (e.g. with prank calls) should be avoided at all costs. These are only done by childish, irresponsible and those lacking in respect for the FL's. We should always respect them and treat them properly & kindly. Mutual respect & understanding for the good of all.
13-08-2008, 01:28 PM
Some of them asked me for contact but said
they will not post fr as they are not so
active in this forum.
I will give them contact as they are sincere and
tell me upfront.
Some said they are not number collectors
will book the fl when and when
write good FR, blah..blah..these are the people
i am wary of.
Some prankters even booked and confirmed the
timing but last minute, without a trace of them,
never called to cancel even when the FL sms them
whether coming or not. Especially those with
no number displayed(private number).
13-08-2008, 01:33 PM
Maybe that's is the way of getting those nos to buy 4D lar. If got luck then they will try her. If not they will ask for others contact nos too.:)
13-08-2008, 02:12 PM
I must admit that I do collect numbers. Sometimes an FL is fully booked and I need a shag urgent! Or I need a shag at short notice but many are available only much later. At times an FL has aunty in town. Then, there are those whose visas expire and have gone back to arrange for another trip here.....
All due respect bro TallMan, but I think you have brought up a very basic and fundamental issue. So perhaps to begin, let's define who is and isn't a "Number Collector". And I'll try to observe total impartiality...
You Bro Tallman, are certainly NOT a number collector. How can you be? You are a true cheongster (based on past FRs) who has a range of contacts. And by your own reasoning (above quote), you store these numbers, in preparation, so you can call on these FLs when all factors suit both parties. In other words, you HAVE ALL INTENT to shag. That immediately disqualifies you as a number collector.
A Number Collector is one who PMs for numbers with little or NO INTENT to shag. Maybe it's just to call to disturb, to hear a sexy girl's voice at the other end of the line. Or maybe it gives them some pleasure of knowing they have a FLs contact. We all know how testosterone can sometimes drive us guys to have strange and kinky fantasies.:eek::p
The unfortunate reality is, samsters have only one way to differentiate who really cheongs and who is a number collector. And that is, through FRs.:cool:
That's why FRs have become criteria before handing out contacts (yes, I also believe it's not about points!). How to start an FR? Do what all the senior bros did when they first started out - Find a skilful/pretty/busty/young PRC along they many lorongs and introduce here. Or go to Cat50/80/150 shops and write about them in the GL section. Or try OKT TG girls and contribute in their threads. I don't think it's much to ask for really, especially if you consider the bountiful rewards you will receive when you're not defined as a number collector:D
Thanks for reading
13-08-2008, 03:15 PM
sometimes...i do forget to post FR...
maybe because the shag was really forgettable...
and i even had 1 experience where i arranged a time with this particular FL...
i waited & waited..45 mins later..she hasnt turned up..
i smsed again..telling her i really cannot make it as i have to go somewhere else already..even if she came now..i will only have 20 mins to bonk..and must pay the full price also..doesnt really make sense mah..
so i sms her that im sorry...i really have to leave..and i will pay her $20 for taxi next time i meet her..
she actually got another person (high profile person from this forum)to call me..say how can i do that..blah blah...i got fed up & transferred $20 to her account.
bad experience..and i also dont want to spoil her thread..thats why i didnt post any FR in her thread..although i didnt manage to bonk her..
sometimes i ask for the number because vitamin M low...or i got other gals i want to bonk 1st...not immediately got chance i sure will call...especially when i horny..or sometimes timing really buay gam...cos office hours working mah..then evening have to meet OC...u know lah..girls..
but im not a number collector!
13-08-2008, 04:12 PM
juz a back up if kena aeroplane...
of coz not to fool around with the FL...
that's an idiot
13-08-2008, 10:28 PM
I would expect that if the purposes are to intro bros to good lobangs, as well as to help the FLs get lots of business, then the more people given the contacts, the better. More bros get good shags, and they thank you and/or up you; the FLs get good business and they thank you with better service.
Perhaps there are pranksters or cheapos who will bother the gals with useless calls. And TSs want to minimise the problem. But will just telling numbers collectors to keep far away be any useful? And who is a numbers collector, BTW? If a bro PMs and asks for contact, how’ll TS know if he’s a prankster?
The best way to deal with pranksters or let’s call them idiots, is to ask the FLs to feedback to the TS with numbers of the idiots. And TSs post the numbers in their threads.
I must admit that I do collect numbers. Sometimes an FL is fully booked and I need a shag urgent! Or I need a shag at short notice but many are available only much later. At times an FL has aunty in town. Then, there are those whose visas expire and have gone back to arrange for another trip here (and that takes a while esply PRC FLs). Or she is unwell and needs rest. Or she is lazy and wants a rest (business too good). Or she kena caught by AV. Or this or that. Then, at times I must have a kopi, or kopi-oh, and on those occasions the need for numbers is really very very extreme, as Chinese won’t do. Same goes for local fare. The more experienced among you should know what I’m going on about.
Or, are numbers collectors members without sufficient rep, posts, points, jades, or what-nots? I do see the need to be careful as these indicate new players and they may in their excitement bother the FLs with too much questions and upset them, causing them to treat true cheongsters poorly. But I say, give these newbies a chance. Hey, in this business, the gals KNOW what to expect. If they wish to work by phone, they should and would expect nuisance calls. If they can’t take it, they should get back into the coffee shop or walk the street which they know can be tougher. Besides, some newbies in SBF are not newbies in the business of buying services. They’ve only just discovered SBF.
BTW, how can someone have more rep, posts, blah blah to his credit if he doesn’t have the chance to try out the goodies in the first place?
Anyhow, who the hell cares about rep, posts, blah blah enyway? I don't. Used to, but now - hell with that.
The best way is to stress in post #01 that price is fixed ie no bargaining, and those given contacts must not message FL for anything other than to ask ‘today, 4pm for 1 hr can or not’ or something like that, and warn that FLs will delete message without reading or feedback numbers to TS to be posted in the thread.
So, let’s do it the other way. And have ourselves lots more great shags, can or not?
I agreed. Thats wat happened to the FL Xiao Dan I posted. No matter how careful I m, it still happend. She kena alot of prank calls and sms. Kena arroplane afew times. Thats y I felt so bad. Cos she actually don't want to b recommand here cos afraid of meeting bad ppl.
14-08-2008, 01:21 PM
I agreed. Thats wat happened to the FL Xiao Dan I posted. No matter how careful I m, it still happend. She kena alot of prank calls and sms. Kena arroplane afew times. Thats y I felt so bad. Cos she actually don't want to b recommand here cos afraid of meeting bad ppl.
Yes, it's happened to my Xiao Lu(ZSH look alike)
and she still has to be very polite because she said
she is in the open so better not offend 'potnetial' customers.
Some of them just called and chit-chat chit chat and never
actually wanted her service, just a free chat, instead
of calling 1900-112-chat, they even tried to talk 'dirty'.
14-08-2008, 03:00 PM
Question is whether NEWBIE=NUMBER COLLECTOR?
If newbies with low reputation points req for ctc number and dunt get the number bcoz of low points, then how could the newbie to have a try and post the FR later? Points are still low and newbies are still newbies.
Dunt 4get, newbies of this forum doesn't mean newbies of this buying business.:p
14-08-2008, 03:08 PM
I think there is different view regrading tis cos some bros here may have to number taken already but do not have the time to bonk or OC around may have restriction and also restriction to write FR so wat i think best if that better to state clearly that u may try or may not try after getting the number.
I think it depends how each of u look at it.
14-08-2008, 03:59 PM
I'm newbie here, wonder how Bro's consider someone as number collectors..
Well i learn tat when u ask for contacts u jz need to be polite n sincre most of the senoir Bros will give u the contacts.A many thanks to u Bros 1st.
Take me for an example,i sent out 15 pms n got back 9 contacts in return.Out of the 9 i called 6, Out of the 6 i manage to bonk 4 n Out of the 4 i wrote 2 Frs cos they were good.The other 2 cant make it cos when i try to book they were occupied so i skipped,n the other 2 i bonked n nv write Fr cos to personal views it was really bad time i felt money wasted but wil pm TS a thank u for the contact even it was not my cup of tea.I Strongly agree wit Bro tallman tat many Bros newbie here becos we jz got to knw Sbf,but we are out der chionging for quite some times le n i think most Bros will repect the basic R & R.;)
14-08-2008, 07:58 PM
I think newbies should PM bros for contacts even though their points are low etc; but do write properly and impress with maturity , you know must sound like you're can be trusted etc.
Then re bad shags - I think we must all write FRs as experienced. Oherwise, all bros kena bummed by fntastic FRs but FLs turn out to be bummers.
I appreciate those who say the gals are shityy, bad service, etc just as much as I appreciate FRs of good experiences.
I'm newbie here, wonder how Bro's consider someone as number collectors..
Well i learn tat when u ask for contacts u jz need to be polite n sincre most of the senoir Bros will give u the contacts.A many thanks to u Bros 1st.
n Out of the 4 i wrote 2 Frs cos they were good.R.;)
15-08-2008, 12:19 AM
The FL got fed up .. .. reminds me of a thread in this FL2 Section where somebody (the threadstarter? I can't remember) stood up and said to the effect that don't play play, all interested parties now have to go through him and he'll check them up first! Thumbs up to that guy.
Re FLs get stood up .. .. either due to their inexperience, or mis-judgement (that the bro was sincere). Or lastly and very sadly, they have very few customers, and hence will agree to all requests, including from idiots, and that way kena aeroplaned. Sometimes also due to bros kena cornered and unable to sms to cancel, in which case hope he gets chance later to re-arrange another appt and explain and tip!
Sometimes I forgot how the service was and what she looked like, hence didnt write FR. I do feel bad, not doing my part. But, where I had a bit of memory that it wasnt that bad a shag, then I fix another with that FL and make sure I post FR faster! Ha ha.
Now, I got a little problem - just had appt with a pretty Indon FL (standing on a lorong) she's ok with me giving out her number but she probly forgot my nick so if I give contact to bros, they may or may not get positive response. aiyah! I'll probly start a new thread .... might get red-carded by idiots.
I agreed. Thats wat happened to the FL Xiao Dan I posted. No matter how careful I m, it still happend. She kena alot of prank calls and sms. Kena arroplane afew times. Thats y I felt so bad. Cos she actually don't want to b recommand here cos afraid of meeting bad ppl.
I agree with TS, However, I do collect numbers at times as my pocket are not deep enough to go for every FL's contacts given by helpful bros. I consider myself lucky if I could bonk 30% from my playlist.
16-08-2008, 12:11 PM
There's nothing wrong in collecting number, just think about it this way one trip to geylang, if u are really keen how my numbers can u collect. but the problems comes after collecting the number. What you do with the numbers that you collected, i personally dun think that it's right of one person to collect the number and pass it to another without TS consent and not to mention those that are not interested in booking but call and disturb the ladies.
I mean if those people are so dying to talk to someone i believe there's a social hotline to call instead of disturbing the ladies who are using the numbers for their work.
16-08-2008, 12:19 PM
surely there's no such thing as one shot one kill where u straight away get contact from TS and cheong down GL and bonk the gal. must have back up to prepare for any unnecessary cock up incident. is not as if the gal don't have periods monthly or standby 24hrs a day just to let us bonk. moreover, mass orgies don't apply to many of us too. :D
16-08-2008, 01:03 PM
I had some experiences that are really not worth remembering at all. Much less write a FR. Sometimes I see the way TS write the FR like the ga is one in a million, so in those cases when I have nothing good to say, I keep quiet.
Buyers beware. FRs are great but take it with a pinch of salt.
16-08-2008, 02:34 PM
Buyers beware. FRs are great but take it with a pinch of salt.
haha agreed. the stats stated may look out of this world, too good to be missed but once u see the real thing... really sianz.... not 1/2 but at least 3/4....
Different ppl have different taste, guess thats wat makes us "uniquely........"
19-08-2008, 01:22 AM
I think there is different view regrading tis cos some bros here may have to number taken already but do not have the time to bonk or OC around may have restriction and also restriction to write FR so wat i think best if that better to state clearly that u may try or may not try after getting the number.
I think it depends how each of u look at it.
Yea. Collecting number is okay.. but dun be a bastard and prank call thoese ladies. There are some who does this and i dun see how it benefits them?:mad:
21-08-2008, 01:51 AM
I'm newbie here, wonder how Bro's consider someone as number collectors..
Well i learn tat when u ask for contacts u jz need to be polite n sincre most of the senoir Bros will give u the contacts.A many thanks to u Bros 1st.
Take me for an example,i sent out 15 pms n got back 9 contacts in return.Out of the 9 i called 6, Out of the 6 i manage to bonk 4 n Out of the 4 i wrote 2 Frs cos they were good.The other 2 cant make it cos when i try to book they were occupied so i skipped,n the other 2 i bonked n nv write Fr cos to personal views it was really bad time i felt money wasted but wil pm TS a thank u for the contact even it was not my cup of tea.I Strongly agree wit Bro tallman tat many Bros newbie here becos we jz got to knw Sbf,but we are out der chionging for quite some times le n i think most Bros will repect the basic R & R.;)
i agree with bro tallman i also a number collector but at least have some standby numbers on one particular day i call around 6 pm on week day 1 (on aunty )1 (full booked) 1( timing not as i wanted) 2 (never pick up hp) 1
( numbers not in use ) that is my worst day of all very sian want to bonk but no gal so lan lan call usual thai okt to intro me some gal as thai gal are not cheap and depend on u luck as now most of thai okt groups always ke nan delete so cannot see fr post by others to see
05-03-2009, 06:22 PM
So, check this out for contacts, no questions asked. (
Just don't prank call the gals.
Anyhow, they know how to deal with pranksters and people who bargain; they just ignore the sms's or hang up. In fact, the gals ignore if a 'confirmation' is not given in 3 sms's!
Anyone who has contacts to share, don't hesitate to contact me at my email given at the site, and I'll post them up with big big credits to you.
05-03-2009, 08:37 PM
I think there is different view regrading tis cos some bros here may have to number taken already but do not have the time to bonk or OC around may have restriction and also restriction to write FR so wat i think best if that better to state clearly that u may try or may not try after getting the number.
I think it depends how each of u look at it.
I fully agree with what Naka Timo has mentioned. As far as I am concerned, I would always qualify before I ask for contact that I would try to engage the services of the girl if given the time and opportunity to up her, and provide FR wherever appropriate. We have to take into account our work and family commitments before we search for the time and opportunity to engage in the sexcapade. It is good for genuine cheongsters, especially the married ones, to keep a handful of numbers to deal in situations when opportunity arises.
05-03-2009, 08:59 PM
I do get numbers from brothers here for FL service.
However sometime i do need to check with the FL the service they provide and the damages.
I did came across once that additional charges need to be giving when you need a bonk.
Usually message like $80/hr of massage are kind of misleading. Once there only massage is serve and for $80:mad:. Hence before i need service i will need to confirm what the $80 includes
05-03-2009, 09:14 PM
I fully agree with what Naka Timo has mentioned. As far as I am concerned, I would always qualify before I ask for contact that I would try to engage the services of the girl if given the time and opportunity to up her, and provide FR wherever appropriate. We have to take into account our work and family commitments before we search for the time and opportunity to engage in the sexcapade. It is good for genuine cheongsters, especially the married ones, to keep a handful of numbers to deal in situations when opportunity arises.
Agreed with tiverton18... so far i manage to bonk 1 FL only due to reason mention by tiverton18 above. Many FLs ctc num. & high vit M does not mean can bonk FL easily, time and other commitments also need to consider. :(
09-03-2009, 02:48 AM
i collect no too. as per some bro memtion,when u need one ,there is not a one there for that pts of time,i so regett not to collect more ,cos too 'shy'to go GL hunt for one. as for FR.i will post those really good. as for those bad services ,i jus give their FR a miss (not my cup of tea,but mayb someone else antidope) .
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