23-11-2022, 11:33 PM
For those exchanging points all take note of the below clone accounts and avoid them as when their accounts get banned, they will not be able to return any points to you as they are have no intention of doing it in the first place
These are the current update clones list, users in the forum take note please
I will start will some clone list here as well, these were some of the users with high points but less than 20 posts and are disrupting the forum
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=781487 - biaggo
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=779846 - Emoshernal
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=774077 - 10ya10
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=763265 - HoneyNoTalk
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=782287 - tabosage
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=777590 - cheekyfoot
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=789805 - PaulPogbra
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=798516 - bavocet
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=893946 - ItsVape
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=837184 - Yirkin
If you notice above, almost all have 19 posts before they stop posting, the spam is getting very intolerable so i hope to post this list here so we as forumers here know who they are.
Anyone can please add to the list as you see fit with reasons would be good
Thanks boss, really appreciate it, 2 more to add to the list as well
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=901926 - amyboyboy (15 posts but has 150 points, same style of talking as the other clones as well)
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=790323 - JudyS438 (same 19 posts as well and has a power of 4)
Its very weird that they all have the same number of posts and all with power
Admin or boss please ban or delete this amyboyboy account as he is a clone that is making stories until the forumer that he up have come out after 6 years to clarify, please admin ban this spammer and clone for once and for all
Save SBF forum from the clone attack boss, tolong
This amyboyboy profile is as below
Another clone to add to the list
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=899329 - Dabag
Same writing style as the other clones
Some more clones to add to you list TS, below three all the points are 38, same master upping them all at the same time, all apprantly from 2018/2019 only, very weird
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=874445 - Snake2025
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=784628 - benzaimun
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=792250 - NABOseh
Another clones below with the same writing style
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=783892 - nagagorki
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=778535 - samhaha
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=851070 - johnnydsg
Will add more as i find them, boss delete their accounts, very irritating already
More to add to the clone list
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=795005 - candee
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=892984 - corate
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=836068 - ahlongg
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=756580 - TaureanBoy
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=904035 - tsunamigo
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=802319 - Sub9900
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=739012 - Engravedsin
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=815696 - 5i4i
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=776178 - blankwater
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=832745 - jahok
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=833061 - haygen
All with low posts and high power from 2018/2019 again creating a war chest to zap people in the forum and create chaos, admin please act
I have added you to the clone list for spamming
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=905200 - BroLouie
Bapak have a new clone list for adik klick to add to, very irritating all these clones
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=712110 - SoSerious
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=780489 - tyfoon09
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=790059 - JoyfulH2855
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=895308 - fnulnu99
Below all same post and number of points
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830851 - CuadradoTactic
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830852 - Hristiyanasept
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830853 - Tallytaseurie
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=832821 - chestersim
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830976 - Hotfoot1
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=766949 - surnameLiar
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=897753 - Jevicaj
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=892639 - Percey
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830404 - pruitfetal
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=829703 - SuckMyDuck
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830807 - LittleDuck1
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830808 - JameBeans
I saw the accounts you mentioned about, i have added them to the clone list
New set of clones caught
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=731688 - Bro86
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=892011 - SkyPP
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=733802 - iceboobs
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=819102 - lovetoscrew
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=890934 - crimewave
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=574812 - plainjanet
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=574810 - topdog
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=586862 - AhHuang
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=821397 - slayer 147
The clones seem to be posting in the below thread
Thanks to a tipoff from a bro that sent me a pm
hello bro let me help you.
this clone hiding in the show penis thread. always get senior bro heroseven2002 to up them. :D
MisterHunter https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=895377
NOsexNOfun https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=893537
Rocketman888 https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=893789
DaddyShark https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=900629
SamsterPiggy https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=900760
iLoveSexyChiobu https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=907191
BottleTree https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=901274
BlackBanana https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=901653
IceCream4U2Lick https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=901662
BigBoobies https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=907195
iPIAKPIAK https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=907012
GoldenSparrow https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=904111
NOunderwear https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=906132
UglyBaby https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=906126
LocalPrince https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=905959
GoldenSparrow https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=904111
BananaLegs https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=896787
CaiNiaoXiaoXiao https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=896796
WhiteEagle https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=897335
yoooo https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=818618
HappyBird https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=897729
StomperKuku https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=897630
NewbieDoDo https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=898368
BotakElephant https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=899302
BigFatBird https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=899666
BabyPersian https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=900500
More Clones added to the list
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=806811 - hanseno
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=878667 - ahxa
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=780332 - Nuon
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=776565 - kirk28
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=712110 - SoSerious
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=800674 - feneco
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=796696 - caromant
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=815696 - 5i4i
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=791215 - zerge
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=726124 - heyloser
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=790059 - JoyfulH2855
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=808966 - pland
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=720824 - Eminent
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=786761 - jpbond
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=723527 - chickenrice1980
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=854916 - Durategra
The clone list will be updated regularly at https://www.sbf.net.nz/showthread.php?t=905807
These are the current update clones list, users in the forum take note please
I will start will some clone list here as well, these were some of the users with high points but less than 20 posts and are disrupting the forum
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=781487 - biaggo
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=779846 - Emoshernal
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=774077 - 10ya10
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=763265 - HoneyNoTalk
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=782287 - tabosage
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=777590 - cheekyfoot
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=789805 - PaulPogbra
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=798516 - bavocet
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=893946 - ItsVape
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=837184 - Yirkin
If you notice above, almost all have 19 posts before they stop posting, the spam is getting very intolerable so i hope to post this list here so we as forumers here know who they are.
Anyone can please add to the list as you see fit with reasons would be good
Thanks boss, really appreciate it, 2 more to add to the list as well
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=901926 - amyboyboy (15 posts but has 150 points, same style of talking as the other clones as well)
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=790323 - JudyS438 (same 19 posts as well and has a power of 4)
Its very weird that they all have the same number of posts and all with power
Admin or boss please ban or delete this amyboyboy account as he is a clone that is making stories until the forumer that he up have come out after 6 years to clarify, please admin ban this spammer and clone for once and for all
Save SBF forum from the clone attack boss, tolong
This amyboyboy profile is as below
Another clone to add to the list
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=899329 - Dabag
Same writing style as the other clones
Some more clones to add to you list TS, below three all the points are 38, same master upping them all at the same time, all apprantly from 2018/2019 only, very weird
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=874445 - Snake2025
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=784628 - benzaimun
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=792250 - NABOseh
Another clones below with the same writing style
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=783892 - nagagorki
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=778535 - samhaha
https://sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=851070 - johnnydsg
Will add more as i find them, boss delete their accounts, very irritating already
More to add to the clone list
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=795005 - candee
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=892984 - corate
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=836068 - ahlongg
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=756580 - TaureanBoy
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=904035 - tsunamigo
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=802319 - Sub9900
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=739012 - Engravedsin
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=815696 - 5i4i
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=776178 - blankwater
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=832745 - jahok
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=833061 - haygen
All with low posts and high power from 2018/2019 again creating a war chest to zap people in the forum and create chaos, admin please act
I have added you to the clone list for spamming
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=905200 - BroLouie
Bapak have a new clone list for adik klick to add to, very irritating all these clones
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=712110 - SoSerious
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=780489 - tyfoon09
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=790059 - JoyfulH2855
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=895308 - fnulnu99
Below all same post and number of points
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830851 - CuadradoTactic
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830852 - Hristiyanasept
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830853 - Tallytaseurie
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=832821 - chestersim
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830976 - Hotfoot1
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=766949 - surnameLiar
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=897753 - Jevicaj
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=892639 - Percey
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830404 - pruitfetal
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=829703 - SuckMyDuck
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830807 - LittleDuck1
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=830808 - JameBeans
I saw the accounts you mentioned about, i have added them to the clone list
New set of clones caught
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=731688 - Bro86
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=892011 - SkyPP
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=733802 - iceboobs
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=819102 - lovetoscrew
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=890934 - crimewave
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=574812 - plainjanet
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=574810 - topdog
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=586862 - AhHuang
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=821397 - slayer 147
The clones seem to be posting in the below thread
Thanks to a tipoff from a bro that sent me a pm
hello bro let me help you.
this clone hiding in the show penis thread. always get senior bro heroseven2002 to up them. :D
MisterHunter https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=895377
NOsexNOfun https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=893537
Rocketman888 https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=893789
DaddyShark https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=900629
SamsterPiggy https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=900760
iLoveSexyChiobu https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=907191
BottleTree https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=901274
BlackBanana https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=901653
IceCream4U2Lick https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=901662
BigBoobies https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=907195
iPIAKPIAK https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=907012
GoldenSparrow https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=904111
NOunderwear https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=906132
UglyBaby https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=906126
LocalPrince https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=905959
GoldenSparrow https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=904111
BananaLegs https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=896787
CaiNiaoXiaoXiao https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=896796
WhiteEagle https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=897335
yoooo https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=818618
HappyBird https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=897729
StomperKuku https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=897630
NewbieDoDo https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=898368
BotakElephant https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=899302
BigFatBird https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=899666
BabyPersian https://sbfsg.shop/member.php?u=900500
More Clones added to the list
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=806811 - hanseno
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=878667 - ahxa
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=780332 - Nuon
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=776565 - kirk28
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=712110 - SoSerious
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=800674 - feneco
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=796696 - caromant
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=815696 - 5i4i
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=791215 - zerge
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=726124 - heyloser
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=790059 - JoyfulH2855
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=808966 - pland
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=720824 - Eminent
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=786761 - jpbond
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=723527 - chickenrice1980
https://www.sbf.net.nz/member.php?u=854916 - Durategra
The clone list will be updated regularly at https://www.sbf.net.nz/showthread.php?t=905807