View Full Version : Rare Gem Big Nipple

masage maniac
11-03-2023, 02:08 PM
Hi big brothers

if you have intel of big nipples WL, can share share here. Me small bro like big nipples. I think some bros also like big nipples. can be PRC or Viet or Thais

masage maniac
11-03-2023, 02:09 PM

Everted or Protruding nipples or puffy. not the small raisin one

11-03-2023, 07:42 PM
1608 Jing Jing
2058 Grace

masage maniac
14-03-2023, 09:26 PM
1608 Jing Jing
2033 Xiu Xiu
2058 Grace

15-03-2023, 12:34 PM
1608 Jing Jing
2033 Xiu Xiu
2058 Grace

Fun facts, Nipples color can temporarily change due to things like normal hormonal shifts, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. The same goes for nipple size and texture. Permanent changes of the nipple can also occur and are often seen with breast surgeries, weight loss, and aging.

17-03-2023, 03:48 PM
wah, u all solid ah

17-03-2023, 03:59 PM
Fun facts, Nipples color can temporarily change due to things like normal hormonal shifts, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. The same goes for nipple size and texture. Permanent changes of the nipple can also occur and are often seen with breast surgeries, weight loss, and aging.

Taste also different, sometimes u nibble too long then can have bitter taste :D

17-03-2023, 05:17 PM
Taste also different, sometimes u nibble too long then can have bitter taste :D

Haha, someone like breastfeeding. Don't we all. Nice to nibble.


18-03-2023, 02:21 PM
G26 2038..giant C breasts and big nips when in missionary..fucking her in missionary felt so lewd looking at her big breasts..shot my load over her big breasts and she was actually squealing in happiness from seeing my volcano erupt on her breasts..cum my load 6 times on her breasts in 50 min until my kkb can't shoot..

18-03-2023, 02:33 PM
G26 2038..giant C breasts and big nips when in missionary..fucking her in missionary felt so lewd looking at her big breasts..shot my load over her big breasts and she was actually squealing in happiness from seeing my volcano erupt on her breasts..cum my load 6 times on her breasts in 50 min until my kkb can't shoot..

eroticism :D

masage maniac
19-03-2023, 11:35 AM
1608 Jing Jing - PRC
2033 Xiu Xiu - PRC
2058 Grace - PRC
2038 Gal26 - Viet

24-03-2023, 01:46 PM

Everted or Protruding nipples or puffy. not the small raisin one

Bro, TQ for sharing the Cosmopolitian article on the 11 different types of nipples.

If u observe in the page on nipples, there is another link to another article highlighting 7 different types of vaginas viz ""https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/body/health/g11658368/is-my-vagina-normal-shape-size-vulva-labia/" on the above 7 different types of vaginas."

Could experienced senior bros comment on the 7 different types of vaginas found in Geylang, among Thais, Vietbus, PRC or even Malaysians WLs.

25-03-2023, 11:10 AM
1612 - Kiki
B cup. Big nips but sensitive. Can lick gently but please don't suck like you're having bubble tea.

masage maniac
25-03-2023, 01:03 PM
1608 Jing Jing - PRC
1612 Kiki - PRC
2033 Xiu Xiu - PRC
2058 Grace - PRC
2038 Gal26 - Viet

masage maniac
06-04-2023, 01:56 PM
1608 Jing Jing - PRC
1612 Kiki - PRC
1669 Lulu
2033 Xiu Xiu - PRC
2058 Grace - PRC
2038 Gal26 - Viet

08-04-2023, 05:19 PM
1612 - Kiki
B cup. Big nips but sensitive. Can lick gently but please don't suck like you're having bubble tea.
L16H12 Kiki nipple is small lor. Anyhow bomb names out.

masage maniac
08-04-2023, 06:01 PM
1608 Jing Jing - PRC
1669 Lulu
2033 Xiu Xiu - PRC
2058 Grace - PRC
2038 Gal26 - Viet

27-04-2023, 04:40 PM
Any $60 house for this