View Full Version : Economics of GL

07-02-2024, 12:13 AM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.

07-02-2024, 04:10 PM
Any tips is extra and won't be seen as insult, you feel serbis good then give as you feel appropriate and appreciate value. Other bros may see tipping as spoil market cos now n then more girls will start and expecting tips if more n more bros giving, may also see a downing of serbis if no tips. Wana give tips, just diam diam give what you feel comfortable. Give liao don't expect more, fact is that you pay more nia. Cheers

07-02-2024, 07:21 PM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.

Bro Max Priest is a verteran of our playground and he has answered this question many times in great detail. Please do some searching and you will seek what you look for.

That said he seems to be more of a PRC specialist and I have not seen him share wisdom on the tom yum or pho scene.

07-02-2024, 07:22 PM
Any tips is extra and won't be seen as insult, you feel serbis good then give as you feel appropriate and appreciate value. Other bros may see tipping as spoil market cos now n then more girls will start and expecting tips if more n more bros giving, may also see a downing of serbis if no tips. Wana give tips, just diam diam give what you feel comfortable. Give liao don't expect more, fact is that you pay more nia. Cheers

Ah. I never knew that. Thanks for sharing and letting me know. I’ll keep my tips for only the best service now. :P

07-02-2024, 07:28 PM
Bro Max Priest is a verteran of our playground and he has answered this question many times in great detail. Please do some searching and you will seek what you look for.

That said he seems to be more of a PRC specialist and I have not seen him share wisdom on the tom yum or pho scene.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I’ll go check him out. I mostly delve into tom yum and pho though but i’m sure the answer is similar.

07-02-2024, 09:54 PM
I think if you want to show appreciation then just go an book again right?

07-02-2024, 10:03 PM
I think if you want to show appreciation then just go an book again right?

07-02-2024, 11:52 PM
It's not always 50% but it's pretty close and I doubt that it varies that much.

07-02-2024, 11:57 PM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.

There are 2 sensible camps here.

Camp 1) Tip if you really want but keep quiet about it because some SBFers will see you as spoiling the market and downvote you. Be warned though, past a certain point some girls will not be grateful, they'll just see you as an easy mark and service will start to suffer because they'll just do the minimum. Think simp behaviour and girls that exploit it. Speaking from the collective experience of SBF.

Camp 2) Instead of tipping, just tell her that you really liked her service and will come back to find her next time, and do so. Good service deserves our repeat business. Vote with your dollar.

08-02-2024, 12:23 AM
There are 2 sensible camps here.

Camp 1) Tip if you really want but keep quiet about it because some SBFers will see you as spoiling the market and downvote you. Be warned though, past a certain point some girls will not be grateful, they'll just see you as an easy mark and service will start to suffer because they'll just do the minimum. Think simp behaviour and girls that exploit it. Speaking from the collective experience of SBF.

Camp 2) Instead of tipping, just tell her that you really liked her service and will come back to find her next time, and do so. Good service deserves our repeat business. Vote with your dollar.

Ah okay. I haven’t tipped before just wanted to know the consensus with more experienced chiongers. I think camp 2 makes the most sense and benefits everyone. I’ll probably go that route from now on. Thanks for taking time to reply!

08-02-2024, 06:55 AM
it is mostly 50% split for thai and viet houses before covid and after covid

but whether the girls are charged separately for other stuff seems to vary from house to house

i have heard girls telling me they had to pay some fees for washing of towels lel

08-02-2024, 08:14 AM
Depending on the ‘extra mile’ & the GFE u will get for the RTF.
I will only do so if they deserve it to get more in return

08-02-2024, 09:17 AM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.

let's not let tipping culture spoil the Geylang scene (like the F&B industry in America).

if tips become a normal practice in Geylang, instead of seeing it as a bonus, the girls will expect a tip even if their service is below average.
The house might increase their share of the total paid because they know the girls can get tips.

in america, some food deliveryman refuse to take up orders that pay little or no tips.
restaurant service staff doesn't border to give their best because they know they will get tips anyway.
restaurant also pay very low basic salary and relay on the tips to make up for the bulk of the staff's salary

08-02-2024, 10:39 AM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.

i dont practice tipping for the last 2 decades (both msian and Prc)
and still get mostly good services or even top services
in the presence of exceptional chemistry. once tipping culture starts,
they will begin to scrutinize between heavy, light and non tipper.
What happens when you stop tipping your regular gal? dont sabo yourselves.
i always believe the best reward to them is regular RTF. At least they are serving a familiar face. Enough said.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all the fuckers here! huat eh!

08-02-2024, 11:41 AM
it is mostly 50% split for thai and viet houses before covid and after covid

but whether the girls are charged separately for other stuff seems to vary from house to house

i have heard girls telling me they had to pay some fees for washing of towels lel

washing towels also need to pay? LOL.

08-02-2024, 11:46 AM
let's not let tipping culture spoil the Geylang scene (like the F&B industry in America).

if tips become a normal practice in Geylang, instead of seeing it as a bonus, the girls will expect a tip even if their service is below average.
The house might increase their share of the total paid because they know the girls can get tips.

in america, some food deliveryman refuse to take up orders that pay little or no tips.
restaurant service staff doesn't border to give their best because they know they will get tips anyway.
restaurant also pay very low basic salary and relay on the tips to make up for the bulk of the staff's salary

True and well explained. Tips will become expected and not considered “bonus” if it becomes the norm. Tipping may do more harm than good in the long run.

08-02-2024, 11:48 AM
i dont practice tipping for the last 2 decades (both msian and Prc)
and still get mostly good services or even top services
in the presence of exceptional chemistry. once tipping culture starts,
they will begin to scrutinize between heavy, light and non tipper.
What happens when you stop tipping your regular gal? dont sabo yourselves.
i always believe the best reward to them is regular RTF. At least they are serving a familiar face. Enough said.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all the fuckers here! huat eh!

Huat Ah! Gong Xi Gong Xi. Wah lao ban 2 decades is more than half my life hahaha. Yeah i realised if i tip i may sabo myself and everyone instead. Luckily I ask here first.

08-02-2024, 05:31 PM
I only ever tip in 2 scenarios.

1) the girl served me off menu items so have to tip her.

2) tip her in the knowledge or hope of getting more.

For point 2 i wont tip every visit. Maybe alternate visits.

But yes usually best way is to RTF. Girls always happier to service someone they already know.

08-02-2024, 08:13 PM
washing towels also need to pay? LOL.

from my understanding of a regular wl
but who knows how much truth there is to that?

08-02-2024, 08:44 PM
I think instead of tipping, add time more worth gua. 1834 G5 ask if I can add time so Mia I add lo. Ended up I got 3 bath together one massage and 2x shots. Happy sia for $120

08-02-2024, 08:52 PM
when it comes to tipping, there are always 2 groups of consumers
and they will nv come to an agreement :p

08-02-2024, 08:53 PM
I think instead of tipping, add time more worth gua. 1834 G5 ask if I can add time so Mia I add lo. Ended up I got 3 bath together one massage and 2x shots. Happy sia for $120

Absolutely right.

I never tip but extend if I like the gal or am at the very least getting a good feeling and hoping to build on this.

More often than not rtfs are more enjoyable. House treatment goes up another level as well.

08-02-2024, 11:05 PM
If a gal frenches the fuck out of me, it is impossible for me not to tip 20 or 50.

The highest tip I ever gave was $100 each to the two gal who gave excellent tarma in 1669 (pre pandemic) when I was nursing a broken heart (those who know the details know what I am talking about). The tarma was the suggestion of the OKT aunty and is an example of the excellent customer service in the days of yore.

08-02-2024, 11:29 PM
I think instead of tipping, add time more worth gua. 1834 G5 ask if I can add time so Mia I add lo. Ended up I got 3 bath together one massage and 2x shots. Happy sia for $120

Good idea. 1834 your regular place? any good?

08-02-2024, 11:32 PM
Absolutely right.

I never tip but extend if I like the gal or am at the very least getting a good feeling and hoping to build on this.

More often than not rtfs are more enjoyable. House treatment goes up another level as well.

When u extend if u like the gal, do u get another shot? or depends on house.

08-02-2024, 11:35 PM
If a gal frenches the fuck out of me, it is impossible for me not to tip 20 or 50.

The highest tip I ever gave was $100 each to the two gal who gave excellent tarma in 1669 (pre pandemic) when I was nursing a broken heart (those who know the details know what I am talking about). The tarma was the suggestion of the OKT aunty and is an example of the excellent customer service in the days of yore.

Aiyo. Hope your broken hurt fix liao after all this time. Do u still go back there?

09-02-2024, 12:36 AM
Good idea. 1834 your regular place? any good?

Nope, my 1st time visit. See a few good looking other than G5. Other cheongster comment is this house service not so good but can go if want to fuck pretty viet bu

09-02-2024, 08:02 AM
Aiyo. Hope your broken hurt fix liao after all this time. Do u still go back there?

No leh I don't go there any more cause 1669 seems to be a post MILF den. Pre pandemic you could get Chio bu there.

Yes my heart has healed. It was a short brief passionate fling and I made a mistake which I learnt from. One has to move on and not dwell on the past

09-02-2024, 12:38 PM
Nope, my 1st time visit. See a few good looking other than G5. Other cheongster comment is this house service not so good but can go if want to fuck pretty viet bu

maybe i’ll go 1st time visit also. thanks for sharing 👍🏻

09-02-2024, 12:40 PM
No leh I don't go there any more cause 1669 seems to be a post MILF den. Pre pandemic you could get Chio bu there.

Yes my heart has healed. It was a short brief passionate fling and I made a mistake which I learnt from. One has to move on and not dwell on the past

Thanks for the info. Good to know you’ve moved on. Also 新年快乐!

09-02-2024, 06:45 PM
When u extend if u like the gal, do u get another shot? or depends on house.

Never been a problem in this regard as chemistry with the gal would already be very good.

09-02-2024, 09:44 PM
I never had any chemistry with the girls, the FL Vietnam rose Tina I RTF most getting even more fierce by the times I RTF.

For Geylang that G5 since she asked extend I ask back for 2nd shot? Then is a deal, simple.

09-02-2024, 11:42 PM
If a gal frenches the fuck out of me, it is impossible for me not to tip 20 or 50.

The highest tip I ever gave was $100 each to the two gal who gave excellent tarma in 1669 (pre pandemic) when I was nursing a broken heart (those who know the details know what I am talking about). The tarma was the suggestion of the OKT aunty and is an example of the excellent customer service in the days of yore.

Acs boy? :D

11-02-2024, 02:03 PM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.

for the Cat 200 PRC, the WL gets $120, the OKT gets $80. For 30 minute session, the WL gets $60, the OKY gets $40. I think this is the standard rate for all PRC houses.

12-02-2024, 10:56 AM
for the Cat 200 PRC, the WL gets $120, the OKT gets $80. For 30 minute session, the WL gets $60, the OKY gets $40. I think this is the standard rate for all PRC houses.

Ah. That’s interesting. Didn’t expect the WL to get a bigger share than the OKT. Thanks for the info 🫡

12-02-2024, 11:30 AM
for the Cat 200 PRC, the WL gets $120, the OKT gets $80. For 30 minute session, the WL gets $60, the OKY gets $40. I think this is the standard rate for all PRC houses.
But do the WL pays for the accommodation and meals ?

12-02-2024, 11:32 AM
Ah. That’s interesting. Didn’t expect the WL to get a bigger share than the OKT. Thanks for the info 🫡

I actually tot the WL should get much more than this, because they do most of the hard work..

12-02-2024, 11:36 AM
Hi. This thread is out of curiosity. I’m wondering how much does each girl earn per customer. Is it 50% of total paid?

I also want to tip some girls and know how much is a good tip and not insulting for her.
I usually tip the WL $50 after the session, before leaving the room. She usually will give me a hug or kiss as a show of appreciation.
I never tip > $50.

There was only once I tip $30 cos that's all the cash left in my wallet.

12-02-2024, 06:19 PM
I actually tot the WL should get much more than this, because they do most of the hard work..

For me I tot that OKT has to arrange transport, accommodation, keeping up with the law, etc… that’s why they would get paid more but good to know at least WLs are getting their fair share (I hope).

25-04-2024, 01:44 AM
Bosses keep the girls' passports. Money is split 50/50 between the girl and boss. They get regular hospital checkups for all kinds of STDs every few weeks. Customers are a mix of Bangla workers, ethnic Chinese, and occasionally Filipinos. Girls report that they get treated well, not abused at all. Most common complaints are boredom and slow business. Still, they have quotas to meet and get kicked back to Thailand if they don't meet minimal income requirements. Girls generally stay for several months up to over a year.

Many girls like to drink with each other at restaurants and karaokes during their off hours. Bosses try to prevent that from going out of control by making sure that the girls aren't gone too long. Oftentimes the bosses will give the girls a ride.

Girls keep rotating, and they come in via word of mouth and introduction by friends.

Girls' income is about the same as that a Singaporean Grab or taxi driver, not over a few thousand SGD per month. That's a lot of money in Thailand or Vietnam, but is not considered a lot in S'pore of course.

It's a business and bosses sometimes report that revenues are low, and they need dozens of customers everyday to pay the bills. Things are slow after COVID, so it's not easy.

Viet girls are mostly from the Mekong Delta area.

Thai girls are often hill tribe girls from the north, and they often tell customers that they are Thai-Chinese since Thai hill tribes originated from Yunnan. Some Isan girls too.

Source of info: GL girls tell me all about it.

25-04-2024, 10:59 AM
actually poor girls in this business. Sometimes they just try to enjoy what they do. looks like a big income even though it still has to be shared with the company.