View Full Version : Multiple shots in geylang and pricing?

14-02-2024, 09:29 PM
Question on geylang ladies offering multiple shots and damage.

14-02-2024, 10:24 PM
Question on geylang ladies offering multiple shots and damage.

So what is the question?

14-02-2024, 11:05 PM
So what is the question?

Whats the damage for geylang ladies offering multiple shots?

14-02-2024, 11:12 PM
Whats the damage for geylang ladies offering multiple shots?

normally in the brothel is the price x2 the street hooker you nego yourself the online one usally got package

15-02-2024, 02:14 AM
Question on geylang ladies offering multiple shots and damage.

The legal shop is standard 1 shot within the timing
Thai $50/$60(20/25mins).
Vietnamese $60(25mins)
Chinese $80/$150(???)

There are other pricing/timing too..And if U r foreigner(white), U most likely have to pay more.
If U want double shot, wait till U fire the first shot(within the timing) then tell the girl inside the room that U want to extend another timing for 1 shot.
Better don't tell the boss U want multiple session upfront, cos U pay all first. And if the girl service sucks, U lost double😓

23-02-2024, 09:25 PM
Question on geylang ladies offering multiple shots and damage.

If the gal is ok with you, how many shots also can.