View Full Version : Weather Report on JB
Ah Dez
15-02-2003, 09:55 PM
Warning Signs of a BIG RAID today in JB is ringing everywhere.
Everyone be careful of your tiraks, keep in touch with them.
Almost all the LSBs in JB are cautions of the situation today. So if you go today, don't be surprised if you are rejected from going in, as most are only willing to do regular customers.
16-02-2003, 01:24 AM
wah now hold another post of Weatherman! So tomolo's weather how? or got to brave the storm?
Ah Dez
16-02-2003, 05:10 AM
Apollo 2 have only 10 girls working! ! !
While for sakura, almost the whole of the A class girls kana BOOKED. . .or requested their tiraks to book.
A21,A22,A23,A26,A27,A29, all got booked.
As usual A25, rejected all booking, News today is that she got a total of 10 requests for booking today! ! ! :eek:
But Safe and sound for everyone. . .
Li Xin had their house Cleared. . . and no girls were allowed to stay at home.
16-02-2003, 05:19 AM
icic...geez...i "tua" my tirak in apollo2 leh...supposed to booking her but i went to zouk instead..haha..quite sick of them oreadi...prefer to go zouk n xian charbors...guess i will not show my face in apollo2 howz the situation over at LOVEBOAT? my tirak at loveboat that one cannot tua her...she's my chilli padi..she makes me feel hot when i see her...
Ah Dez
17-02-2003, 03:26 PM
Loveboat was ok.
Then last nite. . . the police went "plain-clothed" trying to catch the OKTs around Jalan Ah Fook.
They left the Ah Quas alone. . . but targetted the OKTs. But none was caught.
17-02-2003, 03:41 PM
damn funny sia..i was at ah fook kai changing currency..then got this stoopid ah kua come n disturb me...i smiled at it and walked away..reach the cab liao then pointed middle finger at it... it was abt 9pm...then after chiong SK..go back ah fook kai to find cab to go back s'pore...saw the fucking same ah kua was 4am oreadi..the ah kua stand there like statue..haha..lucky it didn't saw me..ah boh wait i kenna whacked..
20-02-2003, 04:52 AM
Luckily my girl is at home.
26-02-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Maxis
Luckily my girl is at home.
I am a newbie here. Can you recommend the location of any good HC, spa or KTV located in JB? I heard alot of it but dun know the location. For example, sukura, StarInn, etc, are these ktv or hc? Where is it located?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Ah Dez
21-03-2003, 07:09 PM
Big Raids ahead in the next few days.
I would recommand EVERYONE not to step foot into any LSBs in JB.
Ah Dez
26-03-2003, 02:20 PM
From news recently, the police are aiming the following few hotels. New York, Grand Continental and Eden.
Seems that New York is the fav booking hotel for the people to bring the LSBs girls too. For me Too! ! !
The last time they did a Major Search on the hotels was june last year. . . . seems like a long time liao. . . . so be careful.
Maybe should change to Crystal Crown, Lion City or Mutiara.
27-03-2003, 02:11 AM
maybe must go until Good Hope in Tun Aminah.........there safe or not?
Ah Dez
27-03-2003, 05:32 AM
I would like everyone to take this into consideration when you go to ANY joints in JB.
Today, 2 thai girls are SUSPECTED to have the flu virus and both are currently in the state hospital.
The situtation is that. . . . NO ONE KNOWS WHERE THEY ARE FROM. They were send to the hospital by the police. So only the police knows where they got the girls from.
Maybe 1 of the boss sacrifice his girls? ? or the girls are caught? are totally unknown.
But 1 thing is sure that. . . . . they are thai girls. . . and 80% of the thais in JB are working in LSB.
I suspect that the girls came from sakura. But i only suspect, dare not comfrim. Well, it is a guess. . . . because of the situation that links all the clues together.
27-03-2003, 01:22 PM
this SARS is no joke.........worse than STD & AIDS........kiss or close contact oso can kena.........bro Dez...... can find out for me the numbers? Worried for some girls and now got not much spies in SK left...........if confirm PM me.........dun post pls.........
Ah Dez
27-03-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by ParaParaSakura
this SARS is no joke.........worse than STD & AIDS........kiss or close contact oso can kena.........bro Dez...... can find out for me the numbers? Worried for some girls and now got not much spies in SK left...........if confirm PM me.........dun post pls.........
Every Joint seems to have girls missing! ! ! I am not sure if the girls ran away or kana sacrifice!
Could be from Star Cruise, Sakura, Loveboat. . . ANY! ! !
But news is COMFRIM 101% true about the 2 girls.
Ah Dez
28-03-2003, 03:54 PM
The Police should be going back in 3-4days.
Seems that all the LSBs are meeting up to have a plan. Actually, just snowballing a sum of $ to give them.
Lets see the outcome first.
Ah Dez
29-03-2003, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Every Joint seems to have girls missing! ! ! I am not sure if the girls ran away or kana sacrifice!
Could be from Star Cruise, Sakura, Loveboat. . . ANY! ! !
But news is COMFRIM 101% true about the 2 girls.
The 2 girls has been comfrim to be indonesians. . . .
Ah Dez
31-03-2003, 04:18 PM
Very Quiet these few days eh. . . . police all sitting in the office waiting for the bosses to come out with the money.:D
01-04-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Very Quiet these few days eh. . . . police all sitting in the office waiting for the bosses to come out with the money.:D
Thx for the info.
I'll strike JB again once they pay up ASAP. ;)
04-04-2003, 01:11 PM
i haven step in SK for 2wks bonk that is...juz went 4 booking lately have where u brudders been chionging?
04-04-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Warning Signs of a BIG RAID today in JB is ringing everywhere.
Everyone be careful of your tiraks, keep in touch with them.
Almost all the LSBs in JB are cautions of the situation today. So if you go today, don't be surprised if you are rejected from going in, as most are only willing to do regular customers.
Woah say...didn't know u are into weather forecast and Bird & Loso nowadays....
Where are u stationed by the way?? Sing or M'sia?
For me, might migrate to BKK liao......
Ah Dez
18-04-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by CumKing
Woah say...didn't know u are into weather forecast and Bird & Loso nowadays....
Where are u stationed by the way?? Sing or M'sia?
For me, might migrate to BKK liao......
Both. . . . . if you don't include thailand. . . .:D
21-04-2003, 02:12 PM
Its seems like Ali BaBa is paying alot of "Water $$$" to the authorities.....although they goT the custom checking...the gers will be back by 20mins (quite fast) Went to JB on 10, 15 and 18/04/03.... Onli Ali baba seems to get the most customers. Sakura is catching mosquitoes (Bo Lang). LiXin LSB 12am close their front lights (Low Profile) Will go 99 PUB in abt few days... btw is the booking of ali baba gers RM$350?? 4got liao.
Ah Dez
21-04-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Rof|maoxz
Its seems like Ali BaBa is paying alot of "Water $$$" to the authorities.....although they goT the custom checking...the gers will be back by 20mins (quite fast) Went to JB on 10, 15 and 18/04/03.... Onli Ali baba seems to get the most customers. Sakura is catching mosquitoes (Bo Lang). LiXin LSB 12am close their front lights (Low Profile) Will go 99 PUB in abt few days... btw is the booking of ali baba gers RM$350?? 4got liao.
Ali baba? all the same lah! ! ! just that the other joints are all own by 1 boss. So all the information is coming from 1 source.
Ali baba always ferry the girls in the Vans, so the girls never go how as the raids are occuring. So they are also back quick.
Ali baba girls cost different, depends on how well you know the boss.
Good Luck
21-04-2003, 07:01 PM
I dun knoe their bosses.....but thier captain used to gibe mi 2 jugs free when I order 3 jugs....I go there b4 their renovation started....maybe gibe abit of "face"
Ah Dez
23-04-2003, 04:44 AM
The police goes round again doing their "usual" round. Before they settle for LI XIN aka Star Cruise .
The girls left only 5mins, before the police made their way into the place. The raid was leaded by a female police. Luckily nothing was found.
At time of raid, there were only 4 room with customers. 2 rooms are occupied by Singaporeans.
23-04-2003, 09:53 AM
Bro Ah Dez....which LSB u refer to? izzit lixin? I'm gg on tis friday...hopefully an enjoyment nite for mi and my brudder... :o :)
24-04-2003, 12:04 AM
all bros just b careful n try not to go to jb this month at least. the sars situation is really quite bad n the lsb are not too hygenically clean to a certain extent.
just a word of advice to all. no offence to anyone.
Ah Dez
24-04-2003, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by Rof|maoxz
Bro Ah Dez....which LSB u refer to? izzit lixin? I'm gg on tis friday...hopefully an enjoyment nite for mi and my brudder... :o :)
Star Cruise. . . LI Xin.
Not bad, i would prefer going there than go SK.
Don't know why, but SK damm Jia Lat.
The same boss, but in this joint, the boss has lesser share. But the difference in the amount of "wind blow" is big enough.
24-04-2003, 08:50 AM
Agreeded wit u bro Ah Dez...will visit LiXin early on friday....den hope over to Ali BaBa to see my tirak....cheerS~
Ah Dez
24-04-2003, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Rof|maoxz
Agreeded wit u bro Ah Dez...will visit LiXin early on friday....den hope over to Ali BaBa to see my tirak....cheerS~
Good Luck. . . But friday might not be such a good day. If you are estimating by the 4day plan the police are following these few days.
01-05-2003, 01:30 PM
wht are the chances of sakura being closed this saturday? (0305)
dissapointed my fren quite a few times liao (bring him but not open)...
02-05-2003, 08:56 AM
sorie paL...those freaking customs are trigger happy....suka suka come and check.....arse them man! Btw seems like sukura not tat popular anyway.
Ah Dez
02-05-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by khyber_pass
wht are the chances of sakura being closed this saturday? (0305)
dissapointed my fren quite a few times liao (bring him but not open)...
why not just go to Lixin? Golden Million also not bad.
Ah Dez
21-06-2003, 07:42 PM
For all those who thinks that the RAIDS are over......... well think again.
Yesterday Nite, The tide has changed, The Police went to Raid the Discos instead.........
Ye Lai Xiang,Jazz n Blue, RockD etc etc.... all was raided by the police.
The news has just been out that all DISCOs will be closed at 3am instead of the usual 6-9am for the next 1 mth.
The action came about after a agreement between the Police and the Owners, so that to give the police more time as they continue their raid on the LSBs around.
Over at the Raids at Ye Lai Xiang, The Most famous Disco in JB, the news came that 2 thai girls were found.... "SEH" , most prob 2 sk girls whom the customers bring to the disco and the customers ran off , leaving the 2 girls there.........
21-06-2003, 09:49 PM
"Jian Sar Zhui" Disco also kana severely hit. :(
Ah Dez
22-06-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Rof|maoxz
"Jian Sar Zhui" Disco also kana severely hit. :(
Still not that bad,just that they can't..... "operate" for the next few days.
You haven't seen the day when they ask.... Every girl in the disco..... and every guy with tatoo..... be it singaporean,malaysian or wat ever region you are from.
ALL UP the Roti Bus......
22-06-2003, 11:41 PM
whers ye lai xiang? @ dp?
thought the most hip club is ny club
Ah Dez
01-07-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by khyber_pass
whers ye lai xiang? @ dp?
thought the most hip club is ny club
NY CLUB is... a club...
ermm.. where is Ye Lai Xiang........ in Sentosa.
Ask the girls lah.. they would know, definately got a few of them always go there to shake head.....
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